.1 . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, ' TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, .1910.- "RfllfiB Tfl RfiHT ; ' If" - ; - .uomh ccr cwap .ur fo.. t,h month of .u. : - 'SKTE SIIPBEME: ; IMBnBF MFH : MIFflllF uu - . i- . ' Ik ' COUiir DECIDES ARE OPPOSED TO DECLARES JEFF L'-C' - '&1';;M AGAINST OIL CO. PARCaS POST IDEA Heavyweight Says Governor Spry of Utah Won't Need to Judgment of $2500 Obtained May Go on Record In Conven- by Ernest Peterson Is Af- tfori as Favoring Raising firmed In Opinion by Justice ; Ca!l Out the Militia; Loyal to Home State. Postage Rate- orr Second McBride. Class Matter, v ' iv ' I I :: : ,.:. - - - Lrw . J . ' . - ' (BdocIiI Dispatch to The Jnarantl Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 1 t.'-Tbere It not even as rouoh a an outside chanee.that ,RM(jng ;fr0m left to right -M. J. McNary, Gua Salmond.'A. F. McAtee, L. R. Senosky, foreman; J. W. McMlnn, L. C. McKay, Bert C. Lewi. Jeffries, Who es- ln Loncoln before MAYOR PUZZLED OVER QUESTION OF WATER MAINS declared '"James J, hlbited last night a crowded theatre. ."Just tell Governor Spry." .Jeffries continued, "that le le doing me a fa vor when he aaya J oh neon and I can't ; pull off our mill In Salt Lake, or Utah, lie won't need to get any mllltta after me for I won't be there. California li my home state. That's the place where I am going to fight Johnson, and the governor can, rest easy and keep his soldiers at home. This fight Is going , to draw a lot of people from all over the country and take It from roe, CaU Ifornla, the state where I live, Is go ing to get the benefit I - don't care Ta Rlckard has aald the things he Is credited with In the 1-1 flWP VP f Thinks LflW Pmvirf newspapers about fighting In Salt Lake. "UWeVCI, IIIIHK& WW HUVIU Junt put It down for keeps that Jeff Is going to fight Johnson in California and that I am going to lick him. ' gam Berger, Jeffries' manager, talked In a similar strain. . " "Jt would be absurd," said Berger, "to talk of booking this fight, the biggest in the history of pugilism, for Utah, when the arovernor has forbidden. Jef fries cannot afford to run any risks of 1'belleve that the law providing for Interference. No, I shan't say anything the assessment of the oost of laying concerning any difficulties between water mains is Just as valid aa that Rlckard and Gleason. If there Is any f improving of streets, but the controversy between them they will have . . , t tak. f it themselves. However. PP1 not been educated up to Jeffries Insists he will fight only In this fact yet," aald Mayor Blmon this California, and I believe he knows what morning. "And, knowing that the pub- PAULHAN TO FLY CROSS COUNTRY tng v for Laying- of Then Is Valid Says HeVin the Air. - ' ' . : he la talking about" HOOD RIVER IS PLEASED WITH TRAIN Uo Is averse to paying for the, water mains, contractors hesitate to submit bids because they fear that their money might be tied up In contracts for sev eral years In case litigation should be resorted to by protesting property owners. "l am firmly of the opinion that any such litigation would-result eventually In a vverdlct that the aasessment law Is valid," continued the mayor. "But - " (SpecUl Dlnwitcb to The Jootntl.) '- Hood Klver, Or., Jan. 18. That Hoed River is pleased with the hew DaJlee Portland local train was the statement madathls mornln by. F. A. Cram, di rector of . the Commercial club and many other people seem to believe that president of the Business Men's aaaoela-1 the supreme court would 'not decide for tlon. Mr. Cram Is a leading mercnant us 7aiiaity. ... . of Hood Rlveri ' He' said: "We, are , 'Vp to Courts, highly pleased with the new train serr- "The -court will have an opportunity Ice. which gives a daylight trip to Port- to render a decision before long, as land and return. While It may be true one of the property owners on Haw that some will avail themselves of this thorns avenue has refused to pay his service to occasionally "do their shop- assessment for a main laid , there by ping ln Portland, we are not Harrow the Barber asphalt company. But -the minded enough to allow an Item of this Caa may not be decided for some time kind to mltlgatje against the greater and, meanwhile the progress of