t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINO. DECEMUEU 27, 1003. II nr. ntniOTMAC mo "T flL uIIWOIII HMOFJHf K OF DR. F MS truth bluntlr. lMt I truet not of fenalve- j latlonat auawer will be in the worda li. Itlila text: 'l-'nto you a child la born Tha froat mtrafla or Chrutmaa It l ana me nimi anau ra tui wunurmn, not what dl.t laln. . but wlial does I , rvunaeinr, m aiife-rny uiw, wio .-ver rinKrxin. Chrlat la born In hnman iaaun fatn.r, uia i-rinc or reai-a.- hrarla. Men In unhellrf mar atumbU aa Nlootlwuis 01.1. serins; "Jlow ran theaa thluga bV but th Christian knows ( presence of Chrlat. art J oomoa undtr tbe ivoaer ft tha , Chriatmaa miracle. Thla la tha spirit of 1'hllllj.a Mi-oaks' Chrletinas hymn. In which e brays that tha tab of Uethlahera nr be born U us today. Tbouah thi-ra la l,ht- j,.,,, fclWpt d4ck un r,yr frolt; ami w rwui n im 'wu, ibuuurr, cam; ijao. oua human naarx. Il ami je-sne m , T. Dl lluntKlfrr t atnr frame nur me lowijr anj numuie neari in ma awclllm, Kaat &lshtetutn strret, be- SMALL NUMBER OF ; ; PERMITS ISSUED Tha fnllowtof bulltMnf permits haVt img niuru; J. K. Owmi Krect ona story frame Wnfo'H Praorhnf nrhrPC HP I mlrarla f hie rrblrUi Into human life.twen Tlioenpemi and Krair; buillr. Would Not Attempt to Derrv onstrate Miracle, but De sired to Exhibit It. Tha are (eat mlrarlo of Chriatmaa lalMultnomah Aim A -Coimtrut'tJon con rhriiL tiiar maul, ahenherda and their P"nJr.' i0. rinrka anetl cholra and Drooheta all j-eis" r.rerj ona ana one-nau r,u.. . v iM.fnra Mm vliA la tha neater I orT frania dwelling-, Talbot Hoad ! L 1 a ni?J-m.- til "! tuHder. Multnomah ,.u V7 "7.X1 i. ,Vi. "u construction company; liooo... . live Jceua Chrlat h a placa la tflla K L, McCllntook-Krct ona Ihd on. fpailat araaon and rnaka htm klnr of our Uvea. At tha Flrat rreahytarlan cliurch ra terday tho pattor, Dr. William Hiram J oulkra, who rttunwj Chriatmaa niorn lag from a 19 daya trip to tha raat. ronducted AriproprUta ChrUtmaa aurr Jcra both roorolna- and arenlng. In tha vi!nlna tha auaxtrt. cotnpoard of Mra Fletcher Unn. Mra. Beno Hutchlnaon Wire, Claro JRlcharda, tora Zan, with tdgar K. Coaraen, org anlaf, aanr aevoraJ Chriatmaa carol a Tha chorua choir, 'under the leadrrehtp of Dr. and Mra McMlchaei, aang Adeati Mdalla" aa a proceaalona' liyrnn. .Dr. Foulkaa gavo a brief mea uit won "Tha Chriatmaa 8tar." In tba morulne hia thema waa The Chriat maa Miracle." Ills text waa I Timothy :itL H aald In part: "Tba Chriatmaa miracle ia not almpla, but complox. Thoaa who fancy that by attacking and deatroylng tha virgin birth they can rid Chriatmaa of lta euiematuraliam hara not rockoned adoquataly. There la : a - plethora or miracle about ChrUtmaa. My purpoae, however, today la not to awaken contro veray but to atimulate faith. I have no desire to attempt to demonstrate the Chriatmaa miracle but . rather to ex hibit it ona- nair atory frame dwelling. Kaat Waah Ington atreet between Thlrty-aeventh and i jiiriy--igliin; builder, Multnomah Mill & Construction company; 12000. Hoaenthal alatere itepair alx atory brick store.. Seventh street butama Parson Hays Grrat Alrn Hfre Washington and Stark; builder, tstokee Gatea A Voung Erect ona and one half atory frame dwelling, Knat Twenty never th atreet between . Braiee and Thompson; builder; aatna; 1176. TKEACIIFJi ON' CHRIST'S RIRTII Ir. Horn IWore llinu Rer. William raraona of the Third Presbyterian church preached opon the subject Of 'The Unique Thlnga About the Birth of Christ," taking aa hie texta Isaiah P.vt. IUke Z:xl. I'hlllpplana !:v. lie aald In part: "No doubt that a aeore of men were born la the Roman empire that day who before their death left a deeper mark upon the world than Jcsua. yet we never heard their namea. Why did they perlHh and he live in hie influ ence? Why all this bustle of business, merrymaking, giving gifts and thla an nual celebration of his blrthT The answer Ilea In theae texts: "The unique thlnga about his birth are: First That it actually did ful fill the predictions ancient and recent. Aa to place, lineage and Incidents