3. r , 1 ' FOR SAL1& REAL ESTATE 10 FOIl SALE REAL ESTATE 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATS 18 VOn SALEREAL ESTATE 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 ACREAGE ACREAGE ... THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1910, em- 4 acre ightly, all graded and A gentleman hi the government nlnv UndN he can't work his ranch hold lirworovprnment position, will sell Ills ac.reaa In nna acra tracts-to any responsible person. i The plachsjs located on the Oregon City carline and, In one. of tho most bountiful spots around Portland. On etthi-r Hide of tho carline and on eltner side of th county road leading to thin ranch are aoma f the most boautl ful homes, not to be excelled In any auhurb In Portland. This ranch was oneo an apple orchard. with treea varying from 4 to S inches And $10 per month will buy 4ucta in Lonti: htah and cleared 'and level, atreeta srrade water In, . .v. - , , , , i . ' - ALSO ' ' New t room bungalow, plastered, 2 lota ranch and i 40x100, 8 block from carlino, houaa haa not and cold water, oauu paniry, cioa- uts, concrete foundation, woodhouae, al so chickenhouse; 11600, term to .ault by the month, , . , AND HBRP 18 . ' . A 4 room coay house and wt, 80x100, good barn, woodahed; 10 down, 10 per month. Price $660. V- ' BEE THIS. TOO. ... . 4- rdom cozy house, lot 6O1IOI1, tarn, woodahed. Prlca $660, terms. Nflw 4 room oottane. elaaterad: has in diamctnr.and Is now divided Into ono- woodshed, , by achool; the lot la 40100 acre tract. , lioo down ana m par monm, a. i , Acre No. 1 has a good four room ! ood buy. - porch! with a good' well and Npump at ! New 4 room bungalow, plastered, with Lark door. ' bathroom, 2 closets,, pantry, summer kit- Th front. vsrd ban a hcaw lhlrk . chen. woodahed. water Ini 400 reel from hedae 18 lncheu thick running across the 1 Mt. Scott car; $100 down and $10 per front of tho place and around the barn yard. ' .. . There la a very pretty lawn, with 'rosea oil either side of the walk to the front porch. There arc the following fruits on this aero that would pay the winter's grocery , bill: One Yellow Newtown apple, 1 Yol low Bcllflower, 2 crabapplcs, I lied As trachan apple, 23 Gravenstelns. 70 gooseberries, 60 raspberries, 200 straw berries, !!0 loganberries, 9 quince, 2 cher ry, all the small fruit are 'second-year bearing. The second aero has a large house built for an apple house that could eas ily be converted Into a warm house to live In; It also haa a large assortment of fruit, Including grapes. Tlio third acre haa iorw 67 to 78 large mixed apple trees. Thin la u flue chance for anyone to f:et a country home on a fast 8 cent car Ine that can be made, by little work, self-supporting, besides drawing a sal ary In the city; onu mile to church and storea, 3D minute car service. Any ro sponHlble person can get one of these acres. 1'liune Main 63:lN. room 425 Henry blda. Will be In office Sunday. month takes thia. THE BEST YET. Quarter acre lota, wnter niDcd to each flna aolf, soma In , strawberries, fruit trees. Thltik of It. acre for $5 down and $6 per month. Prlca $22? and up; good car service. te rara. FOR RENT. A large business bldg., S0x$0, with a large hall, fitted UD for lodges, haa piano, etc., t ordera meeting In It now; a large storeroom and poolroom, with two pool tables, on ground floor; the building Is furnished throughout; $40 per month. WE HAVE 8 to 7 room houses for rent; $6 to $1J per month. Call Monday or any time durlnsr week dava. MT. KCOTT REAL ESTATE CO., Lents, Tabor 1433. Mt. Scott car. 2-CLASSY KINW, model n. new 8 room house. 4 fine lots, well located. A real bargain. Z lino lota with 2 good houses, well located, only JUo'il). Will take some trade. Good 8 mom house, lot 60x100, on carlhie, $2fou. Installments. Will take a good lot as nart pay. F'lue. now, modern 6 room houn Just finished, furnace anil othpr modern im provpTiientH, $.1250, 50o- cash. tlood S room house, near St. Johns; $15011. $200 caHlrx Fine 6 acre tract, all In cultivation, no stone or gravel, mile from carline, a good b.'.v; 11000, $250 rash. Fine 20 acre tract, iota good timber, on ;irl;ne. 200 yarda from atatlon. run ning water, 6 acres bottom, $175 per acre, will sell this In tracts of10 and 15 acres same rate. ' Fine. Jarge wheat ranch to trade for property iiere. tin.- tract S50 hcipm wpM IncatpH 10. OOU.tiOO foot timber, tunning water. A ! and real good buy. Will take some cltv property. Only J20 per acre. Good terms. 'HARLESON & CO.'. 4 11 CoiiiinercUtl bldg. FIVE LOVELY ROOMS AND NEW. ON EAST 34TH ST. IN GOOD RESIDENCE DISTRICT. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. VENEERED. PANELLED CININO ROOM. COMBINATION FIXTURES. KEA L:TI Fl "L LA ROE ROOMS. ALL NICELY TINTED. LARGE RATH ROOM. WW II A KDW ARE FINISHING. THEY - ARE WAY I'NDER THE MARKET. PRICED AT 25O0 EACH. CRE8GENT REALTY CO., ' 401 Swetland Bldg. ' Farms, city property, for sale or trade. 30 acres, 8 miles from Vancouver, ft acres in cultivation, orchard, assorted fruits, new four-room house, brn. wood shed, livestock, chickens and all farm implements; all for $2600, half cash. 400. acres splendid orchard land, 15 miles from city; only $20 acre. 40 acres, 8 miles from good town; 23 acrea cultivation: 460 bear fin fruit trees. five-room housa: large barn, all atock; j monthly. ten ioiia nay ana macmnery; tvvu, nan casta . ,. . 160U acrea in Linn county, well im proved, close to good town; Will trade for farm. -12H acrea at Milwaukla, -;icir im proved; wll trade for farm, 8-room house and 1'4 lota at Toledo, Or. r trade for city property. ' Modern 6-roorn house and lot. $2600, $300 down, balance $25 per month. 