THE OREGON"' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24. 1910. NEW 'BOOKS FOB THE LIBKAKY IllltUOGRAPHY. Arnold A Mother's List of Book! for Children, 1909. , ' . biography. Fulton Robert Fulton and the "Cler mont" by A. C. Sutoliffe, 1909. Lincoln Lincoln's Birthday; 4 com prehensive view of IJncoln a given In ' the most noteworthy esHitya, cre.atlona and poema, ad, by It 1L Schauffler, 1909. - Napoleon III, Emreror of Franca Lou la Napoleon and the Oeneal of tha Second Empire, by F. H. Cheatham, 1909. DESCRIPTION- AND TRAVEL. Caraon From Cairo to tha Cataraot 1909. . Hedges Story of tha Catanomba. 1901. Thomeon The Chinese, 190. FICTION. "' Garland Tha Moccaaln Ranch, story of Dtikota. s Holmes A tysteriotis Disappearance. Kelly -Tha Golden -Seaaon. Locke The", stem of tha Crimson Dahlia. , - -.. . Post Tha Title Market Sutcllffe Prlecllla of tha Good In ' tent ' - . : j . LNH ARTS, k I . Bataon The Bummer Garden of Pleasure.-1909. - , p;mbury Ona Hundred Country Houaca; Modern ' American Examplea, 1309. Harvey Matters of Frenoh Muelo. 1894. : . , T Maeon turheatral In at rum en ta and What They VO, 1909. Moore Old Pewter, Braaa, Copper and JJheffteld Plata, 1905. Silberrand & Lyall Dutch Bulba and Oardena, i09, - HISTORY. . Haddeley The Russian Conquest of tha Caucasus. 190g. '-.'- LANGUAGE. ' ' HIgley Exercises In Greek Compost tlon. 1897. v , pearaon Greek ' Proas Composition. -1897. , . Wright and Wright Old English Grammar. 190.' . ,.. LITERATtma. ' ' Davidson Fleet Street and Other Poems. 1909. Heslod Poems and Fragments; edited and translated by A. V. Hair. 1908. Wherton Artemis to Actaaon, and Other Verse, 1909. y.angwlll The Welting pot; drama la four acta. 1800. r . PHILOSOPHY. JtniM A plurallnlio Ijnlveree, I'araone Clioowtng a Vocation. RELIGION. Kail Christ and tha Eaatern. 1909. BCIENCli American aasoclatlon for tha advance ment of eclnnoa. Fifty years of Dar winism; modern aapeota of evolution. 1909. Ball Short Account of tha History of Mathematira. Edition 4. 1908. Raffety Introduction to the Sclenoe of Kadlo-Actlvlty. 1909. Saleeby -Parenthood and Race Culture; an outline of eugenics. 1909. Smith Our Insect Frlenda and'' En imlxi; tha Relation of Inaecta to Man. to Other Animals, to Ona Another and to plants. 1909. Turner i (alleys comet ioi NEW TO DAT. Boms of the greatest commercial r- ranlaatlons In the world are operative on the Pentnaula today. Mighty things are taking plaoe thousands and hundreda of thouaanda of dollars are being spent building are going up on every band. Thouaanda of men , will find employ ment In this great section they will 1908. f n Vaf thlf ntfinatf irhara fiaw It Welle Algebra for seoondary Schools, xheee facts furnlah tha reaaoo for tha nnnrm rriT I statement that Swlnton lots are worth Monroe A Text Hook In tha n la tory I a great deal mora today than when of Education. 1908. . j they were placed on tha market Lots of Thintrs Dona by American Induetriai- I oa terms. lata,. 1909. USEFUL ARTS. Farrell Dyeing and Cleaning! Practical nandbooic io KEW TODAY. Na Columbia Trust Company, Harrison Maklns: Wlraleas Outfits, 1909. Koeater Hydro-electrlo Derelopment and Engineering. 1909. Stelnmeta Theoretical Elements ' of Electrical Engineering. Ed. J, rev. 1109, BOOKS ADDED TO REFERENCE! DEPARTMENT. Breul Handy Hlbllonraphloal , Oulda to the Study of the German Language and Literature. 1895. Davlea Ghlrlandalo. 1908. Smith Financial Dictionary. XJd. L 1908. BOOKS ADDED TO CHILDREN'S t DEPARTMENT. 4 Blbla Stories tn Simple Language for Little Children. . Herbcrtson Asia. '" ' Herbertaon Central and South Amer ica. Klna; Campaigning with Crook. Korh Little Journeys to the Balkans. Unr Tales of Troy and Greece. . , Macdonald Babies Claaalca. Malory Story of Sir Galahad. . Mitchell Ventura In 1777. : Moulton Against Wind and Tide. Muller Tree Stories. . ' , Potter Tale of Tom Kitten. ' feawell Imprisoned Mldehlpman. Trowbrldgw Scarlet Tanager. ' Board of Trade bid. Must Sell f Takes thU on-hlI acre, nice and level, with new house, in citr limit! j water in house: 10 min utes walk from atreetcar; good neighborhood. lhia , property is worth double the amount asked; $475 cash, balance easy terms, if you are looking lor t good buy, get busy. LAMBERT-WHITHER' CO. 404 EAST ALDER ST. .Beautiful Ml Tabor THE FUTURE NOB HILL. OF GREATER PORTLAND FOR HOME, INVEST MENT OR SPECULATION Delightfully1 situated the Nob Hill of - Mount Tabor .EAST TAYLOR, just WEST of WEST AVE. 200 feet frontage on East Taylor by a depth of 135 FEET. Street eraded and