The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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nnnn in ninirr linn limn Mini ' . ... :. it iiinii nhinrn
il nun wH; ihnM
Those Who Make a Specialty
of Oregon Product and Have
4 No Eastern to Sell Are No
Holding Up Prices Too High.
The breaking up of cold weather has
rauscd a renewal of errons on me parv
nt aiKitorn r snecuiaioia iw
hlr hiiffH mirnlua.
While cold etorase operators have
been vainly trying; for iom time to un
load their record breaking; nomine,
till tli efforts were not atrong enough
.imnlv because while trying to get from
under with alt posaible speed atorage
men were holding the price rather high-
;S5T.C of the bluest operator,
liave, determined to close out their
stocks at on', ana inemurw nry -eonelgnlng
them to anyonewho haa the
allfilurst chance of unloading quickly.
I lia fact that eaatern egga are now being
ronalRiied to local partlea simply with
the Inatmctlona to unioaa
l.ossinle price, really Indicate, that the
end of the cold storage season u
jilain eight " '
local rrra Come Mora Ttly.
During the paat few days there baa
been considerable Increase In receipts
of local ranch eggs In the Front atreet
marketa. While thoae who make a spe
cialty of eaatern egga and therefore are
not accuatomed to handling the local
product, are quoting aa high as 2c
cioien tor local. egK, ""'
nuke a apeclalty of the local product are
offering tnem irreiy .. .
that they expect them to" go to a "till
' lower point during the eomlng week. -The
lowering of local egg prices will
be helpod to eome extent by the deter
mination of the eastern storage men to
unload quickly, till thla la the time of
the year wnen eg iur u.u
a few soft spots, and therefore tursame
condition is expected tnis
Don't Want to Oet Cautfht.
Annually the seller of egga along
Front atreet experiences considerable
iilfflnulty in securing ror nis niiipw
Hie price expected during eertain weens.
Wheat Opens Weak and J-ower
at Chicago and Liverpool
Closes Higher.
Chicago, Jan. . Wheat opened un
changed for the May, c higher for the
July aniK Vic lower for Betitumber. Iron
ing was c to He above yesterday for
the tnree options respectively.
Argentina news waa attain given mucn
Importance in local trading and the
advance late In the day waa occasioned
Dy reporia coming xrom nurnoa jyrvn.
Mverpooi openod d lower on ac
count of tue weakness in America yea-
terday. according to tiroomhall. Itenorte
were llkewlo to the effect that a large
La 1'lata house in Liverpool was a sell
er of wheat. La Plata market, however.
was Htrongly supported and the price
advanced a penny over the opening fig
ure. .
After the opening h Liverpool mar
ket began to show strength and the
Closing was a aoove yeaieraay.
ah aavice rrom nuonos Ay res shvs
that the market there closed yesterday
witn prices easy, January line 11 an (rod
and juarcn 1 pennies under the open
ing. Argentina wheat shipments are es
Today's Advance Is 5c Above
All Previous Quotations of
the Season Cattle Are Firm
at Former Record.
Discount Charge Goes to 4 Per
Cent Has Good Effect or?
New York Market.
New York. Jan. Reduction of U
per cent In tho Bank of England rate
or discount to 4 per cent today and
the alightly eaaler situation- In the
money mantel at noma, caused bet
ter feeling to prevail In financial cir
cles and result was an almost gen
era i aavance in securities.
Jrrw Xeoora for Hog.
Hogs broke another record to
day by Boiling at ti.tO In the
Btockdnie yards. This Is 6o
above all previous quotations. -Cattle
are very firm, - with
steers again selling up to f 8 and
cows up to 4.
CirfU loans were not very active here,
oenw nominally quoted at 14 per cent
but the fact that there was little de-
Aaotne Keoord for Bogs.
lAte this afternoon, ul nt n nr.
tl mated at 40.OU0 bushels compared with l"i of hogs was made by the iturke
t,ouu Duaneis a year ago. corn snip- oummniian company at 98.95, the high
ments eMtlmated at 400.000 bushela com
pared with 810,000 bushels.
Cash wheat No. I red. 11.26
I.2S14; No. S red, 1.201.?; No.' 2
ard. tl.Kiai.ITU: No. x hard, tl 10i
i.i; no. i northern spring, il.6V4i,
.17H; na z northern upring. II. 1
ia; no. a spring, i.iowi.i5
est price of the seaaon or 6c above the
rormer record reported In this column.
It develops that the ron auU of
six cars of California cattle waa made
t o.i, ami another record for thla
season s movement.
