The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 29, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Cottage Grove Citizens , Begin
Raising of Funds to
, . , Carry Out Plans.
. , ' ''(ftixcUl Dispatch to Tbs loaroiLI
Cottag ' Grove, Or., Jan. IS. There
gathered In th Armory Thursday night
the largest assemblage-of citlsen tha
haa assembled within the' paat six
montha, to discuss plana by which Na
mlth county will become, a reality at
the next regular eleotlon, In November
of thla year,,-. , . ' -''..:'".
The meeting- Mi called to. order by
It. Thompson, chairman of the. pro
-. mnllnn rienartment of the Commercial
club, who Introduced Honorable Robert
M. Veatch, who la chairman of the Nee
mlth county . committee. Judge John
Medley apoke on "Flnanolal Beneftta
Derived- From Small Counties." He
how what percentage of taxable area
' would be taken from Lane and Douglas
counties by the proposed count"of les
mlth, also the per cent of valuation
taken from, the two counties. It waa
shown, that Lane county la larger than
four countlea . In the weatern part, of
Oregon, and haa a larrer aaaeaaed valu
tlon than three of the weatern Oregon
counties. i i
J. T. Bpray apoke on "Subscription to
the County Fund aa an Investment
J. O. Allen apoke upon the "Creation
of Nesmlth County From the Rural Dis
tricts' View.".-Mr. Allen la well known
- throughout Lane and Douglas countlea.
After an address given on "Methods
to Pursue tn the Campaign." by Honor
able O. ML Kem. chairman Veatch made
a few suggestions to show that two
mors members were - needed by the
county ' commute to assist la solicit'
Ing funda The names of T. C Wheeler
and A. L Van eke - were appointed.
Charles Burkholder, A. L. Venake, T. C
wneeier ana John F. Spray were ap
pointed as a special soliciting commit
tee.,, . jK?" t -
H. O. Thompson moved "That It be
the sense of this meeting that a fund of
t 5000 be raised, with which to carry op
tne-campaiga" This motion was oar
rled unanimously,
Beavwrton, Or, Jan. Washington
County Pomona Lodge, P. of H-, met at
Beaverton ' grange No.- It 4, Thursday
with 150 Grangers In attendance.. Re
ports were read from nine other granges,
and representatives -were present from
11 granges In the county. The eues
, tlon of good roads was discussed, the
sentiment generally favoring the John
son road bill, i
In the evening the fifth degree was
conferred upon a class of 14. Following
the degree work a short drama was pre
sented by members of Beaverton grange
No. 824, entitled "That Rascal Pat." and
more than ordinary ability displayed.
tioeirriea iteusser soia xo to. a. jgk
strom through C IX Fry, It iaore In
section tl two and a half miles south
" of town. -yesterday. . -
Q. , M. McDowell, claim agent Oregon
Eleetrio- railway, was a visitor Thurs
day. ., .... ,'.-.
" William Gasket! sold three lots In
.block 8, Steel's addition to Beaverton,
o Goetfrled Reuseer today. C H. Fay
; Sheriff Hancock of Hilleboro was in
town Thursday on official business.
The Southern Pacific's cutoff Is fin
Jtshed, 'so far as steel laying Is con
corned, Work on the bridge has been
Abandoned temporarily on account of
high water. : ..-.-.
A modern barber shop? .'. with baths,
will be Installed In the new Moras build
tng as soon as fixtures arrive.'.
Floyd Llneberger returned to : his
linma In Missouri yesterday. Upon re
ceipt of a telegram, announcing - the
severe Illness of his mother. -Shepherd
. & Son are looking for
suitable location In' Beaverton for
sash, door and general wood . working
.factory, up to aate machinery has been
purchased and Is en route. . i
- A. H. Spraner attended the Retail
Grocers' convention at -, Eugene this
Joseph Grayvold of Port i Townsend,
Wash., Is In town. He wants a building
tor a steam laundry. .
The Ladles' Aid soolety of the Congr.
gatlonal church will give a Valentine
social in Grange hall February, 1L -
- Miss Alio Clement, who has been
confined to her home for the past two
Minn. A ' . n Aittm a TAtt ,
-Verslty .next'-weelt';?-;''::" ."i '..-'.
S Mrs. Fisher and daughter Ma are vis,
king Mrs. Cody. Mrs. Fisher's daughter.
at Aberdeen, wash., this week. ,
;. Th Oregon Eiectrio railway has a
gan of men putting In a pew house
ana team iracg ai Beaverton, . xne aepot
her will soon be enlarged. A new wait
ing room,, xrelghtbous and warehouse
will b built. . 'istf v ::' ;i
'K Mr Henry Watts Is quite UL . '
. Mrs. Jack Richardson Is convalescing.
j. ... -,i ..- m- i i ..- ..-:.
y Baptist.
First White Temple, Twelfth and
Taylor, Revf J. Whitcomb Brousher. V.
