THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' WEDNESDAY EVENINO,' JANUARY 1 19. f ; 1010. LATEST. NEWS F WWHrS MAGSKETS BTODMD . HELP TO PRICE 7' .Local Consumption Increasing ' and fresh Ranch Stock Is : Up 1c 'a Dozen Storage Stock Is Depressed. .A better demand U shown for strictly fresh Oregon tggu In the Front street market and the price Is advanced lo a dosen. Strictly fresh ranch eras are showing quite an improvea ran in me locai wholesale district at 32e a dosen, and it Is reDorted. but not confirmed, that fractional advance over this figure has been obtained. While recelnts sof local eaas are in creasing, the demand Is much better then supplies at inia time, atyi mis ac counts for the ' upward movement of prices during the -ret 14 rTSurs. The north Is offering to buy eggs,- but is not willing aa yet to pay tne aavancea vaiue asked by lbs trad a. Advance is Merely Temporary, That today's advance In the egg mar- the decllr for an Instant or two is the opt ton Is backed by years of observation. ket Is merely a temporary one. and that Ine la values wss stopped but pinion of the egg trade in general, and this opln- n is bacaea vy years ox ouaervsiion. Beoause of the artificial values es tablished for fresh eggs by speculators In eastern stock, consumption waa cut to the quick, and therefore for soma months there has been only a very Jim Ited call for fresh ranch stock. Prices ,ive been practically prohibitive for tiat period. - Now' that fresh ranch' eggs are In bet nuriDly and prices hsve some to a ,vu whore consumotlon Is not stifled. i In- call for the home goods Is Increas ing, and there Is a serious decrease in tin. sale of cold storaao atock. There fore speculators In the cold storage product are inclined to over quote Ore gon eggs (which they do not sell) sim ply to force a more suitable demand and value for their eastern product, toraare Errs Are Oat of Bate. Time for sale of storage eggs has F Tactically passed, and still It can be ruthfirlly atated that there are more cold storage eggs held In Portland to day than could be shown In ordinary seasons during the b?st selling periods. One small firm along Front street Is stated to hold about 100 cases of Ore gon storage .besides a goodly supply of eastern eggs, which" cost the firm around He t doxen. Another firm Is hnldlnr 7S0 oases of eastern storage, snd one of the larger sellers Is said to have still a greater amount on hand that it would be. willing to sell at a price a number of cents below actual cost. . Extra select storage eggs, all white, were" sold by one Front street firm at He a dosen this morning, and reports indicate salAs around 20c for the same claas of goods. SMELT FROM THE COLUMBIA. Gilloetters Send In Supplies from ,, - Lower , River Price Up. Quite fair receipts of Columbia river Smelt were shown in this city during the past 14 hours, with the price at 20 i 26c a pound. iArrlvals were fronuthe lower Colum bia and were catlght by glll-netters. Salmon and halibut prices are higher because of smaller supplies. Hteeinead salmon at 10c today, and halibut has advanced to 9 10c a pound. CUBAN TOMATOES ARRIVING. Initial Shipment of Season Sells at $0.25 a Crate of 6 Bankets. First shipments of Cuban tomatoes for the present season have arrived in the local market and were sold at $6.26 a crate. 