Cash Corn-No. a commercial. aSffl I lloas. CattlM. Cal
S4c: No. 4 white and Nrt. 3 vellow. Thursday 149 RJ . tirtl
6JHc; No. 4 commercial, 61lc; No. Wednesday ...34 470 it 9
yellow commercial, 61 c. j ueiay J95 ti
tKange or cbicago prices furnished ,0"y 2 16
This time la now approaching, and when
the annual decline Is made during the
latter part' of 'January, the price drops
faster than the declines can be noted,
'therefore the Front street trade wants
to clean up Its arrivals as soon as they
Rre received. If the eggs cannot be un
loaded quickly at one price, the value is
lowered until the movement starts, Jn
earnest. Prices drop so fast on those
occasions that a person buying eggs in
Ihe morning could purchase the same
quality later In the day from I to 8c a,
doen less. That is exactly the reason
why those who really sell Oregon eggs
are not holding out for 42 o now. They
are afraid of the market, andwant to
. protect themselves as well as their ship
j.era from securing Btill lower Talues
than now in effect. . , ( ...
by Overbeck and Cooke Co.);
May- v... 116
May ....
July ....
Sept ...
Mar .....
July ....
Sept . . .
July -,,..2206
Jan. ....1270
Mar 1215
July ....1206
July ..
1 1
High. Low. CloBe.
114 llH M44
104H 102 102
9Vi 8 994
7'4 ItHA
674 HA
6 67H 8V4
4 47 47
45 44 45 A
42 41 42
2210 2200 2202
2212 2200 2210 B
2212 2206 2212 A
1270 1260 1260 .
1220 1210 1220 '
1212 1205 1213
RIB8. - . I
1162 1165 1162 i
1165 1157 1162
1162 1167 1162
r riday
Week ago.-r.i-
11.21; red, $1.14: fortyfold, $1.16; Wil
lamette valley, 11.08.
MTT.I.HTITl.-F-fl flatllnv nrlrx-Rran
127; jnlddllngs, $34; shorts. 827028.(0;
chop, $2229; alfalfa meal. $21 per ton.
floub New crop, patents, 86.35;
straight 85.00ii6.16; bakers, 36.164k6.35;
Willamette, valley, 35.80 bbl; export
grades, 84.60; graham, , $5.70J)5.0;
rye, 36.76; bales, $3.16.
HAYProducers' pries New timothy,
Willamette valley, fancr-320; ordinary.
319ly.50; eastern uregon, izi; niixol,
$16.50; clover No. 1, 316.6016; wheat
lsfpiT, cneat,'i a wirp aitai ra, a te.
Veals Go t 12c and Fancy Hogs
- Bell Ud to Uc i Pound Today.
Entire dressed meat jnarket is very
ftrm titonff Jroni-Sireei tooax5i,5Li,,u
. - a ra In effect.
For something really select as high j OATS Spot delivery, new. producers'
aa 12c a pound is being-paid tor I price Track No. 1 white, $3334;
dressed veai, oui to l,su,"gray, fszyss.
quallty-jnust be out of the ordinary. - I CORN Whole, ,136; cracked. $37 ton
!.HW!?rZY,,"r"'JI ' rraitg and T.g.tabl.a
L'r,r. nXrhih-.. 12 FRESH FRUITS Oranges: New ns
Tiotitid has been received inrf wiecim .'" ""i,:,Ti.77
v. -v.,. .i 1. nniv box: bananaa. fiiSSHc lb: lemons. $6.56
for that grade. Shippers sometimes I 43'6.00- box; grapefruit $4 pears. $1.26;
lose V.C a pound by taking Out tne Kid- p m, i.. ..
' 1 ruiAiucs DBiiing. new, ti.juo
. pi
J7 ' , i.i OK v...1na. .a.a.4.a Unltnnmak
Jresaed hogs, are sening up Z?"'""'"' ' '"tu." ""
a pound along me sireei, BccuruniK l" I xi.HSlT ' ""
W. T. Turner. Beat quality aione wiu 1 eaw '' ' : , A, -brni
the hleh ma-" -. j ONIONS Jobbing, flOl-50 per cwt
1 u - - .- . I - 1 aki xllx 1 n r.4 TQ Mae I v
.wHiessifrMMM ., -. .. f f 1 Mflbl iiv, Jl V tit laii
Trr.TK ' APPLES II 6jl 3.60.
tttItKa &B.Li Ai I VEGETABLES New turnips. Oregon,
v . j 80c seek: beets. 31.26: carrots. 800
Fancy Hens Sell Up tp WAc Along jfoflgffi& &
the Street NO otorage btocz. I per lb; cauliflower, 31.00 per dozen.
