The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1910, Page 37, Image 37

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X,.jo ACKICH bearing1 fruit, commercial
varieties, WttMT, I IKIlt lira l.m:R, Jinn
modern buildings, short diHtranee rrom
Hood River; price $16,000; will sell on
terms ur exchange for Portland prop
erty. : i ; - . i . ,'
Up-to-date , grocery store, doing busl
nea $5000 to $6000 per month; new
modern 9 room house and half block,
$15,000; want well I in proved dulry ranch
clou to, some- good town. ' , '
640 . acres, Willamette valley high
ly improved, 2 houHes, a burna, 2 wells,
big family orchard, living water, hog
tlght .fence, half mile to. U, K.i fine
bluck Boll, fine love! roads, telephone
and It., F. D.; 820 acres In crops; $60
per acre;, will exchange for Portlaud
property, ' .
10 acre 10 miles from Portland, high-
class fruit (uommnrclal) proposition;
Portland, property,
100 seres 14 miles
Flil 'CASH':--
IometHudM. i-tdliintilHhinmil. farms.
timber, acreage, etc.; buyers waiting,
plenty money, plenty caali. no delay;
dealings confidential. ; Call or . writ
tiB, Merchants' PualneaM Kxchange, suite
813 Merchants' Trust bldg., cor, 6th and
Washington sts. . '
WK HAVE J50O cash deposit to urnkvi
on best lot Id" Portland that $1000
will buy. Client will pay balance
monthly. What have you7
..TO buy, sell or trade, see -, '.'
82-1 Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th
VvANTKlC-Good lotsln Rose CUjTPark,
Klmhurst. Merlow or Jlnssrnere. Must
be bargains. 1 have, the cash. Full
particulars in first letter as to nnce
nn location. Ji-a,i:, journal.
A m.-WM
.mi. . -
IT ll-WIMttO
1 1 (fill I ui lia u, I'Ari In riI h An a vnnrf rm Air t i tim
good buildings, $160 per acre; will taM r, what have youl Give telephone.
P"rtV est Side or eloae-ln property I Journal..
800 acres In Washlnaton: will take
part Portland property; price $20 per
acr. .. ... , ,
285 acres Joining county scat; want
timber or Portland home. ,
00 acres In famous Umpqua valley;
want Portland property.
" 619-621 Board of Trade Bldg.
5, ACRES at Ureehum, all.ln cultivation.
Price $2760. Wants vacant lots or
small house and lot up to $1600.
A good pool hall do fig good business
to. exchange, .What can you offer?
Price $1000. , .
Small farm at Beaverton to exchange
. for home In city.
40 acres, Bonton county. Wash.; will
trade nil or part lor Portland home.
Price $25 per acre. This Is under the
survey oi me HJicauat canal. . -
160 acres near Roaeburg. prlc $16,00,
Wants home in Portland. .
20 acres, all cleared, at . Estacada.
Price $8000. Will accept small bouse
to about szooo. -
A god fruit farm at Hood River to
exchange ror a home in Portland.
Main 7084. -
WANTEIA 6 to 7 room house, handy
to Kentoik; smau payment down,
momn. - v-aos, journal..
. - Somethincr Good
40 acres. 11 miles from Portland.
. mostly level; no land any better or
more reruie; easy to clear; worto
, $2500, for $1850 for short time.
40 acres, 40 miles down Columbia
river; it acres cleared: good well and
mostly fenced: fair buildings 2 horses,
' 2 oows. $ calves, $ bogs, 2 barrows,
plow, harness,' small tools, I stoves,
-niattressea,-bedstead, washing machine,
tfhum. etc.; everything for $2000; land
mostly level and very good. ,
& acres, Oregon City carline; splendid
lot proposition, cheap."- i
; 418 8 wet land bldg.
' For, Sale or : Exchatlge :
; A splendid Improved fruit, alfalfa and
s grain farm of 620 acres, located right
' at a good railroad town; 400 plow land,
balance in timber, and is good pasture:
new 8 room house, 3 good barns, and
other outbuildings, water piped to house
and barjis; telephone and electric light
in house; Irrigation ditches cover 280
acres, and plenty of water.- Price, $60
per acre; the 230 acres under Irrigation
can on soid ror izi per acre.
. - Henry Building.
40 acres, 8 miles from valley town, all
. In hlKh mate, of cultivation: good
buildings, plenty water. This is all
good fruit land, no stone or gravel; is
on Oregon Electric survey; price $&C00,
easy terms, , - ' . ,(
80 acres, 2 mUes from one of the best
towns .in .Willamette valley, an in culti
vation, good S room house and other
buildings, ' soil in- the best and wall
watered;-, prlca ,15000, part cash,' , bal
ance at 8 per cent,-' , . s ,-' , . ,
" 64 H acres, i mile from railroad, 18
miles from Portland, about 14 acres In
cultivation, 4 acres fine heave rd am, run
ning water all the year round, new
bouse rooms, good barn; price $4000.
'" 75 acres, on Oregon piectrio survey;
85 acres in high .state of cultivation,
balance pasture and timber, good 7 room
house and Other buildings; price $4000,
terms. , 1V . , ... ,L l .;. s
2C5 acres, In- high state cultivation,
good buildings, well watered, good soil;
price $0 an acre, terms.. , -
480 acre's, alt In cultivation, good soil,
rood buildlnas: Bout hem Pacific station
on the place; price $60 an acre,
4Xt anr,l nearlv all In cultivation:
good I room bouse, 8 barns, good soil,
school on the plaoo; Oregon Electrlo
now building; price $Gt an acre.
. W. H; LancrCo. .
'414 AMngton bldg. 10H 8d 1st.
No.:l 1800 acres of fine, sage
brush land, can be irrigated at small
cost. Price J 2 per acre, cash
No. 22800 acres, all under -wa
ter, well improved and under culti
vatlon. Price and terms oif" applW
cation., j . , ' .
2 No. 3-l5,000 acres taken under
the Carey , act, ; segregation allowed
by the. government and state. Seo
us for further Information., . .
