The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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mat leal laws Arid la harnesaed under a
particular formula. If this charted
track acrees with thla formula then
the comet's orbit la necessarily an el
lipse, and when the macnttude of thla
ellipse la known and the speed or the
body It la easy to are Juat what year
it win,, return. There . are aome cori
rections to be made because of the i
Influence of Neptune and the aun upon
lu The earth has none, at least uhleaa
the comet cornea to within a closer dis
tance. . The comet's Influence upon the
earth la nothing, because Ita mass la
not enough to affect the earth.
Possible Banger la Comet's Head.
en putd puco.
11 l I Li)
' 11 III Jtt' -,'
w t
Moroccan .Government - Pays Dapper Young Man Swindled
$400,000 for Gems Pawned' 'Merchants and Sold Goods
Density So Low it Would Feel XSISS'aA the. Former i Sultan. i'r ' to Pawnshops.;
1 I curious fact that atare have been seen .. "',, , J r . ' 4 ' ' v
Uncomfortable In a Vacuum, ;
through the head of a comet which waa
lOO.OOfl miles In iHamntar. .Thla aMmi
and It Hfln Neither PniSOn to ahow that there can be but little deri
,,v" -- sity to those celestial gypsies. If we
Nor Pelt, This Time.
United Press Leased Wire. I Buying goods, harlng them, charged
raria, Jan. a. Dealers from all carta I and aelllng them In pawnshops proved!
tit tha wnrM wara lfnliii ft nrnfltahla himlnaaa tar Thomal Rv I
may use the term. Yet. the mass of wj,en Sultan Mulal JHafls of Moroocelder, salesman for tha Underwood Type-
...c- w. i... "'' put in his appearance and paid the I writer company. He waa arrested yes-
By John McNulty.
(Nautical Expert Loral IT. 8.
graphic Office.)
las to be reared should thoy enter our Mont de Plot.-the-tatlonal pawn shoo terday by Constable Low Wagner and
nimoepnere. weieors as large as tnat of France. $400,000 for the crown jewela M h"1'' " tha county Jail on tha charge
,,UI7'" " vwini.niirr pawned by former Sultan Abdul Ada. of awlndilngr .
tttrn. Peary may be plentiful. The writer
' I I... . -1 .... I M I . J
frtllltll I tt tnrt t.o.l at.,) iiu La anv
iinr.r... ' - vvu" ImnresBlon at all. Thu tnmll-r mrtMn
as the time approaches for the return of I of rourae, would be vaporised by the
ftlils wonderful heavenly body, reopie i friction of the atmosphere before reach.
Tha dealera had gathered In expecta
tion of an auction, of tha Jewela, said
to ba worth nearly a million dollars,
after the officials of the Mont da Plat
had repeatedly refused to allow Mulal
Ryder'a muthoda were unique. Ha se-
cured fully 1500 by. them. Ryder would
go Into-a store, buy ' something and
have It charged to soma on whom he
knew had credit at tha place. Ia moat
Hafls to redeem th pledge until the leasee thla plan want through without I
Jthe aun. Halley computed thla In the ..""" ..... ,",rA The ticket waa never found, but tha
ieya comet belong; to tna group sIriJ ih. ..iti. . t1"" P01 and allowed tha sultan to I waahlngton
Jsave been captured by tha planet Nep-'rtt "vealed such a potentiality yet , uk, tha jewela without tha.pledge. . ; X P. Stone,
a .. , t 1 . . . ...U ... IT .11 ...'a II ( la .. .
jiuluv. a4 m iitiub, .iulu mm A&AtC ,
should be following , a parabollo orbit
and ba attracted near tha planet Nep-
dune and accelerated by . thla attrac
tion, ita orbit would become hyper
'Wlral and tha planet would go away
and never return..
I it ' nappena, nowever. mac iiauey s
romet wsa following; the course of a
jaraooia ana as u nearea me pianei
Js'cptune it waa retarded, Ita orbit
hanged to that of an ellipse and there-
attempted to repeat tha game ha waa
caught Ha had tha raaor charged to
EL L. Pate, employed at tha packing
plant of Morrla at Co.
ntlnual.y a-k If It will have any effect Ing the ground, but auch large one. a. t Toa"t by & TfVmTr rule,: mW.Uon.
fJDOn ins Mnn. Willi IT IB irisUia or. Ma v - iv uoi;uch hi1 ISAain raonvara Am B..A..MAaMM I VAAnmmAmm kaa a.Umnraf tA MSkl in.