0.11, nAvanna la Alnir nimttil Vi ivwiis lu, nurnerauiBii, ivt, irng
in the price of poultry along Front onimia.iocdoxen; peppers ben, lb.;
r- vv nn- ;f. hen. are aell na- as rnojsnea 00a. Duncnes; ceiery,
iiiih uu a Dound once in awhile, I 3.B0i3.75 crate egg plant ite 10.
!fe?Jn ! "Prouts. 8990
rr,i; ftt Entire noultrv market Is cucumbers. 82.60 dosen.
verv Rood, however, and even though. Orooerles, Huts, Etc
recelnts are increasing again the trade I . ennAR Tube tf.SS: nowdered. IE. 95:
continues unsupplled. Wlth no supply frU(t or berry, $5.95; dry granulated,
in storage buyers must depend entirely 35.95; .oonf. A. $5.75; extra B, $5.25;
upon the aaiiy receipts or iren block. 1 golden a. 35.85; D yellow. 85.25: best.
: ati.vtt; Darreis, 10c; nair Darreis, sue
boxes. 55c advance on sack basis.
(Above Quotations are 80 days ne caab
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6 He;
No, 1, 5o: New Orleans nead. 07c;
Creole. bi
SALT Coarse pair ground, 100a
Front Street Is Itself Again Veget
' " " ables From th .South Arrive. .
- Vrnnl ntreet eame out of winter ouar-
... . , j . ... si .1 1 .a ea nAM cn. t.KI. .Im, ca.
for about a week displays were made $17; 100a, $16.60: bales, $2.25; extra fine
along the sidewalks of the wholesale Darreis, za, os ana ius. ivookjs.ov: lump
district " i 1 rocK. per ton.
fruits but more moderate weather is ex- 1 BEANS Small white, $6.60; large
tected to stimulate the demand. white, $4.60: pink, $4.26; bayou. $6.75:
A car of cauliflower and a car of 1 LI mas. 35.00: reds, 37.50.
Facramento celery were among the pro
duce arrivals from the south this morn
ing. V.; . . - -,
Keats, risn and PrftTisions.
DRESSED MEATS Front street
bogs,, fancy, 10c; ordinary,, 9V4c;
veAls, extra, lleeHc; ordinary, 11c;
extra heavy, 300 lbs., 57c; mutton,
Three Cents a Gallon Is Added to (local) ham. iihio; breakfast bacon.
Price bv Portland Oil Works. i ? "f i ". a.?. . P"5.
''. , , , I iviuijg luu. ion, reifumr miori
Buiniiw!, i ok: a. (iiiiiuu wan umuo i Clfm, gmOKed, 1B7 DaCKS, Smoked.
In the price of linBeed oil this morning, lSftc; pickled tongueVp 6oc each.
according, to announcement made Dy tne l LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s
Portland Linseed Oil works. The newll8o ner lb.: 5a. 184te ner lb.: 50 lh.
llbt la as follows per gallon: tins, 18c per lb.; steam rendered, 10s,
: Raw. Boiled. HUc ner lb.: Es 17c ner lb.: mm.
mm viv i pouna. ius, Hike per id.
CLAMS Hardshell, per box.
razor ciams z dox-
VTBTI IMnmlnol T?nnlr 111'..
flounders, 6c; halibut 8wl0c; striped
Kaon IRa. .atA.h 1 A . . 1 ..
Hops, Wool and Hides. XZttZtJS ,fc'"i"V
nurD--lffVB UIUU. UllUlUC IOC. DnmiJ nnlmnn Rr. lh .Ala. Ik .
to choice, 16c; prime, 15tfc; medium, shrimps, 12Ue lb.:"perch 7o lb.: torn cod!
35c; 1S() ctioice, zicj prime, zc; me- 0 per lb; lobsters, 26c per lb; fresh
d,S7,,V-J?iSlA(vTo ciu mackrel, () per lb.; crawfish, () per
, . SMEKPSK1NS Sheartntr. 10 92Kf I - 0t,.rAnA iou ik. u?i.
each; jhort wool, 26060c; medium 20o per lb.; Columbia smelts. 25c per
r. n J i"' tuv-nv i id.; silver smeiis, to per it.; Diack cod,
Ve?.ch-.. ' It Me per lb.; crabs. $1.26 1.75- ur
wuul isominaj. io, Willamette I dozen
valley 20 Zlcj eastern Oregon, 20 28c. OYSTERS Shoal water bay. ner ral-
Ai,iA)Vvrnme, per in. 3T4c: No. Ion. 82.26: ner 100 lb saek. IE-;.
