The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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, 1
..! i -LJ-Jxra
COST' CITY $2,001,41 3
m Squabble Over Motor Boat and
' Acreage Ends In Victory for
; ; V the ; Noted ; Hurdler.
Growth In (h Improvement of street
as shown by the annual report of
Deputy City Engineer J. R- Hansen for
the year Just ended wu 14 per cent
more than In the prevloua year. The
actual coat of all ktnda of street Im
provements, including- hard surface.
' " 1 '. " ' " I fills, macadam. aldewalkirbridge and
The charge f larceny against Forrest earth grading was $1,001,411.25. Itw408
the coat of such Improvements was $1,'
The tout mileage In the city of the
improvements named above, exclusive
of sidewalks, waa 166.405 at the close
of 190$, This was Increased Inst year
to 180.111 miles. There were 668.401
miles of sidewalk in the city at the
does of 190ft and the slifewalk mileage
C Smlthson, champion hurdler of the
world,; were dismissed this morning in
, municipal court IIo was accused by Da
v!4 Lewis, .real estate dealer, having
., deekroom at 88 Finn street, of fraud-
, -n ulently taking a motorboat which, waa
Involved In a real estate deal, in which
r fcmlthscn now claims he, waa "Jobbed
Attorney Walter Hayes charged Lewis Bftlier end'of 10 was 810.0M
; who swindling oinimnun oy murtprff
sentatlon. Acting Judge Langguth held
i that : Smlthson had not .committed
f crime, and that evidence was not suffi-
' r.lont to warrant an indictment He said
I, the grand jury would also loo It at the
expense, .and would greatly question
; the action of a jury in the circuit court
The evidence adduced showed that
Most Improvements oa Cast Bide. ,
"Most of the street improvements' In
Enterprises Lost, ' Won.
Was . Stranded;;
1909 wer made on the east side. The The Late Multimillionaire Was Aground on Pea Patch Shoal.
Mil... A ttjt lM tk4 ... kA(h I '.,-,. f t I . . - .
sides of th. nver waa 4.777, The ea.t Deeply Interested in Portland ; Near Point Where Prairie
piui (lit ileal ij nvrn 11111 mm uiuvu v
this as the west side, the figures for
the trans-river1 section of the city be-
Ing 46.7(4 miles and for this side 7.983
miles. The coat of east side improve
ments wss 81,605,808.(2; of those On the
west side. 83M.208.88. r ,
Street work under contract January
1, 1910, Included improvements which
will cost the city fl.S4S.7t9. Of these
the east side streets will cost 11,680,860
and those on the west side 114,889.
Hard surface laid in 1909 cost the
property owners of the city 11,167,
974.(1. Below will be found a table
showing the a, umber of miles of the
different kinds or pavement laid on
each side of the river and the amount
of money paid for each: '
D. O. Mills, the multimillionaire, who i (United Preas LhuI wim.) ' ' '
recently died 1ri San Francisco, was a ' Philadelphia, Jan. (.The battleship
large holder of the stock and bonds of I Idaho grounded today on Pea -Patch
the Portland. Railway, Light ft Power shoal in th nu.e riv .t,ii.'i,n.
. , . I " " " ' WU,.V
Tr.Z?lJ2i? ZrZJrZ. Bandy. Hook to assist the waj.hlpg
cable line, which afterwards bought out 1,1 1 - , '
the Portland railway, at that . time 1 T08r" wera ,ent MItanee of
operating the Washington and the 81x1 tranded vessel, which is on the
teenth street lines.' , The consolidation j?na bout an eighth of a mile from
of the cable road and the Portland Rati- n Plat where the cruiser Prairie was
way company was largely financed bylnla prisoner for 11 daya.":v ...
Asphalt . ...
ftone blocks
ltullthlO ..,
Hassam ...
Totals ..
.......... .
. . ' 4-, , , .
..., .80S
e e es(fl0.'14vt
m... 1.089
.......... 30.1 S(
Miles. West side.
Smlthson had agreed to trade his motor. 1
l bust, valued at 12000, and boathouse,
,, valued at 1600, for acreage at Oregon
! City owned by lwis. , This land was
I represented by Lewis to oe valued at
I 13600.. says Bmlthson
i Rmitheon also assumed a mortgage to glneer's office. His report was sub-
4, make out the difference. Upon in-1 niltted to Cltv Engineer Morris veater
t vestlgatlon. Smlthson discovered .thl ,j,y. ba Incorporsted by that official
i T Z r i .. ..17 .ST'n h' ""U"' report for 1909.
