The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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r , n.. .- .,.-,...,.,..., ,. , i, , . i, (
11 i i , in 1 1 ' ' 1 I .ww.iii i mil Immmtmmttm wmmm mmmmmmmmmnu iwni iiiiii.
- Sunday Services at tl)e poMar& l)urcl)s )
',. Baptist, i, l ' ' ' ' "' i i i
11 and 7:80; Bible school. 10.
t Reformed.
Cerman w- Tenth and Start
Cf. JIafner pastor. . Services
First Whim !TmDl8 ' Twelfth and
Taylor,; Rev, J. Whiteoiub Brougher. U.
I. 10, "One Accord" trayer tweeting
services, 10:80 ami 7:30; Bible school 12;
Y, P. if.. 6. Farewell sermons by Dr.
Brougher, subjects, "A Worthy Lite,
Life Ideal." .
Second Seventh and East Ankeny
Rev.-II. S. Black. 11 and 7:80;.B!ble
' cliool, 12; B. Y. P. v., 8:so.
Central Eaat Twentieth and Ankeny
' 10:30 and 7::30; S. 8.. 12; T. P. U 6:30
sermons by Kev. J. 8. Wallace of Mo-
Minnville. . . '
- Arleta 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 8:48; B,
T. P. U., 8;30. , Serniihis by F, B. Smith,
state Y. M. C A. secretary.
Highland Albert and tilxth, Rer.
A. Juconaro, paaior, - nnu i.ov, x. a
l TT H.Urt. CT CI 1A 4
Bellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
D. vv. Thurston. pastor, li una :sui h
B., 10; Y. P. U.. 6:30. Topics, "The
' Christian." "The Burial of Jesua."
Calvary Eaat Eighth and urant. Rev,
J. N. Monroe. 11 and, 7; 80; 6. 8, 10; B,
Y. P. 'IL. 8:30. i v -
Immanuel Mead and Second, Rev, A.
-B., 10:30 and 7:30: a. a, 12
B. Y. P. U.. 8:80. s Topics, "A Planted
Lire," "Three Kind ot Fools."
Orace Montavllla: Rev. Albert K
Patch. 11 and 7:30; B. 8., 10: IV P.
:. U.. 6:30. .-. -
University Park S. S V 10,. 11 'and
7:30: B. Y. P. U.. 7:
. Sunnyslde (German)-"-Forty-flrst atid
Hawthorne; Kev. C Feldmeth, 11; H. 8..
St.- Johns (German) Rev.-Karl. Feld
meth. S, a, ;46: services, U and J;8
. Y. P. M.. 7.. - ,r -k.- .
8t Johnu Rev. G X.1 Owen, 11:80
and 7:80: R B.. 10: B. T. P. U.. :I0.
Chinese Mission 352 Vi Oak , atraet
' First German Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:80: S. 8..- 8:45.
(second German Morris etreet and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F, Buermann,- 1
and 7:30; S. 8., 9:45. ,"
Fast Forty-fifth street Confer Eaat
Main; Rev. A. B. Walt ai and 7i30!
. h. P. Y. ,V 6;45. Topics, "Pura and
Practical ReaBlon,"; "Caatlea ilo; Your
Heart." . . . , . ' i
- Lents-l-fl. S.; 10; H and 7:80; B. T.'p,
V., 6:30.- . . ' t
Mount OHva Seventh and . Everett;
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. ' 11 and 7:30.
fiwedHh Hoyt and Fifteenth; . Rev.
F.rlck Soherstront.- 10:45 and 7:45;
8. S.. 13; H. Y. P. U., 6:30.
Tabernacle--KH8t Forty-first and Hoi.
rate; Rev. Xtark. 11 and 7:30;
8. R,79:4S. .
Third Knott and Vancouver. Rav. R.
Bchwealer, 11 and 7:30; S. b., ,io.
' I: v; rraetrtarlaij.; ' ;; i
First Twelfth ana Alder, Rev. Wn
Suggestive Questions on the Sunday" :i ' " '
' Scnool Lesson V Rev. Dr. T. S. JLinscott
Mlnlatera, Sunday school tncners and thera Interenfd are Jnvftnd t
write The Journiil briefly thrlr vlwa as to the worth of theso "quBatlona,"
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.) ; ,
, Tha International Newspaper Bible Study club is for th purpose of rro
mot In r in 4n uiifuttert-d way amons the nuiasra, ,a wider studv of the Bible,
the baeal , truths of Christianity, and the problems which ent.r into mvrf
man's life. It U cnmpopil of all those who join a local club, and tak up the
simple, course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. . AH who have
not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compels for tha prizes.
Persons may Join the olub at any tlm during the year, but must,' "t
eoursa, answer the 62 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for tha
prizes, and the bark questions muy t obtained by addressing this office.
This paper has secured tho Hsht to publish the intornatlonnl , Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rv. Dr. IJnsr.-ott, which havi aroumrd so much
Interest- elsewhere, and they will appear wwlcly In bth tha Saturday and
Sunday Issues of The Journal. One of these question each week Is to be
answered tr, writing; and upon these answers tne prl.s are to be awarded. .
' ; " CoseMUo&a f tlia arontstl
"" 1.' Each contestant, or' Ms or tier tamliy. 1 aosi be e snhlber to thta
Paper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper BlbU
Study club and thla local club. ?",.... , .