18 10
Portland Vnlon Stockyards. Jan. I.
Breaking price records In the livestock
market are getting to be almost of dally
occurrence at Stockdale, and therefore
occasion very little surprise among the
One lot of hogs, numbering 19S head
and averaging 202 pounds, sold during
the day at $8.90. or 6c above the ex
treme high limit heretofore reached dur
ing the present season.
Market for swine continues in excel
lent shape, and receipts are still small.
Only 149 head appeared at Stockdale
during the past 24 hours In " par ison
with 846 yesterday, and none a week
ago today.
. Wsnderful vitality Is shown In the
price of hogs at eastern and middle west
centers. Decline of 8c one day is re
gained the very next day, and In .some
instances a new record Is made. There
Is a shortage of hogs in all sections of
the country, but despite the high prlcea
In effect elsewhere this market con
tinues to hold the record for the United
States, so far as any Union Stockyard la
Big Bon of Bbeep Appears.
It looked like old times in the sheep
mark-et for today's run consisted of 2401,
the greatest number for many a day.
Demand for sheep Is very liberal, and1
therefore because of the local scarcity
buyers have been forced to again In
vade Montana to secure their wants
Ten carloads from there were In the
Yards on this morning's market sfter
being in the tralnwreck at Cascade
So far as noted there was no chang
in shet-r - lamb-wlces 4nar tha
morning trading, hut old values were
neicr very nrm and anowed a tendency
iu rise.
B tears and Cows at Big Hark.
Market for cattle remains unusually
firm in the stockyards, but still higher
prices are anticipated by sellers as well
as buyers within the near future. Dur
ing the past 24 hours steers sold up to
a, wruie transactions in cows went as
hicrh as 34. At these values the demand
was far ahead of supplies. Only a nom
inal run of cattle was shown in the
yards during the day.
73ms who Supply tha Uarket.
William Matlock waa an arrival with
10 cars of sheep from Dell, Mont Mr.
Matlock was caught in the wreck on the
O. R. &N. yesterday, but was unhurt.
T. B. Moore of Durkee. Or., was an-
otner livestock man in yesterdays
wreck. He came to the yards with two
loans or cattle.
T. P. Patten brought in a mixed load
of hogs and sheep from Halsey.
J. C. Davis had two loads of goats
and one mixed load oi hogs -and sheep
in tne yards today, une goats were en
route to a big Puget sound oackine
d. Renins1 brouirht forward a mixed
load of hogs and sheep from Mount
Today's run of livestock compares
with this dav in -recent years as fol
mand for loans during the day. indi
cated that the trade believed funds
could be secured for leaa.
In all events the reduction In the
Bank of Englund rate had a bullish
effect upon securities in general; ex
ceptions being few and far between.
Rock Island continues to show feel
ing foreign to the stock market In gen
eral and its common stock was among
the few to show an actual loss for
tne day, Rock island common closed
1 4 points below yesterday. Rock
Island preferred, while not active, waa
nevertneiesa Dullish and It closed. I
points aoov yesterday depressed quo
tatlon. '
All through the list tha bavin? was
of quite good character during the ses
sion. Amalgamated copper gained 1
with the generally Improved feeling la
the copper metal market. An advance
for a similar sum was scored bv Ameri
can Smelter common but Anaconda Min
ing waa very bullish and gained I
points aoova yesterday s price.
Reading was but a, fraction above
yesterday at the closing of today's
market but several of tbe specialties
did not maxe any Detter snowing.
Lovett securities were firm with
Southern Pacific In the lead with an
advance of 1 points but Union Pa
cific was rather, active and closed
above yesterday's bid.
Those who were sellers of Steel cor
poration's shares at 1 recently, were
buying thenr back today at the din.
At the close Steel common was
above yesterday but preferred was un
changed. Range of New York prices furnished
by Overbeck & Cooke company:
Interior Millers Continue to Pay
Premium of 1c to 2c a Bush;
el for Bluestem Wheat Over
Tidewater Basis.
'V Northwest Crob Weather.
Portland and vicinity Rain or snow
this afternoon.' Rain tonight and Frl
day, warmer.. Increasing southeasterly
Oregon Rain - west, anow east nor.
tlon tonight and Friday, warmer, i In
creasing southeasterly winds becom
Hogs. Cattle. Sheen.