. (i vvvsant4 aonou vwsf w aiasav wa
' the amount he aald he had been cheated
' out of by misiepresentatlon. Smlthson
t claim
. 1 1 .i ... . t r n v. .
i uiu nuh t i iiuiu)inun, vwuvr u. 1111 . tf
UVIB . UIU III. t.l.-,. i.kk'. . . .1 .., .,.
crnnnH lt mnt Vnnr .nvlhln. f h. u..t.i v.
East side.
6.618 '
1.089 ,
(.267 1S.899
Cost (botn
. 26.925.46
JEansoa Stn baits Xeport.
Engineer Hanson is In charge rt the
department of. . streets In the city! en-
Deputy City Engineer Cobb ha('a1so
finished the compilations for the. 1909
I . m ... I ... I as In ... uhA.
. . . j ...1 . . , I WlOIIICII, ,V .1 111. ... HIW w
;olThompaorownelr of tU. Ct . '"'
acreage, for whom
I ....I ... 1. 1.1 .. 1ST. .
't . "J 5., XI VL approximately $14,971,151. Inclodjng
Mr. mi us, who owned Outright a con
trolling interest In the new corporation
The Fifth street cable road was never
a financial suocess, and Its backers lost
heavily In the deal. However, Mr. Mill
is believed to have recouped a large parj
or nis losses in the rinal consolidation
of the .Portland City Railway company
and the City ft Suburban company, and
in the last merger of the Portland Con
solldated and tha Oregon ft Water
rower companies. It Is known that he
From the office of R. B. Miller, ren-
ral frelghV agents of the Southecn pa
cif lo linea in Oregon, was laaued a clr
f after November 21. -Smlthson went to
j the boathouse, took the boat, and Lewis
1 made a charge of larceny against Smith-!
. son. . ... -K
I W. Murry testified he went with
Smlthson' to see Lewis about straight-
i f-ning out the deal, and that Lewis prom
k ised to do so. Lewis contended that the
; affair was according to real estate eth-
I I b, and , that If Smlthson waa fool
enough to pay him for the property he
," was not to blame.
Attorney Hayes scored. Lewis -and.
I ter's office is In the scale company's
1 suite of rooms,
The Council of Jewfsh Women met In
an unusually Interesting session yester-
omers. wuom ne ciairaea wero s Tiesw oay in : Its hall In the SelllngHlrsch
' of tmnflth mill astata". neaiern. M.n I ki,iutn0 l ...,w..inn' k. .n...
. - . . T-i . yujiuiiiB ' vv.i.o. v.i-.v,. n n i J iuiii.
, eger voiigan. or tne xoieao Hcaies com- 0f the day and Joseph N. Teal read the
nonu .1... ...tlfll fnm T .w(. Th. 1. 1-1.,.. w , M .
..v, " cniei paper. in mm ui , ine
subject that followed Dr. J. R. Wilson,
principal of Portland academy; E. T.
Alien, district forester or the uniteq;
States forest services and John C'Stev
ens, district engineer. United States
geological survey, spoke and gave some
interesting sidelights.
The natural resources of the country
land the manner In which they are rap-
(Idly being despoiled were spoken of and
emphasis was laid on the educative work
that can be done by the women of the
country in Imparting' to their men folk
the importance of conaervlng these re-
I HniircM. Thua thAv ran Inf lneDrte . thn
: Williani Seligman, Head of the 11oj. ven they cwnot mu.
events of the day and Mis Clara How
ell sang particularly well "Ah! Rendl
Mill from "Mltrane." :
Paris Branch of Seligman
. Co., Dies in Paris. : '
. . (Sperlel Dlpltch Uy Tli Joiirntl.) ' ,
. New York, Jan. 6. Seligman ft Co.,
the bankers, today received word from
Paris of the death of William Seligman,
whu was the second of the eight Selig
man brothers in point of age. William
K.-llgman was the senior partner of the
firm of Seligman, Frerea ft Co.,. which is
tlio Fcrls branch of the firm. The
house has branches In Paris, London,
t ranKfort and San Francisco.
(Rlieel.I Dl.p.tpb to Th. Joarnal.)
Walla Walla. Wash., Jan. (.What is
meant by the latest move of the Stra
. horn surveyors in this vicinity has all
.. the railroad theorists of this vicinity
guessing. The party that has been oper
ating In the mountains ' above here,
working out the route through the hills
to the east' has been taken off on ac
count of severe weather, and was sent
to White Salmon., What the Strahorn
people are doing in that region cannot
be learned here.' There has been no sur
vey in that part of the country, as far
as Is known here, and there is nothing
under consideration.
