The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Every Scientific Publication in
World Digested, Requiring
Seventeen . Volumes Yearly
. More Funds Needed.
Br Frederic J. Haskln
Washington. " Jan. -1. Without' any
' .nfiM of nubllclty or other ostanta
' tton that would attract the attention of
,lhe general public, there la being or
" . .,-,. nil culmination the
Indexina- work of the
. Tbl rreat Index l the Internationa)
f flcientlflo Literature.
etartlng with tha beginning of the pree
rnt century. Each year there la pub
i ii. u. tf .iiim. In which are cata
Jogued every contribution to eclenttflc
knowledge made In every country or
the world. Twelve' thousand pages are
required to Hat thesa according to au-
' thora and tubjecta. v.,
Xngenlana Flan.
VI8d .for ky governmental apprOprla-I
tlon. Some of the, nations, among them'
our own; are Inclined to be penurious ;
when providing for their bureaua. To,'
conduct the work properly, the Smith-1
aonlan authorities eatimate , th j t they
ahould have an appropriation of 10,900 ,
a year Yet congress, readily giving:
a 150,000 appropriation to make Shallow
Hot torn creek navigable, makes a wry
face when It gives only $6000 to the
support of the United iitatea regional
bureau. But for voluntter work by
patrlorlo scientists America would be
unable to make a creditable allowing.
Other Catalogue! Heeded.
The failure .of the project through
Improper financial aupport would bO
farther reaching than the catalogue
ltaelf. The eyea of the bibliographic
world are upon It, and If It aucceeda ;
other Intereata may be ' heartened to
undertake almllar rataloguea. Hls
toriana are yearning for a world cata
logue of hletory. literary authorltlea
doe I re an International catalogue of lit
erature, and aoclal scientists are eager
to poeaeaa a catalogue dlgeat of all the
uplift literature In existence. Failure
of tbe International Catalogue of Scien
tific Literature would nerve to ehrlvel
the hopes of those who would apply
Ita principle elsewhere.
tarted la London.
While the catalogue was established
In London, through English Influence
and the call of queen Victoria, It was
In IS&ft that the Smlthaonlan Inatltu
tlon first euggeated that aorne auch
work ought to be publlahed. Later the
Royal aoclety of England took up the
matter, and compiled a catalogue of
the literature on aclentlflo subjects tip
to 18HJ. The growing volume of cur
rent literature made It Impossible for
one organliatlnn to continue the work,
an the Koyal society, through the Eng
llah government, convoked a conven
tion of bibliographer to conalder the
Passengers Riding on Running-
board Mangled In Collision
at San Francisco. itM Laaaed Wlre.l
San Francisco. Jan. I. One man la
all tha dolnga of mankind In tha rieia advisability of International cooperation
' i.n. im to noaseas one pi "
" most valuab'le alda to human endeavor.
And that la what tha International Cat
alogue la aimed to be. It alms not only
to cite the title and tha author of every
' aclentlflo book'and paper, but briefly to
' aupply an analytical dlgeat or ine auo-
t mtr or eacn. inn i
' t.llshed la a moat Ingenloua way,
in continuing the project. Thla conven
tlon waa followed by two othera. held
In London In im and 1900. when tha
present scheme waa thoroughly Dlanned
and formally launched.
Ooraraora Meet Every 10 Tears.
The plan Of 'governing the Drenara.
tlon and ieauance of the ratalocue la
moat carefully -wrousrht. Tha mwm.
a regional bureau.. This convention -
sembjed in not, ajjd will meet again
In July of thla year. Hereafter It will
meet every 10 year. It possesses com
plete control over the whole work. and
Its decisions ahkll remain in force for
10 years. There la also an International
council, which consists uf one memlK.r
appointed by each regional bureau. Tula
Jurisdiction over nil
..r. mad to reoreaent heada ln, ...... . . '"7"
figures subheads and by these Jmbois con8lllt,nt of not more Umn Mgl
the uaer of the Index an t'"" t gates from each body that maintains
, once wnai auDjecva ...
i contribution cited, ,
Thta a-rat nubllcatlon. growing at
rate that will make 1700 volumes by
h nt tha nreeent century. Is not
in uTtatenrta as a money making echeme.
1 In fact, there la no provision whatever
for tha tisa of any eurpiua inai nugni
..mi. frnM ita nubllcatlon and aale.
