The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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    r'..:; .
Professor Tufts of Chicago
University Thinks Western
Students More Anxious to
Get Education.
The advancement of educational
methods In the United States was the
subject of an interview given today by
Professor James Hayden Tufts, of the.
University of Chicago, who la spoken
of as the probable head of the Reed
Institute in Portland.
."Educational methods, . or rather
methods of instruction and study, have
' become a science In the last few years,"
aid Professor Tufts. "Tnirty years
aso we had only'a few couscs of study,
. . where now we have hundreds. Kduca-
" tlon is broadening-, as. are method of in
. structlon and study, and dally it is be
coming more essential to society.
"In the University of Chicago, we
have good opportunity to find those
hogo to college to study, and those
, who go merely to go to college. Cer
tain proof that the great majority of
students at the University or cnicago,
and In fact, all western schools attend
!: for what learning they can get. 13 the
fact that four fifths of the pupils in the
' Chicago Institution hae "employment
of some kind.
Maintain Employment Bureau.
"We maintain an employment bureau
at the school, and all those who desire
- work have ho trouble getting It
Whenever downtown merchants have
" work, which does not require a great
number of skilled workmen, they
usually send to the university.
"For some years I had charge of a
department of the school where we
made a business of finding out the oc
cupation of the parents of our students.
To my great surprise I found that four
fifths of my students were the cnnaren
. of farmers and toilers.
Tew there were whose fathers were
professional men or business men. This
is one pecularity of all western schools,
It seems as If the majority of the chil
dren of professional people go to the
eastern universities and colleges .their
lvirenta attended.. In a measure, .this
explains the reason why so many east
ern schools preserve curious traditions.
. - Athletics la Proper Place,
.'"Athletics have Just now reached
. their proper place in the "life of the
college n the west. Just enough In-
' terest to bring sports Into prominence'
- Is ; being "manifested, and yet enough
not to Interfere with studies. In some
colleges of the east, the athletic end of
college life is being overdone, but In
the west, where men an.4 women attend
- universities to learn, sports have been
put in their proper place. .
"It la my belief that athletics In col
lege should . be encouraged by every
'member of the faculty. . They form an
essential part of college" Ife, and do for
the physicial man what learning does
for the mind. But. I do not think that
: shports shonid overshadow the real pur
poses and objects of the college."
' Professor Tufts will remain In Port'
land until Monday.
5tm6ay Services at te jjortlanft ljurct)es , )
Kerby and Fargo, Rev. Cart Hassold, 10
ana 7:o; a. a., io:bu. , ; ,
: -; : .
Congregational. .
First "Madison and Park.
i j or Morai reeaom in tn fu.
I J-L.. 1. . .... I . , , - ., ,1 ,
i liiuicii, nif -viini) or ine Coi
wealth Against Vice and Interripei,
Eliot,, D. IX, minister emerli,
I 7:4$. Y. F. V.. :3rt. . T, , l'
fia lor niorAi h'reennm in ha fi.
Baptist. '
First White Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor. Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, u.
I). 10. "One Accord" trayer meetin
services, 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school 12
Y. P. U.. 6. Topics. "Faith and tho Fu
ture," "Change Your Mind," a New
Year's 6ermon for those who lor
themselves. .
Second Seventh and East Ankeny
Rev. 1L K. Black. 10:30 and 7:30; Bible
school, 12; B. Y. P. V., 6:30.
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny
10:30 and 7::30: fi. 8.. 12: Y. 1. U.. 6:30
sermons bv Rev. (.. Sherman Wallace
Topics, "The Fountain of Youth," "The
Cost of Salvation.
Arleta 11 and 7:30: S. S., 9:45: B
Y. P. U., 6:30.
Highland Alberta and Sixth, Her.
. i . a . . i . iA . I ) A
a. iieunara, pasior. 11 aim i.fv, o.
i . l... a. a., IV.
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev,
D. W. Thurston, pastor. IX and 7:30; 8
8., 10; Y. P. U., 6:30.
Calvarv East Elsrhth an Grant, Rev.
j. . Monroe, li ana :ao; . a., iu; o.
Y. P. V., 6:30.
Immanuel Jones Hall, Gibbs and
Front. Rev. A. B. Mlnaker, 10:30 and
7.30: S. 8.. 12: B Y. P. If.. 6:30.
Grace Montavllla; Rev. Albert B.
Patch. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 10; T. P.
U.. 6:80. TodIcs. "What the Inventory
Shows." "Remember Jesus Christ.
