The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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1 IT
V, ben U come to trenuou training
tr,U)01. Danny Webster take a back
ecat for none of them. W thought
Krankl Conley wa th camp cHampion
in this respect, but Webater run him
nrk and neck. Outald. of Jockey Ben
nett. thes two boy train harder than
flBy pair of llttl fellow that .hav been
vi p here for the 10 round exhibition.
Webster boxed nine round yeeteraay,
which finished hla boxing and today hi
work will be of the lightest kind. To
morrow night he meet Conley at the
Kxpo rink. . .. .
A big crowd law aim woi wu
there was much comment on the ln-
i... .. HI,-K ha want at It. Ha took
' on a couple of big fellow for a .tarter
and boxed Uie lasi m,ro ivu .
Jean West. They Were torna rouiiuo
r. .h. want at It hammer ani
tonga, Danny' ear waa peeled a mue
when he emerged from the milling,
in., utti iny nunched th bag for
five round. Jumped rope for three
round, nauow ooxea iw uwm
.-x ,,,.,, with an exerclaer for two
round. That wa a pretty good after-
HOOD worn lor jruu - ' -
a chipper a a swallow fter it
He realize that h win bar to be at
h beet to make a howlng over Conly.
ie haa trained faithfully for the exhibi
tion and 1 now fater thaa h ever wa
efor.' Danny 1 fatr than Conley.
lie dance around for all the world like
it la hard for an op
ponent to tali from what angle h will
hit , -
nnn aiil tiiT Baron" Bchmleder
the Cleveland trainer. In hi corner along
with hi manager. Tb baron knew
Webster down In Eos Angela and the
little boxer place a lot of confidence In
Fchraieder ability to handle him dur
ing th matcn.
" 'i 1 .
O'Brien in fclce Shape,
rvin rnmoll haa Dannr' O'Brien In
great ehapa.fbr the 10 round preliminary
with Kid RayL Danny ha howb
marked improvement in hi boxing, th
change In orrensiv. style navwg agreaa
with him. n hit from farther back
row and ha been taught a pretty right
uppercut It wa this - uppercut that
clipped Frankle Conley on tb ey la
n.rHnr tha other dar and dlacolored
the eptio. Dan used a little more foroe
behind the blow than wa necessary but
that wa due probably to the fact that
"Conley continued to rush him.
After a couple of month at hi nw
tyle of reaching out it will take a good
boy to beat blm. . .
-' .: .. .
West May Box in Canada.
Jean Wet ha. been offered a match
In Vancouver. B. C, with Bod Stanton,
'the Nanalmo lightweight who fought
a draw with Billy Lauder, the champion
of Canada. Jean will take the place
of Louie Long, th Spokane boy, who
"was given a good beating by Frankle
Kd wards her last tnonin,. ui m
good condlUon to go th 1 round In
Frankle Conley, the clever little 116
pound boxer from Kenosha, Wis.,
- who meets Danny WebBter, clalm
4 ant of the bantam championship,
in. Exposition rink tomorrow night
- in a 10-round exhibition.
' -f-v'" w
if ; You Want the Best
The iBest
$3 Hat
in the, World
Vancouver. II Uke to th long route
nicely. He 1 better than ever and ought
to make a good showing against th
Canadian boxer.
Evana at Work Again. '
f Bobby XK-ana will be ready to box
in k. ih ami tit the month. Here 1
i-t h mmmirnt little fellow that
Portland ha sent out and h can tak
a harder punch than any ox menu i
tA tralnlna? and Will
Into hap for hi futur engagement
What Gorbett Mimed.
Arnnnrtlctit nreacher av hi Phys
iological research show the o!ar
plexu to be th center or in uDcon
kIhiti mimi. whatever all. that may
mean. II ay that by properly de
veloping th Oiar piexua . nm
life of a human may d iienua i
10 vfcara Tod had thi tUff Wn
tipped oTf to Jim Corbett lomi tlm
twfdr March-17, itn.
Bat Can Heal Kow.
' Bat Nlon can now hear from 8an
Ymnrtmen tn UamDhla - Eddie Lang"
fiin n th cauliflower that had been
deaf performed th marvelou change.
Hope Bat ooen I aae rTtnn
the fellow who said mean thing about
him before th aurlel nw became cur
rent -
Defeat Dilworth Derbies in Un
interesting Game at Mult
nomah Gym, 16 to 9.
