The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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loving" Cup Presented Japan
i ese Naval Club by Admiral
Hubbard on Behalf of Mem
.'vbers of American Fleet.? -
TTnlt1 Prxas Ld Wlra.)
Toklo, Jm. American and Jap
anM navat officer- engaged In i lova
feaat today when Admiral Hubbard, on
behalf or the officers anfl men of the
American fleet, presented the Japaneae
Naval club with a handeome loving
cup. V
Many Japaneae official of high rank,
with naral officers, including Admiral
Toco, were present-at the ceremony,
Naval Minister Balto reaponded to Ad
miral Hubbard's presentation speech.
H eald:' x
"This expression ' of warm feeling on
the part of our visitors from the United
Btates is a proof of the cordial rela
tlons existing not only between the
navies of both countries but the peo
ple themselves. . -
"I believe this incident will strength
en the chain of friendship between
Japan and America, thw first link of
which was forged by Commodore Peary
more than half a century aro, ,
Salto will entertain the American of
ficers at a banquet tonight.
(United prma Leiwd Win.)
New Tork. Jan. 19. The big stock
exchange firm of Lthro,-Hktne
Co., went down with a crash today when
the stock of the Hocking Coal A Iron
company, which has been under heavy
pressure during the lain few days, fell
rrom 60 to IT. A panloky reeling result
ed all along the Una and the big inter
ests were watching the market closely.
The firm of J. M. Flsk Sk Co. also
went to the wail In the general selling
resulting from the break in Hocking
Coal A Iron company stock.
Kxpetimenta by a big Canadian rail
road of dispatching trains by telephone
have shown that 60 per cent more traf
fic can be handled in a given time by
that method than by telegraph.
I . 3
Some Advice '
About COLDS.
Take warning from the first
sneece and check a cold before
the. lungs re affected.
An effective remedy for 'coughs
and colds In made by mixing- a
halfounce of Virgin Oil of Pine
compound pure with two. ounces
of Glycerine and eight ounces
of pure whiekey. These ingredi
ents cfjp be bought in any first
class drug store and easily
mixed together In a large bottle.
It Is cla'l tried that a teaapoonful
of the mixture four times a day
will break tip a cold In twenty
four hours and cure any cough
that la curable. This formula is
highly recommended by the
Leach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati,
In wh'oee laboratories the genuine
Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure
Is prepared.
1 :
Tha Quarter; block at (the southeast
corner of King and Washington streets
was purchased yesterday by A. B. Ellis
from James Muckle, the consideration
involved being Mt.OOO.'. It is understood
that Mr, Ellis plans to Improve the
property with a four story brick apart
ment house at a cost of 1100,000.
Tha sals was made through the firm
of Vanduyn and Walton,',
- E. L. Thompson closed ft deal yester
day with a. B. MacNaughton and asso
ciates for the purchase of ft full lot at
Park and Burnslde atreets for 115,000.
Mr. Thompson will Improve the site
with ft modern business building as
soon as. he finds ft tenant for the prem
ises. The sale was made through the
agency of tha H. p. Falmer-Jonee com
Herman. H. Jones, president of the
Jones Lumber company, closed ft deal
yesterday for toe purchase or 61 by 100
feet on Trinity Place, near Washington
street. The property was purchased
from A. Relsacher for $14,600, ,
' ft KELP
.' . . .- ' . .- i
Col. Frank Davey Says He Can
Prove There Was Traffic In
Legisjative Votes for United
v States Senatorship In 1 903.
(tlntted Psms lt6 Wire.)
New York. Jan. 19. Colonel Theodora
Roosevelt will leave the African hunt
ing grounds for Khartoum, . Egyptian
Boudan, about March 1. There he will
meet Mrs. Roosevelt and after a leis
urely trip across Europe will return to
tha United States, arriving bar about
June J.
The former presidents plans were
made known today in advices received
from British East Africa.
