THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1910. .1 JIH.U a u!f .'i j I 5mt6ay 5erice5 at HiTJorftm6:' Churches- fl BILLBOARD ACT ' aa.tist, First White Temple, 1 Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. J. Whltcomb Brouaher. D. I). 10. "One Accord"' prayer meeting services, 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school IS; Y, P.U.. 6. Topics, ''Tln Religion for a wan." ''Midnight Keveiry." Second Seventh and - East Ankeny: ' liv. IL 8. Black, 11 and 7:80: Bible school, 13; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Toplos, . Backsliders.". "Marriage." - CentralEast Twentieth and Ankeny; 10:S0 and T::!S0: g. s 13: y, p. u ''rmotif by Rev. Oilman Parkor. Toplca, ' "What We Stand For." "The Manifesta tion of the Bona of God," Arlftn U and T:30: S. S.. 8:45; B. T. P. II. 6:30. ' Highland Alberta and Sixth, Raf. 1L, - A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and 7:30; 11. 17 . r. v., :(; s. s.. ip. . I). W., Thurston, pastor. 11 and 7:30: fl. B.. 10: Y. P. U- 8:30. Sermons Dy Rev, w, T. Jordon. Toplca, "Peter's Denial and- Repentance," "Confessing Him." Calvary East Eighth and urant Rsv. J. j. Monroe. 11 and t.hv; a. a., Jtf ; a. ' T. P. C 6:80. Immanuel Jones Hall.' (Jlbbs and Front. Key, A. B. Minaker, 10:80 and . 7:80: 8. 8.. 12: B. x. P. u.. :o. Orace Montavllla: Rev. Albert B. Patch. 11 and 7:30; 8. S 10; X. JP. U- 6:30. . -,..-..;-. ... - University . park 8. S., 10. 11 and 7:10; B. Y. P, IT., 7; sermons by Rev. feunnyslde (Crerroan) Fofty-flrst and Hawthorne; Rev. C. Feldmeth, 11; S. &. 8:45. ., - - ' - , -, fit. . Johns (Herman! Rev. CFeld meth. 8. 8..-9:45: services 11 and 7:34. St. Johns Rev. C. . 1 Owen; 11:30 and 7:30:. a S.. 10: B. T. P. U- 6:30, Chinese Mission J52i Oak street B. 8.. 7; preaching, 8, by Rev. Fung Chsk. . First ' German Fourth and Mill; Rev. J. Krett. 11 and 7:30: 8. B.. :45 Second German Morrla street and Rodney avenue; Rev. F, Buermann, 11 and 7:30; S. S., :4S. Sucstivc Questions on tLe Sunday. - ; . . i ScnooLLessoh by Rev. Dri 'T. S. Linscott i Btaaton, Rev.' John H. Hopp;, 10:80 and 7:30: S. 8.. 0:15; C. E.. 6:80. ' Pilgrim Shaver and tlaniir ovtn'ha RY- Our L. Blck, 11 and 7:80: 8. .8., 9:45; CJB., 6:30. Topics, "The Father- iMiniatera, Bunday achool teactiera and vthera Interested ar Invited te write The Journal briefly their vlewa as to the worth of these "questions." particularly If they consider them of value In their work. , ' " i The International Newspaper Bible Btudy club is for the purpose of pro moting In an unfettered way anions: the masses, a wider atudv of the Rlhla. the basal truths of Christianity, and the- problems which enter Into ever main's life. It U composed of all those who join a local club, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring oaly ordained clergymen. All who have not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prises. vy. m., o:pu, a opics, "The fatner-fn . , hood of ood," -The tiign of True vision.- Projected Conference of Com-. unittce Not Held Owing to " Absence of .Weiser. -- ; Peraons may Join the club at any time during the year, but . must, ot sc. answer me dj auesuons nereinaicer exiuainea. to minurv roi prises, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. This nener has securetl the rleht ta nuhllah thm IntarniHiwal aundav School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Linsfiott. wiilch bav aroused so tnucn Interest elsewhere, and they will appear wenklyl In both the Batnrday and Sunday Issues of The Journal. One of these questions each wenk Is to bs answered lb writing and upon these snswers tha prises are to bo awarded. Ooadltloa of too ajontsst, , ' ,'v . ' ! . 1. Each contestant, or his or ner famhv jbuss be a. anliiwrlsee' to this Ssper, in order to qualify for membership In the International Newspaper Bible tudr club and thla local club. . .... . 'X. Each contestant In thla local rluh mint ..nh . ihi arltt.n nnaii tions for (1 consecutive werka,, commencing Bunday. March 14, and the anawers must all be In the noeaeaalan of thlj nin olthln ! of ih. iiliiu Of thla n.rl.M v , ' . ' " ' 7""-' . J. