1- i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY, EVENING, ; JANUARY 19. 1810. ilMIDEMS EHJOY A BIG FEAST Take Interest in Speech Urg ing Support for Good Roads Movement. The rompllsrtentary banquet given at tli Commercial club lat nttht to th Oron Btate Retail Hard war & Imple rnent Dwaleri association filled the large dlninir hall to capacity, I4S being- pree- ent. ' Urlque souvenir menus, aomewhat re smblln a trade catalogue, announced that the retallera were guests of the hardware, Implement and vehicle, paint and oil, plumbers' supplies, ; wood and willow ware, threshing -machinery, tent ar.rt awning, stove, rubber goods and machinery Jobbers of Portland, i ; ' Ont-of-Towa Yisltors. . About two-thirds of those pronent perhaps, were out-of-town visitors, and ttioae who were called upon for a few after, dinner remarks said they have learned to think so much of Portland thai In the future they would like to bring their whole families along to the annual conventions, Portland being the liiaicaJ place for the -.meetings. Charles R. Archerd, manager of the John Doere Plow Company's Pacific northwest department, who was toast' master, first Introduced J. N. Teal to Heak on th subject of "Good Roads,' Mr, Teal set forth many reasons why toe hardware and Implement men should tic deeply Interested In the good roads movement. He explained that there are two. sides to the road bulldtna question, the economic and the social, and that the good roads are not being urged for the sole benefit of' the man who rides In autos or 'carriages, but . as well for the man who rides In a farm wagon. . , As it lies In our own ability to de crease our cost of transportation," said the speaker, "so it rests with us to ac ccrdlngly Increasa our purchasing pow ers. The ptlnclpfa Involved In railroad improvements applies exactly to road- making. Railroads are constantly at work " reducing grades or removing curves, and so the wagon roads of the rountry should constantly be brought to a higher state of condition." . ' ' Beealls Xarly History, ' Mr. Teal recalled the earlier history of' the state and the wretched condl tion of the roads, lie said in many places the highways are -little, better to day, and that to 'this fact may be at triboted to the commercial men as state build ers. Toastmaster Archer Introduced A. C. Calian, of this city, who, on behalf of the Retailers' association, presented President Uarnett and Secretary H, J. Altnow, both reelected to their respec tive offices, each with a beautifully en graved gold fountain pen. as tokens or the appreciation of their excellent work In the Interest of the association. Roth responded briefly , and expresaed their feeling and surprise. H'-n. W. V. Fenton, counsel for tne Harrlman linea lna? Oregon, spoke on "The Outlook," especially In regard to the state of Oregon, and said that few pitopls indeed realty have an Idea of what wonderful development this state la now experiencing. Increase of 9100,000,000 LOOKS AT PISTOL; : LOSES VALUABLES Druggist Forced Into Rear of Drug Store, Where Rob bers Search Him. Forced into m rear room at the oolnt Torri RlchardaOn. of the Commercial Pletols heldT',h!s fact W. C. club, spoke of the deep attention that Is being attracted by the state of Oregon throughout not only the United States, but throughout the entire civilised world. Ha said . he expected the pro duction of the state to show sn In cresee of f 100,000,060 each year for the next three years as a result of the remarkable development going on In all directions. The election Of officers took place yesterday afternoon. President Gemett, Vice President H. H. Fraser and Secre tary Altnow were reelected, C. N. Stock- well, of Portland, Was chosen as treas urer to succeed Frank Dayton, also Of Portland. Two of three members of the executive comrrilttee were reelected William Dellaven of McMlnnvllle. was chosen In place of W. A. Johnston, of The Dalles. The other members of the committee are Drew (Jrlffln, of Eugene, and George A. Blake, of Baker City CARNEGIE: "I LOVE MY SILVER' SERVICE!" WORKMEN: "OH, YOU TIN" e (TTnltrd Pre LMeee Wlre.t 1 Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. It. A one 4 e cent banquet, which Is In reality 4 a take off on the recent banquet 4 given by the Camegle officials 4 at Pittsburg-, which Is said to d have cost $100 a plate, Is being 4 planned for. Saturday night by the striking tlnplata workers here. The banquet will be given at Bridgeport , All strikers who hsve the car e fare and one cent extra have been Invited. The cent will not be used to provide food but win e be expended to surchase oil for 4 4 the torches. 