the city good that accrues to Hood River by wni be greatly hampered, being in close touch with the state's "Most of the water mains laid by this metropolis. ' -- - , administration have been forced on con- fit Is a great benefit to Hood Rlvej tractors by the water board. For in In, the. main and I look for the time to stance, we refused 'to allow the Barber come when there will be hourly service Asphalt company to lay Its pavement between The Dalles and Portland. It 0n Hawthorne avenue until after the gives Hood River the advantages tnat water mains had been Installed. This the character of Its people Is deserv- practically compelled the paving com ing. An efficient train service between pany to bid for the laying of the water Hood Rlve and Portland will secure mains, although very much against the for us the very best class of cltlsens, wm 0f the company officials. The as merchants, home builders and or-1 board similarly forced Drake C. O'Reilly He.WiU Go After Cody's Rec ord,' Made In England Meet to Close Thursday. BAILEY'S CATTLE . . Ti 10 mi 10 ui STARVE 0 DEATH IN (MDnMPU (II IIHI1UII F, EIIITP B L EMS MAY BE PROBED .rfnlta4 Pma La.aM Wtr I Los JCngeles, Jan. 1. It was defi nitely announced this afternoon by Courtlandt Freld Bishop, president of the Aero Club of America, that Paulhan, flying a Farman biplane, would attempt to establish a world's record cross- coun try flight leaving Aviation field at 1:10 p. m.,lor tne old Arcaaia race iraca, east' of tbe city, and return. The total Reported Nearly 40 Have Died Having Nothing to Eat bu Posts fyod Commissioner Makes Denial. (SmcUI Dieoateh te Tbe Joernal.1 Eugene, Or., Jan. It Reliable Teporte distance from the grounds to the trsck hv reached Eugene from, the McKensle and return Is At miles. Bishop ststea vauey mat iu ceaa or cattle owned by. that Paulhan would be given the light State Dairy and- Food Commissioner to choose his own i course. A cross uaney, wn owns a ranch on the Mo- country flight must be continuous tolKenile, about 15 miles from Eugene, be recognised as Official. . - have been neglected shamefully and that The world's cross country recora was me oeasts are forced to the extremity esUbltshed by 8- F. Cody, an American or trying to eke out subsistence from employed by the British government I nee posts and gnawing bark from who flew 40 miles In t minutes at tres. Aldershot England, September It, 1109. 1 Upward of 40 head are said to have It waa officially given out today by Idled from hunger, and numbers of oth- Blshop that the, Los Angeles aviation era are lying on the ground too .weak mut would bu brousht to an official I to stand. The naature in which the end Thursday afternoon at the conclu-. animals sre kept, It Is said, Is oarren slon Of the day's aeroplane flights. This lorage, ana no hay is-glven them, announcement was made In view of the I Humane Society Interested. , fact that several publications reported! The case waa reported to the newiy that the meet would be continued to In elude next Sunday. organized Humane society here, and a committee has been appointed to Investi gate the case. Tne committee drove Jto tne Baiiey ranch today to see If repots are true. Tom Carney, who lives on a farm ad joining Commissioner Bailey's ranch on a UD (trnited Ptm Leised Wirt.) I lwo oays ago there had been no feed Los Angeles, Jan. It. Following the taken to the cattle, as he was on the announcement of Dr. Chanute, "the I place and saw none. father of aeronautics," in New Yorkl He had -heard of none being taken yesterday to the effect that the In since. . ' Wrights were not the first to discover Carney said many of the cattle bad the principle by which it Is possible died from starvation, but as to the exact to balance flying machines, Glenn H. number he was unable to say, but CURTISS SAYS MANY MUST SHARE HONORS l N AVIATION DOMAIN Kh M5Kn'. converse; , with I Journal correspondent, stated that - (Bilesi Boreas ef The Joarail.l Salem, . Or4 Jan. - It. Judgment of 12500 obtained against the Standard OU company by Ernest Peterson, adminis trator of the eatate of Victoria Beatrice Peterson, .tils . wife, who lost her life by the explosion of kerosene purchased from ths oil trust and guaranteed to stand certain open fire tests, was af