The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Demonstration oi Royal Worcester Corsets by Miss Hope Frances Gale, Expert Corsellere From the Facie
Custom Sliade IVorZc to OrderLadlesf Home Journal Patterns Join Our Sewing Machine ClubFourili Fioc
' " ' '," ' ' " J ' " "" ' ' " ' ' '' ' ' . - . . ' . . ' ' II... . .1 ..... .
Tomofeow HTitio- 2Snl A.rtiiniiuisil 'ainiMaiiPOeaiPSiiniee Sals
SfilEss Hon9
In the Silk Store, a timely offering of
3000 yards of new Pongee Silks, 27
inch; all silk, and just the material
foe a 'Summer tuft or dress; 31 new
shades for your , selection;
best 11.00 value on tale at. yd. Ut
Tomorrow is Yconomy day and
lucky for you-we offer 16 different
shades of Satin Melrose beautiful
ailk, -and -wool,., fabric,, adapted, for
afternoon' and evening " gowns; a
cloth ' which will appeal 1 .90
to the most stylish dresser
.- ,..f ., , . ft jt ' . jr;
Fr iday Sale of
Double Satin Damask Cloths and
Napkins, woven of extra fine - Irish
flax; ten - exquisite patterns in this
extra special offering for tomorrow.
Sives 2x2 yds., 2x2tf yds., 2x3 ydW
2'i x2' and 4 2j4x3 - y ds. V, Special
economy prices, $11,90, fill
$13.20, $14.50, $15.40 and 1Q0U
SS Vols. S3.3G
100 pairs high grade Vicuna Brown
Woot Blankets, full 5 pound weight;,,
assorted borders, extra -lifl: d OC
islKf . special economy price
Great, Clearance . Specials in. better
grades of Blankets, also" Comforters?"
To ,.be found on the. Fourth Floor.
Clearance, Sale . of Infants' Wear,-
Friday Sale of
1 V ' '. " 1 '" '' . 1 .'" " ""
! China aSS
G.SO JPettlcoato f op
Nightgowna Friday
Tomorrow In the Undermuslin Section we anticipate lively selling of
women's Petticoats. Best quality cambric with 16-inch flounce of
embroidery, "with Insertion to match, tinder flounce and CJO AQ
dust ruffle;, values to $4.50; special low price, per garment vrx U
Cambric and nainsook Gowns, -Hubbard style with yoke of Swiss
Insertion and tucks. Also chemise styles, trimmed in lace or embroid
ery, long elbow sleeves, six different' styles to choose CJI "lO
from; best $175 valttef; must close at economy price of only P-LX
Sale oS Women's Waists
07.S0 to G25 Values
Fgiciay at JFouptBi Off
' a "' fc i "
The great second floor Qar
ment Section offert unequalled
values in classy waists Hand-
, 'embroidered lingerie, tailored,
silksnets and chiffonsEvery
r garment is designed by &n art-
t and tailored by a master-
In selecting these 'waists our,
buyer has adhered strictly . to
the wants and requirements of
the most fashionable patrons
of 'this large establishment.
Regular $ 7.50 Valu'es-Ecohomy Price is.V..;:. .. 5.62
Regular $12.50 Values Economy Price is.
. . 0.37
Regular $18.00 Values Economy Price is. ..... . . . .$13.50
Regular $22,00 Values Economy Price Is. . ;-.
Regular $25.00 Values Economy Price is.
It has never been our pleasure to show a larger; better and
broader assortment at such low prices Take advantage;
Open stock' dinner line,' very neat
green and red, gold line,' both sides
border, solid gold handles and knobs.
60 piece Dinner Sets, the '((OA f
regular $44.50 value, at SM)i .
