The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 01, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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    ( - -m
i on saliv heal, rsT.vrn
$3330 $500 Cash
New and strictly mod..rn, .7'Ibfko
'i .una. out: planned for billiard room,
4 bedrooms, dining room. Veneered in-l.-1;
douhlo floors, flmwoey flush
entit-he. fine Imlh end luvatary, bent
si mid fixtures.-full foment base
ly ill, cement floor, laundry. truys,
rt ri for furnace.-large porch, cement
walks around house.,, el reel improve!,
south front This la a beauty and the
(neatest bargain ever offered In this
K-riian Come out today 'id select
jwur own finish, and colors for tlntlnar,
Hawthorne Realt y Co.
Corner K.'34th and Hawthorne ave.
- "Tabor 616. - ' '
?a 1 K.tcn.iv lb; 25
- on swa lutjhix
'IANOr.A to exchange for painting, pa
Derhanalng or cement work.
11 Percent on $4000 ,
' Investment
I have a 1J room house, full lot. In
lmt auction of city. Wft aid, that I
will sell for $N00 if mild In few days,
ft cash, bal. on or before three years,
per ent This wll) make you 11 per-c-nt
on investment; lot will be worth
$12,000 within two years. Owner. B
407, Journal.
WILL exhange A-l tai;
for tiluniblng or cemen
land Phoiiogrwnh Agency.
1 . f ." t riiH iritiul irraile 'lf
or Wait hum watch, E F. Hehults, 748
1Ov"joy. ' Wain 6i0.
Iking machine
t work. Fort
grnnh Agency, sttn Ainep
rade banjo for Elgin
voir iinv tironertv for sale -or i you
would not be interested In thia col
umn. Our fall business has been ex
eenent and we have not enougn prop
rrty on our llata now to meet tha de-ma-'
of our buyers Liberal advertla.
Ing and huatla spoils success In Bell
ing. If you want tr aell, all w ask
for Is a reasonable trial. AH ws charge
Is regular commission. No sale, no
Miargo . and -no extra. Con: in ana
talk It over. woec nine prupenj imu
ally turned In 30 days. If price la right
ohapin a herlow, . ,
1.1: Chamber of Commerce.
" Of excellent fruit land In Wash
ington county, "n,M county
road., 4 miles from railroad; land
rolling, boat of shot aoll; f.O acres
cleared and small orchard on
, f-anw; r balance easily cleared.
Thla land Ilea within
(if Portland, and will rapidly ad
vatiew In value: good spring water
fin the land, also some food tim
ber. Thla is a snap at
A enloiidld propoaltlon for aub-
ATIISTOMKR haa ti'f.OO i-ush to pay
for a little farm" at once: wants to
KO rijrht.on It; must ha reasonably pear
cltv ami carlliie; see us at once; good
soil for tomatoes. '
A principal- tif a city aebool wants
a "Jlttla farm" of. say. S acres, partly
imnroved. some bulldinga nd wAtar: a
rent apot with natural attractions; rnuat
Ket in town by 1:30 a. m.; atata prlca
and terms. ,
;lK-;i7 Henry Bid Main 7418.
AS a 1-Bnolt of our, recent advertising In
the east we have received many In
quiries for farms which we ar un
ahlij to aupply. . If your farm la fa aale
Hid the price is .right, please, can ana
list Mmc witn us ana we win m riau
to tako. Ih matter -up with our cus
tomers. ' 8e Beckwlth, Columbia Trust
'o.. 4 4th at
'- Roojnfnir IIou
Who t wants a - M"d c heap rooming
i house? Cood location and your own
j wi nm. i mi Aiarsiiaii uo
I Si rooms, mm
Mia U aores well " Improved, at ! 11250; terms. ,
lilllMhoro. $3500 fash, i -If-rooms, rent $75, i yaara' Icaae;
File 1416 acres, well Improvad, at good furniture. $Sa0; terms. .
ifillaboro, $$600; $800 caali, bal-1 M rooma. rent $5, 2 years'. Jease,
lit per month, ' ' IJ4y0; U cash. v-
$2-a acres at Korust Grove, well! t rooms, rent $7$, 8 years leaeo;
$80. least 2 years,
Ft la
muroved. $2500: half cash
80 act en, t mile from Forest
drove, well. Improved, $3300;
terms. . .
File 121 ft acres, 1H miles from Forest
Urove and Oornellua, all under!
cultivation, $ room nouse.ann
barn. $1100: terms.
File 16f-a acres, 6 mlloa from rorest
Orove. at Oreenvllle, hjglily Ijn
Droved. 1100(1 cash.
Fila 4t 10 acres, 3 nilles from Forest
, Orove, In ' beat nel)jiborhooi.
Urge orchards adjoining, sbout
6oo eords of fir timber, no Im
provements; a beautiful borne
1 site. ilJnn- $400 rash..
File $4 104 acres. 1 mile from Forest
Orove, highly Improved, $sou;
$2000 cash.
File 14 16 H acres, miles aoutheast
of Forest Grove, well lmproveo,
$25110; $1500 rush.
Fll 158 38H acres, mlloa from II. U.
near roresi urove, miiiy, im
proved, H room house, 3 barns
anil orchard. 12100 cash. I
File 18010 acres, 2 mllea from Pllley 1
and Uaston, wen
File 1866 acres, 1 acre in cultlvatloa
(lila la a anno. 1100; terms.
i'8 rooms, rent $74), 3 years'- lease,'
$1000. balance to sjult; furniture good;
fine location. ,
17 ryoms,. lit good location, rent $10,
juo; tease. -
21 rooma, rent $60, lause 1 year, cau
get $1600; 4 rash; good furniture,
13 rooms. 1600: rent $30.
36 rooms, rent $100, lease 8 V years.
Modern: a Bwell little homo
only $26 itown and $10 a month.
. . HOW IS Tlllft? I
Itiiurrllnr linuae. li rooms: fine Iocs
tlon; rent only $'-S: can easily bar oO
a month; worth $600, for quick sale,
$300, M cash. t ' : -
10 rooma. Walhlngton St., close In;
clearing 7S rer month. A snap. $600,
4 cash, or will trade. -
PKTKRS. 16 N. Mh at.
