The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 23, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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k ; The Sunday Journal v
' ' Comprise .'
7 Sections 80 Pages
" i - ' ' YESIEKDAY WAS ' '?
The -weather- -Occasional rain;
Southerly. winds (, .-'
Vol. vi. no. 43. '
Government's Charges Against Packers
That directors of large packing-houses are also directors of
the National Packing company, the alleged trust company.
That subsequent to directors' meetings of the National, at
which certain action would be taken, exactly the same action, ef
fective on the same date, would be taken by the different con
cerns whose officers attended the National directorate meeting.
That while prices paid for raw meats were not materially
raised, prices to retailers were advanced materially. . ,
Thaf the reports of the packing-houses showed their dividends
and undivided profits to have increased materially and to have a
direct ratio of increase with the increase in the price of meats.
That no change in price or action affecting the market was
taken by any packinghouse whose officers were interested in the
National company Until a directors' meeting of the National was
Evidence at Hand to Prove
That National Packing Com
pany Is Subterfuge of Meat
Anti-Food Trust League Plans
to Boycott Meat Packers
Proposes Vast Organization
Include Labor Unions.
(United Preas Inwd Wire.)
Chicago, Jan. 21. Big 'tame will be
hunted in the alleged beef trust Inves
tigation by the federal grand Jury
which will convene In Chicago Monday
and the government's pack will seek
to drive .the quarry, behind the steel
. doors; of the pfcnltentiary( ,
Mere fines for the offenders. If" they
are found guilty will, not, satisfy,, the
federal authorities; they are" deter
mined to make an example of the multi-millionaires
and will make a strong
effort to land them In prison.
' Though United States District At
torney Sims was. silent concerning the
coming prosecution, the United Press
was able to obtain from other sources
Information regarding the extent of the
government's evidence, the ( manner of
Its procurement and the progress of the
government's campaign and plans for
lis future warfare against the alleged
combination. ,
Jury Meets' Monday.
On Monday the new federal grand
Jury will convene Immediately after
it Is sworn In by Judge Landis. All
cases of minor moment will be post
poned and the hearing of , evidence
against the packers will begin at once.
A year ago the government started an
investigation into the supposed acceptance-of
freight rebates by Nelson Mor
ris and company. Federal agents seised
a lot of papers In the offices of the
firm. After examining the documents
Mr. Sims retained all that related to I
railroad shipments. The exit or tne
trust-busting administration put a sud
den stop to the Morris investigation
and the grand Jury action was called
nff hv Attorney General Wlckersham.
left in the government's
possession Is now impounded in the
vaults of the court Experts carefully
sifted it for proof of tha existence of a
trust. It is claimed tnai aDunaam pr
h n,rntinn of an uniawrui comoi
nation in the form of the National
ni,ir. Mimnanv was discovered. This vu. auhmitted to the grand Jury.
Department managers or tne waiiuimi
(Br tbe "International New Htrvicr.)
Washington, Jan. 22. The depart
merit of justice Is going after the men
higher up In the beef trust. It Is
learned today that Attorney General
wlckersham has Instructed Wade Ellis
his assistant, to give his undivided at
tention to the case, and within a short
time Mr. Ellla will g to Chicago to take
up the active work of preparing the
case Tpr the arrand JriXater the at
torney general himself will get actively
into tne case. The aim Is to send of
fending trust magnates to jail, i
Taft on Guard.
President Taft is In full sympathy
with the movement and has kept close
ly Infornted at every stage of the Inves
tigation. Care has been exercised
throughout and will continue to be
not to give any immunity baths or of
fer any loopholes of escape for the
trust magnates under suspicion.
One of the reasons given by the beef
packers is that there Is a shortage in
the number of cattle on fhe ranges of
the west. While the agricultural de
partment officials declined to anticipate
(Continued on Page Sir. -
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Must Show Why They Should
Not Be Put Out of Business
Attorney General Prepar
ing Anti-Option Bill.
(By the Interntlnl New Serrlce.)
Washington, Jan. 22. Chicago brokers
and speculators In provisions are to be
called before congress at an early date
to show why the hoard of trade, as an
Institution whereby men make or loso
tlA;lr money.' should not be put out of
business. Chairman Scott of the house
committee on agriculture, announced to
day that open hearings on the pending
anti-option bills will begin February 9
and continue dally.