C. L,' TVood, In an interview given
here as he was passing through on his
way to Iowa, stated that- the ' road was
surely coming through Walla Walla, and
that it would be a main lfne. Mr. Wood
is right of way agent for Strahorn. Fur
ther than that" statement Mr, Wood
would say nothing. f ; i
-Unite Prm Leued Wire.)
Chicago, Jan. 6. Mrs. Evelyn Ro
madka, the former wife of a Milwaukee
millionaire trunk manufacturer, donned
the garb of the Volunteers of America
today. Mrs. Romadka will henceforth
appear on the streets 'of Chicago In
nightly meetings Of the Voluntccra.
Mrs. Romadka has just been released
from prison, Where she was sent as
an accomplice of a negro thief who op-
S.86 miles of sewers laid. In 1909... the
present total mileage of the city Is
189.04, Owing to the difficulty In as- finally roallsed large profits on bis In
eertalnlng the assessments levied r in I vestments In "Portland traction stocks. 1
tha earlier year of tha clty'a history! The Mills estate Is now one of the cular this morning announcing tha an
the estimate of cost given heretofore, heaviest ownera of . Portland Railway, POintment of H. B. Lounsbury to the
m mu. upon s puis or i.ou a iooc i i,igni tt rower companyr stock ana is I Hion or omriot rreight agent with
uuring ii iv new sewer improvements isiso largely interested in the bonds of 1 neauquanera at rortland. Vice C
on a vast scale win oe commenced. I the company. One of the largest and I aiaioeour, resigned.
rroeeeainga already under way for most valuable properties belonging to I he) appointment becomea effective
Drancnes or tne Brooklyn sewer in-1 the Mills esute Is the Bunkerhlll and I Janu,rT IT. , Mr. Miller, as traff lo man
volve the expenditure of 8600.000 in the Sullivan mine In the Coeur d'Alene, srer.of the Oregon Railroad ft Navlga-
near luiure ana pians ror otner ais- which was purchased by the late flnan- uon company, also announces by clr
tnct sewer systems, now being pre-Icier from fL o. Rd nt thl. Mtv. ' cuiar that C H. Iexter la acnalntad
pared by Engineer Cobb, will mean el Those In a nosltion to know sav that Ceneral agent of the freight department
tne profits from the big Coeur d'Alene vl vregon luuiroaa ft Navigation
mine furnished a large part of the con,Panjr and the Southern Paclfio lines
money .Invested by the wealthy philan- ln iory0n f8 Mr' Lounsbury, pro-
throplat In working men and working '"""7? appomimeni. aiso oecomes
ginr noteia erected In New York City """ "uijr f.
(8dc1.1 DlfDstck to The Jnarn.1.)
Oregon. City,, Jan. (.The combined
reports of the city border .nd city Small Blaze In Hotel Sevard
. v. w -wv-t s.M..UwU
Does Little Damage, but
. - Excites Guests.
further outlay of 11,600.000.
("peet.l Dbipiteb to Th. Joernil.)
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. (.At the
hearing held yesterday at Salem, Or., at
torneys for Mrs. Mary Johnson, wanted
at Vancouver by the Northern Pacific,
argued that the woman was wanted at
Pendleton on a charge of forgery and
could therefore not be taken from the
state. Governor Benson, before' whom
the hearing waa had, decided not to
grant the requisition until the alleged
Pendleton affair was investigated.
7 he authorities at Vancouver contend
that all charges preferred against her
at Pendleton were dismissed, and It is
a ruse on the part of Mrs. Johnson and
her attorneys to delay the proceedings.
.during the. past. 10 or IS years. Mr.
Mllis was largely Interested In the fa
mous Treadwell mine on Douglas Island,
Alaska, which has yielded millions of
profits for 26 years.
messrs. jounsoury ana Dexter are
wen known and popular in the railroad
I field, Mr. 'Lounsbury having been with
the Southern Paclfio many years before
Its Interests were merged with those of
ins U. it. ft N and Mr. Dexter has bean
In tha employ of the O. R. ft N. oompany
ior nearly is years. . ,
' tftpedil Dlnptteb to The Joaroil.)
Canby. Or., Jan. (.Work on tha
buildings for the Canby Cannery started
this week, ,The work is under the
charge of A. Muller of Chicago, who
represents tha company, which, has con
tracted ror the erection of the build
ings and Installing the necessary ma.