. r ii:male z
MING llOUSKS.t., J . . .
V positions
For craduatea ): year; men and w
men learn barber trade In f weeks; ln-Ip
to secure poeltlons: graduatea earn $11
to $26 jekly; expert Inatruetor: toole
fr- writ far ratalng. iloler Syetem
Of Colleeea. X6 N. 4th st.. Portland
$2100; W cash, U city property.
Everything But My
witc ana inuu
If vou have aeen Olmsted Park you
knnar that It la worth todav at least 60
(percent mora man ine pric . ii
I 1 nil have aoen It. VOU know that It rur-
. Inlshes every element Of an Ideal home-
going up soon: flon t do satisnea wnn
aonM of the profit get It all buy now.
1 Board of Trade Bldg.
Furniture of 30 room rooming house,
all new, $2200, terms. Also furniture of
J rooms, , $X60, terms. Both rooming
houses In the
Of Portland's business section; Best of
transient business; fine Hat of perma
nent. , ; ., ,
' Long Lease !
Must so hack to farming. Must dls-
lmproved, ( pose of-my Interests here. Call owner,
iijh Muiuuau 01.,
1 tracts of" farming
land, from 000 acres up. suitable for
colonisation, near to transportation,
(live full particulars,' If possible niapa
or plats in first letter. Address or see
Manager Foreign . Department, Union
Hank Trust Company, 236 Stark St.,
Portland. ' '
SZi Lumber Exchange.
!j Hillsboro Acres S
I want to show theae tracts,
6 snd 10 acres, all cleared,
nice and level, good aoll. a fine
location, close to oarllne; for
a home or Investment there Is
nothing to equal them at the
price. All I ask Is that you
see tbem. Terma" within the
reach of all. , - ':
, D. E. Pearce 13h
t t 415 Henry bldg. -
64 V ACKK3. 1 mile from Klierwood on
tl S. 1. and 1H miles from the. Ore
son Klertrlc; the soil I the best; good
in'w 7 room bouse, barn and 3 cUicken
I1011S. H. all fenced: 14 acres In cultiva
tion 4' acres good onion land, fine young
Waring orchard; timber enough If cut
Into cordwood to pay for the place; run
ning water all the year round; owner
must sell; prk. $3600 $1000 can run
4 years at 6 per cent; Is only 17 miles
from Portland. ' r 1
V. it. LA NO CO.,
414 AMngton Bldg.. 10i4 Third St.-
WANTKD-Not less than 10 acres;
must be on Willamette river; will psy
U0O to $200 per acre; owners only. W.
11. Morehouse Investment Co., 233 Alder.
IF YOU WANT to buy, sell or exchange
vacant or Improved property In or
near Kenton see Kenton Real Estate
Co.. 8 Kenton Bank bldg,
TY Ol 'It property for aale? I furnish
the buyer, you deal with them direct.
Investigate, X-3Slo. Journal.
acre hcavrrdam, 6 mlletffrom
'J lgaraviite, gooa nouse, onm.
food well and 2 springs, $1200
Jillfl rash. '
Wfi have other tracts, larger and In
different location. Call on us for par-
826 Lumber Exchange.
10 acres near Shanjko, Wasco coun
ty; $3 per acrs ir sold Monaay.
36 acres near McMtnnvllle, Includ
lng atock, household goods and Im
plements; $2600.
6000 acres timber and grazing land
In California; $3 per acre.
WANTKD A bungalow; must be a bar
gain, not over $2200. X-380, Journal.
We have 14 acrea on the O. W. P.
electric line, we are compelled to sell;
ail fine level land; electric line with
eiatton on oiie side", county road on
two sides: easily chared.
tune to get a snap, we. .need the money
Z33 Alder St.
Now Is tho
j $850
''"Choice i acre facing on two streets;
will make 4 lots 40x187 each; 3 blocks
to carlina. -v..
Sneer & Co.
Belmont St
FOR SALl CMKAP sold at
once, 120 acres, 1 miles from rail
road station, boat landing-and post of
fice; best of fruit land; 60 seres easily
cleared, balance good for pasture; terms.
Call or address Ada Eastman, 671 Pres
ctt st Portland. Or.
So ACRKS In Beaverton; 6 acres beaver
dam, 3 acres asparagus; X block from
electric depot; all In good cultivation;
U wll or rent. X-330. Journal.
?6Ly a few left, 5 and 10 acre tracts,
45 nilles out, at $200 per acre, reAdy
to. piaittt worth $300; $80 down.
, BRQWNS 411 Couch Bldg.
lo ACRH1B apple land at Mosler, on easy
terms, from owner. 245 Glenn ave.
Tabor 696. " - ; - - - - -
In a I4ine Ranch
35 Acres
35 acres, all tinder fine state of
cultivation and an elegant loca
tion; land lies level and fine black
soli; H4 atres of bearing orchard
and 8 acres of apple orchard Just
'coming in bearing; 2 good wells
and running stream, all fenced
.and x-ross-fenced; good barn with
2 good sheds; fine 8-room house,
good chicken house and 2 chicken
parks, and outbuildings; 16 acrea
in crop; 10 acres of timothy snd,
clover; balance of land in fine
pasture; 1 mil from town and;
railroad; 2V4 miles from Forest
Orove and electric line; personal
property, fine tram, tudebaker
wagon and 2 sets harness, spring .
wagon, buggy, McCormick binder
and mower, rake, 2 plows, harrow,
cultivator, fan mill. scMes, hay
fork and outfit, blacksmith outfit,
cider mill; all small tools; 2 thor
oughbred Jersey cows, 4 down
thoroughbred chickens, all for
25700. Terms. $3200 cash, balance
1 8 per cent Interest,
. Thompson & Swan
1 110 2D ST., PORTLAND, OR.
174 acres wheat land. Gilliam coun
ty; land all In cultivation and fenced;
$10 per acre.
' We have Urge list of all kinds of
property, rooming houses, houses ana
iota, etc we.taig anyone.
Room 320, Swetland Bldg. 122 8th st
rnona win ofj.