con nected with his birth, that .la a mere matter of comparison of the predictions of the Old Testament. "Second He ; was born of a virgin. Begotten' by the Holy Spirit, yet of hu man and natural origin in his mother. "The first phaae of the Christmas I tn this he was unique. The later at- miracle is that of Messlanlo hope. The I tempt, to attach the same circumstances Old Testament la a strangely unfinished j to his mother ia a pure invention wlth book. There are scarlet and silver out any historic, foundation and arising strands that run through its records 0 long after the event that no con- and reach out and on for some fulfill- alderatlon need be given it. ment. The element of Meaaianlo hope "Third In the way in which it waa in the Old Testament is a cumulative heralded-, to the world. By the angel growing one. Take the first promise I visitants, by the star in tbaeast and in EDITOR WEDS; FRIENDS. RIDE HIM ON BOVINE (Sparta! Plapitck to The Jbarnat.) Elgin, Or, Dee. ST. Lee Tuttle, editor of the Elgin Recorder and Miss Lena Edmonds, a popular young lady of thla town, were married at La Grande this week by the Methodist minister. Rev, McLoyd. . On their return to Elgin Tuttle tried to escape the crowd awaiting them at the depot by Jumping from the coach while the train waa still aome distance from the depot and making a run for his home. He was catight and brought back to the depot, where a cow, be decked with bells, awaited him. He waa mounted on "Bosale" and paraded through the streets of Elgin followed by bis bride, In a sleigh and the crowd. EHSIERH CITIES the tiaptlam of Christ, TJire were nearly four hundred of Uatdorfa frlanda preaunt on the rlvur bank nar the i'a- li'lflo Lumber company's mill, In north 1'ortland, to wttnuaa the ceremony. ' lial- and western Lumber company, waa ad mitted to the Kpworlb Methodlat vhuruh Sunday morning. , Dr. Foulkes Returns From Rec ord Making Trip With , v ; Good lewsi WALLOWA POSTOFFICE 'IN THIRD CLASS LIST (ipeeial Ilapatrli te The Jooratl.I ' Wallowa, Or., Deo. ST.-Poatmaater J. IB. Tulley received notice Monday that tha Wallowa postofflre would ba placed j In the third claae llat January 1, 1910, and that hie aalary would be Increased to 1 1 loo per year. ' Laat J rl.Uy night tha city eounrll took a declilrd atuiid lit regard to 111 billiard iarlora and aoft drink houses and deoliied that they- muat clone and remain vloaud on Suixlnya JQlIKSOX-KETCHELj ;-'TJCTUJn!3IlKKK AGAIN Sporting and athlotlo circles are more than pleaaed with the announcement that the Johneon-Ketehe! fight pictures will have a return date in thla city which haa been arranged for next Fri day and Saturday at the Bugalow the atre, Thla takes in Now Year's eve and all of Newr Year's iU'y. whU-h, with hour ly ahoas, sut-lt aa were run at the Ii:ikr thratre reorntly, will tslvo opportuiilty for thoueanila to aea thla picture. With Jim Jeffrlea, Jack Jiiliiia.m and Ketchel Klnted this way, each -with Ma own nuo of boxir and the acttlt-nient of the fight terme for the great world ohattilonahU betwoen Jeffries and Johnaon, everybody rularttt want to aea the kind of fighter Jeffrlea muat tack le In order to keep the heavyweight champlonahlp from being retained by a colored man. i - . , , If you are a' tobacco chewer who WHlgha coat and comfort In tha same cale you proliably have a piece of 1'jper liejdaieck In your pocket rlcht now. made to tha - race, , Mother five In Genesis S.xv. ' There is no aeed to read into 1 all, the full content of later prophecy, but there is no warrant for reading out of it aU Implications or a final fulfillment ' "A hope was awakened in the first xfiothers breast tliat through her of f eprina; deliverance should come. She called her son Cain, which means "I have gotten.", That is, she thought that tho promise' had' been fulfilled. Df. Foulkes then traced tbe growth of the spirit of Messianic hope through the Old Testament t literature, writing the Bethlehem. - Others had been announced before their birth by messengera from heaven but this la the . only Incident where the