0 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1010; 'mmm AND GAME LftVS 71 , " i-p ' Sunday Services at tt)e jportlattd L)uvc)a.s Church at Philadelphia "Whom, How, ana wnii to near ana wnti to ik Odd . HIT BY GRANGE Raising of Salaries, Except by initiative, Objected to by Coast ForlcGrange of Cot tage Grove. -fRDecUl DlDtca to The Jaarnal Cottage Grove, Or., Jan. 21. Th Coast Fork franc has gon on record as opposed to tha present sawdust and gsme law, also opposing tha "assembly plan," which la at present attracting o much attention throughout the atate of Oregon. The direct primary law waa Indorsed, but th raining- of aalartea of any officer of Oreg-on for any caus ratn( at 3 whatever, unles by the lnlUatlve. wi also opposed upon tha ground that the officer no longr remain In tha por tion of servants, but ara becoming maa tera Instead. SeveraJ other matter will b taken care of at the next regular meeting of the. Coaat Fork grange on Saturday, Fahruarv B. Tha organisation la work ing diligently for the upbuilding- of the atate a well aa their local territory. Tha following reeolutlona were of fered: . Reeolved. That Coaat Fork grange. No. tit. la opposed to tha present saw dust and gam law aa It now atanda and believing that It ahould be re pealed, we ask all grange to take ac tion on the matter and urge that the Baptist. ' Flret White remote. Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, D. D. 10. "One Accord" prayer meeting ervlce. 10:30 and 7:80: lilble achool 12: Y. P. U.. . TodIcb. "A Life In the Win of God." "Some Trlcka of tha levu. Rev. 11. 8. Black. 11 and 7:80; Bible achool. 11: R. Y. P. U.. 0:30. Central East Twentieth and A'nkenyj 1am ar,i T- sn- u h. 11: T. P. U.. :30: sermons by Rev. Gllman Parker. Top ic. "Fellow Helper In the Trutli, "iAiinchlnc Out Into the Deep. .i.. it mA 7-HA- ft. 1:46: B. v p 1!. ssn. Sermons by Rev. Mr. nimminn and A. 1 Johnston. Highland AlberU and SUf-biRer. E A. T nnfl rrl Maxtor. II ana l.v. A - . II.. :0: B. 8.. 10. cn. Tii and Eleventh. Rev. D. W. Thurston, pastor, 11 and J-0i 8. ft lrt! Y P. V.. 6:30. Topics, "Faith, . r a It Uww. i -ln1, flamal services. i--.. i .... .... v.r vio-hth nnil ilrant. Rev. J. N . Monroe. 11 and 7.10; 8. K., 10; B. Y I. IT.. :S0. Imminurl Mead and Second, Rev. A, B. Mlnakcr. 10:80 and 7:30; B. S., 12; r v p it . :S0: churoh building dedl Evening wrmon uy Suggestive Questions on the Sunday " Scnool Lesson by Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott Ministers. Sunday school teachers and vther Interested ara invited t jnon; H. The Journal briefly their views as to tha worth of these "question, lH-,.:,v 7:30, bap- nr.a MnntavtUa: Rev. Albert K. Patch 11 and 7:30: S. 8.. 10; V. P. V.. 8:30. TTniversitv Park 8. 8.. 10. 11 and T in- n v l IT 7- aermnna bv Rev. H. F. Cheney, Bunnyside (German) Forty-first and Hawthorne; Rev. C Feiametn. ii; a. a.. 1:4S. fit Jnhna merman) Rev. C Feld meth. . S 0:45; aervlces 11 and 7:30. flr inhnaRev. C. L Owen, 11:80- and 7:80: 8. B.. 10: B. T. P. U., :80. Chinese Mission 8S1V Oak street B. a.. 7: Dreachlng, . by Rev. Fung Chak rirat German Fourth and Mill; Ttmv J Kr.it. 11 and 7:30: 8. B., :45 Second German Morrla tret and Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. 11 write ine journal brieriv (tartlcularly if they' consider them of valua In their work.) . : The International Newspaper Bible Study club la for tha purpos of pre. moiin la an unieitertra way among tn masses, a wiaor aiuav oi tna iiuia, the bssal truth of Christianity, and tha nroblem which ent.r Into averl man's fa. ' It Iw composrd of all those who join a local club, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. , All who bav not Joined are warmly Invited to du so and to compete for the prise. Persons may Join' the club at any time during th year,' but muat, of course, answer tha E2 question hereinafter explained, to (insljfy for the Dtises. and the back Questions may ba obtained bv' addrasHlna? this office. This paper ha secured the right to publish the lnVornatlonl Sunday ftehool Lesson questions by Rev. tr. Llnsfctt which havi aroused1 so much Interest elsewhere, and .they will appear warkly In both the Saturday and suncay lasues of , The Journal. -One of these questions each week Is to De answered In writing and pn the answers the prlea, are to be awarded. S Ooadiuoa. f tha atontest, .. -''.,'-.