- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER- 25, 1003. OflMID PLANS GfiEATESr STREET MB City Council Has Taken Steps to Improve 150 Miles Next . Ycar Contractors - Have : Hands Full. . S At th rats wit wh'oh trt Ira l iovoment work U Mni encouraged at vary council meeting- th prediction la mud by Mayor Blmon and city jungr nr Morrl that mor than 100 mil of hard aurfac would be laid la 1316 bfirlns t look to conaervatlve. There Is no question that If nourh onntractora coo Id b found to take care of the work being; (round out dally by ties city engineer office the number of mile of new bard aurfac atreete next year wauld be Increased by 160. One of the largest local contracting firm ha unfinished contracts to the amount of 1441.000 on Its hands. An other company has 8334,000 worth of uncompleted street Improvements to fin lah. Tbe six leading- street Improvement contractors have unfinished contracts to the amount of f 1.(00.000. These fig-urea jsiva some Idea, of the progress being made In modernising" the city. -, Contracts . uncompleted . by smaller companies will toUJ more than 31,000,- ooo. making- a grand total of 13,600, too worth of pavements that are certain to be completed with the advent of good weather In the early spring of next sea son. . .-' . . .;. ' The city council has been authorlilng scores of new Improvements at every eselon, end if she average of the past few months Is maintained more than i 6,000.000 worth of hard surface will be laid In mo. Asphalt bltvllthlo and haasam are the paving materials In most general use, though for the warehouse districts stone blocks have been recommended by the oity engineer. . One company now lias a contract to pave a large district In the North End 'with the blocks, it it estimated that 1(00,000 worth of these will bs put down before the end f the coming year. - ' Every Inducement is offered by the present city administration, to outside competition. Any company or contractor with new Ideas Is welcomed and any good hard ' surface pavement will re ceive favorable recognition at the hands of the eity engineer. . - - - J Sunda? Services at tt)e orHartd (Tt)urcl)e5 , Baptist. -First White Tamnln Taralfth and Taylor, Kev. J. Whliconib Uroughar, U. 0. IS ."One Acourd" uraver meeting aorvlcca, 10:30 and 7:20: lilltle school II I. P. V.. 1. Toul.a. -Cheer Ud." "UvS Beat Christmas GlrL" bocoiid &ventli and East Ankan Rev. 1L 8. black. 10.30 and T;I0; &lb School. 11: li. Y. P. II.. I 10. Central Eaat Tarenllath and Ankeny 1010 and T::IA: 8. 8.. 11: V. I U.. 6:30; sermons by Kev. Frt Agar. Arlata 11 snd T:l0: S. &. 0:45; a T. P. V.. 6:30. Tonics. "Christmas Clir.'VX'hrlhtmiS Pong Service." . Highland Aiboria and blxth. Kef. A. ieonaro, pastor, li ana.cevi o. . V. V., f.SO; H. B., 10. BrUwood Tscoma and Eleventh, Rev. D. W. Thurston, pastor, 11 and f :10s. 8. h, ioi x. i. u e:iu Calvarv Kast Eichth and Grant. Rev. 3. N. Monroe. 11 and 7.10; 8. &, 10; B. r. p. u.. t-.to.' . - - Immanuel Jones I null, - oiddi ana Front. Rev. A. H. Mlnake. 10:10 and 7:10; fl. H 11; It. T. P. U, 3:80. Spe cial Christmas muslo. Orace Montavllla; Rev, Albert K. Patch. 11 -and 7:10; B., 8, 10; T. P. U- :39.' ' ' University Park 8. 8.. .10. 11 and T.-80; B. Y. P. U., li sermons by Rev. li F. Cheney. ' " fiunnystde (Oermsn) Forty-first and Hawthorne; Kev. U reiametn. i; a. o- 8:46. KL Jnhna ffJerman Rev. ' C. Fold math. K R . aervicea 11 and 7:34. fit. Johns Rev. C 1 Owen, 11:81 snd 7:10; 8. 8., 10: ft. T. P. U 6:30. Chinese Mission I&xfe uk sj.ru 8. 8.. 7; preaching. 8, by Kev. Fung Chak. .. . First German Fourtn ana aui. Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:S0; H. S.. :4S. Second German Morris street and Rodney avenue: Bev. F. Euermann, 11 and 7:10: a 8.. 9:46. . East Forty-fifth street tromer r.mai . - - - . . a. . ,t m .A a aiaiu: ii:id ana.i su; a, r. x. j- Kmnn hv Rov. A. H. Waits. v Lents. Rev. B. C .CooIt S. o. and 7:10; B. T. P. U.. 6:10. . . Mount Olive Seventh nd Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson.. 11 and 7:SO. Erick Bcherstrom.1. . 10:4o 1 ana i:o. 8. 8.. 11; B. V. P. U.. :80. Third Knott ana Vancouver. xv, . Schwedler, 11 and 7:10: 8. 8.. 10. Topics. rinltv 'Aaniutlnna." u Woodstock Forty-first and Holgate; 11 and 7:iu; B. a., :io.