The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Tovd Tcpics
. Jinkrr. . , ,
. ..'Father and the Uoy
A ui ei i ii"""
.. ,s -1 1 1 a
....a......,...,. .
!) aunt Involved In the transaction wti
30,0(i0, Tha property will be platted
and put on the market a an addition
to the restricted renldenc property cen
tering round Alameda 1'arW.
Attorney Tee Battled If tile flam
and hla Chines friend Inat Jilt I Unit
In aettllng the rlalm of II. J. Hlgger
and Oeorge W. Wilson againat film for
attorney fees after a ault waa brought
In the circuit court to collect It. The
3 BY fcRUfllLLA. PRSWo,
iBortal mm a a dallr feature sf The unreal
ilf one KlaMlia lo loaart rack IkmiI4
(Continued from Page One. ''
certify to the sajilinry condition of the
attorneys filed the ault two daya aa-ole-ad U at.nea T ihe aorlair editor or dairy, therefor, the dairyman cannot
an kl mnvnln it i.mUioH ihalPOOMlt before 1U rleok la IB nursing.) , I .Main a llranaa Wlihnut a lleenae ha
.Vaudeville I i .. . i. ..ij . . t. - mi . . . . . '. I ..ii .ii. . iii.
Moving Floturea p-,'"."""'" , , I I Botlal Portland will b og inn " "' . v"""Mu,,'
" " evening and tomorrow. It will not wiamwe wouiij ioiiow, in in opinion m
n in" ivuerai court lur siveinpmu nA tnl.-rriv r.f nr. hut I tha llrii nn,nii..i.ii..F
the deeper heart of cheer of family re-I Bailey' affirmation waa all the more
Bontharm Baclfls A.k Befnad J. W. I bribery.
Morrow. - rlo-tit sf way agent for I th
Soul hern ta,-lfln railroad, haa filed A I Merrleea
Tonight Services
petition In the city auditor's office a.k- I ! evening In Congregation
..V v I union and the gathering of Inttriiatvai I aturrrlarlnar In
b In the beautiful Yuletide, The holly. u7 ''"fh,"
iVihaval th Cn,ut,a tree, the mlatletoa and WM upon M
inr tnr i-.fimi of is. This aum waa . I oilier darorationa have been assembling
phipnit ia ih nmnflntf f. . .. . diln. 0 Thor. will b mus o by th for Xne Portland la all.
;u:;:; d.;. ; vinr . it:: moin rr" . "' chr.-tm.. . .dom. .
" .i.-' i rt I " -. i 1 meni, ana others caravanaanea ami...
oaacaainciil ut,ni i ann will -nfriMat . . I
the coat of the Brooklyn aewer. Mr,
Morrow aaya the delay could not b
bright with the decoraUona of the time.
There will b almhat aa manv dinner
bm , ox lunva ranwr-rnmp partlea aa there are homea In the city.
view of the fact that It
motion aa a member of a
general committee to deal with the new
w that the ordinance waa unantmouely
pproved. The motion waa aeconded by
yor Elmonu who. with other atate and
city offlclala. had Juat llateried to the
commlaeloner aa he declared that lit
avoided, aa the aa.ea.ment notlflrtktlon p,; teJ hla nnaTreport Ti'J.t' .iSTI.'JL iSS-.b wou,d do hl p,rt ,n "clr," pUM
by the auditor had to be. aent tb the M , Th? rea!ra r"'0.rci"? "iLe 1
fcan rranciaco or nee or me rauroaa r Rima, .hi tn sua in mh nnl.. a... . V" i "t"' w" rn-ii
. . . m . i - .... 11 ' - -- i iu ana vacant cnairi iiaa own rTmrmwu
city ordinance.
Bailey JUaponda,
Teaterday'a atatement waaln anawet
,the Tlty and the company, will be con- new elty b.rn t b( bullt ,t Mllwaukle heavily for the
tlnued. and If it iajiot poaalble to aecure and PoWa .treeta , were" filed by th. would ba a d?y
a refund be aaka that aoma arrangemnt clty engineer In 'the city bulldlnr In- amiual Ynletlda
indoraement . oerore . me money couiu han(. -nrt . tf,,., .., infl hionln . .u. . ... i.
