15 -v THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .WEDNESDAY EVENING, ., JANUARY, , 10. ' 1010. OFFERS REALTY from Mr. Bttnkner to glra'tha board rent frn a 1J by It foot room on1h third floor of tha new bulldlnR. with tha provlao that the board member would take offloea on thla floor, Ky meana of which It la proponed to make exchange in tha new Stlckney building. Ita central location and tha fact that fully 0 per cant f (he real aatate operator hava office within two block of the alte of the The North western Truat comnanr T. ' 1. nettrrll tha Oregon Land Information Bureau and O. P. VTalcott. i Tha next meeting of tha board will b held about February IS, when It la probs able that definite action will be taken on Mr. Stlckney'a -proposition ot free E ture make It an Ideal blare whir the uie third floor or the new atructure a Droxera may meet, . , 'he propoaltlon of Mr. Btlokney pro headquarfera for realty men. quarter for tha realty exchange. . Mr. Stlckney'a . propoaltlon waa read to the board yeatarday at Ita regmlar vide ror lurnmninr rre light, heat and Jimltor aervlce tor tha exchange. In addition he agree to put up a large blackboard In the room for the nee of realty board member In Hating their propertlea. ' Steel .vault: j.wljl be.ln atalicd In tha auartera and tha neces A large gray wolf, ; with headquar tera about 20 mllea up Crooked "river, has been destroying yearling to such monthly mating and waa favorably re ceived. Spcretary Rountree waa In tructtxl to thank Mr. Htlokney for the That the Portland Malty board will . take quarters In the Rallwajr Rxahange butldlnrp which will t erwt-d by II. O. V SllckDfy Mid nnsorlatfi. ) the belief k";Of the oCflfer and many mrmbera of ,th board. Oaorga Ht-haik, representing i the realty board, drew a propoaltlon an' extent lately that the ftookmen have .ireneroue offer, and a committee waa numed to take up the matter and din cuaa It more fully with him. Members of the realty board almoat without exception expreaa 'themaelvea a be.lna: In favor of locating the realty i become deeperate, aaya the rrinevuie Review. A subscription Jiaper naa oeen circulated and now carrlea a combined puree of tHO for the huntsman who 1 sary furniture furnlahed. At the monthly board meeting yea terdav the following realt nnrralon tor it men put as much as $20 to thi were elected membera of the Institution ' rurvd. Boyt and Girls Send in Your Composition on "Why Children Like to Visit The Meier & Frank Store' EVERY $15 SUIT'and OVERCOAT in the house at this SPECIAL PRICE " , i'- ... BOARD NOV HUM . ;- ;-' y:;' .'.'i'' 'v.,-. ,'.::-'w. ,;v ',:;. ,. -. ; : ' iiilPiliiMi I ' . ...... Yon May Get the BrownlekarAgentt for John Brown Linens Tree Tea Served Free, 7th Fl. Rcst'rnt lEeGreater Meier (S Frank Store's Annual : ; " V ; ClearanceSalePresentsUnrivaledBargains New Foulard Silks Very Popular-Priced, 89c, $1.09 Purchase the materials now for a smart Spring Gown and have first and' fullest choice from this superb lot of new Cheney Bros.' Foulards. Attractive patterns and colorings and a great assortment to choose from.. One of the most wanted fabrics for Spring wear, and while these silks are fresh and new, f m gg priced at. the yard . P"Ct 5pIU" Handkerchiefs Worth 15c at 7c Women's Kerchiefs, of good ' quality, slightly soiled and mussed, a fine as sortment of styles and patterns; 1 regular 10c to 15c values at, each I L Great cleanup of soiled Handkerchiefs,' embroidered, hemstitched and scalloped edges; these are regular 25c val- A ties; special in this sale at, each -LUL 65c Pillow Top Special at J3c A sneciat assortment nf itimnrH anrt tinted Pillow Top's, with backs to match, floral and con- OQ ventiona.1 designs, ready to embroider, 50c -65c values, at 40L 5000 YaTds of? 40cRibbonat2Ic Satin taffeta and all silk Ribbon, six inches wide; comes