The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 21, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' t ii is uaily j o u ai is j f r 1 1 A J Ai! .. . "" ' fii A A A' A kJjK A A II
' 7 : . n.1, by carrier.' delivered. -, V C. " SSN. 1- ' ' . -
. t ' ,, r Saturday; Boutherly winds.;. , V ' . -v.. ' .;,.."' '. " " j'j 1: " r.r ' V " f.h' ; ' ' ! ' ' 9
J ; VOL. VHL NO. 276. ; ' y , ; . ; , ; ' . PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENINO.; JANUARY 21,' 1010. -TWENTY PAGEi PRICE TWO - CENTS avn ktT
I ST "X All I .
Mikado Joins China in Objec
tion to 'thekPlan for the Neu
' tralization of Mahchurian
: Railways.
Russia Also Joins Brown Men
in Following Lead of Chi
nese Diplomats.
(United Press teaaed wWl
ToMo, Jiin. 21. Th government to
day, following China's lead of a few
day ago. landed United Slates AmtiM
ador O'Brien Japan' refusal to accept
the proposal of Secretary Knox for the
neutralization of the Manchurlan rail
wky. The text of the official reply waa
m made., but it la understood to
;hae been nrm aithougn courteously
Sti Petersburg. Jan. 21. Acting In ap
1 parent concert with Japan, which turned
down today the scheme of Secretary of
BUie Knox for the neutralisation of the
Manrhhrlan railway, Russia today
handed to Ambassador Rockhlll a reply
which la believed to be adverse.
Washington, Jan. 21. Following; the
receipt of news that Japan and Russia
today simultaneously handed to the
diplomatic representatives of the United
States advera replies to the proposal
of Secretary of State Knox to neutralize
the Manchurlan railway It Is believed
here that the proposal will be dropped,
at least for the present.
There la much Interest regarding; the
wording; and exact nature of Japan's re
.ply, which was not' made public at
jokio, as ii is unncrsiooa xnai ma pro
posal met with bitter antagonism on the
; part of too Japanese statesmen.
It has been strongly intimated In dls
4 patches from Japan that . the answer
: would be forthcoming at one and would
snow japan in w auuuae or enaeavorv
Ing to cut off the possibility , qf any
- similar propositions in th future. ...
The state department a few days ago
allowed It to be known that the Ameri
can officials did not expect the replies
from Japan and Ruaala for' some time.
It ' waa pointed out ' that the situation
was ad complex and Involved that It
would require mature consideration.
While Evidence at'Time Forced
Indictment, Colonel Church
Believes! Patrick Innocent
Reopening of Case Likely.
Expressions From Certain
Councilmen Indicate Health
Officials Will Have Solid
Support of City Fathers.
tTtotua Pnas Lmm4 Wlr.)
New York. Jan. Colonel William
Conant Church, editor of the Army and
Navy Journal, who waa foreman of the
grand jury that Indicted Attorney Al
bert T. Patrick for the murder of Wil
liam Marsh Rica, aald today that he
oeuevea Patrick waa Innocent
inn siaiemenc rouowlng the an
nouncement that "Valet" Jones, the
missing witness in the case, had been
round an Texas and would return here
to testify, leads to the belief that the
famous caae will be reopened once more.
iasi month Patrick, made what
seemed to be a final struggle to gain
ii id iihi num mni Bins prison, wnere I t . in . ..v.j . j
w.. f ntence' wnen hejproprlate the money and mm the people
Z l fh . 5 5. COUrt upon hu I the last faction voted to spend $160,-
" saw wwmtm UOII I IltT 1(1 1 linbTH.1 IT.
He put tip the remarkable plea tht as
fJuooiltol I
From xpreaaions of opinion made
by a number of city councilmen today
It appears .that the city council will
back up the health board In Hm decision
as to the type of crematory to be erect
ed at Guild's lake, and will pass the
oral nance appropriating 1120.000 for its I
construction, aa recommended by the
neaitn board. ;
"l have already agreed to Introduce
the ordinance," aald Councilman A. I
ttusniigni inia morning, "and I ami
confident it will pass. The city health
Si?tetartrrS,!i SkCtch ot LMt Mta". rfr the portion of the princl
of an incinerating nJant and a site for
Leaders Say That Without a Pleads for Opportunity to In-
Safe Majonty Exclusive of troduce Evidence Which He
Nationalists Ministerial Re
sponsibility to Be Declined.
