The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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i'lFIEE n
Pacific Hardware & Steel Com
pany Plans .to Extend Scope
of Its Business In Portland
. Territory. . .
Ths Pacific Hardwsf A Steel com
bany will begin construction of a Urge
warehouse In thta city la a fw day,
authority to that f f met having bom r
reived today by Arthur C. Callan, rain
Iter of th company's large col ling mllla
Jin Kerth Portland. .Th propoaed war.
hous wll b devoted to the carrying
of a general hardware stock, auch aa
tools, building hardware, sporung gooot
and utensil. ..'. ' . -., ',
, The building ' will . -over a ground
space of 200x200 feet and will occupy
a site in the vicinity of the large roll
lng mill., at Nicola 1 and the foot of
Twenty-second streets,, options having
bean secured a few daya ago on two lo
cation, the moat suitable of which win
be chosen. The building will be of mill
construction, four stories In height and
In addition to the' warehouse will have
large salearooms. . It will be much of
the same style of architecture aa the
company's buildings recently erected In
Los Angeles and of about the same .else
as, ths company' main building in San
Francisco which covers a ground space
of 37(27f feet but is only three stories
In height
. Building- WU1 -Co 1T8.000.
The building will bis erected at a cost
of approximately 1174,000. -The work
will be done by day labor as It is wished
to have tha structure completed within
four months. Selection of the site will
be made next week and the construction
will be commenced Immediately there
after. .... ' ,
With the new warehouae and salea
rooms and stocks and the rolling mills,
the company will have about 11,000.000
Inveated In Its Portland branoh, accord
ing to Manager Callan..
Adding to Portland's Held. .
The building of the warehouae will
mean much, to this city, not onl? b
cause of it giving employment to , a
number of persons, but also because it
will Increase Portland's . position as s
distributing point in hardware lines aa
much of the territory now covered by
the Ban Francisco house, will In all
probability be turned over to Portland.
It will also mean an extension of trade
Into the northern territory, the bulk of
of Life
No longer Any Excuse for Constipated.
Weak Stomached, Weak Kidneyed,
Brain Fagged, Thin Haggard
Men or Women
Health is Free.
Bend Tour Kama and Address Today Tor J
Free 60o Package and Learn The
- ' Grand Trntn.
DlOGEME Ybu-APF .rihlEJ)
Retail Association Works Hard
v'on Very. Important
The Oregon Retail Hardware and Im
plement Dealers' association will jko on
record this afternoon In favor of the
Good Roads movement along the lines
suggested by J.- N. Teal, when he spoke
at the banquet given' at the Commercial
club last night The committee on res
olutions this morning embodied this
feature In the report drawn up.' The
report will coma to a vote this after
noon. ,,.v " ' ..-.; v ..!,-,
The hardware men are much In favor
of .better roads, because ' better roads,
it Is conceded, will mean better busi
ness, especially for the retailer. With
gooij means of reaching the towns and
stores, It la held trade, will Increase,
and the hardware men,' are -not losing
sight of this fact.. It Is. therefore, be
lieved that the resolution will be adopt
ed unanimously, and having the effect
that every delegate .will return to his
boms town or city to take up the mat
ter, before Its looal government or the
commercial, push or Improvement club
which may be working for th upbuild
ing of the community...
Afalnrt raroels Vosi.
. Another resolution that 'will iindoubt
edly carry will be 'that opposing legis
lation providing for parcels post dellv-
.a a ...
ery. The retailers are opposed to tbis.
because they fear it would divert much
of their business to the large mall.
order houses..
The morning session of the conven
tion, which Is being held In assembly
hall of the Commercial club, waa de
voted largely to trade talk, the reading
of records and reports and other routine
matters. . This' afternoon' considerable
attention will be given to complaints,
not a few of which it is understood will
refer to the methods of dealing of cer
tain Jobbers. ' .
The intention is to conclude the con
vention this evening. Wit It Is possible
that It may have to be carried Over
another day.
which la now largely controlled by the
Marshall-Wells oompany, which has op
erated a large branch with salesrooms I
and warehouses here for several years
with a constantly increasing volume of
The building of new railroads and the
opening' of new fields of trade' is at-1
trading the attention of the large man
ufacturer and It Is predicted that other
concerns will soon make preparations
for further facilitating th,elr connections
With dealers throughout the entire Pa
cini northwest by selecting Portland
for the distributing center.