University Park B. 8., 10, il and
7:30: a. y. p. v., 7; sermons ny ev,
II. F. Chenev.
Sunnyside (German) Forty-first and
Hawthorne; Rev. C. Feldmeth. n; 13. o
St. Johns German) Rev. C. Feld
meth. H. 8.. 9:46: services 11 and 7:30
. Bt , Johns Rev. C. L. Owen. 11:80
and 7:30: S. S.. 10: B. T. P. U.. 6:30,
Chineiie Mission 352V Oak street,
S. 8.. 7; preaching. 8, by Rev. Fung
PhnV . .
Ffriat Rerman Fourth and Mill
Rev. J. Kratt. 11 And 7:80: S. S.. 9:45,
Second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. Fi Buermann, 1J.
and 7:80; 8. S.. 9:46.
East Forty-fifth street Corner East
Main: 11:15 and 7:30: a. v. x. u.. :o
Lents S. 8 10J.11 and 7:80; B. YP.
TT . (S;30
Mount Olive seventh ana ttvereu
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30,
Swedish -HoYt and Fifteenth; Rev,
Erlck Scherstrom. 10:45 and 7:45
OC 1 1 n V T TT
Third Knott and Vancouver. Kev. .
Rrhwedler. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10. Topics
The Will or Jesus," -pressing D-or-
Woodstock Forty-f I rst and HOigate
11 and 7:30; S. S 9:45.
g, Pa-d'an. 1. Among the
issetl by the last session of
New Child Labor Laws,
'" Harrisburg,
' measures pa
' the Pennsylvania legislature and out
: Into force today, n6ne is of more gen
; ' eral Importance than the changes made
In the lahor laws governing the em
ployment of children. "Under he new
Jaws now in effect no child under 14
, years of age may be employed in any
factory, coal mine, colliery or breaker,
workshop, laundry, mercantile establish
ment, stage, office, hotel or .other place
of business. Children of 14 ox more
may obtain employment If ,thej are
able 'to . read and write the English
language Intelligently and have obtained
a certificate from,, the school and medi
cal authorities.
No More Public Drinking Cups.
Guthrie Okla.. Jan. 1. An order
abolishing the general ' public drink
ing cups at, public fountains or water
coolers was promulgated by the state
health Commissioner, Mr. Mahr, today
. and the new regulation will become ef
fective on April of this year. The same
rule is already in force in Kansas. Next
fall the order Is to be extended to pub
lic schools.
First Twelfth and Alder. Rev. WI1
11am Hiram Foulkea. 10:30 and' 7:80; S,
8., 12:10; 2. E., 6:16, Morning sermon
bv Rev." J. R. Landsborough. of Oregon
City. Evening topic, "Crowning the
Yenr " .
MixnAh East Twelfth and Powell:
Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 7:30: S. S... 10;
C. E., 6:30.
calvary Eleventh ana uiay, kbt.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:30 and 7:46:
Bible school, noon. Morning sermon by
Rev. R. J. Dlven of Astoria. Evening
tonic. "I -Am Resolved What to Do;
- uourtn f irst ana uiddb; itev. .uonaia
Mackenzie. 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8.. 13; C
E.. 6:80. Morning sermon by Rev. D. A
Thompson of Sellwood. Evening topic.
watchwora ror tne rnew xear.
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30.
7:30; 8. S., 12; C. E.. 6:80. Mornlag ser
mon Ty Kev; v. w. Hays, Marshall
Street church. Evening topic, "Lessons
From the Life at D. L. Moody." .
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln:
Kev. Harry ii. prait; ii ana :ao; b. H
lo; c is.. 6:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett:
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:80; S. S.,
Chinese 14SH First, 7:45: B. 8.. 6:45,
Westminster East Tenth and Weid-
ier;' Rev. r Henry . Marcotte. 10:30 and
7:80; S. H., 13; Y. P. S. C. E., ?30.
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11, 4;
8. 8.. 10. Morning sevmon by Rev. E.
W. Allen. A 7:80 service In the Fin
nish language.
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty
man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8L
S. S.. 10. "
Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth
and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11
ana 7:30; S. S., 10; C. E., 6:30.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev. William Parsons, 10:30 and 7:45;
8. 8., 12.
Hope Montavllla, East Beventy
elghth street. Rev. Henry L. Nave.
S. 8., 10; 11 and 7:30.
Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; 8. 8.
12: Y. P., 7. v
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send; services, 10; 8. 8., 11:15. Sermon
by Rev. H. H. Pratt
Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv
ices, 11:30 and 7:45; 8. 8., 10:15. Morn
ing sermon by Rev. B. M. Sharp.
Trinity Dakota Street, Rev. A. Rob
inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. K. 8:46: 8. 8., 11.
Vernon Wygant and East Nine
teenth; Rev. Grorge W. Anns. 11 and 8;
S. S.. 9:46; C. E., 7.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Tpung,
D. L, 10:30 and 7:30; S. 8., 12:15; E. L..
6:30. Topics, "Holy Communion," "Tak
ing an inventory."