(SpecUl Dlapatcb fo Th. Journ.l.l
i Vancouver, Wash., Jan. (.The eoun-
ty commissioners of Clarke county went
to Portland today in a body to inspect
the rock crusher at Kelly Butte. They
contemplate buying such a machine for received his commission as colonel dur-
Clarke county and .will thoroughly In
vent i get e the different makes before
making a selection. They Intend to buy
a' stationary machine. If a suitable site
can be secured at or near the Colum
bia quarries, but if not will purchase a
portable one. j ...
The Tiffany road question which has
crated in this-city. Maud Balllngton been before-the commissioners for the
Booth, wife of the leader of the .Volun
tecrs, procured a parole for the woman.
The board of pardons granted-the pa
role in a secret session December 16
and Mrs. Romadka was released Tues
She was convicted two yeafs ago of
icaiing jeweiry amounting in vaiue to
past three years was taken up yesterday
and the road ordered established. Dam
ages in the-sum of 160 wvjre awarded
to various land owners along the way of
the propored road. The road is Tin the
vicinity of Prune Hill, near Camas.
A license to run for three years was
granted the Portland Railway, Light
1 . '' " (United Press te.ed 'Wire.)1!? -.
; Pasadena, Cal., Jan. (.The explosion
or the steam i drum -of a gas heater in
the Pasadena board of trade rooms this
4 afternoon resulted in the serious ln
f'i jury of A. J. Bertoneau, secretary of
, 'JLise board of trade, Mrs. Leslie O. Wal-
lace, of Canton, N. Y a winter resident
ri here, who was struck by a flying piece
r' of Iron, and . James Stalker, a local
capitalist, who was stunned, by; being
;ii struck on the head by a fragment of
the stove.' AH were taken td -their
fl homes. Bertoneau's condition is serious.
When the stove exploded lite was struck
by a heavy piece of metal over the heart
U and It is believed h was injured in
''n. tern ally. ' v- -..
nearly $1000. was found guilty and sen- Power company to operate a ferry boat
IC.H.CU -. , . w.ra ui io v At Vancouver. All previous grants were
;'" " wm tnavu. I for one vear onlv.
A net it Ion Waa nresented hv V.
CLERK nOOKF HELD , Smith for the vacation of a certain road
m-m m . 1 niuRcuciu, j. no nearuig waa net
AS WAnnllMtK o rAL for Febru
(United I'reM Leased Wire.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 6. A warrant
was isued today for the arrest of Kd.-
gar I. Cooke, formerly a clerk em
ployed in the local offices of the Big
Four railroad. Cooke was prominent ln
the trial of Charles Warriner for the
embezzlement of 1643,000 of the com-
tanerlal Dtanatrh to Th. Journal
Vancouver, Wash.. Jan. 8. Charles M.
Smith, member, of (J company, Van
rr'J:"". day on a charge of stealing a bicycle
mm wiin receiving atoien gooas. from . fron, nf th. ,,. R- v t -
Shon on West ftlxfh afreet Smith la
Z hKfclUHl 5 STICK IN f"!??. Aold-th? he
SNOW; TRAFFIC HALTS induced t0 come t0 th M0M tm i"
r , vvn iii I7.DI I.I1V WHCCl,
On his arrival he waa placed under
arrest by Officer Gilmore. He will be
given a hearing today. -
' (Special Plapatcb to Th. Journal.
La Grande, Or., Jan. 6 .Two freight
trains' are stuck in the snow on Telo-
caset hill, and two passenger trains are
marooned behind them. Efforts are
being made to. clear the line before
night, . '
- , Little Girl Killed.
fSneflal Dlxpktcb to Tb. Journal.)
Mashficld. . Or.. Jan. 6.-rThe little
'i daughter of Andrew Stogard, who Is
i daef and dumb, was run over and killed
. by a Bwltch engine at the Southern Pa
cific coa! bunkers, i The child had wan.
;i dered upon the trestle leading to the
bunkers. ..... :
Hot at f.1ill( Trust
: Thl Criminal and Cenuim
(United Preas Leased Wire.)
Washington, Jan. . The , American
Federation of Labor today invited Presi
dent Taft to enter the fight It is con
ducting against the United States Steel
corporation. A committee of the fed
eration, headed by President Samuel
Gompers, presented the president with a
lengthy letter charging the steel trust
with breaking the laws, and demanding
us punisnment. The president prom
ised to investigate the charges. .