Zr . . ' . AKIIarlnarlw T-m..a. .U..J I ansa biiiivuuvvuiII I , ovicaMe, W -.vviii,- v "
i" me. aatronomera kiww u wia " .Z.k ' i. - wa" nade"aiorae time ago that no further other purchase In tha Columbia-Hard-
:r l.r.l'r"" " "r delaya would be granted tha Moroccan I ware eompanya plaoe. He bought
. ; lnmrini r ) niKitinM it I inrougn ine comei s neaa, ana tne ibil -.. k. . ,1 . I ..... . ... k,,. wn k.
ni,anw., v. -a . . .11 ua . . , . . . , w . w. a, Miu .ViOlJ HV.IU BDQ I l . a.VJl a a. w WB Vf a " I
rosy be also of value to know that it I" " " '.'',,""," " ' ' the Jawehi dlspoaed of tinlesa Mulal
waa thla comet which nrat became -- . - , Hafla came forward with the
known to follow an elliptical orbit about "' "u,."',"u' '."ticket and tha money.
h. itoii.. .mn., hi. n th. ueual course through apace. Halley'a 1 "11 '
year 182. Soma cometa follow hyperbol- L aZrtii. H-. eV ef.iT I Plaaaing aeemed to have Us A atgoet ring tof fit was secured
1i-al orbits: others narabolla orbits. Hal- 01 "e eann a mass to rurnisn enough I .ff(t ,n. thm nt.i .. .i.u.i fmm fh. wii.n.r i.w.lrv store on
- " . .T
ngton street - it waa cnargea to
Stone, manager of Morris Co.
A list of Christmas preeenta waa ae
oured from JJpman, Wolfa at Co. and
Jewelry from the Heltkamper Jewelry
atore. Morrlaon and Flf tn. These were
charged to Nlcolal St Neppach, lumber
dealera.. He represented that he. waa
a relative of "Tony Neppach. .The goods
were sold him without question.
After securing . tha ' gooda , he would
take them' to .a pawnshop and an
... . ,i
nnu nf th.ra mt wnatavnr nnca ne I
Wood and Wal yards are the busiest cause of the heavy atraln-TTiat plant is could et H- operated the game in
(SDOcinl fManatcb to Th Joarnal.l
Asotin. Wash.. - Jan. . The ditch
which feeda tha power plant here Is I
frosen. throwing all tha work upon
the auxiliary plant at Clarkston. Be
fore ever alnce that time, which we do I places In Portland during these daya of. broken, leaving the towna of Aaotln. connection with hla, work .for the type-
noi anow me year or. u nas oeen return- a biting east wind. Every fuel office In ' , ' """ mw, i writer company. Ryder la l yeara oia
Jng regularly to our aolar system at In- town la overrun with order .r. .n Unlontown, Colton and Pullman in dark- tjia oarenta' live at Fond du Lao. Wla.
nervals oi aooui is years. , are from two to four days behind In . " ,u WBIHe haa been In Portland two montna.
Ho Danger la Comet j making deliveries. ln" D,oln Pian nave raued at tneicomlnr lrom geatUe. .Hie explanation
that he wanted to- make money
U nnnfauutvl ta avTl the charres
There may come a time in the far' fu- haa prevailed for a week past Is yet to . . r r -i ... . w . . and ia held under ball of 11000.