8urJpNes were In excellent con dition, being packed six boxes to the crate as are the Mississippi shipments. LOCAL WHEAT IS STEADY AT SAKE -OLD QUOTATIONS No Change In Portland Values Reported by Buyers Busi ness at a Standstill Await ing Mexican Advices. Portland Pocatello Roaeburg Bpoxana RAINFALL FOR CHOPS. Inch. K ft 12 .vl Inch. North Yakima. M Walla Walla (taker City . . Boise Lewis ton .... .11 .44 .04 T, UVESTOCK HAS A GOOD liE III STOCKYARDS WIUSAND HOCKING COAL Prices Well Maintained for . First Class Stuff Sheep In Demand but None Has Come for Half a Week. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs., Cattle. Calves. Sheep. 77 Northwest' Crop Weather, Portland and Vicinity Tonight and Thursday occasional light rain or snow; westerly winds, Oregon and Wsshington Tonight and Thursday occasional light rata or anow west; fair eaat portion; colder .at por tlon tonlcht: westerly winds. v Idaho Light anow and colder tonignt. Thursday fair. . Wheat Market Is Steady. J No change at all was shown In local heat Quotations during the psst 24 hnm-a The decline of several cents listed In soma quarters waa mentioned In this paper several daya ago. Since then there baa been no cnange in me situation nn himlnees la reported. Entire trad is seemingly awaiting if see wneintr Mxlen will realty cuiri ins uuiy on wheat and enable buying In this market. Oats and barley market are quiet out '?iofiV nuotatlons are well maintained all through the Pacific northwest. land sweet cream, 17 He: sour 16 He; BUTTER Extra creamery, io; ran- cy, 7c; store, zso. CrtBifc.SJlr r aucy iuii ci in, i. ?lSc; triplets and oaisies, 1IHj; oung Americas, ltc. rvUHni Mixea cnicaene, i He; fancy hens, UUc; roosters, old, 3c; geese, 14c for live, l18c for dressed: ducks. 10022c: turkeys, alive. l22c; dressed, isfflisnc; pigeons, ifrlng: o to So a pound higher than alive. Grain, rmr and Hay. BARLEY Producers- price lifts- Feed, (31.60; rolled. 133; brewing, $13. WhEAT Nominal Track, club, 11.07 Atl Aa 1.1. ..... .1 1ft. II ,ft. t ( ifiumnii. .i.iv, 1 t-vi, f i.iv, avjiij- fold, $112; Willamette valley, $1.08. MILLSTUFFfc Selllnr Diice Bran. 127; middlings, $34: shorts, $27 031.60; nop, izzt?z; airaira meaL szi per ion. FLOUR New crop, patents. t(.16: straigbt, s.; baners. Wednesday. Tuesday. . . , Monday. , , . Saturday. . . Friday Thursday. . Week ago. . 376 HI 410 176 603 42 in 70 m 43 I6 2 11 $71 Portland Union Stockyards, Stockdale, Jan. II. There la a very good tone In the cattle market -and for qoallty high prices are still In effect. Ail branches of the csttle market ahow an exceed ingly good feeling but naturally select steers snd cows find the best welcom stockyards tie, Moulton & Turner shipping In two Receipts in the stockyards during the past $4 hours totaled 77 head of cat- 29 POINTS OFF Drop Today in Coal and Iron Stock Is Severe but Loss for Month Has Totaled 651-2 Points. HMO F PART OF LOSS IT MA 0 E Now Tork, Jan. 11. Showing as did, a aheer drop of 66 H points value within the apace of a month, there wit considerable excitement In Colum bus V Hocking Iron and coal stock on th market today.. Today's decline for thai security was II Doints. Oenerll market wss wesk and lower. 