U. 10. . ''One Aooord" nraver meetln
ssrvlces. 10:30 and 7:80: Illble school 12
Y. P. U.. . Farewell sermons by Dr.
Brpugher. subjects, ''A Worthy Life,1
"iiires ideal."
Second Kevvnth ant ' Rust Ankenvt
Rev. II. 8. Black. 11 and 7:t0: Bible
School. IS: B. Y. P. V.. 8:30.
. Central Kast Twentieth and Ankeny
iw:au and T;:80; 8. 8., 12; x. P. v.. :;
setmons by Rev. J. 8. Wallace of Wo
Mlnnvllle. ...
Arleta 11 and 7:t0: S. S.; :45: . B
Y. P. U, t:J0. Sermons by F. XL Smith
state X. M. C. A. secretary.
Highland AlberU and SUth. Rer.
A Leonard, pastor.- 11 and- t:0; B.
P. U.. S:S0; B. S.. 10. ' ' '
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
D. W. Thurston, pastor, tl and t:t0: S.
a , A . v n TT a. DA .. Tnmla "Th.
c. ' aw, r. jt ,.,v, .
Christian " "-The Burial of Jesus " ;
raivarv Ktir Kirhtn ana uranc kit,
J. N. Monroe. 11 and T.0; S. S., ll B.
T. p. ir. sua
Immanuel Mead and Second, Rev, A,
B. Mlnaker, 10:30 and 7;J0: B. &, 12
B. -Y . P. U., I:t0. Topics, "A planted
Life." "Three Kinds of Fools."
Grace Montavllla: Rev.- Albert EL
Patch. 11 and t:i6; B. a, 10; X. 'P.
University Park-& .. 10. 11 and
7:t0;B. X. P. U., 7. : ' '
1 Sunnysid (German) FofTy-first and
Hawthorn; Rev. c Feiameth. ii; i. o.
St. Johns (German) Rev. Karl Feld
meth. a 8., ;46: services, 11 and 7:80
V d r it ' ....".....,
St. Johns Rev. C JL Owen. 11:0
and 7:10: B. 8.. 10: B. T. P. U. :I0,
Chines Mission 161 Vs , Oak street.
First' German Fourth ' and, Mill
Rev. 3. Kraft 11 and 7:80: 8. 0.. t:45
Second German Morris street ana
Rodney avenue; tlev. F. Buermaon. 11
and 7:10: 8. S t:4t.
East Forty-fifth street comer East
Main: Kev. A. . a. waits,' ii ana :v
B. P Y. n :4S. TodIcs. "Pur an
Praotloal Religion." "Castles in Tour
Heart." . 1
Lents a. 8. io: u ana t:io: b. i. p.
U 6:80. , - .
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett)
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 ana t:iu.
Swedish Hovt and Fifteenth; Kev.
Erick Scherstrom. 10:44 and 7:45;
S. 8., It; B. T.-P. U.. :. . : .
Tabernaola East Forty-rirst ana hoi
gate; Kev. F. E. Dark. 11 ana i:u;
. 8., :45. '
Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R.
Schwedler, 11 and 7:10; 8. S., 10.
Railroad Offices at fakima.
' - North TaWma, Wash.. Jan. tt. Th
Taklma Valley Transportation company
today purchased a full block of land In
the southwestern part of the city, and
Just adjoining the business -section,
Upon which- It will erect a substation
car barns and general of floes for , the
entire) system of th valley, :
Preabytoriaa. ;-; j.
First Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil
liam Hiram Foulkea, 10:80 and 7:10; 8.
a, 12:10; C K., 6:10. Morning taddresa
h VrmA R. Smith. International T. M.
C. A.; on "Proflf and Loss." Evening
sermon by- the pastor on "The Tenth
unahir.aat' Twalfth and Powell:
ev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:8; b. io;
e. e:. 6:to. . .
n nrv .fcisventn ana uir. nnv.
Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:10 and 7:46;
Bible school, noon. Topics, "The One
Sufficient Sacrifice," "What Is a Chris
tian T"
Fourth First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald
Mackensie. 10:30 and 7:30. 8. 8 It; C.
E-. 0:80. Topics,-"The Message of
Christ to an Age of Science," ''God's
rch for Men."
fawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30.
V.A. a a t. r TT Tnnln. '"Th
Fullhlment of Propheoy.'; ?Th Crusade
of Youth." . -
Forbes eeuwooa - ana aanientvein;
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:10; a 8,
: -j. ic, a:u.
Piedmont ' Cleveland and Jarrett:
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:10; S. a.
12:16. . L
Chinese 145H First, 7:45; 8. 8-645.
Westminster East Tenth and weld-
lerr Rev. Henry Marcolte, ' 10:10 and
7:10: S. S.. It: T. P. S. C. E 6:10..
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. a W. Hays, 11, 4;
B. S., 10. A 7:10 service In the Finnish
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty
man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8;
a a, 10.
