: .:..,. t THE OREGON DAILY; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING," JANUARY ' 19; ' 1910. PILOT S ON CE AND NEARLY bla to get Into Tillamook and the ateamer Golden Gate haa had to re main at the' latter place, being bar hound. Tha Elmore ha been In As torla since lant Wednesday, because the roughness of the Tillamook bar pre vented har entering; that harbor. GOES VE mm MARINE KOTES. Rail of Steamer Northland Saves Pilot Joe Allen From 1 Plunge Into Icy Waters of Columbia. While bringing the stram schooner Northland up from Astoria last nighl. 7 Pilot Joe Alien had a narrow escape ., from going overboard Into the ley i ters of the Columbia river, because of the Ice which formed on the decks of the Steamer after the rain stopped fall In. On the way up the river quite a lot of rain fell, and aoon as It etoppea the temperature fell and U formed on the veasel wherever the water waa not able to run off. A a result the decks were a eheet of thin Ice. and ae the pilot . stepped out of the pilot house onto the ' deck he slipped and. falling, ahot toward ths aide of the ateamer like a catapult. ' and had It not been for the rail he would have gone overboard. Offieere of the Northland report that he had fair weather on her trip up. . aa far ae Cane Ulanco. where a south eaater atruck her Monday afternoon. and had It not been, for the fact tnai he waa running ahead of It. ahe would have had a hard time making any prog ress, aa thev aay that the wind blew at the rate of about 70 mllea an hour, and every once In a while a large comber would break over her atern. Aa aha paaaed Cooa Bay they tried to ret a glance of wreck of the Caarlna, but they paaaed at night and the weath er waa too thick for them to see any thing. They sighted aeveral vessels on their way aouth. and none of them were making very good progreaa. aa they were running right in the teeth of the gale. The Northland. Captain Erlckaon. ar rived at Couch street dock at 1 o'clock ' thla morning, carrying 26 passengers. 700 bales of wool, which la oonaldered a very large shipment. She also had 200 balea of hay and 200 tone of general cargo; She had about 600 tons of cargo altogether. Ban Francisco, Jan. 19. Arrived at i a. in., steamer Yoaeinlte. from Co lumbia river. Sailed at i a. m.. sohoon er Mabel (Sale, for Columbia river. Aatorla, Jan. It. Arrived at noon and left up at 1:80. ateamer Northland, from Han Franclaoo. Arrived down at 4 p. m., ateamer J. Marhoffer. San Pedro. Jan. IS. Arrived, ateamer Olympic, from Portland, and steamers Klamath end Shoshone, from Columbia 1 river. San Francisco, aJn. 18. Arrived at fi p. m., steamer Catania, from Portland; sailed at fi p. in., British steamer Falls of Orehy, for Portland. Arrived, ateam er Arnyll, from Portland. Coos Bay, Jan. 18. Sailed, ateamer Alliance, for Portland. Montevideo, Jan. IS. Sailed January I. German steamer Walkure, from Port land, for I.fmerlik. Astoria, aJn. 18. No bar report; wire trouble. Tides at Astoria Thursday High water. 8:13 a. m., 8.4 feet; 10:06 p. m., &.! fet. Low water, 1:58 a. m., 8.2 feet; 8:42 p. m.. 0. foot. falo city ticket by .tha 'election of a mayor, losing everything else, and Murphy shared the same fate In New York City. In both cases the Republi cans or antl-connera men and antl Murphy men are In control In Oklahoma the woman suffragists are waging an active campaign for a constitutional amendment giving them the right to vote. Petitions tire being circulated throughout the state, asking an Initiative election, and 60,000 signa tures have already been secured. Among ins signers are said to be many state officials and prominent r bualneaa and professional men, together with a num ber of leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties. John W. Kern, Democratic candidate for vice president In 1908, has accepted an invitation to speak at the Democratic banquet In Grand Raplda, Mich., on Jan uary g. candidate for United States senator to succeed Senator Dick.. . r' Roger M. Andrews, editor of the Me nominee Herald-Leader, la out for . tha Republican nomination for congress In tha Twelfth Michigan district which J now represented by If. OHn Young, f Owing to the