The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Ring " t i Track
Field t diamond
I 1
Session Called for Tuesday
Barnstorming and Playing
Schedule to' Be Taken Up.
i t(?J(.9M
Y. M.C. A. Athletes of North-
- west Try for Trophies in ,
Association Tank.
Tonight the Y. M. C: A. athletes of
the northwest will bold their cham
pionship aquatlo meet la tha local
tank.' All the crack swimmers of the
northwest will compete. ' Medal will
be given to any man taking first, seo-
ottdor third place.
Pratt of Taooma will be a atrong fea
ture in the diving. Pratt was a star I
member of the Harvard college aquatic
team several years ago. Abby won sev
eral medals at The Jamestown fair.
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and Van
couver, B. C, have all sent strong!
teams. Portland has a strong team
and expects to carry off frfst place.
The Pprtland Y. M. C. A. has oue of
the best tanks on the Paclflo ioast
. Th tank la 20 hv RO f with nio-hl hlvh I'U. .. . .
power electric liahta in the bottom uieve5 eTegaiion wnicn iobi cnance lor indoor championship because of awarding of protested game to
There is considerable"" extra space
around the tank for aeats and plenty
of standing room. A large crowd Is
expected and arrangements have been
made for their accommodation. The
churches have not sent in any entries
The Couch Grammar school Is the
only school entered as yet
There Will be a 40 yard swUn and
a 180 yard - relay race for thr grammar-schools.
If any churches enter
there will be a diving contest arranged
lor them. in case the other assocta
tlons bring no relay teams, a relay race
will be run between the Juniors of the
local T. M. C A. There are two Juniors
on the regular association team and the
race will be very close. The Junior
Y. M. C A. Reading from left to right the players are: Top row Griffith, left field: Welch, right
field; Sweeney, pitcher; Shockley, third base; Bartholomew, manager. Lower row Pat Mcllale,
pitcher; Causey, first base; Pembroke, left short; Beagle, captain and .catcher; Magee, right short;
Hugh McHale, second base, and Henderson, pitcher.
relay team will be F. Gross, W. Pfaen- Jeffries ShOW and ConnOllV'
dor, H. Pfaehder and Boyle. The mct JCIIIIC4 OIIUW UIIU VUMIIUIiy
rZ'IriiVraSw? Theen1 WebsterGo Get Attention
Korty yard swim, Gross, It Pfacn- . .,.. . ,
der. Derling. Abby. H. Pratt of Ta- 0 'Brien-WhltfTian Match.
coma, J. c. Brocket t and J. . Roth
neer of Seattle.
une hundred yard swim, J. C. Roth-
neer, Boyle. Freeman, Trautman, Richie.
Auuy, h. praender, J. U. Brockett.
Two hundred and twenty yard swim,
jiucncrort, Morkurtx. Trautman, Boyle,
Abby, J. C. Brockett.
Diving, Shtdsmo, W. Pfaender, Abby,
GlddingH and H. Pratt.
The Portland association reUy team
is composed of F. Gross, If. 'Pfaender,
lerllng and Abby.
Interest of the boxing fans will now
be directed toward the Jeffries show,
which .takes place In the Exposition
rink next Friday night, and the Rose
City Athletic club's smoker, February
3 In the same arena, when Danny Web
ster, the famous Ios Angeles bantam
weight, and Frankle Connolly hook up
for a 10 round exhibition.
Tt was announced this morning that
Danny O'Brien and Ted Whitman would
be the nrellmlnary. Both boys boxed at
JOINING CLEVELANDS the 0r"oa how the otner n,ht and
mane a gooa impression on ins ians.
F. W. Bchmleder. who for thr veura They have trained together for their
has been trainer at the Multnomah Muh bouts and a keen rivalry has been evi-
r.Hlgned his position yesterday in ordor dent between the pair as to which was
to take a three- weeks' rest prepara
tory to Joining the Cleveland Ameri
can baseball team, which he will train
this year. He leaves for his home in
l,os Angeles in a 'douplo of' weeks in
tending to vfeit there a week before
fcoln? to the training camp at Alex
andria, La.