l6o piece Dinner Sets, the Of
$65.00 value, tomorrow at yftlJ
I2 piece Dinner Sets, regular $71.75
values. For Friday s tvt-'.'ttAt Of)
pal selling at, the set vlf 0)
117 piece Dinner Sets, regular '$89.50'
values. Special Economy spPA ?ff
sale price on these, set vvirvv
Knit Petticoats
Hbuptli Off
., .... I... Ill II I II Ml , J'.".'" ' 'I HI I.I
Womens 'Knit Petticoats, in solid
colors, also, with striped ' flounce,
colors pink, blue, . gray, - navy, white
and black j 75c to $Z50 ?nil 1f fl
values,-at reduction of "
Outing Gowns
In 'striped effects, V necks or roll
collars; our reg. .$125 to $2.75 values;
reduced" for ? Friday's T?r 1 1 th
350th .Economy Sale,
Friday' S ale
$1.75 Values S1.2D
For Friday's selling we offer 1500
pairs Ladies' French Kid i Gloves,,
in s full line of sizes and colors,
black; brown, tan, navy, gray, etc.;
values p to $1.75, for CI -OQ
Friday's economy price a
Babies' ; Mittens, white and ' two
tones, in soft wool; regular "fl
20c values, for Friday only i-vrlv
''-.' ". - j t ' . . s V" ' ,t '
at 27cFr
3000 pairs Ladies' French - Lislo
Hose, . with silk embroidered in
step; ajso plain black, medium
weight lisle and fancy boot styles;
all aixes, special for tomor
row only, economy price.. SJ
2000 pairs Children's School Hose,
sizes 5 to 9yi; regular 20c " 1
value, special Friday, pair XXlv
at Four tli Off
7he Underwear Sectop offers for
Friday's 350th Economy Sale an
unlimited quantity of, garments' for
the children, comprising Gowns,
Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers and
Combination Suits. Thrifty moth
ers will crowd this EVkviTrttf
section. Reduction of
Sale lOO Women's Goats
Reg, Q4SgQ Vals. S2 3.9 S
Tomorrow in the Big Second Floor Garment Store an attractive lot of
.Women's Coats, all 'this season's best styles in broadcloth, cheviots
and mixturesblue, black,; gray, tan, rose and greena large assort
ment for your ' selection. Coats, selling regularly at GJOQ Qft
prices up to $48.50, your choice Friday only at, special D&0pO.
Sale 300 Women's Suits
025 to 0125 Values at Half
The big Second Floor Gar
ment Store offers for tomor-
row's 350th Friday Economy
Sale the best suit-bargain of
the season 300 of this sea
son's handsomest garments
are included Both strictly
tailored and fancy styles are
includedMaterials in plain
and chiffon broadcloth,
wide-wale serges, cheviots,
wdrstcds, fancy imported
mixtures, etc. Wistaria, tan,
gray, rose, blue, brown, black,
etc., etc. -Many are trimmed
in silk and braid Suits that
are desirable for early spring
wear Values ranging all the
way from $25 to $125 each
Your choice for
Friday only, suit
See .Fifth Street Window
Hip -
2000 Ydo
60 Values 39c
Tomorrow in the White Goods Store,
2000 yards of fine French Nainsook,
45 in.; a desirable material for lin
gerie waists and underwear; a beau
tiful sheer cloth; selling regularly at
60c the yard; buy all you oft
want tomorrow at, the yard OUC
Wool WaletlnQO
gl.25 Vals. 57c
Tomorrow, in the Flannel Dept., 2000
yds. of beautiful Woolen Waisting in
stripes, - plaids and fancy mixtures;
new, desirable styles; best colorings
and combinations; values tip C7
to $1.25 the yard, on sale at DiC
3000 Slieels
In Two Sizes
at 49c and 59c
tomorrow in tne Lanen oecuon, a
great economy sale of 3000 Bed
Sheets, made of extra weight sheet
ing; no seams in the center; warrant
ed satisfactory in every way prices:
The 72x90 inch on sale at, each , 40
The 81x90 inch on sale at, each. .59
Anticipate your wants at these spe
cial low prices. Certainly bargains.