2 five-room housea, $1600 each, $200 down, balance $26 monthly. 7-room bungalow, lot 80x100, on Van couver are.; smallest home In the city, east" front, and a snap v at $4000, part cash. ,.i -room house, modern, close In; $3600, half cash. 2 lota corner RuaselV and Commercial. lot, 60x100, corner E 8th-IJncoln. lots, E. 34th Lincoln. $800: terms, i lots in Colllnae addition. $1000. $200 down. Lot 60x100 Brainard addition, $425; $400 cash. 2 lots In Waverleigh Heights, $1476; two blocka from car. , 6 room bungalow, reception hall, bath, panel ainlng room beautiful buffet, linen, closet; fireplace, furnace, cement floor and walks; every room a palace; for a beautiful home on a 6SxlQ0 lot, V block from Alberta carline, thia can't be beat, Prlca $3500 $500 -down, balance room, all modern, beautifully fin ished bungalow, with eve,rv convenience; best built bungalow In Sunnyaide; all Improvements in and paid for. Price, BEST located transient house in Port- $360 per acre for 16 acrea on Oregon land;- entrance from two streets; I Electric, near Oreenburg station; fine everything new; making big money; j soil; 4 acres bra verdant, 6 acres cleared, owner Hick; must auU; lease; $1700 will j running water; terrns cash, balanuo handle, ! 8 per cent. APARTMENT HOUSE. ; . . .. V, have the most elegant 16 three i $2600 for 7 acres, close to Vancouver, rurim suite apartment houH in the city ; WaiMi. ; S acres in cultivation; house, private bath and telephone In each suite; windmill, fenced; $1000 down, balance steam heat; everything now and modern; ) 6 per cent, 1 6 year lease, low rent; this Is too good I , to overlook. . 10 71-100 Hcres of fine soil only 6 29 rooms, down town, best transient miles from Vancouver, Wash,:'all can trade. 11 rooms, rent only $30 per month THUS SNAP 7 large rooms, built-in chfna closet, dining-room veneered puneUid, four led roorrts, double floors, fireplace, flush switches, fine bath and lavatory, full cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, piped for furnace, large porch. cement walks around house, street im proved. This la new and up to date. anil the greatest bargain ever offered In this section. Price, $3,150; very easy terms. Come, out; It won't last. MTOME BEAU? (BO. cash. $2800 $300 8 room bungalow, full attic and base ment; every convenience including con crete block fireplace anil chimney, ce ment walks. Price $2500 $250 cish; ft block to Alberta Car. ! tonus. i 8 "rooms, new carpets, furniture; term. 10 rooms,' Washington at., only $550. I 21 rooms, new furnltur. furnace heat, i PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.. , 313 Henry Bldg. ho eamllv elenred: orlce for few days ;.jonly $J260, which Is only two-thirds Its real value. From 6 to 20 al dose in, for $.100 res on electric carline, per acre; easy terms. 6 rooms, reception halt, bath, pass pantry, full attic and basement, cement floor, laundry, cement walk all in. Price $2S0fl -$250 cash. This place la 14 block to Sellwood carline, close in and commands a beautiful view of the river acencry. KNAPP-ROPERTS CO.. Main 32H3. 524 Henry Bldg. F 6ux71. denee. $2600. R-n AT SITE ?3D AND L ULMM corner for "flat or resl sale by owner. Price or East 4850. Corner E. 34tli and Hawthorne Tabor 516. Ave. Ralnnce un rasy payments. Come out today and see what a real bargain Is in a modern home. SUTHERLAND : HUBBELL, ' New Office: 3Gth and Hawthorne ave. Tabor Open Sundays. 201i SUE CTIffilWI&i WHILE THE IRON IS HOT and save. $300 by buying this cozy 5 room plastered , hou.se; hall, bath pan try, 2 large closets, slk, fine 8 foot front porch. To be brief it is a swell convenient homo and will please you u sight. Nothing like it fur the price. It aleo has cement foundation, larga woodshed, small chicken house, 2 blocks to car; faces eat; all fiwrf and !tt level lots. All for $1500, H cash, bal ance mortgage. OKAYS CROSSING LAND Co.. Take Mt. Scott cars ti Gray? Crossing. 1 81AIP .! Modern o-rooni bungalow, douhle wall and floor, with fine cabinet fire place and on each uide board, iawe in parlor; oilier dining room has n built-in side board and beam celling; Dutch kitchen, two bed rooms, clothes chute and linen closet in back hall; first class finislir Ing, solid brass square furnace AO! ing. solid brass square fixtures and hardware, wnll tinted, full size cement basement with cement floor and wash1 trays, $;,0O down and balance on easy terms. Wuodlnwn, 160, 1017 East 21st. N. Mount Tabor District 100 feet from Hawthorne ave., lies a beautiful new modern bungalow. This place has everything in it that-a mod ern home should have; will tint walls to suit purchaser. Lot' 40x100; price $2000. $500 CASH, Balance same as rent. Sutherland & Hubbell New office 36th and Hawthorne. open Sundays. Tabor 2017. Good Enough for a King cheap enough for a day laborer, i 7-room modern house, Holladay district; one of the most desirable homes at $5500. Easily worth $7000. Have some thing more to tell you about it that will be n very agreeable surprise to you. Gurranieed to be a bargain. Don't wait. j New 7-room modern house on East I lllh si thardnood floors. blrdseve I maple and oak), 4 blocks from car; no up to date improvements but what this .house has: restricted district; east front at the bargain price of only $5500. Convenient payments. We never advertise or list anything but the best and cheapest property for sale; to be convinced see us. i Have s.jld 6 fine cheap houses in the I ,lSst 5 days. I COBB &.HOOD. I M -7021. 