cement walks laid close to park and restricted district. Will divide in parcels to suit buyers and give very easy payments. Title guaranteed. This is an opportunity to obtain Mount Tabor (proper) property prior to the great increase in values about to take place. For particulars. terms, etc, apply to , r J S. L.N. GILMANV 128 Second St, Bet. Washington and Alder mitTiis WANORRT-To -Mr. and Mra. Otto K. i Wnndrey, 406 Mason street, Jaauary lIKnTUCTrER To Mr. snd Mra. Ed ward IIrtocher. I'ortland hoapital, January 19. a girl. M1LHO.V To Mr. and Mra. Erneat H. Mllhon. I'ortland' hoapital, January 15, a g!rl( i IIUDSuN To Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert Iiudnon, Portland hospital, January 15, a girl. NOLAN To Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. No lan. Portland hoapital. January 4, a boy. i OLSON To Mr; and Mrs., Joa Olson, 360V4 Hawthorns avenue, January 10, a 'girl. , DHEVERT To Mr. and Mra. Harold . Drevery, 24 Eaat Sumner afreet, Janu ary 20, a boy. JBERTRAN to Mr. snd Mrs. William liertran. S Borthwluk street. Decern ber 2, a clrl. MASON To Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mason, ell Hartman. streeL January. 4. a girl. - . ' - DEATHS FOII BALE ItlSA L ESTATE lfl 13700; TERMS. Nice 4 room bungalow and home, on 4 acrne of fins rich sulL , Prood-r houae. , , . , v . , . four Incubators. . i ' , One bone cutter, chicken "Tiouaes. 100 laying hens, full blood. Good Jersey cow, Ip;bIi. , . flood well, 9 cords wood, llntine, completely furnlahcd.'' - This Is a dandy place and well .lo cated, only H mile from Lenta' bualneaa district, nar good rarllne. . BRIGHT REALTY CO., Inta, Or. Teka Mt'flcott Car. ' ron sr.r: i-.r.AL i ui.Msri'.n i c A Krortt niu n v ix'oi.i . m i of thcie fln iiKiriiiiikK ' li r. .! ft bur iiporiiinli . thrown away. TCrtlay tUnietfd Pm k I mi m i . i Ity aiymig opfMirtiltll I r. li i liinnt, wun aim., iit .ji'lit n ward for tha dlai-orning .m 'I' It will be gone. oln.M.i.l 1-nrU i' m prlc than tinmedUtti in property much' lcr Mini llm proveniPiita are Im JuuY.i Jn iho luu . pru e. too. , . CUUIMOIA T1U f-T COM PAN V, ' I'oer'l of Trnn lll.t:.' mum LISTED a WoMerSel :S 7 PLACE, ME WITHOUT A SUPERIOR I Use Every Scientific System to CURE FOREVER the y Most Stubborn Oses of DISEASES OF MEN and MUST ' - ; Say My. 20 YEARS' Experience Has Been Most Sat- ; CALL Fact That I Have the Largest Practice DON'T TODAY , . in Portland in My Specialty. - DELAY NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE - , i - ' PAID UNTIL BENEFITED '"r .""' :r ranonnnTun. ' S lVty Fees During the Above Period Will Be Half of . , ;That Charged by Other Specialists. -? TWO WAYS To makiKmoner. ona war is to work for srery dollar vou can jpt; tha other niltVimn i, Is to put every dollar youiret to work " l1? 0"fM,0SF1' for you. If you have 110 to put flown KwJSS Sn?"!" mnA ik mnnK A 1 if reward ror tne and 6 per month to pay on a lot, pot It to work. Take tha next Roae City car at Third and Tamhlll, sro to our of fice at end f line. You will not heal tat to buy In such a. beautiful raDid home building dlitrlct. ' Good Invest ment. Oood home buy. ' lIHVSTHENTCO.oli 4750 lrir '18 room house, Vl cnoice corner, ouxvu, on Tne I west side. . uooa view, . ; S500O 4 room modern house, walk inar aiaianca. . f 11 'VP'1 1 "e- " 1 v'liy A irreat many yiennla will wake up ona of these fine morninga to the reallna- non or a nig opportunity, loat money iinvwn swbt. Today OLM8TED PARK la an oppor opportunitiea a real ln- re, -awirt pront aa a discerning onea to morrow it will be a-one. OLMSTED PARK la lower, In price man immeaiaicjy aurrounamy property much lower and the Imprnvertients are included in tne purcnaae price, too. Columbia Trust Company - Hoard of Trado bldg. ' ; rues TOVB Fire Insurance WITH, M. E. THOMPSON CO, I M0wm X m aa w asaaw a vm w aiuajua. vui a C1S.BOO-F1no Income rronertr. . In ?. .9" "-t ?rir. BIOS'. Pnonea Una for big- lncreaae. One of ' . A-riii. wa nava money .10 ha rmt Miva nn thai wm mA I ''" --w mrvm arw v 'w ni nv Stun ' 4H porba side. WKATHEK BETOnV NervousDiseases Do yovi feel that yea are not the man you ones were? Do you. feel tired In tha morning- and easily exhausted! Ia you baok lameT la your memory falllnt' Co have difficulty tn concentrating 'yonr thoughts? ' Do ' you notice a loas of ambition? If you suffer from any or all of 4he above symp toms you certainly do not desire To remain ao. wnai you want la to be mad strong and? vigorous men- I tally, as nature Intended. I Z Ours It tn SO ao CO BayaT4- ttulck