The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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J. D. Mann, , Witness in Her
, manh Trial, - Says They
Looked Like 'Bums" Jur
rors Question Him.
Member of th Jury turned pro
ciitor In the Blnger Hermann cms thU
mornlnr nd rave J. D. Mann,
Ury of thi 8tr Brewln company,
very bad few minute.
Thla. added ta the pertinent que
inn which Colonel Worthlnrton uke-
of George G. Brown, clerk of the elate
land board. In retard to-the action of
the old tte land board under the
floor admlnletratlon in regard to fraud
lent school land .transaction, aMedthe
only epioe to the mornrnf ion of
the court .
VOm Aokaowledffed JLppUowtlaa,
J. D. Mann waa put on the atand to
low that he had taken the acxnowi
edirementa to a larre number of appli
cation for school land for Oeora;
8or nrn during; 1901. ' He testified
that Sorenson had taken him down to
Kbin office, on Front and Btark atreet.
one evenlna and there had introduced
a larae number of men to him. "who
looked like naloon bum." and that ne
had worn them to blank application
for school land and that at the am
lime he had made out blank assign
merit of the ame land In favor of
vWere then assignments dated on
the same day a the application r
asked AInertu H. Metcalf. one of the
juror. The wltnea said they were.
"Then you did not know your busl-
ne. did you?" asked the Juror.
The wltnei preserved a dljrnlfled
llence. nd Mr. Heney said that such
a construction was one way of looking;
at the transaction.
"Didn't you. know that your action
, waa a fraud and that the application
f were a fraud T" asked John B. Thomp
son, another Juror.
Witness Flesfli Innocence.
Mann denied It most emphatically.
making- explanations which made a
mile wrinkle the face of the audience.
He said that he had read the applica
' tlons to "each man when he swore him.
and that he did not know anything;
about what Sorenson wanted. The, first
time he knew of anything- wren with
the transaction was when he read of
th land fraud Indictments.
C. F. Pearson, another Juror, rot Into
tho question box with another shot.
"When you were riven your commis
sion by the governor, you had to put up
a bond of $600 that you would be re
sponsible for your official acts, didn't
you?" he asked. Mann said he did.
"Are you still a notary publtcT" asked
Colonel Worthlngton. The witness said
he was.
"When you had your commission re
newed you had to ret two witnesses to
swear that you were of rbod moral
character?" Mann said he did." i
""Who were those witnesses?" asked
Worthlngton.- .Mann aald they were
8ol Blumauer and En gone Hoch.
"You did not ask Sorenson or Mays to
be- your witnesses did youT' Interjected
Mr. Heney. Mann said no.
"No action has been taken to keep
you from being a notary?" asked Colo
nel Worthlngton. Mann said none had.
and the attorney from Washington sank
bark with a sfgh of disapprobation
while the witness fled from the room.
Saw Sorenson Pay Money.
Mr. Heney sent after Mann, however,
before he had gone far and brought him
back to read a statement he had made
to the prosecutor, before the Mays
Jones trial, In which he said that he
had Seen Sorenson pay money to the
applicants, following: their having made
application. He had Just testified that
he did not see any money pass.
Mann said he remembered differently
after having had hi memory refreshed.
Oeorre Ci. ' Brown testified to the
manner of receiving school, land appli
cations in the state land office. Be
fore he left the stand he was asked
some pointed questions by both Mr.
Worthlngton and Mr. Heney about the
knowledge of the old Oeer land board
In passing upon applications for school
- lands.
Brown" said that he had been Instruct
ed by the board to pass air applications
and take the money for them when
they were presented In the regular way.
He was simply a clerk In the office at
that time and, while he may have had
a susplnlon that there was fraud in the
application, be had nothing ' to do
but follow the Instructions of the
board. These instruction were not In
writing, he said. , r i,
Mr. Heney asked Brown If he did' not
have a strong suspicion that the appli
cation were fraudulent when he saw
Sorenson bring In a whole bundle of
them for presentation and filing.
Brown said he may have had such a
suspicion, and- Colonel Worthlngton
asked1 him If he ever confided that sus
picion to anyone. The witness said he
never did, that he was simply a' clerk
and that he would have had to go to
M. I,. Chamberlain, his superior, and
not to the board. He had never told
Chamberlain, however.