607 Abington Bldg. j Best Bargain in the City j A beautiful bungalow, 5 rooms' and j bath, open nickel plumbing. cement basement and walks, fine location, good ' view; worth $.1500; for quick sale, $3000 $00 cash, balance tlniCj room.f.ew cement block house, strictly modern, lots lOMxllO, tine fruit trees in yard: an id.al home and a good buy at $4700; half cash, balance time. See this. GLOBE BRpKAGB CO., 211 Home Dirt Cheap IRVINGTON. HOLLADAY LOCATION With all modorn Improvements; living and dining rooms beamed cellliiRR; lin- crusta panels and plate rail in the din ing room, tile grate with fine mantle, library paneled In fir; funace. bath room with best plumbtng. also an extra toilet; electric and gaa fixtures: full ce ment ment basement, cement washtubs; house with 8 large rooms, 2 storerooms and large closets, very good location, near carllnes; price $!7.)0 by instnll mcnta With only $70 down; It will pay to buy now. Wee owner week days at store. 320 E. Morrison st. GENUINE SNAP. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. IRVINGTON, $5500. luxated on E. 18th. between BRAZEE AND KNOTT: everv modern conven ience; HARDWOOD FLOORS, furnace, FIREPLACE. Dutch kitchen; .ON PAVED STREET, all street Improve ments PAID. Easy Terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg.. X 4th st. For Sale at a Bargain i A modern 6 room cottage on Union ave. near Kllllngswortli. within 7 Mocks' of thiv new high school building and; public school, larsc closets and hath. I hot and rold water In basement sta tionary wash tubs, and electric light. Apple, pear, prune and cherry trees and all kinds of berries, 60 rose trees and bushes. A liberal discount for cash. For further Information t(l at !l6 Union ave. N.. or phone Woodlawn 'SI. The Chance of a Lifetime Apple orchard, 100 acres, 10 urn's full bearing. Winter BaiiHiia, Hpitjtenbei'g. Wlncsaps. Ben I'uvl unci other famous varieties. none belter; 40 acres more cleared ready to set. 20 acres timber, for a short, tlmewlll sell a half Inter est In this srteiidld commercial orchard for $6000, half cash, balance time to suit. 612 Oerllnger bldg. n ena ftnA uoll Including ifood house and barn; 3 acres under cuTO- I ollJUk Tand Wilton, vounn nrciinru. o uyn n i land; 000 cords timber; 6 miles from Vancouver. Wash.; onlv mile from electric carline; price $i500 cash; u fino l;uy. Ree it at once. 1 CI. Today and Monday Only 6 room, strictly modern, veil built house and 1 lot, at $22oo, $.100 cash sod $10 per month, or $200 cush and $15 per month. Call 47 Maxwell uve.. 2 blocks south Stewarts station. Mount Scott line. Phone Tabor 1010 INVESTORS.' I have a quarter block In tin Portland warehouse district, I will sell very reasonable If Ink 'mediately; this property is mm ' mm 520 Union ave.. N. Phone aJIs East 42S5. 6 mill's from Multnomah court house, 5 minutes' walk from Oregon Electric slatiotf, on good county road; adjoins bearing orchard; $2o0 per acre less than market value. riflflMfl 6 420 Lumbermen Bldg.. 5th and Ktar 6 ROOM good house, with concrete basement; hath, toilet, electric lights, lot 60x100, good neighborhood: It s a bargain. Price $2000; only $260 cash, balnnce $15 per month. 6 room laige new, and modern home; It's close In. lot 50x100, fine neighbor hood. It's not a $5000 home, but the best $'1100 home In Portland, aiul can be had t-tr $35o "cash; balance terms to suit. Have other bargains. F. J. STEI NMET55 A- CO.. Irt3 Morrison st. N.irth l-'ii ' 1 n ln:-liilng- lng 6 per cent on the Investment, end will hear Investigation. T-S9:i, Journal. ONE ACRE U-acFs 4 block a due castof Laurelhurst for price of two chapest lots in Laurelhurst. Just as good. Can you figure any profit in this? We can. beav erdam. IrrlKiitlng state of with This cultlva aere of If you See us. CHARLES RING LER Sc CO. 11 Lewis Bldg. Phone Marshall 647. $600 DOWN, $25 A MONTH. Two 5 room bungalows, $2800 each. One 6 room. 2 story house, furnace, etc. $3200. 41 One 7 room, 2 story house, beam cell ing, sleeping porch, furnaces, etc., $40no. One u room bungalow, a beauty, only 13150. These houses are In Rose Cltv Park, are on 50xloo lots, all .close to the car line, sidewalks in front of every lot, every house has a fireplace. See these houses today. Take Rose City Park car and get off at 57th St., on carline in Rose City Park (brick store. ) Tell the salesmen that you want to look at the houses. Salesmen on the ground today only, rain or shine. You can move In at once. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Irvlngion lot. very best location, cheaper than adjoining lots. $300 300 Henrv Bldg., 4th and Oak. Main 6854. A-2532. Modern 7 Room House And two lots on Kerby st.. near public and hlli schools, near 2 i-arlinfrs. Five acres hear Base Line road. 4 miles from Voniavllla, 1 mile to Troutilale carline, survey for Mt. Hood electric carline past land. See owner. 361 Ivy st. $3500 A splendid 6 room house, piped for furnace, modern, corner Maryland ave. and Church St.. 1 block to KIIIImks worth; a ery fine location. Be sure and See this before vou buv. SEE PITTENOER. 11? Kllllngswortli avenue. 6 aires, all pure running water for property Is in a high tlon, and In truck garden, oni' onions brought $Lt40 this year. will we will sell it to you and take the first year's crop and give you a deed, to the land. This property Is half a! mile from, country town, store, postof-l Hie, telephone station and on electric line, on macadamised road and 11 miles I from 2d mid Washington sts. Portland. i and the very best grade of buverdam ' sot I. Price. $300 per acre; ' cash, bal innre to suit. This will not Inst at the price and terms. Call I BLAIR INVESTMENT CO., I 50.1 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. I 60 Acre Farm All In cultivation, fenced and cr fencedi fariiily orchard, fine hoosn. rods cellar and granary, barn, chicken bouse, etc. Improvements alone worth S 4 (n. 80 rods from station on Oregon Electric. Considered the best farm in the dis trict. Prlca $235 per acret terms. If you want your money' worth hero U where you get It. A Bargain for Cash 20 acres, fine rich land, 8 miles from the center of Portland and nar Reavir. ton. Worth $175 per acre. Will, taka $125. tor a real bargain sett uk To Plat . ' 142 acres So rods fr Mt :l i lull ' am Oregon Electric, 8 miles out. fine, rich euallv clem',! if, roads, ripe to plat Into I "and 1 acr nn, uig uemann ror uacta ilk this. 