v . , . -l. i .v. n 9 aa-antl - I vi j hid li UWUI UU wim IlluuiUiliR li"Ji
be paid over. The right of way agent I trt thm ,hiriv in i aatara - l. .. . i
ant relatione tnat nave exiaiea oeiween puna for City Barn Plana for the an hn..... h. K..n ..n on ( a nueaMnn aa to what a-rade a dairy
the rood thlnga of lire. It I muat make in order to receive a ceruri-
dry old world without Italcate of Inapnctlon from, .the coniml-
, . , . . . . i - - -j ' i annual xuieiiae. ' - . ajvino i . , obiiuv iriiuuimmi.
ne maoe wnereoy in Pitot'a ottle thto -morning. .TM . ' ."1 haven't thought anything about
VBJiliiiil v ... i w -1. v' tumilMl COIl OX mR liniciun IH IS.SUU. I n-Jf. aruutlal hAlMlv MrtUfl T1 1 1 M Ih.l
jor pudiio jmproveenie. , , i .. ,. I given Chrlatmaa night and New Tear'a "But th ordinance makea your oertlfl
. - oioaao cnri.maa ay The Muaeum night at Rlnglera ball under M. M. I cate an eaaentlal." waa auggeated.
VBUftu wnaron ervuie A, uni(iul0f Arte Will be Closed on Chrlatmaa dav I Rlnvlnr'a ritrtwMnn. Tnmnrme . nlaht I "Tha ma all K. , 1 ain't rnlnr to
ervice win o neiq on rriuj m.iv, ".ioniy. n win oe open aa ueual on bun-l Santa ClauB will attend th dance ana i iaatie any certificate of lnapectlon." aald
laai aay or ui year, at ine ounnywun aay anernoon rrom z until a o'ciock. I WU1 dlatrlbute preaenta among trie noia-I Ballev: then added:
M. E. church. Jt will be a watch night I and on all thefollowlng holiday during era of lucky numbers. New Year night "You f el lore think there ain't more
aervice, and a large numoer or mima-itn regular hour. " Dr. Cook and Mr. Peary will attend and than 40 dairies aendlna milk to Portland
tere win oe pre.ent. among mrora ... , ... I will hunt for tb North role, i ne l when there'a more'n 10.000.
C. T. Wilson. J. W. McDougal, R. K. I . Bath Xarael Karvlcaa Tonlcht'a aerv. Inolar controverav will then be Bottled I "Rut ih miatlnn la nut the number
Meyera, In C. Poor, L. F. Smith, W. R. jCea at Temple Beth lerael will com-I one for alt 5 The dance will b In the I f dalriua. It concern, your certificate
"""J" " !" J"" u J menoe at a ociock. ur. wi.e will taia l nature or a unique coiuuon. uaruner i 0f inapectlon and tne grade you win re-
meetlng la to bring before th Sunpyalde I on ' "Religion-Pessimism."- Th music I orcheatr will furniah th roualc. qulre a dairy to make before you lasue
people tne very Deal rurumiu mohhiu- i DS unilnr th Hlraotlnn nf Rnl a a 1 I ti. niltlai" hi itH Rnllev'a lntor
. urn tn relation to ui apimuai lire. ine Blocn.Bauer, , f Mr. and Mra. Adolpha Wolf will b locutor.
v .m
Ttwlghf Tvilc llirlftmaa.
The attraction at the Bungalow the
atre, Twelfth apd Morrison etreeta, to
night at 1:11 o'clock, and for two per-
formancea tomorrow (Chrlatmaa); even-1 Jtfanjr Kwell Freda rrrparTd for Kra-
Ing at 1:11 and a apeclal price tpatlnee
at 1:11. will ba the famoua aad favor
It American comedian. William II.
Crane and hla aplendld aupportlng com
pany In George Ade'a delightful com
edy, "Father and Th Boy." ,
tlve Holiday Diners In rortland'a
Leading Cafe and tirdlea.
"The Alaakan gale Tomorrow.
Th well known and favorite muaical
play, The Alaskan," will be the attrac
tion at the Bungalow theatre, Twelfth
arid Morrison at reet a. neat Tuesday and U,,,..,, ttorm ,h dnln(r pubHo fop a
Walnmlliv r I h I v f WtMrnha 9fi and -(I I .
fort land a niany attrartlve dining re
sorts will be kept buay all Aay tomor
row catering to the many out-of-town
era who. have been unable to aecuro
the coveted Invitation to a Chrlatmaa
dinner at the home of aome friend.
Following are a few of the offerlnga
Wednesday nightr. December 28 and
with a apeclal price matinee Wednea
day.1 "Seat aal open tomorrow (Chrlst:
ae lection on Chrlatmaa day:
Feeding Polar Dear.