Superior Court Docket Light;
. ,,. ,lSrfl, Plapatelrto TU Journal. I ;
; 3valla W alla, Jan. 6. Yesterday w
docket day in the superior court, and
cases for the coming term were fixed
for trial,: 'The docket follows: Crim
Volunteer Fire, Department Meets.
(Special Dlnpatcb to Tb. Journal.!
Vancouver. Wash.. Jan. 6. The mem
bers, of the Vancouver Volunteer Fire
department held an Interesting , and
pleasant meeting last evening. A com
mittee for the purpose of arranging the
program for the annual banquet was
appointed as follows: W. M. McCavitt,
William Pancost and Ben DeTarmond
The aifair will probably take nlace
within the next two weeks and is looked
forward to with great Interest by the
members of the association. Music- was
rendered by a quartet of Portland talent
and was much enjoyed by the member's.
A new office, sergeant at arms, was
created and Ed -Hamilton was given
tha position. George Wiegel was ap
pointed decree master.
Women of Woodcraft to Meet.
(Soecial DlKnutch to The Journal. V
Vancouver, ..Wash Jan, 6,-rSuiir!se
was I circle, Women bf Woodcraft, will hold
their regular meeting tomorrow night
at Eichenlaub's hall and officers for
the ensuing year will be. installed. One
Th Food Drink for A!l Ages.
; For Infaiiti,TnvaIidsnd Growing children.
-. Pure Nutrition, upbuilding the whole body,
tuvigorates the nursing mother and the aged,
( u'i h milk, malted grain, in powder form.
k qsick lunch prepared in a mincte.
Tde co 6ubstitute. Aik for HORLICK'S.
Others are imitations
lnal cases, Monday, January , 17, Lizzie I of the head organisers of Portland will
May and Gus Arndt, statutory offense: I be Dresent and after the work refrih.
noriM mum ana nanaa xtisaoura. 'iiv- I ments will be served,
ing rrom earnings or raiien women;
Tuesday, January 18, Gustav Lind, lar
ceny; W. S, MoCalley, seduction; J. C.
Donovan, forgery; Wednesday, January
and Harry C Barrabee. larceny.
lhe clyll docket has the following:
iVifituu . Tannon, .A tt? 1 Ti ; . .
Real Estate Transfers.
Vancouver, WaBh., Jan. . Tha toU
G. M. Harris, forgery: J. C. Toung I IowlnK transfers of real estate are reg
Harry C Uarrabee. larceny. ' iatered ln-the county auditor s office:
A. v.. lork to W. Lawrence, 17 acres.
section - 8, township 6" north, -range -1
,. i ,
(gairtn Bureas of Tb. Joura.ID
Salem, Or.,. Jan. 6. Colonel L. K.
Page, one of Salem's most prominent
and wealthiest citizens, died at his
residence in this city at 1:30 o'clock
this morning as the result of a com
plication resulting from Bright's disease chlnary. The cannery will be equipped
and ptomaine poisoning. The colonel I to handle all the different kinds of
with his wife returned Christmas day . I rruit and vegetables raised In this vi
cinity, it is neing built by local peo
ple, who have raised the sum of 66000
to ouiia ana equip the plant.
The city council met In regular ses
sion Monday night The new mayor,
Dr. H. A. Dedman presided. He de
livered a strong Inaugural address,
pointing out the necessity of keeping
the town growing and the Streets and
sidewalks ln good shape; also the com
ing need of a good water and sewerage
system. Charles N. Wait resigned as
councilman and George F. Meeks, a well
gnown resident and property owner, was
elected to nil the vacancy. Mr. Wait
was elected city recorder, succeeding
wiuiam iinignt, wno Has had the of
fice two terms. Mr. Wait has filled
the office before. He Is an attorney.
Warren Kendall was elected superintend
ent or streets, succeeding Adam Knight,
who Is now serving as councilman. J.
S. Dick waa elected marshal, succeeding
G. W. Hoyt v. . v' '
The ground la frozen solid to a depth
of several ' inches and - most farmers
having potatoes still in-the ground have
bid them .goodbye, and say they will
not have to trouble to dig them. Fears
are Xelt of serious injury to winter
grain, both' wheat and oats. There is
a strong demand for spring seed, to
to the mayor and council of this city at I
tha first meeting of tha year last night.