'I rice only $176 per acre, attractive terms. Investigate this, i WARD REALTY CO.. ! 305 Ahlngtoti bldg. Main ir7S. I FIVE acrs in Gladstone, $75optr ''rv', terms; 5. 10, 15 and 20 acres, 1 inlb-a I from Gladstone; bent of level black anil, : no rock; mostly cleared; black soil adapted for uny kind of fruit. Very reasonable price and terms. to seres unimproved land. 1 1 '.4 mlLO iroiu i-oriiana; A-io. i sou; lso 40 acres. 3 miles from Rainier, nearly all level. 26 ..cres cleared, house, barn, fences and $500 worth of hay. stock and household goods; $2000. 75 acres. $14 per acre; 100 acres,' $20 per acre; 15o acres. $:) per acre", 100 , acres. $40 per acre; 200 acres, house and ! barn. $14 m-r acre; 76 acres, $10 per I acre, all near Corvallls. t , I 'We have -nany nice, farm bargains with good terms. See ua before buying. I 160 acres improved relinquishment, to exchange for small house and lot. IOWA-DAKOTA LAND CO., I 418 Swetlund bldg. T acres for sale, TV4 miles '- from I Mrf,.. 1 I ... I . .. ....... .,.....-. . J .. . ii., iniiiin, Duuii.v ruaii . urrii. rich soil; no gravel; fine - suburban ! home site; can't be beat for an orchard; I fine view of the mountains and Colum , bia river: could be platted: $600 p-r , acre. Will trade for good home. 2$ I Hamilton bldg. See owner. 20 acres 4-year-old Lambert cherries, ; adjoining the above; $1000 per acre. ruts orchard will net $500 per acre in a years. few Exceptional Bargains We have some choice land near city,. cultivate this tract all Into onions anoth(.r ,,. of .x.et)tional fine land divided In tracts from 5 to 81 acres. This is a rare chance: prices right GLOBE BROKAGE CO.. ' i 211 4th at. , HALF acre. In city limits, all in straw bertles; easy terms. T-396. Journal. mm Land Balance like rent, buys a strictly I modern 5 room bungalow on E. 34th St., ! 2 blocks north of VV-R car. Lawn la : fixtures, shades, gas, electricity. 45xil5 i high lot. A good buy. Price 2H'0 Owner, 468 E. 34th St., or phone 1 2H. U CAN C One of the best bargains In a nice, nearly new bouse, 6 rooms, modern, lo cation splendid; 15(1 feet from car; some fruit trees; don't miss this rare chance; 13000; worth $3800. 71 1 Rothchlld bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE? I Swell! close In property east side, i beautiful location for flats or apart ! nn-nts: can be" had for $",00 below mar ; ket value if taken at once. T-3'J2 Journal. and Perpetual , Right in the AMP lluUlta Water $600 BUYS a small house, lot 60x100, basement dug for a new house at Belle Crest. ' $6 50--Good 2 room house, lot 45x100, 1H blo'ks of Patton ave. Ilarala & Steventon Woodlawn 686 7R94 Mississippi ave. OWNER must sell this week, going awuy. sacrifice sale; 6 rt'oni cottage. Tabor I lull lot, graded, front and back porch, 3 I rnrllnes. 13 minutes to Morrison st. Price $1200; tern. 6jIjn t latsop ave., Sell wood. lOilxloO linpro vod. necessn I V. near solid onlv Hawthorne. foundation, $16,000. choice un nii piling i nasi man I ft rnm lifiiiuci note nnH uf rdtlv Trt ri I 360 E. MORRISON ST. Ladd addltlri make vou a th e price. R. 1 120. Irivestigafe this; will od heme and at a sacrl E. Blaco. owner. Tabor MORRISON A SNAP. 4th st. . ALSED8TA 08STBIICT $2100 5-room modern house, corner lot. 1 block to car; $300 cash. $1600 3 lots, loo feet from car, east front; $250 cash, balance year ly payments. $3250 S-room modern 2-story house, 2 blocks from car; terms. $ 625 1 lot, 50xloO, east front. J. M. REPASS, East 21th and Alberta. Woodlawn 1R34. SEVEN room bungalow on Peninsula. near St. Johns car. lot 33 1-3x100; good plumbing, full basement: price i.$2500. $1000 cash, balance easy. 8 room house on 82d, near Hawthorne, lot 53X.J00. on corner: everything first class; $4600, $2000 cash. We have two new store rooms, and nice apartments for rent. 618 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak. 60x100 on Quimby between 22d and 2 Id; faces south, one block, from car line. In u rapidly developing residence dial: let Price $5500; $2500 rash, bal ance terms. 411 Henry bldg. Phone fore-, noons, Main 5220. , WOULD you like a great bargain? A new house, hardwood floors, fire- I places, large bath, beam ceiling, cement ' basement, everything perfect for a mod ern home; as good as money can make i it; j i otio cash required. iii worth ave. A GOOD buy on peninsula lor short time only:" 11 lots, 3 hoiises, two 5 rooms, one 7 rooms' lots .'13 1-3 by 110, with alley; overlooking river, 1 block from boulevard; easy terms; rent will pay Interest. Owner. B-301. Journal. PORTL--VND Heights" l7itVrone $3uo. one $500, building Kites. $10110, $1500, $.iooo. I must pay for tlifi street lin- irovemciils and need the inoncv; terms. ;i!is, Journal. SPECIAL. 50x100, roses, lawn, fruit, 8 room house., bath, hot and cold water; rare bargain for $1600, terms. 621 Board of ; Trade bldg. 1 H')R SALE Ni w i galow, full Ijt, nice shade trees, l e strlctiil district. $150; $50 down. $15 per month. See owner Monday at 4IIS Marguerite ave., W-R car. Famous Deschutes vAlley, central Ore-i iron ; abundance of water, rich deep soil, sold in 20 acre lots at $480 each, small monthly payments covering 3.1 months, no interest: about 1000 acres left; price goes to $26 February 16. Office hours. 