, v. i i m w .... , i R,"niitru UJ T,
if ! niir.iv DBnuauriii .d.......- - i nn1w h , I haA
t cf world eooperatloo .with n other aim malt,,r wh,n lne internJUIonB, convn.
fl than to support ltaelf and become Inval- t)on u not ,lttn though au of ,
uaoie to me race. n ruiinn shall be In accordance with
JVthe active cooperaiion """'the regulations adopted by the oonven
i Civiiiaea SOVBIII..ICI.W -"----i iion. J in international council meets
' of th leading aclentlflo minds of the Uvt,Ty lhrM ytara ,n London, and at
p, globe, , , ; IV auch other times as the chairman, with
jnltisonlan Saitrtntloa la Okarf a. fiV9 other members concurring, shall
The taak-f Ha preparation la divided direct Its particular dutlea are to look
tntn thr aectlona. First cornea ine
" thrlng of the material. Thla la
done by each nation which eupporta the
catalogue, througn wnat is anown
the regional bureau. The Smlthaonlan
Inatitutlon has charge of the bureau for
thla oountrv. Nearly every scientific
Tiuhlioatlon in. the United States la sent
to the Smlthaonlan, an everything that
1; comes there, is Indexed. Then recourse
is had to every index pobllahed In thla
country. Every stone of literature that
may'cover some aclentlflo truth Is
turned Jin the patient search for new
matter. , rive experts are busily ' en-
. t ,r,rouarhout the "year, and they
- an scenf an artMe that'ougtit o be
indexed aa accurately as a hloodhnuna
can acent the hunted erlmlnaL yhn
New Tear cornea they are ready to offer
a reward for the article they nave
i ml a aed. :
i ,'; v ' ' Beat to XKndoa.
When ' the index for the United
fitates la finished It Is sent to London,
where H meetg the lndexea made In a
elmflar way by other nations. The cen
tral bureau ihere, following prescribed
' rules, then proceeds to conaolldate all
of the eontrlbuttona Into one This Is t
great labor, and largely accounta for
the delay In she appearance of the vol
umes of the ftnlahed index. Aa there
are hundreds of thouaands of entries to
Te claaslfled properly, and a great deal
of careful editing to be 4one, the won
der is that the printed volumea are not
wore tardy in their appearance.
on the verge or aeain ana mvrwn omr i mna ,,cy
are in various hoapltala wiin more or
leu serious lajurtea, aa reeults or a
collision of two cara on the Castro
etreet -line last night In which the Ylc-
tlma were maimed.
Pram accounts of eye witneanea, the
men who were injured were on the In
side footrall of a Caatro car bound up
the hill from Klghteenth atreet The
rear end of a downward bound car on
the parallel track. In some unaccount
able manner, swung from the track
ecraped along the upward bound car,
crushing and Injuring Ita paaaengera on
the running board.
All of thoee Injured were ground Into
the maas of wreckage cauaed by the col
lialon and none escaped serious hurt.
' The injured are:
John F. Scully, fractured pelvis, bad
fracture of both lega-and crushed foot;
may die. . .
Frafik B. Wilklneon, badly fractured
left leg.
Robert Schwab, both ankle Jointa
broken, none broken, bruised about the
Paul Petaold. abraalon of face and
right hand, left foot crushed.
Oliver Hansen, right ankle apralned,
left leg fractured.
Joneph Foley, both lege crushed be
low the knee.
Archie Jordan, compound fracture of
right arm, right foot crushed.
Frederick flutter, face and neck la
rerated. left leg badly crushed.
rsrlnman C. W. Drummond of the
downward bound car waa arrested, but
hn claimed he could not account for
the accident
A. Johnson, huch, Or. Tha ' cattle
raising Industry In Oregon will be a
thing of the past era long. The small
farms are taking the big ranchea and
ranges are faat dlaappearlng. ; We will
be paying SO cente a pound for bee
within 10 years, Is my prediction, while
pork will be reasonably cheap. But the
cattle muat aurely go,. '
O. ,W. Terwllllger, Medbury," Idaho
We are going to make Medbury the
modil and beat city In Idaho.. It la ao
altuated that all that la , required to
aurrounds . it tha finest
land In the state, tha best climate.
plenty of water, small acreagea and
tha population will reach tha 100,000
mark on tha farms atone, becauee there
la enough land to go around. It la
altuated on the main line of railroad
nd alao on the great Wnake river, eo
that there la really nothing lacking. We
will be able to raise any kind of fruit
that the great northwest prodncea. And
It la backed by men who have the de
termination to do thmga as they ought
to be done.