- norniui mon by F. E. A. Smith. Sucstive Questions on the Sunday , Sctool Lesson by Rev. Dr. T. S, Linscott .46 irnl 1: Sunday school teachers and jthert In t era ted are Invited te briefly tneir vlawe as to tbe wortn of uieae Tjuaauona. nsuer mem or vaiue in tneir worn. j for tne Duroose or ri Wider studv of the Bible, .Ministers. write The Jouma trtlmiiarlv if (hev ran The International Newspaper lllble Study club Is for th purpose of mnrln In &n unfaltorad i amona the niaaaea. a wider Studv of tha i the baa I truths of Christianity, and the problems which enur Into ever man'a life. It Is composed or an tnose who join a local ciud, ana lass up ina Simple course herein' outlined, barring only ordained clergymen., ah wno nave Hot joined are warmly invited to do e and evntpete for the prises. ..-. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but .must, ol coarse, answer the II questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the trim uiil tha hark nuaatlona mil ha obtained h addraaalna this office. This- paper has secured the. right to publish tbe International - Sunday School Leaaon questions by Rev. Dr. LJnstL which hsvt arouaad so much itereat elsewhere, and they will appear warkly In both the Saturday and Sunday Issues of The Journal. . One of these qaeatlons each week Is te be answered lb writing and upon these snswers the prises are to be awarded;. OoaeUttew eg tu smites. ; ' ' 1. KiAh MntMlinL op his or Bar famlir ainst e saMwrfbei te this rper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Mewspaper Bible tudr club and this local club, ' I. Earh nonteatant In this local club must answer each of the written ques tions for ti consecutive weeks, commencing; Saoday. March 14. and the answers must all be in the Dossesslon of this naoer vlthln two weeks of the ouose of this period. , i. Each question mast d answered separately, and tne paper written ai one side only. No-answer most exceed too words In length and mav n tesa Each answer muat hava the name and address of th write at the bottom of tha anawae. 4. The snswers must be delivered to this office, and they win be collated at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for Independent ex amination h enmnetant iiimlntra Tha nrlaaa Will than Ha awarded ae- cordlnir to the highest number of marks, won by members) of Tbe International isewspsper Hioie ntuay ciuo. .,. ,, FHsee, ' ' , . First Series A gold medal to each of tbe first five contesUnts. ' . , Second fierlea A silver medal to each of tha next fiva nonteatSnts. Third Series Teacher' Bible, price 11.80. to each of the next five oon testa nt a. . , . Fourth Series The book Th Heart of Christianity," prio 11.10. to each of the next IS oontestants. . ' , i . Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the nam of the winner wd i or wnat it is awaraea ana in line manner eaD Bible and boot win do in scribed.. - . - , ' i , . . i All who can write and have-4des, are orged to take np the studies ra gardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an educational or literary- standpoint, but from th point of view of . tbx utncr 01 ineir reasanea loeeja. gent study, of a worthy subject. lthe Stanton; Her. If. E. Baiifltlt, and 7.45: ti. 8 . 9:10. Hwjh lllBnlon Seventeenth Ollnan; Kv. li. J. Thoren, li and 8. H 10; Y. P.. 9. . - . Kllm. ChpI Michtn avenne and Skldtaore, Iter. B. J. Thoren. 11; 8. b. 10. Immanuat Oerman Corner 15th and Io (Mellwood). JL C. Ebellng. 10:0; H, ft., ;S0. Oreo English Missouri Synod) Kerby and largo. Rev, Carl Hasaold, 10, and f :I0; a 8 10.30. . . Congregational. ' i 'First Maillaon and Park. Rev. Euther It. Dyoit. IV I'.. 11 and T!4: H, 8., :4. Toiilcs. "The New Incarnation," Seven Clrclee In Chrlettnaa Light." Iturelwood Bev, W. 1L Myers; 111 B. 8, 10; C. E.. :10. . ; . Eunnyame l-.nst . Taylor ana itasi Thirty-fourth, Bev. J. J. Staubl II and 7:so: a. id: j. e:su. ciirieunas Jor': "ice uesasge oi tne Star." , . . St Johns Rev. Q. W. Nelson: 11 and 8 ' S 8 10" 'lintvaraltT Park Haven and Dawson. Rev..O. W. Klgcs; 11 and 7:10; 8. S., 10; a K., 0:80. . ' ' Hassalo Street East eeventn anq IlasHalo Rev. George and-7:45; H. H.. io. Hall and Lincoln, E, Wallace fil)eparl- 11) 90 and I Jl). - I'lvlne Truth Center 101 , AINVy tluliaing l'nlin trrvhr by lr Mm aril, Morgan and (Inwn. h M., 11. Churrli of NalaVon East Bovafith anil C'ti-h. Rev. A. t. llBiirlcks, 11 4 T..10; 8. B.. :46; y, p. M .. . Nw Churoh Society tSwadenborgen) I.lveii(li and Alilcr, KniKlil of 1'y- lhlna iall. Ijty service ami aorinon, 1 1. Kon-Maotartan Odd l-'ellows' ball. Knat rilxlh snd Alder! 