10 a. ni. lo 5 p. m.. Tues day and Thursday evenings. 5 to 8 p. m. Write or eall'W. R. Riley, 615-617 Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. ACREAGE MTTiSa I the age sell have 20 acres at Lents, part of old homestead. The only good 9 r re left for platting purposes. I will it for less than $1000 an acre. S. T. WALKER, 60 4 Corbet t bldg. Summer Home River on Sandy 10 acres close to auto road near Cherryvllle; Includes river, good soil, some timber, splendid view, water ! right alone will be worth the price. i This Is a pick up at $30 an acre. ! MT. HOOD LANO CO. I M. 3510 or Tabor 225 after office hours. Why Pay Rent? $25 down, $25 per month buys new, modern 5 room bungalow. 2 blocks to carline. Phone Owner. East 274 1. room modern bun- SUBURBAN residence and one acre of j fine garden land, t rutmis and bath. , range and shades. 100 feet from car: i Ideal spot for raising chickens itnd place 1 is all set out In fruit and berries. This reipilres only $800 down and balance I monthly payments. This is a bargain and will last only a few days at the EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U4 Exchanges RANCHES FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY. "v 17 acres, close In. $45Q0. 310 acres, Gilliam county.' $7000. 160 acres, Tillamook county, $2000." 80 acres," Chehalls county. Wash., $3000. 30 acres, close Vancouver, $9000. 40 acres, Lewis county. Wash.. $2500, 160 acres, Tillamook county, $3500. 40 acres, orchard. Salem. $12,000. 160 acres, Clarke county. $3200. : . 1000 acres. Gilliam county. $08,000. 20 acres. Witch Hazel, $3000. 160 acres. Clarke county, $20,000. i CITY PROPERTY FOR RANCHES. 7 room house, 6 lots. $8500. 6 room house, KpoVane, $.1500. Chittenden, Otto & Neill 310 Oak st. ' " WILL trade for Portland property, a fine improved homestead of 320 acres, new house, 24x26 barn,, for (1 head of stock. Anot ber outbuilding, 12x14. All under good 3 ply wiro fence. 15 acres of onion land and about 60 acres of sublrrigated land, v No timber or stumps. Team wagon, harness, plows and harrow. Also other tools. Lava 4Vi miles from railroad. About acres grain seeded, about 80 acrea plowed. Phone Tabor 1971. Residence, 163 E. 61st st. north, Portland. I HAVE AN EXCELLENT WHEAT FARM OF 825 ACRES; ALL 1M PROVED; TO TRADE FOR HIGH CLASS BUSINESS PROPERTY IN PORTLAND: WILL PAY DIFFER ENCE UP TO $75,000. 208 FENTON BLDG., , 84 SIXTH STREET. a ni Bargain $2150 Profit Cheapest quarter block by $2150 in, the high-class residence district, be-1 tween Holladay ave. and Broadway, and' between 11th ard loth streets, faces east and lies , a foot and a half above j the sldcwiflk; best of surroundings; you j look at it; cash wanted. Phone my home. East 728 or at my, ftore during the week. B-1362 or East 92. Lots Lots Extra large lots. 50x117, on Simpson I St.. near Patton ave. and Killlngwortli, $600; $50 cash, bal. $10 per month, j $900 lot on Maryland ave., near Klli ilngsworth; cement walks and water. $900. lot on Albina ave., near new I Jefferson high school. Terms. $200, 2 lots, corner Patton ave. and1 iJarrett st. East front. . I SEE PITTENGER, 119 Kllllngswortli - Avc , OWNER forced to soil fine rnoTerrTbun-' I gnlow 5 large rooms and attic, full j cement basement with cement floor and ' stationary tubs, large kitchen with Dutch pantry, paneled walls In dining room. fireplace in living room. 2 j large 'bedrooms with large closets. mission style, gaa and electric light fixtures, building Is just completed, sit. ' uated at 1111 E. Yamhill near 37th. se l It then see the owner Mondav, 204 I Marquam bldg. Phone Main 2820 Brand new, rooms alt large, hardwood floo-s and fireplace; lot 50x100. block to ca: will consider lot in Waverleigh Heights as purt payment. Price $28oO. . Call 26th and Clinton at office, or phono Sellwood 49. Open Sundays. CHOICE LOTS. 40x100 E. 24th. near Brooklyn St.. with 11 bearing cherry trees, goes fori $600. 80x100 Rose City Park, all Improve-, ments paid, soes for $1050, $350 cash, $15 per month. i K. A. BEARD & CO.. 326 ',3 Washington St., room 215. $400 Biggest cash snap; lot In Elberta. unci, frnul ut n.a Mnnnv t n,u.,. Killings-I the best to be. found for the money. John B. Matthews, 722 Chamber of Commerce. price asked for It. HOLT i 27 Hamilton Bldg. BRACY, Phone Main 6738. FOR SALE Bargain 60x100. Price $51 S 3o6 V4 Grand ave. S. for Manning. on E. 27th si; lot on terms. Owner. East 2314. Call ft'lthA- block Ladd's addition;, will dl- -idft into 5 lots worih XI 000 each- fl-ood r . 1 .... i .... a - C-n i - -.;aK-;; sr-l il-I OOOI 1JUIISW, 1I13U! aiiuu it miap at $4600; must go soon. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 419 Henry Bldg. $6000 Choice Quarter block, and near E. A. carline. see J7J. OEDEK, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 100x1,00, E. 14th, For particulars WANTED $800; wilUpay 8 per cent, Si room house 2 lots Ml ScoO cur . : blocks west of Tremont; private panty j ItALP acre tracts; preferred, u. I . r oster 10 ACRES, all cleared and In high state of cultivation, only 10 miles from Portland, handy to school, church, etc.. with rural free delivery of mail, grocer ies and general merchandise' delivered at your door by local dealers; the very best of soil. Price only $200 per acre, with very good terrns. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 24514 Stark Street. EXCHANGE I 2 eastern Oregon -whWjfarma for I Portland property. Ia. 1 Good vacant lots for houSwli 160 acres near Buxton for siua.ll place. $20,000 farm, near Portland. Two cheap homes; small payment down. BAIRD & BROWN, ' 312 Henry Bldg. $275 EQUITY In Hancock street addi tion, lot for sale; street Improved, sidewalks laid. W-397. Journa 1 . A FINE new modern 7 room t rtrxilcF-TTelgtrhnrtirofU'cHi elTwOofl cneup. labor 290. 6-R0OM, partly modern cottage. 1 block from Hawthorne carline, to trade for vacant lots. 4-room stone basement cottage, one block to car. In Spokane, to trade for Portland vacant. KNA PP-ROBERTS CO. M. 3263. 521 Henry Bldg. VACANT LOTS. Beautiful building site facing east on Tillamook street, 100x100 corner. Thia is a good buy . at (3650; terms. Good corner 66x100 on Tillamook atf.; J2600. Ttrms. Khie (juuiter block on East Ankeny. Good income producer for flats or apartments'. Very good 'buy at $5000. Wc are authorized agents for Laurel hurst. R. F. BRYAN & COMPANY, 506 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963 A-1227. II O-TO C This splendid bargain; nice, nearly new bungalow, 6 rooms, first floor; 3 on 2d flbor, city water, electric lights, splen- Hi.l location imd view 100 fol t'rAni cur You should see this bargain; $2SO0. 7ll!,;Sx,0. Rothchlld bldg. $950 Half a block stone bouse on No First Payment Just pay $30 a month (trfiis Includes ' BUNGALOW 4 rooms, closet, paritrv. Interest); a thoroughly modern 5-! bath. vlth full set plumbing, st itlon uooin house; double floors; double! arv wash tray and sink ,ii kit. 'In n. fire walls; cement basement: fire place, ' place and electric wired. 4 blocks from etc., etc.; full size lot; beautiful view: I end of Rose 'City carline. Large loi. good neighbors; restricted district' -J Price $l2u0; 10 per Cent down, balance i blocks to car. Price 12350 v $10 per month. Tabcr 1406. tarl!'x 3.- V. car, get off at E. 76th FOR SALE (.TieaoT 9 rooms and reeet.- ; OREAT bargain m. turrice open Sunday. ) jHOMKSEEKERS Rent payers and i speculators, come see the 6 room bun galow and left that we are offering tor $llii); also the fine 50x100 building site with Improved paid streets, near East 3 1st St.. for $700; terms. Portland I ionics Co.. 20 lMorrjsori St. 1 GLASS GARDENING. Six full lots, close In. near car; part I level. In fruit; tract sloping to south; cover this with glass and have fine In come. Only $32a a lot; terms. H-391, Journal. ! ""RANDY TO 28TH ST. CARBARNS! $19504 room modern home, ground block to Montavllla car, fine $4200 Modern 6 room house, restricted district, near high school. For par ticulars address owner. V-398, Journal. $26 DOWN and $26 jicr iiionthT luHuiu lng Interest and taxes, buys modern 5 room cot In ire. .N-398, Journal. we have a few ex tra large tracts suitable for chickens ! and orchard; finest of soil vfor a gar Jden; these tracts are close in, handy i to car, 15 minutes' ride and 5 cent fare. I rice $600. on verv llveral terms of S3R ',,'srr J'! li;ui5Jbba.lan.ce.JlQ. per moiitlu buy a half line, acre with the same money you pay for I a lot and raise your living in your spare moments. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbet t bldg. FOR SALE CHE A P 102x100, 3 room bouse on IKth, mar Kllllugswoiih ave. N-;i!iH, Journal. 2 ACRES excellent soil, no gravel; near Wichita Station on the O. W. P. Electric. $1000 will buy the 2 acres; could arrange to sell you 4 acres If de sired as We can handle 2 acres Joining the above. Terms. Knapp Ac Alackey, 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXvHANGE. , Eighty Acre Farm $3500 30 acres cleared, best of soil, good buildings, orchard and small fruits, 4 miles of R. R. and river, near school: will consider good city property at cash value. OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 64 H 6th .ACREAGE 37 I view, S30 ('ash, balance monthly. C. Logan, 326Vi Washington St., 404. SNA fT Jas. room i ' BIG $4600 for a nice lot and i e: n 8 room house on East in: worth stsnaa. K. Fl'i'llg. 221 '.j strictly Ankeny, Morrison st. mod-close 80 ACRES. Good soil, lies well, slope to south, i ( ' 2 V miles from Stevenson, on Columbia. ' rivet anil Norm Hank railroad; has been I logged off; will make good apple land:,' will soon be worth $50 per acre; will; S'll lor JI200; cash required only $700; : if you want a bargain you cannot af-i foul lo miss this; well watered I GODDARD WIHDRICK, I 243 Stark si. I 16 acres of A-l sob, suitable for orchard ; or agriculture purposes; mile from ! Mt. Hood R. R.. 6 miles oast of Gresh j am; all fenced, good roads. Schools and i neighborhood; price $90 per acre, terrns. Apply to owner, II. Hummers, Cresham, Route No. 2. FOR SALE or exchange for City or farm property In Oregon," or timber land; 200 acres of unimproved land in Minnesota. $0 miles north ' of St." Paul and Minneapolis;1 "welt1 tocatedr'trr beat county of state; very rich and produo- IIvb anil: owner. Address P. ft hnr j 318. Vancouver. Wash.. 1 3ti ACRES on the Columbia river, lrrl gated, adjoining-town; iwill be worth ! 25oo per acr-e in 6 years; set to fruit; price $200 per acre; will tak In city j property, oaiance xo sun. . , J. J. REID LAND CO., Chamber of Commerce. ; 160 ACRES fine Colorado wheat lanC . near good town In Lincoln, county. Neighboring lands raised 26 bushela wheat .per acre this last year. ivWlll consider exchange for Portland prop erty or acreage. Address T. J. Box loo, iJortiana. I ACRES AT LENTS. nn ...lit i..... .... 