Life Insurance Presidents, in
Session Would Prolong V
: Life of Man. . '
Frank Lasarua, Hayden, Colo. Thla
country certainly looks better to me
than Colorado. I find that the oppor
tunities are away better here than elae
where and the difference In climate la
worth all It costs to get here. I've
been freeslng for tha paat SO yeara in
Colorado and now I am going to stay
here In Oregon and try to get thawed
out by tha tlmtf I am too old to enjoy
life. What makea me aore la tbat I
didn't come hers 10 yeara ago.
McFee-Fielding Wedding. ,
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. t. Official and
aoclal circles In the capital Were inter
ested In the wedding today of .Mis
Janet Fielding, daughter of the Hon
orable W. 8. , Fielding, minister of ft-
nance, and K.Si. Metre or London.
Journal want ada bring reaulta.
Waehlngton. Jan. II. Prealdertta of
life insurance companlea, representing
mora than ,11,000.000 out of a total of
SO.OO0.OOO in the United Statea and Can-
Ida, ara in attendance at tha third an
nual meeting ef tha Aaaoclation ot Ufa
Inau ranee Prealdnnta, which opened at
the New Wtllard hotel today for a two
daye' aesaton. One of the principal sub
jects, to be discussed by the meeting
being "The Problems Arising from the
Dissimilarity of State Laws and Con
flic t of State Practlcea," tha holding of
It here and at thla time makea it par
ticularly opportune In view of tha fact
that the National Civic Federation, now
In aesBlon here, has 'for Ita principal
aim tp bring about greater uniformity
In the state laws on rarloua Important
. Taft and Rugsa oa Irogram.
The meeting of the Aaaoclation of
Life Inaurance Prealdente which opened
today, promlaea to bf exceptionally im
portant, and President Taft aa well as
Governor Hughes of New York ' have
consented to deliver addessea. The
program has been divided Into three
sections. Tha first section , will deal
with the various problems arising from
the dissimilarity of state lawa, and
papera on the subject will be delivered
by L. Q. Fouse, president of the Fidel
ity Mutual Life of Philadelphia: Judge
Gwrge H. Noyea, general counsel of the
I Northwestern Mutual Life of Mllwau
I kee, and John A. Hartlgan of 8t Paul,
president of tba national convention of
Insurance commissioners, f I ,
The second section of the program
will be devoted to tna eohalderatlon of
waya and meana V which life Insur
ance companlea may legally engage in
tha movement to, lengthen the apan of
human life, pr., Walter Wyman, Bur
geon i general of . the federal public
health and marina hoapltal service; Dr.
M. J. Rosenau, professor of tha new
course in preventive medicine at Har
vard Medical college, and Dr. B. W.
Dwlght medical director of tba New
England Mutual Life, will deliver ad.
dresses upon varloua phaaea of the sub
ject ; ;' - I
Xnsaranea Amalgamation.
Trie third section of tha program will
deal with the amalgamation of Ufa In
aurance companlea, or the reinsurance
of one company another. An outline
of tha practical questions Involved will
ba given by Isaao Miller Hamilton of
Chicago, prealdent of the American' Life
convention. Tha other capera wlir In
clude orfe ' dealing Vlth tha problems
Involved from tha vlewpolnta of Inaur
ance departmenta, which will be pre
sented by Alfred Hurrell, counsel of the
New York Insurance department- Fol
lowing thl delivery of the formal pa
pera on each of the three main aubjects
there will be a general dlscuselon. In
which all present will ba Invited to Join.
Oppose Asaembljr Flan.
CotUge Grove. .Or., Jan. l.-At
laat meeting Coast Fort grange of the
Patrona ot Husbandry adopted resolu
tions opposing tha "assembly plan and
Indoralsg the. direct primary law, l op
poalng the raising of the salary of any
officer of Oregon for any cause what
ever, unleea by the initiative, and de-:
mending the repeal of the sawdust and'
game Jaw, , , j ; ;hl '
V Richmond. Va., Jan. ll. The' one
hundred and third anniversary of lTe
birth of General Robert E. Lea waa cel
ebrated throughout tha south today. In
Virginia aa well aa In jr iortda, Georgia.