1 1 Each contestant in this local' cllib must answer each of the wrltteyt ques
tlone for il consecutive weeks,(,coinnieucliiK Sunday, Merch 14. and the answers
3ut In th possession of thla patter vltoln two weeks cf the close
of this period. . - . ... .. . . 1
- I. Each question tnust be'answered separately, and the paper 'wrlttea ort
one aide only. No answer must exceed SO0 tvords in length and tnav leu iesa
Kaeh answer must have the heme and address of the writer at the bctto.n
of the answer.' , : ; i, . ... ' . N . i
j 4. The answers must be delivered to thjs off lea, and they will be collated
i ine- close or the contest and rorwarded Jo hradqusrters for Indipendent e'
amlnatlon by ponmetent examiners. .The rrlzea will . then be awarded ae
cor?lnn; to tle highest nnmber of mark, won by members of The International
newspaper utvio ntuujr ciuo. x . , . .- ' :
f - -"-''.'.' ''' .. Ta Frliea. : . ' .
y. First Series gote mfedal to each of the ffrst five contestants.. ,
. Secona Serlen A silver mnrfal to each nt the n.vt i. r,u.unti u
Third Series 'A Teacher's Bible, price tifiO, to each of the next five oon
teatants.-' .. ! ... .. , . , . ......
Fourth Serins The- book "Tha Heart ot Christianity, " price 11.60. to each
i m nei 6 contestants. i . i . , - ........ t.
- Each medal will be suitably engraved, a-ivlng the name of the winner .nd
ii ,s awarcea.ana id une manner each ttioie; and book will Do in
scribed. .- t . - 1 - , .. -.-.,
All who can write and have Ideas, are tirr-d to tnke up these studies e.
Kardless of the degree of their education, as tha papers are not valued frotp
an educational, or literary standpoint, but Iron the point of view, of th
corency or their reasoned Ideas. , v , ' . . .. f.
11am Hiram Foulkes. 10:80 and 7:30; B,
R, 1216; C'E., 6:30. Morning address
' by Fred B. ' Smith, International Y, AI.
C. A.; on "Profit and IjOSS." Kvenlne;
aermon by the pastor on "The Tent-h
Commandment." - . -, 4 ' ' " ' tr'
MiznahRast Twelfth and" Powell
Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:80; S. 8., 10
C. F... 6:80. !'."
Calvary Eleventh and Clay. " Rev,
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:80 and 7:46
Bible school, noon. Topics, "The One
Sufficient Sacrlflca, "What Is a Chris
tian?"' " . : .' J ' -
Fourth Ffrst and Glbba; Rev. Donald
.Mackenzie, 10:80 and 7:30. 8. gj 12; C.
E.. 6:30. Topica, Tne jweasaffe' or
Christ to an Ai?e of Science," "God'a
Rm Tv-t foe MsnN' .;k' t
Hawthorne Park Twelfth' and East
TTavlor: Rev. K. Nelson Allen,. 10:30,
. 7:30; S. R. 12: C. E, 6:30. Topics. "The
Fullfilrnent of Prophecy," "The Crusade
Of Youth." . " '
irorhes Sellwood ' and Gantonheln
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8,
10: c. ci-, :. - t - i-
Pledmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
Rav. J. K Snyder. 11 ana 7:30; & 8
. 12:15. - .
rv. i. ... URiz 171 v . i c a a e . tr
Millie. n.7 , . ., , i , o. nMV.vw.
Westminster East Tenth and weld-
ler; Rev. Henry Marco tte, 10:30 and
7:30: 8. B.. 12: Y. P. S. 0. R. 6:80.
Marshall Btreet Marshall and .North.
Seventeenth; Rev. (f. Wl Haya, Ht 4;
B. s., 10. a 7:30 service in tne Finnish
laniruaire, '
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty.
man; fiev, uawira ai. enarp. ii ana ;
8. R. 10.
Spokane Avenue East' Seventeenth
and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11
and 7:80; S. 10; C. E., 6:80. .
Third East Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev. William Parsons, 10:80 and 7:46;
R 8,. 12. .Tonics, "Necessity for the
New Birth, "The Last, Appeal of God's
Word." . -.,,---......- :,;,;:
Hope rrMofttftvilla. " Eaat Seventy-,
eighth street Rev, Henry .- L Nave. ,
S. S.. 10;? IV and 7:30. . . .
Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev,. A. Robinson, .11; R R
If: Y.VpM 7. , 1 , - .
Millard Avenue Re. John A. Town
aend; eervlees, 10; 8. S, 11:15.
Anabel Rev, John A. Townsend. Serv
ices, 11:80 and 7:45; S..S., 10:15. t
i Trlnity-Hakota Wreet, Rev. A. Rob
lhson,i7:45 pT m.; C.' JO. 6:45; 8. 8., 11.
V(rBorH'Wygait - and - 'East . nine
teenth; Rev. George W. Ann H end-8;
8. R. 1:45; C. B, 7.
,, t.
- . . " Methodist
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
T. D., 10:SO and 7:30; 8. S., 12:15; E. il,
r- -80, Topics, "A .Man'a Man." "The
-jfilory of a Man." . l.