There are now pending three bills to
prohibit speculation, or rather, gambling
n f.-od products ana cotton, and the at
torney general is preparing: fourttr that
will set forth the views of the presi
dent The pending bills are the Scott
bill, to prohibit -the . dealing in grain
futures on margin, and was introduced
as a result or tne ratten corner
wheat; the Burleson bill, prohibiting
speculative dealing In cotton, and the
Loverlng bill, prohibiting gambling in
proslon futures.
The president s bill that Is to come
from the attorney general will Include
11 the features of the other three, and
mar bo substituted for these party
Chicago, as the central grain and pro-
nur a market. Is mosi aeepiy inter
Mrs. L Heine Baker of Spokane and
scene at a dinner party die gave
recently for 15 little orphans of
Spokane. Mrs. Baker recently vis
ited Portland.
Results of Election in Which
Chancellor Was Candidate
Will Not Be Announced Un
til Monday.
-teontlnued on Page Six.)
and other big packing .companies will
v.. nmmnfiefl to explain the meaning
of certain documents. If they cannot
do this, indictments will ha returned
and criminal prosecution of the down
or more millionaires who are managing
heads of the packing trust is sam
Beef Magnates Busy.
The beef magnates who hurried back
from New York and wasningxoa ye-
hu Ion consultation today,
J. Ogden Armour. Louis F. Swift and
Alfred R. Urion anenaeu um luccimg..
They were Informed that the govern
ment has a large number of books and
papers of the National Packing company
in Its poseeBoiuu "" "" -
otir nn-ihiK documentary evidence.
The packers "are prepared to make
again the same plea mat gave itn un
m,iinitv hath through Judge Humph
rey They will plead that, since the
government has seized their private pa
pers, It has violated ineir wukjwuvuw
rights, and by that means has given
them immunity from criminal prose
cution. ,
dummy Concern.
The alleged proof in possession of
the United States attorney is inai mo
National Packing company Is a "dum
Mmrainv. through which the beef
ti-n.t tnfleniLtea exDress their will, fix
prices, regulate output and"restrlct the
mritet. Daily meetings of the di
rectors of that .company are said to
enable the packers to propose freely
measures In restraint of trade and to
give them full opportunity to nx prices
The National Packing company was
formed shortly after the injunction of
Judge. Grosscup prohibiting tne opera
tion of .the National i Casings company,
another alleged, instrument for trust
conspiracy. The holders of the stock
are Armour & Co, Swift & Co. 'and Nel
son Morris & Co. u; - ' -
W the criminal prosecution of the
packers should fall, because , of .another
"immunity bath," the government is de
termined to procure punishment of in
dividuals in the alleged Illegal com-,
bine by asking Judge Grosscup to fine
and send them to Jail-for violating the
. (Continue on Page Six.)
(United Prena Leased Wire.)
Williamstown, Mass., Jan. 22. "When
the officer becomes wiser than the law.
the law should remove him for its own
protection." .
This was the declaration made to
night by Secretary of the Interior Bal
llnger, in a speech before the Good Gov
ernment cjub of Williams colleg?, which
was apparently an attack on Gtfford
Pinehot, who was recently removed as
chief forester of the United States.
Although not. mentioning Pinehot by
name, Secretary Ballinger's speech was
full of peppery allusions to the policies
pursued by the former forester, and his
"spirit of the law" doctrine.
This was the secretary's answer' to
the charges against his administration
of the interior department and his con
ceptlon of that branch of the govern
ment service In conserving the naturtil
resources of the country.
"It is elemental under our republican
form, of government," he said, "that
public officers govern only with the
consent of the governed. This consent
is expressed through the constitution
and the laws made in pursuance there
of, and I wish to say that the stability
of our institutions is wholly dependent
upon our firm adherence to this prin
ciple. . , .
"It Is not proper administration which
assumes the power to act simply be
cause mere is no express prohibition
In the law against the performance,
even though that act might appeal to
the executive conscience as a a-ood
thing to be done for the genral wel
fare. Such an exercise of bower is In
arbitrary disregard of affirmative law.