, Wo Suspicion of rrand.i
At that time, Brown explained, there
had never 'been any suspicion of fraud
la connection with the land deal,
though when . Hyde and 1 Benson . came
Into Oregon' he had read of. It This
rumor grew until the grand Jury In
vestigated and brought omev Indict
ments, and then the trouble eeaed.V
r C E. S. Wood knew F, P. May, for a
great many yfars. II , was the gent
for the owner of the Cascade wagon
road grant' May came to him June IS,
1902, and , asked to purchase , som of
the land. May ; said he wanted two
townhlp. that It -was comparatively
worthless, and he would take two town
ship if the price wa rlrht , Wood
told him the rule to bold the grant ln-
isci wouia not be broken. -On
June It. May araln asked' about
the land. -He advised that the lands be
appraised at T0 cent and f 1 a acre,
and that when they were Included In
me reserve he would get ball of the in
oreaaea valu. He wanted Wood to
hurry up, a it waa getting close on toe
time the boundaries would be fixed and
ne, May, would have to confer with
hi parties in Washington. '
wood told May that be would not
treat rlth him. He told him that If the
land ought to be put in the reserve
for the publlo rood, they ought to go In
without any payment: If not tbey
should be left out The lands were not
included In the boundaries of the re
serve a recommended.
D. Mann wa a notary cubllo in
1903, and . took affidavit for Oeorr
Sorenson. On time be went to Borer
on' office and acknowledged a num
ber of affidavit. Another time he
went to a saloon on Second and Burn.
Id street. Sorenaon would bring the
applicant Jn and Introduce him. before
ins acknowledgment were .made.
Tarpley Continues Testimony.
Continuing hi testimony at the aft
ernoon session, Dan Tarpley told of hi
acquaintance with S. - B. Ormaby, and
Identified the school land certificate
secured by. himself and McKlnley.
on cross-examination Colonel Worth'
Ington mad It plain to the Jury that
Tarpley had suborned perjury in secur
ing the school land certificates. Tar
pley admitted that when he affixed hi
seal as notary to the documents he
knew them to be false and fraudulent
Worthlngton also made it olaln that
Tarpley - wa convicted of conspiracy
xo aerraua the government and that
there was another Indictment still
hanging over him. He drew out the
fact that Tarpley had never been sen
tenced in spite of the fact that his con
vlotlon was four or five year past
Pater Informed.
Tarpley said that be told 8. A. I.
Puter about the demand made by Mavs.
and had sent him to see Maya. He also
said thtrt he bad checked up the lands
itn McKlnley and found that they
were so close to the Mays lands that
they concluded Maya could not cut them
out of the reserve, without cutting hi
wn holdings.
.When they refused to meet the May
emand about 3000 acres were cut out
along the valley of the Sllvea river,
Horace O. McKlnley made his first
public appearance for some time by
aKlng the witness stand following Tar
pley. His testimony corroborated that
of Tarpley in regard to their aecurlng
school lands In the .Blue Mountain reserve.
McKlnley also told of going to see
Mays about the deal made by himself
nd Tarpley.
Fifty Cent Offer Insufficient.
Mays told him, the witness said, that
the 60 cent offer would not pay the neo-
ple In Washington, who had to be paid.
on cross-examination McKlnley said
Mays had never Indicated whom ha
meant by saying ha had to pay "thos'
people in Washington." The witness
said he bad asked Sorenson who Mays
meant and Sorenson told him he did
not know. McKlnley said he had never
met Hermann.
On cross-examination Worthlngton
drew out of the witness that there waa
an Indictment for conspiracy pending
against him.
Heney then put the witness through
a redirect . examination, showing that
he had been promised immunity in re
turn for his testimony In later cases.
Indictments not Dismissed.
Worthlngton then elicited the fact
that the Indictments had never been
dismissed, and Heney explained this by
saying mat civil suits were pending as
an outgrowth of the indictments, which
made it desirable not to dismiss until
their settlement. -
J. I. Wells, the next witness, was an
old friend of W. N. Jones. Jones had
requested the wltnes In 1900 to receive
as a notary public applications for
school lands. Well was to find appli
cants and was to receive $5 for each
one, paying the applicants whatever
they agreed upon between themselves.
O. G. Brown, clerk of the state land
offlc board, identified the Tarpley-
Mcjtumey school land certificate.
(Continued From Page One.)
being pushed as rapidly as money and
men can do it. ,
WiU Cross sesohttte Blver.