firmed by the supreme court today In an opinion written by Associate Justice McBride. The case was tried before Judge Earl C. Bronaugh la the clroult court for Multnomah county, The ac cident occurred at Troutdale. ( - Mrs. Peterson, la March, ltOI, waa attempting to build a fir with kerosene bought from ths general merchandise store at Troutdale. She poured the dis tillate over the kindling wood and then set the can of "oil about 1H feet from the stove. When ahe touched a match to tbe oil, In the stove, the can, exploded and ahe received Injuries from which ahe died. .. - - Tha maii Is 1 A 01 alHia i f was W. B. Smallwood. traffic manager of .,.,, flrJ .... the transportation committee of the of i.n desreea Fahrenheit and was sold chamber' of commerce, Is delirious of (to ths merchant by the 'company undtfr receiving Information relative to the ad-1 a contract carrying such a guarantee. vlsablllty of an Interstate Commerce the oil company Is held guilty of the commission hearing In Portland to In-1 negligence that contributed to the death veatlgate transportation rate questions. I of Mrs. Peterson when the oil would If It m thought desirable by Portland I not stand such a fire test . , Chamber of Commerce . Corn ' mittee Considers Need of Hearing. . ' people to hold a hearing here, the com mission would undoubtedly meet the de mand for such a heating.,- Mr. Bmall wood . has Issued the following state ment: Other follows: Other Oases Decided. cases were decided today as y , ' v,..,,-., ,, , j y H.'-J. Altow, secretary of th-Ore-; gon Retail Hardware and Imple-'- meat. Dealers'.' association. , ' '- That the Oreo-on Retail Hardware and the lntersta.te Commerce '' association in con- The case of the state, respondent? vs. P A. McDonald, administrator of the "The transportation committee of the ...... vrn.ri.nn t c.wu commission 1. making Investigation In H:i"rAS?'0? here today will go tha wnmttmr nt linhitltiitlnn Af tnnnl.. I ' " " .. at ' tran.it point,' with a view to a ruling regulatings the milling, storage or ! In an opinion written by Associate Jus tice Slater. The. motion to retax the costs in, on record In opposition to parcel post delivery and In favor of raising tbe rate of postage on second class matter was now covered y ru?r 7 y E,wert- PPl0 the indicated this morning when President now covered by rule 7t of Interstate commerce tariff clroular No. 17-A, as follows: Substituting tonnage- at transit point (adopted June 29. 109) A mill ing, storage, or cleanlng-ln-transit priv ilege cannot be Justified on any theory except that the Identical commodity or Its exact equivalent or Its product. Is C1rcu court ior juuunoman county, H. c Qarnett and Secretary Henry J. Tb? motion, for rehearing in the Ja- ArtD0 read their reports. President mleson vs. Polls case, appealed from the Qarnett spoke agalust parcel post and circuit court for Umatilla county, was Secretary Altnow favored raising the denied. rate of second class postage. George H, Colgan, respondent, vs. The convention opened in the asscm- Farmers & Mechanics bank, appellant hi Vi.u at h Mmn,r,i,i r.h.i o in nnauy rorwaroea rrom tne transit point "'" " o'clock In the presence of about 115 ... n.i ., ,k..,.k in ODln on written bv Aaaoclata Juatic I v -..v . Vi -VI Ir T il. i . . v J, Kin. Th mm waa .nniiiui ,ttm memoers irom an parts or tne state. . , w . ,. v. .... uviii, v aiiiuiiioiii, I . - . " chardlsts." GILLETT NOT OUT OF GUBERNATORIAL RACE i , '. (t nlted PreM tmiied Wire.) i San: . Francisco, Jan. 18. Governor GUIett today positively denied a story to the effect that he had decided not to be a candidate to succeed himself as governor of California. ! "I have made no auch statement,"' he declared, "and the publication of the story was unjustified. Neither did I ; say that I urged the nomination of Mayor Mot t of Oakland by the Repub lican party sThere is no truth what ever. In the' statement I stated some time ago thatrwayor Mott In my opln- ' Ion, was a good man to run for gov ernor. He has the ability and Is the right kind of man for the office, but I have said nothing whatever about favoring his nomination." ; The governor's attitude Indicated that he Was still In a state or Indecision as to his future political movements. -- GREAT