906 .149
905 275 278
A year aao todav all lines of livestock
were firm at unchanged prices.
Yards' Bepresentativa Frloes.
Following are- representative of latest
i . u 1 1 .... v i .I'll" in LI I.I JDI II CT , .uu ..Ivt.uow
aemana, supplies and quality oirermg:
Average Lbs.
Atrial. Cop. Co..
Am. car ft F e.
do Dfd
Am. Cot. Oil. o. .1
Am. Loco., C.....I
Am. Hugar, c. . .
Am. Smelt c. . .
do pfd ,
Anao. Mln. Co..,
Am. Woolen, o..
Atchison, c . , . . ,
do pfd
Bait A Ohio, o..
do pfd
Bklyn. R. Tran.. .
Can. Pac. c
Cen. Leather, o.
do pid
C. & O. West. c.
C, M. & St. Paul
Chi. & N. W., c.
Ches. A Ohio. , .
Colo. F. & LC.
Colo. South., c.
do 2d Dfd
do 1st Dfd...
Corn Products, c
ao id....J
Dela. & Hudson.
D. & R. G., o....
do pfd.. .....
Erie c...
dd Jd pfd
do 1st pfd....
Ot North., pfd..
Illinois Central..
Inter. Metro. . . . .
do Dfd . -.
Louis. & Nash . . .
Manhattan Ry. .
M. K. & T., o. . . .
ao pra . ,
Ing high along the coast'
Washington Rain west anow. east
portion tonight warmer. Friday, rain,
warmer east, portion. , High southeast-
Idaho Fair south, snow north por
tion tonight warmer. , Friday, anow,
possibly turning to rain; warmer. . f;
Holding All Grain FirrnV
In all lines of the grain trad a vry
firm tone is ruling locally.
Business still remains on a' nominal
basis, although some slight lncreae In
transactions Is reported. . Interior mill
ers continue to pay an advance of 1
to 2c a bushel over tidewater basis for
bluestem wheat and in soma Initanr.i
sales of club are reported above th
uKaia on tne coast.
Coarse arains are ir.rr,lv mmln
11, speculators and producers having
absolute control in these lines and arc
not offering.,
While firm at" the recently advanced
iintcB, nay uiaraet is nominal with lit
tle offering. - - .
Liverpool Wheat Market
Liverpool, Jan. . Wheat: t
March 7s $ lid 7s4'd
May . 8sa2d
- ,1 ..
Drinking water is obtained on th
rook of Gibraltar by condensing tha
dew In specially constructed basins.
V (Cnlted Pre tMd Wire. I '
Seattle. Jan. 6.- Butter, per pound:
Washington, creamery firsts, 33o; ranch
26327e; eastern creamery 26g32c) pro
cess S9cj A t '''. "Vi ,.'.. ''',' -.
Eggs Per dosen, local ranch 46c; fan
cy whlte-astern, 4042c; eastern stor
age, 32 J 6c; Oregon 40c. -s ' ;
' vllMWffl PI , fVUIllli I ' IT 1 1 1 ui VK 1 ,U)
wheel Swiss, 3lc; block Swiss, 19c: im
ported wheel Swiss, 29 30c; Wiscon
sin twins, ic;. Wisconsin xoung Amer.
leas iscaitie,.' . ' r
Onions Green 10c; California, 31. 40
i.ou per sack; yvaiiawaua, ii.zo. u
Potatoes Fancy eastern Washington.
fiKfttzu; . wtnte river, sweets,
fs.ou per crate. . " , i
nmnr nr nnnnnnr
riiuL ui ,riuuuuL ;
'',y-;., !",
. ' (Special Cable.) ' ;
. Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Jan.
4 . Reports being received from "
4 tha southern dlatrlcts Indicate
4 that tha outlook for the wheat ;
4 . crop la Jvery unsatisfactory. ;
'-'' try'; :--;iV'- . ' : . '
4 4) 4
(Furnished by Overbeck '& Cooke Co,)
1496 1613(8)15
New York, Jan. Official range:
Onen. " Ulah. Low. .flosa. '
Jan. ...... .i iftoi
. . t
Feb. 1
March ..... 1520
April ...... 16)6
Mar ........ 1640
June 1540
July , 1666
Aug. i ...... 4485
Sept. ...... 1276
Oct." .....i. 1$20
Nov. ......