The founders of our government real
ised that men love power; that they
will generally exercise it when thev
can get it and abuse it, under declara
tion of lofty patriotism, to disguse the
When this seductive method of ex-.
erclsing power falls Into the hands of
clever politicians, unthinking people
flock to their standards with the 'muck
raker" and 'penny liners' as-their, press
support. .Those who do not become hys
terical over their1 tales "of -dice calamity
and calmly ask for facts, are charged
with being In league .with, or accom
plices of these imaginary : criminal
The most vicious demagogue is he who
sounds a - false alarm which arouse
prejudices that strike ' at' the founda
tlonn of our government, tlut disturb
the public mind as to. ihe necessity for
observance of the laws of the land.
Some publle officials make the mistake
of assuming they have been commanded
by a higher, authority than" the people;
that is, by their own Indispensable qual
ities of fitness to govern. .t
"The public mind very properly . be
comes concerned regarding the preser
vation and 'right use of our natural re
sources. - A-vast amount -of discussion
has been caused bsfRhts, but tlu?re has
appeared little of practical suggestion
to aid the public In a proper understand
ing of the measures required in secur
ing results.
Row. to Conserve.
"It has been easy to say that the
natural resources In ful supply, for
ests, in water power and other publld
utilities must be saved from waste,
monopoly and other abuses. The prob
lem is, as stated by the president, 'How
to save and how to utilize, how to con
serve and still develop.'
"If congress direct that the rights
of way, mines and lands shall be given
away in limited Quantities and fur
nishes no method whereby they may be
disposed or with restrictions which will
control or supervise their use, congress
alone Is responsible for the waste that
may result. .The executive cannot re
peal a law or annul It;; but must exe
cute it as It stands upon the books.
Martin Littleton Announces He
Will Apply for. Writ fori
Banker's Release Within
Tew Weeks. - -
(United PreH Leased Wire.
Carnarvon, County. Carnavon, Wales,
Jan. 22. Wild riots followed the par
llamentary elections In this borough,
the home of David IJoyd-Oeorge, the
English chancellor of the exchequer,
and leader of the Liberals.
The election occurred today, out the
result will not he announced before
Monday. H. C. Vincent was the Con
servative candidate against the chan
After the polls closed this evening
tne rioting started. The Liberals, an
gered byi the Conservatives' attacks on
the anther of the budget, attacked Con-
ervM ive mi hereVer 'found,'' wreck In g
tne conservative club and then separat
ing mio small ooaies, wnich attacked
and stoned the hoihea of alt the lead
ing Conservatives In the borough. At
least 10,000 persons were involved In
the rioting. All the police In the dis
trict had to be summoned before the
riots were quelled.
Irish Question Momentous.
The $ne big question in England now
Is: What attitude will the Irish Na
tionalists assume in the next parlia
ment? The probability made almost a cer
tainty by today's voting that they will
hold , the balance of power makes their
attitude the most vital thing now to
(Continued on Page Six.)
After Bitter Legal Battle Invol
ving Deschutes River Val
ley Two Lines Bury Hatche
-Issue Statement.
However, Hostilities Be Re
sumed if Harriman System
Fails to Get Right of Way.
After one of the most bitterly fought
legal battles In the history of western
rHllroart building, the Harriman and Hill
systems have finally burled their
hatchets, leaving peace to reign over
the much disputed ground of the Des
chutes river valley.
Both lines will be pushed on as rapid
ly as money and men can do It, but
each will have Its own side of the
river and relinquish all claims to pos
sesion on the opposite side.
Agreement Is remanent.
While the agreement that has been
entered Into is permanent. It is with
the provision that the Harriman line
secures, without delay to Its operations,
the right of way through the Warm
KDrlncs reservation, along the east
bank of the river for which application
was filed with the Interior department
some time ago. Without this right of
wav granted promptly the Harriman
people would be blocked from reaching
farther for Its coveted goal in central
Oregon, while the Hill forces would hold
undisputed possession of tha stretch
over which. In places, both systems at
present have paper rights.
In view of
this condition, the mutual agreement is
to ha declared null and void should the
Harriman people fall to obtain the right
of way. applied for and the battle would
be resumed a fiercely asver.
And at HI further. In consideration of
other concessions, tin? O. K. . com
pany grants the Hill subsidiary per
mission to cross lis mam uni i vemu
and follow it to a point wnere u can
.fM th Columbia river and thus make
direct connection wltn tne worm nana
road. Into Portland,
w w . 'Cotton. In charge of the legal
department' of the O. R. N. lines of
the Harriman systemi In Oregon, re
turned yesterday from the east and he
soon got into communication with John
V. Stevens, president of the Hill Des
chutes" line, more specifically known
aa the Oregon Truok Railway company.
