The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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$500,000 SUIT
Gives Evidence of Intending to Officers in Litigation Involving
Do Things to Paulhan's Rec- Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank Try to Have Devlin's
Action Dismissed.
ords and Others French
man's Latest Feat.
(Baited rim. ImhJ mM . liaising ma point mm i nomi v-
Lo Angeles, Jan, 19. Following Paul. I Devlin aa roelver haa no right to aua
ban's wonderful reoord. breaking creaa th officer and director or tn'uregon
country flight, Olann.Curtlaa today re- Truat Savlnga bank for money al-
fuaed to admit that tha Frenchman had '"a TO n,v" 1,BU, mna TV
aet . record that eou.d not bo brok.n and V7" "Zr""" Z
Intimated that ha would mak a try "IT ' ' ,lu ..VViiJ a n .i" In
to establtah a w mark fur croa oovn- I abatement by which they hop to throw
try nying enner inia afternoon or to-1 the caaa out of court
inorrow. I extended argument and long
Whan aakad hla opinion of Paulhxn'a lay. tha defendant met defeat be for
49 tnlla erlJ Journey In one hour, two I Circuit Judge Qantenbeln on motion
minute and 41 4-i aejonda yesterday, I to atrlke out parte or the oompiaint
;urtia shrugged hla shoulders and 1 They cam to bat again with demurrer.
wald: land again, after a long winded argu-
f "The meet la not orar yet Let ua I ment, Judge Qantenbeln ruled against
ea;. there are really four big record I them and auatalned tha complaint Tb
o break, on for auatalned flight one plea In abatement la tha laet tp In
trr altitude, one for spaed and on for I tha fight to head off tha caaa before It
oiatano. It aeema to ma that a die-1 cornea to trial.
,tnc flight far beyond tha 40 mlleal Rama roiat Balaed.
awnicn vooy new noma oe accompnsnea The i-. on ,ea , abatement
' I la ralaed aaalnat the ault brouaht In
It I Mid that Curtlaa la low deter- n-vlln'. nam. aa.lnat the directors of
nlnad to. give a few eihlbltlon of h. rP... i,. ,.ii.d dui r.r
rapid riving, ana ni rnena runt mail.. h. i. th. i. onnm
pe naa purposely oeen nanging oac. th eMtm are ,wnl, mnA th ming
pinui ini jaai oaye oi in row who in.
view of making a "grand atand finish.
Thl afternoon It waa unofficially an-
rmunced that the American would nt
Former Restaurant Keeper Must
Answer for Selling Liq
uor Without License.
one ha followed aa a matter of courae
In the other. TJv of the defendanta
ar the aame in each caae.
In tha main MM tha f Rflfl Mitt tnr
amm .a tK1fh a aaar ItiM. Ian anaad I - 1
K" i money aueged to nave been mieappro-
l erord, carrying on paaaenger.
prlated In 11 different transaction th
Hamilton, who haa been puraued ly I ...
a - . ji,aU-.l T ici m a, wi f e J
anisroriun since in- ur,nm... i " " A. Moore, W. Cooper Morrl. Elmer E.
BllPf L MIQ Qfl WVUJU UIUIMIUII ill's,-) Uia t vu CVIauta XXT U Pam an( I An
recona attempt ror xne "" Mr a Balaton and Albert T. Bmlth. In
Uni one for auatalned flight thia af- th lMt9-cw ,h. flv flr,t
ernoon. n.m&l ar. alan riof.nritnta Inlnaul with
. i a i v I - , V - , rtkt. WIII.Ml I " w " rf
II II improwon ni " "'" fUnf.. T. -t.a B W f)trke n1 J
ho la with Curtlaa. will fljragalndur- r Redd ; , tt be ,
Sng th meet for th reaaon that hla , ' A- ...,
nine have been working badly. - i , ,upport of th plea In abatement It
What Paulhan haa In mind to thrllll,. . V Twii ..
h anecutor with thla afternoon 1 al" "J" ,.. .h. :..rM.;-in
Jit aubject for apeculatlon. The daring . M t b reoe,v,r
-renchman la alwaye cloaa 0 for th Oregon Truat aaaigned all
fcbout what he ntenda to do With , few , . d -Mnaild- aln,t & hank to
ceptlona n aoe. not even ni.a- ,n tna aerman.Amerlcan btink und.r .