results, lasting . , cures. ; : AM FOR ' MEN, , Blood Diseases may be althef hereditary " or contracted. : Tha form ; ar eaueee acsema,- rheui ' metlam; , pains, ato. The latter begins with a small fitmple, followed' by aores n tha mouth and throat. ''which- hare the -appear ance of white patchea, 1 apots or t sora 'ow tha body, facv or scalp, falP -1ng hair and ' eyebrows, and later on other terrible ' symptoms such as paraly sis or - locomotor ataxia, cancerous growths,, de cayed bonaa and flesh. .. X Overoome St In SO ZHiya Symptoms dlsappea In '1 to wseka. , T ' No Incurable Cases Accepted ? . TARIfXWI VETJTS, TIBStTH WA5TH, PtMTbBB, HEAJOACHQI, X.A3TJC ZXDITBT OK BLUDia XJISBAJiEB AMW QUWKIiX, VAXSIaX , ' AJTO USXX.T OtrBES POKHTBB. Last year I cured many cases that had failed to ret even a little relief, though they had spent hundreds of dollars. I solicit particularly thos who have failed elsewhere, . and who are anxious to be made manly and vlForoua. no matter how long you have suffered. I will cure any oaaa of NEURESTHENIA or BLOOD POI8ON tn the- world or will not ask a alngle penny for my aervloea. With my methoda failure la lmposaiblelf I accept tha case., .. .l:,.?"' : i- -'-'S'"''' 'v ;.v:.;" '. J Free Museum for Education of Men It u well worth yooi while even tho ush you do sot need a Xootor to rlslt t - our wonderful rBSB eshlWt. I SO HOf VATCK XTV. ' II Z.BXAaHOSa BT SXCXTJBXOIT. ' - Z CXTKJQ rVElTIl II HO HZSXAJCXS HaSE, CaQ to ses me if possible Write for Qnertlon list if you .eaaaot., oaU. ,,y,r;;-'ViaiBiCfflia raoac tt-so 10 a coubsb, v . -- The Oregon Medfcal Insllfute XCOTTB3I '8 A. 1VT. to B F. t BtnTDAYH, 10 A. M. o U elook. - M' E :.V! ' . '...1 . . M K storm of decided character is cen tral over Brltlah Columbia: warnlnKa for this disturbance were displayed yes terday tiiornln at 7:80 a. m. at all sta tions except Marehflcld. and they were sent to Marshfleld at 6:S0 last night The disturbance has caused general rains on the Pacific slope aa far south is an Francisco, wun tuna tempera tures in Orepon, '.Washington. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. The loi THAT ADR Up A " WRD. I lowing maximum wind velocities have rtKC VVCArv, llCK" been reported: North Head, 38 miles, VOUS AND. RUN DOWN rKS &T& mucce, miles southwest, and Reno, SO miles southwest. The. reports from Tatoosh Island and Eureka are missing. A hlirh pressure area overlies the Mis sissippi valley and fair weather prevails generally throughout the eastern states. ThO--Indications are for occasional rain, in this district tonight and Tues day, with cooler weather tonight. The rain win turn o snow in inn nignianas east of tne Cascade mountains Tuesday. Storm warnings are continued Von tha coast for moderately high southwesterly winaa. , Temp. TOROLER In this city. January 24 at her late residence. . 231 Sacramento streot, Carolina Torcler. a red 65 yaara, 9 months and I days, funeral no Hue hereafter. 1 . ' , , CORBETT-Francls Corbett, Forty-third ana nar road, , January . zi, aga j; scarlet fever. AVERT Rowana Avery, Good Samari tan hoapital, January tl, age 7; embolua. , - ' . , riSK Marlon risk, 0 North Twenty- aecona aireet, January zi, aga n; no MAX M. KMITH. florlet. 100 Itb at., op- . plte Meier A Frank's MalnTZia. FUNEJtAXi NOTICES- avrtkasaBlaasMaBBaAiaJaaassajBasMsisassasa M'CARRON At tha fnmlly residence, Ul East Twenty-ninth street north Owen MoCorron. ase 64 years. Funeral services will be held at Pt. Francis church, Eleventh and East Oak streuta, Tuesday. January 26. 9:tQ a. tn. Frlenda reapeciiuuv mviiea 10 ancna. 'inier- ment St. Mary s cemetery, FUNERAL DIKECTOns -cucr-jyiycs vu. irt, both phones: lady "easletant. - Moat modern eatahllehnient in city. ' Dunning & McEnteeUnM3ner.n every detail, ' 7th and Fine. Main 430, A'-455. Lady aewlatant. T PDPH The east side undertaker. Lady eaalatsnt., B-liSS; Kaa TI. 4:0 Fast Alder. ' ; T D Clnlotr 9. Cnn Thlid and Madiaosi Lady attendant. Main 9: A-1899. - ErTCSON UNDERTAKING iCXX.. Main S118,A-I23i: lady seat " ROKB CITY CEMETERT. Phones C-IU4 and A-4441, EA8T tllJE funeral directors, succesa- ore to F. B. Dunnlne.lne. K. 61. B-rsz EDWARD IiOLMAN. undertaker. tit fd at. Lady.aaalatantr Main 07. SWINTON.. Some of tha nreatest commercial Or ganizations In tha world are operating on the Peninsula today. Mighty things are taxing place thouaanda of dollars ara belmr apent bulldlnga are going up on every hand. Thouxanda of nitn will find emplovment In tills great mo tlnn. They will Invent their money where they earn It. These facta fur- Hwinton lota are worth a great deal WHITJVOOD court lot, wonderful vi.