Grace Twelftto and TaylorJRer. John
H. Cudlipp. C D., 10:3tr and 7:30; S. S
12:15; Jefferson streetmiaaionraorTS
6 :80.- MOTnmn-aermonby-iwv not
linsrshead." Evening address, pastor
on "Worktaar for Wages."
i'- Norwegian - Tmnlsh Thirteenth and
riavla. Rev. K . P- felaonll and 8; 8 8.;
0. Special services .all day. S. S., ;
lova feast, 10; communion, 11, with ser
UTion by Plstriot Superintendent Joseph
Olsen of Seattle Yr P. R., 7; grand ra-
J"8unnyslde-East Tamhlll "and Thirty
fifth: V. T. Euster! 11 and 7:30; S. S.. :
:0:'' R L., 6:46. Topics, "The Holy
Spirit In His Temple," evangelistic serv
ices in the evening assisted by Rev, L.
C. Hamilton. . . .-
t. 8t. Johns Rev. F.--N. Sandefur; 1J
and 8: E. L, 7; B. R. 10. w--' -
Epworth Twenty-alxh and Savler,
(Copyrlg-ht, 1909, by Rev. X. R Llnacott,
: v- : D. D.) . -
January 80, 1910. .-- f
Some Uwi pf the Klng-dom. Matt
5-17-26, 88-48. t ; '
Golden Text Be ye therefore perfect
even as your father which la m hoaven
la perfrct.-Matt 6:48. ,:
Verses 17-80 Itl what senie did Jesus
fulfill "that law- and the propheur
Howmany "persona can you recall,
from the scriptures or otherwise who
fdtd the perfect will of GooV other than
There are' those who teach that It la
ltlipos8lblefor any man to keep all the
commandments of God, what reason is
there to suppose that these are among;
tha nnmher whom-Jeaua calls," "the least
In th kingdom- f heaven
What wai the 'Tlghteouanesa of th,e
cripea ana rnariaeeBr ' v ; r
What are the reasons which lead ua
to .believe that all God's commandments
are 'reasonable, and keepable . by , all
Christians, and that those -who do not
keep them are- verily culpable?; ; (, i
Verses" J1,J I2-Reeall the prominent
outward Bins, and then sav If an v. or
all of them, can 't committed. In God's
sighv without theculmlnatlng or -outward
aot being- committed? f-
Why Is a man, who out of an angry
revengeful heart calls hta brother a fool,
and would like to consign him to the
worst of suffering-, In danger of Buffer
ing himself that to which ha would con-
alga another? . '" ' V ' ,v :
Verses 13-26 Why cannot a man tru
ly worship God, or enjoy tha love and
favor of God, while he has bitterness
In his heart to. another? - , i v,'
. AecorJIns- to the teaching. T...,-
what Is our-Jliiy; toward a person who"
' fMlnlsters. Punflay school teachers
write me journal orieriv ineir views to tne worth a
particularly If they consider them of alue 'ln their Work.?
la angryvwlth us, either with or without
just cause?
Verses 88-41 Are these precepta to
be taken literally, and If not, then what
oo they mean? - w
See E. 21424-25. Lev. 14:20. .Duet. IS:
SI,, and say If these laws are In har-
mony with the teaching of Jesua?
Are these precepta of-Jesus given aa
rnles of conduct, or as underlying principles,-and
what la the difference In the
two Ideas? ;,: , '
eaa - you mention supposed cases,
wherelt wovld be-wise te literally carry
put these precepta of Jesus, and other
cases, where It would violate the spirit
pr Jesus' teaching to do so?
What motives would compel a child
of God to literally carry out these- pre
cepts of Jesus, wh.en. and as often as
the holy, spirit should Indicate? .
Verse 43 What attitude should th
Christian always take in the matter of
giving or loaning money to those lh
need? f . " - . ,
Verses 48-44 What are the advant
ages of loving our enemies; and the dis
advantages of hating: them?
What does It imply, practically. . to
love our enemies, and It la possible of
perfomance y every Christian? '
Verse "45 Why 1 does God treat the
evil as well as he docs the good, in the
matter of sunshine and, rain, and the
similar' common blessings of life?
Verses 46-47 Which get the greater
B-OOd Out Of life and Whv. thft iranarniia
and forgiving, or -the harsh and those
that render evil for evil?
Verse 48 WHAT I30E3 JESrfl ur.l v
Br this " Commandment, . to be
(This question must be answered In
writing by members the club.)
. Lenson iw Sunday, February 6, J 910.'
Almsgiving and prayer.-irMatt. 6:1-16.
and others Inters
ITleh mass and sermon, 10:80. Vesper!
and heneiHotlon. 4.
Holy Hedeenier, IVirtland -and Van
couver Kev. Ed K. Cantwell. C S3. R.
Low mass. 8. I f lath mat and sermon,
10:30. Benediction 4. ,- ;
' St Andrew's. Ninth . i"d Alberta-
He v. Thomas Klernan. Low mans, 8.
High inas and sermon, 10, Vtaspor.. In
struction and benediction. ' 7:80,
St.- iKimtkiH. J- orty-r-i-eoiid and Powell
Valley road hev. F. Dtilau. S. J.. Low
mass. 6 and 9:30. 'Mass. sermon and
berx'dlcllon. 10:30.
