THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1910. 11 'miiiiii APPLE," M BOOK N. P. Road Prepares Handsome ; Illustrations' Advertising Northwest States. ' Tha Northern raclfla railroad la send " !ng out ' a larre number - of handaome booklet advertiatnf the Pacifio north weat and lta wonderful adaptability for horticulture, v Tha bookleta are' ala trlbuted through tha office of X M. Cleland, general passenger agent at St Paul, Minn. Not lonr ago a repreaenta tlye of that office waa in this city .and eleevrhere In tha Pacific northweat rath, erlig aultabla photograph for the book- let. " ' :'- " ' Tha particular work referred to here la enUtled "Tha King of tha Land of Fortune.", and prominent on the front page of the cover 1 a reproduction In rich color of a typical SplUenberg ap ple, while tha last page of the cover ahowa an apple tree In full blossom, . "Kong live Xtnf Apple." ,; By way of Introduction, tha writer of the booklet exclalme: " .' , "Long LJve King Applet "Or should It be King1 aeelng that there are at'least 100 varieties of the King" and the number constantly In creasing! ,, ;-. . "For tha present purposes at least these can all be considered together, and then wa will have one real king. 1, "The northwest la In tha ; throea of prosperity. Panlca, tariff discussions and dissensions and tha like ar but In cidents In a progress that la as, steady as It la substantial and resistless. , To those who know tha northwest there is nothing surprising In this, Tha north west is the eream of the country, and it Horace Greely were aliva today he would probably recast his famous say ing so that It would stand 'Go north west, young man, go northwest' ,1 Can Maks jro scietaka. 'I'v, , . "While It has been slow In maturing, tha northwest is now aurely coming into Its fwn. and tha young man, or, Indeed, the middle aged one who goes there to make it hla home makes na mistake. : "Tha northweat ha all that any other section has, and then some. Mountains, vajleys, plains and prairies, forests.' sil ver, gold, lead,, coal, soil and scenery It haa In abundance. Of olimata and ele vation there are all sorts and kinds and one has but to make one'a choice." When Jamea J. Hill was In Portland a few weeka ago ha urged that' every thing be dona to Invite -Immigration to the I'aclflp northwest, and said that the Hill lines would do all they oould to at tract tha people'a attention to tha oppor tunities awaiting them- Jiere. And a part of thla advertising campaign is tha booklet now being distributed and giv ing tha apple culture of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho a great deal of. well deserved prominence. Tha booklet also gives a lot of valuable statistics." ... .' t Cruiser New Orleans Leaks. (Cnit4 Prvse Laaacd Wlra.1 ' Vallejo, Cat, Jan. H. Tha cruiser New Orleans, which left tha Mara la land navy yard for the Aslatla station last Friday,, returned yesterday, one of ner Doners having sprung a leak at sea. The ship recently underwent an over hauling and waa supposed to be ready for a long trip. It is announced that an Investigation will probably be made. 3 y v...'- BY cm DKUSIIXA. DREW 'aJ, : 'Invitation to the Public. It being Impossible to send out per sonal invitations without unintentional ly omitting soma of our many friends, wa take thla method of extending to yon our cordial Invitation to be present at our formal opening of "Tha Sblpherd" at Tha Dallas, Or., Wadneaday evening, January II, 1110. Tha Bhlphard-Clarke Hotel Co. By N. K. Clarke, manager, (Social tm Is daily feature et Tb. Journal, Any one wtaalng to Ituort such nawa .ton Id sodiI It sltriMl to the aoclfty editor or trier pbone It bafure 10 o'clock la tbe morning.) t Mrs, . Bam W. Herrman Is tha house guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Rosen blatt in Berkeley, California. ,r r.'