in black, white, cream, brown, cardinal, navy, light blue, pink, nile and lavender. Take advantage of this great special. Regular Ol 40c values and 5000 yards in lot AC Reg. $1.30 Underwear at 69c Women's Knit Underwear, cream color, mixed wool,. vests with high necfc and long sleeves, tights ankle length; all regular sizes; values up to $1.50 the. garment. PQ Specially priced for. this Clearance-Sale at, per garment "vv Mnrsday's ;Big 4" Specials fcg&g The bargains below are ONE-DAY SPECIALS. Those who would benefit by this liberal value-giving must come for these remarkable offerings Thursday. Read carefully and see what very unusuaj bargains they are. omen's .tailored ;SnjtsgS..$J 3.95 One of the Big Four on sajfrin the big second floor Snit Section Women's and Misses' Tailored Snitt Of hometpnn, serge, cheviot, two-tone diagonal worsteds and broadclothsThe colors are brown, aero, drab, sage, olive, navy, striped suver grey, raisin, walnut and fancy stripes and mixturesThey come in short, medium or long style coats, semi or plain tailored or fancy trimmed Regular values to S33.50, special Thursday Tomorrow, One of the "Big 4"22 Bars Soap for Only 50c One of the biggest of the big 4 bargains from grocery section. The market on soap is soaring, so supply your needs now. Standard Soap, special for Thurs- fr day only, twenty-two bars for. .DUC XLNT, GOLDEN STAR OR VICTOR SOAP, special in the Grocery Depart- CA ment, for Thursday only, 14 bars for OUC Women's 50c and 75c I. , - . . , Hosiery for Thursday, Pr. 26c A Hosiery special for one of the "Big 4" Thursday specials. 500 dozen Women's Hose, in plain and fancy lisle embroidered boots, lace boots or plain fine thread lisles in assorted colors. Reg. 50c to 75c - grades. Special Thursday, pair ZuC Rbyal Steel Granite ware, 23c Vals. J p Thursday Only aft' C "Big 4" special from the Basement for i nursday. Lipped Sauce Fans, 3-auart size, Royal steel gray jranite. i ij Worth regularly 23c. Thursday 1 C 500 No. 8 Roval Steel Grav Tea Ka ties, regularly worth 80c each. ) Special for Thursday's sale, ea. UJC 2-qt. Coffee Pots, reg. 40c each, spec'l 29f Our Great "Annual WhitP ISai" Rpinrc tKo Wonderful Bargains in Lingerie - Six Huge Lots Seldom does one have the opportunity, of choosing from so large an assortment even at regular prices and. with all the' roods ... ... ... .. t f"-"""-'"". -.tncC jaic prices me cnoosing is ot wonderful variety. Make your selec tions fre-m 10O.0..O pieces, and an endless assortment of patterns, cut and trimmings. Every grade and every sort of garment lihprallv rcnritpntp coin tViof 'e f -i;., iU. t. i -t- , . .... J '"- ... . ..w.i ... vi. .1 .-.an. iua. 10 taivillt LUC IUWI1 1JV S )mi. I3.tff 2rtl"ltiln rra ri 41, i 1 1 .... - nno miviiuiiiviiai lul in Dnrrs i LOT ONE Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers, 40c. values, and vyorth your QC consideration. Clearance Sale .price OC LOT TWO-.N'ight Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers and Chemise; regular $1 gar- (2ft ments. Special Clearance Sale price OiC LOT THREE D r a w e r s, Corset Covers, Gowns, Combination Suits and Pet-'OfT- t7C ticoats; $1.2S to $2.25 values, special a LOT FOUR-Gowns, Corset Covers binations, Petticoats and Chemise P and Drawers, vals. from $1.75 to $2.50 V LOT FIVE Gowns, Petticoats, Corset Cov ers, v-onioinations, Jjrawers and Chemise; $2.25 to $3.50 values. LOT SIX Gowns, Petticoats1 Drawers. Che mise, omDinations and Corset Covers, values to $4 garment at. $1.69 wers. Che- $2.67 Perrin's.