'Slump In Columbus Hoiking iron and coal was spectacular snd dad a depressing Influence upon tne list lu general. With orly a few exceptions the close wss severely depressed Willi loss running ss high as points few shares losing less than a poln loss runnln high as losds from Welser, Idaho, and one load from IJurkee, Or. Hog market remains very firm snd top prices are still being realised for good - stuff, slthough to get the big figure the stuff must be A-l. No sheep were received In the ysrds today; the pens showing no occupants for a half week. Market is In fine shspe and shipments st this time would likely receive much attention rrom buyera, Todays run of livestock compares with this day In recent years ss roi lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1110 77 1101 171 618 1108 26 1907 40 323 1908 126 1906 183 166 2222 A year ago today there was a firm tons In hogs and sheep hut cattle were howlng additional weakness witn no chsnge In values. Tarda' Representative tales. Following are renresentatlve of ac tual transactions In ths yards and in dicate demand, supplies snd quality of- STEERS. points and oint. 8teel stocks Inst heavily with I'. 8. Steul common 2U down at the closi, and preferred 1 lower. Wabush lost a point for common and Us for pre f erred. Brooklyn dropped i points. Union Pacific 1. Southern Paclflo IK and Ri-ndina- IV. Copper waa weak. Amalgamated drop ping 1, American Smelter 1 v and Anaconda k point. s Range of New Vork prices, furnished by Overbeck 4 Cooke company: DESCRIPTION. O TS It a 5 7 cr 8)? Si a si Willamette valley, $6.80 bbl; export grades, $4.0: graham, fcs, 16.7006.10; rye, $6.76; bales, 13.16. OATS Spot delivery, new. producers' price Track No. 1 white, $33.60; gray, $31.60. HAT Producer' price New timothy, d; ordinary, $21; mixed, ilfii wheat $18017; cheat, $Ii$17; alfalfa, $17. CORN Whole. $38: cracked. $37 toa. Fruits and Vegetables. FRESH KKU1TS oranses: New na- vela, $2. 25 2. 75 box; bananas, 655 Vic lb; lemons, $5.60 6.00 box; grapefruit. H; pears, xi.zo; grapes, ii.vo. POTATOES Selling, new, $1.16 1.36; buying, eastern Multnomah and Clackamas, 76S80c; Willamette valley 66 070c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.80 per cwt; garlic, loijfllo per lb. APPLES $1.26 h 3.60. VEGETABLES New turnii.S. $1.60 sack; beets, $1.60; carrots, $1.26 per sack; cabbage, $2,0002.60 crste; toma toes, fancy, $2,26; crate: beans, 12o per ib.; cauuiiower, l.tu per crate; peas,. 12c lb; horseradish, loc; green onions. 100 dosen; peppers, bell. lb.: head lettuce, 30o dos.; hotnouse, $1.26 box. radishes dos. bunches: celery. lt.60Ot.76 crste; egg plant lie lb.; sweet potatoes, 12. zs; s cucumbers, $2.60 dozen. Groceries, Huts, Etc SUGAR Cube, $6.45; powdered, 16.05; fruit or berry, $6.06; dry granulated, $6,06; conf. A, $6.86; extra B, $6.86; r Olden U, i) 46; u yeuow, o.iif; oeet, 6.86; barrels. 15c; half barrels, 80c; boxes, 65c advance on sack basis. Above quotationa are 10 daya net cess quotations.) RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. I He; No. t. 6 He; New Orleana scad. (4 07; Creole.' sua BALT Coarse Half ground. 100a $10.60 per ton-f 60", $1-00; table dairy, 60s. $18.60; 100s, $17.60; bales. $3.25; extra fine barrels, 2s. 6s and 10s, $4.50 416.50: lump rocK, zu.tio per ion. HONEY New, JtVio por lb. BEANS Small white, $5.50; large white. $4.60; pink. $4.85; bayou, $6.00; Llmas. $5.00; reds, $8.00. Keats, risn and zftrsvMoaa, PJflESSEO MEATS Front street hogs, fancy, 11c; ordinary. 10c; veala. extra, 12 Vic; ordinary, HV412c; extra heavy, 800 lbs., 7c; mutton, 8c. hams, bacon, Eiii Portland pack (local) ham, 17 He;- breakfast bacon, 18Hffl26c: boiled ham.2662o: picnics. 14c: cottage roll. 16c: regular short clears, smoked, lle; backs, smoked. ib4c: ptckied tongues, see eacn. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. 18Ho per lb.; 6s, 13o per lb.; SO lb. Una, 18o per lb.; steam rendered, 10s, 17V4c per lb.: 6s,' llo per lb.; com pound. 