1--. .... ..in .ni. an lAtrLiinfiiKH xilirr , i . , firm of 9 aerts, 1 miles south of '31 ROOMS, heart f city, 'beat incom Lents; large, 4 room house, barn and chii ken house; no Miotic or gravel; terms GODDARD W1KDRICK, 243, Stark St. from the new $14,000 Ainsworta ave.: sur rounding lots held .at $20 more; a lit tle over a foot above the-sidewalk; cash wanted. Phone mv home, East 728, or at the store. B-1362 or East 92. BARGAIN 548 Rosclawn five., 3 blocks ! north of Alberta, near 13th St.; will sell for $1250 cash; 4 room house, good for small family, or rent for $10 per month; lot well worth $1250 with a $600 house; real, estate men please sell and get commission; will sell for $1360; $300 down then payments. .Owner, 648 Rose-lawn. m i mmt -.man - Make a start. Owner will help you. Lots 60x100, nothing down, $15 per mo.; 100 feet from Portland boulevard, near jrvvr iooge. woooiawn 12U. lou cau buy them now from $525 t-i $'00 on good terms, but remember they will be higher in the spring; close to Alberta carline. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO Last -24th an l Alberta, on the Corner. , Phong C-1110, FO R SALE $t'200cash. halnneo f irr tfkes best, built 6 room thoroughly modern bungalow. Rose City Park 603 East 52d St.; open Sunday; also 2east frpnt lots, Westmoreland, near car cheap. Owner 226 Mason st. Wood lawn 1671. WALNUT PARK 7 rooms, mirrored vestibule, living room, dining room, beamed ceiling, kitchen, 4 elegant bed rooms and bath, strictly modern, fur nace, fireplace, best locality, car 1 block; thiH i special. See us for price and terms. Raird & Brown. 312 Hsnrv ht,i j Full SAll'J Cheap, 9 rooms and recep tion hall, 4 large closets, electric lights and gas for cooking, large bath- I room, full basement, cement in front i and around house, east front, fruit trees 1 and roses, close In, 1 block of Union ave; J $3600. si9 Garfield ave. i WOULD you like a good house on lot 100x100, 1 block from car; grand view, and location Is one- of the best ; fine neighborhood, city water, electric ljghis, 20 fine bearing fruit trees; a rare chance; $3000. 711 Rothchlld bldg. ' Corner, terms. $300 65x125, ,Tremont Place, easy Cor. ' J. J. OEPER, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. IRVINGTON 2 new and modern housea In the best part of Irvlngion, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floora. wH built and everything up-to-date; paved street; you should' see them at onceS. , Baird & Hrown. 813 Henry .plrtg. - t . $2700 $.100 cosh, $25 monthly', 3 new ' bungalows: flreplact?. bath, connect ing bedrooms,, ftne. location, eastv side. Tabor 1768. B-1834. - . j. . v FOR SALE 9 room house, lot 60x120,1 - IvoKt rtaIrlTl t(tlt In r.Uv' C ln.l C treea 671 E. Ash at. Phone E. 6114. 600 down, buys seven lots, well fenced, smal house, outbuildings, garden lawn, hade trees, well watered, central ly located, cjty of Portland; ideal home; balance make your own terms. Owner Address Carlton, 638 g. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal. HERE is a nlc, new- 6-room bungalow' modorn and complete In-every wajTl block from, car. on macadam rpad; ftno location;. 'splendid bargain; $2450: easy terms. 711 Rothchlld bldg. NEW 6-room house, modern and com plete; corner lot. 50x100, macadam road, good walks, fine location, 1 block from cat: splendid buy at $2600; easy terms. 711 Rothchlld bldg. ' Henrv F. Cover 64 UNION AVE. Headquarters for close in In 5 room modern bun galow: new; close to car; In nice dis trict; 300 cash will handle; right up to date. James C. Logan. 326 '4 Washing ton st.. room 404. RAISE garden and chickens, cheap liv ing, 90x150, fenced, cleared, city water, $4.i0. terms; I block north, 3 blocks cast Lents school. Peck, owner, Mt. Scott car. j jfoAl ESITE close in, east side. $95i; only $!i5 riown, balance 6 per cent, for high class home-or for investment. In raved district. James C. Logan, 326 Washington St., room 40 4. $2000,$lon cash, $15 permonth; 5 room modern cottage: full cement basement, electric lights; lot 50x100. , F. A. BEARD & CO., 326 Mi Washington St., room 215. 0O yon want a business insr 1R per cent? Ask new store building; $2500 KHllngsworth ave. property. property pay- me about mv needed. 1 53 A SNA P on peninsula, adjoining Kenton, 100x100; variety ' of fruit. Pricw $250o; terms. Woodlawn 266, or call 2.! 3 Winchell. hoice lots, $1200 each; fine lo hlgh, level, 2 feet above slje- $600 House and lot, close in, Mt. Scott carline. Address at once Box 41, Ar leta, Or, Also $1360 5 room house an3 5 extra Inr.rS o.t. $8O0-yA beautiful corner lot on Hancock st.. cement walks, graded sts., shade trees: am unable to keep up the pay- ments and have to sell. 1331. Journal. A CHARMING 7 room home, evTivV-n-ventence, polished hardwood floors, splendid lertton, ttarHnf?. East 273' C-1S66. ' . , THREE cation '..-.,11. ,1..,4 mat,. I 1, T l C-lSt6. :A ClfOICE apartment house site; qnar- ler block; beautiful location; 2 car lii es. Phone EaBt 273, C-1866. '$650 BUYS fine building lot near Haw-1 tlinriis ave,; pest buy In thia district. I M. E. Lee. 411 Corbelt bldg. ' j 5 acres good land, well Improved and stocked. ;4 mile from 5c carline. raw land adjoining this Is selling for $1200 per acre; our price, $50110 the five acres; l cash, balance to s. n pur. naser. GRAYS CROSSING LAND Co.. Mt ScoU car to Grays Crossing. FIVE acres at BeaveVtonall in "fruit"; pooj iioMvv .'ml 'i'" : :;.Mi 1 Five acres, some I'm", le.;e, burn and chicken house: rn'y .'",(o If wanting good benvcrdam land call and see me. 1 ha t. CHARLES I' I UY. Beavertnn, office opi)osiie S. P. le;vt. T200 ACRES at $25 pVr"acretn'lJrnf'atn county; $5000 cash to handle; best wheat land; O. R. & N. goes through property; two houses, barn and deep well; must sell. ERNST O. GEARY. 