1:10, up to dale Inula studies; 1:00, exposition of Scrip ture. , - Canter of Right Thinking W. O. W. temple, 111 Eleventh and Alder Streets, Mra. 1-1 Klierman Ulney: I v. in. - Iteorganlsed Church of Jeaua Christ of Latter I'av bulnts Kiixt Seventy- sixth and Irving. 'Elder Walter Bar ker. 11 and 7:10; fl. S., 10:45. Splrltuallsta 111 Allvky building, Aire. Hopma 11. Beip. ( First Mplrltual Society 101 Second street. Conference, t: iactur and mea gases, .1:40, Lrctyre hr J'arry Yano kuroh, subjoot, "Chriaf That llave Com and the Meeaage They Brought.!' Fellowship TTnlnn Union halL Grand avenue anil Kaat jfins, , a PUPILS OF SUNDAY , SCHOOL ENTERTAIN Sunday evening, at th " Epworth Methodist church, ; Twenty-sixth ; and Ea vler, tha Sunday school- will render the folowing progrmmt - , . Quartet, "Te Bella Awake (Hall),Mlss Jlilda Turple, Mrs. C T.- Mcpherson, Lev. C. T. MoPherson, Ralph Speelmaa. Chriatma Greeting Albert Bitter. Prayer.'' v. ' Song. "O Hgppr Voices" (Hall), Mra Myers class. Primary Recitations: (a) "By a Be ginner," Cecils Thompson, (b) "What a Boy Wants for Christmas," Willi Farr. c) "A Dolly's Christmas," Lucy Bus- eara s ciasa. t iay cnristmas exercise, Marguerite Young class. (e) Ood jJis ut AH," Herald Pomeroy. (f) in ennstmas uiory," Burton Seal. (g) "The Babe In th Manger," bo is of inirs. errs ciass. - : luet, "Bethlehem," (Glebel), JMlsg i-iuaz Turpi and Mra Charles T. Mo I'lierson. Kecltatlon, "Come Back to Bethle- nem,- Kose Bonn. Two Prophecies Boya of Mr. Speel roon's anov Mr, Perry's Iassea Scripture recitation, Mrs. Peterson's class. . , Hymn 1S4 "It Came Upon the Mid Sight Clear." Itecltation, TThe . Shepherds," Ruth wortman.:' ' Solo, "A Star, Like Morning Sun shine,'! (Hall), Mra C. T. McPherson. facripture recitation. Miss Lathrop's ciase,- ,ir - Sng, "The Holr Night,' (Glebel), Air. juooan s class. Exercise, "The Stars," pupils of Mra Myers' and Mrs. Peterson's classes. Song, "Th Bright Little Stars," pri mary department i Exercise, "We Are the Stars," five girls. : ' -. Chorus. "Shine On, O Star," (Glebel), school, ' - Exercise, "We're a Band of Christ mas Stars," pupils of Marian Hander's primary class. Kecltatlon, "Th Christmas Angels," Violet Fraser. Chorus, "Christmas Glory Crowns the World," (Rail), choir. : Announcement of honor roll namea i llymn, "Joy to the World." ' r.-. ' "Tresbrterun. TNrat Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil 11am Hiram Foulkes. 10:10 and 7:80: 6. .. .14:18: C. H.. :80. TODlos. "Th Christian Miracle," "Th , Christian's Star." Christmas praise servlc. la th evening. - , Mispah East Twelfth and - Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 snd 7:80; S. B- 10: C. B.. 8:80. Tonics, "The Appearance of Christ in th Evolutionary Movement," "The Leading of the Star. : ; ; Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45; Bible school, noon. Topics, "The Cradle of Glor," J'The Bright - and Morning Fourth First and Glbhs; Rev: TJOnald Mackenxle, 10:80 and 7:so. a. ts it; c Hawthorne Park Twelfth" and East Taylor: Rev. E. Nelson Alldn. 10:80, T:aO: 8. 8- 12:C-E.. 6:30. it toplo, ."The Bong f Angels and Men; Musical n roar ram bv chair In evening. Forbes Sellwood and ' Gantenbeln; Rev. Harry ti. Pratt; li ana :au; h. a io: c ui. s:so. - Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Kev. J, E. envaer, li ano 7:itra. o. iz-.ia. (Copyright 10 hy Rev. T. 8. Linscott D. D.) - - -. Seoember 9S, 1909. The Birth of Christ Matt-11:1-11. Golden Text And thou Shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people rrotn their sins. Matt 1:11. Verse 1 Where Is Bethlehem, th birth plae of Jesus f , ' Wher was the home of Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jeaua, and now did It happen that they wer at Bethle hem at this time? What was th probable nationality of these "wise men"? Vrse I Is there any evidence, and If so what is it which Indicates that God, In the past ages, has revealed himself to other people than those ' of Jewish origin T Give your own Idea of this star that the wise men saw, which indicated to them that a Jewish king had been born: was it objective or only subjective? Were the wise men right In their opin ion,- that Jesus was "the 1 king of the Jews," as they were In the fact of bis birth? . Vahtagtsh - tTTU . 