Says Will Show Defendant
Had Knowledge, v ; :
wnrniut J'SHOW CrjVR5E'HFir
Liberals Believe Second Elec- Rittenhouse Testified He Wrote
clpals In last night's tragedy.
000. if necessary, for a new garbage
burner I. can aee no reanon why we
should not bo willing to appropriate a
less amount.
Health Board Investigates.
"The health board has given the mat
ter of crematories a careful lnvestlara-
hlm free. This plea met with no favor T.u M ' wa" Klad t0 let h
with th-ourt and he waa returned to , th ,rd BUme th responsibility
he was convicted of first deaxee mur
oer ana . condemned to die. the late
uovernor Higgtns had no right to com
mute his sentence. Patrick argued that
he should be hanged or set free, and
that the Court was now obliged to set
his cell.
of choosing one. They are all men
la unqueationed. They have finally ar
rived at a conclusion. And the council
ahould aid them in securing the speedy
very now and then aome polysyllabic
- full mouthed phrase ahouldera Its way
Into the papers, euoh aa "recrudescence
of sectional activity' or "decentralisa
tion of authority" groups of Words
which may indicate a domestic condi
tion or refer, to n International crisis.
but which do not explain that condition
or reveal that orlsls. The latest of
-these phrases la the "Neutralisation of
' the Manchurian Railway." -
Manchuria is the collective name for
three provinces of northeastern China
tucked away in the great curve of
'Siberia, which comes down - to Vladi
vostok. "'
it la shut off from the Japanese sea
by the peninsula of Korea, but is open
to the Yellow sea, where It has several
splendid porta. .. (...
The railways whose neutralisation Is
sought are sections of the old Eastern
Colonel Church said todav that the whoM integrity and conscientiousness
- ,in,l,A,l..A TV.. U Ml . 1 1
eviaence. presented before the rranA
jury compel lea indlorment, but added:
"I Can sav with mnst nAftlv. ...
anoe not only that Patrick was not I rlCt,on ' a modern garbage destroying
guilty of murder hut that there waa no Plant-V
mtiH.i." I "Th nit V health ..-.. -A K - -
...I hi . , a ' j .......... v 1 1 on ui.uti m
Intenae Intereat la taken in the reoort I recommendation and whatever their
that Jones will return, as It Is believed I rea"bna for 80 doing, I think we should
the complex mystery of the mmm c.n I uphold them," declared Councilman R.
be cleared by him. , I E. Menefee. "1 am not very familiar
History of Patrick's Case, w,tn crematories, but I have no doubt
Wliriam M,.h ti . w th board gave the matter Its careful
der Albert T. Patrick la aervlng a life c"n'loratlon. If the plant should not
sentence in eing King, was murdered in H K i,olul,Hj wui
1900. Tt. oral, nnt ,nfl u.w K iflA, rest with the board. We have no dla.
that Patrick 'waa brought to Sing Slug Helton in the matter but to pass the
under sentence of .death., which later or1inanc recommended."
waa commuted to life lmpriaonment by Councilman Ji.T.oncannon,.li whoee
Governor Hlgglns. ' ' . ' i war(' tl" preseht city Incinerator" is lo-
RlcV's murder waa one of the great tcd,' Jhaa always opposed the location.