abow that Oregon City la way ahead of
laat year ln tha way of Improvements
and a. few dollars on the debit aide of
the cash book. . ' . v I '' -
The total receipts of tha year have een nunarea aouarr damage waa
been $10I.27.I5, and tha disbursements I done to tha new Hotel Seward, corner
left a balance of approximately 62000, lor Tenth and Alder streets, br an early
but aa there are about 61600 warrants I mnmln. fir. whioh .n..n i,,
outstanding to be paid out of thla, the guests of tha hostelry Into tha street.
active cash on hand la not any more I -n,. j t
than enough to meet Intereat coupon ' T V, V , . I
and other minor items. bor. "hop rA y H.-C. Frederick,
During tha year, besides the rerular na n P" or tha lobby.
expenses of tha city, thera have been I Smoke, Issuing from the barber shop,
purchased a chemical engine for the fire attracted tha attention of night' clerk.
department, new atepa up tne mil rrom I v. u. Harrington about t o'clock. 1 Call-
f irm street, a Judgment or a large ing Night- Engineer Foss and Night
amount has been paid foi condemned I Porter vErskine, he Attempted to extln
property, numerous survey mad for I Suish the blase, which started t ram de.
proposed street' improvements, and iTIfectlv electrio light wires In ,the cell-
runa closed and all warrants against f Ing over tha barber shop. Finding he
them paid. Fourteen of these funds! could not locate the blase, the clerk
wer street improvement fund, and th turned In a fir alarm , and rang th
other tnree wer aewer districts funds. I hotel alarm, arouain ail tha ments.
-iner are a.t present.! funds outstand-1 Many, arrayed only In . nightdress. '
ing, wmcn nare omy small aeoit 'Dai-1 ned down the stairways. Tm women
ances, with tha exception of One or two J use tha fire escapes as a means of exit
largo funds. There are warrants out Firemen easily extinguished the flame
standing In almost all Of these fund with chemical. Insurance 1 fully cov
iiimi nmvm oesn caueci in ana in inter- l ers the loss.
wfitju' a uivin, dui xnare is not I
enough money In eaon fund to Uk up
on of these warrants, so, Uken together,
in z runa amount to th balance cash
on hand, which to one who doea not
know, might look as If tne city had a
large amount of money In tha treasury
mat waa lying idle.
Th following la a summary renort I Into the matter or tha t,.un.M.n.
of th city recorder handed in to th of th freight rates on rreen fruits
majrur ug council or ureson uw lasti.nA vi.. n .
'" - f . ... , , ., .
General fimrt ff.l r.m. tin Kot ii. .loany ana uatea and also
total disbursements, 126.666.66; balance . fte on th am WmodItias be
61.016.78 balance from - last year, r.Tw"11 Albany na Salem and between
8996.08; approilmat warrants outstand-1 Albany, and PorUand on th Southern -
Ing. 880.760.06. t . , facino la being heard - by - the com-
Tntai ivuhih) r i,,,(it..iii. I miasion at Aioany today, other near-
January 1, 1909. waa 884.778.80, of I wf . I,v heen aet down by tha com
which 860.000 was original and refund-1 m,1B'on M fo"owa: In the matter of
in hArMa tn v. i .v.. .v im baggage service on tha Tamhiu
balance 831778.80 were street anrt a.wer4G v '0l Southern Pacific,-corn-
Improvement bonds, which are nald bv P.11" ?rouh.t by Jr M- Upton ,of
tha m.r. mmmtm ,v.. I roriiana, will b beard at Portland.
ments: 816.48l.lf wnrth rt th... Monday, January It.'' ,-.; .. . '
have been redeemed durlnr tha cast ln XP er. of sUbl!shmnt of
yar, which leavea 869.895.64 total J wV Jsrv cnPiaint
"'""t"' vinurae v. fianaaitr wiu.p
(Salem Barcea of Tha Jonmati '
Balem, Or., Jan. 6. An Investigation
bond outsUndlng January 1, 1910.
Road fund, total receipts. 86.509.84:
total disbursements, 84,538.89; balance.
isi.fiz; Daiance January 1. 1909, 8398.89.
heard at New Era, Wednesday,. January
In the matter, of adeauate denot fa.
Warrants ouUUnding against fund, " kT! Atort Co-
H7.RRS1SK ' . .. uuuMlumbia River . railroad. complaint
brought by Henry Lareen, .will be
irom a trip east during wnica Mr.
Page ate something in the dining car
on the Northern Paclfio while at Ta
coma which resulted in his death.
Mr. Page came to Salem about eight
yeara ago from Iowa. Ha wa for a
time president of the Salem Slate bank
but resigned four yeara ago. The bank
has since become the United States
National bank of Salem and has erected
the only five story class A steel of
fice structure to be found in Oregon out
side of Portland. He was also , the
owner of mUch real property ln and
about Salem.