Spokane : Avenue East Seventeenth
and Spokane; Rev. V. A. Thompson, 11
and 7:80; 8. 6., 10; C. E., 6:10.
Third East Thirteenth - and Pine;
Rev. William Parsons, 10:80 and 7:46;
a 8., 12. Tonics, "Necessity for the
New Birth" "The Last Appeal of God's
Word." v
Hope Montavllla, East Seventy
eighth street. Rev. Henry L. Nave.
S. 8.. 10: 11 and-f :80. .
Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; a a
1 3 ; Y P 7.
Mlliard Avenue Rev. John A. Town-
send; services, 10; a 8 11:15.
Anabel Rev. John A. TOwnsend. Berv.
Ices, 11:20 and 7:45; S. S.. 10:16.
Trinity Dakota ptreet, Kev. a. kod
lneon.T7:45 p. m.: C. X. 6:45; S. S.. 11.
Vernon Wygant and East - Nine
teenth: Rev. George W. Anns. 11 and 1;
a. H., :4; ui.
Sujfcstiyc Questions on tkc Sunday ' . '
Scnool Lesson ty Rev. . Dr. T. S. LJnscott
Sunday school teachers and others Interested are invited t
riv their views aa to in worta
particularly If they consider tham of value In their work.)
Ministers. Euodav
write The Journal brfefl)
The International Newspaper Bible 6tudy club Is for th purpose of pro
moting In an unfettered way among th tnaasex a wider atudv of the Bible.
tha haaal trntha rt r-hrtattantt v an I tha tirnlilnma whli-h cntar IntO Vr
man'a life. It Is composed of all those who Join a local cluV, and take up. the
simple courae herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. . AU wno navs
not joined are warmly Invited to do so and to compete for the prlsea
Persons may Join the club at any time during the year, but must,
courae. answer the 1 nutations hereinafter explained, to quslify for to
prises, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. - .
This paper haa secured the right to publish -the International BundaV
School Lesson questions by RV. Dr. Llnsrott, which hav aroused so much
Interest elsewhere, aad they will appear weekly in both th Saturday and
Sunday issues of The Journal. One of these questions each week is t be
answered lu writing and upon tfcese answer th prizes are to bs awarded.
',v .- : . OomdtUoM f t tWnUst. --..-,''... J-
I. Each eonUetant, or his or nsr tamiiy. uns Ob a nbwnti s this
rpr, tn order to qualify for memberahlp in the International Newspaper Bible
tudr club and this local club. ' ,
' t. Each contestant in this local club must answer each of the written ques
tions .for (2 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14. and th answers
must all be In the possession . of this paper vl thla tw weeks of the olos
of this period. '- ' t r '.
t. Each question answered separately, and the paper written on
one side only. No anawer must exceed 300 worda In length and mav be tesa
Each anawer must have 4he nam and address of lb writer at the bottom
of the anawer. , ...-- 5
- 4. The answers must be -delivered to this office, and they will be collated
at the close of the contest snd forwarded to headquarters for Indrpendent
amlnatlon by competent examlnera The prises will then be. awarded se
conding to th hlgheat nnmber of marks, won by members of Th International
Newspaper. Blbl Study, . .r' . y. " : " -
.Tn lrlsa. ,..
- first Series A gold medal to each of th first five contestants. '
s Second Series A silver medal to each of th next five contestant a
' ThJ.rd Series A Teacher's Bible, price 6.I0. to each of the next flv con
testa nta , ..
Fourth Serl Th book "Th Heart of .Christianity," prlc tit. , to ach
of Bb next It contestants. '
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of th winner nd
for what it is awarded and In like manner each Bible and book will b in
scribed. .... ' .
all ivttA ma m ft h V . w iAmmm aA m aV , V. .
" " w i,w .lit, auu ftm-ww . v v. . ft nana, v , 1 1 " vwu.wn
gardleaa of tha degree of their education,, aa th papers ara not valued f rom
an educational or literary standpoint, but from tbe point of view of lb
Coaener' of thalr Miniiad ldnaa.
(Copyright, 1I0. by Rev. T. a Linscott,
D. D.) . ,- ' ' - :
januarj 30, 1910,
Soma Laws of the . KingdomMatt
8-17-26, 18-48.
Golden Text Be y therefore perfect
even as your father which Is in heaven
Is perfecj, Matt 6:48.. .
verses 17-10 In what sense did Jesus
fulfill "that law and th prophets?"
How many persons can yout recall,
from the scriptures or otherwise, who
did the perfect will of God. other than
JesusT ' .:' ' .
There are thoaa who tesnh that It la
impossible for any mad to keep all the
eommandments of God, what reason Is
there to suppose that these are among
the number whom Jesus cans, "tne least
in the kingdom of heaven 7"
What was the "righteousness of ths
scribes and PhariseesT" ' " . i
What are the reasons which lead us
to believe that all God's commandments
are reasonable, and keepable by all
Christians, and that those who do not
keep them are verily culpable?