PboR MR. iw&EMES i Working, ' 'J '
fuiMti.T Tb PSATH. HERS A .nKXJWsfcNfc i frzr
,. , VtmaT M HAP.To pXK AT I4IS Ump Th TELL Yad) VIUUlH'1
; , rvitjws out with the) - Ht viKATAxicA&ir t
'.'.' . ) WRETCH! O (Vt)UlL RMPTU WAwl I l R LILIAN
Oh! What a Fearful Revenge Diogenes Will Have One. of
- r These Pays 1
- r
Kmployes of the courthouse have been
gladdened by sight of the first wagon-
load of steel thst will be used in con-
iruoting the east wing of the . new
county building. The steel has been
In the city" three weeks or Jongeri but
It was shipped in the rough-. and -ths
raoncating nan to oe done ojr tne cqn-
,Jt, Wylle ilQ., Woodruffafter learvtng
the witness chair In, Judge Morrow's
department i of the circuit "court yeater-
The contractors are nearly two months dav: was ealled a short and ugly word
behind the date when the steel was toDy a sort of il. B. Nicholas, attorney for
have been In place. The ateel came th ri.r.nHunt la the uit brouaht by
from ,the Bethlehem works In. Pnnsjl- pr woodruffj and the word ' was so
uuum nui us auminea . tune- loudly spoken tnat it attractea mo ai
where. Shipments were for a time .de- cn.inn nf h vturt j
Basts . .
Cartas . ,
Urn .
Fats . .
9,600. Ft.
. 10 Oil
. 24 On.
.. 38 0'
- . I Us.
141-1 lis.
. 14 in.
.'4 0a.
. 12 On.
Cn InlM csiiilM tl
the sbeva Just what ia ibit
llilMMary to sjsks
tnt kM JW will.
layed by the strike of the switchmen. It
was shipped In such order that 'material
JtotiAa f irat story was not complete tin-
til all the steel had arrived.',-';
Special machinery . was required for
the fabrication, but it appears that not
much mora delay will result and .. the
heavy hammering so' long dreaded and
at the same time wished; for, will soon
"If such Innjrtiaire rit repeated here
you will be f Infid aat'fontempt of court
Sit down,", -the court shouted to young
Nicholas. '
The latter dropped Into a soat. and
while Judfte Morrow started to admon
ish. Dr.- Woodruff against -. continuing
the discussion the ; physician stepped
out of the courfiffcom and disappeared.
Dr. Woodruff is suing 8. C. Hoadley
for $200 for services in performing an
TH RFflFFM FARM Hoadley, a son of the defendant. Judg-
appeaing that the elder Hoadley had
no, appeared or-promised payment when
the operation was -.performed, youn
Hoadley being over .ai years of age.
If voir are sick or ailing it is because
the very foundation of your existence
is gradually being dried up,, the nerve
force which radiates through every
atom of your-being-Is perishing from
lack of food. The brain -and the nerves
require nourishment Just as much as the
rest of the body.' . . -. ......
The marvelous discovery, Curo Grains
of Life restores your vitality, and re
news your old time' strength' And' vigor
by giving your nervoua system the food
It Is craving. Rhsumatfsm',' neuralgia,
heauache, kidney disease liver troubles,
catarrh of the Stomach and bowels, in
somnia, and all weakened conditions of
men and women quickly disappear, the
hollows vanish, energy returns, and life
ia worth' living once more.- The red
corpuscles In the blood sre Increased
. and everything that passes through the
digestive tract' is- -turned into good,
solid, , healthy - flesh, instead of being
undigested and unasslmilated.
In order to let you test the truth of
this for yourself, a full sise 60c box of
Curo Grains of Life will be sent you by
mall free If . you simply mall coupon
below. . ' -' ' . . .
Curo Grains are harmless and pleas
ant to take, requires no vigorous exer
cise or - special diet. ' Ton will simply
be astounded at the wonderful results
obtained from the . free. 80c t package
O. M. Rankin and Howard T, Rankin,
adminlstratora of the estate bf B. M.