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John
H. Cudlipp. V. IX. 10:3(f and 7:30; S. S,
12:15; E. L, 6:30. Topics, "Holy Com-
Soggestxve, Questions on tLeSundiy
School Lesson ly Re'v. Dr, T. SLi
iMlnlsters, Sunday school teachers and others Interested are Invited: te
write The journal briefly their 'Views as to the worth of these "questions.
particularly if they consider' them of value In their work.l -
The International Newspaper Bible Study club Is for the purpose of pro
motlnir In an unfettered way amonir the masses, a, wider atudv of the Bible.
the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which entr Into ever
man's life. It is composed of all those who Join a local club, and take up the
simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have
not joined are warmly Invited to do so and to compete for the nrliea.
Persons -may loin the club at anv time durlnar the rear, but must. 01
course, . answer the 62. questions hereinafter explained, to duality' for the
prises, and the back Questions -may be obtained bv addressing this office.
This paper has secured the right to publish the - International Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Llnacott, which hav aroused so much
Interest, elsewhere, and they will appear werkly In both the Saturday and
sunaay issues or xne journal, une oi inese questions eacn ween is io do
answerna ib writing ana upon these answers the prizes are to be awaraea
floadiuou of the cfontest, " t.
I. Each contestant, or his or tier ram iwH .must ka d anbkdrlhei to this
paper, in order to qualify for membership la the international Newspaper Bible
Study club and this local club.
2. Each contestant in this local club must answer each of the written ques
tions for 62 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14, and the answers
niuat all be In the possession of this paper vithin two weeks of the elose
Each question must "be answered separately, and the paper written on
uiuy. rto answer must vxceea auu woras in tengtn ana mav i les
aA answer must have the namev and address of the writer at the bottom
of the answer.
The answers must be delivered to tWe office, and they win be collated
i r a. UD vi ln" lorwaraea iu neaaquanere ror inarpenaeni e
amlnatlon by competent examiners. The prises will then be awarded ac
cording to the highest number of marks, won by membera of The International
tovrapaper ujoie ntuay ciuo.
, The Prises.
First Series A. gold medal to each of the first five contestants. '
gecona Series -A silver medal to eecb of the next five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher-a Bible, price 35.60. to each of the next fire oon
testa nt a. .1
Fourth Series-The book The Heart of Christianity." price $1.60. to each
of the next 86 contestants. , ,
v Ecll medal will be suitably engraved, giving; the name of the winner and
it-is awaraea ana m une manner each Bible and book will be in
scribed. . . .
All who can write and have Ideas, are urged to take up these studies r
gardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued fron
an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of tbu
(Copyright 1908 by Rev. T. 8. Llna
cotk.ix.rx) -
January 8, 1910.
John" The Forerunner of Jeatn.-
Matt. 111:1-12. i
Golden Text Th voio f
ng m the wilderness:. Prepare ye the
way of the Lord, make his paths
ovraignt. aiatt. lli:3.
vpibb x wnat were tn aavm re
rerred to In verse one.
What are the facta concerning John
the Baptist, his parents, the time and
piaco or nis birth, his early training,
the commencement of his minlstrv. his
characteristics, and the nature -of his
Where and what was tha wlldernoaa
or JudeaT.
verse 2 What did . John want the
people to do when he urs-sd them to re
Wh"y was It then, and whir la It xnn
Impossible for any person to enjoy the
tavor or uoa without repentance?
What did John mean bv Bavin Thu
aingaom or Heaven is at hand"?
Haa the kingdom of heaven heen mm.
tabllshed ail earth, and If so, what Is
tnat Kingdom, and who are lta clti-
Verse 8 What dld Eaalaa CTn(h
foretell concerning John, and where Is
the passage to be found?
in wnat sense did John prepare the
way for .Jesua? .
Verse 4 Why did John dress In such
plain way and eat such simple food?
To what extents? should rood neonie.
today, take John for an nimni. in
the matter of ,food and clothing? '
- To what extent does God care as to
what we eat. and what we wear?
n an you know of a man Is that he
fastidious In the mfttter ftf Armmm.
and an epicure in his food, how would
you rate him as to personal piety?
Can man work as hard, think
clearly and accomplish as muoh, or
more, In all departments of life on a
vegetable, aa on a meat diet?
Verses ,56 How do vou account
the wonderful Interest which John's
preaching created?
If John were the permanent pastor of
a church, in. this town, do you suppose
that he would be able to constantly
keep up such a great revival as this
story records?
What did John's baptism signify?.
Was baptism then, .and Is baptism
now for. Adult of any avail without a
full confession of sin?
Verse 7 When a member of a
church is not a devoted man, is he
better or worse than any other sinner?