Mra. RooseveJt will aall for Naplea
February IS on the Hamburg-American
liner Hamburg, and will go directly to
Khartoum, where Colonel Roosevelt will
arrive from Oondokoii on the monthly
government steamer. Together they
will probably visit Athens and Constan
tinople, crossing from the Turkish capi
tal to tha Atlantic side of tha continent
on the .orient express.
Roosevelt has consented to deliver
lectures atParls and Rome and at Ox
ford university. This series be expects
to conclude late in May. It was stated
today that there was no ruth In the
report that he woujd visit the Holy Land
before bis return. , .
. 1 1. .. -
(Special Dlipatob to TJe JonrnaL)
Eugene, Or., Jan. 19. Mart V. Endi-
cott of Maroola, who recently waa con
victed of violating the local option law,
and waa fined 1260 and served ft term
In . the county jail, today began suit
against tha Mjount Hood Brewing com
pany, of Portland,' for 110,000 damagea.
He alleges that the defendant aold him
quantity of "Nymph Tonic" for beer.
which . was claimed ,by the defendant,
Endlcott alleges, to be. non-intoxioat-lng.
Endlcott claims his business was
entirely destroyed and that he suffered
great humiliation and disgrace by being
compelled to go to Jail.
'(Spatial Dl.pitrti tn Tlia journal. I
Shanlko, Or., Jan. 19. As a result of
a premature explosion of powder yester
day afternoon at Camp 1, near 6hearars
Bridge, Thomas Durkin, ai employe of
the Paclrlc Coast Construction company,
lost both hands and received injuries
about the head which will probably re
suit In his death. One aide of his face
was torn to pieces.
New Praise-Word Coined.
, From the Boston Globe.
English speech, already opulent in
synonyms, is being daily enrlehed. One
of its latest accumulations is the new
adjective "tarty," signifying complaisant.
"He was a good clerk," aald a New
Yorker, "but he was so good-natured to
everybody, so tafty, that he neglected
the Interests of the corporation, and we
had to let him go."
DccpXoid Cured.
Health Restored.
.J I , tk
- i ; i t
Be Careful of a Cold and Cure It
Before It Becomes Deep Seated;
if Not It May Run Into Chronic
Bronchitis or Lung Trouble
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Will
Cure the Cold and Build Up the
Entire System So That It Can Re
sist Disease.
"I have highly praised Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey to every one suf
fering from deep colds, as I know
it was your valuable Whiskev that
has given me back my health.- If
anybody thinks this statement is not
genuine, let him write me, and. I will
let him know what your medicine
has done for me." C. W. Glenn, 1518
Ashland St., Richmond, Va.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskev has
to its credit over fifty years of service. During this time it has
brought health and happiness to thousands oi homes.
Duffy's Pure K
lalt IVhiskey
is an absolutely Dure, eentle and invieoratinsr stimulant and tonic
It overcomes all weakening, wasting and run-down conditions of the
body,-brain, muscle, giving the system power to throw off and resist
coughs, colds, grip, catarrh, bronchitis and! lung trouble, and it is an
absolute cure and preventive of consumption; pneumonia, bron-
'chitis, materia and low fever, it
' taken Jn time and in small doses
s directed." ; It-is prescribed by
doctors -and is ; recognized as a
family medicine everywhere.
Xf In n.ed of advio.. writ Medioal
Department, Duffy Malt Whiskey Com
pany, Rochester, Kew Tork, stating your
casa fully. , Oar doctor will send you
advio free, together with a vuluable
illuitratad medical booklet, oontalnlng
rare oommon-senss rules for health,
which yon cannot afford to be without
and some of tha many thousands of
gratifying letters received from man
aad woman in aU walks of Ufa, both old
and young-,' who have been cured J and
benefited by the use of this great jnedl
toine and . who oontlnue to enjoy good
health. - Sold by dxpr1sts,: 'grocers and
dealers, or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. .