$2 Gloves $1.29 An assorted' lot of women's Gloves, Perrin's make, in glace kid finish, pique seam; also im ported tanne cape, tans, grays; sires J" QQ hVt to 7: $2 vahies; take advantage at PAwt Women's Kid Gloves, in glace finish, suedes or capes, broken lines, all colors and sizes; QfJ ' values to $1.50 pair. - Clearance price, pr. VOC Women's fleeced and silk lined Gloves, 2-clasp Style, in black, gray, mode, tan and brown; these are jreguiar $1 the pair. Special Clear- Arj a rice Sale price riow given on them of TcC Women's" Neckwear, in broken lines; Jabots, Ruffs, Stocks, . Dutch Collars; mussed: val ues to $2. Spe-S OtZ0 ciat at, each. . , 4tl v Hemstitched Scarfs in plain or drcsden ef fects, regular $1.50 val ues. In this Clearance sale will price QQ them to .you at OC All Umbrellas Reduced ho need to be without a rain shield w,hen good ones cost so little here. The coming months are just when you'll have the greatest need for a good umbrella, and we're selling the very best sorts here at reduced prices. Men's, women's and children s umbrellas, regardless of regular prices, all . at bargain prices. For example wes offer: Mens- and women's Umbrellas, regular $3.50 and $4 (IJO QQ values now V"0 Men's and women's Umbrellas, regular $4.50 and $5 PQ QQ values now vOuO M CT1 A Sinn wrMViAn'a 'Umbrellas, regular $6.00 to $&00 A QQ values now VTitO Men's and women's Umbrellas, regular $8.50 to-$10 dfC 4Q values flow Mens and women's regular $10.50 to JCT SS.00t Umbrellas specially priced at. . V UU M M m " .i '" ! ' m. ... I - i" .- n ! 7f These are the equal of any $20 suit or overcoat of other stores, X v' Balance 'of our MEN'S $10 SUITS and OVERCOATS at this SPECIAL PRICE $185 WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MOVER Third and Oak First and Yamhill First and Morrison Si Si Final Clearance $15,$18,$20 Overcoats Raincoats 1 S ly y g m 6b 51 The importance of this Final Clearance Sale of Overcoats and Raincoats is based not only on the low price but on the high quality of the garments as well And there's wide varietyover twenty styles in Regulation arid Military cut. Materials afford extensive showing fancy fabrics as , well as staple grays and blacks. J. L BOWMAN & CO. POPULAR PRICE CLOTHIERS ' V FIFTH AND ALDER STS. You Are Going to Paint Your House this Spring it You will either tiuy your own material or your painter will fur nish it j- In either caae, be wtae and e to it that a paint 1 uaed that i made eepeclally to meet tha re quirement of our pecullir CLIMATE Ask your dealer tot BASS-HUETER PAINT It la mad right here on the eoat to be uaed exclusively in thla western country. If, by chance. It la not sold In your town, please write us your need and the name of your lead Ing hardware firm, and we will do the rest h Bass-iiueter Paint Company Painless Dentistry m 15 i i' Mpt towa.peepla eaa ban ihlr plat ni JWiaavwork on. hd la ea da It aeeeuarr. WawillijwyMtiMl if W sore rtmlr S3.R olir Crma 22kBrldt.Tnta3.50 .50 .00 Buy Your Piano This Week and " Save Money We save you from, $50 to $100 on your piano at all times, but If you cut out the following- coupon and present It , at our store any day thi week It will count that much as a first payment on any new piano in LV'aIV lowet ! P1ce. No. Ue of flgurins on balloon or Jor -fW- when all you have to do is to dip one from', .n J fL Pre.8t.nt our Btoret wherJ It means real money to you1 and the biggest bargains in the city. Call and be convinced.. $35. GOOD FOR Mnuary 18th, 1810 THIRTY-FIVE DfH j. A R S ROTBirSSaT-SOXrui rXAXO CO: 10 Fifth1 Street. Next Door to Parkin Hotef - HOVENDEN-SOULE PIANO M aoM Fillings ICQ Entmtl Fiinnn 100 8llw Filling .60 Into nillnH 0oRabbr - PiatH O.UU Bnt Rxl Ruk. I w win u. bar Plt . 7.5D M mm tmirnrn m Min Pimla.a F.MIU. fift fatnjeM itrutioa Free wha plate or bridn work lierdend. Oonraltatlon Tree. Toa eannot A battiw IwlnleMtrork don anywhere. All work fulir (uar atnteed. Moaemlectrie egolpmeat. Best nietlioda Wise Dental Co: TiTLTxa Btnunfa 'MCO""'OBT, Varan Wub.Bt. PORTLAND. OREGON eriIOl HOOlSi a. It. I I ML asaaayi, t a. mmmm J ournal Wants Aje Winners . - - .1 -. . , i I ; ; - ; .'' ' : . - .