). I manager concerning a fet agreement approved by th circuit court
t naa oeen none. . Inn Fnhm.rv n ion lnliiti in thla
When aeen today Paulhan referred to i . . ;.. ..
M. haaardouj trtp tojh old Arcadia be heJd cre)j,tor.g(l,n.t
rc track. 11 mile away, In hla Par- offl'r, an(1 diriptora of the bank
plane a a '-mere jony excur- Arnnrinr ta thl. thfcnr, nf th
lon." H. ughed when aaked ir tn. a,rm5.Attierlcan bank la th. aole
(rale which wa blowing at tha time f
would have to be th plaintiff In th ao-
llon. Thla la the laat trump card of
the defenae, and the ruling will be
i f To one e!M Toe. it 7"..!' wi!!
the ault '
A ' long Hat of attorney a-'aubacrlbed
nan biplane as a "mere jolly excur-
yion. Ml taugnea wncn ,
Val which wa blowing
inada th flight dangeroua.
I" Paulhan in- thl ' flight wa contt
ing for th 110,000 prlM offered for
tolng to a dalgnated apot and back In
lie beat tlm. If no one ela doe It
In better time -Paulhan, will got the
jnoney at the ejid of th meet
E. D. Jobnaon, keeper of th Delmonlco
reataurant who haa o long vadd th
penalty of th law for Illegal sal of
liquor whll new caae wer piling up
agalnat him; wa called on to fac a
Jury In tha circuit court thla afternoon
In two of the oaaea pending agalnat him.
A thlrtl caae la aet for trial tomorrow.
Demand for a Jury trial waa made by
C. M. Idleman and Eeneca Fouta, repre-
aentlng Johnaon, aa aonn aa the caae
waa called be for Judge Morrow. Th
caa had been aet aa a non-Jury caae,
and the cuetom of the circuit court haa
been to refuae a Jury trial when no
Jury waa demanded In the municipal
court Idleman aald he" had authorities
on the right to a Jury trial. Judge Mor
row, after a conference with Prealdlng
Judge Bronaugh. denied Hh application
for a Jury.
Then JjepUty City Attorney Bull! van,
who 1 proeecuting for the city, aald he
waa willing to hav a Jury, If th de
fence wa fnltnt upon It Judge
Morrow again conferred with Judge
Bronaugh, and It waa decided to allow
th Jury, rather than permit the possi
bility of error by refusal to grant a
Jury tiiaL Th Jurors had been ex
cused until next Monday, but an order
wa entered to call In enough of th
regular panel to try th caa thla after
noon. Thl discussion over the Jury waa
preceded by a wrangling over which
caae ahould flrat be tried. Sullivan
wanted to proceed flrat with the laat
caae, but It waa found that thla wa
aet for February 11. One of the other
three cases, the first tried in the lower
court will come on tomorrow. Thla
left two case from which. Sullivan
elected to try flrat the charge of selling
liquor without license to F. A. verml
noon In Auguat
nwrn ri nnmiiriiT , .;; " . ..'.yy":
uvlk tLumvm
Now Develops Wife of China
man Toole With Her $12,
000, Leaving Husband Al
most Penniless. ' . '
n . 11 1 - I t 1 A n t-ll M-M I
" . . k.w . i. W. Fulton, Q. Clyde Fulton. Arthur
13:45 n. m. Ha arrived back at Avla
lion field at tha end of the return trip
Bt 4:1 p. m. Th fflclal tlm of the
Slight waa one hour, two minutea and
;4 2 4-( seconds. Paulhan waa given the
neatest ovation eer tendered an aeronaut
Langguth and 8 week aV Fouta for the
Moo res and Morrla. Othera are John H.
Hall for Lytle and Estes, J. M. Ixng
and C'A. Jobna for Ralston and Smith,
Wirt A Minor and Raphael Citron for
Fried, and Frank Schlegel for Stryker.
1 . (Continued Worn. Pag One.) .'
feed. He at once, on Sunday, aent feed
to them and again ordered wore to be
tent yesterday. ' ' "
Mr. Bailey aald that h formerly had
I SO head of cattle and SO heep on th
Hnch, but that aom tlm ago h aent
carload' away, and that Jir ld not
icnow that he had more than-40 or 6e
ieat there at the present time. At the
I me he took the carload away he Waa
old by those in charg of bla place
hat he had feed aufflclent for the Win
er and waa advised to leave th r-
inalnder there, which h did.