Rankin, have- been authorised to bor
row $11,484 to redeem S7S acres of lsnd
In Lane county which was' sold uhdor
execution over . a year agd'. In ' case
! In that county In which H. C. Mahon
i obtained judgment for ' $42,606. The
i place was sold to J. P. Porter for $10,
821 and the time for redemption "will
expire January 21 The estate has not
the money on hand to save the place;
but upon the. statement that the money
can be obtained from-Merritt C. Grts
wold on the credit of ths' estate,-pay
able in one year. County Judge Web
ster authorize the borrowing of the
money. y . - - - . , ...
After, having enjoyed a half day's
visit in Portland the Inland Empire ex-
: cursion, composed" of about 200 business
linen of Alberta, Spokane and waiia
Walla, left tnls city last night In their
SDecial train bound for Los Angeles.
The visitors 'enjoyed themselves here
Immensely despite tne stormy weatner.
They took In - many, or the most ap
pealing sights. The dinner at the Ho
tel Portland last night was a most au
spicious occasion, lasting close to the
honr of departure from the Union .depot
at 10:S0 o. m.
On the way south stops of from IB
to SO minutes will be made at more lm
portant stations along7 the line.
v'.: . -
free 50c Package Coupon
' lnil- in your name and address 'on
blank lines below and ' If convenient
enclose a few stamps to help cover
postage and packings if not send
coupon lust the same to Ik C. Grains
Co., lfiSB Pontiao Bldg., Chicago, 111.,
and you will receive a free fifty cent
package-of Curo Grains, by return
mall, postpaid. ' x s' '
N MB ............. .1 .., , , . , ,
STREET '. . . :
' I llll , . ...f,,,.i
(Spedtl DUcatch to Th Jonnul.
Oregon City, Jan. 19. The officers of
the McLoughlin Memorial association
met last night In the parlors of the
Bank of 'Oregon City, and currant mat
ters of business were adjusted.
The adoption ot a set of by-laws was
the first subject to come up for con
sideration. A set was drawn up after
much discussion and given to a com
mittee constating Of Colonel C. H. Dye,
E. G. Caufield arid 'Rev. A. HlUebrandt,
which .committee revised and went over
them carefully, reporting back to the
officers. The set was accepted and the.n
turned over to the committee a second
time far a revised- copy to- be drafted
and given to the officers at a' special
meeting.-to -be, held next Tuesday night.
Incorporation papers were Issued to
the - association ' by the secretary of
state of Oregon laat week. 'The organi
sation is' now in a' condition where, it
can proceed to take definite steps to re
store the Interior of :ttie Old home nt
Dr. McL'oughlln. The ' - exterior has
been entirely - restored to Its original
state, but it will takefiome time to col
lect old furniture and decorations to re
store the. 'lnterlprr, .LJter&turf
sent to those, all over the northwest,
who it is thought .wJU nave any Interest
in the 'matter, and their help asked in
Salem, Or., Jan. J9. Porter J. Neffs,
city attorney of Medford. appeared be
fore the supreme court today and se
cured a motion advancing on the cal
endar the matter, of M. F. HanlSy vs.
the city of 'Medford, jvhlch is an ln-
4.inAHnn nvnniuMllnv Mfklnr 1a reatrsln
the municipal cprporatlon from entering OREGON MAN HAS
me lano. 01 ui jjmnniii iu i.y
Una for a water system. Since all of
the conduit is completed except . two
miles . across the land of Mf. Hanley .R.. M. Ward-le. -a hardware and imnle
thOiClty of Medord 'is very anxious to I ment dealer of Carlton, Or., haa secured
have the matter determined .. aa quidkly a tent on a' device ror filtsring water
the undertaking.. 1
The membership for haa been
placed at $10. .Ordinary membership re
quires a yearly dues of $1.
aa possible..
" Sunnyslde.W. C. T.'V.