A sensational clean-up of fine Footwear for women tomorrow. This will be the most
attractive and interesting ; .section in the store. A1 bona, fide sale of 800 pairs of women's
Shoes, odds and. ends, narrow widths, and mostly small sizes, comprising shoes made by
the leading factories, in new, styles' of patents, gunmetal calf, and dongola kids; tans and
black light and heavy holes. Many styles grouped .with a libera! hand for fl flA
this, the greatest of all economy sales. Take advantage of this opportunity V J-"1
$9.50 Silk Petticoats Only 84.79
Tomorrow, great January Economy Sale
of Fine Silk Petticoats that will appeal to
shrewd buyers Five hundred High-Grade
Petticoats, made of a superior quality taf
feta silk, full widthIn offering this sale
for Friday we offer our regular stock pet-
ticoats, all this season's best colors- Regu-
iar values to .5Q special g 1 ha
Economy Sale price is only J) 4s a V
A phenomenal bargain which no woman
ian afford to overlook-rMail orders are
$1 TMfieta Silks 69c YaM
S1.2S Vals. 87c Yd-S1.50 Vals. 98c Yd
Tomorrow a timely offerinjr of the celebrated "Bonnet" Black Taffeta Silks the Silk
of quality--beautifully finished and lustrous and adapted for-waists, dresses, petticoats,
lining, etc., etc. Ihree widths; every yard fully guaranteed, liuy at economy prices
$t.W value on sale at 69 $U5 value on sale at 87 $1.50 value on sale at 198
Gleat clearance bargains in Fancy Silks all grades. Bargains in Dress. Fabrics, all prices
3 OOO Men's SltiiFis
Regular Values to 32.00 for 95c Each
For tomorrow's 350th Economy Sale the
Men's Furnishing Goods Section offers an
unusual bargain in Men's Fine Shirts, in-
eluding both plain and pleated styles, with
attached or detached cuffs Materials in
madras, percales and oxfords and made in
promptly filled See Fifth street window
-Great clearance reductions on Women's
Coat Sweaters, Furs and cold-weather ap
parel You'll find them on Second Floor
Reg. 39 Wiltoii 1 Rugs &GJiT5 Eacli
Very best grade, Wilton Rugs, sizes 36x63 inches; both ends fringed, all new jflj rjjf
Oriental patteibest regujar $9.00 values, for this grAat economy sale atvOel O
High-grade Axminster Rugs,' size 24x48 inches; high pile, very best Oriental (go QfJ
arid floral designs; best $375 values, i Tomorrow's great .economy price, only tp&tOU
coat style A great range of patterns in
stripes, checks and detached figures
Shirts that are full cut and well made
throughout All sleeve lengths Shirts
that find ready sale every day in the week j
at prices up to $2.00 each An arjvantage-
ous purchase enables us to offer
values up to $2.00 at this low price
Men's SOc and 75c Ties 29c Each
Tomorrow a splendid economy bargain in Men's Ties; open and7 reversible four-in-hands
as well as bat-wing ties; all the newest weaves and designs; endless as- OQ,
sortment for your selection; SOc and 75c values, on sale at the special low price of
Greatest values abound throughout
this department. .'-For tomorrow we
offer our entire "line of Infants'
Hand Made Slips, Short . Dresses,
Long and Short Skirts,' Special "for
the Economy sale at " exact- TflfFil
ly one third less, reduced . r
Baby Bonnets at Half
Choosing will be easy, as the assort
ment is large and varied.' See them.
Fluffs Moquet, a perfect wash for the
Iiaif,-"absolutely 4 non-injurious, and
will not change 4he natural color "of
the ' hair. . Regular 10c 'i quality; jf
at this low, economy price, pkg. I C
Eagle : CompasS 'and ?Divider- nickel
plated, with extra leads; a very handy
article; 'Tegular 25c value, on J
special safe for Friday, at, each 1 1 C
Safe of Ostrich Plumeis
The very best male stock is only to be had, here at from $6.00 to $33.00
except during this sale. For tomorrow's economy sale we offer $6.00.
values at 84.50; $16.00 values at f 12.0Q; $12.00 values ' at
f 9.00; - $20.00 " values at f 15.00; $33.00 values at f 24.75.
Women's Plush Hats
Cup tains
VaL 95C
$7,50 Val.
Um. 010 Values for 5.95
Hatters' Plush Dress 'Hat
Shapes, in ; the mid-sea-on's
very latest and most
stylish - ahapea, which are
now the popular vogue in
Paris. They come in black
only. . Regular values , to
$10.00. On sale tomorrow
only at thia exceptionally
low economy flK QC
ale prite;i..;.; V" vD
Extraordinary Special in
Ladies' Mother Hubbard
Aprons. Generously made,
especially . large styl
On sale tomorrow QQi
at this low price UV
Ecru Lace Curtains, in Brussels ef
fects; very good patterns; Qf?
regular $1.5(r -values, on sa1e eJi
White Cluny Curtains hand-made
Cluny lace edge f and insertion,
mounted on high-grade' CJQ-QK
French net; $7.50 value tpO.Uti
Such bargains throughout this dept.