; St. Stuuislaus. Maryland and" Falling
--Hev. c. Seroskl. I-ow mans, 8. lUah
mass, and sermon. 10. . .-
.' ' ; A ',' Congregational. . . -.
First Madison and Tark. " Rev.
Luther R. ifyott. I). It.. 11 and 7:45: S.
S., 9:45. Topics.. "Enjoyment,"' "Moraf
eiuson. who Jias Mote or it, a Man or
a Waiimn?" ,-.'', : ' "
Laurclwood Rpy. .William W MeVer,
paslor. H. H., 10:00; , worship. 11 :00;
t'hrlstlan- Endeavor, 6:48: preaohlntf,
7:30. , i Topics, ."Christ and IIih Work,"
"The Wffereiice Chrls Makes." ,
Sunnyslde Fast Tarlor nnd East
Thlrly-fourth.lRev. J. J. Staub; 11 and
7:30; 8. ,10; C, ':. Topics.
-i lie Tonlo of the So ritual Iire."-i "The
wan, who j worse Than a jraiiure.-
St Johns Rev, G. W. Kelson lit and
e; n. b.,. io."' - - i-i -
University park Haven and Dawson,
uy uev. nir, uuKiey or uregon .:uy, -
HaNkalo Street East bevenlii and
Hossalo . Rev. George E Paddack, '11
ani t:4b: b. H.. 10. -
HlKhland Knst fllrth and Prescott.
Rev. K. 8. Bollinger, 11 and 7:80; S. 8..
10; Y. P. 8. O. E., 6:30. Topics, "The
Tallest Man In Allah's Kingdom,'.'
Mont Serious Boomerang." -
First ,' German East Seventh and
Stanton, Rev. John H. ITopp; 10:80 and
?:ju; b. b :li; c. E., 6:30.-
Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue.
Rev. Guy L. Dick. 11 and 7:80: S. 8.
9:46; C. E., 6:80.- Morning sermon by
Rev. Frank H. Adams.- Evening topic.
rrorn, Manger to Throne.", : -
?on- H. H. Koppelmann. ,10:16, 7:46; R MUSH FEASTl REVENGE
' fcntheraa.
St. James Ena-llsh West Park nd
Jefferson : J. Allen Leas. 1! and 7:46;
. a.,. 10 : i i,., 7 p. m. Topica, "A sum
mer In tha Country." "A Busr TJav".
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. U and 8; 8. R. 8:46
Norwegian SynOO East Tenth and
Grant: Hew o. Haaoea. 11 and 7:45: R
R, 13:10.
Betanla Danish 640 Union avenue K
Rev. J. Scott .11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10: Y. P.
S. M- 8. Tonics. "When , the Fields
Come to Jesus ". "What Made Paul
Little Fooliahr " . 1 -
united Norwegian 46-N. Fourteenth!
Detmar Larson. 11 and 7:30: R S- :46.
ZIon a German Chapman ' and Sal
St Paul's German East Twelfth And
lii'ton. : itcT. i a. Jixausa, ana
7;?o; R B,..:ao, .. - -
Trtnlfv German f Missouri synod)
Wllliamr and Sellwood; J. A. Rlwbach,
9:16; 8. 8., 10; 7 :!.. K. -
- St. John's Peninsula : avenue I and
KllpamcK; J p. m. ,
Swedish AuKiistana Rodner and
Stanton: Rev, H. K. Sandstedt, 10:46
and 7:45! 8. S., 8:80.
Swedish Mission "Seventeenth and
Glisan; Rev. B. J. Thoren,. 11 and 8;
R. 16; Y. P.. :. - . t v
Ellm Chaoel Mlchlran avenue and
Skldmore, Rev, p. J.Thoren, 11; 8. S,
- Immanuel. German Comer 16th and
Leo (Sollwood), .H.C. Ebeling. 10:80;
8.. 930. -. . - . .... '- . ' ..... . '- .
.Grace English (Missouri Synod)
H.eroy ana x arco. Kev. jari uaasoia. is
na j:su; . a.. io;so. , . -
. Vnited BvethMi tn Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison.
Rev. Russell 8. Showers, 11 and 7:30; 8,
10:45 a in , and 1 1 p. m.; ti. S., 1:80 a, ro.j
x. I . R C. L. 7 p. m.
(Thrlstian Sclenee.
First Church of Christ Scottish Rite
calhedral, Morrison and Lownsilale, Hi
7.1 l' ""bJect of lesson sermon,
. Love. '
Second Woodmen's hall, East Sixth
lesson sermon, "Love." . -
8. Churoh Sonth. , ' ?
Union avenue and Multnomah strect-A
Bey, JS. J I. Mowrn, 11 and 7:30; S. a. 10:
X. L., 8:30. Topics, . "The Human 'Kx
perleuce," "The Btrayal of Christ."
' tdlseellaneona.
. Churrh o' h Brethren (Dunkards)
Borthwlck and KHllngswotth ave. Rev.
U VV 6:30 ' ' 01 f"
Church of New " Thought Selling-,
nmnry ,. victor-- Morgan.
tiweaisri corps Salvation Army 430
uu.ji.iur, u, i.ov ano a. ,
- l,n.,.TlVnoTn,Iiaitlonal City Mission .