" The regular monthly .Mother sV meet
ing of the Sunnyslde -W. C. T; XJ. will
be held at. the friends church,': East
Thirty-fifth and -Mam streets,, at 2:S0
n. m . Thursdav. 7 MrS. - Wood of the
Home Training i association will speak J Oregon Retail ' Hardware ft Implement
to the mothers. . . -? J Dealers' wssoclatlon. . The device con-
rllBtrlhtited throneh nines hv th rvitv
system. The invention is considered of
great value, especially-to smaller towns
where the water supplies are often se
cured In the- immediate vtelnttyr - Mr;
Wardle placed .the selling rights for the
stats of Oregon in this city while here
attending the annual Convention of the
Hermlston Postmaster Confirmed.
i (WhlnttoB Bu'recn Tfce JourMi.y-;
-Washington, Jan. 19. The- senate to
day confirmed the nomination ot J. H
Williams to be postmaster at Herml
ton. Of.' ; . ,.
-. , .i : . , ' .' - .'. 1 ' .... r. ... . -
sluts of a screen easily adjustable to the
pipe and flxed-so- It? can readily" be
drained and-dMned.'-:-,'-.-:.. .
, Tomorrow i Thursday!- is positively
the last day for discount, on east aide
gaa bills. .,.--
State Treasurer Steele's State
ment Shows Growth in
State Loans.
Creditors of Defunct Oregon
Trust Will Be Settled With
February 11.
That thr German-American bank will
be prepared to take care of the unpaid
claims against the defunct Oregon
Trust & Savings bank February 11, ths
date upon which it agreed to settle with
all unpaid depositors. Is the declaration
made this morning by 8. u. Reed, presi
dent of the bank, when asked regarding
th status of the receivership of the
Oregon Trust snd the progress being
made In winding up its affairs.
"We ars making our arrangements
to take up the remaining claims against
the failed Institution, and confidently
cipect to have everything in readiness
to meet these demands In ample time,"
continued Wr. Reed. "We don't care to
go into details at this time, nor to make
any formal announcement."
There remains something like 1300,
000 to be paid depositors, and of this
sum it is understood Receiver. Devlin
has about 1100,000 In hand. This money
'waa received from the sale of
the block of United Railway company
bonds-tS7,600 and ' collections made
by the receiver during the past 90 days,
At ths time Receiver Devlin filed
civil suits against W. H. Moore and
other officers and directors of the Ore
gon Trust A Savings bank, it Is under
stood that the circuit court judge, hav
ing the receivership in hand, called to
the attention of President Reed of
the German-American bank the fact
that the time for making final settle
ment of the Oregon Trust's affairs was
near at hand, and asked for soma dec
laration on the subject . Mr. Reed
promptly assured the court the claims
would all be settled on or before the
date fixed for tlwlr payment, February
11, 1908, ths Gerrnan-Amurlcan bank
took over the assets of the Oregon
Trust A Savings bank and agreed to
pay all depositors claims within two
years from that date.
Members r of the Portland bar will
assemble In department No. 1 at the
courthouse tomorrow afternoon and pro
ceed Trdm that place to attend the fu
neral of the late G. G. Gam mans. Serv
ices will be held st S o'clock at the Uni
tarian church, Seventn and Yamhill
streets. ,
Members of the Royal Arcanum, of
which Mr. Gammans was a member,
will meet In the lobby of the Portland
T(Otrt-atl:45 o'c'ock for the purpose of
attending the funeral in' a body.
(Pilem Burein of The Journal.)
Salem. Or.. Jan. 19. -Orr- January 1
1910. first mortgage loans outstanding
representing- Investments of the irre
ducible school fund, amounted to
S4. 631.499. 93. according to a statement
today by State Treasurer Steel. The
amount of the common school fund on
hand and awaiting investment is $305,
525.76. During December alone the
amount of first mortgage loans In
creased nearly $60,000.
To show the Increase" In first mort
gage loans for the Inst six months the
following figures are given:
On July 21, the amount Invested m
first mortgage loans was $4,469,620.05.
August 31. $4,478,484.83.
September ' 30. $4,534,434.62.
.October 3l", $4,536,356.87. .
November SO, $4, 672,444.87; and on
December 31. $4,631,499.98.