North and 'South Carolina, Alabama
and Arkansas the. day is observed aa a .
legal holiday. Business waa practically
suspended--IU 'rnavy " cities, f and rtha
schools were opened only In tba morn
ing to allow commemoration exercleee
to be held. ...
, Particularly elaborate were tha cele
brations In Alabama, where the Confed
erates . established their flrat canltal.
Tha Confederate . Vetera na and- Una
Daughters of tha Confederacy conduct
ed the memorial exercises. ...
Atlanta. 6a., Jan. II. General Lee'a
birthday-waa generally observed through
out tha atata today, and many societies
In this city bald commemorative serv
ices with music, , speeches and singing
of old Confederate songs. . ,
Covey Motor Car Co.
Stvcnlb and Conch Streets
affr the central bureau.
ales 940,000 a Tear,
It would be desirable to have a rarri
.hi4:a ,n aiiuiiinn w ine dook raia-
lorne u no definite atepa have been
taken lfQiat direction berauae the rev
enues irom the aales of the bcok cata
logue nave no mere than -sufficed to
mest the expenses of the publication. If
the card index can be provided for
eventually, the value of the work will
be greatly enhanced. The Bclentlflc ac
tivities of the United States are so di
verse that it takea some 10.000 entries
to catalogue lt annual contributions
The, principal eubecribcre to the cata
logue ara libraries and ' aclentlflo or
ganizations, and their- number la suf
ficient to bring, the American sales up
to about 140.000 a year.
It la the desire of the regional bureau
for the United-States to enhance the
timeliness of the catalogue by having
monthly check llsta Issued in pamphlet
form.' showing all the American lltera-
turs on aclentlflo subjects appearing a
month or two before. It will In nowise
Interfere with the mafh work, and will
give aubsorlberB the catalogue for the
united States as fast as the claanlflca
tiona are made. Germany publishes
such a eheck list and it enjoys wide
favor. The cost of this extra work will
not be more than $2000 a year, If con
gress can be Induced to appropriate It.
Strenuous efforts are being made by
the management of the automobile ahow
of. the Portland Automobile club to get
tra?k' of the cars which are on the
road ti the dealere of the city. There
are In Ihe neighborhood of 12 carloada
of automobiles, most of them Intended
for use at the show, on the road to
the city, bnt little trace of them has
been found.'
The Oregon. Railroad Navigation
company handles the cara with all poa
slble haste whenever thty find them,
but the trouble lies largely with tho
eastern roads which sem to be nearly
paralysed by mow and ntrlke troubles.
Some of the cars have been on tha
road close to 45 days. The Oregon
Railroad A Navigation company has
promised that If neoeseary a special
train will be made up and the care
rushed through., They may be called
One change .In the' personnel of ex
hibitors was made this morning -when
It was found that the Willamette Auto
Supply company, agents for the Mc
Intvre. would be forced to give up Its
space. It was promptly taken up by
the Smith Motor Car company, the
HayneB agent, and C. W. Vaughn, the
Carter car agent.
. .r . v ... . .
1 J7 f
Tomorrow rhe English Elections.'
even' more mruj in iucii. Hr1 .
Furthermore, some of the regional bu- f)M TRlAl FflR THPPT
reaus are Inclined to be alow in getting unl ! . " ''.nCr 1
up their lndexea, which seriously de
lays tbe central bureau in Us work.
": v printing a Task.
; Tha third task Is the printing. To
publish 17 volumes a year, containing
12,000' pages of matter, where accuracy
Is the, first essential. Is a task worthy
of the best printer. It Is slow and tedi
ous work. Made up ao much of Kymbola,
In which, one sign Is not a guide to the
one that follows, the printer and proof
reader must be all attention. When
the- work, is published the price Is 186
4 per set, ' v , Unfortunately the scientists
who ara " ever adding to the world's
wealth aeldom "accumulate much money
J ior themselves, and many Of them find
'. the price' prohibitive. TJne sponsors of
i the atalogua; have been anxious to
' lower the price, but they have not auc
. ' reeded in doing bo up to this time.