-';, 1. Kanh eAnteafati ft. nia nr n.r rimiiv jin at k. e. aafta-d'tlMV td thlt papsr, in order to qualify for membership in the Iptetnatlonal Newspaper B1UI; -.uu nup ana mis local ciuo. . i lion for 62 must all be . in tha poaaeasion of thw paper vi una period. . I. Each question must b answered separately, and tha paper written on una viae oniy. rto answer must exceed iuu woras in lengtn and mar as iesa Each anawar muat t tha nama and addraaa of ftia writer at tha bottO-B of the answer. . 4. The answer muat ba delivered to this of flea., and the will ha collated St the close of tha nnnteSt ami fnrararded fa haadnuartara fnr Indrnandant aw animation oj competent esaminera. ine crises win tnen ta awaraaa ao- corcing to tha highest number of marks, won by member of Th IntarnatlooaJ f-awspapar tiioie ntuay ciud. tm msM. Flrt Series A gold modal to cu of tb first five contestant. Second Serlea a silver medal to each of th next flv contestant Third Serlea A Teacher's 11 1 hie. nrloa IK SO ta aanh nf tha ant fiva mob. testanta Fourth Series Tha book "Tha Heart of Chrtatlantrv. nHna 11 kn tn aac "'i iivxi eo coniraiania, Grant; Rev. O, Hagoo. 11 and T:4I; S.. 12:10. , ....... Betanla DanlshTJmon and Martial Rev. 3. Scott, 11 and 8: 8. 8., 10. United Norwegian 45 K. Fourteenth; Detmar Iarsen. 11 and T:80 8. Sw. t:4. i:o. . Zlon'a German- ChaDman. ' and ' Sal ti. Koppeimana. ao:ji, t:4; b. Fellowa' halL Eat"-ijtb. and i n. Harlan lhle tudii; IJl A'irat liii iiajt-rai Dx.tii ana uin i uicbdiiwuuii w ket. F. D. Culver. 11 hna T:80j Y. P, A, Center. of night Thlnklnt--W l;80; S. 8.. 10. I temple, 123 Eleventh and Alder I Memorial Kast Eighteenth and Tib- Mra. E. Sherman Olneyj 3 p. m. ' O, W. treet. betts, Morrl Heverllng, 11 and ; 8. 8. ', V Free KethOdls. First church East Ninth and Mill. pavld M. CatJiey, 11 and 7:10; S. 8., 10; Y. P. ii.. 1:80. Second church East ' Flanrier, r ba tween Firty-thlrd ana . Fifty-fourth treet. Rey. Wilbur N. , Coffee. H and T:30; S. B.. 10; class meeting. 1:30. uiiv Branch Mission Seoon and Ankeny. R, H. Knowle. uperlntendent. p. m. ..St John 11 and 7:10. dy 1. Each contestant Jn thla local club must answer each of th written aues. consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March ! and th anwer tr'itnio two weexa or. tn ie St. Paul' German East Twelfth and Clinton. Her, A- -vrause, iv:.v ana 7:S0; 8. fl.. MO. . . . Trinity Herman (Missouri synod) William and Sellwood; J. A, Rlmbach. l.lBtS. 8.. 10; 7:80, - St, John's Peninsula avehu and Kllpatrlck; I p. m. f . Swedish Auutana Rodney . and Stanton; Rey, H. KL Sandstedt. 10:41 and 7i45! g. 8., 0:30. ' .. - ' Rwadlah . Mlaalon Seventeenth and Glisan: Rev. B. J. .Thoren, 11 and I; 8. 8., 10; T. P.. 8:80.' ' Film Chanel Michigan -avenue and Pkldmore, Rev. J3. J. Thoren, Hi 8. 8 10.,. - "" a " -. a Immanuel German-Corner : ltth and Io, (Seliwood)t. . C, Ebellni. . 10:30; S 8. 9:20 r. - . t . . j . 'Or'ace' English ' (Missouri Synod) Rerbv and Fartro. Rev. Carl Haseold, 10 and 7:80; & 8.. 10:30. -s Oongreg-atloaaL First Madison and Far. Rev. Luther R, tyott. D. D.. 11 and 7:48: 8. 8.. :46. Topic. "Th Other Sid," "Can Ona lla Befora On' Tim Comcr' ' Laurelwood Rer. William it Meyer, pastor, b. 10:00; woranip, ii:vv, ig.ig . m -n. s , Lhri.tlan Endeavor :45: preaching-. I K !ijcl T p. n f:80. Toplca. morning. "Tha Compro I . T ' " mise oi Larer evening, -.raaurts tn Earthen Vessel." Sunnysld Esst Taylor and East Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. .. trnltajrlaj. Church Of Our- FatheeTamhlll and Miss Lola Powell. eavrntn, Rv.-w. a: Eliot Jr.i Rev. T. and 7:46; YP. F., :30: a 8.. :46: adult class. 13:16. Tonic. ''Master. Who Did Bin. This Man or Hla Parents" "The - oi uia uunmon wealth v. political cvrrupuon." , .- .,., .i . . Vaivervallat. N Church of th Good Tidings Broad- wair anq jcast iwsnijr-iourtn; itev. j. Reoranled Church of Jesu ChrUt of Latter Day Balnts-East Uthtand Irving. , Elder Walter Bar ker. 11 and 7:80: a 8.. 10:48. Fellowshln Clrcle-rSelling-I.lrck hall. 8. Dr. Davidson Buchanan of New Zea landT ublect. "Judg-ment by Character Law of Karma." ' . First Spiritual' Society 103 Becona treew Conference, 2: Jectur and mes sages, 7:46. Lecture Dy Mrs. Smith. , , . T. W. C" A Seventh and -Taylor street - Fireside hour at 4 p. m-a: dress by Rev. George .Paddock, subject, "Tha Ambltioua GirL" Muslo by Mis Agnes Warren, Ml Hel Hard! ana !orby. 1CT!46; 8. 