" ftn siraei. a. Wells, superintend
ent, Bunaay, 1 every evening in, the
- Mediums' land Mlnjatnra' AsiaUrn.
Auditorium bnlldl
Latter Lav Saltita , (Mormons) East
Tenth and. Sherman. J. C n .t.t-...H
npHlln. .1.1.. .11 . . n r, .
Volunteers of - Anierloa-r28 Burnslde
Bixeei, :su ana s:30. . ., , . , ,
Advent Christian Reeond. ' between
J n i a '" wauace Hhepard,
10:80 and 7:30. )
Divine- Truth CentaiwfOI ni.v.
building. Rev. Tbaddeua M..Minard. 11;
S. o., 13..-.-
- Church- of Nasarene East Seventh
nd COUCh. Rev. A. OH.nrl,lr 11 inJ
7:30; 8. 8.. 9:45: Y. P. M.. i. '
Tb I ,hth-eocfBty-Swedenborgen)
.itriiiii biiu yiiuer, jvnignts ot Py
thias' hall. Lay service and sermon. 11.
Vatch Tower Society Non-Per-tarlent
Odd Fellows' hall, Eaat , Slzth and
Alder; 1:30; Berlan Bible studies; 8:15
presentation of Bible truths. -
Center of Right Thinking W. O.' W.
temple. 121 Eleventh and Alder street a
Mrs. E. Sherman Olnoy; 8 p. my
Reorranlzed Church nf
of Latter- Day -fSalnte East Seventy
sixth and Irving. Elder Walter Bar
ker, 11 and 7:80; R 8.. 10:46.
Fellowship Circle Kelllng-Hlrsch hall,
i. - Dr. DavldSOtl Buchanan of New
land.' - - -. .,- , . -.
First Snlrlfual ' Society lflt Uenn4
street Conference, 2; lecture and mes-
Y. W. C. A. Seventh and
sirneis. rtresiae nour at 4. p. m,
V. If r- A -rv nol.flnn CIfV
and Taylor etreets, W. Stone, gen
eral secretary. Meetina for men at t
o'clock. Muslo by Y, M.C A. orchestra.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
.asi iN'inin ana ciay. : bervices io:ao
; ; 1 Jackson Smith.
The body of Jackson' Smith,' rice
president . of the Oregon ' Trunk Line,
who died -here yesterday morning from
an attack of malaria fever contracted
while in the Panama canal eone, will
be shipped to San Antonio, Texas, for
burlaL .-. ::- '. .v ; - -; -
Henry A. Smith, brother of tha de
ceased, will arrive In Portland Wednes
day from New York to arrange for the
ahlpplng of the body. ; t , ,
Washington. Jan. 29. 'Tim n
high prices for farm products have
to atay; the rural population l i ' '
out;, the present t-ensusi If It i Li
the unlnutrporated vlUages l-'!-
will show botweon 60 and 65 p"r
of population living in town," ilw
Representative Chmp Clark of M -aouri,
the minority leader In tho hnn
"At the present rate, in lit) yeurs t?
United States will cease to be ait im porting
nation for agricultural j-i -ucta
except aa to cotton, v
"One Of the principal causes nf t 1 -
high prices of farm product In li
world movement of people towirj c.i
towna and cities. For the first tin.
last year Argentina, beat ua in export
ing corn, and Argentina and Brazil am
now fixing: to take the frozen me.-it
trade from ua. Unless we adopt the In
tensive system of agriculture we hav)
nearly reached our llmltof agricultural
UtpuL" - - '-'':;..
Thonaand Dollar Illustration.
-'.!, -i "From "Puck. " ;
Income 11000 Expenditure, 999.03
- Happiness. ,
Income, 1000 Expenditure, 11000.90
' Misery. i ,
Income, $1000 Expenditure, 11000.00
; -; Gay time. ',. ,. , -
' A cat that wandered Into the wlr.-l.-1
station at Port Townsend, Wash., with
stood a 60,000 volt current from t
transformer wlrea without . being seri
ously affected. ' .-,,.
46. R 8.. 18. t. P. M.; :80,
Franklin, Pa., Jan. 19. Dinner parties
with mush, the only article of diet are
the latest things In Franklin, where so
ciety, doee thing about right. . ..
Whan George J. Lamberton, of thla
city, ana Miss Helen Elvln, of Eaat
Orange, N. J were married recently
they -were entertained at dinner at the
Waldorf-Astoria, hotel by the three men
In the bridal party, and the only thing
they, had to eat waa- rlce'ln different
forms. ', 1 -;.'"), ..?',',
Thla week Mr. and Mra. Lamberton
entertained the bridal party at dinner,
and while Hhe other guests partook of
a variety of food the three young men
were served with mush only. ' It waa
served.- in many ways, and before the?
got through they were expressing the
wish that the corn, crop bad been
Ci v .oa n. 1 - - - I I .u.. . w
o., iv, u i.o, i upica, Tommun-1 failure. -Ion
Services "The! Un-tO-Date Chris, lauur- -
Wan." ' I-'.-- '-
as to the worth C these "questions.