Ture when thla will hannen: in fact, its I come ana that It msr last ln1ftnllia " " "'
(Colted PreM Lmued Wire.)
till-, m-hon thla will hunrv.n- In tmft ita I COms and that It mat, ln.lnl.l., I water IS BT1UI 01
Virmirranr hsa Wn rttrmln I "Both tfll.nhonaa . In hl. Aeeia. k.wi I " Place. The aame ditch that feeda
net computes that It will happen once In rung on an average of once a minute fh Pwer P.,ant 'u",1"ne" ater ays-
E . . I . 1 e&aa-aa ff'Aa. A ,aI In . a JM Vtai alaiAhai STTb. . a at. V. .
every 16,000,01)0 yeara. With auch an since early Monday morning," declared . i
occurrence there are two types of dan- ine manager of one of the largest fuel I l "UW"B -
Kr to be rearea: that from the gases concerns in the city, "and everv call
oi wnicn ine nooy is maan, ana wnicni meant an oraer ror some kind of fuel,
vould have a tendency to destroy vege- Inquiry at other wood and coal yards.
tabi and animal lire by poiaonmg, and j developed the same condition of affaire,
;ihat from bombardment by the parti- all having more ordera than the ran
k:lea of which the head of the comet J deliver thla week.
: - Vv.v ...v-w - i 1U14 man 10 da nan nat r., ri i nrini
3en In thla instance With Halleya com- been pressed Into aervloe bv th ..w. , "VI '.'.Z7" VV""' "'
et. because Ita orbit croaaea that of the all of whom are making a " atrVnuoua faoury- millionaire 01 -"e
earth at a position far from that in effort to aunhr the oX SrA.?? Made.r.a- wh0.J8 erv,n a term. ,n Sa1 T
..... . . ... . . . . , - - - ar v 1 iiiotititv TwniianTiarv nn nr I r
wnicn ine sarin win ds ai ine uma nn Mmnia .e h.i. ..... - 1 - r 1 - -"
Kneakln unon tha "nolaonoua" rase I a v.. ' .""f. . forgery, la reported dangerously 111. Ho
,'of which Halleya comet la supposed to I h f. 1- .".C:."r".":Zia auirering from a severe organic
tbe composed, tha spectroscope show, both coal and wood on to lart fc r?" J? ,,.!",t .
Jthem to be of a hvdro-carbon nature. -a.i 7. . ". A"0 ?. IMt ro.r Jamea MoCue, the man whose testl-
ind Identical with that of the blue.baae bto dMr of any 1 wffertn m t. n,onjF fnt Bra4bUry t0 pr,80n' d,ed
in. u....,auv7 uk procure enourn teams tn t.v. ... . ' .. r : ...
.well understood, but tbeortea are ad- their ordera "l in a ceu next to BtaaDury languishes
vanced ta ahow that It may be due to rh. hoa na- kL -. . George Q. Collins, formerly a prominent
Vither electric flashes within the comet'e Urice. ainra th. t.. ZJxl . attorney of this state, serving a sen-
I ' w..v w;iue .WIU ajct. 111. I t a.M a at h Ua la a (It ...1
New Hotel" if Wallt Walla-
ianau4.t TOanatph ta Taa JoaraaLi
Waaia Walla, Jan., . That Walla
Walla ia soon to have thoroughly
modern hotel la tha assurance given In
thla city yesterday by a F. Lawrence
Dnrtl.nd a mtmlar of tha firm Of I
r-r n niniirn nn I" "." . . I
rUn niUntn UlO I MacNaughton, Kaymona tsiwrence.
The miuaing is to De BIS siories, ow
120 feet The cost la to be
Chead. to phosphorescence aet up by the the dealera nor will therh-- tence f
night of the aun. to reflection by the yc;" 'r J0. i" V '"Ph r?,u"e"
kam. light. , or to , luminosity arising iUno?To3TO
from internal heat; either or aU may be SX.taThV wa.y of McNear Will Leave. All to Widow.
The Comet'a Oaa.
The comet gas, according to computa- I CT . airriri r rrtlirt Ai
low density, and It OIHIiriCLU OUnUUU
(SpecllI DIDtch to Th. Jnnmal 1
Pendleton. Or.. Jan. . The. annit.l
School census. Just completed, shows
. 'tlons, baa a very
equal - to oniy - auoui one Kw?ea ibob
'sandth of the weight of the air at the
surface of the earth, or lower than any
artificial vacuum which science has yet
..constructed upon this earth. Because
iof this fact, even' a contact with the
I comet might have no consequences, aa I an Increase over last year of 81 in the
stna gaa wouia mane no anierence ax au i numoer or children of school age In
fto pianta or people. n racx. ine gases the county, which la lower than. first
usually xouna in cur ir are rauca morn eaiimates placed It. TJie new district
; to be feared. . " ; . of Stanfleld ahowa the largest Increase.
i in,uiin. uwraut i jiaving more man doubled In the last
uw j-sniura m ... w..ra. ... year, iaai year s census showed a
, case it should happen,-say, It la als? school DODUlatlon in Rtr,eii r.