Verses 21. 22 Recall the prominent
outward sins, and then say If any, or
all of them, can bo committed. In God's
sight without the culminating 'or out
ward aot being committed T
Why la a man, who out of an angry
revengeful heart calls his brother a fooL
and would like to consign .him to the
worst of suffering, in danger of suffer
ing himself that to which lie would con
sign another T '
Verses 23-26 Why cannot a man tru
ly worship God. or enjoy the love and
favor- of God, while hatha bitterness
In his heart to another?
According to ths teaching of Jesus,
what Is our duty toward a person who
'Ministers, Hunaay school teachers
writ ine journal urieuy tneir views
particularly if they consider them of value In thstr work.)
Is angry with us, either with or without
Just cause? .
Verses 38-41 Are these precepts to
be taken literally, and If not then what
do they meant
See Ex. 21:24-15, Lev. 24:20, Duet II:
21, .and say If these laws are la-har-
mony with the teaching of JesufT
Are these precepts of Jesus given as
rules of conduct of as underlying prin
ciples, and what Is the difference tn the
two Ideas? - -
... Can you mention supposed cases.
where It would be wise to literally carry
out these precepts of Jesus, and other
cases where It would violate th spirit
or Jesus' teaching to do sot . r .
What motives would compel a child
of God to literally carry out thae pre
cepts of Jeaus, when, and as often as
th4ioly spirit should indicate? ,
Verse 42 What attitude should the
Christian always take in th matter of
giving or loaning money to those , In
need ?
Verses 48-44 What are th advant
ages of Jpvlng our enemies, and th dis
advantages of hating them?
What does it imply, practically, to
love our enemies, and it is possible of
perfomance by every Christian?
Vers 46 Why does God treat the
evil as well as he does the good, In the
matter of sunshine and rain, and the
similar common blessings of life?
Verses 46-47 Which gets the greater
good out of life and why, the generous
and forgiving, or the harsh and those
that render evil for evil?
(This question must be anawered In
writing by members of the club.)
Lesson for Sunday,-February 6, 1110.
Almsgiving and prayer. Matt 6:1-16.
sod others interested are invited to
to the worth of these "questions,
S., :45. Topics, "Enjoyment" "Moral
Muscle, Who Ha Mor of It a Man or
... lt, , , '
m vvuiunnf v
Laurelwood Rev. William IL Meyer,
pnator. S. 8., 10:0.0; worahlp, 11:00;
Christian Endeavor, 6:46; preaching.
7: SO. Topics, "Christ and His Work?'
"Th Difference Christ Makes." , v,
Sunnysid East Taylor' and East
Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J, Btaub; 11 and
7:30; 8. 8.. 10: C. E.. 6:30. Topics,
"Ths Tonic of the Spiritual Life,"- "The
Man Who Is Worse- Than a Failure."
J St Johns-Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
8; a a. io.
University Park Haven and Dawaon,
11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; C. E.. :S0. Sermon
by Rev., Mr. Oakley of Oregon City.
. HaNsalo Street East Seventh . and
Hassalo. Rey. George EL Paddack, 11
and 7:45; 8. 8., 10. ' ' .
Highland East Sixth and Prescott,
Rev. E. a Bollinger, 11 and 7:20; S. 8.,
10; Y. P. a C. K.. 6:10. Topics. "The
Tallest Man in Allah's. Kingdom,'' "The
Most Serious Boomerang,"
First -. German East Seventh -nd
Stanton, Rev. John H. llopp; 10:80 and
7:30: 8. 6 t:15; C, E., 6:10.
Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue.
Rev. Guy L. Dick. 11 and 7:t0: S. 8..
9:46; C. E., 6:t0. Morning sermon by
Rev. Frank H. Adams. Evening topic,
From Manger to Throne."
St James English West Park' and
Jpfferson: J. Allen Leas. 11 and. 7:45;
8. 8., 10; L. h.i 7 p. m. Topics, "A Bum
mer In th Country." "A Busy Day."
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. 11 and t; S. 8.. :4(
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:45; 8.
8., t:10.
Betama Iranian 640 union avenue in.
Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; T. P.
8. M.. . foplos. "When the Fields
Come to Jesus," "What Made Paul a
Little Foolish r
United Norweslan 45 N. Fourteenth:
Detmar Larsen, 11 and 7:lt: a 8.. :46.
Zion a German Chapman and Sal
mon; H. H. Koppelmann, 10:16, 7:45; 8.
S. t:15. 1
St Paul s German East Twelfth snd
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:10 and
7:30; 3. S., :80.
Trinitv uerman c Missouri synoa)-
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach.
9:16: a 8.. 10: 7:80.
St John a Peninsula avenue and
KllDattlck: 1 D. tn.