are ' Invited 15
nev. Charlea T. McPherson; li and
7:80f S. 9:46: E. L.. 6:80. Topica,"
"In the secret or wis presence"; even
in? address bv E. B. Lockbart
Chinese MijBion-Chan . Sing-- Kalj 11
aWd 7:30. j-
. Centenary East Ninth and Pine:
Clarence True Wllnon, D.D.,,'lo:80 and
7:30; E. L.., ssiw; . a., iz:ts, Topics,
Neglected Doctrines ano:-our Loss of
power"; evening, .' iOe,eaempuon," oy
tho choir.. -1 - i ' -Trinity-iEast
Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith. 11 and 7:80; E. L.. 6:80; R R,
10.' Sermons by Rev, Guy Phelpaevan
rn1lr Ratlv at X
. Laurelwood Rey. R. E. 'Myers; 11'
and 7:30; .8- R. 10;; E. I, 6:30. - . -Central
Vancouver avenue and Fargo
atreet Rey. C L.. Hamilton.; 10:10 and
:so; s. a., iz; u., :bo. -Norwerlan
Danish Corner Vancouver
venue and Skldmore- streets; Rev. C
J, Larson. Sunday school at 18 ra.
. Japanese Mission 131 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, 9:30 and
BfitO?' H. H' f80. ' "' '"V..,..,,.,,. !fc
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev.
John Ovall, 11 nd 6; S. 8., 10; E. L-, 7.
Topics, "The. Providence of God," "Sal
yatlon." ' . ' ' ' -- ; - -yirst-
German Fifteenth nd Hoyt;
G. A.- Waaa8- ll. and .7:80. . :,
' Becdnd German Stao and Rodney,
Rev. E- E. Hertaler, 11 and 8; 8. 6.. 9:45;
r-. " wrA '," ' ... .
Sellwood Efts Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Rev. Lester C.Poor, li and 7:so; E.
L.i l:30i E. L., 6:80. - "
,, 'The . Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thinly
ninth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon
Jonesr B.'S.r:5r It and 8: E. L.. 7.
. Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
streets. Rev. -Harold Obersr! 11 and 8-i
S. S lOr Hass Vneetlng, 12; E. W 7:15.
, wooaiawn wiiiinm j. 'iwutiaa; n
and 7:30; S. S., 10;. E. U, 6:30.
University Hark Dawson rand Flske,
Rev. W. R. Jeffry, J.;, 11 and 7:3fl.
, African Zion -Thirteenth and Main.
Rev. W. Matthews; ,1-land It R R. 1;
C. E., 7. Sermons by Presiding Elder
W, W. Howard. n
'Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first J. V. McDongall: 11 and 7:88.
Patton Michigan avenue and Cnrpen-
ier. v. a vvatjersi 41 ana 0; : b, 10;
E. I.., 7. '' r - v
.Lents Seventh and Gordon,- Rev. W.
Radical SixfR and MechsnloRev. 6s-
car A. Martin. XI and 7:20: S. SI irt- . '
hird South Mount Tabor;, Rev. C
f. niancnara, 11; d. a., 10,
Alberta Eaat Twenty-seventh and j
Mildred, Rev. a E. Emerick. 11 and
.ou, a. o.i v). . 1
Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets.
'.' Cfhrlstlan. ' - -r.-' ::'
Central East Twentieth and Sal-
mrn; Rev. J. F, Gormley. 11 and 7:45:
One of the German states raises large
quantities of a certain species of tobacco
chiefly for the production of a disinfect
ant made from its rich content of nico
tine, f : ttr. , '...;.!....''' -';.,
New York, Jan. 19, Captain Edgar
Blgelow, lila wife, four-year-old daugh
ter and the four members of the crew
of the' American aonooaer Eugene Borda,
which waa atormwrecked on November
19, while carrying lumber from Nova
Scotia to Philadelphia, were brought to
port by the Red Star Una steamship
Vaderland, .which effected their thrill
ing rescue while on lta last eastward
trip. . ', - .-. ... , J v
The Vaderland took the rescued per
sona to Antwerp, and tie a brought them
W I. . . ,kla . M , ,
. The captain's wife, speaking of the
rescue at sea, said the small boat from
the Vaderland could get only .within
Z0 feet ot. the schooner, and that, from
that distance her child -was hurled
from the deck of the Borda to the
Vaderland's rescuing crew. V :
All of the schooner were suffering
from hunger -when picked up, aa the en
tire food supply had been soaked with
sea water. When the lights of the
Vaderland were sighted late at night
Captain Blgelow with difficulty found
a piece of dry material to soak with
oil so that a distress signal could be
lighted. ' The night before they had
burned distress lights made from their
underwear when a big liner, hove in
eight,, but the signals -were -not seen.
and the sufferers were left to their
misery. ., . "'. ...... ... .-: .. ..- .ww '
Out-of-season flowers can be forced
by treating them with ether. . .1
Ten years in Portland and the
largest practice in the Pacific
v ) - Northwest..
Voar eyes are your most prt:
cious ; possessions. ? No' sum of
moneys , however large, can buy
new ones, while a very small sum
expended -with us may save the
ones . you, have.
One charge covers entire cost of
examination, glasses, and frames.
Lenses exchanged and frames kept
-in repair. ' for one year without
extra cost ;-
Eyesight specialist
Second Floor Corbett Building,
- jytfth and Morrison.