.not known what effect H would have One hundred and twenty-three la the
'upon the human race. Some aatron- official number this year
omera claim that tha head of the comet The full reporta show the number of
iim a. uutiou. uuuiuucu v wi,iu-miiei in me county to be 3247, while
i uv.u mm vui ni.wtaus uraiuni numoer or remales la but
the sky almost any dark night. Thesa making a total of 6S23. v
meteors may nave a aiameier oi a lew
(United Pre Leased Wtr..I
Oakland, Cal., Jan. 6. The will of
the late George W. McNear, tne million
aire mill owner,' who' died ; here la at
week, haa been filed for probate. To
his widow, Mrs. Amanda McNear, la
bequeather his estate, amounting to
about $4,000,000, and she la made sole
executrix without bond. No mention
was made In the will of the six chil
dren of McNear who are Mrs. A. Bowles,
John A. McNear, Fred W. McNear,
Oeorge W. McNear Jr., Seward McNear
and S. Elizabeth McNear.
ThU Home-Mad Cough Syrup
Stop Coughs Quickly
Twenty Condemnation Suits at Vale.
(BpetMil Dl.patch tn The Journal.)
Vale, Or., Jan. 6. The January term
of the circuit court. Justice Davis pre
siding, will convene on January 10 at
Vale. The calendar la a long one, and
will probably occupy two weeks at least
Among the list are 20 condemnation
suits for railroad rights of way.
Make a plain syrup by taking one
pint of Granulated Sugar, add one-half
pint of warm water and atir for two
minutes. Put two and one-half ouncea
of pure Plnex In a pint bottle and fill
U up with tne oranuiaiea augar tsyrup.
fake a teaspoonful every one, two or
three hours.: Keep well -corked and it
will never spoil,
The . effectiveness of this simple
home-made article la surprising. It us
ually stops a deep-seated cough In 24
hours. It la also excellent for colds,
whooping coughs, pains In the ches;
bronchial troubles and similar ailments.
Use the Teal Plnex In making it, how
ever. It la the most valuable concen
trated compound of Norway White Pine
Extract, and It Is far superior to the
numeroua pine oil and pine tar prepa
rations. If your druggist does not have
it be can get -it for you without trouble.
The proportion above suggested
makes a full pint of the best cold and
cough remedy. The taste 'la so pleas
ant that chlldrentake It willingly. The
total cost Is about 64 cents.
Btralned honey can be used Instead of
the syrup, and makes Sa very fine honey
and pine tar cough syrup.
miles or only a few feet. There are
goed authorltlea whose study leads them
; to believe that 'the entire body la com
' posed of gas auch aa hag already been
i spoken of in thla article.
'; Three Xlnda of Telia.
There are three klnda of tails to
, comets, . long, straight tails, curved,
: plumelike tails and short, stubby; brush
v tails. The composition of the tails
makes the difference, and with hydro
,. carbons, aa in Halley's comet, the tall
should,, belong to the second division,
which it does, j When the comet Is ap-
proachlng the sun, the tall blows away
front ; the aun, and when It clrclea tha
aolar body the tail always blows away
t rom . It This la due to the pressure
4of the light upon the gases of which
itt is composed. The gravitational at
s traction upon auch very finely powdered
', particles aa thla low density gas is,
- is not enough to ovespome the pressure
of tha light from the aun, and there
1. fore the phenomenon.
, Computing a Comet's Beturn.
. Aa to the computation of the orbit
f and the forecasting of the return at any
'particular time: This ie very simple,
and wifn a little analytical geometry it
becomee a pleasure to understand it.
j By a aeries of two or more observa
tions on the comet at night the track
'It Is following will be easily charted.
c An ellipse agrees .with certain mathe-
C?rline to Be Finished by Feb-
; ruary I.