I Wrect evldenoa by one who was there
as to the trafflo in legislative votea for
the United Btates senatorship at tha
aessloh of 10J Is given by Colonel
Frank Duvey tn an article In a recent
Issue of his Harney News. He makes
tha dlrecf charge that offers were made
him, that he haa wltneesea to prove the
facts, and that he was ' told that he
would be "a fool If ha did not heel him
self." -. , '
No spaclftoatlons are given, and the
significance is not In what Is said, but
in the direct and positive manner 'in
which the charge la made. The publica
tion grows out of recent attacks made
by the Oregon Ian on the direct primary
and direct choice of senator along with
tha abuse the paper haa heaped on Mr.
Davey and Other Republicans who have
defended tha system.
The article la as follows:
Tha Tingle Wolf.
Tha hyena like ferocity with which
the Oregonlan pursues tha men who dis
agree with Its political policies is as
pitiable aa it Is disgusting to men who
like fair play and political decency.
"The friendship and fidelity of yeara,
the loyalty and the unceasing and freely
given labor for party success are all
forgotten and Ignored when once the
Oregonlan starts on a line of political
brigandage, or when the 'Interests' for
which It standa either in business of
politics are threatened.
rattans Upon Monopoly.
"Fattening upon local monopoly for
years, with euffloient allied power to
cruah out all competition. It waa seven
ysars ago forced to realise that a com
petitor waa launched In the Portland
field with which it would be forced to
reckon, and because some of Portland'a
beat and oldest cltlsens, tired of the
Oregonlan arrogance and unfairness,
saw fit to give financial backing to the
new enterprise The Journal the Ore
gonlan pursued them in their business
life, their social life and their public
life, with a venom and hatred the re
pulnlvenesa of -which had but one com
pensatory feature it built up The Jour
nal to most prosperous proportions,
mreulng- Same Old Course.
"ftia Orasronlan is Dursulna" the same
ootfrae now toward men who have all
their lives labored rreeiy ror tne suc
ceed of Republican principles and Re
publican candldatea and it is doing it In
the name or the Republican party- (save
the mark!)
Upon what right or principle doea
the Oregonlan presume to speak in the
name or the party at all 7 Does not
svery voter in the state know that every
disaster to the party In SO years was
largely chargeable to the attitude or the
Oregonlan? Hasen't It fought the car
dinal principle of Republicanism protections-all
these years, the only prin
ciple that, has held the Voting .masses
In support ef the party ror SO years?
Haa BeUttled Republicans,
"Hasn't It abused and belittled Re
publican state and district orriclals on
all occasions until It haa bred a wide
spread distrust or all our party candi
dates and encouraged the votera to sup
port their opponents?
"Did it not In 10J hound Governor
Oeer with persistent malignance until
it drove thousands or his friends to op
pose and defeat Furnlsh and elect
Chamberlain governor? Did It not laud
every movement and utterance of Cham
berlain as governor that was calculated
to castodium on the Republican offi
cials until It set up Chamberlain aa a
god in the minds of ordinary people,
and paved the way for that elevation
about which the Oregonlan is now bowling?
Encouraged Attacks on ruiton.
Did It not encourage attacks on
Charles Fulton until his renomlnalon
was made Impossible and did it not fall
to support Harry Cake ror senator and
encourage . its roiiowing to support
Chamberlain? Did It not do everything
in 'Its power to belittle and weaken
Senators McBrlde and Simon when they
were representing Oregon In Washing
ton? Did It not hound John H, Mitchell
Into his grave and has it not dragged
rorth his. remains .with ghoulish malice
frequently since to exhibit his derects?
Republican loyalty, forsooth! Ban:
The Oregonlan knows not what it la and
never has known It! And yet the Ful-
tona and the Geers and the McBrldea
and the Cakes and the Mitchell friends,
all or whom U has betrayed, ' are now
irovellna; at Its teet in the hope or
being raised again by the scruff of the
neck to the platform or popularity
which they once enjoyed.
People la Karnes.
"They will miss it and the Oregonlan
will miss it. The people are in earnest
and they will not permit themselves
to be robbed of their rights and privi
leges to eatlsTy the ambitions or Mr.