If a minister of the gospel Is not a
truly good man, whose word Is as good
as his bond, how would you compare
him with a layman of similar' char
What Is the tendency of the . office
of a pastor, or of 'a Bible class teacher
as to making Its Incumbent a truly
noble and - an all 'round morally and
financially, trustworthy man?
Is a pastor of a church under any
'eater obligation to be a truly de
voted man than his members? 'Wny or
why not? .
These scribes and Pharisees were in
those days what our pastors and
church officials are In these days.
How do you account for the fact that
they , were such bad men? ,
Verses 8-9 What are the fruits which
prove genuine repentanoeT (This ques
tion must be answered In writing- by
members of-tht olaU. r-f tr - -
To what extent does the fact that a
man has a noble and devoted ancestry
recommend him to God? -
Can any person be saved because of
his parents' foodness? . '
Verse 10 Is H 'the fact, and why.
that Incompetent; men fall and that bad
men always com to grief?
Verse 11--What Is the difference be
tween the personal results of Joan's
baptism and that of the baptism of
the Holy Spirit from Jesus?
Verse 13 What reason la there for
the belief 4 that men and women make
their own. hell or heaven?
lesson for Sunday, January 9, 1910.
The Baptism and Temptation of Jesua
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington.' Holy com
munion and r sermon, 11; t S. 8 12:15;
evening- prayer, . ;-, ,':; ;; .;j.y :
St. Mark's, Twentyflrst and Mar
shall. Rev. J. EL H. Simpson. . Holy
eucharlst. 7:30 and 11; 8. S.. 9:46;
matins and litany, 10:16; evensong, 7:30.
StJ John's Church Multnomah and
Tayior. n and 7:30: h. h., 10.
Luther R. Dvott. D. I).. 11 and 7:45: 8.
S.. 8:45. Topics. J'God as Our Great
Companion," "Found th 'Blessed Life.
Laurelwood Rev. W. IL Myers; llj
j. Tue rnaoiA.,'. a n i ' n:asir
Th.rtylfoul-thTv. JTeWbrU ami I" "d 7:30; Bible school. 107,
"Transformation vs. ' Conformation,"
"The Secret of a Victorious .Year.'
.T,.':v" - rrlends' Church. '-
Sunnyside, Main and East ti
fifth. Llndley A. Wells. 11 and ;
Blblit school, , 10?' C, 6:80. Q '
-- ""vi ovivovi Ji jia V E
C!hristlan Solenoe.
First Church of Christ Scottish i
St Johns Rev.G. W, Nelson;, 11 andHeathraL'rrlson and Lowng(lal
$; 8. 8., 10. - , . . . - - S., 12; subject at lesson Ht
University Park Haven and Dawson.
Rev. G. W. Riggs; 11 and 7:30; 8, S.i 10;
HassalO Street East Seventh and
Hassalo Rev. George E3. ; Paddack, 11
and 7:4,5; S. 8.. 10. Topics, "Commun
Good Shepherd Graham and Van-ICO, 6:30. Sermon by Rev. F, C, Ad
couver. Kev. John Dawson. H ; ana I ams.
7f80; 8. 8.. 9:45. '(,.",, i ., ';'.; ,
Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth
and Weldler Rev. George B. Van WaU
ters. Prayer and sermon, 11; 8. 8., 10.
Ascension Chapel Portlano Helahta
8, S 3:30. -',
St. Paul-T$v"oodmere. ,Rvt J. C. Vor
sythe; 11 a. m.; 8. 8., 9;45. - ,
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel, Good
Samaritan hospital. Rev. William . R,
Powell, chaplain. Holy communion,
! , Becond Woodmen's hall East '
and Alder, 1U 8r 8. 8., 11; subV
lesson serpson, "God." t Jcc
U. B. Church Slontli
Union avenue und Multnoniah str,
lon."--"If the Portland ChrlstUns Would Rev. E. H. Mowre, 11 and 7:30: B r
Rightly Present Christ to the - Non- IB. L, 6:30. ; ' - 8
Christians." ,.-:'.; : ' - ' .-, ;.'- -y-rh-'. Y"'-
hi en land Kant HiTtn ana - fresco ii. i . . ,. xexonnea.. '.
Rev. E.S. Bollinger, 11 and 7:80; S. 8., , inrst ' German Tenth and .
':,l(L-. op,c5' ' Vk' tree'. .Q- Hafner pastor. g..D
Our Thinking for the jq: a, m. and 8 p. m.; 8. 8 t:30
Vaut Rvntn .and . w .:.",
Guiding Star,'
Year." -
First .. German East
m.: ward services, ti prayer ana I r zi.-ii
--.- t- - I7!BU: H. H.. !!! C :. 1U ' :SU. .1'
i Pllffrlm Shaver and Missouri avenue.