large number of votes cast In the laat state election the next Democratic atate convention In Indiana will be the largest ever held by the party. It will consist of no less than 1700 delegates. . . BOUGHT TO SUFfER : H TR0M ASTHMA" NEW TODAY! ' Olmsted Park It's "genuine view" property, ilt'i', the "Portland Heights"; of the East Side. It's 260 feet above the city. V Its view is grandly magnificent Every lot in the tract is sightly. Wide boulevards and beautiful parking strips , form the uniform setting for a - class of 'homes,, as beautiful as money can build. Olmsted's lots are low in price lower than surrounding prop erty. . .' Columbia Trust Co. Board of Trade Building ' ' Wireless from W. 8. Portor. 8. 8 V. fl. Porter, at Sea, Wlreleaa Via North Head. Jan. 18. Noon. Lati tude 60 30 north; longitude 111:12 west (125 miles west of Vancouver island); barometer 29.42; temperature, 42; fresh w.fSt-northwest gale; sea rough; partly cloudy. MAHI.VE INTELLItTEXCE Arrive. Jan. . . .Jan. . . .Jan. 28 .Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 .Jan. 21 MILL TAKE FIR TO ORIENT. Falls of brchy on Way for Cargo of '.' Lumber for China. For full cargo of Oregon nr. tne British steamer Falls of Orchy wilt be due to arrive here about Saturday, and will load for Shanghai. The tramp sailed from San Francisco laat night " for this port and she will probably go to the Eastern & Western Dumber com pany's mill, where ahe will take on about J.6OO.O0P feet of fir for the orient. She Is under charter to Comyn, Napkall A Co., successors to Bowrlng & Co. of San Francisco. It Is rumored that the Norwegian , steamship Eir will come to this port, from Puaet sound for a cargo, the na ture or destination of which could not ' be learned this morning. Berular Users Sue to Klamath, San Francisco .... Breakwater. Cooa Bay Roanoke, San Pedro Rose, city, San Franclaco Santa Clara, San Francisco.. Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro... Kansas City, San Franclaco. Begalar Xiln'sra Bus to Depart. Breakwater. Coos Bay I.... Jan. 18 Kansas City, 8a n Francisco Jan. 21 Alliance, Coos Bay Jan. 22 Roanoke, San Pedro Ian. 26 Roae City. San Franclaco Jan. 28 Santa Clara. San Francisco. .. .Jan. 29 Ueorge W. Elder. San Pedro Feb. 1 Vessels ta Fort. ..Jefferson St .Inman-Poulsen .Inman-Poulsen Alnsworth .Inman-Poulnon Klevatora St. Johns . . . ... Astoria . . . .North Bank . . . .n way u Jefferson St. When the Republicans of Kansaa choose their state ticket neat summer there probably will be no opposition to the renomlnatlon of Oovernor Walter R. Stuhba. a Colonel James Gordon, the new mem ber from Mississippi, takes rank among the oldest members of tha United States senate In point of years. He has just turned his seventy-sixth year. Harry M. Daugherty, who for many years haa been a prominent figure In j Ohio politics, haa announced himself a Democrat of Calffornla are to hold a big rally and banquet In San Francisco on January 8. While the ostensible purpose of the gathering la to celebrate "Jackson day," It. Is expected that the conference will make great progress toward tha selection of the next guber natorial nominee. William R. Hearst s friends are .cir culating a report announcing that In the congress elections In Greater New York next fall he Is to nominate Independent candldatea against the Democratic rep resentatives In congress who voted to sustain Speaker Cannon last winter. The annual meeting of the Ohio 8tate league of Republican clubs, which will be held In Dayton on Lincoln's birthday, will be made the occasion for a big 'harmony conference," In which the part leaders of every shade of, opinion win J)e asaea to take part. Wlsoonsla Kaa Make extraordinary Statement to gosptloal Asthmatic. So enthusiastic Is Mr. "C Musselman, a prosperous farmer of Jeffersonvllle, Wis., over his complete reoovery from asthma through the use of the new specific, aseatco, that he says: 'Those troubled with asthma who cannot give aseatco a trial ought to suffer, for It will certainly cure." Mr. Musaelman suffered from asthma for twelve yeara, and sometimes had to alt In a chair for a month at a time. His complete cure, he says, was accom pushed In 