Zisne Statement. .
' The conference lasted the better part
of the afternoon afid' at Its conclusion
the following Joint statement was is-
. . (United Preai Uurf W!m
New , York, Jan. 22. Martin W. Lit
tleton, counsel for Charles Morse, the
rormer banker, ice klne and t(.QmMr
magnate, who Is serving a 15 year sen
tence in the federal-Drison -at Atlanta
Ga.', tor misapplication of . the National
nana or isorth America, announced
within a few weeks he would apply for
wru oi naoeas corpus in an endeavor
to release the banker.
He declared this sten would be taken
as a result of a decision handud Anvm ' Portland will have an aviation eon
Dy Judge Hough in the United States lest during Rose Festival week after
circuit court, quashing the Indictment aU- Arrangements have practically been
Of F. Augustus Heinze, theMontana completed whereby Kennoth Lee-Bernard
copper king, on the ground "that the of 'New Tork' city will 'bring a group
proceedings before the grand jury ' aviators with their machines here
were illegal, Inasmuch as John P. Fern- I r-a series of contests. Portland Is
slcr, an expert, accountant and not a regarded as the ideal place for ' such a
lawyer was permitted to nrnsnnt vl. I contest by reason of Its peculiar air cur-
dence' to the jury and question wit- rents- '
nesses. . . . I The time for-the meet will undoubt-
' Leading Points at Issue. edly be during Rose Festival week, when
Littleton outlined the point th'at he thousandl of visitors will be In the city.
proposes to raise, as follows: " w,u De "e.nnai entry in a program
"I will ask the court' to consider the '";,u""'8 "UJ"e. auiumoQiie. aeroplane,
following four points:
First, whether the court-that tried
Continued on Page 8ixJ
List of Dead in Wreck of Cana
dian Pacific May Reach 75
Intense Cold Hampers
Raising of Bodies. ' ; V :
Survivors Tell of Terrible Suf
fering At Least a Score
Seriously Injured..
motor boat and foot racing, fireworks,
bnsebal), the rose festival, the rose show
Morse, composed of the udge ftnd nJ -the many smaller attractions which
eleven Jurors, was a constitutional court
within the- meaning of he constitu
tion. It being conceded that one of the
come with the festival
It Is with great satisfaction .that. this
last ' attraction has been added to he
urors was demented at the time of the """.already started for the week. It had
. . ' ' .1 neon nrnrt irai 1 v ' iH vn nn-oi a hAnAlaoa
"Second. . whether jthe . defendant was
afforded a trial by an impartial jury as
been practically 'given un as a hODeless
job by those of the, Portland people 'who
had figured on it. K. Henry Wemme,
(By the International Ntws garrke)
Washington, Jan. 22. It - leaked out
today that Speaker Cannon came, near
precipitating a riot, at 'the dinner last
night tendered 'by Chairman ; "William
McKlnley of the Republican congres
sional campaign committee to hm, asso
ciates on the committee. 'At the 'same
time Speaker Cannon made ' a ' positive
assertion that he would return to the
next congress as a member If the voters'
of his district should elect him. And
he gave no .assurances that he would
not be a candidate for speaker should
the country; return a Republican ma
jority., The congressmen at the dinner
gained the Impression that Speaker Can
non would be a candidate to succeed
himself ' as speaker' and there is gloom
in. the Republican camp. ' .
, The trouble w. s brought about by te
Continued on Page Six.)
provided in the constitution; as; the vrZ , C ,f "'ana automomie
jury was overshadowed and surrounded fIub' ,,a1, " 'a"" uPn B 'og
hv the nrlvate detectives of he nro- ,caI candidate for the manager of such
n . a contest, but he has been forced to de
nulla . . . , ...
"Third, whether or not a sentence c,,"e' "w,ns 10 lne lacl lnnt lne ut-
whlch is five years In excess of the
statutory terms Is a void sentence upon
which the defendant can be confined,
"Fourth, whether the method by
which the Indictments were procured
Included the service before the grand
Jury of a non-professional offloial' des
ignated by the. federal government,
whose business It was to conduct the
xamlnatlon into the technical details
of the bank books, and accounts.