10s, llVc per lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $3 60; rar-or clams, $2 .box, FISH Nominal Rock cod. 10c: flounders, 6c;' halibut, 9010c; striped bass, 16c; catfish, 10c; salmon, steel head, 10c; soles, 7c per lb: shrimps, 12V4o per lb.; perch, 7c per lb.; tomcod, 8c Der lb: lobsters. 25c uer lb: fresh mackerel, ( ) per lb.; crawfish, ( j, dos.; sturgeon, 12V4C per lb: black bass. xoo per io.; uoiumma smeiis. xoe per lk -11. 1 . . It. III., BtlVQl wiiica, u .u.. uinvn uuu, 7V4o per lb.; crabs, $1.2501.75 per dosen. ' . OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gCl lon, $3.25; per 100 lb sack$6; Olympia, er KSiion, tz.s; per-ivu .a. sacs, .60: oanned eastern. 66c can. $6.60 dos.: eastern in shell. $1.85 per 100. JHlnts, Coal Oil. Btc BKNilNa; s deiireos. lie cm gal.; iron bbla, 11 Ho par gaL v ULNBis&u oil Kaw, Doia., ego; cases, 9So: boiled, bbls.. lOo: cases. 95c: Iter gallon iota of 250 galloria, , lo lw; oil cake meal, (none in market J - KUPi Manna, c; aiaai. ih, TUKPENTINii In casea, 7Sc barrel. 69c per-gallon. WHITS LEAD Ton lota. fataBM lb.; 600 lb. lota, to par lb,; Ism lots, COAL OIL PearL astral and atir. lit- so gallon; headlight SOVio gallon: extra star, 32e gallon; water white. 11 H O 16 Vic per gallon; speciai water whits. lfc gallon. - , ' -,. - GASOLINE Red " crown and ' motor. 16O2I0 a-allon: 14 srasollna. II0I7UJ gallon; V. M. 4k P. napbtha, 13H4IH galJon; anglne distillate. ItfMo galloa. Police' Make Bald, 'Vancouver; Wash,, Jan. 19.-Tha po- lice raided what. was supposed to be a private dwelling last Bight at ths cor ner of Fourteenth and Reserve streets, and arrested -Pearl Smith ; arid Maud Raymond. ; E. H. Vanocke and Charles Clarke, members of p company, First Infantry, : "Vancouver,. 'barracks', were found there and also arreated. . They will be given a. hearing today-In police. court ' Willamette valley, fancy $20; ordinary llal.6Q; eastern Oregon, $15.50; clover No. 1. $ 16.66 CHICKENS WEAKER AGAIN. Demand Is Slow and Price Is Down With Additional Loss Expected. Chicken market la showlng increasing weakness and the price la generally ftc lower. Best coops range no higher than 16c, and some dealers assert that this value will not be reached. The market la quiet, with only a email movement FRONT 8'i.RERT QDOTATiOOT Hops, Wol and Xldii. HOPS 1108 crop, cnolce, l5o; prima to choice, 16c; srime. lotee;, medium, 16c; 1109 choice, ziiaizzc; prime, zozio medium. 16 (9) 19c 6HEEPBK1N8 . Shearing, 10O360 eacn; short wool. ooouc; meaium wool, 60c$l each; long wool. looo I1.2K each. WOOL Nominal 1901. Willametts valley. 20Jlc; eastern Oregon, 200 33e. HIDES Dry hides, 170180 lb; us, green aa; calvea, green. sprouts, 8 9c; green, 8UlfiHc lb: bulls, 7o lb: kips, 10 10 ftp; ci 1 Olflo ter lb. TALLOW Prime, .per lb, 1 04c; No. I knd grease, 20 2Ho, CHITTIM BARK Nominal. 4040. MOHAIR 1B0I, 3! IT 10 ID. Batter, tm and TotOtrr. EGGS Local, candled, select, 82c; eastern storage, 18P22c. BUTTER FAT Delivery t. o. b. Port. The highest prices ever offered in the city of Portland are aa follows: We will pay these prices straight up for good fat stuff. We I never charge commission nor drayage. Fresh ranch eggs market price.. Dressed veal up to 180 lbs., 12 He; large veal less. Dressed pork, any size, 11c . Live hens, 18c. Dressed hens, 20c Live ducks, 18a Dressed geese, 16c. Dressed turkeys, 25c Address, - , r&AITK Xh STMXTH U33AT OO. . "Plffhtln the Best .Trust." 