1906 by using only half a bottle of aseatco, and now, five years later, lie reports that be haa had no return of the asthma. Nearly one million former asthmatlos testify likewise, relating the most ex traordinary cures after as many as fifty years of suffering. All at present af flicted with asthma may easily avail themselves of ascatco's benefits as a preliminary treatment, for trial, will be mailed free of charge to anyone Who will write to the Austrian Laboratory, 32 West 26th street. New York. .Those who wish the complete treatment may now procure the" genuine aseatco. In both tha 60 cent and 33 sixes, at the Skldmore Drug Co.. Woodard, Clarke A Co., and other leading drug; stores. ' ' NEW TODAY. Addition IWBITI j 1 3f v r W 1 L K TO USXHBf U AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT- DRIVES OUT mffiUMATISM Manx King. Br. ss Kelburn, Br. bk Stepaanotla, Br. ss Breakwater, Am. aa F. S. i.oop. Am. aa Sully. Fr. bk Leyland Bros., Br. sh... Donna Francesca. Br. bk Jean Bart, Kr. bk Belerr, Fr. bk A Hair, Br. hk When the blood becomes overcharged with urlo acid It continually grows weaker, more acrid, and poorer In nourishing qualities. The nerves, muscles and joints, Instead of receiving their necessary nutriment from the circulation are gradually miea wito the sharp uratio impurity with which the circulation Is loaded, and the pains and aches of Rheumatism are the natural result. No amount of rubbing, or tha application of external med icines can hare any direct and curative effect on the blood; the most to be expected from such treatment Is temporary relief from the pains and aches. There Is but one way to cure Rheumatism, and that is to cleanse the blood of the urlo acid Impurity. S. 8. 8. Is the proper treatment, because it goes a own ana attacks tne disease at us head, and Dy filtering out every particle of the uratio matter and strengthening and enriching the blood, cures Rheumatism In every form. 8. 8. 8. changes the sour, acid-burdened blood to a rich, healthy stream, which quiets the pain-racked nerves, muscles and Joints, cools the feverish flesh, gently removes the cause and drives Rheu matism from the system. 8. a 8. reaches Inherited cases as well as those which have been acquired, and good results are always experienced from Its use. Special book on Rheumatism containing many valuable sutures tlons for rheumatic, sufferers and any medial advice free to all who write. M E N THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN Come to Me and be Cured Pay When I Cure You ? or pay mo as ran get the benefit of my treatment, What Have You to Offer? We have buyers for im proved , and vacant property from $5000 to $50,000. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. THE DOCTOR THAT CURES. TEE T-OB A CT7XB la lower than any the city, half that others eclallat charge you, and in no exorbitant charge for medicines I am an expert specialist, have had practice in the treatment of IRVINGT0N TO TXOSS WMO BUT STOW. $1900 Lots with caved afreets, uonri rss ill- "er mains S.AXD AtTD FA ED lOB may be had for HBO cash and lit per month, with Interest at I per cent iwuaneriy payments If preferred.) BOMB OKOICB TBAOTS . JTAOIBO TBB FAJtaTB m ABD XAWTBOBBB ATEBTTB AT MOST ATTBAOTTVB rBIOB. ' ABSTRACT OB OXBTETZOATB OT " -TnXll WITH WABBAVTT SXXD. P. W. TORQLER 104 msrVgBk Bias-. STR01Na & CO. ' tos Ooaeora Baildin. aomti ojT otrtns. S A long list and gradually length ening one oibig, rich, active, ag gressive manufacturing concerns Poltalloch. Br. bk Victoria dnlpMns Berlin, Am. ach uoble Henry VI Hard. Am. ah.'