Cites Xelnie Case.
"In recent cases, to wit: The Heinze
mobile races will In themselves be all
Mr. Wemme cares to take care of.
Several attempts had been made by
other people Interested to start an Aero
club, but this. too. had been unsuccess
ful. Now that an outside promoter Is
to handle the attraction the Portland
people are greatly relieved.
Kenneth Lee Bernard, the promoter
who Is to have charge of the aeroplane
contests, is a personal friend of George
L. Hutchin, the manager of the Port
land Rose Festival association, as well
as an acquaintance of Ralph W. Hoyt,
president of the association. He will
promote the attraction without pay.
However, he will be given the written
promise of the association that he will
be the only promoter granted the ex
clusive right to use the Festival asso
ciation's name. He will show In Los
Angeles ahd San Francisco before reach
lng Portland. He will then tour the east
witn nig outnt.
Dernard is said to have just returned
from. Europe, where he has signed con
tracts with a large number of the prom
inent French and English aviators to
Join his troupe and tour the United
States this summer.
One hundred and sixty-three of the
finest autnmnhilftn In tht rnnntrv will
case, this practice was pursueo; ana. as h8 nIaced on exhibition In Portland to-
I understand It. the court has deter- lnorrow evening when thfi door8 of lhe
mined that the quashed .econd annuai automobile show of .the
for that reason. Naturally, as Morse Portlan,, -Automobile club will he
was tried upon three Indictments con
solldated, which .indictments were pro
cured from different grand Juries more
opened.; Owing to the, delay occasloped
by the failure of the railroads to de
liver some of the cars there will be no
than a year anu v i afternoon session Monday fand the
cult to. obtain the facts but the facts d openln will take place at 7:30
WUi De KUOWII, IUU Biwi fcinrj bio nuuivii
I will add another ground for his dis
missal, that no legal Indictment was
o'clock Monday evening,
Many obstacles have been overcome
by- the Portland Automobile club and
obtained against him, and. therefore, thL , Portiand Automoblle Dealers' asso
the court does not have jurisdiction to clitlon ,n giving the show this year.
try him. - u Owing to the fact that railroads of the
United States Attorney Wise. whoLeast have bM.n practlcalIv parRlyZed
had charge of the Morse case, when fh. naat . ,h M,,in
questioned -about Littletons statement. of CBr fop the how has been a hard
said no expert accountant or any other tftBk t Some of tne carB nave , Deen
official save the jregular representative ,h,pped by express, others secured from
of the government appeared before the mhowa and some from otner towns To
grand Jury which indicted Morse, avoid a shortage of cars the dealers
. While Helne ;nf Wi lawyers wrre nave t several thousand dollars,
much pleased with Judge Hough de- . t
clsion quashing the rndlctment chac!" . 7 . Z . T' .
violate of the federal banking act I Jf. " """L :?f"l'!!.n
, eral hundred of them are expected In
town' by the opening of the show Mon
day evening, many of them having al
ready reserved rooms at the hotels.
The decorating of the big exhibition
rooms and the placing of the cars in
them, is taking up alt' of today and to
night. The cars for the ballrooms on
the second fioor were placed Saturday
afternoon, a big electric motor hauling
mem up ine stairs ana into their places.
This took all of yesterday afternoon and
last night. Eighteen cars were hauled
up. - -
Last night the decorations around the
big room were ablaxe with light, and
tne winamiu ana waterfall were In od
eratlon. The scenic painting done by
William Grabach is one of the attractive
leaturea or tne decorations. '
Orders are that all machines that can
possiDiy be Placed la their exhibition
places toaay must be placed before
noon. Accordingly, the .dealer care
planning on having a big forca of men
at work on their respective exhibits thix
morning. Yesterday afternoon at. 1:30
o'clock the big machines, many of them
'Continued on Page Six.)
(United PreH Leaied Wire.) ' !
Sudbury, Ontario, Jan. 22. Officials
of the Canadian Pactfio railroad, admit
ted late tonight that at least CO persons
were killed In the wreck of the Boston-;
Dulutli train, which went Into the Span
ish river at Weddwood, Qptarlo, at noon
Survivors of the catastrophe who
have arrived here exDress the belief that1
at least 75 persons lost their lives, Ow
ing to the circumstances surrounding
the wreck, It will be several days be
fore the full extent of the disaster will
be known.