19 FARMS 20 TO 40 ACRES.
20 FARMS 40 TO 80 ACRES.
24 FARMS 80 TO 180 ACRES.
22 FARMS 160 TO 2000 OR MORE.
FOR RENT 7 acres good land; no
rocks or gravel; good 4 room house,
close to Gates station, O. W. P. line;
wood, chickens, furniture and farm im
plements for sale. For particulars see
Geo. Hamilton at Gatea station.
15 ACRE farm at Sylvan. Or., 2H miles
west of Portland. For particulars In
quire Mt Zlon Grocery, Portland
Heights. Main 8496.
HOUSE and barn
86 acres hops.
snd farms for rent;
132 6th st '
A customer of ours haa deposited
With US $276 cash, which together with
a $400 equity In a 3too lot, 1 block rrom
cnrltiie. she has Instructed us to turn
In as part payment on -an up-to-date
rooming or apartment house, Mtis btt
quick sale. Call 6118wetland bldg'
WANTKD Rooming house. 14 to 20
rooms, good location; must nave
os coroett King
ti irk'flT'Tt TV'f"
Ona In tha heart of the ity. rent $17.
doing Al iMislness: well worth $360, but
yours for $150 If taken at once, Peters,
16 K. 6th st. . ' ' , :
GENERAL, auburban store, doing $8000
monthly business, invoice about $18,000.
including fixtures; teams and wagona,
best In city. Particulars address Wal
lace Miller. 640 Harold ave, ' ' '
WANTED Abla bodied men for tha U.
8. Marina corps, between the ages of
19 and 35; must be native- born or hava
first papers;j monthly pay $15 to $;
a.l.Kt I onmnensatlon possible: food.
clothing, quartera and medical attend-
" - a 4 , - 1 ...... u.u .A.ltl
aneeiree. u ay jmin
retire with 75 per cent or pay ana
isim.aiwo Rervlee on board ship and
ashore In all parts of the world. Apply
at New Grand Central hotel, Portland. Or.
C. R. Hansen & Co.
Main, office. X N, Jd st. Portland.
Ladlea' department. 7th and Wash. sts..
upstaira, roruana. .
I 424 Front ave.. Spokane.
87-89 4th St., Han Francisco. .
Established 1876.
fiInisiied Kooars i
Twestsids 1
Nil ELY finished suite of" ro
suitable i 3 or 4 gentlemen;
modern copvlnlenJes, hot running
ter. bath, Vat. light, phone; 1
neighborhood! rent $20. Phone A-f
. 422 H Washington. Cor. 11th.
Steam heat, tot and cold water, b
nicely furnishes rooms, $3 par :
transient ratenjy76c- up. I
NickLY f urr fclied room In w!
be suitable for t
etween 19th and j
fc. Main 8337. or A
CO., headquarters for JU H. wow
N. 2d St. '
SALESMEN wanted to1 take our cash
weekly selling cholco nursery siooa.
Outfit free. Capital City - Nuraery Co-,
Salem, Or. 1 "
TEN room boarding house, established
and profitable, rent only $26; every
thing In good condition and a bargain at
3600. 206 Allsky bldg.
FOR SALE 8 room boarding house In
good location; 12 boarders; also
transient For particulars, phone Tabor
4 U. j m
8ROOMS for housekeeping, fine furnl
ture, cheap rent: bargain If sold
once. 206 4th at.
- Before buvlng or selling any MINING.
stocks or bonds try us. we' handle
bargains only. Buy. sell or trade. Con
sult us by jihone. In person or by letter.
wm, ti davidhon m-
IeWls bldg. 4th and Oak sts.
7000 SHARES- of stock, fully paid and
nonassessable. In the greatest mining
region in the world: par value 31 per
sunre. Ai-avy, journal.
MINING and Industrial stocks; tele
phone and. other bonds bought and
sold. C. S. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg.
BUY Calumet fiuena Vista copper stock,'
lOo share: nothing better. 209 Allsky.
H7 you wish to buy' or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 819 Onk.
WANTED Small acreage with house
for poultry farm; price must be right
See Beckwlth, Columbia Trust Co., 84
4 th st
A GOQD pool tiall on west side, doing a
i line business, tor sale or . exenango
) tor house, lot;, '". . .v .;-
1 SO acres fine apple land at Estacada.
1 all cleared; will exchange for house and
lot city up to $2000; price, $3000. -
' 4-room ' house, 100x100, corner. In
Montavllla; will take good rooming
' house up to about $700, balance easy
terms; price, $1600.
1 1 -acre ; chicken ranch, good ' f-room
) house; price, $3500; wll take house
closer in up to $2600, balance terms.
1 Equity in 6-room hduse in Montavllla
1 to exchange for a young team weighing
' 3100 or better. .
A Farm Near Newherg
With an Income
Ffve minutes' walk to Rex sta
tion, school, stores and church.
If you are looking for something
with an Income buy 30 acres
within 2 miles from Newberg and
. five rnlnutea' walk from Rex sta
tion. Good house and farm build
ings.' Just enough timber for
wood. The very best kind of
soil. Nearly alj In bearing or
chard, choice kinds of fruit Paid
$1100 last year and can be dou
bled. Price only $6200.
Also 30 acres same kind of
land 1"4 miles from Newberg.
with 11 acres In Italian prunes,
full bearing. Snap price only
Also beautiful 9 acres, 1 mile
south of Lents. Best of soil; no
Travel, fine buildings. Only $7600.
243 Stark St
Then Hither Hood Is the place, for:
It's 30 miles from Portland, 1000 feet
elevation and grows a good keeping ap
ple like upper Hood River, but a finer
flavor, no irrigation Is needed. This sec
tion is beautiful one fifth Hood Kiver
prices. Join our euto party and see
for yourself. Get booklet.
M l. HOOll JjAJslD CO.,
711 Rothchlld Bldg. Main 8510.
A Big Snap
I have 1 tracta of fine fruit land near
Mosler which I must sell; 1 of 30 acres
and 1 86 acre tract; this must go at
some price.
401 Sweland bldg.
$100 cash puts you in possession of 16
R.; 6 per cent Interest on balance. Geo.