.it, V '.. " ,. .' e :.',.'..; i . The engagement has been announced of Miss Renea Kelley, pf Ban Francisco, and Edward A. Palmer." Miss Kellev Is a daughter of Mr and Mrs.- Alfred Kelley and a most popular and attractive girl. Mr. Palmer la well known here; ha la superintendent of the division be tween Weed and Klamath Falls and Is a son of Warren Palmer tha president of the Northwestern Pacifio railroad. The wedding will take place In June, ; and the oouple will make their home In Oregon., . . e ' . -i Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Smith are touring Mexico, and a few days ago were reg istered at the German-American, hotel in tha City of Mexico. ', ; .. -' Mra. M. D. Curtlss is tha guest of her, daughter,' Mrs,' Wafter Perry Btory 11 Ixis Angeles. A number of affairs have been given for Mrs. Curtlss,- among which-was. a brilliant reception during the holidays given at the Ebell club by Mr. and Mra. -Btory and Mrs.. John K Powers. ' , . -. s ...','.'..' a ' e -. " .'.'.' , ; Miss; Lena McMahon, who has been under tha care of physicians at Sfu .Vin cent's hospital, for some weeks, Is re covering, , ' e. .- e - Mrs. Charles C. Smith, Miss Luclle Smith "and Ferdinand; Smith leave tbe last or this month for New York. Mrs, Smith will place her son Ferdinand In a boys' school at Milton, near Boston, and with her daughter, Misa Luc lie, she will sail from New York early In Feb ruary for Naples, In Naples Mrs. Smith will be joined by her sister, Mrs. Par don and her niece, Miss Margaret Wal lace, who are now in Paris. This con genial party Will tour tha continent as their fancy dictates, and will not return to Portland until next fall. T.' B." McDanlel, president of the board Of trustees of Willamette university, will give a dinner at the Taylor Street Methodist church, tonight in honor of A. E. Eaton and Mrs. H. D. Kimball. About 76 Invitations have been Issued. Mr. anil Mrs. Charles T. Boardman are visiting in Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs.' Alexander Bruce Stew art, of Seattle, have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their - daughter. Alma May, to John Henry Balllnger, son of Richard A. Bal linger, Tha wedding will ba celebrated Saturday evening, January ' J8,' at I o'clock ' In Pilgrim church, Seattle. .' . ,. ,. w . , . - . , e e , Robert O. McPherson hs gone east for a five weeks' trip. He will visit in California before returning home. ','.'',. . Announcementa have been received' In this city of tha formation of a partner ship for the practice of architecture be tween C. Orant LaFarge and Benjamin Wlatar Morris, with offices after Febru ary 1 at 22-25 Madison - square, New York. Mr. Morris is a son of tha lata Bishop Morris and a brother of Miss Louisa Morris and W. E. Morrla of 14 Flanders street . .. I. N. Fletschner has been confined to his home with a severe cold for a few days, but Is again able to be out Mr, and Mrs. William O. Turner re turned yesterday from a. two months' visit in St Paul, where they formerly made their home. e Mrs. L. Allen Lewis,, who with her daughter Clementine left last week for San Franolsoo, has been in constant at tendance on her sister, Mra George A. Boys, who recently underwent an op eration. . e e A pretty incident in , which a well known Portland woman was the cent: i figure occurred at Byron Hot t?iiv California, at Christmas tlm.v ' hotel was crowded with guests nn.l t grown-ups and children . joined In t -merrymaking. Town Topics says. . lite evening tha children from the n-U : borhood sang around the Chrlstnma u and received remembrances, as Ol t! guests. There waa one Incident of t'"' day which made a deep impression on alt Mrs. Vlnoent Cook, of Portland, wim la a frequent guest ; at Byron II n Springs, sent a number of toya for th children, with a special request ttmt they be given to some little tots whom she had seen at the school nenr ttut hotel. This thoughtfulneas touched a sympathetic chord In the breasts of everybody, and it would ba bard to v Whether tha youngstera who receive! tne toya or the oldstera who watchcl their hearty Joy in tha possession of re. membrances from their kind Portland friend, derived mora satisfaction from Mrs. Cook's kindness." , , Body Found la the Bay. (Bolted Proas Leased Wire.1 San Francisco, Jan. 11. The p61loa are trying to aolve tha mystery surrounding the death of a man whose badly decom posed body, waa found floating in San Francisco bay. Tha body waa clothed In a well made, fashionably but suit and In a pocket were two 120 gold pieces. On the fingers were valuable rings. Tha body apparently had been in tha water several days. . 1 Rlcliardsoris;Lln Machines Easy Payments Custom Shade and Drapery. Work 'at Low Prlccs-DemonstratIon ol Royal Worcester Corsets by Expert Corsetlcrc Store With a Future 99 The great "White Fair' is attracting our way the greatest volume of muslin underwear business In the store's history. There's a reason. Immense assbrtmcnt.bcautilul and exclusive styles,ilnest materials. Every garment perlectlon. Dainty, new undermusllns that are bound to please the most fastidious Women. Gowns, skirts, drawers, chemise, princess slips, combination garments, French lingerie. Every garment in our splendid stoclc is Included. Shrewd and careful buyers will anticipate their needs for many months to come. The sale continues through the month. Mall orders will receive the same careful attention as though you were shopping at our counters In person. Send an order today $3.75 Petticoats Only $2.29 $1.75 Combinations for 98c The great Undermuslin Store, second floor,'; offers values that i . . . - t . i , . .' - . t - T T completely ecpse-aii- pasuaiicnipw at-, cargain-giving. nun- dreds m - the most, iashionapie-proauctions ot t tne loremost makers and designers. Three hundred; Cambric .Skirts, made with a 14-inch 'linen flounce, lace-trimraed, inset of insertion to match; also embroidery flounce trimmed in ribbon; OQ underlay and dust ruffle; values to $3.75 at only WidtM The growing demand for Combination Suits has prompted ex tensive buying. Many beautiful styles are shown in the depart ment From the great collection live styles have been selected; all lace or embroidery-trimmed. : in either nainsook ornu. cambria. . Regular $1.75 s values, special clearance sale Oj $8 Don Ton Corsets at $2.98 $2.50 Corsets Special 98c Extra high-grade Bon Ton, Corset?, designed on artistic lines; a comfortable and perfect-fitting corset, allowing perfect freedom of action. Excellent material, trimmed in lace. Reg- (PO QQ ular values up to $8; clearance sale pride, special piioO Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets, an odd lot, broken sizes in each line, but all sizes in the lot. Styles for full and me dium figures. The best regular values up to $2.50; on QOp sale, at. this remarkably low clearance sale price, only apiv Demonstration of Royal Worcester ) and Bon Ton Corsets by Miss Hope Frances Gale will continue all this week. Don't fail .to avail yourself of this opportunity to be fitted by an expert demonstrator direct from tbe ractory. Uur line is complete., French Lingerie at Third Off SOc Drawers Special at 35c This great clearance in the White Store, second floor, embraces the most attractive garments ever shown in Portland. Don't de fer purchasing, for the- early choosers get the best. Chemise. $1.00 to $22.50; Corset Covers, $1.50 to $12.50; Drawers, $1.75 to $18.50: Gowns, $2.50 to $29; Skirts, $5 to $60; Combination Suits, $4.50 to $37.50 each; this