The anow and th lc of th recent
t old epell wa hard on hi cattle, Mr,
palley aaya, and It waa Impossible to
feet feed to them on account of tb high
fcvater and the slippery ' roads. Some
I me ago Hart Brother, who are in
barge of the place, sent him word that
tome of the cattle were getting pretty
f hln and naked for authority to sell the
I hln ones. He gave th authority Mr.
Jlailey says. '
Mr. Bailey aaya that the same condi
tion have been existent In eastern Ore
jpon and that the sheep and cattle hav
feen dying In large number, ao thai
t Is. nothing unusual for hi cattle to
)ie lif the same fix. He Is trying to get
feed to them, and did not know that
they needed It until Sunday, and cannot
e9 why Hart Brothers did not Inform
Jilm aooner of th bad condition.
, ' Executor Are Continued.
i f Judge Webster In the county court
Kas denied tb petition of B. O. Whlte
jiouse for-a final accounting and dis
tribution and discharge of himself and
Ypiiarles J. Reed aa executor of th
Estate of John ,'Oreen, and entered In
stead an order for partial distribution
Pf about $40,000 tn personal property
how on hand. ' Thla Is in accord with
in view of Reed, whose application
fOf a partial distribution waa resisted
. ly Whltehoua The latter contended
i hat after 11 years the time had ar
Ived for discharge of the executors
nd the turning oWr of the real estate
loldlnga, valued at $500,000, to himself
nd Reed aa trustees for final account
ing and distribution, but Judge Web
ster disagreed and ordered only partial
( .
Xorthwtst Company Incorporated,
j C. C Kinney, Marshall J. Kinney and
J'aul -8. 8eeley have filed articles of
Incorporation of the Northwest com
; tanv. with a capital stock of $50,000.
Talk on Plans for National
Congress in Denver
June 10-17.
The Fulton. Park Land com- 4)
4 pany yeatarday afternoon deeded
4 AO the city a atrip of land 200
feet wide, extending from the
aouthcrn extremity of th Ter-
wlliger donation land claim to
th Slavln road.
'Thla I the second large gift to
the city to be used for a park-
way and boulevard. It will ex-
4 tend the mtle long atrip, donated
recently by the Terwllliger heira
and will be a substantial aid to
the general boulevard scheme
4) projected by th X)lmsteads. 4
4 Charlea E. Idd Is president of 4)
th Fulton Park Ind company
and B. M. Lombard I aecretary.
Hanna Kim Farr, wife of Le Poo,
a prominent .Chinese merchant at
81 North P6urth street, who took
112,000 and several articles of
jewelry and Is supposed to hare
run away with a young Japanese
Portland's Chinatown has never been
stirred up over anything aa it haa over
th elopement of Hanna Kam Farr,
Wf of Lee Foo. who I a prominent
merchant and leader of hi race, with
I. Okada, a young Japanese Beau Brunv
mel. The couple left Monday night.
The woman took abont $12,000 and
much Jewelry belonging to her husband,
Who waa left almost pannllese, Mr
Farr la considered a beautiful Japanese
woman. - "
: Hold Indignation Meeting.
The prominent Chinese met yeaterday
evening In the at'ore' of Lee Foo, at it
North Fourth street and held an indig
nation meeting, and bitter feeling be
tween the Japanaae and Chinese ex-
Sues Lodge Because He Could
' Not See Humor in initia
tion Ceremonies.
Tb colored lodg of Elks, conducted
under th high Bounding nam of Ros
City lodg No. 111. Improved, Benevo
lent and Protective Order of Elks of the
World, haa been aued for $2500 demagee
by on of Ua new member becaua he
did not appreciate the humor of th Ini
tiation ceremonies when ho was re
quired to alt down on a hot chair.
George W. Scott la th plaintiff In
the caae. A th colored Elka are not
an incorporated body. It I not aued aa
a. lodge, th defendant being It chief
fun makera and leading lights. They
ar Kdward D. Cannady, A. Ballard. W.
D. Allen, E. E. Richardson. Aaron
Lewis, David Thornton, George Ellison,
Julius Severe, Joseph Prescott John
Wilson. C Miller, Qeorg Stevenson.
Frank Brldgewater, V. Keen' and Wll
Ham Webb.
Representative' Mondell of
Wyoming Refuses to Intro
v Aide Measures In House
.... . . , .
Recalled Also From Senate.