S-Jlatfenltfl. I Tlev. Out L nick. 11 and 7:30: 8. ) 8..
Sit.' M.tva Pro-CftthBdral. ; Flftennth ?:o; V.4.. . :.. aopiub. " i""!"' v
.ni rnvlMnt Rv A'.' nhrlilio Tl. Ii I irKer raiw.'im
Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High niats and and Those That Curse. ' r , ,
sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and ."' ..1 ' 1 ' , jn.jj...
benediction, 7:46. v Waited Brethren In ChttM.
St Joseph's (German). Fifteenth and FifSt East Fifteenth and. Morrison.
Couch Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. G. I Rev. Russell 8. Showers, 11 and 7:30f 8.
LjOW mass, a. j-iign mans ana sermon. 1 .. iu; w.. tu., :v. oermun 0 jvjv, n.
10:30. Vespers, benediction, 3:30. J. Parrett. - j
St. Francis. ;ast Eleventh ana oaK Radical Mixta ana Mecnanio. Kev. us-
Kev. J. ri. HiacK. low man, 0. s:soicar a. Martin.
and 9:30. Hign mass ana sermon, 10 :30.
Veperi, instruction and benediction,
8t Lawrences'. Third and Sherman
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 7 and
8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. J. . P.
FitzDatrick. Mass- and sermon. 9 In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St Patrick's, Nineteenth ana Bavier
" ' " VslversaUst. '-:.
Church of the Good Tidings TtJ
way and B;ast Twenty-fourth; ?R.
D. Corby, 10:45; S, BT12. j
Jtlsoellaneons, .
Church of New Thought Be"' '
Hlraeh hall. Hanr Vlntn.
8 p. m. 'T--V , ..
-Swedish Corps Salvation ArmJ
Burnslde. 11. 4:80 and 8. ' n
lnier-uenominatlonal City M1ri
I fifth vntrMt A ...Z',
U. and 7:80: S. S. 10: 1 nt i sundiiTi !t Z.,Z. fl!
Third outn, Moun Tabor; JleT. C , Mediums and Ministers' Assoe!
P, Blanchard p; 8, B 10. i-Xuditorlum building, li, S anj 1 1
Mildr?,T;-''''a:'E,I,eric,t'-lli:nd Tenth and Sherman. , J. C, WeatV.
7:80; S. 8., 10. v , presiding elder. 11 and : S. 8 lo 'l
TremontWlsdom and Curtis streets. Volunteers of America iTbto
Rev. "-M. C." Shaffer: 8. 8.. 11: C. E.. irui -ft -n ... un.
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and
benediction. 8:80. .
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. - Low mass. - 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
and benediction, 7:80.
St. Stephen's. Firty-seoond and East
Taylor Rev.W. A Waltt law mads,
8:30.' Hleh mans and sermon, 10:3.
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low
mass, 6, 8 and 9: High mass and ser
mon. 10:80. Vespers and benediction.
1 :ou.
-''.' C&Mstlan. i .
Central East Twentieth and' Sal
mon: Rev.- J. F. Gormlev. 11 and 74K.
Bible Bchool, v, ;i0. Topics, "Victory."
x-emecosi. 1 . ,
1 First Corner Park and
Kev. W. Jr. Reagor,
9:46. Topics, VIncreasing- the Church's
Power." ''Divine Arithmetic."
.Kern Park Pitt and Mldburn: Ror. A.
A. Beelv. 11 and 7:85: H. H.. 10: C K
Advent Christian . Reennd t.'
Hall and, Lincoln, B. Wallace Bhtii
10:80 and, 7:30. '1
.Divine ' Truth 'Center 101 if?
huUdinK-,' Bey; Thaddeus M. Mlnara,
8. n.j 12. ,'..' .. , , ,.!.. j
Church- of Nazarene Rant
Columbia, and Couch. Rev. A. O. Henrlcks. lit
11 and 7:30; S. 8. :?: :r Y. P. M-, 8.
ov, a. a., j. f. ja., o, , 1
New Church Society (Swedenbnr.
Eleventh and Alder. Knights of t
thlas' hall. Lay service and sermoi
Non-Sectarian Odd Fellow- 1
East Sixth and Alder;' 1:30, up to
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott? ?lblT tudies; ?:00, exposition of 8
Thomas G. Pic ton. 11 aifd 7 HO: R s
9:46; C. E.. 1 p. m. Topics, A Look For-
Center; of night Thinking W. 0
TInlv Ttnonrv- Third d TTnlnn I .iiS.1 ' J..' '."'... V i' I , - V""l .t":1'"P, "
v.V t a 'h 1 ..fc,-" 4 wra, divine Anuimeua" . - - I i,""J? , 10 maa suj.