ICE GORGE ; IN OHIO BREAKS (United Pre Leeaed Wlr.t ' Evansvllle, Ind, Jan. 18. With a roar that was heard for miles, an Immense ice gorge that extended for six miles along Wolf creek at Leavenworth, Ind., to lay a water main on Twelfth street "But at the time the board adopted this policy Its members and I felt no doubt that the water laws would be amended at a special election. Now that the special election has been re scinded I do not think it would be fair to hold up the street paving companies by such tactics. It has been the policy of this administration not to allow pavements to be laid In advance of wa ter mains, yet in some cases the ur gency of the situation may demand that the street be paved at all odds. ' "I Am la the Air." ; "I don t k.uuw wiittt io uu. 1 am up in tne air. iim water boaru cannot get oid ivt tne laying -wz tiiw mains auu yet w have uectUeu Uo. to cut any .iiore ' pavements, otiati vtm fioc street iuiiioeuianuir Wau, i gaunui say wnat w snail uo until w voiua to tne oriugu. "'a nuqiuir ui reiueuius .ur mo proa nt iaw nave irneQ uacitu io iu auu koine ot ttiem wouiu . aauaiy ui ail iitfut, wut tiiey wouiu, lu au pruuubii iv, meet wittt-strenuyus oojocuun nuiu utuer quareia. io matter ' now you iry to aiueua tne law auuieuoay will l Uisaatlsttea. ,; 'y r . "ic iua ween suggested to me by Mr. joaeiilii, a luiniBr mwuiuer ui luo waiter voat'u ana a veiy auia inaii, mat tue aituaiton wuulu ue met tiy an auieuu- lueut wnich wwula lev a water tan. un avery ivt m uia city, wnuluev iinviovBu ur UiUuiiirvveu, auu ma tuo wa.ei- cou uinttrs t aiao cnargett xor uie water uueu. uui at greauy rouucotl rates. 'anomer suggeauou-inaue waa that '"'"J immiuto uuin iu iran.n wmi , - " - - - I O ClOCa in tne under the application of the ihrough f op,nl?uft wrltten Associate J" memb ' from .i.n. i I Kins. The case was annealed from 'tha memoer" lrom it la. therefore., not normia.ihl at trn. circuit court for Marlon county and was President Garnett Introduced Presldr nt sit point to forward on transit rate heard before Judge William Galloway. George H. Smith of the California aso- commodity that did not move into tran-1 The motion to dismiss the appeal In elation, who this afternoon will address Kit point on transit rate, or to substl- ln case or tire john p. Bharkey com- tne convention on "enerits or the A tute a commodity originating In one Pany, respondent, vs.' the city of Port- soctatton and the Good It Can and Hun territory for the same or like eomme- land, M. J. Connelly ft Co. and Scott A Done." . v dlty moving Into transit point from an- McDougal, . appellants, appealed from wrealdeni Addresses Keatinr. other territory, or to make any substl- the circuit court for Multnomah county. Mr. Bmlth apok Drlefiy, after which tutlon that would Impair the integrity William Gatens, judge, was denied In president Garnett introduced O v of the through rata . " an opinion written by Chief Justice ttlplLl- ?m .i.- "It Is not practicable to Inaulre that Moore. , 7r .V-" i .-. V the IdenOty of each carload of rraln. I , George W. Collins, resnondent' vs. A. I o.i w-l-.. i":' ... himber. salt etc, be p,-served. but ln Creason. appellant appealed from the I wi!K"rV,-" .i. l",. V?I Curtlss. against whom the Wrights thought there must have been nearly tO the oplnonbf the commission, It is not clroult court for Douglas county, J. V. . "!, Z.vl Z..i,inl 1. Li J secured an Injunction at Buffalo for-J or 40. The whole herd Is ln bad shaDS. I Possible to lawfully substitute at the Hamilton, Judge, was affirmed ln an .J2?fr ?inA-r5 y. Alleged Infringement of the Wright I Carney said, and had absolutely nothing I transit point any commodity of a dif- opinion written by Chief Justice Moore. ,ul ""li.. ,"'. . patents, aald today: I to eat. It was expected there would be "rent Kino rrom that which has moved C. G. Guernsey,, respondent, vs. J. K. I 'v. i ,,, A a"., .-tT 7 i . I do not see what contentlona the many more deaths at once If something lnl Bucn transit point under a transit I Marks and Mary I. Marks, appellants, t",,' " -'"f.'"