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper' written on One aide onlv. No anawer muat .imm! nn In inK mn mm w. .... a.mi.. ii .n.ifrr ni nil diti in. mm. ani Ar th. unra. . ttiA luitrnm mm n newer. " " ... ! ... - T? n.w " ho delivered to 'this offlco, and they will be eollatad t the close of the contest and forwarded fo headquarters foa Independent er adication by competent examlnera The prises will then be awarded ao rori'ing to the highest number ot narks, won by members of The International First Series A gold medal to each of the first flvo -oontasUnta. r eecona fierlea . . A silver tnadal tn n th. i... tesUnta Taachsr'a Bible, prlco 5,0, to each of tta,next flvs oon .Fourt,l fr The hook "Tho Heart of CSiristlanlt,- prlco 1.80. to each Of Ihe next 38 contestants. . E?.?l K,dal wl1' he sultajhty engravsd. glnf tha name of tho winner and . 1... v " awarqea ana in use manner oaco Bible and: book will ha ' Vrntteit . '. First Knst Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. Russell S. Showers. 11 and 7:30; B. 8., 10; C. 6:30; men's mass meeting, I. ,......,.,.. y Radical Blxth and Mechanic Rer. Oi- rA. Martin. ( 11 and 7:S0j B. &.10; rdSouth Mount Taborj HsV,' C f . Iiiniiuimiu, ii; a. a,t ig .v i Tho projected conference of members of the health and eollne um : Ii rT wwruy-sevenia ana me city council with Foster St Klelser 7?80?Sd'sflV0. U k..ll and over ,th,; new , hillboarfl ordinate, su" Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets. mJttel to tho committee yesterday by to the absence of M Klolser frpm tha MISS j. C RICHARDSON IS CALLED BY DEATH Miss Julia C Richardson, daughter of tho late 'A. B. Rlchardaon, died , at her home. 4S2 Morrison etrnnt. vantnr. da afternoon at 4 o'clock. Funernl services will be held at the residence Bunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Richardson was the sister .of Mrs. -A. R. Wattlngly, A. B, Richardson RFfflnnnFAiMii I11.UUIIIV VI UMLUUIIi . . , I ' . r . ... . IIUDSUtiSWJE - - " h ara. AJ( 4VlviaiIDUll I , . , , .fas. a . a 1 A and Thomas D. Richardson, all of Port- IfyereSting FaCtS ' SIlOW ' JUS! COMBUSTION CAUSE . OF BLAZE IN HOTEL Spontdneous combustion is now 'given ss me reason for tbo Hotel Seward firs When Sun Shined and ' .When Rain Fell. : The longest period during the last 6:30; sermon, 7:80. Christlaa, Central Kast Twentieth and (Sal. ""Ii .Rav. J. f, Gormley, ,11 and 7:46. Bible school, -10. . " . FirstComer Park and ' Columbia, iT,.iT,:r. nnnKor.. ii ana 7 so a. ts. city, -i -f Mayor, Simon's championship of ths urumance , ana nis -mandatory requests that it be passed In its present form havs not made a favorable Imnresslnn on tho eommitteo, members' of which scribed. In- - Kast Forty-fifth street Corner East Maln;11.18 and 7;30; B. P. Y. U, 6:45.1 Lents a 8., 10; 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P, U.. :30. Mouht Ollvs Seventh and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. Swedlnh Hovt and Fifteenth:' Rev. Krtck Scherstrom. 10:4a aqd. 7:43; 8. 8.. 13; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30., Third Knott and Vancouver.' Rev. R. Schwedler, 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10. Woodstock Fortv-ftrst and Wolgate; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., :46. . - . r ' , Presbyterian. First Twelfth and Alder.' Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkea. 10:30 and 7:80: a 8., 12:10; C. E., 6:30, Topics, "A Com munion Message,'' "Bricks t Without . Straw." Mizpah East Twelfth' and i Powell; Kev. Marry jeeas, 11 ana 7;o; t. a., IV; c. :30. - v Calvary Eleventh ' and Clay. - Rev, Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45; Bible school, noon. Topics, "Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say SO," ."When the Books Are Open." Fourth First and Gtbbs; Rev. Donald Mackenzie, 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8, 12 C. 11. 6:80. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and 'East Taylor; Rev. K. Nelson Allen, .10:30. 7:30; S. 3., 12; C. E., 8:30.' Topics. "The borrows of Gethsemane," "Aro Wo On the Eve of a Great Religious Awaken lnsrr . Forbes BPllwood -and Gantenbeln: Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. S, 10- C. E., 6:30. y x . . Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Key. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., Chinese 145 First 7:45;' 6. 8.76:48. Weetmister East Tenth and Weid ler; Rev. Henry Marootte, 10:80 and 7:30: S, S.. 12, t. P. 8, C. E.. 6:30. ; Marshall Street -Marshall and North Feventeenth; Rev. C, W, Hays, 11, 4; B. 8., 10. A 7:30 service in the Finnish language. . ' -l - Mount . Tabor Belmont and ' Pretty man; Rev. Kdward M. Sharp, H and 8; U. 8.. 10. .., ..... . Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth I VPoir spiritual life? $?.