Scott, who has been cajoled into be
lieving that he can be senator if he ran
only destroy the primary law and State
ment No. 1.
"The News will Inform the Oregonlan
that if the editor of this paper had
been of the disposition to trade his
legislative vote for an office and sell
out his constituents, he need not have
waited until 1907 to receive his "re
ward." He could have had anything he
wanted in 1908 and was then told he
was a fool because he chose to refuse
the prorrered opportunities to 'heer
"We are In a position to prove this
not only by living witnesses but by a
law still on the books which we wrote,
introduced and had passed in order to
block the game of bargain and sale."
(United Tksu Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Jan, 19. Captain A.
Schroder of tha Norwegian schooner
Alice, his wife and daughter and seven
seamen were drowned when tha little
vessel foundered during a storm in the
South seas early last December, ac-'
cording to a, report brought by the
crew of tha schooner O. M, Kellogg,
which Is In port today. .
The Alice, 11 T tons burden, was bound
from Raratong in tha Cook Islands
to Manahlk. She was spoken by the
Kelloc gl tha day before a terrific storm
swept that section. -Nothing has been
heard from her slnde. The, Alice was
engaged in the Inlerlsland trade. , i-
Tomorrow (Thursday) is positively
the last day for discount On east aids
gas bills. . , v . . . . e
While Waiting Baby Dies of
Cold and Hunger Jailed
, , After Fierce Fight ,
(tnlted freu tataed Wire.)
Belllngham, Wash Jan. 1. The tit.
tie town of Lynden la in a state of
great excitement as a result or the
death laat nla-ht nf tha ntti h...-k,..
or Mr. and Mra. George Paschtot, fol
lowing a long session held by the en
tire famllv nn their hniiuinn r
den, north or hera, where they awaited
tha coming or the Lord. The , little
child died, rrom the exposure, and ji
J-yeaNold daughter is in a precarious
condition. As a result of the arrest
of the father and mother with their 11-
year-ol son and 9-year-old ( dajjghtir,
no harm can com to them at the hands
of the people of Lynden, but-there is
reaU.danger for other members of the
Holy Roller faith, followers of whlch
cult are aald Vo be living there. Offi
cers are working on the case, and It Is
possible that other arrests will rollow.
Cltlsens or Lynden declare It will be
just as well ror the officers to see that
tha Holy Roller cult Is removed at thla
time, for failure on their part to attend
to thla duty may mean that tha cltlsens
will take the matter Into their own
hands. Feeling Is running high. A Holy
Roller elder of Seattle Is- being sought
by the officers, and arreats will no
doubt follow. ' '
risroely Resist Arrest.
When tha Pasrhtots were discovered
on the housetop and the, condition of
the children was made' known.' people of
Lynden rorced .thfin'to. remove; them'
selves, hut this was not done until after
a rierce battWItv whlvh tha ll'year-old
boy and the 9-ar-o)1 girl were the
rierceat combatants. They fought llko
tigers for tb faith that has tainted
their youthful minds, and'lt was'wlth the
greatest difficulty, that they sVcre over
powered without Injuring them.
It Is probable that the roroner will
decide that the baby came to Ita death
by starvation na much as from ex
posure, for tha antlr family had fasted
since Monday. - ' ;
. ' Had Destroyed .All Clothing. , '
-A oold wind was blowing when ' a
Lynden man discovered the family on
tha roof of the littles home, going
through the most' Insane antlca. 'the
mother hugging the dead body of. the
Infant to her breast
Aid was quickly summoned, and then
the fight began. It ended only when
the Paschtot family waa landed In the
eemnty Jail In this city. When the bat
tle on the roof was ended, it was found
that the clothing of all the membera of
the family had bee destroyed, and It
was necessary for neighbors to donate
articles before they .could be made pre
sentable, j
The hearing of the prisoners, prob
ably on Insanity charges, will be post
poned untM the case has been looked
Into. Later charges of a more serious
nature will likely be made, In which
other Holy Rollers, and especially the
leaders of the cult, will be Included.