3OBTXAXn. OKEOOZT. Overbeck & Cooke Co; 1 Commission Merchants Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc 216-21 7 : Board of Trade Building Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents of Logan A Bryan. . - Chicago, Now Tork, Boston. Ws have the only private wire connecting Portland with ths ' ' eastern . exchanges. . ' Ave. lbs. Price. 1 27 steers 1.181 $5.16 COWS AND HEIFERS. 30 cows 881 - $4.85 10 cows 1,168 $.60 15 cows 1.060 4.6 14 cows 978 3.50 22 cows 1,020 4.5 21 cows , 1,031 4.25 22 cows 970 4. ao 80 heifers 846 4.26 BULLS. , 1 hull 770 x$3.15 1 bull 1.440 8.76 HOGS. 234 hogs 226 $9.26 200 hogs 186 9.06 1119 I 93 180 42 Today's range of livestock values: CATTLE Best, $P ?55.S6; medium steers, $4.766.00; . st cows, $4.00(1$ 4.25; fancy heifers, $I.OO4.26; medium cows, 38.7604.00; poor cows. 13.00; buns $2.603.26; stags. $2.50(h3.00. huub Beet east or tne mountains $9.26; fancy, $9.00; stockers, $7.00; pigs, 37.00. SHEEP Best wethers, $5.25 0 60; ordinary, 5.oo; spring iambs, ts.ooin? 8.25; straight ewes, $4.75; mixed lots, 84.7606.00. CALVES Best. $.76.00; ordinary, iD.OOgpBZD. SEAM PRODUCE PRICES FOR TODAY (United Treat Leised Wire.) Seattle Jan. 19. Butter Per pound: Washington creamery firsts. 85e; ranch, 26Zz27e; eastern creamery, 3236c; pro cess, 29c. Eggs Per dozen: Local ranch 8 SBc; fancy white eastern, 2830c; east ern storage, 25 30c; Oregon, 2425c. Cheese Per pound: Cream brick, 20c; wheel Swiss, 21c; block Swiss, 20c: imported wheel Swiss, 2930c; Wiscon sin twins. 1914c: Wisconsin Younu- Am. ericas, 20c. Onions Green, 8O0 per dozen; Califor nia. $1.40(811.60 ner hundred: Walla Walla, $1.251.60 per hundred. potatoes Fancy eastern Washington, 17tfi20 per -totv. White river. lifitfoiK: sweets, $2.75 per crate. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT. Portland Banks. Clearings today $1,781,079.41 xearago... 767.384.39 Gain today Balances today . 1 ear ago , HI 1161 93 76 180 4374 107 107 - SVi 32 168 8 451, bS AmaL Cop. Co. .1 83 84 Vi Am. C. A F.. c.. 66 m K do pfd 11 llt Am. Loco., c.... 66 V 66 Am. Sugar, c 1122 1 23 Am. Smelt, c... H4 94 do pfii H0I 109 Anaconaa m. l.o. 4f bO Am. Woolen, c.. 33Vi 33 Atcnison, c, . do pfd. . . . II. A O.. c... do pfd. . . . B. R. T ("an. Pacific. Cen. leather. do pfd. . . . C. & 6. XV.; c tn. . 01. r. .If ('4 C. & N. W.. c. .,158 Ches. A Ohio. . .1 87 Colo. V. & I., c. .1 43 H voio. nouinern, do 2d pfd . . do 1st pfd . . Corn Product, do pfd D. R. Q . c. . do pfd Erie, c do 2d pfd . . do 1st pfd.. Ot. Northern Illinois Central Inter-Met., c . . do pfd ...... L. N M.. K. A T., c. do pfd Distillers I 34 Ore ,ands I 7.1 Missouri Pacific.! ti7' 7 National Lend.. I Kf X6 N. Y. Central. . .11 17. 11 N. Y., Ont. & W.I 45 I 45 Nort & W.. c.... 97HI 97;4 ao pro North American 4 114 52 120 91 109 4914 33 116 81V4 lit, 63 121 H 92 109 49 83 117 103 11434I1H 13 I 93 71 72 67 si" 20 84 44 koh $1S 38 49 pf132 141 23H (to H 152 45U 81 Vi 20 84 U I 45 h0 31 38 49 132 142 2S4 B0 153 45 '34 178 41 106 30 158 83 81 19 84 I 42 79 30 3H 47 130 141 20 56 14 43 33 179 41 106 31 146 166 84 42 6 80 81 19 84 42 2 87 47 181 142 20 BR 149 43 73 33 711 71' Chicago Wheat Market Opens Very Weak and Depressed but End Is Not So Bad- Liverpool Brings Initial Drop 4444 4 Bala In Argentina, (8 pedal Cable.) Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Jan. 11. A heavy rain foil last night In the wheat country and reports of damage are coming forward. 