Boyd Moore. U and 8;. S.:,R.10f E. I. Bible school, 30 Topics, "An Inspired
?'." i-'l" -,-1-' :'2'-" r,'; : t..t ' Book or no Scriptures," "The Divine
o WcMtotwJX yodsi Sll-.Wd J:0s Christ, or no Savior." v :vine
Exposition Rink Thursday, feb. i 8 P. El.
Danny Webster vs. Franlile Conley
Holder of worjaampion- y , ,N Of Kenosha, Wis. "
10 Rounds at 116 Pounds
Dan O'Brien vs. Chas. (Kid) Rayl -
, of Portland - ; ' ' Of Oakland ; '
: ; 10 Rounds at 133 Pounds t
Jack Tucker v: Larry Horiarily
Rose' City ::Af hleflcXlub
. ; ' . - RINGSIDE $3. ? -
Tickets on Sale at Schiller's 'Monday, January 61
S. S, 10; E. Lv-6:SQ
x ".' ' Splsoopal.' " ' .
Trinity, Nineteenth and Bverett--Rev,
A-4 A. Morrison, i tmnd 11, 7:80; & a,
Su . Matthew's. Mint and rrnrhi-
Rev. W, H. M. Breck,, Holy Communion,
7:3p! S. S:.. 10;h service and aerm'on;' 11.
wProCathedral of St Stephen, the
Martvr Thirtinh 4,rA mw x.-., it
M- Ramsay. Holy Communion, f:3o;
Drayer anil sermon. 11 nl 7-sn- Cn..u
BciMiiii, Morning,
lecture on Alaska
J, m. Locks.
..Church, of -Our
11 and 8. V
St. David'aITaat Tmlftli an
hiont,. Rev, Henry Russell Talbot. Holv
communion, 7:?0; S. S., 9:46- prsyer
ana sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:5.
oi.vAnpiewi, Portsmouth Hoi v
eucharlst and sermon, 11: prayer and
aermpn. .7:30; S. 8., 10 a. m. t i
All Saint'a Tntv-f!fll, CnUi
Rev, Roy Edgor Remington. t Service Hutchinson; foftthe Home Mission
Rev. AV. R. Powell.
First Corner ParV mrA ri,,v.i-
?e. W.F'. ReK'. llvand T:80: S. 8?
8:45. Topics, ."A Great BouL,, "The
vrn'iy or wDeaience. . . .
a Kern Park--Pitt and Mldburn: HerA,
A- BeelyTlland 7:8$; S. S., 10; a B,
w ! Rodney Avenue- Rodney and Knott;
Thomas O. pictort. 11 and 7:80; S. B.,
9:5; C. ,E., 7 p. m. Topics. "We Would
See - Jesus," "The , Fiiret and Last
Sellwood - Eleventh I snfl TTmaM1.
irninr a :m smonarH100 'VI4 :.d E- :80 .7
r. ' . . . I viauoione uev. JL. ti. JWUlKSr: S 8
Savior Woodsto. 10. 11 and 7:80. , "y. p.
Vnlted neshytertaa. v ..;?
Tha Church of the Strangers arand
ave. and Wasco i'Rev..a: JSarl Ihx Bola
for the-jdeaf fcyery -Sunday morning.
Topics. 0Iavftig iAccepted Cjirlet, Why
Join a. "Church t'l- : Evening addrn hi
v8,; slafrt'. Tsenty-first and Mnr-shall.-Rev.
J. E. H. Simpson. Holy
euchnrist 7-30 and 11; B. S.. BM3;
matins and litany. 10:15; evensong. 7:40.
Kvenlng sermon by Rev. T. F. Bowen
of. Oregon City. ....... ,
St. John's Church Multnomah and
Taylor. 11 and 7:30: S. S., 10.
Good Shepherd Graham and Van-
??r3. lev9:4iohn baron- lt atid
Urace Memorial. East Seventeenth
l'lrst Sixth and Montgomery, Rev.
ank De WittFindley. 10:80 ant 7:80
S.. 12t C. E.. 8:30.t Tonica. "Vnn, nil
yui.w iu uum ove. - vuc Father, in
Heaven. 'V 1 i '
iiura--vjim xniny-seventh and' Clay:
Rev. J..L.I Acheson.' ll.and -7-.1A n o
ia : i . .-'.-.
ana ,vv piaier ev. ueorse B. Van Wat-
S. S., 10,
United fcva&rauoal.
First East . Hlltpnth nr.A tAfci..
Rev. BV A Deck, il and '7:80; S. a"
ters. Prayer and 'sermon. 11:
10. , .
Oclcley Green day
Ascension Chapel-PortUni Height.' tIous
St. Paul Vniwlmir. .U.. t (. ... lt RWMd.', 'f,-i-.' J--'
Poling, 11 and 7S0. ' 7T'.'
St. John's J tvanhoe and John. Rv.
sythe: 11 a. m.i s. s.. o-is
- Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel,' Good
Samaritan hospital. Rmv, William R,
Powell, chaplain. Holy communion,
7 a.-, m.; ward services, 3; prayer: arid
sermon. 7:15 p. m. .. . . . A
Mary's Pro-Cathedral,
SvanrellCal -AssontnMnna. ''.'
First - Gferman---Tehth 'f and Clay,
Bens, 10:46 antfl 7:46i SaS 9:80: i.