Any one who witnessed the Indoor
i -n mt tha Multnomah club
UWOW.ll ..... w - -
last night between th old Seals and
Derbies would never imagine that the
aforesaid Derbies were alive to th fact
.v.. nlavlnv SL null tO Settl
the championship of the Portland In
door league.
Their conception of championship
form seemed to b vry vague. Twelv
ghaatly error and, flv or lx real
bonehead play teu in iaie. unci u
. . .kii. 'iiva tha brlffht flare of a
dying flame, th Derble wpulfl wake
vp and pull orr a reaiiy unumni f7
that Bhowea oia lorm, dui unen a m
whole their performance waa very punk.
On the other hand, the Gold 8eal
put up only an averag gam In the
field, bat hit like fiends. Then Eddie
Morton, the . oratwbll left shortstop,
the boy who never talks, demonstrated
tha he wa somewhat of a twlrler also.
He struck out 18 Derbies and allowed
nln scattered hlta Six error by his
team mate allowed four of th nln
runs, so h wa not so worse, eht-
Cooley started to twirl for the Der
bies, but wa oon retired In favor of
Ptubbs, who lasted three Inninga Then
"Hoot Mon" McKensle took a shy at
the firing Una Three runs were made
off Cooley, seven off 8tubb and six off
McKenzie. The Derbies Uiad men on
bases In every inning, but weak hit
ting kept them there.
This game settled th championship
of the league and the laurel crown
rests firmly upon the Gold Seal brow,
with Derbies In second place, Honeyman
third, Columbia fourth. T. M. C A.
fifth and Fuller In the cellar. Score by
Gold Seals 0 11 0 1 t
Hit 0 2 1 1 S S
Derbies ....1 12 0 11
wit 1 o C 0 I 1
0 4
1 S
2 1
1 1
0 2
1 9
2 9
Struck out By Morton U, by Cooley
1, by Stubba 4, by McKenxle 6. Error
Derble J 2, Gold Seals 6. Two base
hits Brigg. Bauer, E. Davis. Morton.
Time of game 1:48. ffrriplres Wash
burn and Marias.
iw nilvnrtli wtll tanAar a ban
quet to v his team Thursday night of
this week at tne eargeni noiei in rec
ognition of the services of the players.
rrv, - Via t'n nlavAfl SO aa.maji thttt
4 lici .. . v r - f - '
season and lost four, three to the Gold
Seals and the otner to v;omjany ja.
Twsntv.tnraa hnrnn runs last season
Is the remarkable, record held by Third
Baseman Perkins or tne wartrora team
of th Connecticut league.
Tommy Leach has signed with Pitts
burg. The coming season will mark
Leach' , twelfth year of ervic in the
big league --y -, -'- U' ": ' '
vr, -Vnrlr rrlK iar that the Glanta
will never , ee daylight If McGraw
stands pat S he says ne wm, wun nia
present outfit-
The Best
$3 Hat
in the World
Gymnasium Classes Will Start
at Once for Women
on East Side.
A ldle' annex ha been added to the
Catholio Young Mn' club and at a
meeting hJd in the clubhou recently,
Mr. K. Ryan wa elected temporary
chairman, wjth Mis Floretta tlguth
aarvlnar aa secretary.
A committee met In conference with
Praaldent AdolDh Velguth of th club.
and ubmltted provisional rule which
met with hi approval ,m preaiaeni
Mil a ronv of tha hvlBW and pledged
th upport of. th club drctor In
rim. .at.Kllahlna. a llfllAa' BlineX..
a maetinr will be called by Mis Ryan
and a permanent list of official lected
to atrv during th year.
Ladles' oompartment hav been pro
vided in th eastern ectlon of the build
ing nd tep ar now being taken In
furnlhtng quarter In an elaborat man
ner. , A ladle' entranc into th club
hou and gymnaaium nas oeen mM
and th annex 1 now on th road to
success. s
Oat va xranins a Wk.
Two evening a , week, Monday and
Saturday, have been piacea ai me oia
poal of th ladle. It I their Inten
tion of enlarging the gymnaaium claase
and fostering basketball and other gym
nasium sports.
a hartVathall team has made Its ap
pearance under the captaincy of Mia
Floretta veiuvi.
Ladle deslrlrig membership In th
ii.K .iiRa. ir. rwin.itpil tn make a TV-
plication by mall or In' person to the
club secretary at zs Aiorria ureei. ,-au
religious denominations are welcomed by
the club.