Swedish Aua-uetana Rodnev and
Stanton: Rev. H. EL Sandstedt 10:45
and 7.:45; 8. 8., 9:t0.
"Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
rtjlsstn; . Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and I;
S. s.. if; x. P., o:so.
J51im Chapel Michigan avenue and
SjQdnnpr. Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; a B.,
inimanuel German Corner 16th ad
LeO -(Sellwood). H. C Ebellfig. 10:30;
'3. S.. 9:10.
Grace English (Missouri Synod)
Kerby and Fargo, Rev, Carl Hassold, 10
and 7:80; 8. S.. 10:10.
.'. "
trnlted Brethren In durst.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison.
Rev. Russell 6. Showers. 11 and 7:30; 6.
S., 10; C. E., 6:80. Topic. "Commun
ion Hervicea," "The t-to-Date Chris
tian." Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev, Os
car A. Martin. 11. and 7:10; a a, 10;
C. E., 6:80.
Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C
P. Blanchard, 11; B. S.. 10.
Alberta Eaat Twenty-seventh and
Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerlck, 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 10.
Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets.
Rev. H, O.- Shaffer; S. S., 11; C. E.,
6:10; sermon, 7:30.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. u., io:so anai:so; a. o., ia:io; l,
6:30. Topics. "A Man's Man." "The
filorv of a Man." ;
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John
H. Cudlipp. D. D.. 10:3v and 7:80; 8.
11:16:. Jefferson 8treet mission, 8:80: EL
L.. 6:30. Morning sermon by Dr. Hol-
Ungshead. Evening address by pastor
on workln ror wires.
Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth ana
Davis. Rev. H. P Nelson, 11 and 8: S. S.,
10.. Special services all day. S. S., 9;
lov feast 10; communion, 11, with ser
mon by . District. Superintendent Joseph
Olsen of Seattle: Y. P. R.. 7: grand re
union, 8.
Bunnysiae East jam nil l anu Tnirty
flfth: W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:30; S. S..
O.CA. W T. A.AK l TaaIm 'Th. tlAlw
Spirit in His Temple," evangelistic serv
ices in the evening assisted by Rev. L.
C. Hamilton. '
St John Rev. F. N. Bandefur: 11
and 8: E. U. 7: S. 8. 10.
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savior.
Rev. Charles T.' McPherson: 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 9:45; E. JU. 6:80.- Topics.
"In the Secret of His Presence": even
ing address by EvB. Lockhart
Chinese Mission Chan Sin Kalt 11
and 7:80. - ;
Centenary East Ninth and Pine:
Clarence True Wilson, D. D.. 10:80 and
7:30r B. LJt:t0: S. s., 12:15. Topics.
JNegieotea uoctrines ana Our Loss of
Power"; evening, "Th Redemption," by
the choir.
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith. 11 and 7:30; E. L., 6:30; S. 8.,
10. Bormons by Kev, uuy pneips, evan
a-nllat Rallv a 8.
Laurelwood Rev, R." E. Myers; 11
and 7:30: S- S.. 10: E. L., 6:80.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street . Rev. C L. Hamilton, .19:10 and
7:80; 8. S.r 12: E. L., 6:30.
Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver
avenue and Skldmore streets; Rev. C.
J. Larsen. Sunday school at 12 m.
Japanese Mission 121 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 9:39 nd
8'30 S.. S., 8:30.
' Swedish Bor'thwick and Beach. Rev.
John- Ovall. 11 and 8; S. S.. 10; E. L., 7.
Topics, "The Providence of God," "Sal
vation." First German Fifteenth and Hoyt;
G. A Waaaa; 11 and 7:80.
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Rev. E. E. Hertaler, 11 and 8; 8. S.. 9:46;
EL L.. 7:80.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Rev. Lester C Poor. 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L., 2:80: E. L., 6:.t0.
Th Cllnton-Kellv Memorial ThTKy
ninth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon
Jones: a S., 9:41: 11 and 8; E. L., 7.
Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
streets. Rev. -Harold Oberg; 11 and 8;
a S-r-Ojlass meeting, 18: E. K, 7:15.
Wfi0dlawn"-3WHliam J. Douglas; 11
and 7:80: S. 8.. 10; EL L., 6:80.
Unlverstty Park Dawson and Flske,
Rev.- W. R. Jeffry, J.; 11 and 7:30.
African Zion Thirteenth and Main,
Rev. W.1 Matthews; 1 land 8: a S.. 1;
C. E., 7. "Sermons by Presiding Elder
W. W. Howard. .
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:80.-
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, Du A. Watterai 11 and 8; S. a, 10;
E. L.. 7..
Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. W.
Boyd Moor. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; EL L.,
7. V'-
Woodstock J. D. Voce: II and 7:30:
a 8, 10; B. I, 6:30.
. SSpladopai.
Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. Morrison. 8 and 1L 7:30: S. a..