-" broke today and ground Its way toward tna Jhin river. . The mass of Ice ln many places wasrvery M ui"u,a up w,,ul lu!rrV"n forced dear of ih r.lr tJLi -Rni um Oi money. uii-aun,U be aner- snd trees along the banks were crushed. Captains of Ohio river boats have been ward creuutiu to tuai. iui in payment xor Water used ly u, juui tncnn auu otuur warned of the comlna- lam anri manv e aUKaesUoliS Ulttl miaul OS maue WoUlU mem nave taiten tneir crart to places of imei wm uniuimu, satety. no rataiities nave been re ported. . , . . ' n tteuib to tio me opinion in some quarters tiiat tiio waiur uoara nas au thority to go ahead and lay water mains This Is an entirely erroneous supposi tion. Under the present law, al mains must be laid by contract As I have already said repeatedly, Contractors are ((tieclal Dlstxtch to Th, Innra.l i -. I uni-llllnii tn submit bids which can be Silverton, Or,, j Jan, 1. The office considered by the water board. So what aro we going jto ao r : SILVERTON VISITED , BY YEGG SAFECRACKERS of -Brooks' billiard hall- was broken into last evening, the safe was blown open and 165 stolen by yeggs. There Is no clue to'. the thieves. ' PERSONALS Cattle are ittle shipments from Baker county heavy. There Is plenty, of feed. I In Head and iARSHALUS v CaTAILItHf3 ' l" t all Dragclsts, r sent prepaid by UU c, M. Keith. Mfr. Cleveland. Ohla W. G. Wright, a banker of Union, Or., and wife are at the Cornelius. Dr. W. E. Carll, mayor of Orego.l Citv. Or., is at the Cornelius. J. Donald, a business man cf North Yakima, .Wash., is a guest at the Cor nelius, a) W. T. Hidden, a business man of Eugene, Or., Is at the Cornelius. ' J. C. Hayter, editor of the Polk County Observer, Dallas, Or Is at the Cornelius. . - , W. A. Hudelson, of North Powder, Or, la registered at the Imeprlal hotel. -Dan J. Fry, a druggist of Salem, Or, Is a guest at the Imperial hotel. Judge M. J. Gordon", a prominent' at torney of Tacoma, Wash,. Is staying at the Hotel Oregon. f , ' 8. A. Koser, state Insurance commis sioner, of Salem. Or.. Is at the Imperial hotel. ' ": .:"' , .. .. k si .,,K..r....TJ i " xor uuitnomah county, Thomas O'Day. fruul " " " lruo uufc wiuugm un ?nr 1imapl 'un,ber' n,or Judge. Is reversed ln an opinion written was he could not see how such pine lumber for either oak or maple, by Associate Justice Slater Jobbers or manufacturers could consist, nor may hard Wheat, soft Whatr- -fn -th. h. ... antlv aznect natronaa-a from other retat" ... i -- - - .v.v, ymmun ana i : ' w . : - iL . . siorea, against wnoui vaej were compet ing. '": ' ' He also dwelt at considerable length Wrights could possibly make that would place me ln a position warranting an order for me to stop flights based upon Infringements of the Wrlrhta' claims. Wright is simply one among many wno nave I peMmented ln the in. W ..1 . , . . V;:r.Vr . ...f Ir macnne- on the tract. Other farmers and stock ,,. k.. a DOOKa " or raisers In the McKenxla valley and ln tafti? wh". .,FJ"mKnTe?v fllghu the county at large are experiencing no nl lt,nouKn Wright claims rrat trouble ln getting-feed to thier nine rarinan w For that matter n-a nnf I THIR or rtllfl. TtllT 1M tn anv Mta A, th. ttntuoll nl. I . . m I " uu,,v. I . " rf ' w I .v,m MIO t ( 1 UI I LUUI I lUf . . . . ... , , . , Baaoh -Bum" In Timber. - SSUanfl5?. 2!.??' a.? ?,. vis. judge. ,n"Tr..Th7; Vu , ", Bailey's ranch eonsist. of a "burn" UXl "u."fcufc T."."I.??'..W 19r'""'". I hIT .Ti eti.r a. f L0." tn'gVl t wheat fo7b.rT.yr nor m7y -VhingUs rSBLrtS rti'S JobberV-rnd"manuTaVtn7ers"a"re .. I llaliln a. -avataxn aal 4 I 1 feliMaa aa aa wv 1 I vimiwu (vieu miji cat ia aiiiia private nights at the cattle, and there are no other reports of spring wheat be substituted either for re.lnd.nT. ntfm' K aB.d er ? I i.lngh,bU 0n'' "ock although some farmers the other. These Illustrations are given t d ? JSmrtli ESSFt LLTM W,0tk ? lon "hort of feed, and if there 1. another not as covering the entire field of pos- t?LAtLXnlPt fr.0ra the save lines hundreds of miiea awv Z'T," , ".vrr Z-u. 11 -,kT1 I i.r.. 7"i J?"' circuit court for Tillamook countv. oeti. from the Wrights. I did not know what .TfferTri ' " rtlcb'&mlwiuM S . Wh' P aobjact of coat of doing bua. Liiev were rtrtintr naithaa ju a i . i i . nnminn wrirran h they were doing, neither did they know miai i was aoina-. w wra .n lng independently along lines laid ?nJ.y Lnle'' Dr- Chanute. Llllen thal, Hiram Maxim- and nth m.n ,k did the pioneer work and who unselfish ly gave us the benefits of hi perlments, through splendidly written uvuna uu aeronautics. Curtlss then went ln it.t.n. . u nlcal In character, rlaimtn. .,.'