Tn nrAmr tn tiai-irma hatter acoualnted.
a whist party and dance, atyled a o
ni'ai ...iiiti win ha aiven Thursday
venlng in the club gymnasium. The
affair la In charge of the following:
Messrs. A.. Ward, chairman; J. Mc-
rciilro Ci nnnnnrharar. T. Rvan and B.
Morita, and th Misses Velguth, Ryan,
Smith, Bcnaae, isiewar, Bimmona ana
Mr. D. Duff. Member and friend are
Invited to attend.
Lightweight Champion Prom
ises to Fool All the Wise
acres Another Time.
San Francisco. Feb. 2. Following a
conference with Battling Nelson, who
arrived here today, Promoter Sid Hester
announced that the Nelson-Wolgast
fight will be held on Washington s
birthday by the Alameda Athletic club
In the city of Alameda.
The fight will be 45 rounds, which
Is possible In Alameda county. Hester
has received an Interest In the Alameda
club and has been elected manager. His
failure to get a permit In San Francisco
or San Mateo county led him to make
the arrangements which he announced
Hester today telegraphed transporta
tion to Wolgast and his manager, and
it Is expected that they wll be In San
Francisco tomorrow.
When Hester detailed hi plan to
Nelson, the Dane said:
"I am right here to fight and I will
go in training at Mllletts without any
delay. The chance of fighting Wolgast
Is what 1 have been looking for for a
long time, and when I put the finishing
touches on him, which I expect to do
without any great amount of trouble, I
will quash this talk about Freddie
Welsh being the real noise In the light
weight division.
X Wot Going Back.
"Quite a few people seem to hold the
opinion that I am going back and that
Wolgast has an excellent chance of
beating me. Well, all I can say is that
these alleged wiseacres have been pre
dicting that ame stuff for a couple of
years and I am still on top.
"Do you. suppose that If I thought I
wasn't my old self I. would take this
chance with a youngster? Not on your
life. I've got enough money and if I
thought there was any great possibility
of mo getting beaten I would retire.
That's my Idea. When I think I have
had enough I am not the sucker to
try to kid myself into believing I am
as good as ever.
"1 tim certainly pleased that Hester
has finally succeeded -In arranging a
place to hold a fight"
The Dane cllppeel into town witnout
causing any cessation of business.
There wasno grand parade up Market
street, suoh as ofte marked the ar
rival of champions, but Nelson Jumped
into an automobile and hurried off 'to
his hotel. ' Bat was looking hale and
hearty, and seemed confident that a few
days training would put him In fighting
trim. . .
tCaltipd Prew teased Wire.)
Everett Wash., Folv 2. When shown
the "Boston dispatch quoting John L.
Sullivan as declaring the coming cham
pionship heavyweight battle Is to be a
fake, Jim Jeff rlea frowned ominously,
and as hi interviewer moved nearer the
door the boilcrmaker thundered:
"Say, how do you think It makes a
man In my position feel to hear all
this knocking?" ; . ' v
The' newspaper man , refrained . from
hazarding a guess, and Jeff continued:
"Well, it looks as If certain people
were trying to queer this match, If
Sullivan Knows anything about the fix
ing he-wUl have to give out hi in
formation. Just have him tell all he
know about this frameup. If th fight
has been fixed, then old John L. must
have been in on the fixing, for X know
nothing about It . .
Trie second ieam of the Jewish Toung
Men' -club was vlclarlan again Jn -a
basketball contest la" their gymnasium,
A f ' S3 I y . . -W!
VT r.iiiiiii ... i aitw'tK" . t ---' ,
TusBlf Mahmout, one of the foreign
grapplera who i clamofing for a
match with Frank Gotch. Gotch
beat Mahmout last year, but the
Ottoman was new to American
wrestling then. Hla supporters
think he Is a second Youssouf, the
big fellow who won the world's
championship and then lost hi
life in the .sinking of an ocean
played with" the Oregon of th Con-.
cordla club. Th cor wa t to
Tha nuni wa fat and olean through-
nr. The 3. T. M. C claim th chanv
pionshlp of the season, having o iar an
G$0. W. BATES & CO.,
At the Close of Buslnesv January. 31, 1910.
Loan and disconnts.. -. .S427.S83.14
Bonds, securities, etc........ K
Bank buildings.-furriture and fixtures sJJSSS
Cash in vault and due from banks...... 347,9458
Total. , .;.......................-....--S0'528-42
Capital atock
Surplus and undivided proflti .
Deposits . v
Total .
At Close of Buslnesa, January 31, 1910.