We also. have a valuable piece of
waterfront lroperty on. the east side
to sell or exchange for other prop
erty. ' , . . -
And we also have waterfront
property In Vancouver, Wash., 350
feet "frontage and : 400 ? feet deep.
This Is a bargain at the price, only
536,000. One third cash.
We have a few of the finest stock
ranches in the northwest for sale
and exchange.
These places runTrom 2000 to
20,000 - acres, most of them all
stocked .with either sheep, cattle or
horses, ; Most of those places control
a large outside range. ,
" "" 01, - ,
8 $7000 80 acres. 12 W miles from 8
rortiana.' iu miles from . tiiwitria s
H cur, also R. It. station; 80 acres in 8
H fine state of cultivation, free from 3
h stumps, air land level: 4 room
8 bouse, good ' barn, lumber on the 8
8 ground for-new house; family or- 8 I
8 -hard; on main county road, R. F. 8
8 1, telephone In house, near school, S I
8 fine looatlon, very bent of soil; no 8 j
roK or gravel, this is one or tne h
8 best boys on the market; guaran- S
8 teed as advertised; terms ft cash, 8
8 balabce good terms; a snap. ' , 8
8 v . " .;?. i
8 v $ 1200-40 acres. 1 mile from, 8 j
8 Kstacada electric car; 20 acres very 8
s eaauy cleared, not to exceed. $20 per o
8 acre, .balance . brush and . timber: 8
8 will . exchange . for city proporty," 8.1
m win assume smau-mortgage.
8 $5000 lJO acres, 1 mile from H
8 Kstacada clectrto. carline; S0 acres 8
a i tA . .... i . i ... i .. u
w , ui V 111,1 t Rl tHi " " i
8, timber, balance very easily cleared; 8
8 80 acres fenced with wire, 8 acres 8
or. nearing orcnara, mostly appies; a
rood rustla house '1RX24, new barn a
3x44. and all other outbuildings: 8
8 good, spring near house; team, new-8
8 harness, cream - sepsrator, mower 8
8 and rake, binder, all farm Imple 8
8 ments and small tools: ( fine cows, 8
S i heifers. 7 large bogs, J dosen 8
8 chickens, 200 bushels oats, 109 8
8 sacks spuds, 60 boxes apples, house- 8
8 hold furniture: very best, of black 8
8 soil. Terms, $8000 cash, balance 8
8 your own terms. , . , fl
8 - . , ..... : ' ' '8
8 1S3H aores. 4 miles from Wash- 8
nil ;'
30 Acres
304-305 Henry Building.
$1250 Each, 4 10 acre tracts at
Beaverton, for city property, .-'
$16606 room house, l acre of ground
at Newberg, for Portland.
$100010 acres in California, for
, rooming bouse In Portland. ,
.' $586 Vernon lot, 60x100, east front,
$1260 For 160' acre relinquishment
on North Bank R. R.; what. have you
827 Henry bldg. Main 4485, A-7484.
FOR exchange or salo for anything or
"long time: ,
0 aores orange land, Riverside, Cab
f " 80 acres, Oceanside, Cal.
160 acres, Texas; Vl 60 acres. Neb.
- 180 ncre,'Cal. oil fields;- Str railway
and oil .and mining stocks and larger
ranches and bonds and two. oatenta.
Call on owner, room 13 Barr hotel, Mon-
' ay. city. " . :.--- - ' 1
' 320 ACRES wheat land., all plowed; lots
at Cliffs, Wash.: two lodging houses
one restaurant on Washington St.; one
conxeotionery. a dandy; Portland real
deuce. .What have you? Bee me today
It will lterest you. .816 Board of Trade.
FRUIT or stock ranch wanted in ex
change for 640 acres Al Nebraska
land at $15 an acre and worth every
cent of it In a cash 'transaction. Will
assume from $1000 to $6000.
. To. buy. sell or trade, see-
82-8 Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th
1 have the following to exchange, all
my own; one automobile, chattel mort
ffllffA HllA in lnlitallmAnl'V,f tA w, nntl,.
Coos Bay lots; Hlllman lots on the Des
cnutes. ibo acres in Jake county,
"In bouse and lot for acrena'a.
iquck, jjaaa diock.
WlbLr meet you somewhere in a trade.
John a. Ooddard, 61S Board of Trade,
TO EXCHANGE Equity of $1600 In
80 acres unimproved Hood River ap
plo land for rooming house. Must be
good locality. Phone Main 2218.
WHAT have you to exchange for first
clasn carpenter work; , finishing, re
pairing? L-875. Journal. ;
PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa-
pernanging or cement worn. , u-801.
Journal, - - , .
WILL exchange stock In good mining
tropoaiiion xor . oince lurniture. !
. Journal.
Wlt-L exchange a Columbia slther for
TYPEWRITER to exchange for paper
hanging. R-301, Journal.
WANT PorOand Heights, Sunnyslde or
Irvlngton modem home of 7 or 8
rooms, and will trade in a new modern
6 room bungalow In restricted district,
, with all street improvements paid. 808
Board Of Trade bldg:
HAVE several customers for apartment
houses, both east and west side. Also
have customers for apartment house
sites. North Pacific Realty Co., 606
Commercial block, 2d and Wa shjngton.
1 ' WANT, to , buy a goof home
irfrom the owner; some one that is In
a hurry to sell and will sell cheap.. Ab-
nmuieiy no agents, jonn )S. Uoddard,
615 Board of Trade bldg, .
lin kk cultivated, cross fenced,
frood .7 room bouse, 3 large barns, rollk
louse, cement cellar, sheds and other
buildings; complete ouuu oi ihijiib
ments for farming and dairying, . 13
cows, brood mare, jersey nun, 110(55,
ahiAbina nlnntir fsed. famllv orchard
half mile to school, IVt to station and
boat landing, 27 miles from Portland,
$76 per acre. $3600 down, balance time.