4 This is the menu, on tin plates, a) e which the worklngmsn who hsve d been on strike since the first of 4 July wlH be offered: Water- 4 cress, crackers, peanuts, smoking tobacco, cob pipes and river wa- 4 4 ter. 4 4 4444444444444444 Wltsel. proprietor of , the Hawthorne pharmacy, at .1061 Hawthorne avenue, was held up and robbed of 155 and dia monds valued at. $260 last night Two men did , the work. '.They escaped In the darkness.. ' Shortly before JO.' o'clock, as the pro prietor was preparing to leave the place, the two men entered. One walked close to him, and pulled out a gun, telling wetsel to hold up his hands. The sec ond holdup man pulled his gun and di rected the first man to have the drug gist walk to the rear room. When In side the rear room, the $65 was taken from his pocket, A ring was taken from his finger and a stud from his shirt. They then asked for tha keys to me caan register, whim contained IS Then the men backed out the door and disappeared. Neither holdup man wore a mask. They had been seen around tha Place early in the evening. ratrlck Canlvan, saloonkeeper at Sev enteenth and Northrup streets and seven customers wea held up . by one man last night, shortly after nldnlght. The ma rauder lined the seten men up by the bar, and took Z0 from the cash rear- later. When he aecured the money, he slipped out the door. .. Gatea Hawea, proprietor of a pool room at Portsmouth avenue and IV II-1 lamette boulevard, reported to the police I that as ha left Ma place at 11 o'clock he was held up -by a lona highwayman, who took MO from him. ; , t ' : CARRENO REAL GENIUS ,IN VIOLIN PLAYING Carreno, who plays here a week from tonight at the Bungalow theatre, haa frequently astonished tha world of art and music by her vigorous grasp upon her particular art, but she haa rarely charmed ax she has been doing at her reoent recitals throughout tha east. Every year she seems to gain new qualities. The recital at the Bungalow will be under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, .and will undoubt edly be one of the most brilliant af fairs of the winter.- There are so. few pianists of the gentler sex and to find one; who h;s been accredited with all the genius, and accomplishments Of her own, aa well, as tha so called stronger, sex. Is to prepare for a real event when ever and wherever she plays., ' j Quarrel Over Iloorej Murder. - Iioa Angeles, Jan. 1. -John Mlranrto, a teamster, la In Jail pending an Investi gation Into tha death of Zeno' Robles, a shecpshearer, whose head waa beaten, to a pulp on the outskirts of tbe city. . A bloody1 brick Is held aa evidence. There were no witnesses to the crime.. Two friends of tha dead man told the police that Mirando and Roljlci were qusrrel- Ing over a bottle of wine shortly before Robles body was, dlsoovered. '.: . 1 . . Tomorrow (Thursday) Is poeltlvely the last day for discount on east side gas bjiia. ;. , . m. i . i. t! . Journal want ads bring results. INTENDING PURCHASERS of PLAYER -PIANOS . - . . . ... re not doing themselves Justine, or us, unlesa they sea the Bush eV Lane Player-Piano. If you are In the market ' , . ..-'.a Please Bear in Mind That Bush eV Lane Player Piano are sold direct to you from the factory at factory prices. This saves you dollars in the retailer's profit Every Bush eV Lane Player-Piano is sold with a written guarantee for 30 yean, which means to you 20 yeara of piano satisfaction. SOLD ON LASY PAYMENTS 4 XJberal AUowanoa Xada a Yar old IMaao. Maaoa to ent Bush & Lane Piano Co. 3A6 Washington, Straat Bet W. Park and I Oth St 1 TATI0K The Sincerest Form of Flattery Since we introduced Whalebone Teeth in Portland some' two years, ago many unscrupulous dentists have used the name Whalebone in their advertisements in the hopes of procuring business through our reputation. ; ' ' - . ? We have never given any dentist in Portland the right to use : the name Whalebone in their advertising, and we are the only dentists that make, the celebrated Whalebone Teeth with a 20 year guarantee and we cannot guarantee any other teeth for that period. Whalebone plates give thorough satisfaction In every case and are made, only by The Chicago Painless Den tists. Our reputation is established and we do only high grade dentistry in ail its branches. , v 