8., 11. Topic, "How th Liberal to viet the Largest HelDfulnea from .i vnurcn. Y. M. C. A. Citr awoclatloiT. Sixth and Taylor streets, H. W. Stone, gen eral secretary. Meeting for men ;at 3 o'clock. Address by Vr. On" Davldaon Buchanan on "Drlftinr With Dangerou Currents." Muslo by male quartet; bari tone aolo; muslo by Y, M. C. A, orche- Christian and Missionary Alliance East Ninth and Clay. Services 10:80 and 7:48.. a 8.. 12. Y. P. M.. 6:80. I i, ... ...J rii. Frieads Onnron. fifth. Llndley A, V.ll. 11 and T:80j Blblrt achool, 10; C E., 6.-30. Lent. Center street, Myra B Smith, aa ana tuoim scnoot. 19, aUfonnad. J , .' . First German - Tenth , and - Ntark street. . O, Hafner . pastor. Services! ; m. tk. :io a. m. - i Chrlsttaa Boleao. Taylor nd I lrst Church of Christ Scottish Rlt j. tstauDi ii ana i cainsarai, Morrison ana i-ownsnsJe. 11 Each medal will be auitablr ens-raved, e-lvlne- tha nama r tha winner und 7:80; 8. B.. 10; C E., 6:30. Topics, I 8 : S. 6,. 12; subject of lesson sermon. I wnat it is awarded and in like manner each Blhla and book will bs in- I rianera oi mm, in onauow vi iu.i for wh scribed All Who ran write and hava Idaaa ara ilrA .k -. k. .(nXlu m. ruivaa ui ma oerree or tneir eaucaiion. a tne rtanera ara not valued rrom m.n muniioni or iiiararr - stanaDOini. out irara tha nmnt or view or in ui inrir roaponto laeaa. f i.- K. ., rrrim tha statutes of I anri 7 SO- H S . 3:46. i . tnten. I Main: Rev. A. B. Walt. 11:15 and 7:20; duced by W, W. Shortrldge: B. P. Y. U.. -Where, There I a disposition on Le"?-8,- a. 10: 11 snd 7.3 O B P. th. part of th machine Pltlc..n. of J1" oe, r Park C W . the state of Oregon to assail th initla tlv and referendum together with the moat vital part Statement No. One whereby candidate are chon by the people and not by a clique; therefore, b It ' v . "Resolved, That th Coaat Fork range. No. 243, P. of H., In conform ity with other irang-e of th state of Oregon go on record aa opposing- the assembly plan and favor and five our allegiance to the direct primary law, and be It further Mount Olive uevenm ana -i Rev. B. B. B. Johnaon. 11 and 7:20. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erick Schertrom. 10:4o nd 7:46; 8. S.. 11; B. Y. P. U.. 6:80. Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R. Schwedler. 11 and 7:20; 8. 8., 10. Woodstock Forty-nrst ana nonwi 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. :48. Fresbyterlan, ' First Twelftn and Alder. Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkes, 10:80 and7:30: 8. 8.. 12:10: C. E.. 6:30. Topics, "ine HOiy "Resolved, That we are opposed to Spirit." "The Third Commandment, any, raise of salary for any officer of MIspah East Twelfth and Powell; Oregon for any cauae whatever other Rev Hsrry Leeds. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; than by the Initiative, a they are be- - pi'varv-E leventh and Clay. Kev. tomlng- masters rather than servants. TnornaB Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45; The lady membera of the grange will. Bible school, noon. Topics. "The Times at the next meeting-, discuss, "By what and the Men," "Where Does Heaven Be moana can - wia hottAF hrlfi-htpn Anrlff(n?" homes." Fourth First and Glbba; Rev. Donald niacKenxie, iu.u iuu ,v. o. -.. --. . v. -an ROUTE OF NORTH COAST fv' pF!rkNeTswon,'tAhi,.nnd S TO COLUMBIA CHOSEN ffi 8th.1JM.dV-"lo3Ura tloiu" ("peclal Dlspatcb to Tha Jooniil.t Huaum, Wash., Jan. 22. Strahorn's railroad surveyors are now making; good headway with their line from Cama Prairie to the White Salmon valley, not withstanding th trial of bucking snow. ,The North Coast party 1 now south of Ollmor, five mile north of here, .headed toward Huum. After reaching-here the crew will run , line from Cama Prairie to Glenwood, where they will meet an other party of aurveyor that have been in the field from Toppenish, by way of Fort 81mcoe, Cedar Valley and the Klickitat river country. From Huaum the grade down the White Salmon val ley to Underwood I easy. This will evidently be tha route of the North Coaat from tha Yakima valley to the Columbia river. VETERANS' BADGES FOR KNIGHTS OF PYTHIANS , u . (Special Dianatcb te Ifce Journal.) Baker City, Or., Jan. 22. The most e? Important event of the year for local - Pythian waa the bestowing of four veteran' badge last evening and the annual roll call and banquet The offi cer of th Grand lodge. Including Frank Menefee, grand chancellor; L. R. Stinson, errand keeper of records and -- eal; W, L. Bradshaw, supreme repre entatlve; Marlon Iavis. past grand chancellor; and F.: 8. Grant, grand rep- resaniaxive, wer. present as guests of tne locge. Tne bestowing of the badges was made : as follows: Frank Menefee to Hanrufil Baer, L. R. Stinson to D. M. Boynton. W. L. Bradshaw to George i'. anu v;. it. MCCUJloch to J. T. Donnelfy. Thle was followed by a ban quet at wnicn many of the guests and tucai Knisoia made speeches. Forbes Sellwood and Gantcnbeln: Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10: C. E., 6:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:20; 8. S.. 12:15. Chinese 146H First, 7:46; a 8., 6:48. Westminster East Tenth and Weid ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:80: 8. 8., 12; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. Marshall Street Marshall, snd North Seventeenth; Rev. C W. Hays, 11, 4; 8. 8.. 10. A 7:20 aerylce in the Finnish language. Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10. Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:sn; h. s., io; c. e., :30. Third East Thirteenth and Pine; Rev. William Parsons, 10:30 and 7:46; 8. 8., 12. Topics, "One of Job's Ques tions." "Dealing With Sin." Hope Montavllla, East Seventy eighth street. Rev. Henry L. Nave. 8. 8., 10; 11 and 7:80. Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev. A, Robinson. 11; 8. a 12: Y. P.. 7. Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town send; services, 10; 8. 8., 11:16. Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv ices, 11:30 and 7:45; 8. S., 10:15. Trinity Dakota Mreet, Rev. A. Rob inson. 7:45 p. m.; C. . 6:4S; 8. 8., 11. Vernon Wygant and East Nine teenth; Rev. George W. (Copyright 1909. by Rev. T. B. Llnecott, -D. D.) , January 83, 1010, True Blessedness. Matt. 6:1-16. Golden Texty-BIessed are the -Dure In heart, for they shall see God. Matt. 6:8. Vcrees 1, 2 How much do you re member of the last sermon you heard? To what extent is the modern style of taking a text and preaching- a sermon from It, a success as a teaching; exer cise? Did Jesus use a pedagogical, or an oratorical styla in his addresses, and would It be better for the extension of the kingdom of God if the modern pul pit would adopt his method? Verse 8 What, In the last analysis, is the essential qualification of being a aubject of the kingdom of heaven and earth? , If a person la a aubject of the kingdom of heaven on earth, what other qualifications are necessary for the kingdom in heaven? Verse 4 If, "blessed" means happy, how Is it possible to mourn and be hap py at one and the same time? Which Christian reaches the highest altitude of bliss. and enjoys the sweet est comforts of God? one who has had great sorrow or one who hua been free -'.! Borrow, and why is It sn? esse 5 GIVE SOME i; '.MPLES OF WELL TO DO MEN, AN L THEN SAY WHICH CLASS AS A RULE, GET THE BEST THINGS ON EARTH, THE "MEEK." THAT IS THE MODEST. UN SELFISH, AND GENEROUS, OR THE BOASTFUL, SELF ASSERTIVE, ANQ SELFISH? (This question must be an swered In writing by members of the club.) Verse 6 What Is your definition of Fisher of Men." cross. St. John Rev. O. W. Nelson: 11 ana 8; 8. 8.. 10. Unlvrltr Park Haven and Dawson. 11 and 7:20; 8. St, 10; C. E-, 6:80. 8ermon bv Hev. Dr. Adam .and Rev. A. J. Folsom. Hasaalo Street East seventh stops immediatelyif you uso - SIOAM'S IMITvIEKT PrUt, IS:, soi.md ft.OO. , HHAHfl.WMAmiHt Vail - V . a?, Aw 1 and Alder. U; 8: 8. 8., 11; ubject of J fc lesson sermon, "Truth," . 1 " Change. First Seventh and 10:29 and righteousness T What are the conditions for such ouI health, aa to "hunger and thirst'' to bHassalo. Rev. George E. Paddack. righteous? I this state under th con- and 7:45; 8. 8., 10. trol of every man's will? If a person really desire It, my he be sure of being "filled with righteous ness," that Is of being- perfectly light with God? Verse 7 From the ugg-tlon In this verse, f a person I not merciful, what doe that Indicate aa to hi stand ing with God? If a man has been grievously Injured and we find out that he haa fully for given his enemy, what doea that Indi cate as to the man's standing with God? Verse 8 Are there those who always have a perpetual vision of God, and what conditions do they observe to X. B. Cnaureti South. Union avenue and, Multnomah street " ,T E- L., 6:80. Sermon by Rev. E. B. 11 1 Jones, presiding elder, ' - TT 01.41, TJMMA.r I iik 1 1 inn u 1 .a m i oiAiu biiu . iwv, . , . Rev. F.. 8. Rolllnrer. 