626 Henry Bldg. TO 20 ACRES. nine" from Oiegon j Electric, on two public roads, good ' ; rich soil, no rock or gravel, handy to ! school, church and stores, running water and price only $200 per acre; good terms, i ' THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, i i 245,'Si Stark Street. ACRKS. on good public road. 1 mile from electric carline, 1 mile from rall- j way station, soil rich, land lies well, I good running water; price only $150 per acre; good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, i 2 45 la Stark Street. or Its size in city: sell cheap or ex change for good house and lot or lots, ' , SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. I 84 4th St. 619 Board of Trada Bldg. UNITED Wireless wanted; I have a few -! shares of Portland Home telegraph i stock I will trade for United Wireless ' 1 Telegraph stock, but you must act ! quickly. E-393. Journal. 1 2 IATS near Hawthorna for small bual- ness for sale cheap; will trade on a 40 acres good land, $400; $40 down and ' lot on 24th and Alberta at.; 7-room, - $s per month iwc-have several plecesi i house, full basemenf, 2 lota. 12th and, will sell a few without Interest. Own- 1 Going sts. 690 Mljwaukle ave. WILL trade Bandon or Cooa Bay lota for raw acreage, timber or stump land ' equities, mortgages, contracts or any consideration. Courtols, 314 Qerllngor bldg. acre (tracts. I LOTS In South Portland ,fof housa 'and - acre, ready lot at seasiae, ur. jviigni iaae on ; at ei s. room 26. 142U 2d st. 2 Vt to 27 a res in and near good town, $100 up. terms. It's worth double, but wc want to sell some. Owners, room 26. 1 42 H 2d st. ONLY a few tcftrS and 10 15 miles out. at $200 per to plant: worth $3ot: $::n down. BROWN. 411 Couch bldg. Iff CHICKEN ranches at $10l.4er acre up; good land, las good fdr $10 as $600, onlv further hack); easy terms. Owner, room 2. 142 V2 2d St. 200 acres of land for sale 614 miles ! northwest of Newman. Price $55.00 ! per acre. Well water, 2 good springs, Jerrv O'Brien, Newberg. BUY 10 acres soil that will grow spuds, ulfalfu -.11 kinds fruit nnrf ,u,to R, R. station, convenient to Portland; I $5000 equity in 11 .valuable lota to trad Long, Beach. , ; .,,. 211 Lewis Bldg. Phona Marahalt 147. 6 ROOM house, lot $0x100; will .taka farm, value $2500,- '''-v'- lOOxlOu, with houa. Hood Rtver, $2500. What hava youT 420 Lumbr Exchange. - . ; ' -. ""- OIL land, near Vala, to trade. What have you? Thisis a (roodvehanca t get in one the. ground floor. I hold more than I can handle, E-3ifS, Journa', . $1400 for Bungalow ' Nice 4 room bungalow, o'ne block from carline. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. $S600 1st f 694. WILL buy 8 room housa on 8. st.; $1600 will handle it. Main $50 per acre . for good soil within 9 miles of Portland, 11 acre tract; act now. it can't last long. Room 4. 226 V Morrison St. A-3670, M-302 2. $2500 takes corner lot and houses, worth $3000. will take lot s nart Tpayment 1020 E. T7th st N. ' Alberta j CIUOAP for car. HOUSES CHICKEN ranch-. Alberta car to KHl lngsworth 7 blocks east; $300. $60 down and $10 per month; buildings in- ciunen. . CHOICE laurelhurst lot; none choicer for your home; discount for building. I n vest'lgale. A-3789, and lots, a snap, one $750. with terms, few mora homesteads left. will locate. $50. . 325, Mohawk bldg. oulck lei 3 lots K, away peachr dOiible youn money wren railroad -opens. v-3i. j-otrrnal.- $750 Lot and small house on Deiawnro ave., near Killings worth; terms. 2 K ,.wJ !31t N. . . . tuK baj,k cneap, riy (ojvner, s room modem. house, la SouHh Portland. 23 J Currv at-'... r : . .. ... $400 $.100 cash; must sell; ' large, lots, graded atreetsj city watef;'a snap. See us today. Rabb A Patton. 00 5th sL. $l!o:i EQUITY In 6 1 room hause and 2 lots near station.: $1200 if taken this week; mufrt well. Owner. E-399. Journal t'OR SALE v menL 4-room house, good base- 720 Kelly, head of Nebraska Jt. FOR SALE $2000: modern 6 room ItouhpT" ' Owner, 761 Albina ave. EQI'lTY 41 small Belle Crest lot, at II at birtgaiiu. B-L23-, Journal . will FOR SALE) 3 acres in city limits of Chehalls, Wash.; easy terms. See or address G. E. QUIGGLE. 402 E. 16th St.. Vancouver, Wash.. 5 or 10 acres, 1 mile east of Portland; $300 per acre: 6 acr.es near Tlgard vllle; $176 per act. l$o Park St. $100 per acre. U cash. W-R93. Journal THE best land $10 an acre will buy; not a garden patch, but Sod Unim proved land; will be worth much more sonv-jila y ,j2w nrs.rootn 2 6. 1 4 2J2d. HERb. la snap it you want-120 acres of good land at $22.60 per acre, J mil from Cazadero. Thia will go quick. 711 Rothchlld bldg. T . . AT LAST Plenty of 30 and 40 acre tracts; flrtely situated; at $20 per '' BROWN. 411 Couch ldg. WE'RE-- overloaded with property; acreage $8 up. housea $300 up. Owners, room 26. 145 2d. THE best yet, at '$100 per aero, easy ..TWO to IS acrea out of 24, uear car- terms; hear car: running Owner, room 26. Jf2H 2d st. ACRE tract near car, $1400: we'll tak best $600. Owner, toon 26. 142 Vs 2d watcy. ( T line. $li per acre; easy lerma er. room 28, 142- 2l st.. ' . Own- worth $900 U) 40 to 320 acres at $10 (worth dfluble: w e can-get over I easy terms.,' ea . owner, room , z for atock of rheri-handlse In an Inland western town. H. Trueb, S38 Mississippi ave., Portland, Or. ' , i5,00l:,000 FEET first claas yellow"flr timber. Will exchange for Portland: TffoT5fefy'.4:rtrTrwiirrlf -Henry W4g,r corner 4th and Oak ata.-;' ' MOVING picture slum, fully efiulpped, . operating In good town, Tfadu for Portland vacant or rooroln. hoise. . 416 Henry bldg. 7 ' IMPROVED property at M'rtimwith i sell on twm, or exchange fur sum, thing; might consider uiu or vsi.iit lota 430 Worcester bldg. . ;' HAVE a tJlM'O moAcm Jumse. to tr i '-"'for a S0-acre farm ylth wme improve, menja, -Gel busy.. Broan, 4,11 Coin 1 I CANNOT ket p up 1b p 1 will sarriflee in v Ifd't 1 i ' valued at- $70. ( LrZbZ, J.-ute.:. a 1 I