St. Matthew's, First and Caruthers
ley. W. H. M. Brack,, Holy Communion,
:30; 8. S., 10; service nd sermon. 11.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen, the
martyr xnirteentn ana niav. Rav. h
ria."Kamayr Moiy communion. 7:80
prajer and sermon. 11 and 7:30: Sunday
school, 4:45. Morning, a missionary
lecture on Alaska; evening, address by
,1. .. JUOCKS.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock.
u ana a.
St David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy
communion, 7r30; S. S., 9:46; prayer
and sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:45.
St Andrew's,- Portsmouth Holi
euchaiist and sermon, 11; prayer and
sermon. 7:30; 8. 8., 10 a. m.
All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savler.
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Service
and sermon, 11; S. 8., 12:16. Sermon by
nc, vy : u. r-oweji.
St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar
shalL Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. Holy
euchartst. 7:30 and 11: B. 8.. 9:4B:
matin ana many, iu:io: evensong. 7:30.
Evening sermon by Rev. T. F. Bowen
or Oregon City.
St John's Church Multnomah and
iayior. ii ana 7:u: 8. a.. 10.
Good Shepherd Graham and Van.
couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and
7:so; s. B.. 9:46.
lirace Memorial. Eaat Seventeenth
and Weldler Rev. George B. Van. Wai
ters. Prayer and sermon. 11; 8. 6., 10.
Asoenslon Chapel Portlana- Helghta
B. a, 9:80.
Bt Paul Woodmere.- Rev. J. C. For
sythe: 11 a. m.; S. 8.. 9:45.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel, Good
Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R.
Powell, chaplain. , Holy communion,
7 a. m.; ward services, t; prayer and
sermon, 7:16 p. m.
Honors ' JAFF.R'S
Has ti world-wide reputation -for
absolute purity, high quality and de
licious flavor, attested by 52 Highest
Awards at International and Local
Expositions in Europe and America.
Established 1780 . DORCHESTER, AIAS5...
I Highest in
X I . i'rr - - rTv.. A
fl"' ate. '
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A Christie, D. D.
Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon, 11. Vespers. Instruction and
benediction, 7:46-
St Joseph's' (German), Fifteenth and
Couch Rt. Rm James Rauw, V. G.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Vespers, benediction. 1:30.
St Francis, East Eleventh and Oakf
Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. .
and 9:80. High mass und sermon, 10:80.
vesper), instruction and benediction,
" St Lawrences', .Third and Shermans
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass. 6, 7 and
8:80. High mass and sermon, 10:80.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30. .f
Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. J. p.
Fitznatrlck. Mass anil snrmnn S tn
; chnpel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St .Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savior
i Rev. E. P. Murphy, Low mass, 8., High
-mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
1 benediction. 8:30.
St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and
; Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. 8.
; High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
ana oeneuicuon. i:au.
; St. Stephen's. Flrtv-second and East
ray i or ev. w. a. want, iow mass,
8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:SA ,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
ana stanton ov. w. a. Daly. Dow
mass. . ana . man mass and aer.
mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction.
Holy Rosary, East Third and Union-
very ev. a. . L.awir, Xow mass. 6
7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon.
iu:s. veHoer ana oeneaiction. 7:30.
Sacred Heart Milwaukie Rev. Gre
gory Roble. O. a B. Low mass. 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:30. - Vesoers and
oeneaiction. y 4 v. - ,
unl.. n ir ' n ft.
IP. Thlllman. C. S. O Low mass -fl
' . High mass and sermon. 10:80. Veaonrs
and benediction. 4. . "
-. Holy .Redeemer. Portland ,and Van
couver ev. cia it. vantweii, C ss. R,
Low mass,. 8. High mass and sermon.
10:80. . Benediction. 4. :
St Andrew's. Ninth &rd Albnrta
Rev. Thomas Kieman. Low. mass,r 8.
High mass and aermon. 10 Vesper. ln
struction and benediqtlofi, .7:30. . -
St. Ignatius, Eorty-second and PowH
Valley road Rev, F. Dillon. S. J. . Low
mass. 8 and 9:30. . Mass. sermon and
benediction, 10:30. '
St Stanislaus. Maryland and Falling
Rev. C. Seroskl. Low. maa. 8. High
mass and sermon, 10.. 1 k ,
. Cnurlstlan.
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. J F. Gormley, 11 and 7:45
Bible school. 10. Topics, "An Inspired
Book or no Scriptures," "The Divine
Chr st r no Savior."
FirstCorner Park' and Columbia,
Rev. w. -jr. Beacon 11 and 7:30: s. a..
9:46. Topics, . 'A Great t3oul." "The
Glory of Obedience."
Kern Park Pitt and Midburn; Rev. A.
A. Beely, 11 and 7:36; S. S., 10; C. E..
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott;
Thomas G. Plcton, 11 and 7:30; 8. S..
9:46; C. E., 7 p. m. Topics. "We Would
See Jesus." "The First and Last
Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla.
10:30 and 7:46; C. E.. 6:30.