S11 cooit Dart cultivated, bal
ance fine pasture, 3 miles from station
and boat landing; gasonne oui. wain,
wagons, hack, buggy, complete dairy and
rarm impiemenis, 101s jeeo,. ktou ,
roomed house, hot and cold water, large
barn, 20 cows. 10 head young stock. 4
acres fine orchard, $60- per acre; $4000
down, balance time; On and along Co
i.,n,K(o .iv.p 91 mllAS from Portland.
200 acres. 40 cultivated, balance. fine
pasture, 7 roomed house, large barn and
Plenty oumuiiainss, 00 ncu t""'c "
milch cows. 5 horses, 12 hogs, 80 ton
hay, family orchard, half mile to sta
tion, creamery, bio., nouncnuiu uiM,i.,
situated on and along Columbia river;
complete outfit fishfarming and dairy
ing. $66 per acre; terms. ;
889 acres, 125 cultivated; good build
ings, lots outrange, soil cannot De. Deaien
or location for dairying or stock raising;
22 head cows, 13 calves, hogs, chickens,
complete farming and dairying Implements;-
uvii fv more money makers, in
cluding horse or cattle raising ranches
in the valley, sheep ondalry farms
615 laimber Kxchange Tjldg.
25 Miles Frbm Portland
24 acres all in cultivation; fine orch
ard, fine 6 room house, and barn; other
good outbuildings, some household
goods, good water: 2 H miles from it. R.
station, 4 trains daily; also boats; saw
mill mile, school V4 mile; fine black
cmnri for fruits and chickens. R. F.
D. and phone close; $2600. . ....
titA son 'acres ready to plow,
balance 8,600,000 ft yellow pine; 9 miles
from R. 'R. station; spring creeks on
gago due In Installments !of $20'- lu per acre, gin.
240 aores," 2 miles from R. R. station;
(Mil 7 room house, and ouiouiiaings;
nin in 1, nu an: 70 acres In culti
vation, 84 acres In fall wheat; some tim
ber; family orchard: this is fine farm
and $26 per acre will take 1L .47 other
farms. See list. " '
.We have some good houses can sell on
pavments; also fine city vacant, ai
prices that cannot be beat.
' Nimmo & Kuney
13 Hamilton Bldg.
$90 per sore for 97 acres 7 miles
from Vancouver, 1 mile from
electric line, 15 acres cleared, bal-
' anoe good timber; good oordwood
proposition; land in same Bectlon
, equal distance from electrlo line
selling from, $126 to $150 per acre.
$1800 for beautiful 6 acre tract
S miles east of Vancouver, over
looking the Columbia river. This
Is a snap-for some one desiring
a nice -location for a suburban
homta. ' . . . - !- ' "
$i000 for 15 acres mile from
cttv limits at Vancouver.1 some
good timber, fin, soil; suitable
lor platting Into sore tracts.
This tract Is really worth $6000.
$2000 for 160 acres. 7 miles
from Ranier, 6 acres cleared, 75
apple -trees in' full bearing, fine
soil, good roads; mile from
school, store and postoffice; one
.najr can.
8 otiaaL Clarke countv.100 .acres In 8
8 fine state of cultivation. 2.000,000 8
feet of aood saw timber, near saw-f o
8 mill; 6 acres bearing orchard, most- 8
8 IV armies:' small creek. 2 aood 8
8 springs; water in house, new 7 room 8
8 rustic house; 3 large bams, one 8
8 new. , This land Is nearly all level, 8
8 very beat of hlnclc soil. n(V rock or 8
8 gravel, on main cdunty road, R. F. 8
8 L. and telephone, near school and 8
8 chuhrh. fine location; personals
8 nronortv' cowa. 11 cOAtS. 4 dosen 8
8 chickens, 15, tons hay, 2J0 bushels 8
o w neai. A waaons. ono n-w n
8 hay press, now hack, mower, 8
8 rake, dies, all farm Implements 8
8 Price. Including all nersonal dtod- 8
8 erty, $90 per acre; terms $3000 cash, 8
w paiance b years at Dor cent, i
8 is one of the best buys in Clarke 8
8 county, guaranteed as advertised. 8
8 f 8
a 120 "acre.'13 miles from Portland, 8
8 S miles from Reedville. Washington S
8 county; 40 acres in fine state or s
8 cultivation, 40 "acres of good tim-'S
8 ber. balance pasture, very easily 8
8 cleared, all level; 6 room house. 8
8 barn and other outbuildings, family 8
8 orchard. 10 head of cattle, team,
B wagon and harness, all crops, hogs 8
8 chickens and farm Implements; 8
8 $10,000; good terms. 8
8 ' 8
8 $2000 20 acres, 12H miles from 8
S4 Portland: E acres In cultivation. 5 8
8 acres Umber, balance very easily 8
a cleared, ail rencea, an level, room b
H matte house, on main tfountv road. 8
8 mile to school and church, fine 8
8 location, very best of soli; glvo 8
8 good terms. . - 8
8 a
8 $2000 180 acres In Clarke county, 8
' All good land, Vi cleared, 7 acres
; ' fine green saw timber, balance
very easily cleared; comfortable 4
room riiMtlo house, good barn and ;
outbuildings; place fenced and .
; cross fenced, good orchard of as
sorted fruits, all kinds of small
' fruits; never1 falling soring water,
water piped through, dairy house:
Personal property consists of good "
earn, wagon, harness, buggy,
plow, cultivator, harrow, and all .
small tools, 2 mlloli cows, 4 hogs, '
chickens, etc. Price $3600, terms
on part. This 'place is situated 7 ,
., miles from Vancouver, on good
road, H mile to sawmill, close to
, fine, trout stream, M mllo from-,
school, 3 miles from country town,
. R. F. I. and telephone service; in
. good neighborhood, . -
58 Acres
" flood level land; 25 acres under
' cultivation, 20 acres fine 'green
' saw timber, balance easily cleared, ;.