The extension will cross the east fork
or the Deschutes river to Odell, lake.
inence across the Cascade mountains
ana aown the middle fork of the WU
lamette river to Natron. Iorth of Klam
ath Falls, the road la known as the
From Natron business can reach Port
land either by way of Springfield and
Eugene, or by way of Lebanon and
woodburn, by which Natron now has
connection with the Southern Pacific
main line.
The completion of the extension, It Is
explained, will not cause abandonment
of the line across the Slsklyous, but
will relieve the congestion and over
come the grades now making hauling of
noavy ireigni necessarily alow and expensive.
v PRICE. 23 CTS.
- Thb Paopii' Emni for Coughs, Colds.
Croup. Whooplng-Cough, Bronchitis; Grippe
jCougly Hoarseness, etc It is ate and sure.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy never
' disappoints those who use it for ob
stinate tough, colds and Irritation of
the throat and lungs, It stands "un
rivalled as a remedy for all throat and
lung diseases. . t- ' y
: . ' v. 1 ; 1 -1 i ' . , Z,L
48Dedal Dlnoatcb to Tb JooraaLl
ijeaverton, ur., Jan-.19. The ques
tion of saloon licenses was again con
sidered by the town council last night,
resulting In all license asked for being
granted for another year.
-Miss .Alice Clement sustained a -
vere sflfatn of the ankle, confining her
to her home, . ". '
Judge Ooodln of , Hlllsboro wa in
town yesterday -on legal business.
The Fisher property opposite the Bon
Ton confectionery has been leased to 8.
B, Barnes for a term ,of years. . Mr.!
Barnes will . erect a saloon . building !
tnereon. .. v
Andrew Richardson' little boy Is
very ill with tonsJlltls,f
Mrs. R. M. Hanktnson. Hanklnson. N.
D., is visiting Beaverton friends,
Mr, and Mr. Oeorre Neuman enter
tained a party of friends last evening.
An , entertainment wtll be" riven in
Grange hall tonight by Beaverton lodge,
P. 'of H, Musical program."' .r. .. i
William Hunter entertalnirir his
sister.-Mrs. -H. J. poltraa of Portland
this week. - , ' - ,
RevC J, H. Ghormler. of Portland a
dressed a large audience' In Grange, hall
yeaieruay airernooa. , He will endeavor 1
to organise a Christian church In Bea
verton. , , ,-,. .1 , . ,, , v ,;,
Gus Rossi Is confined" to his home
with rheumatism. .,o
, Mr1. Michael Ford, who ha been vl
Itlng at the Summer home, returned to
Gardner, Mont, yeterday. '; r.
The Kewberg Brick Tile company,
who anticipate the erection -of a brick
and tile plant here, expect to ebtaln
the power for their machinery from the
a W. P.. people, end ask the town of
Beaverton to take enough aro light to
pay for the conveying of the "Juice"' to
this place. This seems to be a splendid
opportunity for the people of Beaverton
to pull themselves out -of their chronic
lethargy and improve the. town, at the
same time assisting a new Industry.
Beaverton bas not mad a move for a
quarter of ; a-century, whereby home
seeker might be Induced to locate here.
However, there 1 a general feeling rife
that we need some paved streets, -inept,
walks, el ec trio lights, city water
and a general house cleaning, and It 1
to be hoped that all tht will Uke place
in If 10. ,
' . (Continued From Page One.),
the east aide of the river. The council
would not ' pas an appropriation ordi
nance for an incinerator at -'that point
so great wa the opposition on the part
of property owners of that vicinity, .
No matter what' site would be sug
gested opposition from one quarter or
another developed and the council hesi
tated to enact legislation which would
Incur the displeasure of a targe 'number
ofvoter. ,, . , , , .. ... ,
Finally a movement began ' Tho
Journal waa carried to a successful con
clusion when the people at "the last
election voted to Issue 1150,000 worth
of bond to build a garbage burner.,
Kayor Simon's plan. ' '.'
Mayor Simon announced shortly after
entering upon his term of office that
these bonds would not be sold, but that
he would build the crematory on the
It of the present plant and that the
money for thl purpose would be taken
outof the general fund. . ? ' ' .
Boon after thl announcement was
made bid were advertised for by the
health board, and after week of discus
sion . the board decided . to accept the
tender of the Lewis A Kitchen company,
the lowest bidder. Before- the council
could take action on. the recommenda
tion of the board, the Lewis ft Kitchen
company asked to be allowed to with
draw its bid,' stating a a reason for
the request that Frederlo P. Smith, who
submitted it was not authorised by the
company to do so. -
The bid was withdrawn and the board
rejected all bids and advertised for new
offers which were opened January A.