4 I att trtsa avMariA fake l ff oo w f iioit in kiio v v iui uvq a vra vt Man ftS'ainst the Idea that It was' God's Orig inal Intention for Jesus to be th literal king of th . Jews, as th wise men stated, and as Herod feared? Why should Herod and . "all Jerusa lem" be troubled at the announcement of the birth of a Jewishklng? Verses 4-1 What prophet is her r- ii i Amti , jk. a a i.it Westminster East Tenth and Weld-1 f erred to. and wher in the Bible did ler; Rev. Henrr Marcotte, 10:30 and I these Brtesta and Scribes quote from? , X JTi D. Sn X., Start Work on Xw State Road. : Woodland, Wash., Deo. 26. Th sur veyors from the state engineers' office have made good progress On the second survey Of the state road from Wood land to Skamania county, and it has been dscided.br the engineer in charge to se part of tbe amount appropriated si the last session of the legislature in Construction, work on parts of the road where asm la most needed, instead of expending th whole amount In survey ing the complete line. iii i ii 7:30: S. 8.. 12: T. P. 8. C E.. f:30. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth I Rev. C. W. Hays. 11. 4: 8. S., 10. v -.- . ... - Mount Tahor Beimont and pretty- man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and I; B, B., 10. Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:80; 8. S.,,10: G. B., 9:80. - Third East Thirteenth and Pins; Rev. William Parsons, 10:10 and 7:46; 8. 8., 12. , . ' . . Hop Montavuia, Kast eeveniy- Did the prophet they quoted from, and did these priests and scribes think that the expected Christ was to be an earthly king? Why? Verse 7 What la it which makes dlli- nobl or ignoble? Vers 8 How would you descrlb a man with th motiv of Herod, when he sent these wis men off on their mis sion of finding Jesus? . - What. If any. reason la tner to be lieve that there are those today who at tend church, and thus pretend they are earnestly seeking Jesus, who have prac tically the same motive aa Herod bad? Vers t If a man today would ae the Christ what "star" does he need tOlRv. W. F. xonow to do sure or being iea to mrar- Give your reason for your Idea whether it It la to th favored few only that God serffla a "star," or its equivalent point ing to Where Jesus may be found or are all men similarly treated? Verse 10 Mention some things which always producs joy, and thea describe Angel of Life"; Praise services and can tata. - y First' Oerman Fast Seventh and Stanton. Rev. John H. Hoppj 10:30 and 7:80: 8. 8., :16; C E.. :S6. , - rilgilm SUitverand Missouri avenue. Rev. Guy L. Dick, 11 and 7:80: 8. S.. 9:45; C E., :80. Topics, "A Signifi cant Testimony"; "Thy Kingdom Come," United Brethren fm Christ. Y " First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. Russell 8. Showers. 11 and 7;10; S. K. 10: C. E.. :80. ' ' - Rsdical Sixth and Mechanic Rev. Os car A, Martin. 11 and t:10j & 8 16 C E. 6 '80. Th'frd--8outh Mount Tabor: . Rev, C P. Blanchard. 11; 8. 8., 10. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mildred. Kev. u. E. Emericx, 11 ana 7:80; 8. S., 10. - - ; . Tremont Wisdom and curtia atreets. Rev. H. G Shafferj ft S, 11; C, E., 6:80; sermon, 7:80. - .-: :. . , .; ; p. m Iavldaon .Buchanan, Y, W. O, A. ateventh . and Taylor iePiK- Ing Of Christmas storiea V. M. C A. City esanotstlon,. Sixth snd Taylor streets, H. W. tttone, gen eral secretary. Meeting for- men at I o'clock will .be addressed by Iter. , E. Wallace Hhepard, pastor of the Second Advent Christian church. Muslo by the y. M. C A. orcheatra and aoDrano sola H. Pftddack, lllDT verne t-isussen. vnnsiinn ana m mmonary Alliance Clay. Hervioes 10:10 li. r. p. M.. s:so. Significance of th lurm or ennsr ana m tfeoond Ap- Hlgnla'nd East Sixth and Presoott East Ninth and t Rev. E. & Bollinger, 11 and 7:80; 8 8., snd 7:46. 