&$ l:. & J..2m"on. 11 ." Christians follow tho example of inira u;ast Tbirteenth Rev. William Parsons, S. S.. 12. Hopo Montavllla, East e :.rJi.W'J0.taBwrlU 1a J'T- '.. urged to ttke tip these studies M. garaless of the decree of their education u ih. r,.n... mil enCy.'Ia,i or ,lt'rlrT tndPl"t. but from ths point of view of in - m J w iiivij I rai lUUBU lUCalSh (Copyright 1809, by Rev. T. 8. Linscott - D. P.) January , mo. Ths Baptism and Temptation of Jesus aiait. i:ii-17. 4:1-11. . Golden Text " In that hs hath suf fered being tempted, he is able to suc cor them that are tempted. Heb. 1:18." -Verses 13, 14 Why did Jesus want to do baptised 7 hat reason Is there for tha onlnton mai jonn s refusal to baptise Jesus was a ressonanis position to takeT Verss 16 Is baptism essential to sal vation, and if not what, is Its pur pose i Repentance seems 1 to havo been a necessary step to John's baptism, did Jesus need to repentT Verses 16, 17 What evidence' is there mat any person but Jesus saw the opening heavens, ' the Holy Spirit or neara me votes rrom heaven? . t, If a few of those present, who were spiritual, saw, and heard these things. Is thero any evldenoo to show that the multitude did also? : . Verse 1 Why did tho finlrlt lead Jesus Into the. wilderness? What reasons are there to believe that temptation was, or was not essential for the spiritual development of Jesus? Is .temptation necessary, or a part of God's educational prooess for all of us? Give your reasons. HOW MUCH VIRTUE WOTTT.n THERE BflJ IN DOING ; RIGHT, IF THERE WERE NEITHER . TEMPTi. TION NOR OPPORTUNITY TO DO WRONG?, : (This question must be an swered In writing by members of ths club.) v ,-. ,7"'- ?.r.. .. Versa "5 Why did "Jesus' "fiat r- and what is tha general effect of fasting Jesus In ths matter of fasting, what results would probably follow? Olvs a reasoned opinion as to whether Jesus would probably feel th pangs of hunger during, tho ecstasy of ths fast? What are the limits of ths rule that reaction generally follows exaltation, and state whether Jesus was ltke)y pass ing through this reaotlon when ho .was "an hungered"? - Verss 8 To what part or tho nature of Jesus did ths Devil make his first appeal? ' . Give your reasons for your opinion as to whether physlclal temptations are as numerous, or dangerous as spiritual temptations. Verss 4 What would have been the moral quality of the act If Jesus had made bread out of stones? In what sense do good men live , by the word- of God T . . Verss 8 Did Jesus go bodily 4nto ths City, and If not, what did take tIaoe? What are tho reasons to believe thati ths 9:46. TODlcs. "ChHat'a Tlolf-wV Vnlrhf. ' I bellevO they are entitled ta amanil th "Thm 1X7,. -I,. r... , i. ' I nl. tm .1 , V "". umuni jwiih,. vyiiyr nuiKna if vocy see in. , h ? r. A. bS1v ail";n!itt7a?RldaUrn,11?t! & "What l0 Jrou hln about th tt- 6?80.: - WicJ ''The' Ordlnitioh o? fi'nJ .tI?lt Myor 6"n would Invoke Church' 0?&i-nV of T'r11'01 Ct Christ Crucified Is Foolishness." , !? HI with bis recommenda- noaney Avenue Rodney and Knott; I vnairman way ivomDard of the Thomas G. Plcton. 11 and 7:30: S. 8- and pollco commltteo was asked Wednesday evening. '"Tho fire was not 1 yar without precipitation was 17 days caused by' defective wiring," said Gus Pf tho latter part of July and the early Rosenblatt, owner of the ..; hotel, this part of August, when no rain fellac- morning. rThe wiring Is 1 absolutely cording- to the .annual . meurologlcal perfect and after an Investigation , W summarv Just issued bv the local weath. haye decided tho fire started In a pile oi cm rags in a dust closet.r JOINT INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS IS HELD er bureau. The longest period With rata was 16 days during last February, while tho average amount of . sunshine during wie year was in ecess or the yearly average. - ". ', ' .4 ;,1 .'; ' yV,. Taots la Snmmary, ' " ' ?The following fasts are in the sum-' maryr ''".,.' ., f. y,, ., ,. Barometric pressure; 'sea level Mean, Sell wood j Eleventh and Umatilla, 10:80 and 7:45: C. E., 6:80. ' WoodUwnRet. Edward Wrlgtt. ll ': B- 10r-C 7.- Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey; a 8 iq, -n ana; sermons by Rer mt. Emmsrson of Portland. , Vnltsd Vresbyteilaa. The' Church of tho Straasers Grand ave. and Wasco, Rev. 8. Earl Du Bols, 10:80 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 12. Interpretation for the deaf every 8unday . morning. rirat oixtn . ana Montgomery, Kev. todav. "Well, wo will do ' what the' mayor wants aone, ir we can do so In sJl fair- nesa to ths varying Interests at staka But If wa find that we f annot , recom mshd tha ordlnancs aa the mayor wishes it passed,' we wui not do so. That'i plain enough, isn't It 7" was Mr. Lorn bard's reply, " "Ws will make no report on ths or dinance, until wo can see Mr. Klelser, wno is in California at present tson tinued councilman Lombard, "and Frank De Witt Flndley. 10:30 and 7:30:l.want t0 "y right here that I do not . o., jz; c E., b:30. Topics, rTh I """" ,u jegisiaiing any Dusiness out eacraments or. Baptism and ths l-ora n I OI existence simply becausa Its man Supper," "Ths Life We Now Live.' Third Out Thirty-seventh and Clay: Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:30, S. S., 10. .. . - ; - v, ... TTnltsd .'EyaareUoaL First East Sixteenth arid PoDlar. Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7:80; B. 8., 10. Tonics. "A Life That Meets ths Demands of tho Times," "The Effect of Belief Upon Character, artd . Des tiny." Ockley areen Gay and Willamette. Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:30; 8. a 10: C. E., 6:80. ' Second Fargo and Kerby, Bev. C C foung, ii ana, 7:so. agers are making money, The new ordinance provides for great , reduction In tho height of bill boards; limits ths number that may bs erectea in in city, ana makes changes in tna present . manner of Issuing II censes for them. ; , - . ' Mayor Simon , is quoted as saying that ha can and will regulate the bill boards. Referring to this 'statement hy ths mayor, former city Attorney McNary saia mis morning; "If the mayor can secure legislation on a.n v nthar rrminHa than thm. ivhi.k , AM. C.I.U. .0V. ' 1 g " -w " " .. . V, .. St. John's ivanhoe and John.' Rav. I may affect ths nublla health, aafetv or xates, ( e, Qm io. I morals, bs will bo accomplishing what " ' ' . , ,1 ; , I no other man has aa yst been able to . THniTO annmiou l do. '.The billboard question has been w f,yt ,EnJrl,Uh?ft f1?1.". Mar- thrashed out in the courts all over the ul.v"r i1 na. x.-. a, country nd no . effective method"haa yet been found to eliminate the nui sance." .' ' ,; . 6:30; S. &V. 10. Special services, each evening except Saturday. First German Tenth and f"lv V. mental temptation, would be as j Bens. 10:45 and 7:46; 8. S., 9:80; f . P, powerful as If It had been physically perrormear emortal East Eighteenth and Tib- Verse. 6, 7-What does this second Mor Ileveriln. a . temptation appeal to? : Aro there any exceptions to the rule that a fnan of flod will never go con trary to God's established laws? What Is it to tempt God? eVrses 8-11 What method did the District Elder Devil adoot to live Jesus the moat . . eoni church af.laaw Mf Vlaj 1 I 4S toiiBivrj yt?fv vl inn iiii)f;uuin ', Treo VethOdlst First church East i Ninth and Mill, tavia ai. catney, u and 7:30; S. S i. ,f. XL.. MANY INQUIRE ABOUT - DESCHUTES VALLEY That a grekt deal of Interest Is being taken in, the Deschutes valley and ceiv- 11 and 7:30: s- s- 10: tral Oregon , among tho people of the dil ?SIlJJfhr of "t : Is , evident from the number "of ?hSrchlJE?hnAtfl02Pi.r. hL tnqulries received at the Commercial ' (Speclil Dlnnatch to The Joomal Oregon City, Jan. 8. Tha Joint install. atlon of ths Woodmen of the World and J 304 inches; hlghost, 30.67 Inches, De- Sola Circls No. 167, , Women of Wood-1 cember 15; lowest, 29.09 inches, Jan craft was held last nlht it tha w n I uary 31. : . ... , ' W. halL The followina officers .wr. "Tae. ,ast kllUng frost In sprinr oc curred February 21, and the first kill ing rrott in the fall ' occurred Novem AUSTRIAN BANK ; tween Fiftv-th Vd and ftV.I,Sh club jrelatlve thereto. What . "tha Vln.Antti. tt,. n.UH . . i " "our IN. V;OIiee. Ill iii.ui;mmn uu private in- Mh .til xt. ntr.t V W nA,?:,0!P- S.. 10; class meeting, 6:30. drviduals are continually writing the hlch thf Devil controls? , Olive Branch Mission Second and club for Information as to conditions How could the Dsvll have given Jesus Ankeny. R. H..Knowles. superintendent i -u.:?.'"0'!? What he promised? P- ? ... .... -Uehiir onened ii n hv tha H..lm. et. jouiis ii ana (;4v. ' I ,;." c. . . rt mu systems, ii is considered evident Do angels always 'minister those who successfully oppose the Devil? ! Lessoir for Sunday, Jannary 16, 1916: Unitarian. - j that the easterners aee In-this new sec- rkuvrth fV.ta r. U n -tr t in ... m I rlin si snlan11 A rintl aaa , JV,a i m fha.Ttarlnnlnsr of tha Oalllaiu. riV.I-t.. el-.u S."liifT """ -:- .u . cvenoion or - r .m mw , - , iu, sv. v. . u. t,uo jr.: nov. T. I operations. , I... k I , n. I 1 I . , .. i . , . . . i Matt 4:12-25. enth and Pine; ' , fL1?1"?