11 and 7:80: 8 8.. miawauajiawna. io. -v n a i a.n rnli.i 1I. Church Af tha PmHih. rnnk..4. Pay for Great 8ervW" "Llf" Greatest J Borthwlck and Kllllngsworth ay. Rav. German Eaat Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 7:80: 8. 8.. 3:18: C E.. 6:30. Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. rvev. uu; u. f ile, ll kiiu i.vv, o. m.i :45: a F. 6:30. Toplci, "Th Tet of Leadership. " and '"From a Pit to th Premiership." keep the experience? .What does It imply to be pure In heart, and may all attain that expert ence? - What was Jesus' experience as to his realisation of the constant presence of God? Verse 9 Mention some reasons which you think would Justify a Christian In being the plaintiff In a law suit? What is it to be a "peacemaker" after the pattern that Jesua'here means? Verses 10-12 Are really good people persecuted In these day because of their goodness? Why did the religionists of those days persecute Jesus, and finally put him to death? Verses 18-16 Of what use in the world Is a so called, "ao Christian?" . Can a person be a real Christian who 1 not aggressively engaged in doing good. Why or why not? Lesson for Sunday, January 30. 1910. Some laws of the kingdom. Matt 6: 17-26, 88-48. Ministers, Punday school teacher and other - Interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their view as to . the worth of these "questions." particularly If they conalde-r them of value in their work.! 8. 8., 9:45; C. E 7. JO. Sermons by Rev. Guy Phelps, evan s-ellnt. Revival services a l ween. Laurelwood Rev. R. E. Myers; 11 a 9.,l. a a in. V. T. A'Sil Centrai Vancouver avenue and Fargo treet Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:80 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 12: E. L.. 6:80. Methodist Episcopal Norwegian Dan ish church, corner Vancouver avenue and Skidmore streets: Rev. C. J. Larson, pastor. Sunday school at 12 m. Ser mons by Rev. Joseph Olsen, district superintendent. Japanese Mission 121 North Fif teenth. Rev. Eileen Rlbara, 9:30 and 8'30 8. 8.. 8:30. . Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev. John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. S.. 10; E. L., 7. Cross, Anns. 11 and 8; Topics. mesHings vjom tne ' 'PpAnaratlnrtl tn M PAT linn ' DAIRY INDUSTRY GOOD IN TROUfLAKE COUNTY . . (Special Dlipatch to The Journal.) ,' Husum, Wash., Jan. 22. During the year iu me Trout Lake Cooperative . Dairy association manufactured 28,000 pound of creamery butter, and 75,000 pounds, of full cream cheese. .As high ' s 35 cents per pound was paid the rancher for butter fat. The products of this company find a ready market in i the surrounding towns and cities. '7 " Another industry of the same kind Is the Fulda Dairy association, 15 miles 1 northeast of here. This concern shipped ,v over 70,000 pounds of cheese last year. '! The proceeds from this product alone : amounted to 9000. Methodist. Taylor Btreet Rev, Benjamin Young, n. u.. 10:30 and 7:30; ts. b.. 12:16; E. L,.. 8:30. Topics, a i-ure ana a uontro versy," "A Good Message From a Dark Corner. GraceTwelfth and Taylor, Rev. John H. CudllDP. V. U.. 10:3 and 7:80: S. 8 12:15; Jefferson Street mission, 8:30; E. L.. 6:30. Topics, "Our Star of Hope," ine victorious uiie. Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and Davis. Rev. K. P Nelson, 11 and 8; S. 8., iu. Sunnyside East Yamhill and Thirty fifth; W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 9:50;-E. L., 6:45. Topics, "The Power and Krnclency or Prayer," "The Trail leading to mgner uround." 8t. Johns Rev. F. N. Sandefur; 11 and 8: E. L.. 7: S. 8., 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler, Rev. Charlea T. McPherson; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 9:46; E. L., 6:30. Toplca. "Honesty Rewarded," "Two Pictures." Chines Mission Chan Sing Kat; 11 and 7:80. Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:30 and 7.1A. IT! T. a Q A tl a 14-ir. a j ,.ifv, ah. w, v.wv, j. 14. au, tuples. ''What the Scriptures Mean by Sancti flcatlon." "How to Reconcile' Christian Morals With the Old Testament State ments That God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart, Commanded the Destruction of the Catiaanltes, and Kept Mosea Out nf the Promised Land." Trlnltv Raat Tenth and riranr. r .i. ' F. Smith. 11 and 7:80; E. L., 6:30: 8. S., First German Fifteenth and. Hoyt; G. A. Waasa: II and 7:30. Second German Stanton and Rodney, Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:46; E. L.. 7:80. Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma, Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E. L, 2:30; E. L.. 6:3ft. The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thlriy nlnth and Powell. Rev. Ernst Leon Jones: 8. 8.. 9:45; 11 and 8; E. L., 7. Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth streets. Rev. Harold Oberg; 11 and 8; S. 8., 1Q: class meeting, 12: E. L.. 7:16. Woodlawn WlHlnm J. Douglas; 11 and 7:80; 8. S., 10; E. L., 6:30. University Park Dawson and Ftske. Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.; 11 and 7:30. African Zlon Thirteenth and Main, Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; S. S., 1. Mount Tabor E:asi Stark and Sixty first, J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:80. Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; S. 8., 10; E. L., 7. Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. w. Boyd Moor. 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10 : E. I. 7. Woodstock J. D. Voce. 11 and 7:S0: S. S., 10; E. L., 6:30. Episcopal Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett T?v. A. A. Morrison. 8 and 11, 7:80; a 8., 9:46. Sermon By BlshOD Scaddine. Si. Matthew's. First and Pn.rntli.ra Rev. W. H. M. Brcck.. Holv Communion. 30; 8. 8., 10; service and sermon, 11. Pro-Cathedral of si Rtanh.n h. Martyr Thirteenth and Ciay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Holy Communion. 7-30- Highest in Honors BAKER'S prayer and sermon. 11 and 7:80; Sunday school, 9:45 Archdeacon Chamber will officiate. Church of Our Savior Woodstoek 11 and 8. , St. David' Eaat Twelfth and Bel mont, Rev. Henry Russell Talbot. Holy communion, 7:30; S. S., 9:45; prayer and sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:45. St. Andrew', Portsmouth Holy eucharlst and sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:30; 8. 8., 10 a. m. All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and 8avlr. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Service and sermon, 11; 8. S., 12:16. Sermon by Rev. W. R. Powell. St Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar- snan. rcev. j. is. li. Simpson. Holy eucharlst. 7:30 and 11; 8. 8.. 9:46; matins and litany, 10:15; evensong, 7:30. St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10. Good Shepherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30: S. 8.. 9:45 Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth and Weldler Rev. George B. Van Wat ters. Prayer and sermon, 11; 8. 3., 10. Ascension Chapel Portmno Helehta S. 8.. 9:80. St. Paul woodtrtere. Rev. J. C. Fori sythe; 11 a. m.; 8. S.. 9:45. BlshOD Morris Memorial Chanel. CTood Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. ra.; ward services, 8; prayer and sermon, 7:15 p. m. Catholic. St. Mary' Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and DavUh Most Rev. A, Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vesper, Instruction and benediction, 7:45- St. Joseph' (German), Fifteenth and Couch Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. G. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:.?!). Vespers, benediction. 8:30. St. Francis, East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. 6. 8. -so snd 9:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. T.'onn.n Inatrnnllftn an4 ,:m .1 1 n I . . . St Lawrences'. Third and Sherman I Re-v. J. C. Hughes. Low mass. 6, 7 and: 8:30. High maBB and sermon, 10:30.1 Vespers and benedlotlon, 7 :80. Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. J. p." Fltzoatrlck. Mass and sermon. 0 In chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. st. i-atricK's, rvineteemn ana aavler United 8rthrs In Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. Russell 8. Showers, n and 7:10: & 8.. 10: C. E.. 6:30. Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rav. O Car A. Martin, 11 and 7:80; a a. 10; C E., 6:80. Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C P. Blanchard. 11; 8. 8., 10. Alberta East Twenty-eventh and Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerlck, 11 and 7:20; S. 8, 10. . Tremont Wisdom and Curtl atreet. Rev. H. C. Shaffer; a 8.. 11; a E, 6:30; sermon, 7:30. Georg C. CarL 11 and 7:30: & 8 10: C W 6:30. .' Churchy of New Thought Sailing; Hlrseh Ball, Henry f Victor Morgan. 