6. acres In assorted fruits In full
, bearing, new two story 7 room
bouse,- modern, with porches, hall,
etc., barn 65x60, hog and ail out-, '
houses, good well, running stream ';
; through timber land; 30 acres.
fenced and cross fenced; per- '
1 sonal property. - team, wagon, ,
two seated spring wagon-with
top, top buggy, plows, har-
: row, cultivator, all small tools,,
4 milch cows, - 8-year-old heifer, 3
some hogs, chickens, 'cream sepa
rator, etc. This place la situated :
'1J4 miles from country town and
'9V miles from Vancouver In good
locality. .Price $6600; terms on
part. i, '-
61 Acres
6t acres,-all rloh, level land; 37
acres under fine state of cultiva
tion, more easily cleared; place
fenced and cross fenced; 5 room
house, barn 66x76 and necessary
outbuildings, family orchard of
assorted fruits, well and living
stream through plaoe, l,lc mile
from school; R. F. D. and tele
phone service; 2 mllea from
country town and 10 miles from
Vancouver, on good level country "
road. Including 6 milch cows,
cream separator, wagon, hack and
necessary farm Implements and
crops, for $6600; terms, half cash,
balance 6 per cent Interest.
. : mmm city '
4 5 acres. 12 In cultivation. 4 room
bouse, barn, lell, spring, 1 acres orchard.
gooci son, nines out; price izidu.
10 acres, IK acres -cleared, house,
barn, hen house, well, near town, for
$1860.,,., , , . , . . i .
30 acres unimproved, 10 acres slashed
and burned, 8 'miles from town; price
' 320 acres, ' SO acres clear, 40 acres
slashed and burned, 20 acre In good
saw timber, a mall house, barn, land all
good; price $40 per acre, place 4 miles
69 acres, 42 In cultivation, 10 acres In
hops, hop house 40x80, plastered store
nouse, room nouso, large Darn, l
wagon. 2 good horses. 4 plows, 1 har
row, and all farm machinery; price
80 acres, 25 clear. 3 acres orchard, 4 i
room .plastered house, barn, plenty c
timber, fine spring; price $4200.
Near 8 P. Pepot, Oregon City, Or.
coast That Is
of ttlte Pacific
what I
435 Acres
8 Washington; 10 acres cleared, amall 8
Tfc,-. nr.l.l.."ail A..An H dox nouse; I mue io -auroaa sia- n
Tile VYaSMllSrtCIl lla UrCQn 8 tlon; l.OOO.OOO feet of saw timber. 8
. , H uarv hoef nf hlanlr nil- arlVA rood H
Keaity company 8 terms." 7 " ' . g
Portland. 6th and Washington.
Phone Main 2404, and 300 Main
St, Vancouver, Wash.
18 acres. . 16 miles from 8
8 Portland, mile from good town 8
8 on 8. P.; In fine state Of cultl- 8
8 vattaji, balance" very easily cleared: 8
8 3H acre orchard, mostly apples; 4 8
8 room house, aooit barn, chicken 8
8 iiousrand park, good well at door, 8)
a land ! all Jevel. all fenced and 8
,S roB fwBoed-very beat- of. aolU fine S
B location: a snap. o
435 acres all rich land, 400
, acres level, Tslack land, 876- acres
of which is under cultivation, a
acres green marketable timber,
good orchard, 6 room house,
large hay, horse and cow barns,
stone dairy' house, spring water
rlped te house and outbuildings,
rout stream through land, no
waste land on place, guaranteed
, that 25 acres more land can be
put under cultivation for not over
$280. This place is situated 2
miles from new townsite and
terminus of new electric line, ad
joins thriving country town and
10 mllea from Vancouver, on good
level graded road; price If sold
soon only 370 per aero, one half
cash. Absolutely the cheapest
buy on the market today. Suitable
to subdivide.
Thompson & Swan
110 2D ST., PORTLAND, Oa
It only takes a few dollar bills
to buy any land Bill has. Here
are two examples:
44 acres. 10 acres in cultiva
tion, fair house and barn, good
water, located about 4V4 miles
from town on good road. Price
$2200; easy , terms.
80. acres. 15 acres In cultiva
lliMj family orchard, good 6 room
house, good barn, 4 mlled from
Canby, good roads, Price $4000.
D. K. BILL & CO.,
Masonic bldg., Oregon City, Or.
8 208 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and
8 Alder. Office. Main 8480: resi
8 dence, Woodlawn 2169. Portland.
Tillamook. Dairy. Ranches
1 Ait ,. a pro so in cultivation, good
buildings. 16 cows, $6000, $2000 cf sli.
i60j acres, nearly all In cultivation,
fine buildings, 14 cows, team ana farm
machinery; $8600, $aiC0 cash.
sbs acria. 100 tinJiir olow. balance In
grass, good buildings, 3u cows, farm ma
chinery; $14,000, half cash.
160 acres, nearly all In cultivation,
ennA Vmiiiitr.s-H. ' so cows. 13 yearling
heifers, team, all farm machinery; oWn
r hna hncoinn wealthy and wishes to
retire; $18,000, $5000 cash.
We have many others at all prices.
420 Lumber Exchange
Biff Snap
2000 Acres '
Yamhill Co. Fruit Land
Only $28 Per Acre
All the best of soil; no stones or waste
land; all can be cultivated; 4 good
houses, 4 good barns, 1 good hop house,
4 cabins, land well watered; 700 acres
now under cultivation; county roads
running through the land, and short
drive to R.:R. stations: nothing better
of the kind now offered. If you buy
you can t neip out mane large proms.
511 Gerllnger Bldg.
A Fine Stock Ranch
715 acres," mile and half Columbia
river frontage, boat landing on the
nlace. 8 room house, three barns, family
l orchard, 48 cows and plenty of hay for
wintering them. 130 acres meadow, tnat
yields an abundance of haydo not have
to move during man -water, as mere is
plenty of upland to care for stock., This
place win care xor ion neaa oi block,
and Is a bargain at $35,000; small
amount of cash. and the best of terms.
Waggener Real Estate Co
zio-ziz ADington biag.