XmiA w.E'w JJ:. r ""fi' I Sellwood Eleventh and XTmatiUs, Mjs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 p. xn,
ana 8:so. UUrh . mass and aermon
10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:80.
Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. HJgh
mass and aermon. 10:30. Veanera and
benediction, . 7:80.
Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thlllman C B. C. Low mass. 8:30.
High mass and sermon. 10:30. Veeoers
and benediction. -4,
Holy Redeemer, ' Portland and Van
couverRev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. S3. R.
Low mass. 8. 1 High mass and 'sermon,
10:30. Benediction. 4.-
St Andrew's, Ninth ?d Albnrta
Rev... Thomas , Klernan. Low mass, S.
High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers. In
struction end benediction. 7:80.
at. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
vaney roaxi Kev,
mass. 8 and 9
benediction. 10:80.
St Stanislaus. Maryland and -Falling
Rev. C Seroski.. Low mass. 8. High
mass and, sermon. 10.
10:30 and 7:46: C. E.. :80.
woodiawn Rev. Edward Wright,' 11
and 7:30; S. S.. 10," C E., 7."
10, 11 and 7:30.
Keorganlzed Church of Jesus CI?
or juaiter Aay aaints least Sevn
sixth and Irving. Elder-, Walter l
ker, 11 and 7:30; a S., 10:45. 1
Fellowship Circle Selllng-Hlrseh
. Dr Davidson Buchanan of New j
land, subject, "God's Relation to Hit j
verse." .
First Spiritual Society .109 s
' tlnlted Presbyterian. ' '
1 The Church of. the 'Stranaers Grand
ave. and Wasco, Rev. 8. Earl Du Bols, I street. Conference. 3; lecture and
10:80 and 7:80; B. 8., 12. Interpretation sages. 7:46, -s. - - f !
for the deaf vevery Sunday morning.- , Fellowship Union Union hall ,G-
: First Sixth1; and Montgomery, Rev. avenue and East Pine, 3 p. in. I
Frank De Witt Findley. lff;30 and 7:30: Davidson Buchanan. ' ,
8. 8., 12; C. E., :S0. Topics, "The First Y. W. C. A. Seventh and T
Fruits of 1910 Placed on God's Altar; streets. Fireside hour at 4 p. m,
evening service by Men's Bible Clasa, Year's address by Dr. J, Wlilti '
tonic. -"The Christian Man l& the Home. Rroiio-hr nn "A nirl'm ..
'urTevann H rill r-ri w 1 1 1 r,. . . . - -: . - - . " - - . . .
v." F. Dillon. 8 J. Low VIL'if"! BS?,elviJ?u.'"neB a1a "J.1,08' I CI,lc " Music py Miss Carrie Seal
36 Mass sermon and Third East Thirty-seventh and Clay; Stuart Maguire. . .
Or Mass. sermon ana Rev j Acheson, U and 7:30, 8. S.A Y. M. - C. A. City association, " f
. Xntheran. -
St James' English West Park an
Jefferson: J. Allen Leas. 11 and 7:45:
S. S., 10; L. L., 7 p. m. Topics, "Back
to Work Again with Joy," "How a
ureal uui . out
TJnlted Evangelloal,
First East Sixteenth and Poplar.
Rev. It. A. Declr. "11 and 7:80; S S.
10. Topics, "Nothing but Leaves," "The nd
lime ia oniirt. .
Ockley Green Gay and Wlllametta
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:30; 8. ft
10; . C- E., 999. Toulcs. ' "The New
and Taylor streets, H. . W. Stone, i
eral secretary. Meeting . for men 2
MUSlc by the Y.'M. C A. orchestra.!
' Christian and, Missionary Allian '
East Ninth and Cla)r. Services li
, a,. 12. x. Jr. M., (,
' Swedish immMlmnt,t .'d Teaiy Sacred Trust." "How to Use It"
Irvine 11 wdTs a Second Fargo and Kerby. Rev. C C
NSrSweiiann8vnodS-lEaV"Tenth and .. .T-??'. . . f.
Mat iM:18-17; 4:1-11.
Ministers. SlnnSav scn'nnl hKlun and Athera tnteritatad im Invlfnd tn
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions,"
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.1
munlon," "Inventory." Jefferson street
mission scnooi. j;so. (
Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth ' and
Davis, Kev. K. P. Nelson, 11 and ; 8. 8,
Bunnyslde East Yamhill and ThlrtV'
fifth; W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:80; 8. S.,
9:50; E. L., 6:45. Tonics. "Farewell to
1909, Welcome to 1910," "Present Day
Thinking and Hell, Hellflre and Dam
St Johns Rev, F. N. Bandefur; 11
and V. T. 7- S H. 1ft ... .N.