New York' sensations.-- He died Septem- but ,n v,ew of.-tho fact that hie vote
ber 23, 1400. and Patrick waa arrested can"0 change the site and tha further
tne tallowing October. The-caae -was I lnax too new, crematory will be a
So 'intricate that the' lawyer was, fa"OOd-deal less objectionable than the
charged with forgery Inatead . of , with one now n "e reels that he should
muraer ana several weeks elapsed be-l"""" lur l" apprnpriauon.
fore the capital charge was made) "The responsibility rests with the
against him. , J health board." said he, "and I am satis-
The evidence on which the tury",e1 to "cPt Its decision. Inasmuch as
formed, its verdict of guilty showed 1 can not a,ter Jt- They have asked
that Charles E. Jonea. the mlsalna- valet I the council to appropriate $120,000. and
and Patrick " had conspired to obtain J a8 th1s j cdently In line with the ex
possesslon Of Rice's wealth, estimated pressed wish of the people at the last
at between $4,000,000 and $20,000,000. I election, I will cast my vote for the
After Rice's death, by alow poison in a. appropriation ordinance.
Patrick produced a will In which he and I Arguments In Private.
Jones were named aa the legatees. The arguments by which the health
Steamer Newport In Danger.
Marshfield, Or., Jan. 21. The freight
steamer .Newport had a narrow escap
in attempting to cross out over the
Coos Bay bar Wednesday. The bar was
rough and she was driven dangerously
nearto the south spit The life sav
ing crew was out. but fhe steamer
backed around and managed to put back
into the bay..
She was not damaged. The Newport
is owned by C P.. poo & Co., of Kureka,
ana was recently put on the run be
tween Coos Bay, Kureka, Coqullle river
an Portland.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Attorney General Grants Lov
ett Permission to Back Up
Pro Merger Petition.
( J, united Pres. Xen.ed Wlre.1
1 Washington, Jan. 21.-Attorney Gen
eral WIckersham today - granted Robert
S. Lovett, chief of the Harrlman inter-
- ests, permission to file a written mem
oranaum, supporting hi , request that
the. government dismiss the action
which seeks to dissolvethe merger Of
me uniou ana, aoutnem Pacific rail
ways. WIckersham said he would take
tne memorandum under . consideration.
; The automobile show .it th
,w Jirraory next Woek will afford
. -w i imiiu peupte a glimpse of th
more, recent achievements in the
motor world. ; Manufacturers
' and dealers will bo represented
by at tract! v exhibits of the lat-
est models of automobiles and
accessories. Thus will public
interest be stimulated and riotor
4 Interests advanced accordingly. ; 4
, -w i woycmnjr jJinpurea sec- m
A. .tA f Ik. C. J . .
tw w , iio ouuuajr journal ior t
t . . n a . 1.. a ... . . V
jniiueiiy j, mnvifrs or ' inter-,
w "t pei iwiuiUK to tne . snow In
Husband Held fop Wife's Death.
Chehalls. -Wash, Jan. 21. Charles
Messner, a coal miner, was lodged in
Lewis county jail Wednesday and will
be neid to tne superior court on a
charge of Inhuman treatment of his
wife, Ida Messner, who died at St
Helens hospital Wednesday. The coro
ners Jury at noon returned a verdict
thatthe woman's death waa due to a
complication of diseases, hastened by
th brutal treatment of her husband.
Canadian Lynx Trapped.
(Special Dispatch to Th. Jodtd.1.)
Bristol, Wash.. Jan. 21. A Canadian
lynx weighing about 20 pounds, was
trapped by Ed Paine on the Caatell
Blnn's place near. Dot a few day a ago.
board finally reached a decision to ac
cept the bid of the Willamette Iron ft
Steel company for the construction of a
modified type of the Decarle Incinerator
were made In a number of private con
ferences. The mayor and the board felt
that in order to act for -the best Inter
ests of the city and in order to have an
untrammeled discussion of the merits
of the various bids, it was best not to
invite publicity before a final yote was
taken on the question.
Councilman Gay Lombard, at his own
equest, was' elected by the city coun
cil io bci ue a special . invHUKaiinK
committee of on to examine crematory!
plants throughout thp United States.