However, they are still hoping and
praying that some philanthropic person
will endow tbe work, eo that the cata
logue, may be more widely distributed
and hence of more general use.
' The catalogue hae been running elnce
. UOO.f ; The regional bureaua are pro-
; Scrofula disfigures and
causes life-long misery.
Children become strong
and lively when given small
doses of '
Scott's Emulsion
every day. The starved body
is fed ; the swollen glands
healed, and the tainted blood
vitalized. " Good food, fresh
air and Scott's Emulsion
conquer scrofula and many
other blood diseases.
s.m4.Ms.. aave of paper and thla ad. for enr
MMutimi Having nana ana wuil i ntetan
Boofe. tca bank oontaina a Good Lock Puna t.
SCOTT A BOWNE, 409 Perl St., R V.
mmmmmmxm.wK mmi'tmmi i
rtfA.iinh will sharpen any
li17flFinf 'rasof to keenest poa
UUXiUl It )). pltc h. Onr
O-aaranteei - If - raxorine is- not sails-'
. fanory mail your razors to us and -we
will grind and hone" them free of charge.
16c a cake, at drug or hardware stores
or by mall. . - . .
Wasortae CoM 89 rranklla St., jrew Tork.
rColted rrtat Leaatd Wtre.t
Ban Francisco, Jan. 19 Sua-
a pected of stealing the overcoat e
e that Harry Lauder, the Scotch 4
4 comedian, wears fdr a disguise
when he goes on the street, pave 4
4 Lyncher Is In the city Jail pend-
4 lng a hearing. , During Lauder's
a performance at Dreamland one
night last week someone entered
his dressing 'room and stole the '
coat. Two other coat's were
taken from the rooms of other
members of the Lauder company.
The comedian declared the coat 4
was his most prized article of 4
appareL, '
(United Preta Leaaed Wire.)
San Mateo, Cal., Jan. 19. Suffering
from a fracture of his skull sustained
when he went to sleep leaning against
a post and fell to the pavement. David
Spence, a piano dealer of this city, lies
In a precarious condition at the iRe
Or os Guild hospital.
Spence was leaning against a post In
front of the postoffice, where he had
been talking with several friends.
When he dropped asleep he pitched for
ward, striking his head on the pave
ment. He was unconscious when taken
to the hoBpital.
(United PreM Laecd Wire.)
San Francisco, Jan. 19. Alleging
that the death of her little son, Harvey,
waa due to tainted vaoclne virus sup
plied . by the city health authorities,
Mrs. Alma Iaerman Is plaintiff, In a
superior court action to recover' dam
agea in the sum of $26,000. In the
suit she filed she named as defend
ants the board of health and,' the H. K.
(Mulford company of Pennsylvania,
manufacturer of the virus.
According to Mrs. Iserman's com
plaint her son waa vaccinated In July,
1909, by Dr. J. F. Watklns, city physi
cian, because she could not afford to
send him to a private physician. She
alleged that the vaccine virus con
tained tetanus germs, and blood poison
ing waa caused.
She Is represented by Attorney Car
roll Cook.
Stanford Athlete a Rhodes Man.
U'nltea Pren Leaaed Win.)
Stanford University, CaL, Jan. 19.
H. R. Stol of Redlands, Cal., a member
of the class of '09 at Stanford uni
versity, has been awarded a Rhodes
scholarship. at Oxford university, Eng
land, according to an announcement
made today. Stols. Is an athlete of
ability, and was a ' member of the
varsity track team and a candidate for
the Rugby team. He will leave for Ox
ford next October to continue the study
of medicine which he began here.
Rebels Defeat Spanish Troops.
(United Preaa Leaaed Wire.)
London. Jan. 19. An Exchange Tele
graph dispatch from Tangier, Morocco
eays the rebel army inflicted s, decisive
defeat upon the government forces at
r et iaai sunaay. i ne ; government
troops were reported to have lost 200
men,, killed or wounded.
Hundreds See Gustave Falk Die.
(Dnited Pre Leaaed Wlre.
San "Francisco, Jan. 19. In full view
of several hundred horrified commuters,
Gustave Falk, a loftman employed by
a local construction company, fell to
his death from the top of a. pile driver
near Sauaalito ferry. Falk. attempted
to descend from his perch and had
lowered himself by means of a wire
cable. His grip broke, and he plunged
headlong to the dock. The accident oc
curred when two ferry'boats were en
tering their slips. ,. Falk formerly lived
at Oakland.