A. Houck, owner, 49 Labbe bldg.
A GRAND good opening for a general
merchandise store in a new town 50
miles from Portland on the railroad.,
This town is growing very rapidly and
anyone going in now will certanly reap
very large returns In the near future.
See Beckwlth, Columbia Trust Co., 84
4th st
worth $2500, and that's what 1 want for
It; will take $1000 In city property; lo
cation, in the heart of the Hawthorne
residence district; a snap for some one
familiar' wfth the business.
BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg.
MEN WANTED Experience unneces
.upv fnr firemen or brakeinen on near
by railroad; account increasing business;
no striae; age iu-v; ,n-o ............
promotion; 1200 men sent to positions in
last four months; and stamp; state ago,
weight, height Railway Association,
pare journal.
MlJN-WANTED -Experlenca unnecea
sary. for firemen or brakemen on near
bv railroads; account Increasing busl
mss; no strike. Age 20-30. good vision,
$80-$100 monthly, promotion; 1524 men
sent to positions in 1909; send stamp;
state age, weight, neigni. .
soclatlon. journal.
WANTKD Salesmen; many mate
to 8150 per month: somo sven umvtw.
atnek clean, irown on reservation, far
a An.!,.. ,aah advance week-
fy; choice of territory. Address Wash-
ington Nurserv co.. loppemin. "
MEN. WANTED To prepare for rail
o miniiinna. commence
ment salary $800. Preparation free.
Franklin Institute, Dept 308L, Roches-
ter, N. Y.
IF you are a salesman earning less that
7K . mnth ir will ha to vour ad
vantage to talk vwlth us. Must nsve
lnral reference snd furnish bond. Call
220 Com. Club bldg.
GOOD heavy team or Portland subur
ban lota to exenange ior is
and clearing: stump puller ana toois
furnished. McCoy. XJ4 w. zetn bu, w.
car. '
LARGE 1mw1 of rice. 6c; coffee or cocoa
with snslls, oc; neans, oc; wi m-
soup, 6c: clam cnowuer wnn cr..,
10c. Owl Ktce ivucnen. no-,. ui,
FINE opening for young man, -experi
ence unnecessary, small capnai re
quired; must oe wiae iw,
Washington st, room 417.
MOTION picture operators earn -
weekly; easy inside work; learn busi
ness in short time; lessons reasonable.
526H Washington.
WANTED Young men to study railway
tel !rarhy: good positions; day and
evening classes; investigate.. Oregon
College, 83 6th, corner Oak.
wiNTKn First class esnvasseri
call for viewman; must be sober; gooa
position to the right man; call after a.
427 K. ABU st. ' . '
Here You Are
Light grocery, cigar ' and confection
ery, with 6 furnished living rooms, do
ing $25 dally; rent $15; to see Is to buy.
Price $450; terms. Peters, 16 N, 6th st
BETTER than any hotel, $400 monthly
clear profit; newly furnished apart
ment house; long lease, low rent; big
gest money maker. Price $10,600, terms.
Investigate, ? Angeles Trust Co., 326 M
Washington St., Room 417.
FULL lot and double new flats on up
per Washington st. Income property,
carries itself and Is increasing in value
fast, $12,800; easy terma: deal with
owner. Oregon Land Co., 216-217 Henry
bldg. Main 7413.
WANTED Good sober young man to
learn driving and repairing automo
biles. Apply at ones to 62 N. 7th, cor-
ner Davis. '
WHEN you want a good tamale call at
Hum & Ray's tamale parlors; guaran
teed the bept In the cfty. 173 11th
and Yamhill sts.
311 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 697.
WANTED Honest man with $200 to
take .half interest in traveling motion
picture show. For particulars call
626 H Wash, st.
CENTRAL Oregon homesteads that you
don't have to live on, located in beau
tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty
water and wood; schools, cnurcnes,
stores. P. O. and 2 railroads now being
completed: price 31.25 per acre. A
woman whether married or single can
take one or these 320 acre claims, spe
cial homesteaders excursion
FOR SALE Good general business on
Coos Bay, the coming city; owners
leaving on account of sickness. Also
44 acres bottom land, part wtll make
good cranberry marsh. G, N. Bolt,
Marshfield, Or.
WANTED Partner; experience .not
necessary, to manage gilt edge man
ufacturing business; $500 required; sal
ary $0 per- day, guaranteed. For infor
mation. call 66 tn at, between Oak and
Pine, room 3, upstairs.
Good, vacant lot on Alberta St. to ex
change for heavy work team, harness
and wagon; about $609.
- '' "416 Oregonian Bldg. .
y'tl ---'' M. 7064. '
EXCHANGE Modern 6 room bungalow
.: . and full lot, with all street improve
ments In and paid, in the Rose City
Park district; also a bunch of lots, a
residence in Vancouver and acreage;
any or all for a modern residence of 7
or 8 rooms In Irvlngton or Portland
Heights, , Will assume reasonable
amount of incumbrance. 808 Board of
Trade bldg. .
Eighty Acre Farm $3500
SO acres Cleared, best of soil, good
tiulldings, orchard and small fruits, 4
miles of R. R. and river, near school;
will consider good ity propertr at cash
value. " ' i -OREGON
TO TRADE for house and lot or close
.In. acreage. 80 acres good wheat land
In Morrow county, 4 miles R. p.. station;
all fenced and under cultivation. For
particulars write Gresham .R. P. D. 3,
Po 144.- ,- : . - - ;' ;
i I have 'several A-l mortgages paying
a big per cent to trade for .some kind
i'T business chance, rooming- house pre
, furred; tin pay cash difference. Peters,
Kjxrt si Main 6377.
Js tu W 4 J, room opttage for auto; must
. be ' rlgrbti price, or my price in spot
$1100; pay the difference like rent.
hefl Joe Nflsh, , Mt Bcott ear, get off at
Milliard are. '
JJODKRN 7 room residencei, Belmont st
clear-title; take lot for whole or part
Angrtleg Trust Co 326 IJ Washington at,
t'm 417. t .-
TTIliER claim,, 4,000,000 yellow fir;
fine location, cheap, r 82500; r want
1 -ouee and lot- Angeles Trust Co., 326
'i".?2 Ington st, room 417. . -
5. X 01 L4.NGB f ofn" Portland property, 8
lots; all Id fruit;- ' room modern
r " "e, crange, Cal. 814 Bwetland bldg.