- achool teachers and others f Interested ars Invited to n17:Jf ,?' -x K" 8 & ?:46 .10:30 and 7 46 write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of thesa -questions." ii i Topics, How Shall a ,t 1U.4U ana.:.o, .. ,f tnjr conslder them of n the)r work.1 ,0B Mant Cleanse llWayT' Tfh Cc 8 ... 1A ABlth m f mm SI MMmmmm mm mt Jl . .. IS lfeRthinB.triTt:nl'1fnIeDry- U , Nv-, John Ovall. 11 and 8: 6. 8.. d E. L., 7, ;-nIom8Thirty-foarth and iXh:. Gladstone. 12: Y. P.. 7. Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town send; services, 10: S. 6., 11:15. -: Anabel Rev. A. Townsend. Serv ices, 11:80 and 7:45; a S., 10:16. Trinity Dakota street Rev. A. Rob inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:4S; S. S 11. Vernon Wygant and East ' Nlne tegth; Rev. Goorjre W. Anns, 11 and 8; . S., 9:45; C. E. 7. , Mstnodlrt Miss Rev. A. Robinson. 11; S. a Flr-t German Fifteenth and Hovt !G. A. Waasa: 11 and 7:80. . Second Kerman Stanton aht Rndnnv. Rev. E. E. Hertsler. 11 and 8: a. E.. 9:48: .. . on T . ,- u u. I ' ... . ( .... Sellwood East Fifteenth and 'Tacoma, nav. l.esier (j. roor. ii ana 7:so: j. bl I,2:80r E. L., 6:80. . The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thinly nmin .ano rqweii. j-tev. ujrner uon Jones; S. S., 9:46; 11 and 8: E. L., 7. Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth Bireeis. Kev. naroia UDtn: 11 ind H: Taylor Street Kev. Benjamin Young, "-o. iuj ciass meeung. z k. u.t 7:1b, D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12:15; E. LL W2odIawsn William J. Douglas; 11 s-sn Tnnw "Thm Cf .....ii. nr Ind 7:30: a 8.. 10: E. 6:30. "The Fight ?or Character.55 : ' ' University Park-Dawsoti and Flske. Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John ".vi "',ellrTiO,. :. 11 ana 7:SB- H. Cudlipp. D. P.. 10:8tr ffnd 7:30; S. s" Afr,ranZi?5Th,ent5 .'"4 Main. 12:15;. E. L., 8:30. Topics, "Tho Supre Rv; w; M"tthew8! " and g! B- 1- macy of Lovo," "Profit and Loss." . H0"?'01 Ea8t star" ndL Sixty. Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and "iiti au:-11 "2 lrav- Davis. RevP. Nel.on. 11 and 8; S. S.. t.TSSr UTS ZU.l., I. Lents Seventh and flnrdnn n.v rxr 'i--i?yi Moore. 11 and 8f S. B 10; E. u! the Word of God,- "Tho Great Refining I ', T and Its Scientifio Basis in Fact" W.J0"' 11 nd 7:80; Bt Johns Rev. F. N. Sandafur 11 f' '! and : F!. L. 7; ft. R. in , .... " Knworth Tw.ntv.nlith mr.M C.,,i. I SplSCODSl. Rev. Charles T. McPherson; : 11 and I Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev, 7:30; a 8 9:45; E. L 6:30. Morning I A.'- A. Morrison. 8 and 11, 7:80; a a, sermon - by ' Honorable L, D.' 18:46. Sermon by Blahon flcnririina- ilvenlng topic, "Ministry of Tears." I Su Matthew's. First and Caruthers Wealth vs. Disease and Decay." ounar common Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt Low mass, I Trtends' Ohnroh. fw.ii SaifL"! .ft.n2.,f.r.n!0.n-?,;?.0-. ...BnaK', a thirty wu ry. .A. umiy. 1 llOw I xioio SCOOOi, JO; U. IS.. 8:30 maSS' it..n anxr ' Hlgh mass -"?.' L Lent". Center street Myra B. Smlt Holv Rnsarv. ITaat fMmA mr.A TTl I v (Thrlattan RMinn. Very Rev. A. S. Uwl.r v Tiw ma., a I First Churnh nf Phrlat an'ti.i. nit. - mn . nun ana sermon, I "unumi, Morrison ana J-.ownsnaJe. 11' 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. 8: S. 8., 12; subject of lesson sermon'. Sacred -Heart. Milwanlrl n. n-.-I " mt ' ... ' ifory oDje, o. . a. Lrpw mass, 8. H!h Second Woodmen's hall.' East Sixth l" . . . . . , ""To. niiu Aiuer, 11: : a. a.. 11: iuh Mt nf personal ; : Max Barell leaves Monday night for New York for a two months' trip. Ha will be accompanied by his family. Journal want ads bring' results. i installed in the' circle: Past guardian neighbor, Mrs. S. J. Scripture: guar- h. u Mr? n&?'-u!' ri T?WS.S tdv,v"or' - Tho' only thunderstorm "of the year Mrs. freebe; clerk. Mrs. A, !1. Parker; curred on Ootober 20. j -r , . SafcidMorMcvSa?un;bth mhm- Thr W8' V' May.iWaldron; capUln. of. the guards, Which liaht hail fell - ' ScdrtVSffiffi .now of consequence m- Lttii ffl . If in th "Prln w" on January 15. though, senntIneVldR.nrB I" -T. f-! ' losfna Futa! - Those given offices in the Woodmen f," 'kI: -"vu'iD,.."" lodge were: Council commander. C, L. hsa ,1 h,uLT.H Snidow; advisor lieutenant A. E. Mass; 1"$ H' J" 7 ! nCh" abov -verag, laylor. watchman, W. E. Warner, acn excess on th ..n a.