The amount of school district bonds,
which is a part of the irreducible fund
also, equaled on December 81, 1909,
$188,225. Certificates of sals of. state
lands bearinc 6 per cent Interest
equaled $687,158.12, making th total of
investments from tne common scnoot
fund $5,606,883.05.
First mortgage loans from the agri
cultural college fund equaled on Decem
ber 31, $193,113. 49. LaiVd sales certifi
cates equaled $2738, making the total
of Investments from the .college fund
$196,861.49. First mortgage loans from
the university fund equaled on Decem
ber SI, $93,915.85, and certificates for
the sale af lands $3320, a total of $97,
235.86. -The grand total Invested from
all three school funds is $6,799,970.39.
Rabbi Ellas Berman, prominent ortho
dox Hebrew minister of San Francisco,
was stricken with appoplexy, while
standing in ths union depot at 6:30
o'clock last night, waiting for the de
parture of the California train. He was
at once hurried to the Good Samaritan
hospital and Drs, Josephl and Hoff were
summoned to attend him. However he
died at 11:80 last night without regain
ing consciousness.
Rabbi Berraan nan peen visiting in
Seattle, where he had a, married daugh
ter? livings and was on the way to San
Francisco when stricken. Bis daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hur
wit . of Seattle, arrived this morning
and will leave with the body for Seat
tie tonight Dr. Berman was one. of
the most prominent orthodox rabbis on
the Pacific coast and was widely known
and generally beloved by th Hebrews
throughout California. He is survived
by an Invalid widow, two daughters and
a son . ; ... t
Jotirnar 'wsnt ads - bring results.
Arrangements are complete for the
annual election of officers and enter
tainment to be given In Rlngler's hall.
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, by the
East Side Business Men's club. The
entertainment Is being given ss a fit
ting celebration of a highly successful
year just .closed by the club. .
The program srranged for th eve
ning Includes speeches by a number
of prominent .men, music vaudeville
specialties, dancing' and cards. Fea
tured in the program are the Oregon
Male: quartet, a ladles' orchestra, the
Washington High, School Glrla' chorus,
under the direction of Mrs. Rose Cour-sen-Reed,
a Scotch comedian, with his
JOk6Snd fancy Scotch and English
dancing and solos by Miss E. Forrest
and Mrs. O. K. McCord. 1
The complete program Is as follows:
Musical selection by ladles' orches
tra; address, "A Rrief Review of the
Objects and Attainments of theSClub,"
by C. A Rlgelow, president of the East
Side Business Men's club: annual elec
tion off officers of the club; selection,
Oregon Male quartet; soprano solo, Miss
E. Forrest; address Rev. Dr. George
B. Van Waters, pastor of Grsce Me
morial Episcopal church; selection by
the Washington High school chorus,
"Serenade to Juan it a"; orchestra selec
tion; specialty by the Scotch come
dian; song. "East Side Booster Song,"
by the Oregon Male quartet; soprani
solo by Mrs. George K. McCord; ad
dress by Tom Richardson, manager of
the Portland Commercial club; selec
tion by the Washington High School
Girls' chorus, "Waltz Carmena"; Scotch
and English fancy dancing; selection
by the Oregon Male quartet; orchestra
selection; dancing and cards.
The cases against Harry Francis and
Ruby Shannon, in which they were
charged with an Immoral act, were dis
missed this morning in municipal court
upon request of Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin,
head of the public safety department
for girls. Rox Shlolds, who Uvea on
Vancouver avenue with his parents, waa
also wanted on a similar charge. An
other girl is being cared for by Mrs.
Baldwin, The four people took posses
sion of the Shields home New Years
eve while the family was away on a
holiday visit. Neighbors complained of
the affairs at the house, and an inves
tigation showed that the clothes of one
of the girls were placed in a bath tub.
and soaked with water. She took a
complete outfit belonging to Mrs.
Shields. The younger Shields is now
in a sanitarium for mental treat
Albert Locke, 224 North First
street, attempted suicide at an early
hour this morning by taking bichloride
of mercury' tablets. He wss taken to
the Good Samaritan hospital. His con
dition Is much Improved this afternoon.