.Heek Harkneas, the Poaver pitcher
fold to the Napa, will accomoanv
Hchmieder, also visiting his parents for
a week In Los Angeles. They report
ut camp, February 28.
irnlted Pref Leaned Wlra.t
-San Francisco, Jan. 22. By the nar
row marjfin.of one up Miss Alice Hager
today defeated Miss Edith Chescbrough
In the final round of the woman's state
golf championship on the San Francisco
1 Golf and Country club links.
The match was one of the most bril
liant ever played between women golf
ers In this city. At the final hole Miss
Chesebrough sliced her drive into a
fence, two shots being necessary to
send her bsll back to the course.
the better. They will box It out at the
next smoker.
O'Brien has placed himself under the
care of Doc Cornell, who will school
hlm-for1 his future xhib!ttons in Port
land. O'Brien is a promising boy and
the same may be said of Whitman.
O'Brien will take up his training with
FrRnkle Connolly at Tracey's training
place, ,while Whitman will probably
work with Danny Webster. Danny left
Los Angeles-' last night and will arrive
here early next week
Word has been sent to the local pro-
moters that the Jeffries party will ar
rive In Portland the morning of their
show next Friday night. Already there
has been a demand for seats by fans
who want to see the big fellow in ac
tlon with Sam ' Berger, his sparring
Henry Solomon played the greatest
three cushion billiard game In his ca
reer last night at Holly's parlors, when
he defeated Jack O'Donnell, BO to 11.
He went Into the game with surprising
abandon,, which probably accounts for
the big score made at the difficult
Solomon mado a high run of seven,
the eighth shot barely missing. This
Is remarkable when It Is considered
that the high run f Fames, the pres
ent champion at the three cushion game,
has a high run of six. Karnes' best
game of CO points was made In 59
Innings, but two better than Solomon
made last night in a match game.
In addition to the run of seven he
msde two runs of four and three runs
or three points. For the first six
innings he .made 12 points. It is un
doubtedly the best record In a match
game yet made on t,he coast.
i - . it,.
Pacific Defeats Indians.
CSpwiil Dlt'pstch to Tb Journal.)
Chemawa, Or., Jan. 22. The Chema
wa Indian's were defeated, 19 to 16, in
a fast game of baskgecuall last even
ing on their ojvn floor by the Quakers
from Pacific college. Both sides pla,yed
fast ball and the game was a close one
from start to finish.
Durable Dane Plays With Op
ponent and Sticks, Out
Vulcanized Jaw.
Salem Team Beats Woodbnrn.
(Soeclal Dispatch to Tb Journal.
Salem, Or., Jan. 22. The Woodburn
Athletic club lost to the Capital Busi
ness college of this city in a game of
basketball last night by a. score of 63
to 10. Harvle May for the Business
college made 14 baskets. " Kalph He!
meke tof Wodburn was a star, scoring
ji or me iu points secured ny nis team.
New Tork, ian. 22. A sight bf Jimmy
' Cof froth, "czar" of the Pacific coast
flstlo realm, and "Silent" ChYrley Har
vey, "king" of England's fight promoters,
with their feet in a snowbank on tho
Russian frontier receVitly greeted the
eyes of Moscow's railway police, accord
ing to letters arriving here today from
Coffioth and Harvey were attempting
to enter the czar's domain, possibly,
for the purpose of signing up Moham
med Ail, recently deposed Persian shah,
whv is seeking the elusive roublo in
the St. Petersburg marts of trade.
Cof froth, however, had forgotten his
passports. So had Harvey. Falling to
;xssess a high sign in their Russian
vocabulary, Coffroth and Harvey were
ejected rrom tj-aln on the frontier
as suspicious characters.
When a rtum train headed for Ber
lin came up, the promoters were suf
fering from the first case of "cold
feet" In their lives.- They returned to
the German capital, obtained their pass
ports and departed. It is hardly prob
able that Ambassador Rockhill will take
action. . .
Prosser Team Beats Pasco.
'SiM-cinl Olnpatrh tn Tb Jonroal
Prosser, Wash., Jan. 22. The basket
ball game played at the High School
auditorium last night between the high
school teams of Prosser and Pasco re
suited in a victory for the Prosser team,
tne score being 56 to 10.