Cheaper than homesteads or
timber claims. No freezing, no
blizzard, . no cyclone, a , mild
and gentle climate the year
round. A land' for men of lim
ited means; a land of invest
ment where an acre of land at
$10 now will be worth hundreds
In a few years. Here you can
raise fruit of every kind and 2"
crops of corn per year, . Call on
Vi and get literature.
418 Swetland Bldg.
Best stock farm In
Alsea valley, Lincoln Co,
360 acres,
Highly Improved.
Will sell or trade
For citv property.
617 Rothchlld Bldg.
11U. acres, all in fine cultivation, fair
4 .room house, fine well and pump, large
fruit dryer, 69 fine rruit trees;- place
overlooks Willamette river, -close to
Chopponlsh Station. Price $2800, $1000
casn, balance years.
332 Chamber of, Commerce.
WANTED Lots In' vicinity of Alberta,
, will pav cash.
M 420 Swetland bid? 4 "
WANTED Several lots on east side,
' aliout 24 miles out. cash deal; give
particulars; must be cheap. X-370, Jour-
WANTED A small furnished cottage or
rooming house, close in, would con
. elder buying furniture of house or care
for one for rooms.- Y:360. Journal.
WANTED to buy from owner, 5 acres
y ' near Portland. in cultivation nfith
house and barn npar car' line. 0-372,
20 ACRKS, 13 miles from 2d and Stark
sts.. Portland; about it acres culti
vated; 2 acres of assorted varieties of
nnie .trees: 8 acres' seeaea to ciover
balance was In potatoes and truck gar-
don r about, 5 acres of beaverdam, which
produced over 26 tons of cabbage this
year;" good living stream: .crosses the
place: can : be used for irrigating; the
land - lies level and is a heavy black
loam; no gravel; lies In a corner and
has a road on two sides of the property;
schoolhouee across the road; mile to
R. R; station, country town and two
churches; fair , house, well built large
barn and other outbuildings; good well
at bouse, spring near the barn- tnis
property to be sacrificed; price $2800;
$1600 cash, balance to suit.
Cor. 4th and Oak. Main 6084, A-3327
WANT ED to buy 2 or 3 , equities in
-vacant lots, state lot and block num
her In firat letter. X-378, Journal.
WANT to rent 6 to 9 room modern
.;fJ2i- ' M1Bnt. buy some . furniture.
M-877, Journal. i .
WILL buy. sell, mortgage equities
houses, lots or timber claims
gess. 221 Morrison, room 5.
LIST your property wkb
Money Back First Year '
80 acres, 28 miles from Portlanl, fine
new house and barn, all good lait-I, 4
acres In cultivation, can make th.j p;loa
of the- place out of cedar posts tho
first year. - $2000; $1200 cash. . - ...
, 1 ' J- ' ATLAS LAND CO.. .
420 Lumber Exchange. '
Board of Trade bldg:
wain iiiij nattaoie acreage tract or
bunch of lota cheap for cash. Port
land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. -Avk
v5NT houses and vacant dltv
, property to sen. smith-Wagoner Co..
LIST your house" a"nd vacant lots with
Smith. Wa
bldg. .
311-312- Lewis
SELLING east side property is tny bust
( ness. . J. J. Oeder. corf Grand -ave,
and - hi. Ankeny.
$5000 to invest in- east sldo propertv,
lota .or house and lots, must be cheap,
give- location and price. B-050, Journal,
.j.-WANTED Small, modern cottage or
b'lrtRalow; t-tata eva t loi-.utmr.. price,
, .terms; n.o agents. - V-37; 'Journal. ;
160 ACRKS near Clatskanie; 40 acres
, under cultivation;' 120 acres logged
off and burned; all kinds of-fruit; 1
room house; main -county road, living
stream; deep shot soil; price very low;
terms easy. Will - consider trade for
Portland property,
... To Buy, Sell or Trade, See
32-8 Tnfayette bldg.-, Washington & 6th
, 108 acres riverfront, farm . and or
chard. 16 miles from Portland. S. P. It
It., river and electric line available, ex
ccll-nt roads, R. F. D., and creamery
routes. two good sets .or buildings
fenced and cross-fenced. About one
half in cultivation, peaches this year
were exceptionally fine, land In this lo
cation is rapidly coming to the front
for orchards. Tools and livestock. : All
or part for sale at from $125 to $175
per acre, on Very easy terms. i
We have others. - One acre or thou
sands. "It will pay. you to see our
list." ...
i Chamber of Commerce,
20 acres; 15 acres In good cultivation,
6 acres In pasture, easily cleared; good
house, cost $1000 new; goorl new barn,
place all fenced and cross-fenced with
woven wire: situated on main county
road which is an Improved gravel road;
good team, good Jersey cow and calf,
plow,- harrow, cultivator and all farm
tools and everything necessary to .run
the place; price $3500,, -eaSy., terms: 14
miles from ; Portland, on the Columbia
river, close to a railroad station- and
town, , . . ,
' 332 Chamber of Commerce.
ROGUE River Valley farm of 180 acres
160 acres or tins is seeded to grain
now. line ror apples, pears or peacttes,
small house and barn, all fenced, $66
per acre; good terms on hair tne price.
'. Commercial Club bldg. r;
90 acres, all under fence, has over 3000
bearing fruit trees, 400 cherry, 400 ap
ples, zouo prunes, rest are mixed rruits;
this is a bargain at $100 per acre; has
new prune dryer that cost $1800.
' 618 Board of Trade.
120 ACRES of choice apple land, near
boat and railroad and only 30 - miles
from Portland. Seven acres now In
orchard. Only $35per acre. $800 cash,
balance on long time. M. E. Lee, 411
Corbett bldg. " - - y :
60 acres near Beaverton, slightly roll
ing, good soil, adjoining land held at
$126 per acre; must have cash; make
reasonable offer and it is yours. Room
1.0. -145 ft. First- at.--..:-
"Cascade Foothills"
89 acres choice apple land In this
1 growing district. Small creek rises on
the property and can be used' to Irri
gate. Only $1200. After January 20
price will be- $1600.