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright 11
and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; C E.. 7.
Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey; 8. S.,
10, 11 and 7:80.
class, 12:18. Topics, 'By This Handi
craft We Have Our Wealth " "Common
wealth vs. Atheism.".., -v -.
'', ..'v'. vniversallst
Church of the Good Tidings Broad
way and East Twenty-fourth; Rev. J.
I. Corby, 10.46; 8. H.,,12. Topics "Why
Young People Come to Portland and
th Religion They Need. . ',.
rrtsnds' tTkaroli.
Sunnysid. Main and East Thirty
fifth. Llndley A. Wells. 11 and 7:80;
Bibln school, 10; C. E.. 6:80.
Lents. Center street, Myra B. Smith,
11 and 7:30; Bible school. 10.
'. Reformed.
First German Tenth and Stark
Streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services
10:46 a. m. and 8 p. tn.; a a, 9:30 a. m.j
7 p. m.
v '
Christian Science,
First Church of Christ Scottish Rlt
Von" Morr'son and Iownsriale, 11:
5i B" 8- 12 ubJeot of leason sermon,
Xove." .
Second Woodmen's hall. East Sixth
fil'iA,der' 11 ; ' a s' "ubject of
lesson sermon, "Ijove."
VL J3. Chnrcb South.
" Union avenue and Multnomah street
Rev & H, Mowr, 11 and 7:80: a a. 10;
E. L., 6:80 Tonics, "The Human Ex
perience," "The Betrayal of Christ."
- Miscellaneous.
Church of the Brethren (Dunkards)
Borthwick and KUllngsworth ave. Rev.
Oeorae C. Carl. 11 and 7:30: K a i.
C.-W..-:30. , ,
Church of New Thought Selling.
Hlrseh halt Henry Victor Morgan,
5 p. m.
Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430
Burnslde.. 11. 4:30 and 8.
Intjr-Danominational City Mission
6 Fifth Street A.. Wells,
ent, t Sunday, 8 every evening in tha
Mediums' 'and Ministers' iia.litl
Auditorium building. 11. 3 and 7:48.
Latter Dav flalnta (Unrmnn.l r..
itnn ana enermnn.- j rv
presiding elder. 11 and & 10
ruiuntei-ri or AHierica XS BurnSIdS
ireei, s:su ana B:30.
Advent Christian Second, between
Ji'lIA'Dd,IilncoIn' E Wallac Bhepard.
10:30 and 7:30.
u -Hlv,,n Truth Center 201 Allsky
bulkling. Rev. Thaddcus M. Mlnard. 11;
Church of Nasarene East Seventh
and Couch. Rev. A. O. Henricks. 11 and
7:30; S. S. 9:45; Y. P. M., 6.
New Church Society (Swedenborgen)
Eleventh and Alder. Knights of Py
thlns' hall. Lay service and sermon, 11.
Vatch Tower Society (Non-Sectarian)
odd Fellows' . hall. East Sixth and
Alder; 1:30; Berlan Bible atudiea; 1:1 J
presentation of Bible truths.
Center of !ilght Thinking W. O. W.
tsmple, 128 Eleventh and Alder streets,
Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 p. m.
Reoraanlxed Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Esst Seventy
sixth and Irving. Elder Walter Bar
ker. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8 10:46,
Fellowship Circle Solllng-Hlrsch hall,
8. Dr. Davidson Buchanan of New Zea
land. First Spiritual Society 109 Second
street Conference, 2; lecture, and mes
sages, 7:45.
ftY-.w-.S- A. avnth and Taylor
streets. Fireside hour at 4. p. m.
Y. M. C. A. City association. Sixth
and, Taylor streets, H. W. Stone, gen
eral eecrelary. Meeting for men at S
o'clock. Music by Y. M, C. A. orchestra.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Ea?t-N,.nth-and Cly- Services 10:30
nd 7:46. a S 12. Y. p. M.. 6:80.
Journal want eds bring results. 1
. C, It Miles, GiKMllngl Idaho A county
seat fUht will soon be started In Lin
coln county and Gooding expects to
take away th capltaf honors from Sho
shone,; Oooding is th real logical point
for th county seat aside from the fart
that It Is the largest city In the county
and the most up-to-date cHy In southern
Idsho. . ..' '
Ken llalman, Modena, Utah Some
where on the paclfib coast there Is an
immense bed of coal equal to t"hat of
Pennsylvania, Is my belief, but it is at
a very great depth. - My principal rea
son for coming to Portland was for the
purpose of carefully examining the coun
try. I have done so and I am satis
fled tlfat there is plenty of coal. here.
Frank Stevens, Sacramento,' Cat A
municipal butcher shop and market has
been suggested by a number - of Sao
ramento people. They believe that - It
would be an effective way to fight th
beef truat Whether or not th idea
will be put into practice la not known.
I merely mention it as a suggestion for
others to ponder over.