44-4444C444 ursK-ago, jan. it, Wheat wss heavy and lower at the opening and closed un changed to c a bushel lower than yesterday. Opening values were at a decline of c to c with May and July weakeet Armour bought back some of ths May he sold yesterday and this gsve lb market some buoyancy and resulted in a portion of the first loss being regained at the closing Liverpool was very weak and this is what gave this market Its first taste of bearlsnnens today. Llveroool otened to d lower snd closed with a loss or ld to ld. Cash Wheat No. 1 red. $1.23: No. 2 red, 11.1801-24; No. 2 hard, $1.10 Q; ino. 1 n $1.10 bid; No. 1 north. spring. $1.08 tiard. em spring, ft.120l.ll; No. 2 northern spring, 6l.U0l.i2; No. a 1 10U Corn No. 2 corn. 4'4S66r: No. 3 white. 65tc; No. 3 yellow. 5c; No. 4 corn. 62 t 4c: No. 4 vellow. 04C. Oats No. 2 white 4 9 H ." No. 3 white. 48(W4c; No. 4 white. 480l8c: standard, 49ii'49c. go mil- by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) WHEAT. Onen. Hlah. May 108 109 July 100 100 Sept. .... 96 98 CORN. May 87 67 Julv .... 67 67 Sept. .... 67 OATS. May 47 47 484 July 43 43 43 Sept 41 41 40 Low. 107 15 H 66 66 7874 79 Northern Pac c.,133!l34 I 7 83 116 43 96 76 Paclflo M. 8. Co Pennsylvania Ry P. n. l.. v. Co. Pressed 8. C, c. do pfd. ....... Reading, c do 2d pfd Rep. I. & 8., c. . . do pfd Rock Island, c. do pfd 8. L. 8. F. 2d pfd do pfd do pi 1 A 8. W., 36 36 1331133 112 44 103 161 101 40 101 44 84 55 SI J 0 "J ::::!:! 963,695.02 136,684.67 65,965.87 Seattle Banks. Clearings today $l,725,52f Balances toaay .- 229,924 Taeotna Banks. Clearings today $ 945,458 Ha lances todaty i 128 693 31 do pfd 74 8otithern Pac, c.1311, Southern Ry., c. 3 uo pro ok Texas A Pacific. 82 T. S. L. & XV.. pd! 68 U. P.. c (192 do pfd 1. .100 U. S. Rubber, c. 46 do pfd HZ U. 8. Steel Co.. c 84 Vi do pfd ...122 Wabash, c 22 do pfd 60 W. U. Tel 78 Wis. Cent., c 47 Westinghouse .. 73 Beet Sugar 43 Utah Copper 53 3d Ave 15 Pittsburg Coal. Cons. Gas. Big Four Ry. Springs do pfd Vlr. Chem do pfd K. C. South, do pfd . . :t . . Allls ChalmeTs. do pfd Am. Con do pfd Alton. ?S Total sales, i. 623,400. ' Money, 3 percent. 113 4 103 12 101 40 101 44 84 55 '3T " 74 132 31 69 S3 68 193 100 45 31 82 131 112 44 103 159 inn 39 100 40 84 68 '28 72 128 30 30 67 188 T4 99 44 162 79 45 106 55 39 is" 60 12 78 I 4 112 111 81 121 21 47 73 47 71 41 61 15 84 l-'8 22 60 73 47 74 44 63 15 153 79 45 106 55 39 13 50 12 78i 64 143 7 8 45 105 62 38 is" 49 11 77 60 68 S3 117 44 96 88 76 131 32 131 112 44 103 159 100 38 100 40 83 62 9 OA 1 7 7Z 128 30 66 30 67 190 44 111 81 21 48 73 47 71 H4 61 15 19 145 78 46 106 62 119 3S 67 13 49 11H 77 60 Jan. Mav July Jan. May July Jan. May July . .2140 . .2175 . .2170 . .1240 . .1200 . .1190 . .1180 . .1147 .1147 41 PORK 2166 2190 2190 LARD 1247 1212 1202 RlBS. 1186 , 1162 1160 Close. 108 100 96B 67B 7 67 47 43 A 41 VATCHES.BURGLARGO ; S THROUGH Hli POCKETS ' ("perisl Dhpatch to Tbe Joermil. . Vancouver, Wssh, Jan. . 19. S. D, Springer, who makes his' borne at a boarding house at 1214 West Eighth street, lay In bed last night and watched a man rifle his pockets of $1.50, After ths man's' departure Springer called the police and one Alfred Lloyd was ar rested,-charged with the offense. Lloyd will, be given a hearing today In police court T BRIDGE ACROSS E R AT GLADSTON E (Special DUpntcfe lo The Jooroil. J Oregon City, Jan. lO.