(United Pre Leased Wlre.t
Charlerol, Belgium, Jan. 22. Many
persons are believed to have been killed
and a score of missing burled under the
wreckage of a large building which col
lapsed here today. A number of injured
persons were removed from outer por
tions of the debris. The falling build
ing narrowly missed burying a pas
senger train. Workmen are attempting
to rescue the injured and missing and
to rccoVer bodies.
fDnlted Preaa Lecaad Wlra.l
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 22. "I proved
to ray own satisfaction that I still have
my punch and my eye; from now until
February 22 my energies will be bent
on conditioning myself for a real fight
with Wolgast," was Battling Nelson's
comment today upon his mill with Ed
die Lang of Chicago.
Lang lasted Into the eighth round In
his battle with the champion last night
before the Memphis Athletic club. The
Impression was general among the
spectators, however, that Nelson played
with his opponent for the first four
rounds, and that he could have put him
out any time after the third.
During the early periods. Nelson
bored In, leaving hlmsel uncovered and
laughed when the Chicago lad landed
punch after punch on his Jaw.
In the seventh round Nelson opened
up and had Lang in distress from rip
ping body blows before the gong.
The eighth spelled defeat for Lang.
After belaboring Lang's midriff with a
succession of lefts and rights, Nelson
sent a crusher to the kidneys and Lang
fell like a log. His seconds tossed the
sponge before he was counted out
Nelson stated today that he would
engage In no more fights before his
battle with Wolgast next month. His
active training, he said, will commence
within two weeks.
Ban Francisco. Jan. 22. Players of
the 8sn Francisco team of the Coast
league will have .their contracts some
time next week according to Secretary
Danny Long today. Long hopes to have
the agreements In the, mall by Monday
and predicts that all "the boys" w!ll
be satisfied with the figures denom
inated therein. ' "
"The Seals played grand baseball last
year, and rrought a barrel of money to
the grounds," said Long. "I will send
out 28 contracts, but I do not think the
number significant, as I am preparing
a tventy-fourth to break tho charm."
A tall for a meeting Thursday has
been Issued' by President Qraham, and
it Id predicted that one of the subjects
for managerial discussion will be the
inclusion or otherwise of a clause pro
hibiting players from playing "barn
storm" ball out of the. playing season.
The question hue arisen In the east
and many clubs have Incorporated a
prohibitory clause in the 1910 contracts.
Another matter for consideration will
be the playing schedule. The dates
have been pretty well whipped Into
shape, but a cleaning up Is necessary
before the season opens next March. A
plan Is under way to have the Tuesday
games, in which Oakland Is scheduled
to play at home, tranferred to San
Francisco and to give Oakland the
Thursday and Sunday morning games
of the series, all others being played
In this city.
Meantime the advance agent of the
national game, the ground keeper, la
beginning his preliminary swnrd doc
toring at Recreation park, and It is pre
dicted that the diamond and outfield
will rival a billiard table for smoothness.
Henry Solomon. Portland three
cushion billiard champion, who
made a high run of seven lant
night and gathered 50 points in
61 innings.
Walter McCredle, manager of the Port
land club, will depart tonight for San
Francisco to take In the meeting. He
will return In about a week.
(United Preaa Leaaed Wlra.)
Two couples were chosen from among
the contestants in the two-step on
roller skates being held at the Exposi
tion rink to compete in the finals of
the .contest tonight. They were Miss
Josle White and Kay Bullis and Miss
Marguerite Frlnk and Bert Staats.
The contest tonight promises to at
tract a great deal of attention. Five
couples will be on the floor, and they
are about as evenly matched In the mat
ter of grace and expertness in their
dancing as could be imagined. A beau
tiful little silver cup Is to be presented
to the lady showing the most grace in
her skating tonight.
, S
Mike ("Twin") Sullivan Is schooling
a heavyweight whom he considers prom
ising. The National Athletic club of Phila
delphia is tryln to book Battling Nel
son and Young Erne for a six round
Young Peter Jackson has a small part
In 'The Gentleman from Mississippi,"
and also acts as valet for Burr Mcin
tosh, the leading man.
a a
Bobby Dobbs, the veteran colored
boxer, Is still in the game and fighting
now and then in England and in Ire
land. a a
It Is said that "Duncky" Holmes has
given up his pet. scheme of organising a
baseball league In South Dakota, and
has signed to manage the Toledo team
In the American association.
a a
The Leland Olant colored baseball
team of Chicago la making a 9000 mile
tour of spring exhibition games
throughout the south and middle west.
Their first stop was Palm Beach. They
return about May If.