ICntted frees leased Wlr.l
. Washington, Jan. IS. -Th conserva
tion bills prepared for presentation to
the house and th senate by Secretary
of th Interior Bajllnger were recalled
to his office today for revamping, fol
lowing th refusal of Repreaentatlv
Mondell of Wyoming to introduce them
In the house on hla own responsibility.
Senator Nelson of Minnesota present
ed, them to the senate, labelling them
"Introduced at th request of th sec
retary of th Interior." - ,
Th house copies af th bins lay in
Mondell'a offlc for nearly a week. Al- represented month of hard
labor on Bellinger's part, and vral
Scott's complaint which was filed to-1 cabinet conference,' they ar new back
day by' John F. Logan' and John H.
Stevenson, explain that he waa (nvtted
to join tne Afro-Elk by tn defendant.
H pungled over $8.60 for Initiation
fee and presented himself on November
II to learn th mytrle of th order.
On of the flrat 'proceeding, h aaya,
waa to blindfold hrm and to remove the
most of hi clothing. Then he wa In
vited to sit down.
He sat. but did not atay long. For the
chair had been provided with a tin bot
tom, underneath which was a' candle.
The master of ceremonies had allowed
the chair to become a little 'warmer
than Intended, and what happened to
Scott la thua told In the complaint:
"He wa scorched, burned, blistered.
eared, fried and cauterized upon varl
oua portion of - his body, to such an ex
tent and to such degree that the skin
nd cutlcl of said portions of hla body
wer removed-and destroyed."
Scott aaya he waa compelled to call
n a doctor and to endure great humilia
tion among hla colored associates. For,
week he waa confined to hla bed, he
aaya, and waa unable to alt down. He
had to atand or He prostrate-when eat-
ng hla meal, he declares, all to afford
little glee for the dark-skinned Elka
He demand that the defendanta pay
him $2600 to square the account
In his hands for repairs.
(United Preea Lteeed Wlre.
Washington. Jan. 1. Conservation
of national reeources, particularly with
a view of unifying etat laws affecting
th oubllo domain, waa th subject of
discussion today by th 10 governor of
nr ah or a Mir
Back Trom Philadelphia With
'Only One of, the Tyvo Pris
oners He Was Sent After-
Stolen Jewelry Is Returned.
City Detective Jo Day and W. 11.
Hyd arrived thla morning from Phila
delphia with Samuel Levlne, who Ja
wanted on a oharae of burglary pre
ferred by Meyer Hlmmelfarb, $80 H
Flrat street Both dotective assart
they mad every effort to bring back
Mlnnl Kesten, who wa arrested with
Levin. Further, to how they attempt
ad to get th woman, they exhibit a
written statement from Magistrate
Scott' In which he" states the evidence
produced before him was not sufficient
to hold hr. . ' . t
In a former statement'th earn Judge
aald h did not know aha waa wanted In
Portland, and said that If th Portland
detective bad a warrant for her and
requlaltlon paper, they ahould have
mad It known. In an wer to thl De
tective Day and Hyd stat they In
formed Maglatrat Scott tbey had th
neceasary paper.
Quaker Chief Blames Judf.
In hie Investigation of th case. Chief
of Polio Cox - wired th Philadelphia
chief for a statement of the. affair. As
sistant Chief T. O'Lrary of Philadelphia
sent back th following: "Relative to
the releasing of Minnie Keaten, your
the various states who are herf attend- offlc, wtr no ,mpHcaUH,. Bi w
na the conference of governor
A plan for a college of governora Is
expected to com before tha eonfrnco
before it adjourn, but It Is reported
that a majority of th governors ar ad
verse to Its formation..
Higher atandards of living waa the
keynote of the Mothers' congress meet
ing Tuesday afternoon In the council
committee room of the city hall. The
large room was overcrowded. Reports
were read from the various mothers'
and teachers' circles, whose meeting
are held In the schoolhouaes, and plans
discussed for the National Mothers' con
gress meeting, to be held in Denver
June 10-17. .
The lively discussion that .followed
the principal address of the afternoon
showed that the many mothers and
teachers present were Intensely and
thoughtfully Interested in the aubject of
a finer Idealism for tbe youth of 'Port
land. The principal paper of tbe aeealoa
was read by Mrs. Emma Carroll. If the
mothers and teachers had come 'In an
ticipation of learning aom of the se
crets of tha educators' craft they were
not disappointed. Th speaker made It
plain that high aspiration and eternal
vigilance must be. the price of success
In the teaching art.