-'-The special meeting of the boaid of governors of the Oregon City Commercial club was held last night and the various commit tees appointed. It waa deemed neces sary to revise aoms of theso and a com plete ropy will be published later. After some discussion on the matter of building a bridge over the Clackamas river at Gladstone, a committee of five was sppolnted to confer with ths countv court snd the people residing north of the Clacksmas river. In reference to the project. A bridge Is needed to connect Uladatone with this city. The present one is at least one mile out of the way and Inconvenient for Gladstone resi dents. A special committee of three was authorised by the president to look Into the advisability of having a livestock show st Oregon City In the spring, liters are many etockralsers and horse men In that county that want such a show held here, and In all probability one will occur. Elizabeth Holm Sues for Dlvorre. Oregon City. Jan. II. Elisabeth Hoim commenced a divorce suit sgalnst her husband, James Holm, yesterday. In the complaint, which was filed by her attorney, George C. Brownell. she alleges that on September 1, 1900, her husband deserted her and has not re turned yet. They were married at North Platte, Neb. She wants her maiden name of Elisabeth Romner re stored to her. TWO LODGES HOLD JOINT 1NSTALLATI0 Vancouyer, Wash., Jaa. 1. Vanoou-' ver lodge M. W. A., and auxiliary of Royal Neighbors, held a Joint Installs- J tlon of officers last night Officials and members prominent In ths orders were present from Portland. , M. A. Qroabeach, formerly of Vancouver but now of Portland, hsd charge of the work for the M. W.;A., and Mrs. Mc Clrsth, also of Portland, for the Neigh-, bora. Following the work a banquet wss served to over 100 people. . : The M. W. A. Installed the following officers; K. II. Wright V. C.J Kit Hamilton,. M. A.; George PleL banker; C. A. Kirch, clerk; Frank E. Vaughn, manager, three years. DOUBLE-HEADER BASKET ; BALL GAME SATURDAY. . (Boeelal Plitrk te ba Jaorasl.' Vancouver, Wssh., Jan. II. A double-J header basketbstl game will ba played Friday, night at the Armory. Tne firat game will be between tne first team of' the Vancouver High school and Hill's Military academy of Portland. The' Portland team Is said to' be the , champion team of that city. Tha Van-, couver team Is fast and has put up some good games. ,. : The second gsme will be a girls game between the Washington state school for the deaf snd the Vsncouver III" : school. The High school team as ; played two games this season, and wss - successful in each. They defeated the Stevenson High snd Washougal Athletic club. ' I X. P. Loses In Damage Suit. Vancouver, Wssh., Jsn. 19. The Jury In the case of J. H. Huntsbury vs. the Northern Paclf4c Railroad company, a damage suit, returned a sealed verdict last night. The verdict was read this morning snd swsrded Huntsbury dam ages In the sum of $366. The claim was made for damages Incurred by the railroad crossing certain lands In Fruit Valley. 2120 2156 2167 1237 1197 1177 1175 1140 1147 2155 2190 2190 1245 1210 1200 1182B 1160 1160 Liverpool Wheat Mtrket Liverpool, Jan. -19. Wheat: Open. 8s 2d March Mav . July . 7s lld 7s lld Close. 8s ld 7s lld 7s 10d BUTTER TO DROP BUT CHEESE HAS ADVANCE PRICE OF PRODUC E IN SAN FRANCISCO (United Press Leaaed Wire.) San Francisco, Jan. 19. Eggs Per dosen: California fresh, including cases Extras, 36c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 80c; thirds. 28c. Butter Per pound: California fresh extras. 86c; firsts, 88c; seconds. 29c; storage extras. 81c; do firsts, 30c do ladles, 26 c; do firsts. 25c. New Cheese per pound: New Call fornla flats, fancy. 