Divers descended late thia afternoon
through the crust of Ice on the' Spanish
river into some of the submerged cars.
Hardy submarine workers could remain
In the frigid waters but a few moments.
Their uncovered hands were almost
froxen as they were hauled 'to the sur
face. Working in relays In the glare of
tne bonfires, built at either end of the
bridge, they are chopping their way into
the cars -In an effort to recover the
ghastly freight.
Wrecking crews are making-futile ef
forts to fasten chains about the cars to
hoist them from the bed of the froxen
stream. 80 fearful is the cold, and so
great Is the hardship faced by the work
era, that progress la cruelly alow.
Tour Bodies Beoorered. ?
The'dlvera have succeeded in reaching
the smoking compartment of the first.
class coach and bringing to b surface
four bodleS bf traveling men Mrh
playing cards at the time of the dlsas-
ter, iney were frosen stiff In a great
block of Ice when sent to- the- surf are.
and had scarcely moved from their play
ing positions. r i;..i,. j : .
At th scene of the wreck tonleht a
raging blicsard. la wreaklna ilta .furv
upon the gangs of wreckers who ar
working In the, teeth of a bitter and
blinding snow. , . . ?
Broken Kail Caases Wreck.
The cause of the wreck. It is de
clared, was a broken . rail. ; The train,
running down grade at the rate 'of 60
miles , an hour, approached the steel
bridge over Spanish 1 river just about:
noon. The ; train - consisted:, of an en- j
gine, combination mall and : . baggage
car, express car, second class car, col-
onlst car, first class coach, diner and
Pullman aleener. . I
Pullman Passengers Uni art.
The engine, mall and baggage and
express car passed over the bridge In
safety. The second class car struck the
broken rail and was torn loose from I
the express car. Careening aldng the
cross ties, drawing the other cars be-j
hind It, the second class car struck f
stone abutment at the river bank and
telescoped. One-half of tha car re-'
malned on the bridge, while tha other)
half plunged 40 feet through the ice 5
and sank. In the river, pulling with it
the packed colonist car, the first class;
coach and the dining car. The Pullman
car was not thrown Into the river, but
remained at the river's edge, turned on,
Its side. Tha passengers were not hut.
Practically all the passengers in-the "
half of the second class car. in the col
onist car and In the first class car, Jail
of which "Were plunged into the river,
are believed to be dead.
The diner was not completely I sub
merged and most of Its passengers es
caped. - - v .- '. ? '
Heroism of Qondnotor. , '
That portion of the second' class ear
which remained on the .bridge caught
fire and was destroyed, killing and
burning most of the passengers. , It was
the heroism of the conductor that saved
nearly ail of tha passengers In the din
ing car. He was at dinner when the
crash came. Reynolds- called to all the
diners to stand on their seats mo their
heads remained above, water, close to
the roof of the car. He then dived
out of a broken window Into the' river
and reached an opening In the Ire
through which he crawled to the top
of the dining car.
. Without tools, he worked In the froxen
river and literally tore a hole In the
rbof of the car. through which he
dragged to safety allof the diners ex
cept one. . . 1 1
For three hours one man clung by til
hands to the , transom of the coach,
breathing what little air remained nf
the roof of the car, while his bodV
remained submerged In the water.
Robert Burroughs; manager of the
Bell Telephone . company at Sault Ste,
Marie, a passenger In the Pullman ear
which did not go Into the river, aatd to
night: . . ' t .... i
When the Pullman went down that
embankment and turned over, I , was
thrown in a corner, stunned and. braised
and covered with debrla ' Atl around i
I could hear the scream of women' and
children in the burning half of -the -
ond-class car, They ware aU confumnj
by the flames." . , -,-
. -: Terribla ligata.
Burroughs declared he had tf fori
bis way through the debris in otd-r in
gat out of the car, y :
f,;""I found a-. woman on the floor lyin;
pinr.ed under the aeat," he conlii'i-(
"She tried to rise out--rould not, an s
asked mt to- look for her husbainl. 1
made her as wimfortabte ae I coudf , 1
finally found her husband A&uk :Wh
I returned 4o- tell her h "w dvl
too. Her tpine hnvlng bWn bfnkfn. '
"When rb' removing the lttpir 1
little boy wrapped In a bUrik-t . .
(t'tmiiniitd n.ViC! M,