Rains Wash Ont Koads.
IBpecUI Dtaostch' to Tbe Joarnal.) "
Bristol. Wash., Jan. 29. Thawlng
weather and , rain melting th snow
have wrought havoo with wagon road
in thla section. Th damage from run
ning water and slide Is so great on
some roads that mor work will be re
quired to make them passable than In
years past v
Good Health
Is within reach, of .nearly every
man and woman who earnestly
desires it Start'right with
Mas :
SM EvemrlMtw. la Bases 10. 1 2.3.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St jTrancis
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Flan $3.00 a day up
Ifew steel and brick structure. Furnished at
cost of 1200,000. Every comfort and con
venience. Oa carlines transferring ail over
City. Omnibus meets trims snd itesmert.
Send for Booklet with map of Saa Frsncitc
Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per
. Day and Up European Plan k .;
TTnltsd Presbyterian.
Th Church of tha Strangers Grand
ave. and Wasco, Rev. S. Earl Du Bols,
10:30 and 7:30; S. S 12. Interpretation
for th deaf every Sunday morning.
Topics, "Having Accepted Christ, Why
Join a Church?' Evening address by
Dr. Hutchinson, of the Home Mission
First Sixth and Montgomery, Rev.
Frank De Witt Flndley, 10:30 and 7:30;
S. S., 1J; C. E., :30. Topics. "Your Ke
spone to God's Love." " Our Father In
Third East Thirty-seventh and Clayi
Rev. J. Lt. Acneson, it ana 7:30, a. 3.,
United EvaugellcaL
First - East Sixteenth and Poplar.
Rev. H. A. Deck, 11 and 7:10; & 8..
Ocklev Green Gay and Willamette.
Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:30; S. S
10: C. E.. 8:30. TodIcs, "Righteousness:
Its Reward."
Second Fargo and Kerby. Rev. C. C
Poling. 11 and 7:30.
St John's Ivanhoe and John. Rev.
C. P. Yates. E. S., 10.
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
350 ROOMS. , 104 SUITES.
With Private Baths 1
Svangalloal Associations.
First German Tenth and Clav. F.
Bens. 10:45 and 7:45; S. S., 9:80; T. P.
D. m.; sermons by Rev. T. SchanerJ
Lord's supper at both services.
First English uast Sixth and Mar
ket, F- B. Culver, 11 ana 7:30; Y. P. A,
6:80; B. 8., 10.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib,
betts. Morris Heverling, 11 and s; a a
10. , ,
In the heart of the business and shopping district Th
moat modern and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest.
Local and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms
with private bath, en sul'e and single. Sample room.
Elegant cafe. .. ;. -
Musio dally during ranch, dinner and aits th thea
tre, by the famous Itarke Orohestra.
Bus meet au trains. - mm si ana np.
T. 3. Xicnardson. Fr, i. a. wi TTa id, aeo-y
Tree Methodist.
First church East Ninth and Mill.
David M. Cathey. 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10;
Y. P. M., 8:80. ' '
Socond church East Flan-flers. be
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
and 7:80; S. S 10; class nistlng, :30.
Olive Branch MissionSecond and
Ankeny. R. H. Knowles, superintendent,
8 p. m.
St Johns 11 and 7:80.
First Madison and '. Park. '. Rev.
' LuUier K. Dyott U" and V.ih: S.
Church of Our Father Yamhill and
Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.;.Revr T.
L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus, 11
and 7:46; Y. P. F., 6:30; S. S., 8:45; adult
A healthy man Is a king in his own
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Accidents will happen, but the best
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Portland's Newest and Most Hotel
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European Plan -r C""
Modern fsijiiX VSfef?
Headquarters for
Tourists and Com
marolal Travelers.
Special rates made
to families snd
single gentlemen.
The management
will be pleased at
all times to show
rooms and give
prices. e A modern
Turkish bath es
tablishment in tat
hotel : ;
B. O. Bowers, Mgr.
Bronchial Troches
A baoluflP!r : fuumlca rtmtdy lot Sore Throat,
Konatncei tad Coughx. Give hnmcdists rtXUi to..
rVoochiai n Lune AffacUoos. .. .
Fifty ycara potatoo. t '
Prfca; nt, 60 nt and $1.00 pet Vas,
Ssmplt tn on rquot.
JOHN I. PROWN fc SOW, rWwn. Ww . '
' 'i laaan f ii - m i ii aajaam n'i
Only Roof Garden
American- Bat to Paalli
and European Out Bus Meets All Train
Sample Suites, with Br.ths, for TraveUng Mea
m m nB
ti.C'CLs u.asj Theleadin
ff -lVtxM -JS' -
r hotel of Portland, openeil Ti.
Modern in every detai!. t'urri's!',l
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. elegance. Most beauhiul cor
Northwest.- Commodioti ?
European plan. Katei $1 .J
meets all tiaini. " vr.ii.Si
1 t
y in