I V. 111.,
fM-rmntiK 'hr i?ar
and-Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, 0. a lord's aupixr it both servieos. - - '
LOW mass, 8, 8 and S. High mass and . First English East Sixth and Mar-
sermon, Vespers, instruction and ket, F. B. Culver. llna 7:30; X. P. A-
benediction, 7:45- , . 6:30; S. S., .10. -. ., -
Memorial East IMghteenth and Tib
betts. Morrl Heverllng. 11 and 8;.S. &
" , 't A . S
St. JoseDh's (Germant. Tflft.nK
Couch -Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. - O
Low -mass, 8. , High mass and sermon.
St, Francis, East Eleventh and Oak-Rev-.
J. - I-L Black. . Low niasa . a.n
and 9:30. High mass wnd scrtiwn. 10-SB
Vesperi, Instruction
- St.' Lawrences', Third and Sherman
Rev. J. C Hughes. Low mans. , 7 and
8:80. - High -mass and sermon, 10:30.
Vespers and benedlotlon, 7:30. -
Ascension, Montavllla, ! Rv. 'r-J, p
FHspatrlck. Mass aVid sermon, In
chapel of Sisters; of the Precious Blood.
- St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savier
Rev. K. P. Murphy. Low mass, .- High
mass and sermon. ! 0:30. v.nri ani
benediction. 8:3a, - . '-., . . "
w.1?," -!MicheC" , Italian),.- Fourth and
Mlll-T-Jesult Fathers. maa a
High mass and sermon. 10:80. Vespers
and benediction, .7:80. . . : ; . . .
St. Stephen's. FtrtV.aflj.nn anA ' TT-o
j ayior iwy, w.- A. want.
Tree Methodist.
First churchEast . Ninth ' anl Mm
ahd benediction; Payid M Cathey, 11 and 7 30; 8. B..10;
l 1. r. M.. 6:30. - - . '
. bocond church East Flanders ha.
tween Fiftv-thlrJ Sr.!.r'
Streets. Rev. Wflbur JJ. - Ontfl it
Bnr,..7i3C;T,8; av10: cla" mating" :S0,
, Olive Branch M u.inn Jft....
anP?ny' R"-,L Knowle- UPwtntendent.
St Johns 11 and 7:86.
. . Vnltarlan. .
i Church nf ftnr TToth -r.i.iit .
Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T.
J5',.1- "'Minister emeritus. 11
and 7:46; Y. P. F.. ; s. S.. 8:46: adult'
class. 18:16. Tonics -Rw Thi. tr ji !
...r. V. ir.M. V.'.' .W -,. 1"." ..jiuj-
."'"h. a? end -seTrnolT 10 sr-- weth vs. Attels ." 0'nm"i
and Stanton Rev. W. A. foaly. - Low
mnss, 8. 8 and 9. High mass and ser
mon, 10:30. - Vespers and benediction,
and Other
-' . , ; .-' ; i .: r ' fVf . ' " .- . --.
,'. Victor
Sixth and Morrison,
Opposite Postoffice
You .Can't Buy
" Holy Rosary. East 'Third and Union -Very
Rev. A-S. Lawler. - Low mass. .
Church of tit flood Tidlna Rf.
way and East Twenty-fourth; Rev, J.
D. Corby, 10.48' 8. 8., 12.' Topica "Why
Young People. Come to t Portland and
the Religion They Need., , tinn mass end sermon.
tn.n ' . .... ... . . . ... .pijrria uu(7 neneoiciion. f;au. '
torv Roble. O. S. B. Low mass. Hih . ' ; v TtMW Ohnren.
mass and sermon. 10:3O -V.intri n. i Snnnvslde. Main nnd Wast - Thtrtv.
benedictloa 7:30. v. I ftft-h. Llndley A. Wells. 11 and 7:8ft:
Holy Cross, Unlv-rSItr Prk Rev. S. Blbln school. . 10: C. E.. S-aa . h
P. Thillman, C & C. Low hi ass. 8:80. 1 Lents. Center street. Myra B. Smith.
An Inferior Stein way
Whether you pay $575
or $2500 for a Stein way
Piano the, 'quality of the
inside of the Instrument
Is one and the same
Enbrrriously wealthy people purchase Steinway Pianos because money can buy
'no other that can equal them. They have them elaborately cased in rare woods
'with fine art decorations, and pay Uhe cost however great, v But the in
struments themselves are not a whit different .rinsidemusicallyfronf those
of their modest neighbors' costing $575. ' . , v - , , ,
' ' r .:: .','.,::.,.-v' ;" - - ..... . -, . --" t '--.i,--;..::;-v ;,. v.-r.,---r: -r
.You' can own a Steinway as good as the best. There is no such thing as an
inferior Steinway. If you do not care- for an. expensive case you can have
all that is in any Steinway brilliancy, delicacy of touch, exquisite voicing,
unlimited durability, for $575." ; .
Vertegrand (ebony) $575 Alinlature Grand $850
;., f, 1 j'Z"f"--"Vi I'l'iiUml i i i m J y .
; j-. t :
Let us show yojT some styles 6f Steinways, I: 'i(
- i ' '' , '
Notice In a few days' we shall be able to announce the arrival of anew in-vstrumcnt-
the- Steinway. Pianola.
. , Sherman, Clay. & Co. are the exclusive Pacific Coast representatives of the
'Steinway Pianos : " - - ' .