1 ' TEARFUL FATHER JAILED the fact that tha bova and I fi'!?.?!f.t,S:Z!l!! PHONY TALE OF WOE; p uwi4 a iuv v.viau v v 111 lutr vvwsa- try and yet enjoy 'the pleasures and comforta of the city people, because It would b 'possible for them to get out )d return home without taking their ll-.vs In .their hands or having to spend a. day or two on the read, tile called attention to the fact that (CnlUd Preea Lesied Wlr. Globe, Arix..' Jan. 1. Camello Lu- cero, 'employed' by the local telephone company, is : in jail cnarged wttn oo- talnina money under false pretenses, an educational campaign for better because he collected cash from fellow roads has been started by the Oregon I workmen by , exhibiting a permit to Good Roads association and thought this work should be lent every ericourage- mnt. And he, said better roads meant much to the hardware and Implement Men in volume of trade. J i . J. B. Kerr, counsel for the Hill lines lo ' Oregon, was the next speaker, his utibject being "The Pioneer." Mr. Kerr explained that he. in tended to keep as far fsbm the subject as possible, and uccoeded in doing so. He sstd that since coming here some five years ago, In? had heard a great deal about how the Pi-ople had been deprived of the "neces-r-ary transportation facilities at the hands of the Harrlman people, repre sented at the banquet by their counsel, Hon. W. U, Fenton and that In this re fcpect the Speaker said that his people had entered Oregon simply. and aolely fur the betterment and general ameUp rtlon of the suffering and downtrodden public. . ' ' ' ' As to the hardware men Jo particular, Mr. JCerr aald 4by-had always followed closely the man with the ax who cut the trif through the virgin forests. ev. Charles Soaddlng Talks. iRfght Rev. Charles Soaddlng, V. V., Bishop of Oregon, 'explained why the ' hardware and implement dealers' busi ness waa much like his own. After relat ing several Interesting anecdotes of trav. ls through various parts Of the state of Oregon, the speaker said there could be no distinct line drawn between the secu lar jand sacred work; that It was the man., who works who succeeds. ' "I do not feel that I want to make a real serious talk this evening," said the bishop, vbecause I do not wish to take U3 a collection, but 1 do like to say em phatlcQly that I wish to be counted In on every movement for the'good and up- builoing'of the state." ! In this connection he paid high tribute bury bis 3-year-old son, while real teara streamed down his cheeks. 6ub sequel ly It became known that the child was alive apd In the beat of health. Lucoro's arrest followed. The man first came to the manager. W. C. Edward, to whom he told a pitiful atory of how the ahild had been accidentally scalded to death. Ills his employes, all contributed to ssslst In giving the child a respectable burial. Lucero then left the office. His trick was discovered later, when Mrs. Lucero called, to Inquire regard ing the whereabouts of her husband. Low-Rent Prices on Bedroom Furniture e Our Low-Rent Prices as quoted from time to time in our ads are the regular prices as they prevail throughout this store, and we invite com parison of them with the clearance and 1 special sale prices of any store in the city. Besides these loW prices we extend you Confidential Credit Our credit customers are never known beyond our store. Try this credit plan; it's easy, pleasant, dignified and satisfactory WE EMPLOY NO STUDENTS EXPERTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT No Pain No Gas No Cocaine After twenty-five jears of constant practice the Chicago Den tists have perfected a system in all branches of dentistry that is absolutely painless. Being in constant communication with our Eastern offices enables us to do dentistry by the latest methods' which is a pleasure and a comfort for old and young. A visit to our pffice will convince you that we do all we advertise to do. Beds, genuine malleable iron, full and three-quarter sizes, generally sold at $3.50; Our-Low-Rent Price . I, tVIHl (III J $2.90 Arrow COLLARS Look well as Ions: as they lastlast longer than ordi nary collars and cost no more . 15c. each 2 tor 25c. duett, Pea body & Co., Makers ARROW CUFFS. 25c a Pair Fine selection of Brass Beds all at . Low-Rent Prices. Genuine mahogany four-poster Bed, colonial design,' dull finish; a rare beautv, usually priced at $50. cLow:Rent $36.00 otMa oJLfcite-? " Iron Beds, heavy tubing, in all col ors, generally priced $6.i OA Our Low-Rent Price. . . .Jt-.OU A very large assortment of Beds made of genuine' malleable iron' in all colors and sizes, brass trimmed and plain, at prices fully 25 to40'per cent lower than usually quoted. Our Low-Rent Prices tl 1 from $2.90 to .J 1 U.