JfAVK -ontraet mortgagee, $300, $650
J(:n0 and 31850, will trade for equity
louse or lot - Angeles, 3264 Washington
30 -AGES
every- two, weeks. Write for descrip
tive book. Central Oregon Development
I Co., box 814, Portland. Or., or call 228
Ablngton bldg.
CIGARS, tobacco, confectionery and
pool room, in good location and with
established trade; low rent; for sale
below value on account of other- busi
ness interests. 206 Allsky bldg.
WANTED Man with $6000 for fine
established business, guarantee 60 Per
leaves cent profit on investment yearly; money
WE can locate you on 820 acres of rich
government land In S, E. Oregon, in
the section about to be opened up by
Of good, rich land, 2 acres In culti- fne ui ana warnman lines ana arrora-
vation. balance open land, some hard ,th best opportunity left in the U.
wood, mbstly alder, near town. Thla f- t0 Bet a homestead; our agent has
Is a rare bargain. Price $760. Terms. bM on the prround four years, knows
cg8l, l me country tnorougniy ana leaves wnn
40 acres. 14 cultivated, balance all f.v." locators aooui, eoruary i.
open, a little timber, fenced, good sou, vuunmi. mm i um -uiw.
family orchard, good 6 room house. I THE HART LAND CO.,
large barn and all cood nutbuildlna-a. 14H becond Ht.
fully secured.
vVashlngton st.
For particulars 626 H
FOR SALE Delicatessen i and lunch
room, lust the nlace for mam and wife.
or 2 ladles; $200 cash, or will trade for
vacant lot Phone Tabor B7.
ALL kinds of raach help wanted: also
3 lady housekeepers. Inquire at the,
Madras Employment Office. Frank H.
Pratt, prop.
170 Madison, bet. 3d an 4th.
Home A-6624 Phones Main 8655,
We will supply you with any help you
may need on very short notice. We hays
the following mala help who want work;
Common laborers, farm hands, mill
hands, . loggers, etc., can oe furnished
promptly at All times. , ..
8 bakers. . ',. '
8 bookkeepers.
it) carpenters. .
4 grocery clerks. . -, ,- .w .
1 cigar clerk.
- I shipping clerks.
10 cooks, hotel, restaurant and, camp,
,13 engineers.
4 housemen.
6 michlnlsts.
', 4 office' clerks, ,
J painter. . ' ... ,
janitors. "
night watchmen. .
1 stenographer.
S blacksmiths.
1 construction foreman.
1 chain man. , ! ' -. -
3 collectors.
1 cuffer, ' ...
1 carpet cutter, measurer and shad
1 cabinet maker.
t elevator operators. ' '
1 florist
I gardeners.
1 horseshoer.
3 hotel clerks, i :
3 mest cutters. '
1 mlllwrighL
1 nurse. ,
I plumbers.
4 plumbers' helpers.
1 presser.
8 pipefitters.
1 rigger (derrick).
"2 sawyers. -".''
1 sign painter.
1 machinery salesman.
1 furniture salesman.
8 men with- teams.
1 tallyman.
8 tinners. - '
8 waiters.
4 cement finishers. ' - . ..
Common laborers, farm ; hands, mill
hands, loggers. ooncreUt men. etc.. can
be furnished promptly at all times.
home, wool,!
irinlty place,
near Vnahlriirt
TWO niculy furl la lied sleeping I
. private homeJ modern, price T
wajKing iistance. , 341 i
rana ave.
week. A-3447.'
per wei'k; bath,
FURNIHHED rortm to rent at 129 1
oom '26. ,$2.60
n ior geiiiinmen.
$37 Knott at.
6 NEW ROOMS, las. bath. $18; slnl
rooms, :t,fto, Market st.
ON H iiiif-iirnlahed rbom, rent reasona
HOTEL PORTLAND, ' European . p
onlyj83. $6 dsy.i
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Al.l
REDUCTION made on lareo- front
If taken by two. young ladles or-
tlemen: alsv'or-- sluetilng ' room ..
board and r? of honi; ratu
per week, wi1,"ia meals dail.--8IH
4th st -' ,
furnished front l
ird for two or I
MAIN 3665. A-E624
YOUNG married man - with reference
and 10 years experience in the lumber
business as shipping clerk and yard
foreman would like position with chance
of promotion, A -402. 'Journal. t
YOUNG man of 18, wants work In
wholesale house. driving wagon or
plumber's helper. Phone Woodlawn
242. 831 Missouri ave.
CARPENTER, experienced, desires posi
tion In large hotel or office building
as maintenance man. c-f7. journal..
CARPENTER ahfr.builder; new or re
palr work; ' day or- 'contract Phono
Woodlawn 1238. ' r ' f"1 '
FOR excavating, lawn . grading, lot
clearing, plowing, etc..' poods wooo-
lawn 2487. -y
GOOD male stenographer wants post
' tlon; can also keep bo.oks. A-406,
VOUNG msn wanta Job of team work,
205 Wash. st. room 63.
815. ;
Tel, Main
BOOKKEEPING. private tuition
bookkeeping given by an accountant.
301 Merchanta' Trust bldg. 6th A Wash.
MEN wanted to take rooms at the Vic
tor house, 171 Front St., by night
25c and 60c;'' 81 a week and up.
POSITION wanted as meat cutter; mak-
ket and hotel experience. ,tjs, jour-
nal. , - " 1
an all-round shop man,
MEAT cutter.
city or country.
LARGE, newly
first class board for -two or
furnace beat, bath.- phone, $21
month each. 173 16th st. ' '
st Large front room suites
two gentlemen. Prlvste family.