Ous Anderson, the famous Dee Moines
nlddlewMght wrestler, who meets Lddle
O'Connell in a catch-as-catch-can. match
In the Exposition rink next "uesday
night, Is expected to arrive In Port
land tomorrow. Anderson Is now oe his
way from Salt Lake, according to ad
vices received here.
That the match will b the best wit
nessed here this season, la believed by
the fans In general. Around the Mult
nomati club there has been u desire on
the part of the members to see their
poular Instructor In action more often
than heretofore. O'Connell has wrestled
only one public match this winter, the
one against tirangler Smith, whom he
defeated. He has had severad matches
out of town and the fana ha" baen
complaining about It. '
Anderson Is touted In the east to b
a whirlwind. But this can easily re
accounted . for, when he defeated, such
stars at the mat game as Ed'Adamson.
long conslderd the best middleweight In
the world; and the noted "Cuban won
der." In addition to these' he , hns
trimmed all sorts of lesser light In the
grappling world.
O'Connell was the first man to make
wrestling popular in Portland and the
game still lingers with a pleasant feel
ing In the minds of the fans.''
Injured in Train Wreck.
(United Pftaa Leaacd Wire.)
Cincinnati. Jan. 22. Six persons were
injured today in a wreck pf the Chi
cago express on the Big wFour road
near Riverside. Among the fttjured are
three trainmen, who may die- '
Special Notice
Werner Petterson Co.
Have Moved
over store formerly occupied by
them for the last three year.
Moving away from the high
rent into reasonable-rent quar
ters, we are making garments 10
per cent less than tailors paying
the high rents.
Our work to Be Compared . .
Only With. ITUI CUJS ;
It will
all men wearing,
to call at our up-
location, right above old
good clothes
bxt. xoiuusoir Airs axbxtb.
Journal want ads 11 bring results.
Alhanr Girls to Play.
(Special Diapafh to The JoarnaL)
Albany, Or., Jan. 22. Last year's
championship girls' basketball team
will begin playing again Saturday eve-
Tttng-meeting the Junction City High
schbol girls' team. The Albany lineup
will be: Dollie Bending, Clara Eckert,
Melissa and Alice Martin and Maggie
and Mae McDonald.
It looks as If Jim Flynn Is the only
boxer willing to take on Sam Langforu.
J 'saisasf Mmmm jl-ir . sM
A Rare Treat for All Tonight
WgfircaUrthio I
discharges, iaflamX J
stations, irritations or J
2 lceratlous of macoas VJ
f IVIf f membranes. Contains no
.sa I I alcohol, which Is an irritant:
WAUssasB)Qri I CZZ) fr aarcotic, which aftords '
i I Jbat temporary relief. - ' .
I fl 1 l(ifl BioGCoa
I V J I v-' Uold by druggists .
J tnit ctmicti u. j,
Latest Music, as Played at Sherry's, H. Y.
Permanent Cures
I do not care what your experience has been
with other treatments, what guarantees you
tiave had and what' promises were unfulfilled
In the past, as unsuccessful, unscientific treat
ments and unreliable concerns are In no way a
reflection upon honest, trustworthy business,
methods lived up to by me for twenty-five
years. I have an established reputation, and
my guarantee means th at my- patients are In
disputably insured of success in each case. There
is all the difference in the world between a
guarantee of this kind and thai promise of those
mushroom- concerns' which are continually fall
ing In business. I repeat my straightforward,
square proposition to wait fr my fee until the"
cure is effected.
Varicose Veins, Piles; Obstructions
Reflex Ailments, Contracted Ailments
Specific Blood Poison
"Kidney and Bladder Troubles and
-t-- AH the Ailments of Men ;
Seek Expert Aid Now Pay When Cared,
' .' '..-, . V - :i . -v.',,. .- ., .. , .
KOXTBSl 9 X K. TO 9 F. M. STODATS, 10 TO 1
,-. - . SMI, HOmWSO BTBEET. . V i' . '
- L" - ( u II II mu h u
Will mm
Tha leading Specialist A'.'.V. . '
.Jv t V'. V
. lx f
. ..VAw
V . r'-l l
leans " Good
Half the ailments, of mankind are due to stomach troubles. You can't have
good health without a healthy stomachy If you don't digest your food your
body won't get enough nourishment to repair the waste, and a breakdown in
health must follow.