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler,
Rev. Charles T. McPherson: 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 9:45; ..,6:30. Morning
topic, -ine XNew xear.:- evening ser
mon ty Kev. J. ADDeit.
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11
and 7:30.
Centenary East Ninth and Pine;
Clarence TrUe Wilson, D. D., 10i80 and
7:30; E. U. 6:30; .8. 8., 12:15. 3Toplcs,
Hi itzTAf $t ft - UN-
II Himwv is y "
II rSmkd 4i Xx W 1
St :-f45 5sr IV1 1 "l
Tit- 1 t j : -Jhs
New Rodnej Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, and' its pastor, E. E. Hertzler,
The new Rodney Avenue M. E. church .
. . x , I v .uu v i-iuuiv. jv uia even-
Structure at the corner of Rodney ave- lng services addresses will h i
nue. and. Stanton streets, will be dedi- by Rev. Joseoh Henn of Miiw-i,i . n-.
Rev, F. H. Luecke of Tacoma, Wash.;
E. E. Hertzler, pastor of the ' new
church and Professor Frederick Kramer
taled Sunday Afternoon at 2:80 .o'clock,
Bishop Charles W- Smith of Portland
will make the dedicatory address.-
In the church. Rev. Geftrge Hartuny
of Connell, Washf(. will preach In . the
Sneciar serylceswm be held all dayHf WlllanTette . univeraltv, ' Salem Or
the church. Rev. fieorn Hutun rnipntinn ..... .,;.' . '. l
waicauon services, fallowing Bishop
vwuu . urvBj, win f ue simple.
The new church edifice cost about
37000 and is , one of the most artistic
of the smaller structures In the city.
Only a few hundred ' dollars of debt
stand jigaihst the church organization.
Rev. HertJer expects to wipe this out
with contributions received Sunday
morning. A general Invitation has been
sent out . to the public to , visit the
church Sunftayv , . 7 ;.
"Holy Communion;"
service by Civic
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith, 11 and 7:30; E. L.. 8:30: B. 8..
10.. Topics. "New Year Ideals," "In His
Steps, or. What Would Jesus Dor"
Laurelwopd Rev. R. E.. Myers; 11
and ':80; S. S.. 10; K. L., 6:80.-
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
Street Rev. C, L. Hamilton. 10:30 and
7:30; S. S., 12; E. L., 6:30. Morning
sermon by Rev. C. W. pays.
Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave
nue and Skldraore, Rec C. J. Larsen,
10:45 and 7:46; 8. S.. 12.
Japanese Mission 121 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Eilsen RIbara, 9:30 and
8:80; 8. 8.. 3:30.
Swedish Borthwl'ck and Beach, Rev.
John Ovall, 11 and-8; S. 8., 10; E. L., 7.
Topics, "Looking at the Past" "The
Welcome of Christ"
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt;
G. A. -Waasa: 11 and 7:80.-
Becond German Stanton and Rodney,
Rev. E. E. Hertzler. 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:46;
fi. J, 7:30
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L., 2:30; E. L.. 6:30.
The. CUnton-Kelly Memorial Thirty,
ninth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon
Jones; 8. 8.. 9r5; 11 and 8; E. L-, 7.
Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
stueets, Rev. Harold Oberg; 11 and 8;
8. 8., 10- class meeting, 12: E. L., 7:15.
Wopdlawn William J. Douglas; H
and 7:30; S. S., 10; E. L., 6:30. Topics,
"Five Quarters of a Century," and
001a uui.
University Park Dawson and Flske,
xvev. tv. rt. ociny. j.; 11 ana 7:30.
African Zlon Thirteenth and Main,
Kev. w. jviattnews; 11 and 8; S. 8., 1.
Mount 'laDor jsast Btark and Stxty-
xiini, j. r, . aiciwugau; n ana 1 :s.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; 8, 8., 10
E. L.. 7.
Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W
Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; E. li,
Woodstock J. D. Voce; 11 and 7:30
S. 8.. 10; E. L., 6:30.
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:45; S.
S., 12:10.
Betanla. Danlslv Union and Morris;
RevJ. Scott, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10.
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth;
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:80; S. S. 9:46.
9:30. r .-. -!
won s uerman unapman ana sal
mon; H. H. Koppelmann, 10:16, 7:46; S.
S. 9:16.
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and
7:30; 8. 8., 9:30.,
' Trinity German (Missouri synod)
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. RImbach.
9:16; 8. S., 10; 7:30. -
St. John's Peninsula avenue and
KHpatrick; 3 p. m.
Swedish Augustana Rodney and
Stanton; Rev. H. E. Sandstedt, 10:46
and 7:45; S. 8., 9:80.