- tk... a'Jr-f??,a. "'ii ''' ''l.' . " ' ' ' wera marked deficiencies In January. After ths Installation a chicken supper rahm.r tw v,". 17km .- was served by the ladles and a good v.m t,.. ' i c" cV J social time was enjoyed, hy alt , ;( December there were corresnondinei- ' ' i ; I large excesses. ' .v . ,.: i , ''. ; . I . ' . ; ' ", . Beoord of Kaln. CflD nDrnnn niTV ln total amount or precipitation for ' .? , rUrVUntuUN UIJ I the year was 43.75 Inches and was 1.38 .-' f - ' Inches less . than . the annual average. " (Special Dlspsteh to The JoarniLk ; . The longest period without precipitation Oregon City,. Jan.'T. It is rumored was 17 days, or from July 28 to Aurust - that tha' Austrian element' is" soon ' tol 18, inclusive; although durlng'the 28' start a bank In Oregon City. The In- daVs from 'July 26,, to August 12, In formation came from Mat Justin, pro- clU8,ve' niy. traces or rain occurred on prietor of the Mount Hood saloon., who aay.: .ine ingest period with , stated that Joseph Kraker tt San W IV?.ZS' i" .e""?::..l0 Cisco was in the city and looked the Tng thl, T time only'a Toe V'aln o ? proposition np, and ' reported very rav-(curred. i November. r however, was the orably on it Kraker is tho San Fran-! stormiest month, havina four dava with Cisco representative of Frank . Turck, a rainfall of over one. inch each. the Chicago Austrian millionaire, who -There have been three years during has large banking interests in both ths past 36- when the minimum temner- Chlcago and San Francisco, ' It wss aturo was lower than 6 deaTees. the Just recently that a new bakery was minimum- of the present', year; thesa . established by tho Austrlans.-of whlca were 3 degrees on January 14, 1875, nationality there Is quite a colony. In and December 23, 1879,. and -2 degrees t Oregon City. "... on January 15. ,1888. - On-' the other - ., - '' . -i,.-". ; r , j hand there have been only five years. . Suit to Foreclose Mortgage. ouring that period when the maximum SmcuiI Wptcb tu,Tiie joarusi.. " ; - ' temperature has not reached 93 degrees, Oregon City, Jan, 8. Suit for tho fore- tn" mMllrnim tor this year. The. mean closure. of a mortgage was started , in temperature was 5,3.9 degrees. ,; , -J-. the circuit court : yesterday ; by Levi : Z . ' Stehman against ,Leroge ,T. -Barnard, ' ' - Gypsy Club Meeti,' J 1mVIT j 8 tflefe0dt '0rtnh lKlf the gave to hlrn on June 8 .of last year, his Gypsy club enjoyed an exceedingly de proreufsotf-nottrfor ths amoant" of ,J05, lightful evening at the home of Mrs. ana ror4 security gave him a mortgage OMrtlmer D. Latourette, at Fourteenth on 84 acres of land in the B. B. White aonation land claim. The note Is long past due ' and now - Stehman Is - suing througn his legal advisers, Dimlck Dimlck, for the foreclosure of' the"mort gage.' . , i "'- ' - ' : i p'.'x An Oak Creek, Douglas county, man's dogs have started 28 coyotes, this sea son, of which only one got away. and Main streets. , Thursday evenina. Refreshments were, served by the host ess, and the usual customary form of entertainment carried out Those present were Mrs. Laura Pope Griffith, Mrs. Dn.L., A. Morris, Misses Cls Barclay V Ptatf.i Zida Goldsmith, Helen .Daulton. Gussle Daulton, Emily OMalley, Marjorle Caufield and Myrtle Buchanan, - t MR. DOUGH AND MR. DURB! benediction. 7:30. : Holv Cross. TInlvaraftv TarVlT7 ; t P. Thillman, C. a C, "Low mass. 8:80. High mass and serraasv 10:30. V.ui.r. nn mnMucuon. . v Holy Redeemer Portland and Van- ' M. E. Ohnrsb. South. Union avenue anrl 4iiltnr.maV. ncv. ni. n. Aiowr.. i anri 7n. a a ia E. I... S(1 Mnrtlln. tnnln "On . , couver Rev Ed K. Cant well. C. S3. R. of the Lord's Supper." fcermon by Rev LOW maSS. 8. J -T1 ST h mn S. mnA aofmnn in. on ' .v ow. Dcneaicuon. . St Andrew Vlnth enA lik..i. . i nomas Kiernaa. Low mass.' s. nigh mass and sermon. 10. Veanara. in. (.li.Hn. V. ... St T.nflt1.i. T .... - a rt . . valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Low JUB.HB, e ana , Mass. sermon and benediction, 10:80. St Stanislaus. Ma rvlanrl ant Wollln. . r. a. :. w: lr .j. ccroKi. ixi w mass, s. tiigh uiui ma sermon, IV. St James' English West Park and jeirerson; J. Alien Jeas. ii and 7:45; o. a.,,'iv; u. U., I p. TO. TOPICS, E. B. Jones. Evenlns- ni A?aWUaf6 Pnmh, state president of Bsformsd. . ' nrst German " Tenth and c.rv streets, G. Hafner pastor. ' Services iu id a. Tn ann x n i m u iin M o. w. j. i p. .m. , TJnlvsrsallst Church of-the Good Tldins-s-Rmarl way and East Twentv-fonrth ; ' t D. Corby. 