birth was so signalised. "Fourth This is the only Incarnation of dlety. Myths and fables there have been many. Previous theophanies there Were, but this is the only Incarnation of God that had a, moral purpose big enough to make it reasonable, and the only one making' such claim who did really Godlike things. "We believe these unique things about Jesus, not because we are credulous but because we have sure grounds of reason Two Marshfiold Sisters Wed, fflneclal DtiDatrh to The Journal.) Marshfield, Or, Deo. ST. Two sisters were the brides at a double: wedding which took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Torre in Marshfield. Miss Psyche Torrey . was married to Wilbur G. Craig of Blackfoot, Idaho, and Miss Erois Torrey was married to Thomas G. Leyland. Mr. and ' Mrs. Crarg will go to Idaho to live, i Mr. Leyland is the local representative of the Sherman-Clay Musio company of Portland and with his bride will reside in this. city. r Dr. William Hiram Foulkes, pastor of tbe First Presbyterian church, haa re I turned to Portland after a record mak Ing trip to Cincinnati, Dr. Foulkta I was gone eleven days. He spent' ten I nights In tbe sleeper, tarried In Cin cinnati seven hours, spent' Saturday! nlgbt and Sunday, a week. ago. In Chi cago, and reached his Jtorae Saturday I Ight laat " : - Dr. Foulkes is a member of the Geo I oral Association Commltteo on 'General Education of the church, being the only I momber west of Chicago. lie -was called to Cincinnati to atend a meet ing ot the committee scheduled for De- cember IT. According to. Dr. Foulkes story of his I short stay in Cincinnati he did about! as much missionary work for, Oregon I as he did committee work while there, II o reached the city a short time before luncheon and when he met the mem bers of the committee around the mid-1 day. table he found them all deeply in terested In Oregon and .her opportuni ties. . Some time ago Dr. Foulkes sent each member of tha committee a copy of the I booklet issued by the Portland Chamber! of Commerce, "Oregon, a Land of Op portunity." When he met the members I of the committee at luncheon he found! all of them much interested in the story I told . by . the booklet and , during the I lunch hour he was kept busy telling of Oregon, of the apple Industry. -of I otner opportunities, all about the land. ana -every thing about the state and its development There was more discus sion of apple land than of business dur ing the . luncheon houc v . ' , Begins Monday Jariuary;3,.1910 to othe a ootD nr one day Take LAXAT1VK BBOMO Quinine Tableta iWiiceriafai rafiinr1 mnnar If it fa lei in nr-m B. W. GEOVE'S licnatare ia on each box. 25c uPon entering the river in imltatioa of NEW CHURCH MEMBER , BAPTIZED IN RIVER A baptismal service' was conducted In tne Willamette at S o'clock Sunday af ternoon by Rev. C T. McPherson . ' of I rjpworth Methodist church.. oorn BAtdorf was the candidate who went down into the icy water. He and Mr. McPherson. who wore ordinary clothing) rainer man tne regular baptismal robes, were in me nver aoout nve minutes. ! Although there are several baotlsmal tanas in tne city. Mr. Batdorf Insisted development of hope Into expectancy j for them. To those of us who accept and tbe latter Into prophecy until he came on the first Christmas day. , "The second element of the Christmas miracle is the t olnoss of tb times. j "In God's cosmic and his . moral unl yerea . everything nwyes according to schedule. ' Nothing happens.' No event appears too soon or ; too late. While perhaps theologians " have . made too much of the historic situation unto which Christ came, their critics have made too little of it The fact remains tiiat for the first tlmo in the world's history . there was tho construction of a universal civilization whose ciuaen- e hip touched the .rim., of the world, and a universal language and .philosophy. If Christianity Is criUciied because of the elements of Greek philosophy which have entered into its development, its reply is that no better philosophy had before or has since arisen by which