8. ft. 10; V. P. S. C E., .80, Topics, 'The! Topics, "Spiritual Searing," "Th Life More Abundant" ermnn by Rev. Frederick It Senft of Philadelphia; field secretary. t i CITIZENS PETITION ' FOR "OFF DUTY" DAYS FOR FIRE FIGHTERS 4V A petition to the city executive 4 board covering 13 pagns of li-gal W rap paper and signed by the g leading business and profeagtonat 4 w men of the city, asking that Portland firemen be given 24 w hours off duty every eight days, 4 has been ftlud in th city audit- 4 w or' office. e Fir Chief Campbell said this morning that he is still at work - trying to reconstruct his ached- . w g uls so .that favorable action cxn 4 be taken on the petition. II Is g) g in hopes that he will have soma plan figured out whereby -th 4 'hang aa b mad without lag- e pairing th efficiency of the da- ' w e partment. In order to grsnt the 4 . request of the petitioners it will be necessary for the executive w 4 board to authorise an amendment 4 e to the rules of the fir depart- w 4 ment - w . T s i nn" i i.i .j sbji , ' Bank Cashier Ttigru. (ftpeelal Dlipatoh to The Joorail.) ' Forest Orove, Or.. Dea 26 John a Bailey, who has been cashier of the For- ' t Grove National bank for th east year, has resigned, and will return to -th actlv management of his mercan- ' ' til establishment. W. W. McEldowney, Who has resigned as noatmsater nt tlila city, will taks a position at th bank. ' Ohrlstiaa. ' "Central East Twentieth and Sal mon: Rev. J. F. uormiey. 1 1 ana 7:46. Bible schooL 10. Tooios. "In the Full ness of Time"; ."Th World's Supreme tiirt." - " 'First Corner Park and Columbia, I Keagor, li ana 7:u, o. e., Kern Park Pitt and Midburn: RV. A. A. Bee-y. U and 7:30: ft-8., 10; C E.J 6:30. ' ' ' I Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott; Thomas G. Pic ton. 11 and 7:30; 6. S., I 9:45; C, E., 7 p. m. . r Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla 10:80 and 7:46; C. E, 6:30. Edward Wright - ill Weak? Tired ? Run-down? j Theso condition! coma from overwork, a-weak atomach, overtaxed nerveg or feeble blood. When jou feel "ail la "hardly able to drug about, DO energy, bo ambition, easily exhausted and can't leep takd l . ' Li5li 9'iTann Lmii 0 b ULLiliit) and note what a dlflerenc they make In your condition. Th stomach la th first to feel the good effects. . Food tastes good, the digestion is strengthened: bowels sid bile work regularly, the blood la cleansed, and the nerve rested The whole system responds to the tonic action,' of Beecham'g PUl.Soon -there i the buoyant feeling of returning health, " r - 1 Fresh Strength and New Life - Boxes I0c.im1 2Sc,Vitli foil cTiiwctlotw, -.,'. XV Arwl la nrn. .R,v that Which nroduoes vn-j greatest joy to -nd 7;X0i a fl. 10; cl v... t. mortals known (This ansstloa mast Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey; S. S. b answsred la wxltlna y uemhera of io. 11 and 7:ni. OREGON HOTELS aakaasTassTi the dab. Veree 11 What Is the ground for cer tainty for the statement that trios who really seek Jesus always find him 7 What are the emotions which are stirred, the motives which are formed, and the deeds which ar don by every one who really seeks and finds Jesus? Verse 13 Is there, any liability that j Vo,Vr i1 7' " rrnJUd Presbyteriaa. ' Th Church of th Strangers -Grand I ave. and wasco, Kev. 8. Jtcan uu hois, i 10:30 and 7:80: S. S., 13. Interpretation for the dear every Bundav morning. First Bith and Montgomery. Kev. Frank De Witt Findley. 1(5:30 and 7:80; S. S.. 12: C. B.. 6:80. . TodIos. "New .things for th,-Nw ..Year"; "What la those who live In the presence ef Jesus, will ever be duped rlnto hetraylns; him or his cause? "'::'':;-' la the day of th supernatural guid ance of God's .children, past, or la there reason to bel lev that It is as opera tive as vr? Lesson for Sunday, January 3, 1310. John the Forerunner of Jesus. Matt 111:1-13, , y; ; rMtnist,ra. ' ri'inffAv aciinai teanhera and others Interested arer Invited to aretta Tha Inunul hrlnflv Ihtlr vim aa to the worth of these auestlona particularly if they consider them of valne In their work. , i '', ..."9; eighth street. Rev Henry K S., 10; 11 and 7:30. t A . , Kent worth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. ft Mlliard Avenue Rev; John A. Town send: services, 10: S. S., 11:16. . Ana bel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv ices. 11:30 and 7:46: 8. S., 10:15; C. E. T. Trinity Dakota ireet,R5V. A, Rob inson. 7:48 J). m.; C. ATj:TB. B.. 11. Vernon Wygant and East Nine teenth; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; S. S. 3:45; C. IS, 7. KethoOlat. " Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Toting. I. D., 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8., 12:15; E. L.. :30. Topics, "The Christmas Mes sage, "ianaers xuessian,-- ny cnoir. Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. jonn H. Cudllpp, D. t., 10:3r and 7:80; S. 8., Incarnation ; -evening, special music. Norwegian - Danlan Thirteenth and Davis. Rev. K. P Nelaonf 11 and 8; 8. ft, 10. Christmas tree and program in, the evening. SunnvBlde East Yamhill and Thirty- fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30: S. 8., S:60r E. t7 8:46. "Topics, -"fhe glorious Anthem for cnnstmastiae," Tne spir itual Significance of Christmas." fit. Johns Rev. F. N. Sandefur: H and 8: E. L., 7: S. S.. 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler. Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and i:30; 8. B 9:ibJ E. L.., 6:30. Topic, The Homeless Christ,' Sunday school. Christmas program. Chinese Mission Chsn Sing Kal; 11 and 7:30. . , Trinitv East Tenth and Grant l,ewls F. Smith. 11 and 7:30; E. L., 6:30; 8. S., 10. Topics. "Christmas Message of To day," "Christmas Message for the Chil dren With the Aid of the Stereoptloon." Centenary East Ninth ' and Pine! Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:80 and 7:30: EL I, 6:80; 8. ft, ix:i s. Topic, "A Christmas Sermon." . Special music 10:46 and 7:46; 8. 8.. 13. ; xaureiwooo rtev. k. n. Myers; li anrf ':30- ft 8.. 10; E. I. 6:30. Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo Street, Rev. C I Hamilton, 10:80 and 7:30; S. 8.. 13; JC. 1. 6:30. Norweg-lsn Danish Vancouver ave nue and Skidmore, Rec C J. Lexrssn, 10:45 and 7:46: 0. 8., 13. ' ' j Japanese 'Mission 131 North Fif teenth, Rev. Eileen Rlbara, 1:30 and 8:30: S. S 3:80. ' -,' ' Nave. tnhrt nvall 11 und 8: 8. 8.. 10: EL 1m. 7. Topics, "The Blessings of Christianity," "Christmas Festivsl.r' First German sFlfteenth and Hoyt; G. A: Waasa; 11 and 7:30. , '. - Second German Stanton and Rodney, Rev. E. E. HerUler. 11 and 8; 8. S., 8:46; E. U, 7:30. . . - . Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma, Rsvj Lstr C. Poor 11, end 7:30; J. Jl. Tu, 2:80: E. L., 6:30. . - The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thinty nlnth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon Jones; 8. S., 9:45; 11 and 8; E. I. 7. . Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth streets. Rev. Harold Oberg; -11 and 8; S. S., 10: class meeting, I2j B. To., 7:15. Woodlawn William J. IOouglas: 11 and 7:30; S. S.; 10; S. W 3:30. Topics. jjive quarters oi a . century, ; ana "Sold Out." University Park Dawson and Flake, Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.; 11 and 7:30. African Zl on Thirteenth , and Main, Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; ft ft, 1. Mount Tabor East BUrk and Sixty first, J. W, McDougall; 11 and 7:80. ' patton Michigan avenue snd Carpen ter D. A. Watters;. 11 and 8; 8. 10; --XntSeventh and Gordon, Rev.iW. Boyd Moore, 11 and 8; S. ft, 10; E. 1. - Woodstock i. T.' Vooe: 11 and, 7:30; 8. ft, 10; E. I. 6:30. . shall. Rev. J. eucharlst. 1:80 litany, rmpson, ; Holy 11, ft - 8., V:4o; ,- Zplsooval, Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev, A. A, Morrison. ( and 11, 7:30; ft 8., :46. " O. If . II . a . r m trt M t .nil -M.VAWa 1 Rev. W. H. H. Breek. S. 8 10; Service and Sermon. 11.-- Chnroh of our eavior woodstoea. 11 and 8. Pro-Cathedral of St " Stenhenv . th Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. 7:80. 11 and 7:30 p. m.; Rt' rkvid's Kant Twelfth and Bel monU Rev. Hefiry Russell Talbot. Holy communion, 7:o; o. :4&; prayer ana sermons, 11 and 7:45. - - St. Andrew a rortsmouin MOiy eucharlst -snd sermon, 11; prayer sand sermon. 7:30; S. 8., 10 a m. All Saint's. Twentv-rifth and Savler. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Holy com munion. S; prayer, litany and sermon. 11: ft 8., 13:13; evening prayer, 3. 8L Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar ti. XV a Sf'Tg XJtJOOtXJrxjfXJtxwjr E Don't be rriisled by imitations ASK FOR AKER'S COCOA - bearing this trade-mark A PERFECT FOOD PRESERVES HEALTH PROLONGS LIFE 1 J3 a t i V i ill r.-!,l . ru. - "3 ' V S w m h. and 1: mstins and litany, 10:15; evensong. 7:80, St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor, li and 7:so: . B., io. Good - Shenherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. . John Dawson. 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 6:45 Grace : Memorial.' past Seventeenth an Weidler Rev. Georg B. Van Wat- a n . . . . u . r icra. rraur ana lerniun, ii: o- o., au. Ascension Chapel PortlAno Heights. . H.; S:S0. . . St. Paul Woc-dmera - Rev-. J. CJ. Tor svthe: 11 a. m.: ft' 8.. 