Swedish Mission Seveiiteenth and
Glisan; Rev. B: J. Thoren, 11 and 8;
8. S., 10," Y. P.. 6:30.
Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and
Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; S. &
Immanuel German Corner 15th and
Leo, (Sellwood), HC. Ebeling. 10:30;
S. 8.. 9:30.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) i
St John'
C. P. Yates.
-Ivanhoe and John. Rev.
K, 8 10.
Evangelical Associations.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket, F. B. Culver,. 11 and 7:80; Y, P. A
:80; .B.-Sa 10. . v,"
First German Tenth and Clay F.
H.n. tft.lK an T-IC S3 B .tn. V TI
7 p.-m. Topics. "Jesus the Alpha and I Maty land.
Omega oj! 1910 "The Needjpf America where ha jpent sevexal years la as
fMloH.iT4.t rH, ..a I was in 1841. shortly after
betta, Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8; a C
10.'-- .'."'.-;
Philadelphia, Jan. 1. One hunt
year ago today, In Bucks county, 1
state, was bom Charles Ellet the tj
prated inventor and. military engln
wno Duiit tne , first wire- suspenst
bridge in America. Ellet , began
career as a. rodman, and at the
of 18 he was assistant surveyor
At 21 he went -to T
turn to America, that he built tK t,
wire, suspension bridge in ',. Ami
across the - Niagara ' river " below i
fall, and a few years later he but
similar bridge at Wheeling, W..Va
In s. 1860 Ellet was. engaged by f
war department to survey the nor
Fifty-fourth wa Pbc,,1 coast At the begin:. ,
rrM.Msthodist. "
Flrst church East Ninth and Milt
David M. Cathey. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10;
I, X'. JO., . . ' . ;
Second church East Flanders, be
tween Fifty-third and
trMta Rv Wllhi KT Cnt 111
and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; class meeting, 6:30. 1 to buy vessels and convert them tj
Olive. Branch Mission Second and I rams. In the summer 1863, he tool
Ankeny. A. Wells, superintendent anuadron to Memnhls. where ha enW
' I . ...... ,.. . v. - ... . 1. '
in peviue) wiiu in vuniwnua (uuir.;
rrnt.,. 1 in . inis cowim ne -1 mo
Church of Ouf Father Yamhill and i wounded and died two weeks latr
Seventh, Rev;- W, G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T.' Cairo, 111.
3 p. m.
I Oft,
Trinity. Nineteenth and !CverM tav
a. A. Morrison. 8 and 1L 7:30: 8. a.
O.JE . ' .
9 .tV.
Sl 'Matthew's. Ftrat and nanitti...
Rev. W. H. H. Brick, S. S., 10; Holy
Church .-or Our Savior Woodstock.
11 and 8. ......
i-To-uathedrai Of st Rtnhn h
i.anyr xnirteentn ana ciay. Kev. H
M. Kamsay. 7:30. 11 and 7:30 n.. m .
6. S. 9:46. ,
St Davld's-East Twelfth -and
mont: Rev. Henry Russell Talhot. Hniv
communion. 7:30: 8. 8.. 9:46:
ana sermon, 11; prayer ana sermon, 7:46.
eucharlst and sermon. 11: nraver and
sermon. 7:30; 8. S., 10 a. m.
ah Haint s. Twenty-fifth and Savler.
Tone the nerves, strengtben
the stomach, punfy the bfood
ansd get a f resn grip on health
by taking
i Hills
Sold Everywliare. ? Ia boxes 10c. aod 25c,
From Northern Idaho News. Dec. 28, 1909.
T Fed l M re
ifflfieimeifi I (Ereafl
' Good reports come from Lakeview district, on the Coeur
d'Alene divide, at the Swastika mine. The Swastika company "
have opened up a body of ore 10 feet wide, which assays $7 in gold
and 400 Ounces in silver values to the ton. Manager Ferguson
ordered 1000 ore sacks today, to be ued jn transortinsg the ore
froihvthe mines to the smelters. The company will soon be in shape
to 'contract for a daily ' shipment of ore by, boat to the smelters'.
All the old-time miners from the Lakeview -district say it is- the
richest and largest body of ore ever found in northern Idaho. The
present development on the property consists of a crosscut tunnel,
also a drift, which has. been. extended along the vein for a distance
of 122 feet. The crosscut at this point has proved the ledge to be
10 feet wide. The .crosscut at this point has, proved the ledge to be
assays of $120 pej ton in gold,,silver and lead. - Arrangements have
been, perfected whereby the stock of the. Swastika company. will be
backed by a. certificate of deposit in one of the leading banks of .
Portland, Oregon.
The Imperial Mining compaJiipped a carload of high-grade
gray copper ore to the Taco'ma smelter yesterday. , - .
; The Princess Panama will be the next to enter the shipping list.