-.v more today than when they were both Vlvers, all monntaltm.' Holm-, placed, on tha market Lots on easy 401 Oreyonlan tUly. Main (743. terms. '' 1 ' i--t --t- , COLUMBIA TRUST CO, ; , . . , V ACIIEACE 07 Hoarq or Trane niog. ' 100x100, N. E. corner, 1 block from car: high, slshtly. fine: (650. terms. Strictly modern f room bungalow, new, rirepiace. elegantly Ttnianea; own er forced to sell. 31(0 buys, terms like rent, 1660 cash. , 4 room cottage and barn; lot 100x100, corner, fenced, fine garden, near car and school; , lot worth, tha price, only 9978, terms. " . . . , P. V. FINE, ... - ' W.-W. car. !ellwood $77. ' ' liouae and 8 lota In o'nl I tlon kn Oregon City. Price t;". 1100 caah, balance $10 j-r month. , 11. E. UtXiDWAIili, , Box 45, liver Ihmknf Orr-K";! . City, Oregon City, Oregon. I rpnnnrp nnamnrra nnn v r 11 r r v FACTORY OH WAREIIOUSB . '" BITE. -175 ft on Macadam road. With Tracaage; facea a 1 from center tory or warehouse property. Very reasonable terms. Owner. L-385, Journal. '' 7 sorts with good house, bai n chlckenhouae, etc.; - all modr"n; fine stream and spring, 3 aerci good beaverdam land; only I') minutes' walk ' to carllne; giaibvl Schools; etc. Price I3BO0; terms. WILLIAM SMITH, Box 4S. Over Hnk of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon. on juacnuBm ruiiu, wun ; rear of property' also street; only 2V4 miles , ter of city. . Choice fac- . ' liXCIIAXGE REAL ESTATE '1 A GOOD lot to exchange for a youn team weighing at least 14U0 lbl rani. WE handle city property improved and unimproved), farm tarxls, fruit lands, buslnesa chahcea and high class Invest ments .... If wlahlna to dlnooae of. or to our- chase. anything In our line, we would ba pleaeed to aaalat jfou Jn anjrjway poa- alble. '-" "BEE ' MB NOW. MT PARTNER'S w - H1THY." HOLT RE.VL ESTATE INVEST MENT CO., t0 Rothchlld bldg. Main USt. One. third Interest In a nlanlnz mill, doing good biiliieei. to exchange for a nice home. , lrlce 1000. ,. ig he per month, to exchange for lots or acre age up to 100, balance of $700 at J"j ) per montn. . . Lot 4. block IS. Irvlhston. V c',i balance easy terms, or will exchange for equity In home. Price $1600. BUSINESS CARDS PACIFIC Title A Truat Co., tha leading abstractora. Z04-5-f-T railing mag. WTTHOCT abstract you can ; never know exact conditioner title. Tine certificates, based thereon by competent a t torney. W. 8. Ward. 810 Alfsky, bldg. ABSTRACTS of title. - D. Alexander ab stract office. 41 corbett nidg. aiaia 8. CERTIFICATES of title made by tha Title A Trust company.. 1 wnamoer of Commerce.- LAWYERS Abstract Ss Trust Co.,. room Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts a specialty. W, R.-1IA1ZLIP Ca Inc), abslactOrs. First class work. 127-8 corbett bldg. Come to' Me and be Cured Pay WhenF . ' " fk Cure Yout FN.T 9 9 J. . J o o PAY WHEN CURED Z make a deflnlta proposal to wait for my fee until you ara aatlafled that your curs is somplete. This, of course. Indicates that I have unlimited confidence In my ability, but I Want you to have other and better; reasdna for choosing ma aa your physiotan. .1 want you. to consider ' my vast ' experience and my wnnequaled success as a apeclallst , For mora than 26 years I have been curing eases Just . like youra and have built tip a practice that -' la by far tha largest of Its kind west of Chi cago. Every method of treatment I employ Is original and marks a distinct advance In med-. - leal science Surely, considering all these things,- 3-0 n' will not remain ' undecided as to what' physician can serve you best, v? TkMCITI TATIAW.- CDDD ; ' .:;', ' v 'Tha leading Specialist MT HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS TOtT NOTHING. ' ' I ; cheerfully give you tha very best opinion, guided by years of successful .practice. Men out of town, in trouble, write if you cannot call, as many" cases yield readily to proper; home treatment and cure. If-you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart My offices ara open - all. day from a. m. to t p. m., and Sunday from -10 to 1. - . Thef DR. TAYLOR; Co. r".j-v;;v ti -ss ,;;v: B34H mosbisov btbeet- CORNE.R "SECOND AND ' MORRISON STREETS, mm FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE Id $18 A MONTH HOUSE. Ready to move Into; X good tots: you can get It for your own at tha price of $10- a month. Order the transfer man H to move you right in. Call at Greg ory's off ics in Gregory Heights. Take Rosa City car on id and Yamhill, get off at and of carllne. - Office on prop erty. ' Beautiful Irvinffton Home New. modern 8 room house, lot 50 100. house exceptionally well built hardwood floors, 2, fireplaces, pass nnntry with cooling' closets, built-in china closet and buffet, paneled dining j room, beam ceilings, kitchen Ilnianed in white enamel, cement basement, wash trays, all street Improvements In, select neighborhood; price $6000; $1000 cash, balance terms to suit Owner, J-397, journal. , T " ' LOTS . , . . . " , 60x100 ' ' $450 and Up . 