-wU $15 Set of Whalebone Teeth $10 GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS ! SPECIAL PRICES FOR TEN DAYS Silver Fillings . . .50 up; Enamel Crown . . , ... .$5.00 jro'ld Fillings $1.00 up Bridge Work, per Porcelain Fillings-'. . . .$1.50 tooth .,$5.00 22k. Gold Crowns. . .,.$5.00 God Set of Teeth $5.00 Logan Crown $5.00 Fine Set of Teeth. . . . .$8.00 Good bet of Teeth. . . .$5.UU EXTRACTION FREE WHEN OTHER WORK IS DONE Chicago Painless Dentists RaleighBldg, Sixth' and Wash. Entrance 323 Wash, St. OFFICE NEVER CLOSES Open day and night Holidays and Sundays. Lady Attendants. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE offers many tempting bargains. We call your atten tion to. that most useful of winter garments the Sweater Coat. $5.00 SWEATER COATS, NOW. ....... .$3.85 $3.50, SWEATER COATS, NOW. ....... .$2.35 $3.00 SWEATER COATS, NOW. $2.15 "$3.oq Full Neck' Sweaters ; Now . $1.35 166-170 THIRD STREET $3.00 Full KTeck Sweatdrsj Now $1.35 Genuine mahogany Dresser, colon ial post design, to match the above described Bed, very massive, eight drawers, immense French-plate bev eled mirror, beautifully shaped at the top, usually valued at $75.00. p:. $42.00 DRESSEfc Birdseye maple or; quarter-sawed oak, seven-drawer, "28 by 22 inches, oval French-plate bev eled mirror, swell front, elegantly finished and highly ! polished ; PRINCESS DRESSER To match the above, 7-drawer, (J A AA 32-inch mirror. . tj) J ymjJ Others as low as $10.50 discounted to... . . . .$8.40 v So imany splendil bargains throughout the store wc cannot begin to de , V scribe them. Come early Buy now. - v $25.50 Chiffonier - to match the above Dressef and Bed, genuine mahog any in' dull, finish, six drawers, col , ouial post design with -shaped top mirror, generally sold at $65.00. Our Low-Rent 3 Q A A Price JPuO.UU DRESSERS Qlarter-sawed oak !. Of birdseye .maple, seven-drawer, : t6p drawers serpentine shape, Jiand- polished, with 28 by 22-incK oval French-plate beveled (( mirror DRESSER Birdseye - maple . or quarter-sawed oak, four-drawer, top drawers serpentine shape, hand- polished with 28 by 22-inch oval .. rrench-plate beveled mirror . $20.00 I scnoe tnerru uome early buy now. . , H -r ? Vancouver, 3fiQ"70 East MORRISON St. Morrison, - j t. jife'S Wash. ., j-szg2 mnT7 j street '- ljVi ftzpiWiJ aiu FFainjensco J5.00 (INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH) REDUCED RATES AND QUICK TRIP TO LOS ANGELES. S. S. KANSAS CITY (L. N. N pander. Master) Sails 4 p. m., Friday, January 21. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A, 142 3d St. Main 402. A-1402. J. W. RANSOM, Dock Agent, Ainsworth Dock, M. 268, A-1234. San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co. For the flechanic !': If you are about to purchase new , tools or replenish your present, kit, I come in here and cast your eye . oyer (dur stock. , You won't consider the ; prices low until you have examined the goods we offer. AVERV&CO. iS Third St, Bet Pine & Ash THE G ORN E-LIUS . The House of Welcome" CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS : .. Single $U0 and up. Double $2 and up. - meets all trains. Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C Our omnibus W. CORNELIUS Proprietor 'H. E. FLETCHER Manager jiiilllafii; HOTEL - TJTXX AID WASBXbTOTOV bW". Id tha heart of tha business and shopping district ' Tha most a; oder n and Up-to-dats hotel in tha Northwest. Iiocal and long-distancs 'phones In every room. Rooms with private bath, en sui and sinsvle. Sample rooms. Elegant cafe. , . . ' ' . , . r- Mnalo dally d'nriBf luneh, dinner and after tha thea tre, by the famons Market Orchestra, . -Bus ineeta aU trains. -,- . . Bates $1 and' np.. ,-.-'.' MOTSX, PIKXir CO. yr' - r-.,,A)4:. T f.'Jtlchardaoa. yrea.'-- ' It. Q. SVsnini iwy Sew SE, WARD CORNER TENTH AND ALDER The leading' botef of Portland, opened July, innn n i j-i-n r . "r- ' j?uj, 1 juuucru in cYciy uciau. lurnisnco in , elegance. Most beautiful ;' corner .lobby in Northwest Commodious sample rooms. European plan. r Rates $1.50 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. : W. SC. SXWASS, Frop. ' r l-:! : . ' i ' ' . ' ' ' :''': :v-V v' ::t.' ' ': l v ' - "'-'' ."' - ' '-: ' ' -