20 acres unimproved apple land. Only
$600. .
40 acres good timber for oordwood,
160 acres good dairy farm, good build
ings, orchard and creek. $3000. Live
stock, tools, implements and erop, $500,
68 acres fine apple land. 1 mile from
car line, 80 acres cultivated, good build
ings, fences and orchard. If planted to
trees the .rent of the place will care
ror tne trees until tney come into bear
ing. Only 365 per acre. -
and 10 acre tracts all alona the
uazaaero car line.
3, 6 and 8 acres all in fruit, on Ore
gon city car nne. These are , extra
choice suburban home sites.
2 good platting- properties, all Plated
and ready for market. A small cash in
vestment will triple itself without the
care of selling and collecting; See us.
List your farms and acreage with us.
u. w. f. LAND CO.. 1st and Alder. -
Portland is destined to bo. part of I
that city will he by necessity In Clacka-I
mas county, . wny not buy a uiacaama
County fartnT We have them. 40 acre.!
nearly all cultivated, ail level, free from
rocK, timber for farm use, good water.
good roads, only miles' from town.
price $3500, terms.
20 Acres I
, 20 acres, 10 acres etred, bal-'
nee very eaally cleared, soitu
, ; cord wood, family orchard of lurt
. trees, new , 6 room house, t-w
barn and good outbuildings, rail
road by place, fine well, good
horse and harness, light - wagon.
i plow, harrow, . spraying outfit
complete, some chlckena. and alt
v smal tools; a snap at $2500; this
place is located only 3 miles from '
Vancouver In fine, neighborhood.
? 25 4 Acres - .
'15 acres under good cultivation,
' - balance In fine green timber and
good pasture land; land lies level
and Is all fun cod. 5 room house,
f ood barn and outbuildings; fa m
lv orchard of aanortad fruits, 1
miles from country town and elec
trlo Una, fine well and windmill,
..- tank, etc. This Is a fine location
and a good buy. See this at once;
price $3200. .
- t 21 Acres
16 acres under cultivation, and
8 acres more very easily cleared:
some good cordwood; place all
fenced, land lies level and 1 f'l,n
soil, noma swale; family orchard
of saaorted fruits, 4 room houae,
good barn and outbuildings, 89
rods from R. R, town with good
' school, church and store, etc.;
. 'price if sold soon $3000.
Thompson & Swan
' . 110 SECOND MT.,
Box 45. Over Bank of " Oregon City, I
uregon city. ur.
440 acres, good 8 room house, barns ete.,
seeded to alfalfa, outside range un
limited, plenty of water, school on place;
price $85 per acre, H cash; can double
your money, here; near Medford.
640 acres, 820 under cultivation. 1
mile from It ft. 2 houses. 2 barns, fine
orchard, running stream through land;
112 aores only 2 miles from R. R.. 50
acres In cultivation, house, barn and all
other outbuildings. 1 team, harness.
a?:U?ome0 cheap at $55 per acre.
V ,WSD. 1 ilVD - flOUVVi tUI lilOa a V V U I' I i .
0h- ,1 ICO melem. nlnaa to R. R.. flae Orchard
ti . ... j, , i.i ''" ' '."' v5 land, near Medford; $20 per acre.
60 acres. 43 In cultivation, house, barn ' . .. .
and all outbuildings, good spring and 90 acres, near Portland, 64 highly lm
weU, 6 miles from Oregon City, all prdVed, tiled, etc., fine buildings, - $2U0
fine level land. 1 team, farm machinery, Jer acre
tools, some crop. Price $5000; terms,
$3000 cash. .
We have others. Call at nup offlc
In postoffice bldjr. Oregon City.
Postoffice bldg., Oregon. City. J '
per acre.
640" acres, eastern Oregon. 675 In cul
tivation. In rain belt, good buildings,
water piped to ' house complete, u'ue
$22.50 per acre: $6000 handles It
. 619-621 Board of Trade bldg.
84 Fourth st.
All or part of 108 acres riverfront,
farm and orchard; 15 miles from Port
unA K P. I H . river and electric lln
never-falllno-1 MrrMont rnartu R V. II nrl
spring water, water piped through dairy creamery routes. . Two gooi sets sf
house; personal property consists- of buildings fenced 1 and cross fenced,
good team, wagon, harnesses, buggy, About one half la cultivation, peaches
plow, cultivator, harrow and all small this year were exceptionally fine, land
tools,, 2 milch cows. 4 hotrs. chickens. In thin location la runldlv com In a- to th
etc.; price $3500; terms on .part; this front for orchards. Tool and livestock,
place Is situated 7 miles from Vancou- All or" part for sale at from $125 to
ver on good road,. V mile to sawmill, $.175 prr acre, on very easy terms. , .
30 ACRES, al) good land, H cleared, 7
acres fine green saw timber, balance
Very easily cleared, comfortable 4 room
rustic houso, good barn and outbuild
ings, place fenced and cross-fenced.
good orchard of assorted fruits, all
ninim or amaii rruits.
close to fine trout Stream. U mil frnm
school, 2 miles from country town, R.
F. D. and s telephone service, In good
838 Chamber of Commerce.
138 ACRES; 90 acres In cultivation, 20
acres in hons. 6 acres in nrcharii- miul
buildings; 8 cdws, 4 horses, harness.
wagon and all farming Implements:
plenty of water; 2 miles from Gaston,
on good road; price $10,000; terms to
sun ouyer.
We have others.
- One acre or thousands. 1 -,i
"Jt will pay you to see our list."
Chamber of Commerce. -
iPE0tt:4lMEl - --;
40 acres. 3 acres In cutlvatlon, bal
ance brush and-some timber, good soil.
200 acres' 75 acres in wttlvattonT 80 "vlng water good road, 4 miles from
flrAa lna 4imV.i, Kal
family,orchard, good buildings; 4 cows, k'ArliM-
team of work horses, waa-on and alt
kinds of farming tools; close to North
Yamhill, on good road: price 35600 if
(taken at once; good terms.
os acres; v acres in cultivation, oai,
617 Main St., Oregon eity. -
'.. - HERE'S A SNAP. .' .