10 per cent down. 10 .minutes from Grand ava. 1 block to carllne. Cement silewalk now- being laid. Graded streets. Bull Run water. ' . BRlfBAKER & PENEDICT, toa McKa Bldg., 3d and Stark. 4 room - modern line to exchange $1780. ..' V, s house on Mt. Scott for- acreage. Prh or ear ma aa you gat tha benefit Of THE DOCTOR my treatment. ' THAT CURES. T1TE TOB A OITBB Is lower than any specialist In the city, half that othera Buffalo, N. Y. ., cnarge you, - ana no sxorpiuuii cusrge cnlcago. 111. ' '.'.'! s. .; Mat. Atlanta, Ga.. . . . , . .38 Baker City. Or.,. ...44 Blaine, Wash... .,. . Eft 1 Boise. Idaho 4 A Boston, Hhb. ., 44 ...39 tor medicines. . - - Cincinnati. Ohio.... .48 I am an expert specialist have had Denver, Colo.,.. ,.,.62 80 years' practice in tha treatment of Detroit Mich.'..-. . . , .34 diseases of men. My offices are the Flagstaff, Aria fi8 beat equipped in Portluid.AMy metaods Oalveaton, Texas.... 88 and modern and up to date. My curea Havre, Mont........ 44 ar quick and positive. . I do not treat Helena, Mont .....44 aymtom and patch up, I, thoroughly Jacksonville. Fla....6fl xamlne each o. find -the p cause, re- KalispeU, Mont ,42 tnova it.and thus cure tha disease. r Kansas City. Mo.-.. . .63 " X CTTM Varloosa- alns, Contraotad MjfWji.' " " .5 EX-ftf.' a AngeleV CaL:::? ton and all T .oasaa of aaan.; . . , - , MarQuet'tSi, , Mich.... .28 S FX CI AX, DISEASES Iffawly contract- Marahf leld, Or.. ..... 6 4 ed and chronic cases cured. All burning, Miles City, Mont... 4 R ttohing" and. inflammation stopped in iti New Orleans. La.. ,,88 hours. V( Cures effected In 'seveiv .days. ,; New York. N. Y....40 " JraniMnn MiTM North Head, Wash... 6 8 ,. . . MSBXOATW CBATOV. No. Yaklmal Wash.. 40 insures every man a "felon cur, "with- Omaha, Neb. .. . . . , .34 out taking medicine Into tha atomach. Philadelphia Pa .. .43 M FN Visit Dr. Lindsay's private Mu- Pittsburg, Pa.; 38 aeum of Anatomy and know thy- Portland, Or.... B3 self In health and diaeaae. Admission Roseburg. Or. . . . . 54 free. Examination and consultation free. Sacramento,-Cal..... 8 2 If unable to call, write for list of quee-1st. Louis, Mo.. ...... 44 tlons. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 flays, m a m, to I p. m. on q tn. sun- DR. LINDSAY 188- SXOOITD bt.,- COB.' OT AIiDZtX, POBxiwAirz. os. Invalids ComcFrom Every Quarter to bee This Wonderful Man St Paul, Minn.., ...28 ' Salt Lake. 'Utah.... -.88 San Francisco. Cal.,80 S. Ste. Marie, Mich.. , 28 Seattle, Wash.. . , , . . 68 Siskiyou, Or. .44 Spokane,. Wash..;... 48 Valdes, Alaska .... 24 Walla Walla, Wash. .80 Washington, D. C..i42 Yellowatotee Park. ..43 P. M. report of prwfte71ng day. Mln. 33 88 44 38 ' 80 28 28 28 84 28 28 84 48 84 28 ' 38 . 44 48 '20 8 28 r.2 33 88 42 ' 34 18 32 82 47 88 48 28 4 $4 44 20 48 30 42 ', 48 34 84 Precl. !oi - .88 .08 .00 v .03 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 . .01 ,00 ...00 .00 .18 .00 .04 .00 .00 T. '.00 .00 .02 .00 .00 1.22 .28 .oa .00 .00 .48 '.38 -.20 .00 .00 .00 .78 .01 .88 .24 .23 .00 .18 : .00 .10 .EE-ALAfUBIEDA PMK---- Adjoining Irvlugion, high ground with mountains in view; all city improve ments on homesltes; carllne; easy terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, - j 9V9 rnrett Vildw . BEAUTIFUL home; 6 room,, modern bungalow; cement basement, -furnace, fireplace, beamed celling in living room, dining room and den; paneled dining room: book easesuffet; four coat en ameled bath and kitchen. . Terms. V-8R1, Journal. 1 '', , Bargain Jfilx room house, modern, alectrlo lights, fine lot. half block from car: must ba sold at once, $2000, -terms. See owner. Laurel wood Market, Mt Scott car. Bunalow.Snap : H block to 'Hawthorne ava. on good street, on slope of Mt. Tabor, new, 5 rooms, paneled, dining room, large Dutch kitchen, full basement cement floor, laundry trays, full attic; surely ft snap at $2850; $500 cash. Portland Realty & Construction Co. B9. ' Phone Marshall 648. 