Following Mrs. Carroll's address,
many of the women present aroused to
an appreciation of their own- shortcom
ings and those of many others. whom
they might influence, Joined in a 'dis
cussion of practical ways and means of
raising the standards and ideals set be
fore their children and pupils. Mrs. J.
W. Hawkins suggested that a closer as
sociation between the mother surround
ed by wealth and culture and the moth
er compelled to rely somewhat upon the
earnings of her children for the family's
livelihood, might be beneficial to both,
the one learning how to Inculcate the
habit of industry In her charges and
the other how to assimilate culture.
At the close of the meeting the wom
en were 'loath to drop the subject of
parental responsibility, and gathered
Into little groups to talk over among
themselves the Inspiration with which
they expected to go back to their In
dividual life tasks as mothers and
Ists. Chief of Police Cox has again
Instructed the two races not to be so
friendly. In several case detectives
have , given members of the two races
positive instructions to remain away
from th other. -
- - No fve of t he - elopl na- couple - ha
been foVhd.j The plan to elope was well
flawed out The moat plausible tne
ory is'tllat the runaway are trying to
get back to Japan.
A friend of Lee Foo has beon aent to
Seattle to look for them. All of the
bla; cities hav been asked to aid In
(Cnlt Prtee Leeses Wire.'
San Francisco, Jan. 19. Francis De
La Franconla, formerly a captain In the
Spanish army and now a baritone
singer who has been heard In the opera
houses of scores of South American and
Mexican cities, waa given a prelimi
nary hearing before federal Judge De
Haven today on a charge of being en
gaged In the white slave traffic.
Franconla waa arrested at the Portola i
cafe, where he was engaged as a singer.
Following his arrest Senora Amelia
Fernandes-Calderon, a Mexican actress,
who Is alleged to have left her husband
to follow Franconla into this country.
waa taaen into cuaioay. Ih. .., ntrtivea Hullver and
The rormai cnarge againat iranconia M4,0n have teen aw,gned to the case.
waa riled upon oraers irom tne xeaerai A report wa8 maae last evening that
autnonues ai new 10m. ii is 10 me tbe coupi are etill hiding in the city,
effect that he brought the woman to th In Bearch!ng the rooms of I. Okada,
United Btatea ror immoral purposes. tne detectives found several Japanese
According to the federal offlcera who iettera from the woman. Clandestine
arrested the couple. Franconla has been mtlngs are now known to have been
trailed by detectives for weeks. They hld between the two. Okada worked
claim that the caae against him is com- fn a barber shop at Front and Main
plete. I streets, and had been a welcome gueat
Franconla and Senora Calderon were n the home of Lee Foo.
placed In the Alameda county jail after Husband JTot Suspicions.
their arrest, ana tneir Dan waa rixea at The wlfo tne yoUng barber would
$1000. Last evening It was raised to nold many .conversations in Japanese
$6000 on receipt of Instructions from ,n the pre8ence of the husband, who
xvew mm. thought-ltwas-ali-Tight,-ana did not
Accompanying ecnon laiaeron wnen 0tlect.
she came to 8an Francisco with Fran-1 Mondav noon the Japanese wife told
cosa waa her 4-year-old daughter , her hw-band she was going to call upon
Aim. Aim wuniMu ucu.iot umi biic , Ton wing, a cousin or tne nusoana
had done no wrong In coming with ; instead she went to the bank, took the
Franconla, and that her husband, whom money from a safety deposit vault and
the authoritlea say she deserted, is i later went to the home' of Tong Wing
dead. Her arrest, she tearfully stated. to get two diamond rings. She tele
was the result of a continual harass-) phoned from there that, she wanted
ment to which she had been subjected I their 6-year-old boy sent up there, but
by a rejected admirer in Mexico, who, he did not go. As she visited with the
she says, haa influence With high gov- cousin's family, the husband did not
eminent officials. I think anything about her absence un
til midnight, when h began to look
for her. She could not be found. Later
investigation showed the woman and
youna barber were missing,
Theodore Kuhl took out license
No. 1 under the new milk ordi
nance this morning. Kuhl op
'rates a grocery- store at 405
East Sixth street. License No. 2
was taken by Anderson Oun
ther, ($4 EL Morrison, and license
No. S by the Haxelwood Cream
ery company.