. Astoria Brabfoch, Br. bk St Johns uienaivon. Br. an Portland Dbr. Co. Oulf Stream, Br. bk Inman-Poulsen EL Nicholas. Am. sh Oobls Bella, Nor. ss Albln King Cyrus.. Ar. son ..8t Helens Andre Theodore, Fr. bk. .Montgomery Northland. Am. ss Couch St Kansaa City. Am. ss Alnsworth Bowdoln, Am. ss. ..Eastern & Western En Bout to Xoad Lumber. Wellesley, Am. ss San Francisco Churchill, Am. sen Honolulu Olympic Am. as San Francisco Caaco San Francisco inca. Am. sen K. K. Wood, Am. sen Marnorrer .ban Franolaoo .... on I rmnciKV ..Han Francisco H. B. Bendlxen. Am. ach. San Franclaco HELEN OX WAY UP. lias 10OO Tons Coal for Pacific Coast Coal Company. The French bark Belen is on her way up the river from Astoria In tow of the I'ort of Portland towboat Oeklahoma. Khe will come to the Pacific Coast coal bunkers, where ahe will discharge 1000 tons of coal, brought here from New castle. It is expected that the Belen will be discharged and have her ballast aboard and ready, to depart by a week from Saturday. She has been ordered to New Caledonia, and will go from here direct to Numia, which is the port to which she has been ordered. Baeinaw. Am. S. 8, Shoshone, Am. ss. . . Rainier. Am. ss Carlos, Am., ss. . . . , Tamalpals, Am. ss.. Forester, Am. sen . . Yellowstone. Am. ss Ea Bout With Cement ttossuet, Fr. bk. , .San Francisco . .Bsn Franclscr. ..San Francisco ..San Francisco . .San Francisco Ban Francisco San Francisco and General. Antwerp LEGOCKE LOSES MASTS. French Bark on. Way With Cement Meets Kough Weather. A wireless message waa received this morning by way of the United Wireless from .the Associated OH company's steamer Asuncion, which states that th.' French bark Ernest Legouve Is off the Columbia river lightship with her main topgallant mast gone. Her yards are etill standing, but damaged. i Vhe Ernest Lcgouve has a cargo of eement from Antwerp, and is consigned to Kerr, Glfofrd & Co. ALONG THE WATEKFRONT. At 11 o'clock this morning: the French bark Jean Bart finished loading a cariro of wheat at the North Bank dock. .She in under charter to the Portland Flour ing Mills company and will take out about 112.600 bushels of wheat to the United Kingdom. 'i " The steamer Jessie Hark ins lias re turned to her run on the river to Wash ougral. She took the place of the Van- i oouver ' ferryboat while the Ice was thick in the river. TO finish her cargo of lumber, the British bark Gulf Stream was shifted from the Standard Box & Lumber com ' pany's mill to the Inman-Poulsen mill yesterday afternoon. ' With passengers and freight, the ateamer Breakwater is due t sail to night for Coon Bay. The French bark Sully will bp slilftfd today from the North Bank dock to the elevator dock. The British bark Altair and the Brit ish ship Manx King will bp shifted to ! day from their prosent berths to the public levee at the foot of Jefferson street. The steam schooner F. S. Loop has shifted from the Oak street dock to the Inman-Poulsen mills where she will . load lumber for San Francisco. ' For a carfto of lumber frr California ports, the Steam schooner Bowdoln ar rived at the Bastern & Western mills last night. F. C. Harper, collector of the port at Port Townsond, has been in the city for a day or two visiting friends. He will probably return home tonight or tomorrow. 1 Because of the bad weather" lately the ateamer Sue H. Elmore has been un- Crlllon. Fr. ah. Antwerp Ernest Lerouva. Fr. bk TfamKn,. La Perouse, Fr. bk Antwerp mum. r r. dk Ban iranctsco Marechal Noalllea. Fr. bk Antwerp Notre Dame d'Arvolr. Fr. bk. ... Antwerp Wnvertree. Br. sh. Liverpool Arctic Stream. Br. sh Tyne Orals Tonnage En Boats in Ballast. Amiral Cecilie. Fr. ah Honolulu Comliebank. Br. bk Valparaiso Le Plller. Fr. bk Dublin Pierre Lot!. Fr. bk. Dublin Reno, Fr. bk. San Francisco Oil Carriers Bn Bonts. , Atlaa, Am. as... San Franclaco Asuncion Am. ss Ban Franclaco Argyle. Am. a TTSarT "Franolaoo Politics and Politicians Let Me Offer Yoa the Relief and Comfort I Am Giving Other Men Dally The past century haa witnessed wonderful progress In the science of medicine and surgery. Dis coveries for the amelioration of pain and the cure of afflicted men, undreamed of years ago, are now In use by the specialist who haa kept himself abreast with the rapid advancement of the medical profession. This applies only to the specialist who was' well pre pared by advantages of study and experience In a chosen field of medicine. It Is unfortunate that all specialists who go by the nam are not competent to do tho work entrusted to them, hence the many failures that ar made. By my own Original Methods The three states to elect United States senators thla winter are Mississippi, Maryland and Virginia.