' ' .
Boys' UmTrw'r
Heavy-weight elastic i ribbed ecru
Shirts and ' DrawerSj sizes OflA
24 to 34; prices to 65c, at 0fV
25c Vals 9c
Jloney-combed Flatiron Waiters; a
Waxer cleans and polishes,; Op
special economy, price, each -' Otr
Half Price
.Our 350th Friday Economy Sale of
,fers from the LadiesNeckwear Tit pV
a reduction of one half on all Ostrich
and Maribou Boas, and Stoles, of ex
tra quality male stock; x and 2 yds.
Ibng; black, white, gray; $10 to $35
values; also: Maribou Stoles .and
Muffs; black and natural col T)1f
Scsapi Sale
S3.SO Vals. S1.03
" 1 ' ; j i1 " i. . ' 1 "
35c Valsti 17c
(For Friday's Economy Sale No! 350,
' we offer a beautiful assortment -l of
'Opera Scarfs and Shoulder Drapes, 2
arid 2j4" yardsiong; 'Persian design i
and metal dotted novel- M QO
ties; $3.50 valncs , Special vl0
2000 yards fancy Ribbons in high
grade warp printed; Dresdens,
stripes and plaids, Vi to 6 inches
wide; values to 35c. ' Special 1 Jn
Economy Sale price, the , yard 1 1 C
S8.S0 Tea Sets OS.25
$1.50 Bread Trays 93c
Sale of Oiitinfl Flannels
Friday at Only 5c Yard
Thrifty housekeepers take notice,, this same opportunity to fill your
Outing Flannel wants will not be offered again. Think of it full
bleached Outing Flannel, suitable for all purposes, special for Kn
Friday only no limit to quantity; buy all you want a.t only, yd.
Qreat FFidlaiy
Notion Department
Palm Olive Soap, the cake.V.8
3 oz. Listerine, special, bot. .18
7 oz. Listerine, special, bot. ,S8
14 oz. Listerine, spe'l, bot, .67f
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1Q-8-oz,
bottle, reg. 25c, sp'l, AO C.
Sanitol TootK "Powder tj
or ; Paste, reg. 25c size, at ;JL v
Dn Graves, Tooth Pow- " "
4er, 25c size, tomorrow.. XXI
5000 'adjustable Parcel ,.Carriers,
also' very jiandy for books, Q
10c values, special tomorrow, tilv
Pokef Chips,' assorted colors, 100
in a box; regular $1.00 AQg
values, special tomorrow
200-yard Busy, Bee Spool. Cotton,
white only, Nos.s40 and ;1 O,
50; economy price,' dozen AOC
Armea ' Dress Shields, made by
he Qmo Company; reg. 5
25c to 35c. all sizes.; oair JLUC
Hooks and Eyes, all brass,- war-
ranted not to; rust,, regular On
and. invisible eyes, per card
Slip" put Collar" Supports,: 0
adjustable any length, card OC
1000 Faber Pony Pocket Pen
cil with removablejead, ea. Ot.
1000 -Washington'; rManu- fTl''
script. Tablets, 10c values C
4 piece Tea "Set, plain design, with
beaded edge, bright finish, a very at
tractive Friday bargain;, regular $8.50.
Special price for one day only $5.25
Bread Tray, in the bright finish bead
ed edge design; regular j;i.5U value.
Friday's ' Economy Sale price,. 03
4-Plece Tea Set With
Tray, Full $8.03 Values
Special at Only G4.95
A . most attractively engraved, satin
finish set, regular $8.00 value. Spe
cial price for Friday's selling fl.05
IJessert, bugar and " t-reamer, satin
finish, very artistically en- a JQ
graved; reg. $2.00 value, for v -
1000 packages Envelope, full Rovern- .
ment, extra quality; 15c valuta; f
special for tomorrow' sfi'c ' it'y
Long Day Books, cloth backs, ro ni l I
corner:, are excellent cuunte. 1 V
L books; regular 25c '.values, ex h lv. i -j
l'laying Cards, .Hustler,
smooth finish. Special J.i n- 1 1 J
1 H
omy Sale price, -the parV,fiiy
MM I ll I i
- X