Ha Visited a number of garbage burners
in different parts of the country and
made a report The board gave him
an opportunity to present his views and
they were awarded courteous consider
ation. But the fact that Mr. Lombard
was strongly In favor of the Heenan-
Froude Incinerator waa not allowed to
Interfere with, the .final vote. The
board was unanimous lh Its vote not
to select that type of plant
When th bids first advertised for,
which were afterwards all rejected,
wer considered, three members of the
board expressed a preference for the
Decarle Incinerator, but the city engl
nee and the superintendent of the city
crematory reported adversely against
that type of plant for the . reason that
Gnus IN
Fell to Floor Crying "Mother,"
and Expired Two Minutes
Later Four in Saloon a
"From delivery boy to highwayman
by th rules of Diamond Dick, careless
girls and cigarettes.'! .That tells why
Eugene Rooney tried to rb th patrons
In the "Laet Chance saloon last night
and lost his llf in th attempt- aald
1. K. Bpatn, reoently the employer of
th young fellow whom Patrolman
Stahl killed Mr. path. on of th
proprietors of, th Bar City market,
Fourth and Tamhtl .streets, accound
In this way, this morning, for Rooney's
spec tacular career. He thinks th tragic
death the inevitable result of Rooney's
"Rooney worked for me nnarlv
year," he continued. "H cam with
an awful bad recommendation and he
left about two months' ago. He waa
not yet 21. He treated us right, for
w told blm h would go to jail If h
aiem-t But he was jorovr reading
Jesse James, Diamond Dick and other
heap literature. He would carry the
books with him on th wagon, and
often. Interested In reading, would for
get his work. He filled up on the stuff
ana talked or little else.
road of Girls.
"H was Just as craiy about the girls.
Any girl could lead him off. and ha
didn't seem to have any sens about
them at alL He continually smoked
cigarettes, boasted of his exploits and
read more - adventures. Tat" he was a
good hearted fellow. His mother wor
ried about him and she would come from
Sellwood, where she was staying, to
asm aoouc nim.
"H- wag-a-niee looking boy, but his
habits were bad and he held out money
on me ana tooK away my meat," said C.
Options in New River Distric
in Furtherance of Scheme to
Roundup 75 Per Cent of
Country's Bituminous.
rtBft4 PrvM Lease WIm
Charleaton. W. Vs., Jan. 21. Th
activity of th Guggenheihia In taking
options on th New River district of
this state is believed here to bo a fur
ther step in their alleged plan to form
a combination , -bituminous coal la-
trsts Jn West . Virginia, weatorn
Maryland, western Pennsylvania and
Kentucky. Th New River district In
eludes 200.000 acres of coal lands, of
which 160,000 acres have already been
oound by option for $34,000,000. If th
supposed plan is carried out th Oug
genhelma will control 75 per cenV of
the bituminous coal of th country. In
cluding their holdings lrv western
Pennsylvania, Maryland and Ken
they will own 60 per cent of th coal
land of the upper Ohio river district.
of which the New River la the center,
valued at hundreda of millions of Ani.
(United Pkm LeaneC Wlra.l
Lob Angeles. Jan. 21. George Wil
son, 14 years old, died In the California
hospital yesterday from the effects of a
shot fired by Howard Grahhls, another
lad, while scuffling with a negro boy
named Lemuel Grant. Following a
fight with Grant Grannis ran
awayt returning later with a .rifle,
which witnesses allege he pointed
at the negro. Grant arappled with him
ana tne gun was discharged.
tion Would Result in Tri
umphRiots Continue.
to Defendant Concerning
California Land Steals.
eadera de- attention called to extenaiv frauds
miblnatlon be,n5 Prpt rated by Hyd and Benson
t tt. mh ln tal,forn'a and In th Cascade forest
it me aid reaerve in Oregon? .
(fnlteii Prei Leiiwd Wire.) I Did Blnzer Hermann h.v. Irnn.u..