Astoria for Newport, was this nimrtlrs
sighted 49 miles north tr Newport. T
boat Is at fa and will wait until t
weather moderates before rrosaln 1"
(Hpertal Plapttrh to Tha Journal.)
Nwport. Or.. Jan. IS. The gasoline
sloop Condor, which sailed Sunday from
. . 1 i . 1 - . . - I' -
How to Ktop Dnndraft and Ulre New
' Lle to Your Hair,
Or all nourishing, twice that give llf
and vitality to the follicles and root
of the hair none is more widely ul
says lime. Mare in Modiste, than th
beta qulnol tonic perhaps because It
can be made at home at small cost.
There Is no excuse for dandruff no
excuse for dull colored and dry hair
no firuM fur falling lialrwno xousa
for at least half the bald beads yoi
see. A good hair tonlo used once or
twice a week will prevent dandrurf. In
vigorate the hair folllclea and keep the
hair beautiful, abundant and glossy, .
.Inst et from your druggist one ounce
of beta qulnol and one-hair pint or
alcohol; mix with one-hair pint of warm
water. Or put the ounce of beta qulnol
In a pint of bay mm. Klther method
of mlitng will please you, for It 1 th
bets qulnol that keeps the svalp healthy
snd puts new life Into tha hair.
The Home
Furnished Complete
Tull & Qibbs, Inc.
Morrison at Seventh
Housef urnishings
Sold on Easy Payments
; Portland Agents for "Modart" Corsets, "Lily of France" Corsets, "Madeleine" Corsets
Third Week of Rummage Sale Wifclh Savings1
in Evenry Department Just as Infceresfciog as Ever
This Unusual Sale of Misses', Juniors and Chil"
dren's Garments Will Be Welcomed by many
Those Popular "Co-Ed" tW College Dresses CLUDED
$25 "Co-Ed" Dresses Now $12.5Q
' i 111 '"" 1 '' 11 1 ,1 1 1 i i'i in i ii a f(j 8kirts and waists, trimmed
with buttons and embroidered emblems the smart and distinctive athletic garments that are so popular right now and
will continue to be for months to come. We have them in a fine assortment of colors in the serges and chiffon
broadcloth. But just the same we advise that you come early if you have in mind a particular shade'.
$ 1 7.5Q College Dresses Now $7,5Q I.cS!!Sd .Vil
"Be 1 i .I. 1 i ii 3 the season' smartest and
most practical garments everywhere. This special-price group is composed of. Misses' College Dresses in the serge
in black, blue, brown and wine shade, 'with full plaited skirts and the waists wih embroidered emblems.
Misses' and Juniors Tailored Suits at Half
$17.50 Suits $8.75 $22.50 Suits $11.25 $25.00 Suits $12.50 -
wMMMMMMHHBVMMH,H.HiiH,iHVMMMM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmim
-' ' .... . ,
Practical styles for school wear plain tailored in cheviots, serges and broadcloths. They are made with the medium-length
coats and the full -plaited skirts. Navy, brown, red, gray and green offer a good variety of colors for
pleasing selection; and they're all new styles, which, with the decided price reductions, make it most interesting.
Children's Wash Dresses
$1.25 and $1.50
JOC and $2.95 DRESSES $1.98
$3.50 and $3.98
Such an opportunity as this that many mothers have been awaiting. In these three groups wW be
found Jarge assortment of washable niatrials guaranteed to be color fast. These are the practical
play dresses, in dark ginghams and percales, and the lighter colors and in French gingham, linens and
cotton repp. They're made up in such popular styles as Buster Brown, the jumper and long-waist effect
and the high and low necks. From the plain, simple frocks to the more handsome hand-embroidered
styles; there's sure selection of he proper garment for children from 6 to 14 years.
Seigle-Fosters' Sample Line of .