40 acres, 33 miles from Portland, i'a
frnm utAtlnn.- n,fMl mndi .. 6 fn-rcM ctiltl-
In pasture; on good road, miles frpm vated, 26 acres pasture, running water
Houlton; good terms; price $6600V
J. M. KERR & CO.,
268 Stark st, Room 15.
804 acres, 4 miles northwest of North
Yamhill. 15 acres clear. 76 acres fine
oak timber,' balance fine piling. This
Is fine walnut land and will be picked
up soon. Cheap at . double the price.
$10,000, balance long time, 6 per cent.
195 acres. 2 miles from . Canby: fine
gravel road. This Is the very ' best
money maker In this choice section.
this tract is especially wen located for
subdividing Into 10 and 20 acre tracts
and can easily be sold at three times
the present price If divided- ... i
10 acres, chicken and fruit ranch,
fairly Improved, good house,' chicken
run,- lftO fruit trees, y, acre strawber
ries, a big, patch of black raspberries,
Loganberries and" - gooseberries, cur
rants, etc; rest in clover and timothy,
an ideal home near Portland, 1 miles
of good car service; for interview or
further particulars from owner address.
A-SY9, Journal. t
through pasture; best of sou. no roi-lc
or grtfvel:"--vozy house, fair barn ami
other nuthiilli-llnas: horse, cow.- heifer
and ealf. wagon, buggy and implement ;
about 60 chickens, 100 bearing fruit
trees, furniture; in fact everything1
goes. Photos at oince;. pleasure vo muk.
this place to you,, -
616 Lumber Kxchange bldg.
RICH VALLEY FARM, close to Porf
land, 124 acres, 60 acres In cultiva
tion; all can be; about 75-bearing applt
trees, plenty of hay and alfalfa, 3 acres
prunes, receipts rrom oops . v
about $2600, good room -residence,
barn, hop. house,, stock and furniture, 7
minutes' walk to station, fine black
loam, never needing . Irrigating; price
$16,600, cash $5000 and would take good
city property in trade up to $5000, good,
terms on balance. , v. 4 , ' .
8. T. WALKKR. 604 Corbett bldg. -
70 acres, all level free from rock and
gravel.- 60 ' acres in cultivation, fine
house and barn, family orchard, good ,
water, aooa team. - waaon. ' cows. noas.
and all implements, mile of town and
8. P. railroad. 8 miles from the Portland
and Salem electric line: this Is a chance
ror some one who wants a good farm r ff00d buildings; price $1650, terms
,1 m ,MBnnahl, ni-lAA ilAAA M.h ,11l I A.-., .w ,r.u- a. iinu-t T '-
A . Iir,..., ....... -,.. , n - - -
under cultivation and fenced. 80 full
bearing fruit trees, balance easily
cleared; good 8 room house; R. R. sta
tion and boat landing ofi place. Fine
spring of water; no rock or gravel;
lUBe w mure a-iiu kuuu oqjioui. -nce
28u0, half cash, balance 6 per cent,
Reoass & Woodvard.
00 Henry Bldg.. phones A-2532, M-6854
at a reasonable price,, $4000 cash will
handle It, balance 4 years at 6 per Cent
Stl-atton bldg. : Oregon City, Or.
, ACRES, located 1 miles from a
good station on Salem Electric, about
25 miles south of Portland, 30 acres
in high state of cultivation, 7 acres
good timber, running water; land lays
level and is of the best, fair bulldinra.
family orchard, etc. Worth double
what is aaKed. 4ioo. 103 4th st.
FOR SALE-MO acre farm, only 8 miles
rrom Portland, on (Surfaced road:
large barn, house, orchard, etc. : terms
McEwen & Koskey,. 129 Front st.
45 acres. 10 cultivated, good timbrr.
orchard, no rock, close to school anu it..
il buildings;: price itov,
606 Main St Oregon City. Or.
FOR SALE It acres, on Reedville
prairie, n mue rrom station,
good public road on 2 Hides,
large barn, land all cleared
and In high state of cultiv- .
tion, convenient to school
and church, an ideal, home
- site, now offered at $3875;
part cash, balance ' good
' 1 245 Stark -at;:. "-. "
Owner , , .
I have 100 acres of. good land, untm
nrnverf hut pasilv cleared; i will bo on
new electric carline: spring water on
iU)3 acres In the Chehalem valley,' has 10
room house, large barn, has 2 acres in
walnuts,. 4 acre apples and 6 acres In
prunes; this i a dandy;! $90 . per acre,
easy terms,
- -' '618 Board of Trade.
16 acres, close to Newberg; this would
make a splendid irult farm; $2760,
easy terms.
V618 Boiird of Trade.
40 ACRKS near school, small town, nar
Portland; fin fruit and, berry land, !
springs. land No. 1; unimproved; $1750.
SI8 Aliwky bldg.
80 ACRE improved farm; wU' take va-1
cant lots or vottage; give tiaie vu ba.U
ancc. A-lili. ;
20 acres of fine. deep, black noil, ft
acres In f Ino cultivation, good family
orcnara. new room rustic house, small
barn, good chicken houses and outbuild
ings, good well, 14 Vf miles from Port
land, on good road, 60' rods frojn R. R,
station; 1 horse, . 1 cow, youna heifer.
60 chickens, all farm machinery.' Price
$2500, $1600 cash, balance long time.
' - S32 Chamber of Commerce.
f"! 160 ACRES FOR $250!, ' -"" T
We have 160 acres rn the Mosler dis
trict hlch can - be hoinesteaded, 20
acres Is good sapple land; 600,000 feet
yellow pine saw timber ,, and several
thouaand cords of good oak wood on
the biriance. Near good' county road.
Wimocate it to - Wednesday for 260.
510-511-512 Swetland bldg.