NEWLY furnished front
bearil far two gentlemen ! moder
venlenees. 154 N. 16th. cor. Irvl
ROOM and board, olean private
- lng fiousei home cooxing; . ft.
week. 388 N. 16th st '
BOARD and room, gentlemen'' .
family, home cooking.,- $88- ;
st Main 7868. I fT
ROOMS with or' without boa'J
home, strictly home cook "
6th st N. -
ROOMS wltk- or without b ,
housekeeping rooms. 281 1
and B. Clay. R. E. West
fALL room with board, $22.
SMALL room with
3d. The Hollywood.
NlCEfTront room with board In
residence. Phone East 1329.
ROOMS with or without bosrd.'
family. 368 12th. just off t I
WANTED Room and board V.'i
man and his little daughter; c
family preferred. A-409. Journf
FOR RENT Ftimishsd apart i
8 rooms to suit tenant; ale
housekeeping rooms, reaaonabl'
convenience and centrally locate
b: car. get off at Olbbs, then
to Whltaker st. Afplf 287 Whfj
NICELY furnished housekeepii
8 rooms, bath, hot and col
phone, gas. electrio lights; alii
rooms, from $2. 6 9-aid: an eleg )
front room, s hi table for two gi
ZOtt 17th st . l"hOne Mam 71
nousekeeping rooms, hot and
ter, electrio lights, gas rang.-
bath and pnone. 16th or Wj
corner 21 in ana xnunuan, ,
Main 2038.
WELL, furnished housekeeping ro
38 month. 8 for 31 !: cottage.
lower flat 4 rooms. 1161 unfurn
house, $10. 364 2Sth. North. "W 4
from depot 3d or Morrison ' to
block north. n '
East 2720.
A GOOD carpenter wants work. Inside
preferred. B-400, Journal,
MAN and wife, without children, to
work on fruit ranch: state age and
experience. If any. C-393. Journal.
BIG wages; solicitors or salesmen; no
house to house canvassing. 813ft
Washington at., room 15.
WANTED All lathers to attend open
meeting Tuesday evening, Feb. 1, 8
o'clock. 270 ft Alder St.. room 302.
GET the Hab a Uab a wool hat, $1
value for $1.50. The Hattery, $15
AMer st. N. E. cor. basement
HATS cleaned and reblocked, 60c. The
Hattery, 31C Alder, basement N. E.
cor. 6th and Aiaer.
good well, living water, phone In house, WILL leave Portland Feb. 6 with par
near school, only 4 miles from town. ties to locate on 320 acre homesteads
R. F. D. mail. Price, $1750.
3760 cash, balance 3 years.
617 Main st Oregon City, Or.
Terms, I In central Oregon; location fees, $75;
two relinquishments adjoining with
6,000,000 feet of standing, timber each,
$400 each: locations on coast. 8100:
other relinquishments $250 up. Nimmo
& Runey, 18 Hampton bldg. .
FOUR homesteads, lying close to good
1 miles from Castlerock. Wash.: ex
about 20 acres cleared. 10 in cultivation L relinquishment 8,000,000 feet yellow
good road, R. F. D. and telephone la ffiit rLi. VV '3
house; 4 room. 2 story .house, newly Varh 'tfe- ' Crk' Lak nd
paperea ana an rurnisnea; gooa Darn I r, Vvra -attrTv
and other outbuildings. 3 acres In good Xi",?."1 V?AMF
n....j .11 uni..n. oi, n, ' ' i ueauio oiag,
vikiiaiu, iui . ' ' I-' ' "iini1 n " ""'I mo 1 ' 111 - ,
place, also horse, 2 cows, 2 heifers, 6 CAN locate some good timber home
PARTNER wanted, used to farm pro
duce; guaranteea gooa salary pes tries
profits; small Investment required.
Particulars. 248 ft mark st.
CONFECTIONERY and lunoh parlors
live southern Oregon town; $600; rent
$15; fine climate; good buy. 313 ft
Washington st, room ao,
ROOMING house bargain hunters 'take
notice: 22 room rooming house, rent
only $25 per' month, 2 year lease. 14
worth em sr. - ,
WANTED rPartner for good paying
restaurant. very little money re
quired. Address 809 Wash, st, Van-
couver. Wash.
PARTNER wanted to check goods: pay
$25 week; can be Increased; small
investment requirea. partiouiars, K48ft
Stark st. ; ' .
pigs. 3 dosen -chickens.
Price $2300; a
824-325 Lumber Exchange.
steads with from fi. 000.000 to s onn.noo
feet of fine yellow fir, mostly relinquish
ments;; price ror claim rrom $300 to
$1000, 303M, Wash, st, room 26, '
FINE- prairie land In Montana. , good
grass, no sagebrush, close to railroad!
loin us next week. A. TJnderdahl room
, l A l.vmrtAa. MW vsv la n o.n I .
80 acres in the heart of the apple ' r-.I-l'--J:
country, 10 acres ready for plow, 25 t.MA-AMfcKit;AH REALTY CO.
more can be made ready with but very Fir,tw day8 will locate you in
little work; running water the year SrjL.P01 on 'acres; tee $2.5.
around; 3ft miles to railroad station and 206ft 4th st -
oqatianamg. frice 31750; part cash, WIS ARE locating 320 acre claims, nur
terms to Butt. . Lakevlew, Or., close to railroad.
W. B. HARTLEY, 411 gwetlarid bldgT
BARjBER shop for sale, 6 chairs, doing
gSd'd business, good locations cheap
rent good reasons for selling. C-394,
Journal. , '' ' ;
8 rooms, $350. Main f3877. ,
Bast-Nevlson Realty A Inv, Co.
i..rii'ANiiv Newport, -Or., lot , for
tviiewrfter or writing desk in good con
"'.i.oii. Z-39I. Journal. " -- '
i ou paut to sell, uy or trade, aee
kho, milker, 627 Henry oiag. . Main
n "want something else for , what
i i; t'T anvtiiing. What have youT
t , I.e . Co.. 827 Board of Trade.
411 Henry bldg.
Phone forenoons. Main 5220."
1148 acre dairy farm, near Corvallis.
