The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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XllS'l J ffpy ra 0 . rWfflf5 i9 I Every department in the store is represented In' this
NJ PJ :P ' 1 an(J ' disinterested comparisons proyia that most pnv JlyflliliilllKiiM (iffl sale- The smallest as well as the largest all offer their
I II 0 ; nounce economy d best values are here. : P y tJL J quota of bargains -real, genuine bargains.
; O ft iliill Reduced)
Trunk of K-Half . Priceand What's
More,' Every Dress Is Brand New, Too
Sv Pretty Stylish Dresses in
rlnth ' and wash materials,
fancy' mixtures; galatea and
serges I in Buster . Brown,
plaited, belted '. and long
waist styles. .......
X7 --Every dress Is brand new
V and identical with the styles
kw shown for Spring. We un
hesitatingly claim this to be
the greatest bargain ever of
fered m children s dresses,
u Sizes 2 to 6 years.
All our $1.00 Dresses . .50
All our $1.50 Dresses . .75,
All our $2.00 Dresses ?1.00
All our $2.50 Dresses $1.25
All our $3.50 Dresses $1.75
All our $5.50 Dresses $3.75
Bargains like these are possible only where a store's policy for
bids carrying over one season's goods to' another
These Children's Coats
' Go at Half
Colored Cloth Coats, Bearskin Coats, Box
Coats, broadcloth, cheviot, velvet bound ; Tail
ored Coats, in navy, red, . cadet and- brown.
Sizes 2 to 6 years. Every coat in the lot new
late this Fall.
'' 'Archil' ' , .'
mKfmm ir uvv
Choice of (fcQ A A
Any Hat....J)O.UU
Every Imported Hat
and Fine Tailored Hat
in our stock reduced to
one price, $8.00.
These hats represent
the pick of our depart
ment. Refined, 'up-to-date
styles that reflect
the latest fall and win
ter millinery;"" Hats with
originality embodied
with character, individ
uality, with distinction,
that makes this sale
noteworthy. - .
r .
All our $2.00 Coats
All our. $3.00 Coats
All our $3.50 .Coats
All our $4.00 Coats .$2.00
All our $5.00 Coats ; $2.50
All our $6.00 Coats . ....$3.00
Oathe Bargain Counter
PINS, some set with stones,
others fancy chased. Values up
to 60c, clearance, pair, 12$
Flower Ferneries
Cut-Glass Flower Ferneries,
(or long-stem flowers, with siU
ver-plated -screen, Regular
$7.50, clearance ...... .'$3.08
Whisk Brooms
Sterling Silver Mounted
Whisk Brooms, large handles.
Reg. val. $1.75, clearance 98$
$2.50 Ladies QQr
Flannel Kimonos s 0 w
Long ( and Short Ki
monos and Dressing
Sacques in fancy figured
desiffns. Loose or belt
ed styles. With or with
out collars. Long and
short sleeves.
$5.50 Loung-
mg Robes. .
-Ladies' L p u n g i n g
Robes made of fancv
blankets, satine band
ings, heavy cord and tas
sel girdle. In red, blue,
green and gray.
Silk Hosiery,
Clearance . . .
Ladies' Silk Stockings
made with thread silk
boots and mercerized
lisle tops. This is en
tirely -new-and very de
sirable, as the knee does
not break out as in silk
tops. These goods are
absolutely fast color,
stainless and perfect in
quality and make. Col
ors are bronze, tan,
plum, Copenhagen,
smoke and other desir
able shades.
500 New Tulips, Brass Ferneries, 98c
Here is something new Spun Brass Ferneries and Flower
Bowls, with separate brass lining. Stand on three brass ball
feet and can be filled with Spring flowers or ferns at a very
nominal cost. These go at clearance sale price 08. They
are very pretty. ' .
$1.50 Glove Values, QQ
Clearance OC
We offer the best Ladies'
Glove values shown by any
Portland store 1 and 2-clasp
in Dress Kid, Mocha and Cape
styles. Any size. Every pair
fitted 'by experts.
SUIT CASES at $4.89
Good Heavy Leather Suit
Cases, steel frame, brass bolts
and locks. Heavy protected
corners, straps all around.
Round leather handles; lined,
with shirt fold. Reg. $6.50,
clearance . $4.89
BAGS; etched, carved and nov
eltymetal frames ; - in artistic
colorings and designs. Beau
tifully lined in watered silk or
leather to match and fitted with
card case. and coin purse; $20
Clearance $4.98
85c Scotch Golf Gloves, An'
Clearance at TtiC
100 dozen ladies' extra grade
Scotch wool ' golf gloves in
black and fancy combination
35c Child's Wool 10
Gloves, Clearance at.... llC
60 dozen child's wool gloves,
all staple and fancy colors.
Thousands of .
Yards of Every
Known Style of
33 c
65c Chiffon Veiling
'Clearance Price
Our best crepe, full 22-inch
heavy Chiffon Veiling. '
35c Ladies' Kerchiefs
Clearance Price . . , . ;
250 dozen Ladies' Initial Hand
kerchiefs irt sheer and heavy linen,
in several pretty initial designs.
$1.00 Sash Ribbons
.Clearance Pnce
To clean up quickly we place
on sale several thousand yards of
7-inch Moire Sash Ribbon, 4 to
7-inch Fancy Dresden styles; in
light and dark colorings. ; .
20c Absorbent Cotton.-pkg. . 14
50c box Quinine-Capsules, .29$
25c Pisco's Cough Cure.., .18
$1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine, .50
5c pkg. Soap Bark 3
25 Carbolic 'Salve . .16
10c bot Household Ammonia 7$
10c Uk Soda Bicarbonate . . . . . 5 ...