For the apeclal benefit of the children,
after the Chrlatmaa matinee at the
Grand, the troupe of 14 polar beara will
ba fed. Those animals are fed bread
and milk only, no meat being served.
Herr lber, the trainer, usee one aa a
aled And coaata down a chute, '
aervic will begin at 8:30, and end Juat
aa 10 enda and 1910 begin. A fine
hoata at a. handsome dinner Sundayvj "There ain't," concluded the commie
Waantlf nl Wlna Mat aa Phrttfm., I atron tr MiMnllmAnlirv Ia Ullaa fflnrft I alnnar ufth etnatltv "n n V 11 MA In talkin'
pnwnun win do rrilUf I cu. ah viia y w i nroaanta with nnwhaaaa vlnaa inil I n. .Kl.iu mvtA . Unrv Uat.oor Mr 1 ihnul ir,ieioa lu nr lh rrarfa fnr
pie or uunnyBiae ana i-orwna are wei- llouors to the amount of 810. National Metxe-er la a nenhaw of Mr. Wolfe. vr vet. We can't do evervth na
come wno aesre to come. J Win Co., th quality etore, Fifth and Cover will be laid for JJ. The Julius ! once."
i l ' I 0ab . I a J A A . A J1BJ . . . 1 . . . . i . i . , I i . i .. . 1. I .
s, . - .. . . , idi.i, mum siaiu vis, a-iih. - xueiera enieriain lor mem wivn a urgi jjuring ine conversaiion iiib iwiimiw
AaaemiMy biim., ui- , . reception tomorrow. aloner made it plain that h doe not be
Inaa will be held at the chapel of Church I 'Mi r. w. a win winnmn n ririi ... 1 1. i....ino. Mirimi,.. nn at
of God. 3(1 Falling atreet, from Decern-1 on chrlatmaa day. who may care to I u, . u... nrte v. Kevins left time, but that he thinks they must all
uer zi, ivuv. io January a, uiu. p t- i come, for nulet. or to enlov the onpn I -v. wn. .iv. I k. at mum Tmlclno- at tha areat
lcea will .be held each day at 10 a. m. I f ire. or to meet their friends. i- nh.. nnmhar of rtairlpa which suddIv milk to
, and 2:80 and 7:30 p. m. Following are " Portland the task to him seems bewll-
ine names oi uiu J, iuo " I We Bmona ana rress TOUX ClOtHM.1 Mrs. rinnd natch nf Rali-m htui Iwtn rriit and imnoss ble of at
.III W- - . , , . 1. A In lli. ... . 1 . T ., ... . ... . I .. " . m' "
wua Ut7 uicbciil, HU mn 1' v .i. I .11 inr ll.AU monifl. Alain ni A-IS1 I a PnHlanil tfiiA.f Tnf aavai-al nava anil I Amnflv.w
jjohi.u.u, i wagona run everywnere. unique iauor-1 jert today ror L-ft ur&rrae, to pe Wltn
Waah.: jr. C. Peterman, Tacoma, Waah.; hn-Co.. 309 Stark
li. Ij. Austin, Tacoma, wasn.; u. ttice,
Montesano, Wash.; J. L. Green, Grants I Bteamer JTaaaia Xarklaa. for Camas.
Pasa, Or.: H. W. White. Woodburn, Or.; Waahoucal and wav landlnaa. dallv ax
J. J. Gillespie, Pleasant Hill. Or.; U. O. cept Sunday. Leave Washington street t,7' iVwd a hVrolc e 1
Clark. Eugene Or. and Franklin Ro.en- dock at J p. m. "ralte th. desired ; ?i?0T with flc'al"
All Welcome -Christmas aervic at
Season for Commissioner's Action.
Th commissioner's disposition not to
help enforce the ordinance, which when
enforced will gain for Portland pure
milk. la taken by a number of health of-
as reason for hla raiiure to at-
v.,tr bX. tend the general meeting yesterday
W.? 51!" I?! Lt0P.1f"!-.1.S.,r morning. At the meeting it waa rep
resented that the commissioner waa
her husband on Chrlatmaa. Mr. Qatch
la United State bank examiner.