Such Odds on 'change in Lon
-don on Election Radical
. Program in Preparation.
discharged by Maglatrate Scott"
Th question still. Is open as to
whether th maglatrat knew the neces
aara) papers wer In th hands of th
Portland authoritlea.
The local officer report that they
testified on the stand that they did not
know of their own knowledge that the
woman had taken Jewelry from the
Hlmmelfarb home, but that she had been
Indicted by the grand Jury, and that
there had bean aeveral witnesses to
shpw that ah had. Detectives Day and
Hyd. further etat they gave all the
evidence they had to the maglatrate, but
he held this was not sufficient.
Day Appears to B Angry,
The Jewelry found In the possession
of th woman wa not that taken from
the Hlmmelfarb home, but that found
upon Levlne answers to- the deacrlptlon
given th police, and I believed to be
th same taken from the home. Thia
was brought back.
Detective Day flew Into a rage this
morning, when asked his side of the af
fair. . Relative to the statement of Mag
istrate Scott saying he did not know tin
to I woman was wanted here. Detective Dy
The National Light association now
haa more than 8700 members and the
printed report of its last annual con
vention makes a three volume book of
2600 pages.
Inveterate Tea Drinker Feared Paral-ysiav
1 s PeculiaArjJtself. There is
no real substitbteforit. Any
preparation saidltQbe "just as
pood''- is inferior! aid yields
the dealer a larger profit
3e Mood's Pars part He today Tn us
ual liquid f orm or tablets called Sar-
tAtaba., - , w . . . ,
San Francisco, Jan. 1$. Angered be
cause his aged brother Insisted upon
spending money to erect a monument
over the body of their slater, Michael
Klrby, 6 years old, shot and killed Pat
rick Klrby, 68, a court janitor, in Judge
Dunne's deserted courtroom laat night
and is in the city prison showing no
remorse for the crime The shooting
was carefully planned, according to the
prisoner's statement Th brothers had
been at outs for years over their sis
ter's $6000 estate and believing that
Patrick waa demanding more than his
hare and was squandering the estate,
Michael waited for him In the court
room, where Patrick waa to do janitor
work, and ahot him. . Two bullet
pierced Patrick's bead and he died al
most Instantly: i
v , . '. "-,-,-- -
,M ft
it K
Steady use of either tea or coffee
often produces alarming symptoms as
the poison (caffeine) contained in these
beverages acts with more potency In
some persons than In others. I
"I was never a coffee drinker,' writes '
an Illinois woman, "but a tea drinker. I
was very nervous, had frequent spells of :
sick headache and heart trouble, and
waa subject at times to severe attacks
of bilious colic
"No end of sleepless nights would '
have spells at night when my right side
would get numb and tingle like a thou- ,
sand needles were pricking my flesh.
At times I could hardly put my tongue
out of my mouth and my right eye and
ear were affected.
Th doctors told m I was liable to
become paralysed at any time, so I waa
In constant dread. I took medicine of
various doctors and no , end of patent
medicine all, to no good.
"The doctors told me to Quit using
tea, but I thought I could not live with
out It-r-that It waa my only stay, i had , The above is a reproduction of the
Deen a lea, onnnir xor iwemy-iive year,?;
waa under' th doctors car for fifteen
"About six' months ago I finally quit
tea and commenced to drink Fostum.
"I have never Jiad one spell of sick
headache sine and only on light attack
of bilious colic. Hav quit having those
numb spells at night sleep well and my
heart Is getting stronger all the time"
Read the little book, "Th Road' to
Wellville," In pkgs. "There's a Reason."
i Erer read the above letter? A
new one appears from time. to time.
They are gennine, trrie,.- and full ot
haman interest. ; t , ' ,
account of tbe affair as fctiyen in
the Oregon News, a Portland dailjr
Japanese paper. A tree transla
tion of this is that Hanna Kim
Farr mysteriously ; left Portland
Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, and
that her husband. . Lee Foo is
searching for her. ' No mention is
made of the Japanese who is sup
posed to have gone with her or
anything . said about the stolen
-money or jewelry. " . -!, -j
The Spokane, . Portland A Seattle
Railway company's track, which was
made Impassable Tuesday night by two
serious landslides at Harbin and Tlmm,
will be cleared and open for traffic at
A o'clock this afternoon.