The stomach is the engine of the body. It supplies the force which runs
every vital organ. This force is electric energy, and is created by the digestion
of food in-the stomach. When your stomach fails to work properly the organs
dependent upon it for power and nourishment fail. Then new complications
arise, such as kidney, liver, bowel and heart troubles.
The only way to cure these ailrnnts is to restore the stomach to a healthy
condition. You can't do that by doping it with drugs. What your stomach needs
is strength, new vitality. Drugs are poisons, and poisons don't give strength.
The only way to restore it to a healthy condition, is to restore electricity.
Electro-Vigor is the only successful appliance for infusing electricity into
the body. It docs this while you sleep. Its influence is powerful, yet soothing
and pleasant to the nerves. All night long it sends a volume of electric life
into the ailing part. It vitalizes the blood and increases the circulation. It puts
life and ginger into tired, discouraged men. ,
Electro-Vigor is a practical, scientific body battery, not an electric belt. It
makes its own power and never heedscnarging. It is curing people every
day wbom drugs have failed to benefit.
"X have been getting along
fine with your treatment, for it
has cured my stomach trouble
and the varicose veins, a condi
tion which I never hoped to
cure, are diminished and the
pains are relieved. I have been
working right along since I re
ceived, the treatment, and any
thing I can do in urging others
to use It. you may rest assured.
I am ready to recommend it.
'"Yours truly,'
"Adams. Or."
"I have never regret
ted the price I paid for
Klectro-VIgor, for It -has
completely and perma
nently cured me of
stomach trouble, and I
am thankful indeed for
this" relief. I am adjust
ing my appliance now
for rheumatism, having
been relieved of the
trouble for which I pur
chased the -appliance.
"Yours, truly.
, "Roseburg, Or."
"My principal symptoms when
I began using Electro-Vigor
were Constipation and head
aches. I am pleased to say that
after using your treatment for
six weeks my bowels are now in
normal condition and the head
aches have disappeared. I have
gained in weight and my general
health is much better and I
have been and will continue to
recommend youn Electro-Vigor
to others.
"Yours truly-,
"Nuggett, Or."
Invalids ComeFrom Every
Quarter to See This
Wonderful Man
It la th unprecedented euocess of this
wvnaexiu man during Ms long stay in
Portland that bring the aick from the
man aisianv piaoes.
c cM c
Gee jror Gee
Wo ism Wo
Call or "write for my free 100-page book
of information. This book Is written in plain
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facts for every sufferer. It ' is handsomely
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but I'll give it free and pay the postage if
you will mall me this coupon.
. Free test of Electro-Vigor If you call.
Consultation free. Office hours, 8 a. m.-to
i p. m.; Wed. and Sat. until S p. m.;' Sunday,
10 a. m. to 1 p. ro.
DR. S. A. MAlb-Ce
Please send me,' prepaid,
100-page illustrated book.
name r...: '.
your free
He has made a life study of the cura
tive powers of Roots, Herbs and Barks,
and is giving to the people of the North
west the benefit of his years of re
BTo Mercury or Poisons Tsed or O pa ra
tions oi Any sort.
It Is by simple remedies that he can
cure all such diseases as Catarrh. Asth
ma, Stomach, Xiong and Liver Troubles,
ana also diseases or men ana women.
He has obtained from Pekin, China. It
is safe, sure and reliable.
If you live out of town and cannot
can, write ror symptom manic and cir
cular, inclosing 4 cents In stamps.
Open Evenings and Sundays from 10
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The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co
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The well known Sr. 8. X.
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cure wonderfully. It haa
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fklled. Sure cure for male
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hlnnd oolson. rheumatism. "
asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouble,
consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney
and diseases of all kinds. Remedies
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ment. Examination for ladies by UBS.
S. X. CHAJT. Call or write to
226 hi Morrison- St, Between 1st and Id
.foruana, or.
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MARVEL Whirling Spray
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Id tasr arattM Mr BV
MARVE1 aouaot bo
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Each Cao-
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Mimi am yar untriM for
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Pllia In K4 and ol4 wcuUtAV
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Dr. Sanderson's Compound
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The best and only reliable
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FAitKLii j
-j 7 ? nnr mi tMii'M hair.
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M.mrt tl t i '