- The Indications are that the South Carolina legislature now In session will vote to reject the Income tax amendment. The revision of the charter of Greater New York Is to be the most Important work before the New York state legis lature this winter. J. A. Buchanan, a wealthy' ranch owner and politician of North Dakota, nnounces that he will he a candidate or the Republican nomination for gov- rnor this. year. The field of candidates' for the seat of l'nlted States Senator Taliaferro of Florida has been lessened by the wlth- rawal of W. A. Blount of Pensacola from the race. In Wisconsin there are four aspirants for the gubernatorial nomination on the Iji Toilette slate and all efforts to in duce any of them to withdraw from the race have so far proved futile. I cure Nervous Aliments and the effects of dissipation and early wrong doings that have resulted In weakness and derangement. My success haa. of course, called forth competition, but my com petitors have utterly failed to give "something Just as good" as a substitute for my treatment, and substitution Is always a poor makeshift, anyway. In the low prices I make there Is no sentl jnantin great number of peo ple I treat makes It possible and this plain fact proposition la belna- vestlaatet J&Fumtt tnlnk,n take time to In vestigate. Patients who have been treated by me for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases ElVXant 1 deoa.t,vIedCU.rSdlonhgy JSE tfat KVoS WOT A BOUAI BBBO BB BAXB Tnrxjwsj cttxzs. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. fiA- 'diseases of men. My offices are the h... In DA.tlt nd Mv m.' . nrt and modern and up to date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move It and thua cure the disease. X CUBB Varicose Veins, Contracted diseases, piles and pclflo Blood Pol son and all r teases of Men. SPECXai DISEASES Vewly contract ed and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and lnflammat:jn atopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. TBB . OBEAT rBEBCX-EX.XCTBO- HBSIOATED OBATOJT. Insures every man a lifelong cure, with out taking medicine Into the stomach. MEM Visit Dr. Lindsay's private Mu 4TiLii aeum of Anatomy and know thy- seir in neaitn ana aisease. Admission free. Examination and consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of ques tions. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 t. m. Sun days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. DR. LINDSAY 128H 8BC0BB BTM COB. OT AZJEB, rOBT&AJTD. OB. On 17th, beautiful, new, modern bunga low, ( rooms. sleeDlnff Dorch mntrv f-rhedrTd'oubIer floors flreSiadup,- " T" nd WeeWy Penin' snaaes on nouse. street mnrniwnni. (uii msiorv. nil l .... il . . . t. ": . in. itinnii imiar, cumoinauon KOyai laundry rurnare. with ' hot water mil tubs, gas and electric fixtures through out. This Is the most beautiful horn buna. For prices and any one could terms A. J. GANTNER oia Board or Trade Bldg. x. 3879 Varicose or Knotted Veins rhe s all knl KOl or mi envelopes or packages for."-? "ar.s.r E! '"t 'LJ -A offlce, write . (a "" J v-sasacsa curU B.I OOlTlS. to 16.60 per courM. ImDlloltV nd fruutnm rm - .. lf.hyu""n:Ahh, h be" pV'vneged" to wles." t" TS 0f ife used, no chloroform, no iuin .... .,"rf" no ng to bod and not a single areek ." aeT f fr"""' "0 - ' ". " w. VM WW Medicines 11.60 XOTTBS e a. xJ TO nr.u. rmroATs, 10 a. vl to is. ST.LOUIS MEDICAL CO. Cor. 2d & Yamhill Sfs. Invalids Come From Every Quarter to See This Wonderful Man It is the -Unprecedented snoeess of this wonderful man dnrtrur his Ions' star in Portland that brings, tha slok from the most distant piaoes. NEAR COURTNEY STATION, on county road. This is a pick-up at $750 per acre; other land around there brings $1500 per acre. JChapin&HerIov, 332 Chsm. of Com. jZf SOME FINE ACREAGE FOR PLATTING A rare bargain Swinton is rettine the benefit. awinton lota are tvnrth mnrh more now than they were three, -e,- ( Do you want some of this profit? Columbia Trust Co. Board of Trade Building Close to Clt nn ear If takes now. BBOBO-BTEEUB CO., 110 Second St. Gee Gee Wo . Wo Mortgage Loans Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private Investors, M. E. Thompson Co. Bstate and Fire Insnranoe, rrerA4,?ndi?ak St8- Phones, Main 6084, A-3S27. Place Your Fire Insur ance With Us. WOMAN A SPECIALTY The well knownQr. 