Since that time numerous meetings of
the board have been held, and the result
of the board's laborious investigations
was that the- incinerator offered by the
Willamette Iron & Steel company was
today selected as the one which will
best suit the demands of this city.
Councilman Ixmbard, who was ap
pointed a committee of one to examine
crematories In different parts of the
United States, ha taken an active part
in the discussions of the board. , Some
day ago he expressed himself as In
favor of any standard, type of crema
tory, so, while he Is hot entirely atls
f led with the. choice of the board, It Is
not-thought that he will seek to delay
the building of the. crematory by oppos
ing the passage by the counotl of the
appropriation ordinance necessary be
fore me neaiin ooard can award a- contract
No Deception.
From Ttd-Btts.
"No," said the old gentleman sternly,
'I will not do It Never have I sold
anything by false representations,
I will not begin now,"
For ,a moment r he w silent '
the clerk who stood, before him cmiM
see that the better nature of bis em
ployer., was t fighting strongly for ti
right. 1 .,;-. . ';
"No tho old" man crlinl situ In. "I
will not do it!.' It Is an inferior grsdn
of shoe, and I will' never pas it off for
anything better. Mark it 'A shoe fit for
a queon,' and put it In the window. A
queen doe not have to do much walk
ing." : - 'tu 1
i ii in hi i it :
The largest vessel ever built In Swit
zerland, a steamboat t2 feet long. Is
being constructed for us on Lake Geneva.
Is one-half over only this week and
next to secure BARGAINS in
We advise you to come early
and take advantage of these
Leading Clothier
my patent
A New Plate
That Holds
Everyone is delighted with the way
our New "Anchor Deture" Hate fits
and stays in the mouth. This plate
has no roof vet it far surpasses all plates that have.
Comfortable from the start. Easy to take out, clean
' and replace. Enables you to chew well and thor
oughly masticate any food. Shown and demon
strated free. We are the inventors and sole makers.
The "Anchor Denture" can be had only of us. All
extractions made painless.
Special Prices lor a
Few Days
GOLD CROWNS, 22k f 3.50
Call and have us give your teeth i free examina
tion, and get jur estimate .on your dental, work, It
you are. nervous or have; heart trouble, the Electro
Painless System will ;do the work when others fail.,'
All work warranted for ten yeirs. . r
t WW xv Wjs-w L
l 7 I
Electro Painless Dentists
Across From the Perkins HoteL
303 Washington St., Corner Film
umce upen averting and Sundays.. Lady Assistant in Attendance.
Called for and
Delivered Without
Extra Charge
Values to $10, Hand-Made
Art China, Now at $2.69
Word has just been re
ceived from our buyer
who is now in -New
York to make room for
a large shipment of
china, pottery, cut glass
and other choice wares.
We have decided to
make room . by placing
on sale several hundred
pieces from our large
and justly famous line
of Stellamacher, Tep
letz, Royal Bonn and
other wares. The sale
includes Stellamacher and Tepletz Candlesticks, $8;
Amphora Vases, $5 to $10; Mottled Stems, $3; Royal
Bonn Rose Jars, $7 to $10; Ornamented Bottles and
Vases, odd shapes, $7; Stellamacher Fern Dishes, $6
to $9; Amphora Rose Jars, $6 Amphora Fern Dishes,
$3 to $10, and many other choice pieces all included
in one lot and placed on sale at. . . . . .EACH, $-5.09
$2.00 to $12.00 Umbrellas
for Ladies
and Gentlemen
One -fourth Off
A large selection of medium-priced
and high-grade Umbrellas to choose
rom. Values $2.00, $4.00, $5.00,
$6.00, $8.00, $10.00, up to, each, $12.
We Rent
For Invalids'"--
a month.
Plain maples, pair. , $150
J. lain j: ."r
Maple, with patent tip and
leather swing tops. $5.00
Maple, with patent "tips,
special at $2.00 to $3.00
Rosewood, with patent tin
and swing top ..... $8.00
AT, THE JAR......25
" '
Inverted I
BuFrier .
Complclc With Manlle ;$5c
Gas Alantles (all kinds), 10c and Bp. Globes Chimpeys, Fixtures,
Burners, all kinds. Best quality, lowest prices. Full line Gas Supplies.
Gasoline Lighling Systems and Supplies.;
Economical IfflhUna Company