. iu and every pne of the Wright conten- "u oeen aisproved by actual ex abuses a a they arise. van.- naniaa a.annvc. I io tne end that abuses now ail at. opinion King. Commissioner Bailey, when asked ?H7r.i 1,1 DH I lllftB BiiiAiinT abut the reported neglect and starving "ft "JS1 J? BALLINGER-PNCH0T of cattle on his McKensle river ranch. said he believed the matter exaggerated. He thought the conditions on his ranch their transit rules and their blllng to I me suggestions or tnis rule. In the event of the failure of any carrier so to ranCHI. .adurttlnna ..... ......J 1 I are about the same as those on other 7Zl.tt Vh ,... tii VI .-VX " .. ranches in that section. 'Feed was held up on account of high by Associate Justice ne "avln tbat it la a matter that should be given very carerul attention. He brought out the fact that there are dealers who do not know anything about the cost of carrying on business. Secretary Altnow also announced that endeavor Is now being made to organize a local retail hardware and Implement association as they have ln San Fran cisco and Oakland and other large cities on the coast, with very, satisfactory re- REPORT UNANIMOUSLY r ADOPTED BY HOUSE lumcwwn, i rum icvai rates. I (Cnitaa Pim tu1 n water." said, "but it Is now being belnf na(j Washington with a view ! M" '.rj'.,l,rV b.W t0" I uU.; nastenea in to uwrniw. '- to eliminating theee irregularities I . TtT ' "ao1" "I Speeches TWa Afternoon. i afternoon susslu: principally devoted to addresses, ttua perlments. He dwelt particularly unon Not neiar 40 have dled ttnd the whole wherever they exist, thua preventing c)nflrBC wport- oa-ths , BalUai - i-im mi wcbr, wnen the vertical- v ' ....,. "" i ---- rudder waa tied whila hi. "Further hearings have been arranrad I 1 11 . S Sr.Ta!La!!! G0EST0 R0CKPILE ' h . " " Viailll IIIH1 I . . a aaaaka Aa aa. ala m . T ' " 1 - curtiss used two airlnna .v:i , Cna Un niMfJ niPl Peen maae to tne commission from ter- aeroplane. " ' . i vn iiwuwiiim uiiii. ritory east of the Missouri river .but no protests nave been lodged from Inter- THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR FIRST MAN TO mountain territory or Paclf lo coast." Charles Teall. who was accused of In ducing Margaret Moore, a 17-year-old girl to enter a nirienB nuuo mr ""'Inii iirriTrlM nnnnmn moral purposes, was given 80 days nj OlLVtril UN nUDDtnO I irIIT' nil p..., ... line rocKpue mm niuiutna auu a mm ui UlUil I Uls lAMfll HfllN 1200. This is equivalent to a sentence w n, on the rockplle of 190 days. . , (United Press Leaaed WIm Tea11 Pleaded guilty to accepting the San Francisco. Jan is n. earnllnars of the woman. The girl re- aviator who proDels a hvi. k. fused to testify against him. Powerful "-i ..uni:g io the sum speakers being President Smith of thi r i OlNKINu JS FALSE J- Woods Smith of this city, ahd vv. a. Barrett or AiDany. section or Reports which have been circulating officers will be held late this afternoon, to the effect that the San Francisco & This evening the Jobbers will enter Portland steamer Rose. City was lost la'n the retail dealers at banquet. -In yesterday while on oer way to tha Rut the Commercial club dining room, at nCT tree Aairi niniDOl 'y, "re aoeoiuieiy witnout foundation.! wnicn covers ror wu win do laia, . ac- Wsl Mil U 1IUMnO according to J. W. Ransom, local man- 0 (8plal DUptlca to Tba'jonra.LI Silverton, Or., J&tu 18. Burglars en tered croons uroxners Near Beer es- lnfluences had been brought to bear to.) tabllshment early this mornlna- bv nrv-i t. - . . . . ' " fc.iw a u III- I . . . . . i ... .... , I. - . . . - 1 . - ' - oi jiiount Tamalpaia on the -unrth secure tne release oi mo gin, ou. n was ing open tne rear window. They blew v. oaii r innrisinn hot, n. 1 1 1 v. . handed a reward In the shape of a note for 11000, according tothe terms of an offer made hv r v r Sta rluroafd.the M1" Runyon has returned fmm r. n"sK wxiero ne saw through the intervention or Matron ooen the safe with nltro a-lvcarlna. Simmons that she was held. She will I They secured 165 and some cigars. The oe