10:45 S. S., 12. Topics, "Why .i,jr iiiu ncip na xnspirauon in ... . . .huh . uvu5 ii i , Chlnesa Mission Than din. lllRov w H IT Pr..if iZlr":r',-zr I Si "V. 'v'.5, V;1 . .AUP'cs. man S .. :-.: : . .. w, . " --v". vuiiimuiiiuii, ootjm oi foncy ana jenarans strnira J'xit' M M ill n n n . r . .... , . . . . . - OC....U.J. ii. i juagment," An undisputed Fact" and 7:80, Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:80 and ?:30; E. I. 6:80; a S., 12:15. Morning E for Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis Church 11 and 8. Pro-Cathedral of Our Savior Woodstock. , ; w., luuriimis r ro-uatnearai or i .errnon by Bishop- Charles H. fmith. MartTr-Thirteenth ar Ovening topio'wfiy Was It Necessary M. Ramsay. 7:30? 11 or Christ to Die 7"- ' . 8. a 9:45. ' of St Stephen, the and Ciay. Rev. H. Swedish Iramsnii.l Kln.t..n1 Irving. 11 and 8; S. S., 9:45 Norwegian Synod East Tonth mnA Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:46; S. 8., 12:10. Betania . Danish Union and Morris: sari ri t ah n. t r: Bmitii, ii ana i:so; is. i. 6:30: S. S.. mont t? HrV n.i.ii ftiw" ""S.lA: 11 ana A. &.J. 10. Topic. "A Progressive Church." communion 7 -SO- S. S F45-7ommu.,Tnn Vn" eaT Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth; Laurelwood Rev. R. E. Mvers: 11 2SmSi"' U. MhS.0Jui'?P Pjnar Larsen. 11 and 7;30: S. S.. 9:45 and 7 :8 0: S S., 10; E. L.. 6 :80. ' " "7. V;." "..Tr " 8 '' V . ' JtT Vancouver avenue and.Fargo eucharist and SermoS 7 nravar "anS German-Chapman : and treei, ev. Hamilton. 10:80 and Brmnn 7 an- s7 k in ."A, "7. " jon: . . ivoppeimann, 10:16, 7:45: S V". fl.WU 1 "J I. I f.QA I . ' ' " ' " .-. .. r IM.U'IK iNorweitian uanisn Vancouver ave- jiue ira c&iuioore, ec j. j. iarsen 10:45 and 7:45; S. S 12. ' Japanese Mission 121 North Fif-j lecnin, nov, tuien iilDara, ;30. and 8-.80: S. a. 8:30. ; Bwedlsh Borthwick and Beach. Rev. All Saint's. Twentv-flfth and RavUr I '.... J. -. Rev. Rov EdMr Kmlnton Wo v "ul uerman juasi Tweirth .an lltnnv mnA surmnn 11. a Ct 1 o . 1 . y''' utany and sermon. 11: S.. a. 12:1S: f.i i: 5 t.' evenlne ntuver. S. ' ' . I '0"' . " St Mark's, Twenty-flrsti and man. nev. j. js. jh. Simpson. Rev, A. Krause. 10:30 and :su: conresslon. 10' hr. v nmM..nlA 1 ft.', n. . i " . . Hol Exceptional Equipment uu iumuii, iu:ou; quarxeny meeting, Trinltv German iMl.innri H.TVV:8Jd'uTrl'' matins and litany, 10:16: evensong. 7:80 HI s-TeJ"' ' . .n.-'10".? VnchMgltn.0'nan and Kllpatrick; 8 p. m. ii ana i.ov. a. o.. 1U. I Swedish torncion. t-.. Good Shepherd Graham and Van- Stanton; Rev H eT Sandsterit tn is couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 hd 7i,a d VT.a 8.n"at 10.45 ' '".', o..... ,?.wS15.-?5 T. Seventeenth and and Weldler-ReJ'Ge B7 Van Wa a K lOf Y:'p"t). r"? " na. I two. rmw viiu nciinuia. xj.; o. au. iu. 1 i im hnnp Mifthia-MM ..a I g Ascension Chapel Portlano, HeiKht Skldmore, Rev, bT J. f horen, Ti ; S. s" tt the California Tt Svrun Co. anrl ! ' 'Ir A?aJ?L'??r 15th and ....f , ... " Bishop Mofrls Memorialchanel. flood ?inwoou "' enif- 1080; .-,.uU,vuiiiiCuwioiKscnemistSDaVB Samaritan hospital. Rev. Wlllism . b " ' ;.rtV""-,.u rendered possible the production of Syrup fT m.: rvic: .,.WRev. Car! Hasofdril rt fcicrdr'anrl Itliwiw: CJ 1 ll . 1 aarmon. 7MK n , m , 1 v.v.. wha mi ucuiil, iu (Ul OI Its I rr"---- " r Catholic, .' Congregatlonat. St Marv's Pro-Cathdrn1 ' IMf r .7.1. IT ZW'.l ' Jin. . RV. - . : c r . --v.-- i jjuLimr n uvrii.L .11. 11 ri a r. T ! ' " 1 inn 1 inviM-M-MiiNr k v a; i -hfiotia r t i - . . a. ituU 1 .to, a. ining 'them most .T Ha a mgSRraraSnhati'n.'V'Mak- proportions, with benediction, 7:45. . s. Ce": v-foS'c.Msj A"i mm ana r, excellence, by obtftining the puis medic toal principles of plants known to act most beneficially and comb; ekiilfu'ly, in the 'right rt?f-,f " Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, r1 n,0uAn!8; A. there fa only one genuine Syrup of r ..i I Igs ana lUir OI Benna and aa the gen- VeVer, Instruction ndban.i"' Attainment of plness'" tiine1 U manufactured by jia original J ;r.cniuui'., t m. i . 