Telegraphic dispatches to the offlc
of the general superintendent In thl
city at noon today were to the effect
that the gang sent out to remove the
dirt that slid down upon the track
were nearly through and that the trains
should be moving by 4 o'clock. If not
earlier, .-
The slfffes were caused either by
cloudbursts or the giving way of dams
in the mountalna back of the line. At
Harbin the slide consisted of 1500 feet
of dirt from 4 to $ feet tn depth on the
track, and near Tlmm th dirt covered
a stretch of 1000 feet of road to a depth
of from 1 to IB feet.
The station of Harbin is about It
miles east of Cliffs, and It was there
that-the engln waa, derailed yesterday
morning. The accident was not .attend
ed with any loss of llfo. however. The
station of Tlmm is about ao miles east
of Lyle.
(Continued From Page One.)
hop of ;er finding them, although
they probably were safe.
It is possible that the fire started
from a gasoline explosion, but the com
pletcness of "the destruction wrought
makes almost hopeless any endeavor to
ascertain definitely the cause of the
Men who had assisted -In the rescue
work and showed their1 bravery beyond
question, sickened this afternoon after
the walls fell and were - compelled to
leave the scene.
"I cannot stand the sight of the
pavement spattered with blood from
the poor girls who Jumped from tho
windows; it is too much," said on of
th rescuers, as he was half carried
away by friends.
The workers say that during the fire
the heat was so intense that it wa i
some time before the injured could
be removed from the sidewalks where
they fell, to be taken to the hospitals.
It was Impossible for men to ap
proach, and many stout workmen were
overcome by - the -sight of the Injured
girls lying on the, heated pavements.
A Chinaman who does not us opium,
tobacco ; or alcoholic drinks, and never
did, has been discovered at last':
This, at least Is the. Judgment of Dr.
E. Joseph!, who examined Go Chan
on a charge or insanity. . Chan was
found Insane, but exonerated from any
suspicion of th Vice of opium. He told
the doctor he had read that hla whole
family had. been exterminated by a
"cousin" in China, end of this he con
stantly talked. He waa employed as ) ced tonight
timinn man at tha frn(nrrll nlnh ' .
. - ------ ,
fCnlted Presa Leieed Wire.)
London, Jan. 1$ Odds of , 10
1 that, the Liberals will retain their I refused to either deny or affirm, bu,t
parliamentary majority when "th elee- rive ventio a string of oathsi
lions now being held ar concluded,! When he finally calmed down Ua
wer offered In the stock exchange to-lgald: ."I have made a full statement
dav without takera. to Chief Cox and he Is satisfied. 1
With a Liberal or coalition victory! have evidence to back up my state
practically aaaured, the Liberal leaders ment. I do not care to make any tur
are already maDDlna- out tha most rad-1 ther statement for publication, other
leal legislation ever proposed In Eng-lthan that I can. show that I did my
rand. - Amonr thi contemplated meas-1 dutv.
urcs are a resolution taking the power!- "What was the trouble' In "PhUarh
ef veto from the nous" of lords, th re-1 tihla. I will not say. But these la n
Introduction of. the budget Irish home! long and complicated atory about It all.
rule and a bill to Dut a stoo to mural The woman waa allowed to go rre
voting, abolishing the franchise handi
cap under which the massea now labor.
If successful in thla legislative pro
gram. It Is predicted that the Liberals,
Laborltes and Irish Nationalists will
start a fight to make the house of lords
an elective body. The attempt to abol-
and It waa sot my part to kidnap her
from the state. I have documenta In
nnnV.t vfhlh will lhAW h A WAA
"J -
discharged, not through any fault of
"We have practically all of the
stolen Jewelry, and have turned It over
Jsh the lords' veto, however, will be I to the chief."
made first. Attorneys la Sorambl.
The elections yesterday resulted In I t Tnnn the arrival of Levlne this tnorn-
th return of the following: Unionists, I jt a war among the attorneys started
21; Liberals, 19; Laborltes, S; Nation- to ""rlaure out who was to handle his
alists, 1; Unionist gain, 12; Liberal case here. Attorneys Gruber and Pepp
ealn, 1. . had been notified from Philadelphia to
The Standing of the parties at the tak uo th matter. Attorneys Beach,
conclusion of yesterday's polling was: and Simon slso clslmed they , had been
Unionists, 120; Liberals, 98 J Laborltes, retained, and Isaao Swett followed
20; Nationalists, 28; total gains: Union- closely with a demand for the case.
1st. El; Liberals, 9; Laborltes, 1. I Several of th attorneya who watch
Of 44 seats contested yeaterday, the the municloal court also attempted to
Conservatives won 21, of which 12 were get to Levlne to offer their services
repreBeniea Dy Ministerialists , in tne I David A. Pepp, representing uruber &
last parliament.