SEVEN acres, fine otl. 8 miles from
Brownsvillep all fencetl, new 8 room
house, 8 Mi acres bearing fruit and wan
nut trees; price $2500, terms; or trade
for city property, 302 'Swetland bldg. :
120 acfc" dairy, rearing $2000 yearly;
IioushIioIiI gitods, ,, stock, tools;' only
SIO.omO: ,-bargain. Kouthcn Oregon Laud
Co., 3tl Lafayette oldie. -
;; it " ' ; ,
'On Buying and Selling
Poultry or Birds
There is money In Buying and Selling; Poultry or S&da. Mo better way
to et In touch with the people you want to reach than through 'our little Want
- Ads. You,"who are our country readers, think this over. Get In touch with the
people in town, ' And you, who are in town, reach the people in the country by
telling them what yon want In a little Want Ad. Whether yon want to buy or
tell, it is a mighty good investment to keep a little Want Ad regularly oasour
.Want Ad page. , It means money results.
r x Read and Answer
Today's Weuit; Ads.
-stock km
$6000; cash, or trade; 60 acres, good,
levelt lan dp 1 hour's ride Portland, on
R. R., also main county road; 40 in
cultivation, balance timber,, pasture;
running .water; good buildings, ' com
plete; adjoining land brings $200-2300
per-acre, no better than this; other
ranches aN prices.. Call- -or address
Merchants' . Buslnoss Exchange, suite
813. Merchants Trust bldg.. cor. 6th and
Washington sts. Main 7807, A-3283.
Eastern OreconWheat Farm
I have 1720 acres bf A-l wheat land in plaoe year rouna; P'enty tu bwu ww"'
Baker county, half mile from siding and on county road; 2 miles from K. u.
warehouse on O. R. & N.. 3 miles from station and boat landing; near schoo -
good town: this land is unimproved, house; 8 miles out of city; must seji
with well Improved farms all around H; all or portion at once; $35 per acre. W.
coud be Irrigated, but is a good propo- K. Parker. 1123 Vernon ave.;
attion for dry farming; been held for i7iAC"RES for sale; 8 mlies oulheat
years by eastern corporation: now on ' i, i mii from Tualatin
the market at the low price of $12 per river; good soil and level, and on coun
acre. Neai Brown, ,09 Swetland bldg., tv road; small new house and shed. 4
6th and Washington sts. acres cleared, 30 acres slaahed and
easily cleared, balance iimoer. t rio-.
$60 per acre; 1 horse, 1 colt 19 months
old 1 heifer 14 months old, Somo chick
ens: no agents. 23 N. Front at, Port-
land. Or. ' " ' - - . . ,,
240 ACRES, 3 miles from- Goldendal'.
70 acres In fall wheat, balance in
pasture and timbw, all good soil, wi-i)
watered. Good 7 room bouse and olh
bulldlngs. Price $25 an acre fur a
quick sale; terms. V. H. Lang Co.,
414 Abington bldg.
A 'FARM, fruit and stock ranch, Jose-
i phine county, 280 acres, 160 fenced. 60
acres in cultivation, 20 acres In alfalfa,
family orchard, good house and barn,
outbuildings, Irrigating ditch, plenty of
water, 850.000 saw timber, team, 8,
cows, wagon, buggy, harness, all im
plements needed, furniture, outside
range. Price lUOU, terms. . Details,
Oregon Lands Free Information Bureau,
806 Board of Trade bldg. ,
Sell or Trade
Fine Farm
FOR SALE Kino 30 acre home, near
- carline, $2200, '
-' 20 acre home, near carline, $1600.
Will take a good bouse In Portland as K-gt BOO acre tract In Marion county at
part pay: a good opportunity if you
want a farm. Call for particulars.
611 Gerllnger Bldg..
tii-ii, afr ,
Hubbard, Or,
FORCED to sell; 267 acres, all level
larid, 17 acres maple timber, balam
..i,., inft- r. R. station on plate: M
miles north of Eugene. $18,000; raiM
consider city property or grocery at. a
acres cleared ana renced, 6 acres or
chard, bearing apples, cherries, pears.
strawberries and an in. good shape; 4 1
room house ana small, barn, well and I ' . V" t5000 - as part payment; term
running epr ng on property; $100 per n", ), box 35, Jiarrlahurg. it.
2 VI miles from o-ooil n tm, iv r. t-- ' . 5... v.
close to Portland. AH property ad
Joining is subdivided: cash, or will
exenange pan lor city property,.
BROWN, 411 Couch bldg.
CENTRAL Oregon land, incti who
to iarn-aiiou .--"u-.j--. ,at
should write to people who have a pre
Meal knowledge of it. Address bo 2 .
i:l,.,.,rll Iia t Y ....v..,:.-"
Something to Interest You foiC salkb owni?. "220 ";
A chance to make at leaat lsnito r,u, I bent lanl In Clark ci.unty :
profit on a 112 acre farm by cutting m: n;-w bouse i and ham, "--";." .
U in small tracts: It will snll tiL ,.. most cleared: sicklies only . -..-mi r
cakes; find put about this and make Hfliji' -i1 """""l:
some good money.- Nekl Brown, 709 I 40 ACRK8 of - the l"t of l,'l, , i
Swetland bldg. . high mtn of en 1 r i a ' inn ; r.r,.,.'.
OI 1 i-i I .
FOR SaLEh-Bv the owner; 131 acres
1 chard; 27 milrs ouil'
any part of it: not less than 40 acres, mlli-a to '-"". " ' 1 "
of choice land, adjoining a good town, 8i'1J2Ll! 'IJlJV.
on the railroad. - For full particulars HOP Y Arl 1 i! w
call on Ell' Vaughn n at the New tjrdiid - houe, hart, h"j i- i--,
Central hotel. Portljnd, Thin Is val-lon: all tools to '.:
unble -property ' and the prlca is . u-trom town. Appfj,.. t :-...)
BOiiable. - -. . . ., ' Du-ndrtc, wute I. -' .
town, adjoining fine- farms. - Call or j