Deo, 1600
J05 lout ' lD3 4(il)n
1639 1614 1648W45
1667 1627 166163
1668 1623 1638(3140
1665 1620 156t84
: 1630 . 1479 157625
1405 , 1372 1400(ii03
1362 1315 .133940
.... .... 1!9905
, 1300 1300 1299 06
VortlABd Bank a.
Clearings today .......... . .$l,4f7,10.90
xear ago ............... 915.088.91
. ' . (t'oltad 'Preaa taaaed WlrO ' "
' San Francisco, Jan. '. Eggs, . per .
4nnnii Inn1nllni s mab . a 1 i Arnl si 44kaf H
Extras, 88c; firsts.', 36o: atorage extras,
ouner, t per' pouiiu vftjuvnim Ainu. '
Extras. 25o firsts.- Sir: aeeonds. 29e: 'v
storage extras, JlV4o; do ladles, 25 Wo;'
do firsts. . 26c. . - i V ,
New clieese ' per ' pound New Call- ',.
seconds, lac; caurornia xoung America;;
rancy,. ic; iirsis, mo; eastern iew
r i . . . l .. i , a . . . .i . ... i . i a . . , :
do Oregon, 18 He; do Young America,
1 8 He ;. storage California flats: Fancy, i ,
1 7 Vc; firsts, Young . America, -
fancy, 17 Ho; Wisconsin singles, fancy, ,
18 He. . .. y
Potatoes, " per cental River Whites, ,
70(S80o; for choice to fancy 4n sauks
with extra stock quotable at 90eff$l.iu;,
Salinas, $1.201.40; Oregons. $1.16W ;
1.26; Early Rose, $l.E0i sweet potatoes,,
in crates, $1.27)1.60; do sacks, $1.00(9.
1 ?R l ' . . i. i, i - .
Oranges, per box New navels, choice,
$1.7601.00;, fancv. - $2.26.6d: new' ,
tangerines. 76cCi) $1.00 for smalL and '
$1.2641. 59 for large boxes. -,
. Onions, per cental Yellow, 90c$1.19. ' '
j jumping or very neavr voiums "
.Of cheap quality apples Is hav-' 4.
4 ing an adverse effect upon quo- 4.'
4 , tatlons In the local market Cheap. 4 - .
O apples are overplentlful and; will 4
4 ' likely remain so until after the -4
flrat -cf. the coming month. 4
' . . ' -: 1 ',-.-' r. : - : 4
Gain today ...,..,,....,,.$ 602.087.99
uaiances today 79,815.60
t Year ago, y. ,116,686.51
Seattle Banks, ' '"
Clearings today ........... $1,720,821.00
Balances today 126,626.00
Tsooma Banks. . ''
Clearings today ..,..$1,082,912.00
Balances today ,. 43,069.00
- (United Frees Leased Wire.) ,
.Washington, Jan. - 6. Major General
Daniel , H- - Rucker, ' retired, known aa
the oldest officer of the United States
army, died this afternoon of kidney'
irvuuin.. n m uvi u ,n ,11,, i
'" ' " " i
Woodmen Install. .
(Speeld Dlimateli te Tha Joarsalt
, Vancouver, Wash., Jan. . A verrj
pleasant meeting waa. held by. the W,
O. W. of Vancouver camp No. 85 last;
evening. Tha officers for the coming
year were installed. Tha Initiatory de
gree was put on-and soma very flne
work was done by the team who were
nearly all present . , .
t 3 A'KllMC , . . . .
Mo. Pacific
Nan. Lead
N. Y. C
N. Y., O. & W.
IN. & 'W., C
N. American
N. Pacific, c...,
P. M. S. S. Co....
Pa. Ry
P. G.. L. & C. Co.
P. Steel Car, c. .
P. Steel Car. n
Reading, c
Reading, 2d p. . .
Reading, 1st p..
R. I. & S.. e
R. I. & S., p.....
Rock Island, c
Rock Island, n, .
St. L. & 8. F. 2dD.
St. L. & 8. F.,lstp
r. . t n ' r-. .
DC U.- Ot B. W., C
St. L. ft S. W.. p
b. ciric, c. .
S. Railway, c.
S. Railway, p
" H MOHAIR 1909. 23(324c lb.
i-HIDES Drv hides. lT0iUa ih
' preen.. 9 HW 10 He lb: bulls, green salt
. 7c lb: kips, 1010Hc; ealves. green.
iv.ikc per jd. .
c Butter, Jaggs and roultry.