THE opportunity of a life time for
homesteaders: act "Quick. 610 Swet
with choice valley stock to exchange FOR good Harney valley homesteads
for good Portland property, or close
in acreage aiso i3,v , acres fine tlm
her, adjoining, for like trade. Thla is
a snap , ror eitner investor or home
seeker. Y-S91, JonrnaL
see Macombef, 285 Grand ave.
lift ACRES, fine laying land, on county
road. 2 miles west of Oregon City,
good soil. Price only $100 ner acre,
easy termB. John Menhe & Co. Over
p"" orcguii my, uregon City. Or.
4,000.000 ft. yellow fir timber, in Sileti
- -"-relinquishment can be- scriDtad: ..-
000,000 feet yellow fir In Yamhill coun
ty, very cheap.;.. ' , . ,
,. . UAV1H & BU1I KAM1', .
; 6101ekiim bldg. -
CHICKEN ranch, 6ft acres; 3 large
chicken houses, good yards, good well,
iiuunc ha;i uuiinisnea; price $2750.
F. L, Cole, owner. Gates station, Ores-j
mm vr iMiBBijirru car.
8 rr.41es " from North Bank R. R . and
$600 cash, for best house and lot of
fered. 292 Portland blvd. Phone Wood-
ROOM ING. houses, $3004 up; . grocery
. store at invoice? houses and lots
cheap; try, as. 1015 Board of Trade.,
14 ROOM rooming house near 'Wash
ington stt low rent; rooms' full. .. ft
price, $350. 14 North 6th st
WANTED Lady partner to help in
money : making business; some cash
required. A-408. journal.
D-b'ft riirftn Portable; 80 leaf capa
LSaKe UVen city. $30. Delivered in
A SALESMAN to close sales, leads fur
nished; $26 required. Call 3 to 6. 288
13th. off Jefferson.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali
fornia Wine Depot 286 Yamhill, next
to Journal.
SOLICITOR for cleaning and dyeing
works; one with city experience. Call
490 Wash, st
WANTED A stickerman, band sawyer,
and turner. Williams ' Ave. Planing
mill. '
MAN acquainted with city to work on
commission. 813 Mercnants Trust bldg
WANTED Men to have their - shoes
half soled for 50c, 222 2d st
WH secure positrons ror our member
Special membership Y. M. C A.
BOY wanted. ,Call Smith Premier
Typewriter Co., 882 Yamhill.
WE want a tailor to repair second hand
clothes. 208 Main st.
WANTED First class all around tailor.
Call 490 Wash. st.
,270 Macison, bet 3d and 4th
Hinie A-662 4 Phones Main 3555.
We will supply you with any help you
may need on very short notice. We have
the following; female help who want
worU . - .
4 chambermaids.
3 cooks, hotel and camp.
20 women for day work.
honnekeeners. .
3 girls for office work.
v 3 cashiers.
7 bookkeepers.
. 6 stenographers,
.4 waitresses, s- !
6 nurses, .'
8 exchange operators.
1 - seamstress.
A SHITE of. 3 front unfurnished te
strictly first class: light and ri
7 minutes to postoffli-e: this Is ti
rare chance; can be seen,, at 3 30" ft
CLEAN nest coimectlng suite of H
keeping . rooms; bath, , running - vJ
gas; private nome. 42 4th, near
rison st. , ..
THREE furnished housekeetilng J
lurnisoeu i;iiiiiiriK. ua 10 , f
family. .764 1st, st, over groct
montn. - ;
1D4 Sherman. South VtAn
week tip. laree, clean, furnish
Keeping rooms; psrtor, la4iririrj
THE COLLINS. 603ft Alder, nj
nlshed housekeeping rooms,
en suite; pnone, atn, centrm
TWO? housekeeping roomS si j
couple or two working x
reasonable, close in. 38 Ns-
Nfc.WljX fui'nlsliea liOuseKeeii
Ufl.ftiH"-ree -poone - hi
Washington st, near .1 fir.
A YOUNG lady, 19 years of age. good
- education, wishes a clerical position
in an office with .refined surroundings.
E-391, Journal.
YOUNG woman wants day work, wash-
lng, ironing, cleaning; west side pre-
fefred. Phone A-B7Z.
LADY desires work, washing and clean
ing; $1.60 per aay and carrare.- Mam
8427. room 70. - ' '
CAMBRIDGE building, 8d snd
at, furnished for housekeepi
desirable.- Apply room 36
PLEASANT housekeei
reasonable. 4
Portland theatre.
usekeetiing sul
82 ft 'Washingtt
ENTIRE floor, 3 furnished root
bath, light and pleasant; rent
able. .429 7th St
TWO TO 3 housekeeping rooms,
water, phone, both, gas, light
Clay, near vthi - -
:.r':.,, r-..
r,o N. 19th. near Murshall: stec
ed housekeeping rooms forre
lower flat. t
FURNISHED Housekeeping roc
N. 20th., corner Flanders, rea
Main 907. '
WANTED- Position - as managing
housekeeper;,, widower preferred. W
391, -Journal.- :,
A GOOD, reliable woman wishes work
: by day. Mrs.niii. Phone Main
COLORED. lady wishes work as cham
bermald, Call East 4819,
WOMAN wants housework by the hour.
Phone 189 W. Park st
WANTED Young ladles to study com
merclal tclezraohv: cood Monitions: In.
dividual instruction; day and evening; 1 the day or at 'home,
investigate. Oregon College, 83 5th, cor. i 308 lOtli . st.
ner Oak. ; .' '.
SHIRTWAISTS, . 76.c; skirts, $2.50;
Princess, 6.o ana up worit guaran
teed. Main 8776,
DRESSMAKING and family sewing by
cau Main vzx.
S NICELY furnished hov
rooms; gas, electrio light, ha,.
Hall at, ' ' ' .
TWO ' well furnished house!
rooms; upstairs, $16 per mont
6th st
$10 THREE housekeepi
plate, steel range. 618 7tti
nflf r jf
th st. t
us, gf
THRRH nnf nrniahed rooms.
tlon, 824 2d st ground flootj
813 14th. corner Clay, desti-bl,
2 room furnished housekeenlnl
THREE nicely furnished hsus
rooms; running water, gaL, 2'
MITCHELL Housekeeping- roon,;
gas: moderate.' 7 tn s fianoers
LADY stenographer wanted,.; small
salary; can have outside work: not
particular as to experience. A-404,
MAID wanted for general .housework
In family of three, wages $18. 849
zath st. Willamette Heights. At.- 8563.
lun. i 1 11 -tf ish
LARGE newly i furnished tfront room,
.-. modem; bath and toilet' walking dls
tsnce, $4 per week. Home Phone A-7336,
or call at 427 Montgomery st.
city. 706 E. Yamhill.