9:45. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel,' Good Samaritan nospitai, Kev. : wiuiam k. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion, 7 a. m.; ward services, 8; prayer and sermon, 7:16 p. m. ;- Cathollo. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, - Instruction and benediction, 7:45. , St. Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and Couch -Rt. Rev. James - Rauw, - V. G. Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon, 10:30. Vespers, benediction, 8:80, St Francis, East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Blkck. Low mass, 6, 8:80 and .9;30 High mass and sermon. 10:30. Veper , Instruction : and benediction. i :av. '- St Lawrences',. Third and Sherman Kev. J. J. nugnes. , ixw mass, s, I ana 8:30. High mass and sermon, '10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. 3. " P. Fltspatrlck.- Mass and sermon, 9 In chattel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. St Pstrlcka Nineteenth and Savler Kev. Ej. p. Murpny.; low mass, 8, High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 8:80, - - St Michael's (Italian). Fourth ' and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Xow mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers ana oeneaiction. v:au. St Stephen's. Firty-second and- East Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt Liow dims, :io. High mass and sermon, 19:3 Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. 6. 8 and 9. High mass snd ser mon,. 10:89. Vespers, and. benediction. t:o. - i Holy Rosary. East Third and Union Very Rev. A. S. Law ler. Low mam. 6. 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:80. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. . Sacred Heart MUwaukle KeV. Ore. gory Roble, O. 8. B. Low mass. 1. Hleh mass snd sermon, 19:39. ,Vairs and oeneaiciion, i;tt. Holy Crosa UnlveraMv Park Rav. J. V. Thlllman. C. ft C. - Low mass. 6:80. High mass snd sermon. 10:30.' Voers ana oenealctlon. 4. - Holy Redeemer. Portland and van Couver Re Ed JC CantwelL C RS. R. Low maaa High roaae and serroon. 19:89. BenedleUon. 4. St Andrew's. Ninth td Alberta Pev. Thomss Kleman. Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon. 19. Vespcra, In- structton and benediction. J:I0. St Irnatlua. Fort T-feon4 and Powell Valley road Bev. r. rlllon. 8. J. Third East Thirty-seventh and Clay K(V, j. i - Acneson, it ana n:, o. tTnlted Bvaagelloal. ' mrnt . Kaat Slxteanth and Ponlar. Rev. H. A; Deck, 11 and7:89; ft 8 Centrally Located ' 10. . Bermona by Dr. C. a Pohlng. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette. Rev. J. . Bowersox. 11 and 730; ft 8 10; C. E.. 6:80. Toplos, "Th Spirit of Christmas, Its Inspiration"! "The Pass ing Year: Its Lessons." - Second Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C PolingL 11 and 7:80, - " St. John's Ivanho and John. Rev. C P. Yatea. , ft ft, 10. : j;vanglIoal Asgoolatlona. . First- Enallsh East Sixth and Mar ket,. F. B. Culver, Jl and 7:80; Y. P. A-, :so: a. a., i io. . First German Tenth and Clay, F. Bens. 10:45 and 7:46; ft S.. 9:30c Y, P. 7 p. nW i Topics, "The Manger at Bethle- nem.' " A Relected Redeemer." . Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib- oetts, Morris jtieverung, ll ana a; o, ft i. . , . . . . . . .. Tre Methodist. ... .- v First ehurcn East Ninth and Mill. David M. Cathey. .11 and 8; 8. ft, 10; I f. to., I. . v-,.-. Second church East Flanders, be tween Fifty-third and -Fifty-fourth streets. , jrtev. wumir n. coffee. 11 ana 7:so; a. ft, 10; class meeting, 6:80. - Olive Branch Mission Second and Ankeny. A.' Wells, superintendent .P- m. ;-. -. . MM4) HOTEL. OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. : Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan -WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. - Modern Improvements ' Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Washington t Phil Metschan ft Son Props. , Rates, $1.0ff, $1.50, $2.00 Long Distance Phone la Every Boom. -., C tf BIB'S fV! ' t j"'-' r aa t" whir UtX--gJartf' a... , HOTEL PERKINS nrxB Aim WASHXzraToar, its. In the heart of th Ttusiness and shopping district The most modern and up-to-dat hotel in the ' Northwest Local and long-distance phones in every room. 