..... ,.i...,, ... 1.. c.i ,.i.,,,. in- ui mi existence or tne Blue mountain
nouncement Issued from their head-J forest reserve by reason of having had
quarters today, the Liberal leadera de-h,,, attention called to extenaiv frauds
clared that unlesa they. In coral
.... -"""" -.1...1.U1 w.u reaerve li rirrni
or tne insn isationansts were given Mr. Heney contends tha. he did and
a majority of at least 40 members In that he shoild be allowed to Introduce
tne parliamentary elections now in I testimony to that effect
progress, they would not accept the re-p Colonel Worthlngton, representing Mr.
sponstbilltles of ministerial control. (nermann, says mat it is unfair to open
The announcement created much ex- !" aoor .,0 ucn vldenc. All during
. . i.ji .1 . . i "nuns npB.iun oi me court juu
.w .h- t .k.J-1. -mi h. mi X'olverton listened to the arguments of
li Ji. k 7 ..." m two attorneys and this afternoon
majority they demand. If the results wilt decide whether he will aiinw th.
in tne constituencies yet to vote main-1 government to make such a showing..
ism in present ratio, ins iioerais wiui jstmm W1U kTelp Henay.
hav a majority of but 11 members. I If Judge Wolverton allows Mr, Heney
mis scant roan-gm would undoubtedly I to present the evidence desired and it
be considered Inadequate to Insure theaen practlcslljr certr.ln that mo will
party's success In an attempt to putldo ao thent Mr. Heney will begin hi?
through a legislative, proeram. I last lap-in the trial of the x -com m la
in th event the liberate refused toiaioner in an attomot to show that Her-
accept th control of the ministry, an-lmann had full knowledge of the way
other election would probably be forced I acnool lands wer Doing, taken fraudu-
almost immediately. The Conserva-I Iently, and that while la some Instances
tlves could not accept control, because h refused to sanction the creation of
of the opposition furnished by a Lib-1 forest reserves, that he did sanction
ral majority, no matter how small. I the Blue mountain reserve, thus show-
If tha Liberals made good their I ing that he waa cone md ln lt3 crea-
threat and refused to accept control. I tion. . , , f ' . t,i ;;'
parliament would probably ait only on I Irwin Rlttenhoufte. former, prtvato sec
wekf In this event Asqultn would! retary for: Hermann, was put oil th
retain tne prem lersm p. . , i stand yesterday just boor adjournment
. Th most, aerlQua phase of .tA,ltu i to. iaentif y.lettera wklch tea oeii writ
tion would 11 In the continuation of I ten to Herman . concerning ith. Hyde-
tne present "partial paralysis" , of Benson land steals, and at that time
bualneas. caue4 by ; th . political ; tin-1 Mr,' Wortlunkton entered objection to
certainty. , - I the introduction of the testimony.
The Liberals appear confident that if I Mr. Heney, . In his argument this
another election were mad necessary morning, outlined what h desired to
tneir cnancea or success would be much I show by the testimony whtcn he wished
greater than ln the contest now in prog-J to Introduce.. He read a letter. Written
reB. ' I to Hermann In 1900. signed "an Ameri
can Cltlien." in whU-h. the scheme of
London. Jan.-21; The rlotina- that haalllvde and Benson was outlined and th
marxea tne progress of the parlla-1 attention . of th ., commissioner waa
mentary elections was continued today. I called to the frauds by which th two
F. D. Ackland, financial secretary of I men had secured title to many acres of
tne war orrrce, was stoned and knocked mhnnl lands, both in . California and
iiii mi inuiumuoiie wniin ne was aenv- i Oregon.
enng a pro-Liberal speech In Yorkshire. I Bubstano of 10ttr,
ne was severely injurea. Thl. j.UeP toM that J. J. Barnes and
W U Boyle, Conservative, who was Captain J. A. Thomas, agents in . the
(Continued on Pag Three.
Covach. a former employer at First and let from th weapon struck th pave
ment ana shattered. Four Pieces of
metal entered Wilson's body. He was
removed to the California hospital,
waere erioris to save nia lire were
unavailing. Grannis is ln the countv
Jail. He declared he was sorry he had
snot Wilson, averring that he was mere.
ly trying to "bluff" Grant and 'the gun
was accidentally discharged
Charles Kendlg, another youth who
witnessed the affair, received several
bits of the bullet ln hla right leg. His
injuries are not serious,
(Continued on Page Six.)
a . particular ann to, automobile af- J
ly set forth in picture and story.