it might hand down and diffusa its truth. "Besides these things there was an almost universal bankruptcy of faith and effort on the part of the human heart The epicurean and the stoic eltks were living examples 'of the fail ure of the world-to redeem Itself. Even J udalsm was itself bankrupt. Then in the fullness of the times the Christmas miracle appeared. The third phase of the Christmas miracle is the rebirth of Christ In the human heart I r.tate the the Bible as God's revelation of himself to man the fact that It teaches them is sufficient But there are many who say with Canon Henson that they rest upon a theory of inspiration that is now untenable. We have no time to argue that question easy of argument, aa it Is, but will simply note that the books of Mathew and Luke are . history as credible and ' well .authenticated as any history. But in addition. ' "There 1 is the conception of the Chrlsti-great, majestic, Imperishable. That Is no invention, and apart from these facts he is tbe inexplicable man. with them easily understood and ac counted for. 'Our reason compels us to account for him. And this is the most reasonable account But the experi ence of many who have believed upon Jesus and . become conscious of his di vine power , through their own salvation convinces them perfectly that this- is but part of the . divine Lord who has saved them. . They have a source of evidence that Is beyond the reach of criticism by the world and, putting all these together,' they say 'I believe in Jesus who was begotten of the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary. "And as long as the sun shines and the seasons come and go and the Christ mas bells ring, so long will these unique facts challenge men, and their only LADIES I have just received by express from New York 200 Ladies' and Misses' Suits I PLACE THEM ON SALE TOMORROW. THEY ARE ADVANCE SAMPLES. $25.00 values, on sale at .................. . . $9.98 $30.00 to $40.00 values for. .$14.98 Be Sure to Come arid See Them Before You Buy Elsewhere. MIS. M. M. BERT Rooms 203-4-5 S wetland Bldg., 5th and Wash. IT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT When You See It in Our Ad If s So ' MOYER 3d & Oak 1st & Yamhill 1st & Morrison (B 01 JU Ladies' flic Clearance Sale of High Grade Suits Going at Less Than Cost $35.00 Sniits Sacrifiicedat Unparalleled Bargains In High Class Garments That Must Be Closed Oat -.'-. J i "' Eighty suits selected fronroilr. high-grade stock, $35.0Q values, have been chosen for this ftreit Clearance Sale. They are the' latest WirfteT models, all the best materials and most popular colors, and in all sizes. No such values have ever been offered by this or any other Store,; It simply ' , - means that our high-grade stock must be cleared of Winter modeb before the arrival of new goods. Any woman understands that the dealer in "women's apparel must sacrifice his profits at this season of the year and we've cut. them .' to the limit and below the original cost. These prices are .for cash only. . IB $8 Iron Bed $5.75 No. 358 Like cut, worth . QK IJff $8, special for this week... U I O No. 373 Worth to $5, spe- QO QfT cfa! for .this week.; ,.ipdVO Clearance sale of Iron Beds, Dress ers, Chiffoniers, Tables, Chairs, Etc I z'.-&J 1M: Cobbler S Seal Rocker 2.50 Many- shaped like the cut, fancy spine backs, wide arms, cobbler seats, golden oair and mhninfiT f finish; worth 3.50, wjll be closed mit at f 2.50 83L26 Clearance Sale (Is Price Only oy. Over 1000 of thesfe splendid bargains, made just like the cut; cobbler seats,. . flat spindles in back-and neatly carved top panej. Note the strength of these. chairs the brace arm and the contin v uous back posts. , Worth $1J25, spe cial price; no phone or UO.QA . D, orders filled, each....... cU - . , Store Open! Until , 8:00 p. nv THE BIG STORE AT EAST END BURNSIDE BRIDGE ,1 1 Cars Stop! Vancouver, ?L Johns, Eroad war, Woollawn, A!barta, East Bornile. MontaviHt, East An kenr cirs trp in front of this store. AH rt:er lies transfer to this point. 4C irriPn htff i mill it 1 III JUST LIKE CUT