'Room with private bath, n aufe and single. Sample room Elegant cafe. Muslo . daily dnrlna; lnnoh, dinner and after th thee tra, hy th famons Mark Orohsgtra. Boa meets all trains. - 3tate $1 and ap. , hottii nmmxtrs co. T. ' 9. BVichardson. Pre. X Q. awXTXJLaTB, ee'y - - ' traltarlaa. Church of Our Father Tamhlll and Bevenm. Kev. w. Q. Biiot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eltot X. p., minister emeritus, 11 and t:46. : Y. P.: F., 6:80. "Christmas Services, "Soleno Not a Substltut fori ueiigion. . , . Mas a sarmoa and " " "" yt v v v r v m ww rw r-a rri( " n r-m irw w-m mass, 6 and 10. benllrrion, 19:10. it Staaialaus. Maryland and Fatltsg Rev. C troakL Iw goaaa, 8. Uigb mas and sermon, la, ZAtavraa. St James English Wt Par and Jefferson: J. Alien ta, 11 and 7:41: a. i. I. I-. T p. m. Tr ca "True to Xrra" "Musical Prorram." Swfcdlafi I mmariTi.i Ts lntrnta and Irving. II and t; ft , Norw'.an SynoA F-aat Tanth an4 Grant; Kev. O. lisroea, 11 and T .46 i 8. ft, 13 16. Pfian'a ranin- i r.wi ar iioma: R" J. a1U It a-c4 I, ; 8, ft. i. L nltad Niria! 4i r Fourtea-M'i: V'maf Larsra. 11 and I J; ft ft. 6:4k . . . ZIr S "MfMa-CTurfM -are Pal- ; 1L 1L Kcprlrar)a, i. It, 1.11; ft ft .l . at, fanrs Oerman T Twrth mt -tn. F. A. 3wrsHf It it arid i '- 1 f- i. A. l..mt.arh.i !f..l, t ;-... j- ,.- a--- e4 - "frlandg' Chnrch. ' " " ' Sunnvslde. Main and Kast Thlrtv. fifth. . LIndley A. Wells, 11 and 7:30; I Xiium BiMioui, xv; u. j., v. ill. I Lenta Center street, Myra B. Smith, ana r :aw ; isioie sonooi. iu. ' ' " Ohrlstiaa Solano. ' First Church of Christ Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale. 11; 8: . S., 12: subject of lesson sermon, "Christian Science." . . J Second Woodmen's halt East ' Sixth I and Alder, '11; 8; S. 8., 11 subject of! lesson sermon, "unristian bcienoa" IX. Z. Obarek flJontb. . Union avenue and Multnomah Street Kev. ML H. Mowre. 11 and 7:80: S. S 10: E. I, 4:30. Morning sermon by Dr. u. rtaaer. . i' .."""'., tformd, : First Oerman - Tenth and Stark Streets, i O. Haf ner pastor. Services ! io:4s s. m. ana I p. m.; s. S 8:30 a. m.; x. tr, o u A-.4 p m. CORNELIUS -TTh House of Welcome" s CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS Single $1.50 and op. Double $2 and up. Our omnibus . , meet all trains - " PortlaniTa Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C. W. CORNELIUS Proprietor H. E. FLETCHER . Manager . TH8 PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. . 3raropa Pisa 34odra "v..' ': 3tstaaraBt.' A VSstT'" v r' coax o3ra urmoii poi.iama ' Headquarters for Tooxlsta and Corn, msrolal Vravslsza Special rates mada to families and single- gentlemen. Th management, will ba plassd at alt time to show rooms and five prices. A modem Turkish bath e tabllabment la ta hot!. - STu O. lovm, 34S. Vniversallst. --; . ' Church ef the 6ood Tiding Bread- way and East Twenty-fourth; Bev. J. If. Corby, 10:41; 8. S.. ir Tonlo. ' Some significant tialns Revealed In Stock laiclng." .. - -' .'" J: ensellaasona, ChOrch of New Thnosht flelltns Hirseh hall. Henrr Victor Morgan. 3 p. m. Swedish Corns Salvation Armv 436 Bnntslde. 11. 4:10 and 8. - Intr-Denomlntlonal City Ml salon llfth stroeu A. Walla supeiiatend- ent, 8 Sunday, I every evening- la th wee. ... -i alodium and Mlnlater Assoctstion AuJltorlum building, 11, 8 and 7:46. Latter Day Saints ( Hormone) F.at Tnti and Hherman. J. C. Weatercarl. prealdirtf elder. 11 and 4; S, .. 16. voiUiiter or A'n--iit z liurnsia trt. 3-8 and I It, A n TH '. fnwi". Iwtwwil -A - . . .- . - - I Vasal laaBj Jt""1 , "ta " ' - hi .7- - 'JLtC-f - 37XXTSITTB Or-,WAaTRZ3raTOBT ST. Portland's v Only Roof Garden America ' t Tatellla and 3Trarop a ' Oat Baa Tafsets AH Traias ampl Salt. wlU Batks for TravaUai' Mea STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Etr above Unia Square Jal ?'paa. Ba4al at. t fseoa ' furr-pe-an Pka $1.W a taf op Anercaa T'a S3.CX3 a cijr vp r-a t USrQ t-Q I - tr"r'i ' ea . , ' r. -' -r.-. a ' tr . . ( 'm r . t t r - - ...... . VUKALK liLN I ll AHU ALUM The leading- hotel of Portland, epened July, 1909. Modern in every detail, furnished in elegance. Mot beautiful corner lobby in Northwest Commodiotn sample " rooms, European plan. Rates (1.50 and op. 'Bus meets all traint. w.M.wiMr - ' - - ' 1 1 RICHARDSON'S DANDRUFF CURE KILLS THE' DANDRUFF MICROBES rCT" ONE BOTTLE CURES 'w GET IT AT ANY DRUG STORE t22 FCAFD OF TRADE ELPG. ' ?? 74