Children's Wash Dresses to Go at Half
$3.5Q and to $ 1 0 Dresses
At $1.75 and to $5,00
And in this telebrated line of Children's presses is a fine assortment of
the best materials ginghams, linens, percales and cotton repps. Jumper,
Buster Brown, long-waist effects and sailor styles frocks that in work-j
manship and design are exclusive are most pleasing. Sizes from 6 years .
to 14 years. . '
Drapery Rummage-
Lace Curtains at 00 Pair Regular $1.60 values, in plain net
Curtains with Battenberg insertion and edging.
Lace Curtains at fl.35 Pair Nottingham Curtains in white
and cream tint, full length and good curtain width; regular
,$2.00 and $2.10 pair values.
Silkoline at 10 Yard Plain and figured and 36 inches wide'
the regular 15c yard quality.
Figured Scrim at 20 Yard In colors red, blue, green and
brown; 40 inches wide and regular 30c yard and 35c yard
Bungalow Nejt at 45tf Yard 45 inches to 48 jnches wide and
in cream, ecru or white. Regularly 75c yard and 80c yard.
At 12e Yard Cluny Insertion and Lace Edgings in white,
ecru and cream tints. Regular 18c yard and 20c yard.
Curtain Net at 35 Yad Plain ecru net, 72 inches wide; reg
ularly 60c yard.
At T5 Yard Upholstery and Drapery Materials that sell reg
ularly at $2.00 yard and $'3.00 yard
In Crockery and Glassware
-rMany other bargains besides these are creating much interest
in the Basement "Rummage." ,
Rummage bargains in the Colonial Glassware a plain, service
able pattern:
20c-Spoonholders, eacli...0
25c Olive Dishes, each... 15
30c Cream Pitchers, each.20
30c Nappies, 7-in., each. ,25
40c Celery I rays, each...o4?
40c Nappies, 8-in- each..30e
Set bf 6 Fruit Dishes, 4-inch.,
regularly 45c set, for...35e
50cNappies, 9-inch, each.35e
70cf Covered Butter Dishes,
?ach 40
There are just a few o the ''Rummage" bargains in odds and
ends from the Crockery Stotfc; "
Set of C; Austrian China Plates in floral decoration,, regularly
$2.50, set, at v... $l.ld
Set of 6 Plates in the white serrti-porcelain, regularly 75c set.
at, set I ....48
Fancy hand-painted Cups and Saucers, regularly $100 values
at 65f each 65c values at. .................... .40 EACH
Decorated Terra Cotta Umbrella Jars, xeg. $2.25 values, fl.RO
: (
These Are Some of the
Furniture Bargains
that entered the "Rummage Sale" yesterday.
In those restful Arm Chairs and1 Arm Rockers with large, loose
velour cushions in seat and back.
$16.50 Arm Rocker in golden oak, for.. f 11.75
$11X10 Arm Cliair in golden oak, for $10.75
$17.00 Arm Chair in golden oak, for ......f 12.85
$19.00 Arm Rocker in golden oak, for .f 14.75
$21.00 Morris Chair, with golden oak frame, for .,;J15.75
In the Roman Chairs.
$15.00 Roman Chair wiih carved panel back, golden oak, for $11.25 .
$19.00 Carved Arm Chair in golden oak, for... ..$11.25
$26.00 Roman Chair in golden oak, with handsomely carved" back
panel, for ..,,.$17.85
$29.25 Ladies' Desk in birdseye maple, for .. .$17.25
$35.00 Large Library or Office Table in quarter-sawed golden oak,
for $24.75'
$7.00 Comfort Rocker.of the saddle-seat pattern, with high back, irt;4
golden oak, for r , . . ,4 v ., , .$5.85
$18.00 Princess Dresser in golden oak, with, oval mirror, for-$12.25
. ' .!.--. yy'.Y-yv ' irv '- v'""
$5.40s Full-size Bed in white enamel, for....:.... w.3.T5
$7.75 Full-size Bed in green, bronze and gold, for....... '.,$4,00
$9.50 Full-siite Bed in pea green, enamel, with brs post , cap.v ,
for . , I $0.75
$37.50 Massive, full-size ilrpn 0edV; in 'finest ivory enamel flnikh,
" , - ' . . :-. -