EGGS LecaL candled, select. .41
' 42 He; .local storage. 28c; eastern stor-
BUTTER FAT Dellverv a h Port.
land sweet cream. i74e' sour, nun-
BUTTER Extra creamery, 89c; fan
cy, ic, aiore, io.
CHEESE Fancy -full eream -IS
T18Hc; triplet and daisies, lIHe;
i'Ol'LTKY Mixed chickens, lHc;
iMM'f ben?. l717Hcj roosters, old. 12c:
Kee, 1214c, Tor live, 1618o for
. i.ret!a: ouoks, ,3mw2c; turKeys, alive.
... aijuaba.- $2.503 doa.; dressed chicken,
lc to c pound higher than alive,
drain, rioux and Kay.
BARLEY 'Producers' prtee1909
rA 3iff$1.50; rolled. $:$; brewing.
. J'l ."o , ,
UUliVTr-Trark, club, $1.11; bluestom
per gallon. $2.75: per 100 lb. sack, J7tf
i.dv; canned easiern, ooc can, dOX.;
eaaiern in eneii, ai.os per iuo.
ralnt. coal Oil. XI to.
BENZINli; t degree, cusea, 19o per
L; Iron bbls. HHc per aaL
LINSEED OIL Raw bbls., 84o; caaes.
oai, uuneu. uuis., boc; cases, vie:
per gallon lots of 250 gallons, lc leas;
r uioiii, nuiie in marKei.;
ROPE Manila, c: si sal. 7 it a.
'I LiRPENTlNE In cases. 76c barrels,
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7o per
lb.; 600 lb. lots. So per lb.; leas lota.
lie per lb.
COAL OIL Peart astral and star. 19c
Kr gallon; eocene, 22c gallon; elalne.
e gallon; headlight 20Hc gallon; extra
star, 22c gallon; water white, 11 HO
16 He per gallon; apeclai water white.
16c gallon. - - '
GASOLINE Red cron and 'motor.
16O230 gallon: 8 gasoline, J04)l7Ho
ga Ion; V. M. 4k P. naphtha. 13Ht2He
gallon: engine distillate Q 16o galloa.
. New; York-London Silver.
JNtcw York, Jan. . Bar wllver; 62Hc,
London, Jon, (.Silver, 26 8-160
57 sheep 138
i larans 4
The following Is the general range of
veatock prices In the yards:
CATTLE Best steer welehinr 1200
pounds, $4.85.00; - medium steers,J
4.6; Dest tows, 3.754.85; fancy helf-
s. 3.7&a3.S5: medium cows. 83.50:
poor cows, $2.003.60; bulls, $2.002.75;
Biags, a.ou(g (g a.uu.
HOGS Best east of the mountains,
$8.858.90; fancy, $8.758.80; etockers,
$6.00; pigs, $6.007.00.
SHEEP Best wethers, $5.25(9)5.60:
ordinary. $6.00: serins- lambs. 18.00
6.25: straight ewes, $4.76; mixed lots,
1. (OWO.VV.
CALVES Best, $6.256.0; ordinary,
Eastern Livestock Market. '
Chicago, Jan. 6. Hogs, 20,000; cattle,
7000: sheep,- 12,000.
Hogs' are steady. Left over. 4700; re
ceipts a year ago, 32,000.
Mixed. $8.30jji8.70; heavy. $8.658.70;
rough. $8.468.50; light $8.5008.55.
Cixttle Steady.
Sheep Strong. ,
-Hogs, 7000; cat-
Kansas City, Jan. 6 -ale,
6000; sheep, 6000.
..?"''. Jan. 6. Hogs, 7000; cattle.
4000; sheep, 6500.
Albany Odd Fellows Install.
Albany, Or Jan. 6. The local lodire
of Odd Fellows instaljfid. the following
officers last evening: Fred D. tvalter,
noble grand; John H. Goins. vice arrani:
H. Barnes, recording secretary; C. - E.
Fox, financial secretary; John Robe
son, treasurer. After the business ses
sion 00 persons, including Odd Fel
lows, Rebekalis with their families and'
friends were banqueted, . -
f I I s u?