commutea to some nome. I tools with which the safe bolt waa ra. Teall took the girl to the Washington moved were stolen irom a blacksmith i .1.1 Ua MAaia aa.jS a. an aa aia J 1 . .a . - I man-1 coraing, io -mo .primea prugram, ciaw ager of the company,, and tbe steamer I hammer coats will be -strictly pro- is sare in the harbor at San Francisco, hlblted. Charles. P. Archerd, manager where she arrived yesterday afternoon of the John Deer Plow company"; will at o'clock. . . be toastmastef, and, responses will be Officials of the company here are made by - Judge W.' D. Fen ton, J. B. very Indignant at the canard which has Kerr, Rev.,Blshop Scaddlng, J. N. Teal hotel room visited her; Each morning he would get money from her. The mother of the been started by some wovld-be Joker, as friends and relatives of the pas sengers on tne steamer nave heard it and the office has been besieged with ln the north end and engaged a a hop across the street The explosion J rnirtT- tni. .-?7.u for -her. Chinese and .Japanese wag heard three blocks awav. " i"?"6":" 8k,ng ,f..tn was heard three blocks away. The front of the building was. blown some of the g, .T.one' .m n . .7 T vCI ln out and the safe was completely ruined Lo! aL: flrl live. on.teff:",1f:..ih.ewha! en" Pieces of glass from the front window aviators Mmnath. I- uj. i . V I m. t. . Angeles deavored to Induce her dauft-hteh to re. for an .hibitfa 7iiiZ. ".7. fja"8 turn. to Mount Tamntnat. ,.., ?rK so far that George Lippman. traveling P0LI CEM AN BEATEN nassenrer nl n.t .v.. . . "I Wfc. wi-iiini. wa.n a-i. entered into nea-otlatlona ifV r LJL.Zl RY PAl S nF PRISnRlFRS . . j a . -! i i Ba iiasw aTB aaawviajeavliw -los. Angeles to come vu hub viiY ana maite tne atiimn, -nn u niu un croa an nvlntni-. 1 1 Ron TTranciaRO. Jan. IX Whlla rsn .tm window were scattered a distance of 25 feet from the building. ' s COAL LAND' LEASE fate of the passengers was known. Manv people who heard tha report early this morning have been unnecessarily wor ried until they could get into communi cation with the offices of the company, when they learned" that someone had tried to perpetrate a supposed Joke. BONE OF CONTFNTIfilM SIN TOO BIG FOR HIM: rAb I Un MLLb HIMSELF The greatest danger from tnfluensa is of Ks resulting in pneumonia. This can be -obviated by - using ' Chamberlain's t ough Remedy. a It not only cures -ln-fluansa, but counteracts any tendency ef .the disease towards pneumonia,' .Eaatern Livestock Market. . (Uolted Preaj ,eaaed Wire. -Chicago, Jan. 18.- Hogs, 1 1.000; cat tie. 5000; sheen, 15,000. Hogs closed 6c hlher. . Receipts a year alto, SK.000: left over, 7100. Mixed, t8.J5g.t6; food. . t8-08.5; v rough. t8.S0t8.55; light, tt.30 8.70.- Cattle, weak. Sheep, Strong. 5200; sheep, 8000. . Kansas Cltyr Jan. 18 Hogs. 10,000; cattle. 12,000; sheep. 5000. ' Circuit Judge Cleland has taken tin der advisement the case of the Coal iCnt'ed Pre Lru.rd Wlra.l have to COVer 15 miles In tha .. .ui Ui.v'tn tha Pntnrn nnll. atatlnn -k to an altitude of 2600 feet to. the sum-ftwo handcuffed prisoners, Patrolman Creek company against F.'B. Jones, W. ' Oxford, Mls8.; Jan. 1$-Wrought Into nomas j. tsiattery was set upon andl-- n"1"7" in wnicn uouuian insane rrenzy oecause or rne corvlc- mlt of Tamalpaia. In addition to this s "yum iiivo io cross ; the Golden Gate, over which a brisk wind usually Entertains Vhist Club. tSpeclnl Dlni'Ctcb to Tb Jouraal.V Vanceuvey, Wash, , JaK((.. , 1 8.iThe vvesi om nam ciuo met last night with Mrs. Dan Crowley on Kauffman avenue. - Many ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty dt- ren on. lasv liver 4uia siurrian ii.ia.ciu Burdock Biood Bitters strengthens r.tmn- acn, ooweis ana liver, ana purvnes the blood. 