1 8: s s?'l??i7!te,v 7v Nelson; 11 and Mapplnefia," rhts." Sunnyslde East Choosing One Taylor ' and East Mlsoellaneons. Church of tha Brethren CDiinlf oi-.i and DurmwicK ana ivniings wortft ave. Rev. C W 6 3 0 S.. 10; Church of 7 New . Thousht Selling. nii Bcn nan. , tmnrv v mrnr . makivam p. m. v v,' 4. ' Swedish Corns Salvation Armv mr. UUITIOIUO, 11, I.OU ailfj O. ' '? ' Inter-Denominationai City ? Mission 6 Fifth street. - A.. Well. nnrintATirf Ant S ftnnriav Auartr ousy,! i .l. Sal- week: 'f " ' ' "! Mediums' and Ministers' Association Auditorium building, 1L 3 and 7:46. matter Day- Baints tMormons) East Tenth asd Sherman. J. C. Westergard presiding elder, 11 and 6; S.S., 10. ' Volunteers of America 285 Burhside street. S:30and 8:30. Advent Christian Second, between Hall and Lincoln. E, Wallace Shepard. 10:80 and 7:80.v - v Divine Truth - Centor ft1 i?i.v.. uHdln. Rev. Thaddeus M. Mlnard, H; Church of Nasarene East Seventh and Couch. Rev; A- O. Henricks 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 9:46;T. P. M., 6. New Church Society Swedenborgen) Eleventh and ; Aldnr. "Knlirhta nf p.. thlas' hall. Lay service and sermon, 11. Vatch Tower Socletv (Non-S-cfarinr.! wuu ueuowB .; nan, ii;asc . tsixtli . and Alder; 1:30; Berlan Bibla studies; 8;1S presentation of Bible truths. Center of Tllaht Thinktn w n: w temple, 128 Eleventh and Alder streets. Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 p. m. v Reorganized Church of .Teana rv,t. of Latter Day Saints East Seventy sixth and Irvlnr HMm w.l,.. ' u... ker. 11 and 7:30;' S, S. 10:45. ' " Fellowship- Circle Selllng-Hirsch hall. 8. Dr. Davidson Buchanan of New Zea land, subject, '""Man's ; Place in God's vnivtrsB. . . t First Spiritual Society 109 RonnnA sireei. vonierence, i; lecture and mes' sages, 7:45. , ' , - Y. W.- C. A. Seventh method the California Fig Syrup J- c. Hughes. - Low' mass. 6, 7 and aH"'?, ,ParkT.Hav?n. Dawson, au S l hjv i illUMi aVV a 0(1, 1 - BB,CoatI -a. MII4 . 41 V a D. Oaa IVi Co. only, u Malways necessary to buy the Vespers and benediction, .7 :80. '.- .j I c. E., 6:30.- ? L'i .1:.-'A' .7" aMJit"--; M?tvlL!. J.- P. HaasaloStreet-East, Seventh ; and l. uiuire v (jt-w ih iwjuitw cutx, -j. j. i 1 1 . o. I oio aermon, a u J"""iyj ovt ueofge faaaacK, 1 1 " : o-e7 iw- Topics, "Displeased With ; Jesus.", "If the Portland Commer cial Club Should Push Christian Rlght- eOUSnSS."- -si '- vi : ; ;. . . Highland East Sixth, end Prescott' Raw. . W .TlnlllnA.. 1 1 ... a. oa. n T P S. C. E., 6:30. Topics.' "ThS pJTjmaV - edarattort- of Independence," ' fetepplne into the Way." j ".. . H. , First iGeriuauEast Sevsntaind i i i -j A , , . . - I chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. A knowledge ofTfc above facta enable St- Nineteenth Tnd Savier one to decline imitations or to return them ..If, upon vie wing the paekage, the full name of the California Fig SyrupCo. ia not found trui&i on tbo front thereof. , Kev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High mass ana sermon, ,10:89. Vespers and benediction., 8:30. 1 " ' ..St- IlchaeI's (Italian), Fourth - and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, I Hifjh mass and sermon, 10:30.- Vespers and bn(llfitlon, 7:30. . ; SL : Stephen's, Firty-$rccona "and" East and streets. Firesids hour at 4 p. m. Address by 'Rev. Harry Pratt on "New Year Ideals." Muslo bv Miss Vet TTnin.... and . others. r ' v " , Y". M. fl A. Citv BSsnolailnn . aitu and Taylor streets, H. W. Stone, gen eral secretary. ' Meeting for men at t o'clock ! will : be addressed hv .. rr t Whitpomt' Brougher, pastor , of th WhftJe Temple, on the subject, "Heaven and Hell Illustrated."- This win h. n BrouRher's farewell address to ths Y. M- t:. , A. before his departure to - Los Angeles. Music by the Y M. C A. orchestra. - .-. , y .Christian artd ! Missionary Alliance East ,Ninth andv Ciay. Services 10-30 and 7:45. S, S 12. .- Y. P. M- 6:30. ' Journalvwant ads bring results. . ' ' ... I m. . t . ' - - ; ' ' .1 f" " . ' . . . 1 . I t , m. m . . ,V - 1 I I . -5- a f f f si J f I aW ' r M n W-l bbSBb aaasssa sk : Iff I ' m. BULLt M " II ' r. MR. DOU&H SLIPS i r-i i itii.ii , i .... i j iiiutttHHMHUzrrtuiSffft 1 . uAwV WMND BUMPS UMA MIE HH? i ! v .Axw.tsrw:-ii ' .A-.-i-Af - s m mtrt awl VA, ' Mil Kigali mmii. W.' NSP'I l Iff tff J ' mW 1W ... I - I I I Uh I '' V - -"k ) t&w m M., mm- - --iiMMW'ym'jzri- - . v-;rff' i. all uvEk rri i i w to i i it?ea , ; I V ' ffl tORPS OF PHYSICIANS W 1 tlHsW : AWv ! CONSTANT ATTZAhct: A WtfMMmW , 'MMiMMmmMX .a . WWM 2X!-( llmmMkm- tWmh - HvnZtM c;wsanj) ahrow show ?yf I Mr. Dough's Foil on thei Ice Causes Extras! (Mr. Dubb'a s v i?pU Causes LauG'hs. f ,