$ Watch . for- It " --;';fc.; -.. . -, , A X
'f 4
(tTnlted Press . Laaaed Wrm.
San Francisco. Jan. 21. "it's a dId
uream, - oeciarea Adolf J. Frey, assist-
ni i w vice-jf resident and General
Manager R. P. Schwerln of the Padflo
Mall Steamship company, discussing to
day a report that' the line Intends to
transfer- four big steamers to Seattle
irom Ban .Francisco.
"We haven't ; received such an or
der,", said Frey. "nor do we exseot to.
Why should I discuss the matter? W
hav only four vessels and they ar
Dareiy surncient to accommodate th
San Francisco trade. We hav not
enough ships to split th line. I can
not account for the origin of th rumor
except that somebody has been dream-J
ing. ' i , - j
"The ' Paciflo Mall has given " no or
ders for' construction of wharves at
Seattle and has no Idea of dolna- so.
No arrangements ar afoot for th
leasing . or hiring of dockag in th
northern city. W cannot soar (our
ships from her , and "W hav : no Im
mediate plans for th construction of
an additional 'fleet ; .' . '' ...
Seattle. Within a month th holdings
or in company on th waterfront will
be cleared of Its present mill struc
Uires and th erection of big pier build
Ings will be begun.
Chief Engineer Holman of the Ore
gon ft Washington railroad, the Har
riman line In this state, has In hla
possession completed plans of
Chicago Members Work for In
dorsement by Their State
Federation Washington
City's Laboring Men Active.
(United Press Leiaml Wtr. 1
Chicago, Jan. 21. Aligning themslvea
wim io. wiuonproaa "meat ana egg
ooycoix, locai memoers or th Stat
Federation or Women's clubs are olan-
these nlnff ha that orsnIation Indorse
ocean terminals, which embrace twoltn protest -against nigh prices. Tho
modern Dier biillilinM e executive committee of the federation
each, to be constructed of .concrete and w,n rMt n'xt wee,c an,a will be asked
sneet steel, witn full facilities for pas- l"D ""u"
senajer and frelarht tram Tk. .,1
of th buildings alon Is stated to bei "Washington, Jan. 21. Laboring men
in excess of 1800 on. an ,,.her began preparations todav to loin
harbor Improvements and aDnroaohn. Ith meftt boycott. A resolution to "be-
ik. 1.1. 1,1 . . . . vwuvm . .ff.f.,l.n. 1m .1. , . . . . I
in. wui i wm eniaix an outlay of morel .vb...... utiin tucumiea aua
uian f iou.vuo,
22,000 signatures are expected.
Boston, Jan. 21j Th meat bovcott I
reached this city today, and leading
t Her la tho "Pine Dream." .
i i, (United Prr Laim Wire! '
oeamerjan. jii. Ufflclals . of , tha
Harrlman, system In Seattle '. confirm
the report that th .Union Pacific will
Immediately begin ; the preliminary
work incident to th establishment of
ocean connections . with Us rail lino in
San Diego, - Cal., Jan,
(United Pros Leased wire.)
Kheims, Franc, Jan. ; Jl.Th lives I boring men today were discussing plans
of many persons ar endangered byj for ma8 meeting to be held soon to
riooas mat are sweeping southern and " swi"i.m nign prices pre-
eastern France. " The city of Avn I """"" 1" ePeciaiiy meat and
manv-..hav-Thn T V'"M ".on by th federated
ertv loss thro.ihn.. h ijjrl..- L"" - " - i"' " "la tnt
a i . ' i.TOucu v ais- rconierence wouia De helil soon It 1.
flood "" -"" w1". "creaad cot
ill I ' ' - y I I
''ee' -W
elected from Deerham over W. R..Lea
ier, uoerm, xaintea wnue being con.
gratulated upon his success. The crowd
that followed when he wa's taken to th
hospital met Lester, beat him severely
jiu unocxea mm aown repeatedly.