8 p. m. Swedish Corp Salvation Arrav 419 urnaio, 11, :o ana a. Inter-Denomlnatlonal Cltv Mlaalon-. I Fifth treet A. Well. uprlntnd nt. I Sunday, I every evening in th week. Medium' and Minister' Association Auditorium building, 11, 8 and 7:46. Latter Day Saint (Mormon) East Tenth and Sherman. J. C Waateraard presiding alder, 11 and 6; a a, 10. volunteer or America 315 Burnslda Street 8:30 and 8:30. Advent Christian - Second, between Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Shepard, 10:30 and 7:80. Divine Truth Center 201 Atlsky building. Rev. Thaddeus M. Mlnard, 11; 8. 8.. 12. Toplca. "No Room In the Inn Church of Nasarene Eaat Seventh and Couch. Rev. A. O. Hen ricks, 11 and v. an. a a e.ji. v n a , i.ov. , s.a ' . , v . a. K . m.. a. a . JU New Churoh Society (Swedenborgen) Central East Twentieth and Sal- Eleventh and Alder. Knight of Py- mon: Rev. J. F. Gormley. 11 and 7:46; Bible achool, 10. Morning topic, "Christ Our Covenant" Evening, illustrated song and praise service bv Rev. Fran cis 8. Cook and 3. A, Melton. First Corner Park and Columbia, Rev. W. F. Reagor. 11. and 7:80; 8. 8 9:45. Tonic. "The Prlc of a Pente cost," "So Near." Kern Park Pitt and MIdburn: Rev. A, A, Beely, 11 and 7:25; S. 8., 10; C E.. 6:80. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott; Thomas G. Plcton. 11 and 7 90: a 8.. 9:45: C E.. 7 n. m. Tonic. "The Early Conversion of Children," "An Honest Doubter." Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla. 10:80 and 7:45; C. E.. :20. Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; C E., 7. uiadstone Kev. AMI Muutey: a. b.. 10, 11 and 7:80. Pr. (mm nail, um-j aervio ana sermon, ll. Wot nt f.lilk Trust Thi Ordinal tnd Gtnulnr HILTED niLti Thi Food-drink for All Agis. At restaurants, hotels and fountains. Delidous, invigorating and sustaining. . Keco it on your sideboard at home. Dont travel without it A quick lunca prepared in minnte. Take no substitute. Askfor HORUCK'S Others . are imitations. Razorine IS YOUR RAZOR DULL? will anarnen aiv ' razor to keenest pvf sible d 1 1 cii. CThr Qnaraataai If razorine- I not satis factory mall your raiors to u and we will a-rind and hone them free, of oharae. 16c a cake at dm- oft hardware store or by mail. Vatch Tower Society (Non-Sectarian) atasorln Co., 85 Franklin St, Wew York. OREGON HOTELS HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern. Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and UpEuropean Plan WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. tTnltad lrbytrlan. The Church of tha Stranger Grand ave. and Wasco, Rev. ft. Earl Du Bols, 10:80 and 7:80: 8. 8.. 11. Intersretatlon for the deaf every Sunday morn In a. , Topics, "How Women Amace Men," "A Master Workman." First Sixth and Montgomery, Rev. ri.il. i-rn Hill fiiiuivjr, Av.av aiiu v, S. S., 12; C. E.. 6:30. Topic. "Ltf at I Its Climax," "A Life Armament" Third East Thlrty-aeventh nd Clay; Rev. J. L. Acheaon, 11 and 7:80, 8. 8.. 10. TTnlted ZvaiureUoaL First East Sixteenth and Poplar. Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7:80: a 8., 10. Topics, "A. Message or iov;-' evening-, evangelistic service. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette, j Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:80; a 8 10: C. E.. 6:30. Second Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C poling, ii and 7:30.. St. John' Ivanhoe and John, Rev. C P. Tate. 8. &, 10. p.- .ij Centrally Located Modern Improvement rvnflloal Asaoclatlon. First German Tenth and Clajt F. Bens. 10:46 and 7:45; 8. 8.. :30; T. P. I 7 p. m. Topics, "The Letter to the I - mjiiiiii iiMit jF1rf''r. . 2-La, ,jAmamtMmi ,"i 1 ft p'l V S 7"aaca UMrrw I BREAK FAST ; COCOA Has a world-wide reputation for absolute purity, high quality and de licious flavor, attested by 52 Highest Awards at International and Local Expositions in Europe and America. Walter Baker &Co.Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS; Rev. E. P. Murnhy. Low mass. 8., Hls-h mass and sermon. 10:30. Vesners and ! Deneaiciion. uia v. ' - St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and MlllJesult Fathers. Low mass, 8, High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers ana benediction. 7:80. St. Stephen'. Flrty-second and Eat , Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt. uow mas, t 8:30. High mas and aermon. 