OWN lot; will build on monthly In
stallments or - straight loan. Main
6604. 609 Dekum Wdg.
iiAVE good business proposition. Want
to hear from party with, capital to
invest. ' a-401, journal.
WANTED Girl for s-eneral .hnuHAnrnrlr ' tYlrf rent, in beautiful nrivate home.
in family of 3; good plain cook' de- J nicely furnished alcove for one or two
sired. 120 East 15th st. B-2546. gentlemen,., very reasonable; walking
i ." I . . I f i . . till
BlTUATJLOiUS for cooka. halpra all. i omtain-e. nru
ipr, cnaraoernuiHis. Airs. , ; Howe S
Agency, room 307. 326ft Wash, st :
SALOON - handling the . most popular
Deer, gooa location, oniy js&o. - 14
North 6th st. . - -.
GROCERY Want honest-partner; trial
riven; f money secured. 'Particulars,
ft Stark st --! - .,
ONE of the best paying restaurants In
center of business district price 390O.
103 4th St, . ' - , .
CAKH grocery, new stock; price sac-
:. ihj5u .m tsoy. particulars, Z4
Stark st. - ,
lift ACRES on sidewalk at Beaverton; lawnl28
cleaned, elegant soil : zt-t rm. I tfyj' 4
this spring; $1900eash will swing itilinflMIVO IfOTKfS VCill uiw k
Mi7n ?ni : x?v nridg. rrr. . . z . r-.
fSr? buslnesa Yarns' IS- Ron ti in"
f 76c. Rose City Prlntery. 192"ft 'id'st
ONE of the, best cigar stands lii the J
city ror tne price asked, $660. 103 4th.
i'OR sale, exchange or rent, 1224 acres
choice wheat lnd. Gilliam bounty. Or,
J- ti- Btnith, room IK, Hamilton bldg; -
''.:.''V " N -'; e'--''-".!'; c. A .-- ?: .'jtiil.-s
ROOMING houses, any size at prices to
emi; we ruy sen ann exenange.
.no iienry diq
GROCERY, located An Waisliington st;
. a- gooa ouv at mini.. :joa 4th St.
4- equipped
for saXf:
A buttermilk
Phone THbdr 446. '
Blacksmith shop. lot. tool
and material. A. Peterson, Barlow, Or.
YOUNG girl for light housework, good
home -and small wages. Can go to
school. ' B-2096. v -
GIRL for general housework; small
family. 626 Weidler; take Broadway
car to 11th. ' - - . - , . .'
CHOCOLATE dipper; must be first
class. Call after 10 a. m. Swetland s,
269 Morrison st. , . . " 7 . -
Graham ave.
for housework, 218
Phone 'Woodlawn 1861.
,'.";:,i ' . ' ;.. FEMALE r 20
WANTED "Ko meet some7 ladles or'
gentlemen whowlsh to 'take a- trip
east . Drexel hotel. 2d , and Yamhill,
room 623; hours. 2 to 6 and; 6:36- to 8:30.
WANTED Men and women to learn' to
daKtve correctly.. The best reehoul- l
town, offers half .ratea this month. Ritig
ler's.. Orand ave. and E. Morrison.
WANTED Solicitors, male or female.
FURNISHED front room in modern
' flat, large cay wmaow, lurnacertioat
34ft 16th st-N, hear Washington, f -
CHEERFUL , front room, 5 windows;
. ground floor, rent reasonable; suitable
for two. 259 18th st '- . -
213 13th st Nice furnished rooms, mod
. ern conveniences, suitable one or more
FOR RENT-8 rooin cotta
' Albina car barns. wrJi f
Woodlawn 1457. C t "
t I,'T !nlind'a rio .l: !
NEWLY , furnished front room in prl-, , mov6 you: nromDt dt ca
- vate family; alt conveniences; rerer- 89ft 4th. Main 393!!,. At
TWO and three room suite, completely
furnished ; for 'housekeeping.': 24i
N. 17th, corner Marshall.
HOUSEKEEPlNa and sleepln
furnished complete. 166 N.-1
'"."" ' EAST SIDE; '
bmaliL, nouse, lurnisnea; gas. pi
and ;. cold water, near Albe
Union cars, . cheap to right pari
Webster st. . r I
$1,25 to $2.00 week, clean S
housekeeping rooms; ' laundr
heat. , 406 Vancouver ave. JjPhi.
6039. i ' '
TWO nicely furnished houf.C
; ,rooms; water, gas, woodv rtf i
E. 30th N. -Phone East 405 .
ENTIRE lower ' floor,, furnished, t
gas, bath, ranges- walking K
630 E. Madison, near 16th. "j
NICK rooms;-modern conveniences and
central; bath. phone.t 82 E. 10th st
Phone -Fast -168. - ' - - ,
232 Market st
jrce plxyie an
IftiW 247ft 5th st, rooms
lyJlKl '$1.60 up per week.
d bath. Main 77R4 -
FIVE reom cottage, batli
trie lights, $15, phone j
G.K)D 6 roomr house, 1 ac 1
. berries, good Well. $2, '
$15 New,, modern Groom , ,
block, to cur., Phone Tebv, ?
NICE, large, bright and' pleasant room NINE ( .-oora ihouse,
for rent: centrally iovsted. 22 N. lltll.
oor. rturnsifte.
m , house, 17th st.- i
1 nqiiije 52$ Irving
THE Temple, 343ft Yamhill Bt, )ipusli
Hotel Portland: furnished rooms, J2
a-week up; transient -. .
1 S-room houses, motiwrni on 8 i
821and $23. Main 1410.
$15 7 ROOM house, bath nrrj
lrcfils., Phone,' East,, 5235. '.-..'