Taxes Well Paid Up,
, (SiJeolfl Dispatch to The Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 19. Pros
pertty in this section is evidenced by
the fact that but $20,571 of taxes due
the county la unpaid. The total assess
ment was $421.9.0S.: and $l0,6J0.J9
has been collected, t ,' '
T, irCenaua Bupertisor Named. "r
' Washington, Jan. 19. The president
today nominated Harold Blake to be
cenau supervisor for the Fifth district
of Montana.
.'Tomorrow Thursday) If positively
ho last day. for discount 'on east side
M Most belicious
Vanilla Sauce ;
Boll on cupful of oream with one
tablespoonful of sugar; whjle hot, stir
in tho yokes of three eggs and then add
ona tesspoonful of Burnett's Vanilla.
, Serve hot- "
Out bottle of s
will convince you of Its superiority
over ordinary kinds. Insist oa getting
the one bottle. ; ' .
i Bead ronrnama and eddrWaad wa will tmmi
loo. FREE, tliirty-aia angina teateal rvcipaa
ef deUciooa daaades eaaily and acoawanicaUy
will idaaa (ran tUa FREE book,
id for It NOW.
, ;-lsr " v.- WveW-:.
All. w : v - "
I 1 II! I !
UryijaL '
t I. iiiiiafr'-y-'-'' i.U
,r "1 I
38 mote fine pianos selected since Monday. Hurry in
if you expect to participate in this Great Piano Event
There's not a moment to lose now. If you've been figuring on
getting a piano at the greatly reduced prices at which they're
offered in this Warehouse bale and Ad
vertising Test, you must act quickly now.
At the present rate the remaining instru
ments will surely be disposed of .within
the next forty-eight hours. Remember,
'ft I these are strictly brand new, fully war-
L - . i -' .as . m a
ranted pianos the
--MMWa-w, .
..asms-. -fc. y-;- A : :M "
est styles, Remember, too,'
'we , guarantee quality and
we guarantee price. Your
"money back" ff you can
buy the same grade of
piano elsewhere,
East or West,
"3T at anywhere
near these low
;j tgia in.'""
TBe pecullaf properties of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy have been thor
oughly tested during epidemic of In
fluenza, and when It waa taken In time
wa have not beard of a single case of
pneumonia. 4 s f '
If vou come at once vou can still secure a W
or Kimball or Hallet & Davis or Hobart M. Cable
or Smith & . Barnes "or one of the other
- equally meritorious and worthy instruments
now offered at the lowest prices ever- known.
Remember, each and every instrument is strictly
brand newrr-the very latest style and fully and
unconditionally warranted. Your purchase is
protected in every way. - '
Any piano selected during this sale can be
turned in toward a Chickering or Kimball or
Wber or Pianola Piano any time within two
years and every penny paid will be credited on
the new instrument. This, is surely the fairest
arid squarest offer ever made by responsible
As to terms, we'll agree to accept any terms
that are anywhere within reason as low as $1.50
or even $1.25 weekly, if you desire.
Remember quickest action is necessary. Be
on hand the first thing this afternoon or this
evening, if possible;
1 Im If--
1 "V i,:-
flfV UK-tow
353 Washington Street, at Park
Cut This Out Worth $30
As first payment on a' Piano at Warehouse 8ala Prices
If presented on or befora January 22. 190.
Journal. 353 Washington Street
3F 5
r.r ')
Bring this Advertising Test Certificate with you--aelect any piano In
our stock. We will accept this certificate as first payment on the piano.
You' make your next payment'.one month later.- ,vy
Should you' desire to pay any cash, In addlton to this" certificate, we
will give you a receipt for 12 for every dollar you pay up to $30.
Present this Certificate and rat receipt for C , ; ; . .30.00
Vrasent this Oertlfloate and pay $S in cash and gat a receipt for ..$40.00
Presans thla Oertlfloate and pay $10 In cash and ret a receipt for $50.00
Present this Certificate and pay $15 la cask' and gat a receipt for
Present thla Certificate, and pay $ao n,caun and rat a receipt for
Present this Certificate and pay $29 In cash and ret a reoelpt for
Present this Oertlfloate u4 pay $30 la cash and get a receipt for
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