8. K. DADTI A UTrt ran vuiljfinu, UCo I WHISKEY FOR LAME BACK ' The ' Increased use of whiskey for Jam "back-: and rheumatism is causing considerable discussion among the med-li-al fraternity. It Is an almost lnfalll "tle cure when mixed with certain other. Ingredients and , taken properly. The following 'la' th formula: "T one . half pint of good whiskey add one. ounc of Teii 'compound and n ounc syrup sarsaparllla compound. Taka in taMespoonful doses before eath meal and befor retiring. Tha fngredlutits can be had from any good druggist or lie - will quickly get ibero for. you. ' Any one ean mix them. Hundred" eun-d by thla last win ter. -: ,-rj:fJ"; ( ' , . ; Many close political observers In Washington are of the opinion that If William J. Gaynor "makes good" as mayor of New York he Is certain to be come a strong possibility for the Demo cratic presidential nomination In 1912. William Palllster Hubbard, Republi can representative In congress from the Kirst West Virginia district, has offi cially announced his candidacy for the seat of Nathan B. Scott In the United States senate. Senator Scott's term will expire in March, 1911. A special election Is to be held In the Sixth Missouri district this month to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman De Armond. C. C. Dickin son, a member of the Missouri senate. Is the Democratic candidate and the Re publicans have nominated Philip 8.' R. (Griffith, n young newspaper editor of Greenfield. M. R. Preston, who was the Socialist candidate for president of the United Statfes In 1908 and who at the time was confined in a Nevada Jail under sen tenoe of 30 years for murder, has sent to the state board of pardons of Nevada an application for a pardon. Prttston was convicted of murder at Goldfieid in 1907, Striking contrasts are now being made between the Democratic. status of Chair man William J. Conners of the Demo cratic state committee of New York and Charles K. Murpby. the leader of Tammany HalL Conners won bis Buf- M Y" CURES HAVE BUILT MY SUCCESS Oldest, Most Reliable and Longest Established SPECIALISTS ON THE COAST PAY.. WHEN CURED I CURE Varicose Veins, Obstructions, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Specific Blood Poison, Contracted Ailments. XR. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist. CONSULT ME FIRST FREE If you cannot call, write for symptom blank. Office Hours! 9 A. H. to F. X. Dally. Sundays, 10 A. X. to 1 P. X. .R.. TAYLOR Co. 8344 KOBJUSOB ITBXET COBJTXB BBOOBP BTBXXT. OKZVBSB , DOCTOB He has made a life study of the cura tive powers of Roots, Herbs and Barks. and is giving to the people of the North west the benefit of his years of research. , Wo Mercury or Poisons Used or Opera tions of Any Sort. It Is bv simple remedies that he can cure all such diseases as Catarrh, Asth ma, Stomach, lung and Liver Troubles, and also diseases of man and women. A 8XTBB CUBE POB CABCEB He has obtained from Pekln, China. It la safe, sure and reliable. , If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and cir cular, Inclosing 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTATION PBEB, Open Evenings and Sundays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. i CHAW, with their Chinese remedy or nerbs and roots, cure wonderfully. It has cured many sufferers when all other remedies have failed. Sura cure for male and female, chronic, private diseases, nervousness,,. , blood poison, rheumatism, nriI.R.CBH asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consumption, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. Wo operation. Honest treat ment Examination for ladles by MBS. 8. X. CHAN. Call or write to THB CHZWBSB MEDICINE CO., 226ft Morrison St., Between 1st and 2d Portland, Or. HOW'S THIS? Gross income r . . , .$2088 expenses, taxes and in surance 594 Net income ......... .$1494 PRICE 013.GOO $9000 cash, balance about 2 years at 6 per cent. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. notscnoLD needs WOOD ABB OOA. Kirk Hoover., office and yards at 31S Water street Phones: Main 7451, A-5446. WEATHER REPORT Every 17oman uuiiwaiN ana noma enow snrwiiis: rnn ssrnn .1 urm MARVFI. Whirling nr!u i Chicago, 111 " r :'"""" T'Tr t renvoi- rv.ln EJ!Xt3fi! Helena, Mont 163 H Virst 8 Cor. Morrison, Portland, I urnson. Bing Chong CXZiEBBATBD OHZWESB DOCTOB cures all diseases- of men and women by use of the famous Chinese herbs. , OPrXOB HOTJBS a to 11 a. m., 8 to 6 p. m. Office, room 11, 9MM Alder at., or 133H 1st St. tl 1. m In 1 p. m.. S to 11 p. , m. 885 r landers Bet. 4th and. 8th. I i .jam. mm? The north Pacific storm haa mnvA to Saskatchewan. The following maxi mum wind velocities occurred during; the last 24 hours: Tatooah tslnnrf k! miles, southwest; Portland, 34 miles, south; Tacoma, 2 miles, southwest; Spokane, 82 miles, southwest, and Walla Walla. 28 miles, aouth. T.irht rain has fallen In western Oreaon. Washington and Trinhn nnri llo-ht anno. has occurred In eastern Orca-on. A large high pressure are overlies tho gun states and tne barometer is rela tively high over California, Nevada and Utah. Precipitation, mostly in the form of rain, has fallen in tho Atlantic states from Maine to Florida. It is much colder In southern Oregon, east ern Washington, and generally through out the Atlantic and gulf states and correspondingly warmer In Nevada and the Missouri valley. Heavy frosts oc curred this morning in southern Cali fornia. The conditions are favorable for light rain or snow tonight and Thurs day in western Oregon and western Washington and for fair and colder weather east of the Cascade mountains, preceded by snow tonight in Idaho. Temp. Max. . Mln. Precl 4 A Baker City, Or. Buffalo, N. T. . Charleston, 8. C 1ft nar imM kr ft. If be cannot iupply tbo MARVEL arant aa other, bat Mntf tuunn tern llliiitntcd book mM, Ttrtrof fall naxtlonl&n mnA iiiwtimi i. Tlu hl to Uullft. ! A RVKI. COt, B. SSd BT HW lOBK. tor sale by Skldmore Drag Co.. Woodard, Clarke Co.. tod Laae-Davla Drag Co. itoru. Honolulu, H. I. . B. C. 4 fi So 68 42 72 42 42 4 66 48 74 60 e-lf oat Coirranlani. K.amioopa. Kansas City. Lewiston. Idaho Los Angeles, Cal Marshfleld. Or, New Orleans, La. , New York. N. T. No. Yakima, Wash. 46 Omaha,- Neb 84 Philadelphia, Pa. .. 60 Phoenix. Aris. ..... 4 Reno. Nev 84 If you are suffering from biliousness, I Sacramento. Cal. . . 60 constipation, indigestion, chronic head- I laik'eUUh: '. '. '. 36 ache, invest one cent In a postal card, ! Rar. Fran'clsco, Cal. 60 uiui ti rii.mk.ri.i. u.4i.i.. i neai lie, wasn v sl8kly0U 0r. , Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad- 'Sitka,- Alaska USE Big C tot catarrh. I rdlch a r ires. 1nflam ' luiiuna, irniat ona ' or rulce ration of - mocona Fmembrasea. ConUins n I alcohol, which la an irrltantj lor narcotic. Whlrh affnn Ibttt temporary relief. ; ' Bio G Coaas ISOLD BY D&OGGIST9 " mEmi Chemical Co. . ..CINCIMJITI.MIO- dress plainly on the badk, and they will forward you a free sample of Cham berlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. CHICHESTER'S PILLS Wj- THE DIAMOND BRiMVn. uumi Armm Chkakw-ter IMaaaa rim la H4 anil I baiaa, taaisd wltb Take tlkar, UIAMOND BRAND PnJx fc. al rwa aoown aa mat, sanat. Alwan Batlahia SDR BY DRUGGISTS EVEBYVVKFRS a a Journal Want Acis, Bring Results Spokane, Wash. Tonopah, Nev. Victoria. B. C. Walla Walla, Wash. Washington. D. C. 10 84 40 38 88 60 58 24 28 46 18 SO 34 28 34 38 40 84 43 36 28 30 40 38 10 38 8 20 40 84 26 26 30 22 82 34 36 .48 .10 .00 .0(1 .09 08 . T .00 . T .00 !6o .12 .00 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 .00 '.JO 30 .18 .06 .00 .46 .22 14 MEETING NOTICES 41 JSii CAMP meett every Wednesday evening In, W. O. W. temple, 118 11th St All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. E. H. DEERY. C. C. HERMAN SCHADE. - ; Clerk. HAWTHORNE lodge. No. M, A. F. 4 A. M. -Stated com munication this (Wednesday) evening at 7:80. Work In the B. A. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. C. E. MIT.t.KR Sa ' M . W. A. Evergreen Camp, I46(. tneeta Mondar evanlnara. alHn. tti. qu. West Park and Waahlnrton xn V WHIST party, and dance, Webfont Oji..' T-f:"'."'-"- wi TrlaiT, evening, Jan, Jl, Woodman - hall;. 128 'llth st Cards 8:30. . Danelng 10. Union muslft Refreshments. ' Adults 20 cents, ' I III Id St, near Wash. Howe-Davla Co. ' " I