903-3 Lewis bldg. . ' HAWTHORNE LINE Close-in home on choice comer, among nice new homes; stylish designed - house of six tinted rooms, Mils, full basement con crete foundation, gas .. and gaa - range. enameled bath, sink, patent toilet in separate toilet room, hot water heater, electric lighted, nice lawn and room for another building; worth $2800. Goes this week for $23BO $850 down. Port land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. 1,000,000 feet yellow-pine timber. f miles from Canyon City, Grant couniy. to exenange ror a 1 passenger auto. Price $2500 , ROOM 418. OREGONIAN BLDG., ' . ; , Main 7064. VOU have property ' for sale or yoTi . would not be interested In this col umn. Our fall business has been ex cellent and we have not enough prop erty on our lists now to meet the df-ma,-1 of oar buyers. Liberal advertis ing and hustle spells success In selling.- If you want to sell, all we ai"k for is a reasonable trial. All we chares Is regular commission.- No sale, n charge and no extras. Con.s It) and talk it over. West. side property nun ally turned in 80 days. If price is right. ' UMAriH & HKKU1W... V $33 Chamher'of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE. Fv? residence In good location In Portland," up to I4i00i owners onlv: 21 acres on electric line neat high school, church and small town. 10 miles from Portland In Clarke county. Washington; cultivated and undejr fence; aluo X0 acres in north parrbf Clarke county near. boat landing; 6 acres cleared, small house, barn and orchard; one million feet saw timber. 40 acres easv cleared: $8600 for both.: time: owner. W- cars Journal, Vancouver. Wash. : WE have clients waiting for farms and city property. If-you have anythltiK to sell or trade, list It with ua for quick sale. . ,. ' .. . . '' Phone East 42S5 520 Union ave 1 N. $2100 House and lot, 100x100: also gro cery stock, bargain. Look this up right away. - . Ftnniritlow. f rooms, modern: lot BOx 100, all Improvements in and paid; good opportunity. Mercnania--1 rusi oiag.. suite 813. ' FIVE room cottage and good barn. $14, at 1220 E. lBtn JN.: lot nuxiuu ensy terma. 87 Grand ave. Phones fcaat 2872. B-2434. . , . ... . BIEETINO NOTICES 41 It Is tha unprecedented succesa of this wonderful man durinr bis Ions' atav in moat distant places. - . I , w. a.., kos city camp 6466, meets HARMONY LODGE NO. 13, A. F. & A. M. Special com munication this 1 (Monday) evening at T o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitors aro corcuany invited. 1 W. M. DB LIN. Secretary, FOR SALE 5 room cottage, furnished. at North Beacn. between ea view ana Long Beach; lot 60x100; rents for $100 per season. Frtca aiuuu casn. Journal. ' ' . " " 1 ' L NEW, strictly modern 6 room house, large rooms; Dutch kitchen;, warmly builti fine. view city and, mountains; on good carllne; easy terms; 20 minutes out; by owner. Sellwood 818. "UN A SPECIALTY - The well known Dr. S. X. V CHAW, with their. Chinese rt'medy of herbs and- roots, cure wonderfully. It has -' mired- many- sufferers when Mil other ' rmcierlleil hav failed. Sure cure for male r" ' :.Vw and female, chronic, private diseafses, . n e r vo u sn e s s ,H rt thiiu blood poison, ; rheumatism, a.vB.i ja asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, r consumption, stomach, bladder. 1 kidney ( ': and discasps 'rf all kinds. Remedies' harmless. No operation. . Honest treat - ment. Examination for ladies by MBS. S. XC CHAJT. Call or write to . . THB CHINESE KEDICIJTB CO, ' 226H' Morrison St., Between 1st and 2d Portland, Or. - - PORTLAND. OR. ' I -1 h . a" a 1 t wm - it -' 1 saw . rv Jk 11 t i - ra j : WO c Gees Wo Mondav evenlnra. Kelllnn- THrmk um. West Park' and Washington. F. J-' Partington, clerk, 228 Alisky bldg. Phona 6AMKL.IA Chapter Social club will riv a 600 Dartv this YMnnrlavt j .i..U. All Eastern Stars and friends invited! Admission 25c. By order committee. A Oregon Rose camp, meat -Frl- ve.ninga. Ausay hall. Third orriaon. .. .. t'Jf- A-t Marguerite' camp, meeta every Thursday evening In Savoy hall, Eaat Burnslde street and Grand avenue. BIAItRIAGE LICENSES TXCB OKXIfESXI POOTOB tta Itaa marf. a llf .trf rf Jl".. aat Davis 7- r. V n xid -IrT,-";.TT "'reet, -j, ana Myrtle j. Tyner. 19. $1400 for a Home Nice 4-room bungalow,, near station, at Tromont Mlljer, 418 Chamber of Commerce., ' LAWN OWNERS Why your lawn full of weeds? for 60 cents I will send you formula that will remove all such;, will not Injure clover or grass; guaranteed or refund. 738 Fern ave. 1622 & Gllaan street 6-rooni oottage; lot 60x100; some fruit trees, $1400; half cash, or terms to suit, see A. J. QANTNER. -818 Board of Trade Bldg. ' )jt0 LOAN $2000 TO $5000. 