. i Mr. Fuller, of the Portland Railway,
,. 5 Light & Power company, ' is authority
I yor the statement that the extension
Of the Broadway line to Alameda Park
i will be completed by the 1st of Peb-
. ruary.- , .
j. The work of grading Is practically
finished and the rails are already being
s placed. ' ' .'2- -: ;
' - Thla will mean ' much for Alameda
? Park, Portland's cream residence see
' tlon, adjoining and overlooking Irving-1
Saturday end Sunday from t to S '
p. m. there will be free auto service
T from the present end of Broadway line
. Into Alameda Park. Everyone desiring
f a beautiful home and a; good invest
' m-nt should visit Alameda Park. I
; It la the' most highly restricted resi-i
'. nnca section of the city and will en-1
Joy all city Improvements. All tele-i
l lmna wires will be plitced underground. '
Trloes on the lota are much lower now'
; than they wilt be when, cafllne la com-'
. l-lfted. .;:.r.:v....r.....,i::.:J...;i;. y-(
r Particulars may be bad at ...lameda j
1 Jim! fntnpany, oaner. of JtlajnaUa Park'
Ji'J a,rbett building. , - ' j
To the
.of ? Portland:
I hereby declare .that during my Clean-Up a!e
AND SUITS, that I will give bigger and better
bargains than any of the other clothing stores in
Portland. Call and make me prove it. r
, $20.00 TO $25.00 VALUES , ;
. ; "$25.00 TO $30.00 VALUES
315 Oredonlan Building' JIMMIE DUNN, Manaacr
V. V V v ,5PECiia.iSTS IN UUOVJS, UMBRJLLA8f. MUblcK x i ' . '
, ., . ANNOUNCE HEIR ' f ' . : ,
rd Rhnual r Clearance,. Sale
. Commencing lomorroy9 Friday: :
' ' . ; ., CHILDREN'S x . ' , 1 ; . '
Gloves, Umbrellas and Hosiery)
All of Lennon'a Standard of Excellence Every Article of Merchandise Bearing "Lennon's Guarantee
;,):. ' ,s ' ...W to Style, Quality and Durability, r . . ( , :, ' . ' j ,' j
tLlt -r emluea 5 -Comprlslnf
. women s real aid. pique aia, f-n-
arllsh cape, genuine Enfllsa mo
' . cha, loose wrist, cape and
, chamois Okrrea $ values,
pair .95
11.50 raluee - $1.15 Women's
' Arabian mocha, , Bnrllsh cape,
pique ' kid, overseara kid - and
. Swlaa Alpa waah chamois
OloTee $1.60 raluta ...f 1.15
$1.71 raluee f 1.39 Women's
full pique mocha, a-enulne En
rllsh cape, "Reynler" embroid
ered suedaa, all colors $1.75
values, palr'.., .-91.39
fS.OO valuea fl.59Lennon's
"Reval" and '-Laurel" branda of
real kid cloves, f Ineat pique
VJbmen's Gloy&Specials,
eapaa and mochas $1.09 val-
uea . . , .... ... . $1.59
$.t5 valuea ' $1.79 Lennon's
, "Dlotator," . with allk . embroid
ery, Rernler'a ; pique real kid
auedes, embroidered pique no
- chas,- finest ' - Kaaaara ' cape
Qloree $J.J6 values ...fl.TO
Bargains in Warm
Lined Gloves
Men's kid and mocha fleece, lined
Gloves $1.25 value ...... 85
Men's fine kid. fleece lined $1.60
value Sl.lB
Men's kid and mocha, fleece lined
vaiue ,..M,M..fl,3U
Men's genuine cape, Anfora lined
( $ 1. 2 6 value .......... 9 1,59
Men's "" rnulne " mocha, ' aeamleaa
. wool llntfd $1.00 value $1.95
Women's . Cashmere Tlloves, lOo
qualltr .29
Men's, ' women's' and ' ; children's:
.Wool Olovos, rrearlv reduced-.