collection reduced ONE THIRD Cambric Drawers, with plain hem and cluster of tucks; finished with edge of embroidery, splendid garment's, well made Or and real good 50c values; special clearance price, pair, 0JI Several styles lace or embroidery-trimmed Drawers, made-of good quality cambric; very special. Regular 85c values- l buy all you want of them during the clearance sale at "11 $1.245 Nightgowns for 72c GOc Corset Covers for 35c A Muslin Underwear display worth seeing. The second floor section has always been famed for the extensiveness and beauty of its garment displays in every line. 250 Nightgowns, made of excellent quality cambric, in chemise effect trimmed with Swiss insertion, and hemstitched ruffles; bigh neck, short 70 fast or long sleeves; our reg. stock $1.25 vals., clearance sale Corset Covers, only .four different styles, but each one a, Such an opportunity for saving is rarely offered on good, quick-selling styles like these; 60c values at only . Ladies', Gowns, muslin or cambric, made in chemise and Hub bard styles; yokes of double Valenciennes insertion, CP with edge to match; 'reg. $1.35 vals. clearance price. OuC- gem. 35c 3 2d iGreat Annual Clearance Sale in All Oepartmente "" l " 1 ' 1 . '' : ' ' . , ' . . ' . ' . - ....... Woiijdlertpl Values in All -Lines off Migh-Grade Merchandise $48.50 Tailored Suits $14.98 A collection o Ladies' Suits, values up to $48.50, grouped at one pxice--Back of this sale there is a firm determination on the part af the department manager, and the alert salespeople reflect the genuineness of this extraordinary offering by the confidence which they have in each garment they take from the rack The Fifth street window displays are a fair sample of the 150vor more to be seen on the fourth floor The materials are : wide wale serges, cheviots, worsteds, homespuns, broadcloths and fancy mixtures in attractive color combinations Kegu- 4 i AO lar stock values up to $48.50, at this special price. J) 1 HtmsO Women's $25 Coats for G9.98 Misses' $8.5Q Coats for $2.98 Why not discard the old Coat and have a new one? The reductions are so great you can't afford to let the opportunity pass. Our entire stock of women's, misses' and children s loats are ottered with a view of making tne garment section the busiest the,; store. . Note the greatest reductions ever made on high-irrade Coats: in Misses' Coats Special . Regular $ 8.5.0 values reduced to fg.08 ' Regular $ 9.50 values reduced to f 4.89 Regol"' $14-50 valuei reduced to f 6.79 Regular $20.00 Values reduced to 39.90 Ladles Coats Special Reg. $25.00 values reduced to f 0.98 Reg. $35.00 values reduced to f 13.98 Reg. $48.50 values reduced to f 23.98 Reg. $65.00 values reduced to f 36.98 Spccl (Clearance Bargains of' Gray Enameled Ware The big Third Floor - Crockery Store, swhere "prudent housewives supply their needs offers .saving! opportu nities in every line. - Read.'tha' following special items? 14-quart; Dish .Pans, : 25el7-qiVarftDi1n Pans; ?35 lH-quart Deep Pudding Pans,, '114' 4- quart Deep Pudding Pans, clearance price ea ,. 13 5- quartA Milk Pans, clearance ale price, each. ... lie 9-in. Jelly Cake Pans. vT;0-in. Jelly Cake Pans, 8 2-pound Tea; and Coffee Canisters, special, each;. 