10:3i Immaculate Heart of Marv. Williams , ana . sianton Kev. w. A. uaiy. Low j mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and ser I mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. i Holy Rosary. East Third and Union ' Very Rev. A. 8. Lawler. Low mas. 6. i7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, T 10:30. Vesper and benedlotlon. 7:80. ' Sacred Heart. Milwauxle Rev. Ore fgory Roble, O. 8. B. Low mass. 8. High j mass and sermon. 10:10. Vesper and i benediction, 7:80. - Holy Cross. University Park Rv. J. IP. Thlllman, C. 8. C- Low ma. 8:80. f High mass and aermon, 10:30. Veaoer I !'- Holy Redeemer. 1 Portland and Van couver--Rev. Ed K.- Cantwelk C SS. R. ; Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon. 10:30. Benediction. 4. ' 8t Andrew's. Ninth and Albert nev. j nomas jtiernan. lo mas, , High mas and aermon. 10. Vesper, in- .irucnon a-na Deneaiciion, t:io. Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Washington Phil Metschan & Son. Prop. z SiBCoS!,M Rates, $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 HOTEL PERKINS JTTTX ABB WASHIJraTO BTS. In the heart of th business and shopping district. The most modern and up-to-dat hotel In the Northwest. Local and lonsdltanc phones in every room. Room with private bath. en. ul'e and Ingle. Sample rooms. Elegant cafe. Mnslo dally dnrlnf lanoh, dinner and after th thsa- tra, by tb famon Mark Orohestra, Bo mt all train. - Bates f 1 And np. XOTXXi PBXDW8 CO. X. 9. Blchardson. Pre. , It. Q. 8WXT1AH9, Beo'y (BUbllftd 1878) An Inhalation for Whooplng-Cough, Croup, uronchltlSi coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Cresolan te a Boon Ahmoa. Don it no teem mora eKaotWe to breathe in remedy for dlwaw of tba bnatbln araat tbsa to take we maedy into toa atomaca I : -. Urestflene eons becaaa tn air,' reraena rtrengly tntiaeptio, is carried orer the diaauad nrfuv. with aaanr hraath. alvtna DRlloUad and oonatant trastment. It i invaluable to mothers wltn imau Gbudran. , Tboea of a Cob snmntlve Tendennv will and lmmbdUta relief from Ooag-bs or inflamed Condition of the throat, ' ALL DRUQQISTSk Send coatal for da. wriptlT Booklet, , VapoCresoleae Co. iou x uiton Htraei, v Haw York. TH E. CORN E LI U S ' :'t vrhe Home of Welcome", - : .:'; 7 ' CORNER. PARK AND ALDER STREETS Single $1.50 and up. Double $2 and up. Our' omnibus . meeta all. trains. Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel H. E. FLETCHER Manager C W. CORNELIUS ;, Proprietor ' I I'll)1 ' THI4 European Una, Modra Bastaurant. ( PORIUSD, OR. oosx oars xxt-zxon oz.z.abs St Ijrnatlaus, Forty-second and Powell benediction. 10:80. Valley road Rev. mass, 8 and 9:S0. Dillon. S. J. Low Mas, sermon mad St Stanislaus. Marvtand anrl Valltna- Rev. C Seroski Low. qIn, S, Hisrh uiaaa a.iiu aermon, xu. ... , ft'A ' ' ";v .-'. tntheraa. . . y 'U-' Bt fames' Engllsh-'West Park and Jefferson: J. Allen Le. 11 and t:46; 8. S.,10; L. t,..T p, m. Topic. "I th Pul pit GbseleteT" The Minister and Con science; or May a Minister Ba Sincere T" Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irvlnir. 11 and 8; 8? 8.. t:8. Norwegian 8yjvocEat Tenth and HOTEL. STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square . Just opposite Hotel St. Francis -European Plan $1.60 a day up ; American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel sod brick (tmctnrtv "Furniihed at cost af $200,000. Brerr comfort and coa venienc. On carlines tranaferrinf all otot city. Omriibut meets trains and iteamirs, ;. bead for Booklet with map of Sao Franciac Eeaaqnarters tot Tourists and Con. meroial Travelers, Special rate made to v famUle and single gentlemen. Th i management will be pleased' at all time to show room and give price.- a modern Turkish bath es tablishment la to hotel. H. O. Bowers, algr. W0KT0MA EtsvawTK oti WaVsaxBraToar ax. VT JL aUaU ' Portland's -Only Roof Garden -, . antrloaa ... ... Bt to ramlU and Hnropa . Ont Bos Meets All Train Bampl Salt, .wlta B.-,ths, tot TraveUng Ksa irt in flfflfflfflf Do you know that croup can b pr vented T Give , Chamberlain' Cough Remedy a soon a tha child become hoars or even after th croupy cough appear, and, it will prevent th attack. It 1 also a certain cur for croup and ha nver been known to fall. i SEWARD THE NEW v-.- CORNER TENTH' AND ALDER The leading hotel of Portland, -opened July, 1909. Modern in every detail, fuynished in elegance. Most beautiful .corner Tobby in Northwest Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates $1,50 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. W. M. SHWabd, Ptop.