pair ...... 191.-23 end 39
Children's Teddy Bear Polar Mlt
. tene 76c value ...... .48
Chllden's Fur Top Banta, Claua
. Mittena ..'..,.. y..,.. .23
''..;' ' rBCZAXi " l V- '
Women's Dent - Squirrel lined
aiavs,.v . : l- ,..'';-
,' Men's Auto Gauntlets,. lined and
u&llned. a. , . '
women s neeced cotton ..warm
Hose, women's ribbed lisle Hose,
women's cotton hose, with split
sole All - I So and 40o values,
Plr ....19
Women's Out slsa Maco yarn
Hoae, ' ezomen'e fine Caahmere
Hose, women's silk lisle Hose
All 40o and 50o values, pr. 23
Women's "6nyx" pure thread silk
Hose, Hale foot, black and col
ore $1.75 value pair .. 91.19
Women's pure thread silk Hose,
double sole, toe and heel; best
- make; black and colors $1. 60
Value, pair ..-..95
Special Hosiery Bargains
Women's all wool Cashmere Hose.
women'a fine-embroldeaed Hale
1: Hose, women's silk lisle, with
wide double ' carter topa 75a
- valuea, 'pair ............. .48
Women's "Onyx" and "McCallum"
brands pure thread silk Hose,
double carter top, lisle sole
$3.00 value, pair ......'.91.45
Women's "Kayser', reinforced
purs thread atlk Hose, black
nly tl.00 value, .pair.. 91.65
Children's creat wearlnc black
cotton Mom 25o value, pr.17
Children's silk Hale Hose, black
- and colors 40c value, pair 23
Children's 'Kas-Ue-on' The! old
v'Tstlablar-'ln three welchta foi
' boys and cirls, pair 'w... 25
Children's Wool Hose 400 value, .
23 ,
Men's Hose
Men'a Hcht welch t silk lisle Hose,
'cuaranteed for six months 26c
pair, pair, . . w . . . . .,.91.50
Men's , "Everwear" " cuaranteed
Hose 2 60 pair, pairs 91.50
Great Umbrella Bargains
Our macnlflcent stock of Men's, Women's V and Children's Umbrellas, made with best paracon frames.
tnnon's ' cuaranteed covers, latest style handles, rust proof ribs. Hercules framts, self ppenlnc umbrel
s, foldlnc suit case umbnMlaa, detachable handle umbrellas; all arranged In lota numbered from lot 7 to
lot SB. AU, TUT GXZATLT WLZpVCXB. : W mention a few detelia "s follows:
Lot 1 Men's, Women'a and Chil
dren's TJmbrellaa $1.60,"reduced
tC- - av-( ......a f. ,.,..., 95
Lot 15 Men's and Women's Union
Taffeta Umbrellas, latest style
handles fl.SS" reduced . n0w
to-.......... ....... . -91.39
Lot "21 Men's and Women'a Union
Taffeta Umbrellas, handles, of
' Dlrectolre style horns, pearls,
" cunmetal, buck horn, etc. $3.00,
' reduced to 91,95
Lot 25 Men's apd Women's Union
Bilk Umbrellas, newest handles
:-; -$4.00 reduced to ... . 92.79
. BBEiaiaAB nroixrsEiT ta txzbb x.otb
Lot. 31 Man's and Women's 611k
Umbrellae, beautiful ranee of
latest handles '$8.00. redttoed
to ..... ..93.95
Lot S 5 $7.80. reduced to 114.95
Lot $9.00, reduced to 96.35
Lot 4 $12. reduced to ;. 98.65
Lot 47 $16, reduced to 910.65
Holders of 2nnon'B Glove Orders may utilise them, if they so desire, for the purohase of merchant
Ola of farads la this sale. Olove Orders are rood for Olovea, Hosiery or UmbreUae, or for repalrlnc or
reoorerlnr of tTmbrellas. .
Morrison St.
f I !'Mw "1 ' The' story "Iof tKc 'greatest of commercial
I 1 flw pmes how welost ithowwiTregainjit.' I .'5
, :: y! If : elihu VEDpm j
,. 1 t Remiiiiccehces begin
L r O o j ; January Number
wotiu 'VsT'-- . rvow ready, 25 cents v s
Doub!eday, Page & Company, 133 East 16th St, New York