Sixty-seven candidates are belnc vot.
ed on today and Interest ln the constlt.
uencles where, the balloting Is takin
place Is Intense. r
Among the candidates who were de
feated yesterday were J. A. Peaae, chief
wnip or the Liberals; Victor Grayson,
prominent Laborite, and Lief Jones,
Prohibition leader.
Pease was rescued by th police from
a mob that assaulted him at Saffron
Walden. The officers escorted him to
nis home. Colonel Probyn, who de
feated Pease, waa carried to his home on
tne shoulders of the crowd
Ollie Slagers, French Aviator,
Leaps From Burning Ma
chine 30 Feet in Air.
commissioner's office at Washington,
wer In th employ of th Hyde-Benson .
conspiracy,- and that FJ. P. McCornack
of Salem waa th Oregon agent of tho
two men who secured the Oregon lands. .
Mr. Heney said that he would put in
evidence the fact that after th receipt
of this letter, Hermann telegraphei
(Continued on Pag Six.).
Managers of Roads Will Hold
Meeting to Formulate Reply
MaySuggest Arbitration
Committee. ;i '
. ;.;v . n r
Patrdlmaa R. H., Stahl who shot
. down bold robber last night, '-'-i
(United Pres. teased Wlr.)
Oran, Algeria, Jan. 21. Carried in a
flaming aeroplane downward throusrh
space at terrifying speed. OUle Slagers,
t'rencn aviator, today escaped death
by a hair raising jump from the ma
chine when t was within SO feet from
the ground. Slagers sustained slight
injuries. The aeroplane struck the earth
with great force and was completdi
wrecked. Slagers leap saved him from
being crushed to death In the wreckage.
eiagers rugnt was being watched by
big crowd. He ascended to a great
neignt ana appeared to have perfect
control of the motors. Suddenlv one
of the planea caught fire from the en
gine and to the horror of the spectators.
the machine began to drop. As it
descended it gathered momentum and
none believed the driver could escape
An lnatant before th biasing aero
plane struck the earth Slagers was seen
to leap from the comet-Ilk mass. He
was unconscious when picked up, but
quickly revived and an examination
snowea mat no Dones wer broken.
Drinks Alcohol; May Die.
("peeial Dtepatch to-The Jonrnal)
renaieton, or.. Jan. 21.-Another In.
stance wooa aiconoi poisoning cam to
ugni mis morning wnen' Mike Haver
commonly known aa z "Dutchy Jake '
sheepherder. 4S years of aae. w aiL
covered in an insensible condition. roe.
tors think h 6t hold of a quantity of
wood alcohol. Ho Is still unconscious
and litU .hop Is entertained for hi
recovery.' ..,.., i
(United Pram teaiied Wlra.l v
Cincinnati, Jan. 21. Thousands of
trainmen on the 65 railroads operating
between the Mississippi river and th
Atlantic coast have presented their her
alded demand for an Increase in wages:
m The territory In which .th roads run
extends from th Ohio river' to, th
Canadian line. ' i' A" " '
Managers of the roads ar expected to
hold a meeting to formulate a general
reply to the demand. It is posRibl
that they may follow th action of 35
lines centering In New York, the di
rectors of which refused to- accede to a
similar demand by thetr employes but
asked the trainmen to appoint an arbi
tration committee for the purpose of
securing a compromise wag scale,
J. lP. Veltoh, district freight
agent of th Chicago. Milwaukee
& Puget Sound railway in Port-
4 land, states that the reportVd
snow slide on that line in we.t-
0 tern Montana has not, tied u
4 traffic and that trains ore mov- v
4 ing on schedule as '.usual.. u-
perintendent P. C. Hart, at -
4 attle, ''wired Portland last nfqM
4 the tracks are, 'clear and . tlnt
at lh. lint'' the... rumored slid
IS supposed 14 Hit occurred1
4 : train load of .livestock n.'.v-
4 Ing over that dlvlalon on m-hvi-
ui tim. .
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