18c: firsts. 16 c seconds, 16c; California Young America, fancy, lac; firsts, ic: eastern New York singles, 19 c; do dsisles, 19c: do Oregon. 19c; do Young America, 20c; storage California fancy, 17c; firsts, 16r,; Young America, fancy, 18c; Wisconsin singles, rancy, ic. Potatoes Per cental: River whites, 70ifr90c for choice to fancy In sacks, with extra stock quotable st 90c$1.00; Salinas. 81.851.45; Oregons, $1,200 $1.30; Esrly Rose, $1.60; sweet potatoes. In crates, $1,606? 1.75; do sacks, $1.00( $1.25. Onions Per cental: Yellow, 90c $1.10; do Oregon, $1.401.6O. Oranges Per box: New navels, choice, $1.60 2.00: fancy. $2.26 2.60 new tangerines. $1.001.60 for small and $1.60 2.00 for large sixes. Hogs 5c IiOwer. Chlesgo, Jan. 19. Run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 36,000 20.000 20,000 Kansas City .. . 18,000 8,000 6.000 Omha 9,000 3,800 6,000 Hog market closed 5e lower. Weakness Is Increasing In the butter market and because of a sharp drop in Pucet Sound prices a reaction Is expect ed nere for fresh stock. Cheese msrket Is firmer and prices are advanced front He to lc a pound today. Ford Will Fight Extradition. , (Special DIMtrh to The Joareat.4 . Vsnrotiver. Wssh., Jsn. II. John T. Ford, through his attorney, will Btart habess corpus proceedings today against his being returned to Portland' on s chsrge of obtaining money under false pretenses, that of Issuing check1 on a bank where he had no runas. ' Portland authorities were In Vancouver yesterday with a warrant, but Ford re-' fused to accompany them and sppllcs- tion was made to Governor Hay for re quisition papers. Ford Is In tha city Jail. -: . :n Tomorrow (Thursday) Is positively! the last day for discount on east aldej gas bills. Bonds Investments ; Timber Lands I- New York Cotton Market. New York, Jan. 19. Cotton range: High. Low. Close. 1419 Open. 1400 January February March 1390 1 419 April 1407 1414 Mav 1415 1434 June 1414 July 1405 1436 August ... 1380 1409 September. 1300 1319 October ... 1266 1279 December.. 1280 1285 1388 1385 1405 1397 1405 1400 1377 1295 1260 1250 HlliftlR 14121 1418 1421 (i 14201 1 424 ti 1398 j 18176 1264 1250 24 24 27 03 ?o 67 55 nth Company Nculiauscn Ot 701-2-3-4-5 LEWIS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON V7. as. ivuo, President mmss T. B. WX&OOX. Vice-President If 70a ran secure a fife insurance contract that; charges only the "Or dinary Life" rate in case of death, giving you a policy paid up for its face in fifteen years, or an "Endow ment" policy in twenty years, would It not appeal to you? This is our "Special Combination" policy, and it is issued by a home company. '4 B. COOxInOHAK, Vlce-Fresiaent EtJ I t Secretary. , I T Lumber mens National Bank COR. tflfTH AND STARK STREETS The Capital Stock di the Liirabcr meh's -National Bank Will Be In creased from $250,000 to $500,000 f April 1st, 1910 S. P. LOCKWOOD, Vice-President and General Manager. , Home Office. X. amber Sxohanae BldaV Fortland. Ot. J YEARS of SERVICE have PROVEN THAT, BITULITHIC , Lasts longer and is safer for horses "and autos than any other kind of pavement. BITULITHIC 7 Is being laid in more cities in the northwest than is any other class of pavement. of BITULITOIC Together with its wearing qualities, are what make it popular. . - ' Commercial bodies, city officials or individuals who are interested can obtain complete informa tion and statistics regarding street paving by addressing ' " Warren Consiruclion Company BECK BLDGn PORTLAND, OREGON , 0 '7