Loan, $44,723.49
Bonds, 'warrants, JI'IIm'S ' "
Customers' liability under letters of credit..... . cJW-g-K. .
-Cash and due from correspondents .......... . , ,Mj,o0.4S
Surplus Vnd VndVvided p'rofiti
r wuc.i ui ucun
Deposits . . ; -
undefeated record, and lu a ohallng
to all. team of IZfi pouna.
Th lineup lat nignt waa aa luuwwa.
Second J. T. M, C. Oregona.
M Ruven forward... B. Jttopeninai
H. Fisher forward........ woire
vi u..i.r eenter.. Shlff er-Atrow
J, ' Welnsteln guard . . . ... -Gevurta
U Ooldrton guara ioii-vuriu...
Referee."' j!'31lbert " ' "
Tha firat team of the Jewish Toung
Men' club irer to hav played th
Hasaalo but th gam wa aciara for
feited to th hom team, u visuors
having failed to appear.
. m .v. n.k. that he
jo nnser w u
i. K.a.. rmm .innniir Anna ...w.
John haa quit baseball for rood.
.w ui.vlmi 1aaa-ue will
play 140 game next eaon, thi being
the longet eaon of any clas u
leagu in in counir.
tw. innVa for 1000 kt playttrs
W W a-
1 A i
at tourney x v
. mrtA raW to llatfir-
oolMglat regawa av
. . . a. V....kb'aarka
'Canadian enrler hav been sked to
compet in SwIUeriana in jaarcn.
Omaha will hold a Wr indoor track
meet about Maron ia. :
. .$ 50,000.00
............... 75,686.66
.J . j . . .$850,528.42
1- $ 500.000.00
, J'He
: 007 OAS
f .......... c
' ! $7,823,188.47,-l'
Underneath that Jove-ilk vlag of
Walter McCredl lurk a fountain of
humor that bubble forth one in a
great ' while. Thi 1 pclally. tru
when omebodyxl rubbing th fur th
wrong way. , A. eoupl of. year ago In
San Franclco when Portland wa wal
loping th life out of th Seal and
Manager Danny Long wa laying awake
o night trying to get th Beaver
goat, Ixng always.', sat in . a box
back of h catcher. , ' H had been
after Walter all week and Mae rolvd
to end it During th ' progress of
on of th Beavers' inning at bat, the
big fellow suddenly tor out to horn
plat waving frantically at th , unfT
plra Getting th attention of th
crowd, .which suddenly etllled, Walt,
yelled at th top of hla voice:
"I ther a .doctor in th. grand.
Several professional looking ran
hurriedly aros from different section
of th stand.
"What' a-matterr cam . a , vole
frrfm somewhere.
"Danny - Long's swallered hi mus
tache," . howled th delighted Port-
lander, '':."
And ther was a hurried. xlt from
that box behind the plat. '
Buster Armbruster. who took ouit
an Interest In aatronomy last summer
at th Vaughn park observatory, mad
several excursion- to Council Crest last
week to vlew Comet A-l10. Buster
says he I positive that the new "ce
lestial hobo." a he technically de
scribe It. 1 no relation to llalley'a
comet, which he bad farewell to back
In the year of "85 as It wenoea it way
on it aolar Journey.
flnf m nnalll f mm ' Jlmmf RflllL th
former umpire, yesterday and th little
Irishman save h ha been offered an
umpiring Job In both th"EaslFrn
Leagu and trie Three-i League, n
la undecided which to accept, hut will
nmnrl .Tuna IK . Ma haa raaumad th
study of medicin and will stick with
Stormy Weather Down Frisco War.
Cnitad Preis Lnh4 Wlre.l ".
Ban Francisco. Feb. Z. For more than
us hours th heads outside Ban Fran-
riaco hav have been whipped Into foaro
by one of, the severest gale that naat
visited thi vicinity in eeveral - year.
V..t.nt nn ahlna laft tha harbor.
whll only a few plied about the bay.
Late yterday on ,tn irarauone me
wlndjlew 48 mile an hour, whll on
land, at the , summit of Mount Tamal
pal. it velocity waa 63 miles. Several
vessels took refuge in Drake' bay last
night, most of them being abl to put to
ea again without danger this morning.
The educational advantage of Mil
ton are superior to those of most town
of It ie. '
nLrUiil UrillC
At Portland, Oregon,
AT TUB CIX)SB 5F axTSUrxBa, Jifluaai at.,
Loam Unci dlaoounU
.Overdraft, ecur-d and unsecured..
uie i,n..aiA fiirn turi And fixtures lilS'i
jrmum hi iww7i .-.-- -
Other real estat owned
Due from approved reserve banks
Checks and other cash items . .