Locke Is a carpenter. His wife began
divorce proceedings Tuesday against
him. This Is believed to have caused
him a sleepless night, and he attempted
to end his life. There are 13 In his
The annual banquet of the Portland
Young Men's Christian Association, is
to be held tonight at the new building
of the association, corner of Sixth and
Taylor streets. Tabjes are to be spread
on the lower floor of the bslldlng from
which the banquet will be served. After
the banquet the annual election of offi
cers will be held. A program made up
of humorous and athletic acts by the
members of the association will enliven
the meeting. The principal speaker will
be Henry J. McCoy, general secretary
of the San Francisco Y. M. C A.
Advises Use Iri Extreme Cases !
Only Condemns Injunction I
Uniform Wage Plan.
(United Ptms Uwt4 WlrO .
Indianapolis, Jan. If. Expecting ' a
hot fight over the payment of nation!
organisers while attending ths conven
tion of the United Mine Workers t
America, thst organization today 'decid
ed to suspend the rules this afternoon
to discuss the qio'stlon. The matter has
been made a apweiat order of buslne3
and friends of ths organisers are seek
ing not only to secure them remunera
tion for attending the convention, ; but
also thsir reimbursement for expenses
incurred bj' their attendance.
President Lewis, In his annual re
port today, declared that strikes as 4
measure of strengthening organised
lalor have proved a failure. He urgft
tnat they be resorted to only In extreme
cases. '-.'' '
Lewis praised the joint conference
method of negotiating wags scales, and
advocated the creation of districts tn
which uniform wages should prevail.
One of these districts, he . stated, '
should include Colorado, Montana. Wy
oming, Utah and Washington,. svhil
Canada should be permitted to carry on '
its own wage negotiations without dic
tation or interference on the part of the '
mine workers. ' -
President Lewis condemned injunc
tions aimed to hamper union men and
union operations. He also advocated a1
governmental bureau of mines to deal .
with ths growing problems of ths min
ing Interests of the oountry. j
Tomorrow (Thursday) la positively1
the last day for discount on east sldn
gas bills. - i j
Over 80 Physicians
Now Send Thompson
Their Patients When
They Suspect Eye Strain
FAR VgiorfCTt
Lens .w
Tomorrow (Thursday) is positively
the last day for discount on east side
gas bills.
of slght
testlng la
by th
msdloal '
"a xfc.-' '' 9
son baa
th most
mants In -ths
field today
10 years
In Portland and th largest
In th FaciXlo Worthwest
We will advise you just wtiat Is neces-,
and restore .the eyes to their normal j
conaiuon. ' i .. ;
' . .f
On Cbarff Covers Sntlra Cost of Si
wnlnaUon, CHasa, Trams :
ad . Tloor, Oorbstt BldfV Bth and Mor.
Pile Remedy
I have a pile remedy
which is a certain ure.
ft has cured-tbousands
and can no ino am mr
Sou. fee Major . wooo
i; Civil War Veteran,
manuracturer, zr jei-
f arson at. room 1. -
- County Judge Webster haa approved a
settlement for $10000 of the claim of the
estate of Charles Field against the
Pqrtland Railway, Light &. Power com
pany for his death. Field was a line
man and was electrocuted January 16,
1909, at East ninth and unn streets,
while he was attempting to cut a guy
wire In making repairs. The settlement
has been agreed to by Rose G. Field,
the widow and administratrix of the
Washington. rostmnter4 '
Washington, Jan. 19. The following
nominations for postmasters in Wash
ington cities were sent by the president
to the senate, today: ; Oliver Hinman,
Ellensburg; Edward R. -Turner, Granite
Falls;- Isaac Fields, Woodlahd. -
Go Through the Orange
of California
On your trip east and take the -
Golden State Limited
From San Francisco or Los An- ,s
geles. New, up-to-date, high-class
equipment with all the comforts
and conveniences; of a first-class
hotel. . ; '
Illustrated booklets and full par- .
ticulars on application. i .
General Agent; Passenger Dept,
.140 Third St. , . Portland, 'Or. !
Phones: Main 334, h-2666, ,
A wireless station on Capo Cod, Mass.,
recently picked up messages Sent from
Colon to naval -vessels . in Klcaraguan I
waters., - t , '