50c lb. Cream Tartar 85 7
10c pkg; Borax . . ; .7$
10c pkg. Epsom Salts. ...... .5
$1.25 Fountain Syringe. . . . .08
$2,00 Fountain Syringe; guaran
( teed .v. . .'. .-.$1.59 :
$2.50 Fountain Syringe, guaran-
teed . ?2.23
$1.00 Bulb Syringe; '. .60
$2.25 Water Bottle and Syringe, :
only . $1.69
$3.75 Water Bottle and Syringe,'
.. only -:vV.Vf fVi .?2.98
$3.00 ' Winner Hot Water Bottle ; .
only . ?2.23
20c Nail Powder Books . : r; '. 12$
20c Powder Puffs: ........ .12$
65c Bath Brushes, long .han- -1
35c AselineJltlbcansY. :'.Vl8' "
50c Satin Skin Cream . , . . . .18$ -
25c Roger. & Gallet Talcum, .18$ fil
25c .Glycerine 3 &f Witch . Hazel ' i-Tw.,
T . -
47c A' Triumphant Sale That Has the Approbation of All Women
77ir1uiLI I LADIES' GOWNS Made of extra quality nainsook, pret- JcJ-IJpC
wILJ " tily and daintily trimmed with fine lace insertions, beading, Jwfin SjufW
' ' ' syjjU lv " ribbon and medallions. .Values to $2.00, clearance" . . . . $1.49 AcL y
' ':-;;-y0ir. . 39$. ' 85c val,, clearance S9$. $1.75 val., clearance $1.10. 42
50c Values 19c
15c Values at 5c
12c Values at 3c
For Friday's big selling event in this department we place on
sale thousands of yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edges
and Insertions. We have sorted them into three lots which we
offer at prices to close them out quickly. You will need' em-
broideries shortly, why not get your supply now when the sav
ing is certainly tne greatest t , '
Artistic Pictures at 98c
An exceptional offering of artistic Pictures, the price of which
is no indication of their value. There are many, pictures in the
lot that sold as high as $3.50 during the holiday season. It is
true that in the assortment we have pictures in all sizes and
styles. In hardwood frames, in black and colors, in carbons,
pastels and gravures; suitable for the den, dining-room, living
room, parlor and bedroom. Not many of a kindrbut-all selected
subjects by the master painters of, the world. .They will all be :
closed out Friday. ' - ":t
! COVERS, circular heck, embroidery, lace,"
Insertion and ribbon trimmings, 40c value.
Clearance . .29$
.COVERS, circular neck, embroidery,
headings, ribbon lace 'and insertion, 60c
value, clearance 39. 75c and 85c values,
clearance . , ; 59$ ,
$1.85 Ladies' Combination
Suits, Clearance
Made of fine nainsook with deep lawn
ruffle trimmed with lace insertion.- Cir
cular Neck Corset Cover trimmed with
lace, insertion, beading, and ribbon.
-LADIES' GOWNS Made of cambric
and nainsook; circular, square, "V" and
high-neck styles; embroidery, insertion,
lace beading and ribbon trimming. Vals.
$1.25, clearance 85
LADIES' GOWNS Made of fine
nainsook, dainty trimmings of embroid
ery, lace, insertion, beading and ribbon.
Values to $1.75, clearance $1.10
10,000 Picture Frames in sepia, black and gold; complete with
mat, glass and back. An enormous variety of sizes and stylesN
This is our annual sale that is yearly looked for by amateur
photographers who save their pictures until this time to frame
them. Have you any photographs or pictures to frame? If so,
why not share in this opportunity? You certainly will never
be able to get them so cheap again. ,
J ViI . .
25c Rubifoam ,
. . . . . . .
,1 H'tJ
Do You Realize, What This Means to
You? We'll Tell You
No reservations made. Your choice of the simplest of
Valenciennes , Lace from , the narrowest to the widest
width, to Baby Irish,. Venise, Irish Crochet, Oriental and
Filet Laces in the most elaborate designs. All our laces
in black and cdors, in applique, festoons, insertions, bands,
edges and allovers. '
3;i simplest little Soutache Braid to the most elaborate Tin-
' v"f 1 Tt 1 i J r; 'i' i -.....'. -i nr. j tA !fii
i bci, .oeau ajiu urieniai uarnuures. vv e uouui u mere was s
ever the equ,al of this sale offered the women of Portland,'-
where they had the choicest Laces and Trimmings at their
command at'such an immense reduction: "i u, ' i ; V -
Double Knotted Willow Plumes,
Extra. Heavy, Full and Long . .
These beautiful feathers are 14 inches long, 11 inches wide.'
They are made of the finest black African stock, with the finest
black dye. They are hand-knotted,' heavy Willow 'Plumes that
sell regularly as high as $7.50 each. Not many in the lot. v We
have marked them to dispose of them all Friday,
500 Axminster and Wilton
Carpet Rug samples, all
bound. ready, for use. Cor
ners in .beautiful patterns,"
Oriental and floral designs.
In soft, rich coloring, V :
yards long. ' ' '
Best Quality Wavy
Switches . ..... .
' Made from genuine German .
hair. Comes in all shades. Ex
tra heavy and good length; be-1
ing mostly 26 inches long. . ,
35c Pompadour Hair t rt ! ; '
Rolls, Clearance U r. . . .1 J
AH around pompadour hair j
"rolls, soft and fluffy. ; Comes
in all desired shades. ' Net cov-
25c Horn Hair Pins,
Clearance . .... v". . .
Best quality horn hair pins.
Lomes packed according to
size ; 6, 12 or 18 pini to a box.
Straight or, crimped. Shell or
Wire Hair RoUs. or -Clearance
. . .. . . . uuC
Net covered or hair. Side
combs attached to hoM roll in
place. Light and comfortable.
N j