Colonel Page was 65 years old. He
ing the conflict between the north and
the south and had charge of a regi
ment, afterwards being transferred t
the staff of the governor of Iowa. He
was prominent in the G. A. R., and alao
was a Knight Templar. The Masonic or
der will have charge of the funeral ar
rangements. - He is survived by. two
sons and a daughter, all living In Salem.
They are Mabel Page,- Scott Pag and
Addison Page. ,
(Special Dispatch to Tb. Journal. I -Saleiupr.,
Jan. 6. That Mrs. Maude
Johnson 18 suffering from an incurable
malady that is sapping not only her
strength, but her mentality, and that
she is In nowise a fugitive from Jus
tice, was the plea put up in her behalf
by her father before Governor Benson
this afternoon when the requisition for
her extradition from Pendleton to Se
attle for trial was argued. Mrs. John
son had no lawyer, only her father ap
pearing. , i. -
The -governor will reserve judgment
in the case for further consideration be
fore rendeing an opinion.
The Canby Fire department has been
reorganised and Is ready for duty. A
rinal meeting waa held Tuesday night,
and the roll showed 86 members.' An
election was held and M. J. Lee was
elected president, 3. L. Eckerson sec
retary and treasurer, Warren Kendall
chief and Claude Baty assistant, chief.
Drills will bo held and more equipment
asked for.
Cemetery fund, total recelots. 81.-
851.69; total disbursements, 8r.861.69;
balance this year, none; balance Jan
uary L, 1909. 81,086.39. Warrants out
sUndlng,' 84,877.68. --"'"..
Permanent street' improvement fund,
receipts 85,876.84; total disbursements,
$5P.7;,balance. 85.370.58; balance Jan
uary 1. 1909, 3.790.45. No warrant out
standing. Water street Improvement fund, re-,
ceipts 31,001.13; total disbursements,
31,013.81; fund overdrawn, 811.68.' War
rants outstanding, 810- - . v -
Madison street Improvement fund, re
ceipts, 8137.60; total disbursements,
8205.18; fund overdrawn, 367.66.
; Seventh street improvement ' fund, re
ceipts. 50 cents; disbursements, 60 aents.
Ninth street Improvement fund, re
ceipts, 3515.66; . total disbursements,
ijjtf.u; Daiance, izvb.ii; balance Jan
uary 1, 1909, 8196.75.
, Warrants have been drawn during tha
year for the amount of 375 for the Elev
enth street Improvement fund, and no
receipts nave come In.
Tha following funds hav been fully
closed and all warrants drawn against
the same have been paid. Center street
Improvement fund. Center street exten
sion lmprovment fund, Jackson street
Improvement fund, J. Q. Adams street
improvement fund. J. Q. Adams street
extension fund. Third street Improve
ment Jund, fourth street improvement
fund.T'lfth street Improvement fund.
Sixth street improvement fund. Seventh
street Improvement fund. Eighth street
Improvement fund, Alley block 23 Im
heard Friday, January 31.
be used ln replacing what will be frozen Improvement fund. Ninth street extension
Improvement fund. Tenth street - Im
provement fund, sewer- district No. 3
fund, sewer district .No. 4 . fund, and
sewer district No. 5 fund. . ; f
The following warrant waa drawn
upon Bancroft sewer district No. 8 fund.
Loan to general fund, 36,253.85. All of
the Bancroft street and sewer assess
ment funds are Included In he treas
urer's. -report.:' -;v'v ,:,";' ..",-'
(United Press eu.d Win.)
Londoo, Jan. 6. More rowdyism at
tended the present campaign today, when
Sir William Hull, a. Conservative mem
ber of parliament, engaged in a fist
fight with a man In a street crowd who
Jeered him while he was speaking. The
police separated tne combatants and
SiSr William contlnuer his epeeok.'.
Unlld Preas tcaaed Wtre.t
Washington, Jart. 6. President Taft
today sent to the senate the nomination
of Arthur H. . Swayne, of California.
to be receiver of public money at Vis-
ftlla, Cal. The president also nominated
uapiain cnanes m. vreeiand to be a
rear admiral. '' .'".'..''
The last government census, 1900,
gave Corvallls a population of 1890, and
Benton county a population of 6750. The
county has almost doubled its popula
tion In 10 years and the city almost
trebled, is the Gazette-Times' guess.