1 By private party at 6 per cent to 7 per cent interest on improved Portland real estate. Call mornings, 618. Ablng- ton Bldg. - , - $8500 . . 21ST AND GLISAN. Full lot, 11 room house, best 'apart ment district In -city, vacant lot 2 blocks out recently sold for $13,000: corneracrosa street held at $24,000; 3 apartment buildings within 1 blocks, several more built past 2 years: house in good condition; will rent for $60, 8W1 per icent on the investment Owner, Ithrop, 16 Hamilton bldg. ' 6 ROOM cottage on Portland HeigHtsr modern; price. ....... $ 8,000 7 rooms on 17th and Belmont sts., lot 60x100 ...................8 8.800 Fine 12 room house and apart ment site on east side.. $15,000 Fine 8 room modern house, Mon te villa, only I 1,800 UUUM UKKUUN1AN BLDG. . - .Main 7064. TAKE m You will find J. A. Harbke and J. T. Ennls at -.428 Henry bldg., doing buel nees undar the head of Building & In vestment Co. We build on the install- ment plan and furnlah the lots. EXCHANGE Rooming house, 33 rooms, centrally located, for house and lot. value $1700r will pay difference In cash up to $2600, ; or-- will trade for small ! rooming - house and Jake difference in cash; no use to tack up values. Addres room 40.-8064 -1st st." .WANTED Houses, vacant lots, farms. acreage and raw lands, of good vanip.- to' exchange. What have you? , Wa talk to owners only. - "- SHOEMAKER INVESTMENT CO., 5Z7 Henry Ping.. Portland, or. WANT to trade my 2 lots on Hawthorne ave.. this side of 80th. for Marshfleld. Coos Bay, cheaper lots; East Marsli fleld preferred, V-880, Journal. HiXCHANGE hi. .Interest in a paying patent one that will stand inspection, for an apartment house or hotel., 20k Merchants Trust, bldg. ' ' COOS BAY Information bureau relia bility of firms, land location and val ues free. 311 Commercial block. , CHOICE apartment house site; quar ter block: beautiful location: 2 car- lines.- Phone East 273, C-1866. IF you want to sell, ouy or trade, see Shoemaker, -V627 Henry bldg. . Main NEED the money, will sell at a bargain 4465. A-7434. mv 6 - room ' Dunsraiow. tinted walls: I WILL trade nrooerty for visible tvte- combination fixtures, paneled dining- writer, diamonds, furniture, etc. 225 room, full concrete basement, street im- 6th St.-. '-' . - - - '';- ..---' ' ii5,.EUtit." V-.rIS REAL estate for diamonds, autos or bank. -- This is close in nronerty; -682 wh.t v,.,-, 11 k c,.,..ior,. torovi T station. Sellwood car. Phona EastftFyou ant something eise tor .what 271. ask ror mo. b. i iia,-v "" "" NINE beautiful- view lots. Crystal WILL get you anything in, trade for Springs Park. Right on Hawthorne anytning you nave, s'iz xtenry pias. line.- Each-60xi24. Fine, buya, homealTItADE for anything. What have you? or investment. - Call today and aee plat They 'may -be gone tomorrow at-our prices. 212 Alisky bldg., Thlrd and Morrison, pnone Mam 2407. $250 Down 1 . New 5, room modern bungalow, extra ordinary, handsome china cloaet and plate rati; cement basement: attlo. Price $2600. " Call Sellwood 49. Two Lots a . aa - flna. rinnff-alAW tn nfna lAjtallAM . worth $3500: will sell for $3000. Write at once. j--vi, journal. 40 acres close to Vancouver; improved. Will throw in the furniture of a 14 room house close to the Oregon hotel, for anything worth $1200. Call at 4 N. 6th st. Phone A-3182.; 1 - ' THREE fine Alblna lots. These are genuine snaps. Call today, 212 Alisky bldg. Third and Morrison. Phone Main 2407 CHOICE lot near Hawthorne ave., on 45th st, at a bargain, , Apply t iz i-.Jj...XS, 2d St., near Washtoigton.- man, age nt.v Main 34731. Qil- IF YOU are going to build call on "Hill & Slavins.C We furnish plans and specifications free. Res., 389 Going at pnone c-zuoo. tlve nowers of Roots. Herbs and BArka. and is giving to the people of the North' west the benefit of hts years of re search. , , ' - - ,. ; V , f . , -- .,'-- -. '' v . Vo Marouiy or Polaona traad or Opera- It is'-'br slmnlo remedies that hs ran cure all such diseases aa Catarrh. Asth ma, Stomaoh, X.uag and ilvar Troubles, and also diseases of man end women. , A SX7SB CUBS FOB CATTCE He has obtained from Pekin, China. It la safe, sure and reliable. . '." . If vou live out of town and-r.snnnf call, 'write for, symptom blank and cir cular, inclosing cents in stamps. . COKSUXTATIOBT FBEE. . . , Open Evenings and Sundays from 19 a., m. .to t p. m. , lienry vv. Aietzsnr. ,434 Psrir i mm x- itt a. cy. r ttllBCTIiner, XV. WKUDINO carriH. W. li Mmitk r-i - Washington bldg... corner . 4th andi wmnijiRton sis. DRESS suits for rent, an sisca. Uniaua Tailoring Co.