Pepp, and Attorney Richardson, ap
pearing for Beach A Simon, were, clos
eted with Levlne, and - Levlne an
nounced, th two firms; would act to
gether, i
The warrant for Levlne is from the
circuit court, and lie will go direct
I before that bar for trial. The .matter
will be heard when It Is reached Id
its proper plac on th calendar.
Ohio River Boat Wtih 25 Pas-
sengers May Be Caught
Evansville, Ind., Menaced.
Two'Men Thaw - Three Sticks.
(Catted Pnx leseed W!r.
Freno, Cel., Jan. 19. Alfred Free
man waa blown to pieces and Robert
Bales seriously burned In an explosion
of dynamite at e toll house 40 miles
east of her. Freeman was ao terribly
Injured that it Is not thought he can
recover. Bales, . seriously Dumea.
walked" four miles for aid.. The men
were brought her on sleds. - Bales de
clares they attempted to thaw three
sticks of froxen dynamite in th kitchen
(United Press Leased Wine. I
Evansville. Ind.. Jan. 19. The nassen
ger steamer Laurie, plying between tovft
Evansville and Paducah, Ky., is headed
upstream under full steam with 2S pas
sengers, and is believed to be in danger
of oolllslon with the ice gorge, now
moving down the Ohio river. All ef
forts to signal the steamer and Inform
th captain of the danger have failed
thus far.1 ,Th vessel is believed to b
near Alvemon, Ind. Th gorge ha now
cut off. all aiaces of, safety which th
steamerx could enter, and It is feared
here that she cannot escape meeting the
big floe.
Grinding its way down , Wolf creek.
an immense ic gorge is Sweeping
toward Evansville; It Is feared the
great ice flood will be stopped by a
bend Just below the city, damming; th
crpok and can sin a a flood tlf&t will r-
1 , I,. Vi a a . . nMnAv A n m k a - T-l. a I XI IB L
r broke several mile abov Kv. But when you know tlr- from-' the
I kidneys:
ir.. hlW7 Zn.. r, V" l That serious kidney troubles foUow;
taklnr It wav through hank, nd That diabetes. Bright' disease may
u.nln. lh It H an an11 I be th' fatal end.
" " .... . ... ... M. t,
lnes. immediate y beaan a alow hut ou wm giaaiy proui py,m
ina experience.
rtver Wolf eree la rlatna- ranldlv .nd "'Tie the atatement of a Portland Clt-
Irsadv ilrnniM asrs-rea-atina' mrvrm an I lxen.
tKOO.OAO has been don alone its hanka. I J. C uucaier, a tu. ninin aireei, run-
Many coal barge have been crushed in land. Of., saya: "In my estimation tht-re
h. Yiwi . 1 la no remedy equal to uoan s money
Pills m curing money aisoraers. i nere
Pittsburg. Jan. 19. Police boats ar was a" constant-soreness across the
When Will Portland
People Learn the Im
portance of It?
Backache is only a simple htng at
usy UV lower Pittsburg today moving I small of rny back and stooping or lift
families whose houses ar belnaTflooded Ing would cause Sharp twinges in that
by the rising waters of the. Allegheny part of my body. I tried pn remedy
river, following the breaking of a big after another in an effort to get relief,
IcaVrorse a Freeport .-Thousands of but without result " When Doan's Kid
men ' are Idle In small manufacturing ney Pills were brought to my attention
towns near her because the floods hav
put thi. factories out of commission.
Reports of. the drowning Of on man and
the narrow -escape of many have been
received. . The flood I believed to hav
reatehed its crest, and Is expected to re-
Tomorrow (Thursday) Is positively
th last day for discount on east sld
gas bills.
By- experiments wit If guinea pigs, two
North Carolina physicians claim to have
found th germ which -causes the dread
pellagra. " - , , ,
'I procured a supply and was benefited
by them irom r tna rirst jl conunuea
their-us and they soon-completely re
moved the pain from my back and cor
rected the - action of the kidney secre
tions which had been, somewhat irregular."-"--'
' .u.i.ruX''.-v' ,r;;--Sri- "
For sale by all dealers. , Jric - 60
cents. Foter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New
fork, aole agents for th United States,
i Remember th name-Doan's and
tak no other. ,-. ' '.)'