' ' . (t'slted Presa Leased Wtr..) '. ... (
San Francisco, Jan. 6. As a" result
of an hallucination ln which he deemed
himself In soma terrible predicament.
Phenas Guild, nephew of th late gov
ernor of Massachusetts, sat up in bed
early today and before his wife, who
was beside him, could Interfere, sent , a
bullet through hi brain. He died , on
th way to tha hospital. :
' Mrs, . Guild said -her ..husband 'had
been restless and toward morning she
heard him muttering and groaning in'
his sleep. His act was so sudden that
she was taken by surprise. and was un
able to stay his hand. '"
Guild was 80 years old. . He hAd been
employed for a year and it half at the
local branch of the Westlnghouse Elec
tric A Manufacturing, company.
Mrs." Guild was so 'overcome by the-
shock that it is feared she will not re- '
tow.- The physicians have withheld the
news of her .husband's death from her. .
The Guilds lived Jn a cottage near
Golden "Gate park. They were alone
In the house at the time of the tragedy
but neighbors -quickly came- to Mrs.
Guild's . assistance ln answer to ; her
screams. Jt is reported that Guild had
been drinking heavily lately.
Essie Watkins Case Postponed.
. (Special Diapateh to The Journal.) .
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 6. -Tha ease
of Essie Watkins, arrested on a charge
of selling liquor without a license, was
postponed to Friday, January 7. .
(Special Diapateh to Th. Joarnal. i
Roseburg, Or., Jan. 6. Rev." J. R. N. -
Bell, pastor of - th Presbyterian church
at Corvallls, was Jn Roseburg last night
en route to southern. California and.
Mexico, to be gone about six weeks.
When asked the object, of his trip h ;
said; T'm not taking this trip for my.,
health,, but I'm, going away to give my
congregation a rest If other preachers
would do the same thing It would be a
grand thing for their parishioners."
Mr. Bell is a former, newspaper editor
of Roaeburg. ' . ; ' : u: -
t. b; WILCOX
(Dniteri Preaa Ieal Wire.) - v '
Lewlston, Idaho, Jan. 6.- fir of un
known origin completely destroyed the
plant of the Lewiston-Clarkston Can
ning company today. The loss is esti
mated at 326,000, partly covered by in
surance. The officials of the Company
stated 'this afternoon that the plant
would he rebuilt at once.
Thursday,. January 80, W. AT Hyatt-vs,
A. B. Frame; Friday, January 21. Port
land Chung vs. Frank Beers, suit for ac
count, damages; W. R. Stewart vs.
Drum heller company, damages; Satur
aayrTJairttaryi8r Charles Skogg vs. Co
lumbia Canal company, damages.
- The cases of Pierre Arrousseg and R.
M. Horner vs. the Waitsburg Academy,
were not set, but will bo fixed later, ,
iTrtg new sawmill at South Baker City
will have a payroll of 860,000 a month.
east, 32000.
S., Fogerty to R. K. - McQueen, five
acres, section 86, townshipx 2 jjorthj
.range 2 east, $450. ': ' . -' .. '
Ida ' Robertson to G. R." PeIval, Jot
in block 95, Vancouver, 3800. .
Ida. Robertson to A. J. Truble, lot in,
block 95, Vancouver, 100. .
Vancouver Society Beyen Day Ad-
fentists to WeslernWashington confer
ence Adventlsts, lot 6, Jilock.lO, North
yancouver, fl. -. i ,-&
To feel strong have good appetite and
digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life,
use Burdock , Blood Bitters, the "great
JWiU IVIIlU HItU UU11UVI. '. ' " ,
;.'.' 1 : , : ., . ... .. . ; " -fi'...: v.; '''.-"''.iitX
Itch! Itch! ' ItchI Scratcht v Scratch!
Scratchf- vThe rfiore you "scratch the
worse the itch. ? Try Doan's Ointment
It cures piles, eczema, any akin itching.
All druggists sell Jt. . -
Al lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep
sia and constipation weakens the-whole
system. Doan's Kegulots (25 cents per
box) correct nhe liver, tone the stomach,
cure constipation. . ;' s f;.;-i :'j - - - .1
.. Cures baby's croup. Willie's dally cuts
and bi'ulses, mama's sore throat, grand
ma'a ..lamcnes-4)r.- Thomas' EcTectriC
Oil tbe reat household remedy, y - ,
X ; Onr Wew Business in 1909 ."
if jv i Ttftyi TTs n tzn nnn
: t Vice-President
S. P. LOCKWOOD; Vice-President and General Manager : ' . "'