-. 80$ Stark st ' CLARKE BROS., florists; rine flowers no norai oeaigna. 3H Morrison st BIRTHS SPRINGER To Mr. and Mrs. George W. Springer, 803 Eart Twelfth street December 9, a Rlrl. ,. . GKEENWELIi To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Greenwelk January 20, a bov.- . THOMAS'. To Mr. ami., Mrs. Guy I Trinmni v WAArlmap Tamin.. r Jiy.-ToMrand Mrs. C. P. Dlx. cor J8"- t v" rwreanui mer win am and Marie streets. Janu Oregon. I ary 14, a boy. LOTS ' between Union ave. and county road. Alberta - and ' Kllllntrawortlu siuuu ana up alter ist Marcn. H-372, Journal. - , . FOR SALE 3 lots, gooo house and barn, near Corvallis, cash $900. In ttulre of W. E. Dawson, 818-12 Jeffer son. Corvnllls, Or. IRVINGTON DISTRICT.- IF you are looking for a home or in vestment in the Alberta, district or Dusinetse corners on Ktiungswortn ave call Woodlawn 829. 625 Kllllngaworth. ; choice westm6relanI) Lot: " " You can have it at your own price If you buy eoulty at. once. Owner. , p- tfot- journal. ;. . . H. F. Lee & Co.. 827 Board of Trade, WAKTEPKEAL L ESTATE 31 II HAVE $4000 and wish to tuy a stock farm; for caan: price not to exceea per ff :" not very particular aa to io catloMQIve full description. No agents. 0-389, Journal. '...' : " ' ' WANTED -1 or 2 acres good land; no gravel, near city,, with or without houses Owners only. P-385. Journal. LIST your property with A. J. GANTNER. 818 Board of Trad. ' " . exchange raise. OR "SWAP' COLUMN SI JWO first class lots, 1 block from car, ; ien v;resi para; nave got to sou my equity $200 below cost See my agent, Brown.' 411 Coucji bldg. . . - iNtfiW mouern -room . tiungaiow, ont : block from St. Johns line at Univer sity Park. $2500. Woodlawn 2052. WILL exchange A-l talking machine for carpenter work or painting. Fort- land Phonograph Agency, 3T0 Alder, PIANOLA to exchange for painung, pa perhanging or cement work. Xi-30. Journal. - - FOR SALEFARMS 17 1 30 'ACRES, $22 per acre, unsurpasaeil fruit land, best of- soli; vunoii w Hat- d acr3, excellent location, .j. a money. ; (najter, - at Journal, bte tnaker, . at I45.00U. W-383. FOR SALE, by owner; first class res- idence in Irvlngton; partc, cash - or monthly i Installments or will' trado va cant lota, rjain 6604. 609Deknm bldg. IX)T 66 feet 'square, corner 84th nd E. Madison. Call today; . it's too big a (hap to last. Alisky bldg. Third and-Morrison. 1 Phone Main. 2407. 6 ROOM cottage,,, nearly new, Maegly j water; mUe of sawmill, 2 mfli-s from junotion, a iota, iiauo;. terms, field. 165 4th st. '' IRVINGTON LOT. . Choice lot, - very ' cheap. ovo. journal. Owner.: 6 CHARMING residences, 7,to rooms; i . air -m- cnoice locations; ., every con-yeiilencer-E-273. C-1868. " ' ; , I HAVE 100 feet corner, five- blocks from Mt. Tabor car.. Must have cash. Make offer, room IQ.f 14mi First at, COOS BAY 6 lots, Graves' addition; heart of east side district; $200 each; -tt cash.' Q-883, Jonrnal. A CORNER -house. 1 block from AI - berta; . 350 below value. Owaer- C- 16S5,- -- --- -t - - -; . FIVE lota,, fine view, near car and . school. $1475. .212 Alisky blda-.. Third and Morrison.,- - 3 SOUTH MT. TABOR LOTS. 40x100; forced tesell, this week for $200 each: H cash. K-390, Journal. -FOR SALE" Cheap 6 room cottage .and .S lots. See owner at 135 6th ave. S. i.ents, or. - ( , SNAP bungalow block to sta tionl" a sightly lot; ehsv terms. See owner, 1563 Curtis ave, Wodlawn. 1373. OWNER will sell 2 lots, Mt, Scott di trlct; terms. " V-871,-Journal. room bunqalovv by MODERN. 4 -. all or half cash. ownwr: Woodlawn 2046. Dillev. Of. - - If vou want .'something good for littlo money.'caU and sea this. Curiosity seekers kindly stay away, s t OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., - 54H th at- --'-' - ' :. 18 acre .ranch; 60 acres In cultivation good springs: land' all fenced; k"" house, worth 100t, good bnrn; location. If vou are In the murkwt for a farm look thTs up, $1600; ' cash hai ance long time. .'-" : ' , -; K now rc 4 1 1. Couch ii . FOR SALE-xSinJie firm" wl tiii nTm ntes' walk of eourthou, MM!nv ille. dr. House, barn, fruit tre. t horse,'- cow, chickens and all farm im plements: a simp -If taken -at1 0.., , Price $9000. phoi Kst 3 IH'I'J 160 ACHE relln)UliiriWii 8,0ti.,0ti. i - growth -timber ,wl rivrr a railroad, ensy logging, four room ! 15 acrea eninvsil l nnn 1 : $S0i)f price $1)00 raxii. r''""f iO. li. , 1st st. - .' - . HOP YARD IS ii-ivrf, li ,. 1.-- , t ' Uoiise, liarn,-ho;i."ri-, - jr . I v on; all tools -to woi k a u.; - . from tovrih All't' l'i ' '' - Dundee, ruuta 1.