1:1: N l;I . .. , - . , ... j
1 ; ,i i . - ! - i i at
67 67 66 66 H - ' H
60 60H 80 , 60 III .'..:.; II
lii 122 121 122 H A H
100H 102H 100H 10H4 1 .1 l
fllfc 1114 11H4 lllS I' a
117 118H 117 1J7H I '" '; ''--'-'';' " w I
47 47H 47W 47 Q . 1 .W I I X II
108 108 108 107 IN . , . II
844 854 841 25U II ' II
165 1654 164H164H H H
179 179 178 178 H . tTTtyTU AMfl OTADtT OTrT7T7"T'0 , U
. 90 91 80 90 M . u i nivix uiiuu.j II
. 48 48 47 47 R ''',' " ' I
. 68, 60 67 69 ;! - , t
; "ii" at ,1 H
32 23 22 22 H ' . ' ' H
18l1l83nr82 tl 82 t H " " ' '-' ' ' ; " y - - x U
60 61 60 60 ,H . . .. ' . .' , II
83 83 83 83 U ' H
33 84 33 83 H ' , r , , i . , If
41 41 40 40 Q H
61 14 87 81. , ' ' B
141 142 141 141 Q " '' ' """ " ' V J
146 146 146 146 B H
23 24 23 24 H ...... D
69 60 68 59 H H
168 168 167 157 H H
49 '66 i9 4 I Increase in denosits durino- the vear 190Q ...... 7Q Pr Cent I
::::::::::::::::::: ur n "f -j - h.
?o ?' ?i I ' - Losses from bad loans during the year 1909 . . . . . ..... . . . . . None x B
143 143 142 142 B .. . , - M
40 40 40 41 i ' . - E
136 136 136 135 -v , . ' H
114 114 113. 114 H " ' " -'..;-- . . . ..... H.
60 60 50 50 P.'.smi J. i. .IIIIIMIIIIII.I...I..I.. in.) ,1.1m, iiiiiisdi .i.i .. 1 .... L .ii..i!p.!..iaiiinili.iiL,,BW,. ii..,i.ii.iiiiii.iI.iii, j 1 ,1 111 m.m ..mi,, M:
106 - - . '
167 168 167 1W nr , ' 11 Bl I !- bbbsssbbb.bssbb-bsbsssss-bb sassassssM
It jl 44 lffr3irB I fT&fhnlr
103 103 103 I 11 I T! 'if I Z If .11 II f I sT.ll f HI Isf.ui Tl VTV1 UVVll V I
68H 68 68 I ill -:fi:v,. II L I IIIK f- 1. f 1 I
I 72 I 72 I 72 - - Jill II W T'V .
33 824 824 , , i i ,
ofshittigs m ... . .. , . win
? 2? ? '; iiAat ta nAMi.:MM ni." ..I I
73 73 1731 II l6VSmr VEfll n ZM 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 sr wJk I ' III III
ii - as mt mm ssi ssj ssi as at aa as as sb . bb , ssj aw sa a i a i
el ill ua vMmMa.aai iuuu ill
"I I I I I If you contemplate opening a new account or changing your jj
l lj l banking relations at the .beginning of the new year, we shall I
fill be Please1 t0 confer with you concerning the facilities that I
Jill - this bank affords, assuring to you those courtesies and con- I ,
j siderations which your account deserves. ' ; j
Total sales, 959,400 shares.
Money closed at 44 p6r cent.
With most ' modern
equipment throughout,
most" central location,
conservative : manage
ment and courteous
treatment we are pre-.
pared ; to handle . your
business. , .
Check and Savings
Accounts unrestricted as
to amounts, foreign and
domestic exchange1, col
lections, bond issues,
trust estates,' properties
care d for, leased and
sold. '
Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts.
Paid Capital $150,000.
Lasts longer and is safer for horses and autos
; than any other kind of pavement.
Is being laid in more cities in the northwest than J
is any other class of pavement.
Together with its weafing qualities, are what
make it popular. '
Commercial bodies, :ity officials or individuals
who are interested can obtain complete informa
tion! and statistics; regarding street paving by
addressing , , ,....,.,.
" '- ' i ..." " - ' !
Warren ConsfrucJIon Company
Commission Merchants
Stocks, Bonds
Cotton, Grain, t& .
v 216-217
Board of Trade Building
Members Chlearo Board of Trad.
Correspondents or Lecan A Bryan.
Chicago, ' New , Tork. Boston.
Wa have th only private wire
eonnectins; Portland with tbe
eaatara asehanges. '."
Ways to Save
Jive simply. .
Cut Out' Luxuries,
y ' v Look for Bargains.
Pay Cash. ,
, Take Discounts and
Bank Your Savings.
4 Interest
$1.00 will start the ac
count. We do a general
,7 : banking and will be
pleased to serve you.
Every department, is
equipped to render the '
. most modern service.
Open 8 a. m. lo 5:39 p. ra.
Salordays 8 p. n.
' ' A.-., '' :