Exchanges for clearing hous
Cash on hana ......
JCapltal tortt paid In
Individual dew-T U .ubject to Check .$T5 .71
Demand certificate of tlenoslt gJ-g2 iJ
Time certificate of deposit "8,,2oo"
t Certified checks
Cashier's checks outstanding , xtMIM?
fSibXM oThrtna? thoM ;DoV.tated. indlvld- ,ft ?
, ual credit 7 T ,' L 1.S72.S81.1 f
'Total W'f',
, BUt. of Oregon, County of Multnomah, s.r ' -
eweaV that 'th. "ov. '.tafment i.
bel,VnTRFrT-.tte8t! Cashlea.'
.v.r. CORRECT-.ttet ORACH
.. . f , H. I P1TTOCK, , -
' ' ; Director.
' Bubscrtbed-and sworn to before
; BANK . . ;.
Submitted to the Comptroller ot the Currency at -the Close .of
( 4 Business, January 31, 1910.,. , ;
Loans , and dis- . ' .
counts , v .. 594,94486
U, S: Bonds at par 954,000.00
Municipal and rail-
' way .bond ...... 9S9.607.04
Bank building ' 125,000.00
.'Cash and exchange 3,794,051.77
Total . V. $11,627,605.67
It until oolleg close in June. He
now in 'Rochester snu .... .
his 11
wishes to th fans.
r. i n.... nA Riidl Davey hi
gone In for skating roller "kati
whereupon Jo Btutt wa moved i
pen the touching line: i t k j
Ho., baseball fan from far and ne.
Pearl Casey and Ed Davey wlll,go do
th winding trail. ."lw- ,
They'll cut a figure eight or ,wo. l
ltlale and all that; .
They'll do th roller ska ting., act li
"Btrlk one' yell Ed. as Casey fal
and nearly busts bis crust,
Then kick him gently as he. chirr
You are not hurt,-I trust. t
And then rearr. ruled from out
. rina, tua niucu wi... , I ,
Because the management ohsrvoi ti
oiners wni vv i ...
Then Eddie dons the fearsome .thin
ana sup inn biiuub .......
And braks four rib, an ear and a
wnn vaaey iouuij ,
Tou'r tandin on your cheek.
. cout; you'll but th floor
And gaily, loudly cheer the cr
ror no one iove an wu.k
... . '
John I. Tylor, th Bawston
nata. win bovoott th clgarett
ki. Iivh aava if. th
will cut out'th paper smokes, he
provide cigar rrom apni
f .V. a irmt aama. ' until th I
v. . w . . a - . - i
closes. October 14. Jawn ugt
hav no troubl signing recruit.
. rKtta Mathewson made - Jo I
MoQraw com through with a cl
in his new coniraci uiowui uuj
dlport hlmelf aa h. pleased rejl
Ing winter game Then he signed
"Baron" Bchmleder, th nw cl
land trainer, who rewgnea nis-
i. . ha Multnomah club last
in order to get a good ret before
porting to tn ap u""
leav next week with Speck Hark,
for Lo Angeie to vin m te
the4r home. xny rapori "
Schmleder ha many inenoa
will regret to see mm leave.
m J1 rit.M.rM. ta Th lotinul.i
I onitiai siw
iiKanw n Fh. 1. 8am Cochro
v.. Mrnanrl alhotlt CO YQ&TM Of
Ul IU Vi i-a " t
who wa run over by a train near
...amVaw mnrntnff While tl
ours jean. wj ... v . . , t
along th track on a yeloclped 4
a fellow woraman, waa uruuauv m
St. Mary' hospital. H wa atte
W u V.nanail.h hn fnilnd It H
aary to amputat both legs, on i
th knee ana tn omer " -j
A heavy fog prevented th; two I
from ee!ng th approachlt a'V
'e receipt A
ts per cent In a year.
LUnulllVIl Ul mil
UOfcV-Vllll!! V we .
la h Stat of Oregon
. a a aaaa m aJ i I
a;,2j '
ai iSS'aa
"uipaid.. I3,08t1
tru to the best of my .knowledge an-,
me thi !d day of FehruaryJ m
Vry' Public.
Capital . 1,000,000. J
Surplus 500,000
Circulation 692.7CC
Deposits . . ....... 916,C
- TotaL;. ., $U,627j