1 V aM-Jwaaaeaaaa .f -V' ,v .'" Itching, torturlna- skin eruDtlons. Aim- figure, annoy, drive one wild. Doans Ointment brings aulck relief and laat. tng cures, fifty cents at any drug store. After a heivv meal, take a. eounla nf Doen's Regulets, and give your stomach, liver and bowels the help they wiU need. Regulets . bring easy regular passages of the bowels. -. ' EvsrvbodVs H friend ' Tie.' Thnmaa Eclectrio Oil. Cures toothache, earache, sore threat Heals cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops any pain. - i Thomas J. mattery waa set nnim beaten by unknown men today and Is M" claimed to be due tinder a lease of believed to be dying at his home hara coal lands in Cowlits county. Washing as the result of his Injuries. ' , ton. The defendants in -turn demand The first intimation of the attack H680 damages, on the ground that the came wnen- an excited woman' burst into I lease was not ..legal. They . say . they the, police station and told the of fleers. I were ejected and forced to pay a royalty ne was unaoie, io give a aescriptlon of I on all the coal they mined tne men. - i Slattery w round - with his head crushed in and vomiting blood. His two prisoners, Italians, "were found nearby, handcuffed. There was no clue to his' assailants, but the police are seeking iiiem. FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ; . BANQUET CITY, COUNCfL CUT THIS OUT Beclpe That Breaks a Cold la a Day and Onres Any Curable Oongh. - -. Mix half ounce of Concentrated pini oompound with two ounces of glycerine and half a pint of good whiskey; ahake well each time and use in doses of a teaspoonful. td '. tablesDoonful -every four hours." i These Ingredients can be Boeelil DHaateh la Tha I..i - ' Obtained from anv cood drurarlst or. ha Vancouver, Wash.. Jan.-18. The Van-1 will get them from his wholesale house couyeri volunteer fire -department will j any one can mix them. -banquet the city officials on the even. I The Concentrated vnlna la lng of February 16, the InvlUtlon be-1 pine (product- and comes only in half lng read and accepted at the jcouncll I ounce bottles, each encinand in an air. meeting last night ' - . v ; J tight case,- but be awca It is labeled The fire-laddies, will secure an or-1 "Concentrated " a r,rnmlis.nt lnal cihestra to furnish musle and the mem-1 druggist says that he has filled 'this hers of the council wlU be elaborately prescription hundreds of timet and has cmeriatneo , 'seen It work wnndara . - tlon that his crusade against sin had been a failure, the Rev. James Owens, a Baptist minister, shot and killed his wife and her sister. Sarah . McAuley, fatally wounded Will Vaughan and then committed suicide. Vaughan : is In a critical, condition and the doctors hold out little hop for his recovery. Rheumatism is instantly relieved by SIOATIS- usmsm . Prlfi. asc. toe., and ft.oo. and Tom Richardson. - Mr. Teal will speak on "Good Roads," and Mr. Rich-,, ardson .wlll speak of the general de velopment of the Pacliic northwest and particularly the state of Oregon.. Tomorrow the convention will go Into executive session and discuss matters of -importance to the trade. The new , executive committee will meet after ad. Journment of the convention. , s -Among those present at the opening of the convention this morning were: B. E. ' White, Brownsville, Or.; G. A. ' Scranton, Milwaukie, Or.; M. K. Hedge, Lents, Or.; C. W Davis, Lents, Or.: , George H.' Smith, Oakland, CaL: E. F. Willis. Banks: F I. Hubbard. Medford. Or.; Emll Dell, Ashland; A- C. Hubbard,' Medford, Or. ; Frank T. McNitt, Centralla, wash.; vy. J. lurniage, crabtree. Or.: W. W. Kent, Drain, Or.; Frank M. South. F. R. Coron. Grants Pass, Or.; W. It Marvin,- Albany, Or.; F. J. Berger, Eu gene. Or. : R. M. Garton, Athena, Or. i J, Wolke, Grants Pass; H. F. Piatt, Medford; Jf. J. Leahy, Astoria; O. N.' Stock well, Portland; J. R. Smith, Cor- . vallls; D. Corwln; C. S. Donyess. Oats-? - kante, Or.; Bernhard Groth, Dundee, Or.; H. S. Pruner, Nashvyie, Or.; David Grif fin. Eugene, Or.;, C H. Vaughan, Hood 1 River, Or;; E. W. ' Franx.' Hood River, Or.; H. m. iinieary, ttrownsvllle, or.; N. - V. Cool, Drarn.VOr.fi John Kundtshar,. Mount Ahgel, Or.; H. C Colman, city;-William .AAltken,. Med ford; John J. Gammle,'Ai C. Caliahaa." Frank Dayton, Portland; J, J. Stangel, Woodburn, Or.; N. W. Eklblad, Marsh fJeld, Or.; C. -E. Hullrig. MyrUe" Point, Or.; A, E. Neff, Marshfield, Or.; W, B. ts. Lundy, Myrtle Point. Or.; H. C. Stearns, -Yoncalla, Or. r D. C Ely, L. W; Robblns, ' F. M. Sexton, t D. Taylor, H. A. Baler, i' , K'ennewlck, Wash H. R. Alger, F, W. -Spencer, J. L. Calvert W, J. McKen- -ale. Frank Bishop, Frank Gilliam. ,v '-J. i - Durinr flia seat vear threa. nditlftnnat - . i "teachers were employed in the Sheridan ' I schools;.- -, ' -.i : -- '. . ."