16 Wash Bowls,i 1 1-inch diameter, clearance price, ea., 9f Wash Bowls,- 12-ihch diarrieter; special at,, each :.12 Kound soap Uisnes, extra, good walues, atr each.T.9f $1.25 Box Stationery 73c ISc Envelopes' Special 5c 500 Hurd's Linen Bond Tablets, letter size, "j On full count; 60 sheets, extra quality; 25c val XOl GeOi'B. Hurd's Damask LineVi Pound Paper '7Q-V and envelopes to match ; white, : blue, gray iOi 1000 pkgs. Envelopes, full Government, extra f? quality; excellent' 15c value, special, the, pkg. ' 91 Odds' and ends in Eaton, Crane and Pike's," also Hurd's Pound .Paper and Envelopes;, white "I p?n and new tints;; paper, 40c lb.;, envelopes, pkg.Xvl' 1000 "Washington" Manuscript Tablets, white 77 or velloW oanerr Te. Val. lOef soecial- af. &eh 4 C ;1000 rulers, wetaf edge, lj2-in.; 5c and 10cals.i 2 Hunters of. bargains, like all other hunters, must act quickly. Our bul letin board publishes exceptional bar gains, worthy' of consideration. For instance, 2000 pairs boys', misses' and children's heavy black Cotton Hose, all sizes; regular 35c " values, special price, the pair J-.l v Knitted Mufflers Clearance 19cEa Full size knitted Mufflers, made like Phoenix and Way mufflers; in "J Q' black and white at only; each Iwv Irish Crochet and Neckwear in rabats, jabots, collar and coat sets. A clear ance reduction of ONE FOURTH Ostrich Boas, ty and 2 yards long, in black, white and two tones; pleasing styles; a reduction of ONE HALF Embroidery lgc Lace CurlainSf Portieres, Bel- Sets Fourth Floor Lace bed sets in JF'rench renais sance and Arabian handwork, mounted on the best French net Bedspread and Bolster $22.00 ValueSpecial. $14.25 $25.00 Value Special. $16.50 $30.00 Value Special. $T9.50 $45.00 Value Special . $29.7T $50.00 Value Special. $32.75 Extra specials on sale in this department Fourth Floor mmmr .w r . .. -o mmi ai . nil nr. n r.:;J.fAo III 11' TO HI m i i .sr. Illil i mmmj mom 4 Irish Roirit Lace Curtains Special 5000 yards Swiss, nainsook and cam bric, Embroideries, hand-loom edges and insertions; widths from to 9 inches; .regular values up to 45c the yard; clearance sale price, for 1 fT quick returns, yard See them Xtll Knit Corset Covers 63c Values 29c Ea Ladies Knit Corset Covers, In sizes 3, 4, 5, 6; silk and cotton, wool nd cot ton, and 'extra quality . lislejregular values up to 65c each; on sale OQ - atthis special clearance price aWayCJ 20c-25c Hosiery 15c 3000 pairs misses' and bovk. school weiffht fast black ribbed Cotton Hose. three-ply heels, toes and knees; sizes 5 to 9 ; regular prices 20c and 25c a pair; on jsale at this special "f KA low clearance price," the pair J-til $6 Values S27.50 Values SIO.OO Heavy Irish Point Lace Curtains, in artistic designs, mounted on the best quality French net, in both ivory and white. Many new homes will be fitted with these desirable hangings, and no one will be disappointed in the effect when they are up. Note the reductions and avail yourself of this opportunity to save. Prices follow Regular $6.00 values, special price, the pair, $3.75 Regular $16.50 valuea, pecial price, the pair, SiO.75 Regular $ 7.00 values, special price, the pair, 84.25 Regular $20.00 values, special price, th pair, 813.50 Regular $ 7.50 values, special price, the pair, 84.7g -Regular $22.00 valuea, special price, the pair, 81 S.00 Regular $ 8.50 values, special price, the pair, f 5.5Q -Regular $25.00 values, special price, the pair, $17.50 Regular $15.00 valuea, special price, the pair, f 0.75 -Regular $27.50 values, special price, the pair, f 19.00 365 Wilton Rugs at Clearance $52.50 Hign-grade , Royal Wilton Rugs, in a variety' of beautiful soft patterns, Oriental designs and plain centers with' fancy borders; size 9x12; CCtO fZf reg. $65 stock vals.; clearance price, ea.'P"' Japanese Matting in regular carpet patterns; a splen did assortment of colors; regular 30c quality " QA on sale during the clearance sale at, per yard "-'L . Sample Curtains Go at 35ci 65c and 85c The Curtain Store, on the fourth floor, offers a most unusual itein in drummers'. samples , They are IJl yards long; an endless variety of patterns in all styles and grades; in full size pairs they sell at $5 to $20. They're "displayed in ;three-v different lots at QXf these -clearance sale prices, each, 35c, 65c an 4 Count your single windows1, and take advantags f)f sale.