Today la the last day of th Red Cross
ciety haa responded with great enthusl-
lawBini nmuu wui mi" w l me nweann M. iv. cnurcu, turner jwmii ,, tn -., thla wnrthv onnaa anrt I CBrulcu i"i. "
May uWJT"fr2SXT. fnd BoJt.hw,?k, "Lreet"' tomorr mora" worker. i'tw
favorably heralded aa a dramatic reader! mg at 6:80 o'clock.
of more than ordinary ability, will read
th "Angel and the Shepherd," from Ben I ( My Ad. and what'a In It for you
Hur, on the evening of December 28, at jm the "For Sale Miscellaneous" column
the Taylor Street Methodist church, of thla paper. A. Reiner, 148 6th at,
Mis W Ill s appearance Before a fort-
land audience la preceded by many, ree-
I been untiring In their effort to awell J
tha stamp sale.
Mrs. T. J. Savage of Salem and Mr.
the atreet by health offlclala directly
after the meeting and seemed to be well.
nor did he seem at a,ll ill when inter
viewed In his office yesterday after-
ommendatlona from the press of Deal ding rings, all sizes, engraving free
Moinea and olher cities of the middle price, fS to 813. 378 Washington at.
weat, which unite in pronouncing ner to
and Mra. J. H. Robblna of Amity will no"n- ., . . , . .
who has been Inspecting dairies recently
ananrl thA hnllrlnva at tha hnma nf Wr A
" f" . B -wMMi--- wvu- Robblna, 748 lMeoy atreet.
be a young' woman of talent and train
Brldaraa Ma Ba Overcrowded To ore-
vent the overloading of the Morrison and
Bumslde bridges Saturday during the
swimming contest, the police have been
ordered to report for duty at an earlier
hour than usual. This order applies to
the first night relief under Captain BaU
' ley. He will have charge of the squad
at thla affair. The bridges will .iot be
allowed to accommodate more than dur
ing the evening rushes, and all specta
tors who,, arc unable to get upon the
-- -bridge will be allowed along the river
, front. ' ; . "
J. R. Veatch gave a dinner at Alex-
ers; removed to 130 Est Water atreet fe?r P"ty l th.e B"nf?low to ?e
Phon East 4427. ",u'?.ra "l V,,1" "l"!r .""l.-i"! soection in accordance with the commie-
Iouya. mr. vmiuiu gueen uiciuurai i joner.B promises some time ago
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Talbot. Mr. and Marls was present at the meeting
In the vicinity of Portland, will go to
eastern Oregon immediately after the
xlrst of the year, and no mention waa
made in the commissioner's office yes
trday as to any plana for continued In
at the Olympus. Fifteenth atreet, corner M?' nr' .va"eyYrf1 r
M., , , . George F. Nevlna and Miss Hazel Crock
er. Mr. veatch has recently come here.
Swiss Watch atpalrtav C. Christen- ana " laf l? ne i,nicago, mu
aen. Corbett bldir.. 2A fir . talca Vlva.tnr. wauaee ec Bi. raui in tnis cny,
V. A. Wiaa ana astclataa. nalnleaa
dentist. Third and Washlngtoa Jpanled by Mrs. Chadwlck, Miss Claire
, i I Chadwlck and the younger children, are
Dr. Walter I. Howard, modern Electro-I at the Nortonia hotel, en route to 8a
Therapy. 804- Rothchlld bulldinar. I lem to spend Christmas with Judg
Mor Bobberlaa Electric supplies to
(, the value of 126 have been recovered by
, the detective department for the firm of
Kraua & Paul, 665 H Union avenue. The
establishment waa broken Into Thursday-t
evening. The goo 3s were found In a
aecondiiand shop. The acow of O. G.
Heeler, launched at the foot of. Kearney
atreet, was robbed last evening. Clothes
to the value of f 40 were taken. No trace
of the thief haa been secured.
Tonight, dancing until 1. Arlon hall.
Sr. Bays, optician. Marquam bldg.
Woman Voond Dead The body of
Mrs. Richard Clinton, an aged widow
who- lived alone at 660 East Couch
street, waa discovered by Mr. and Mra.
A- R- Church. 645 East Burnslde street,
when thty went to call on her about 7
o'clock last night The body waa found
on the floor and ahe had evidently been
dead several hours. . Her death la as
cribed tb heart dlaeaae. The funeral
will be held privately at the home next
Sunday. , . -
New Year's dancing party to be given
Wednesday evening, January 5, at Mur
lark hall. The committee consists of
the Misses Margaret Madlgan, Anna
Ford, Elizabeth Drlscoll. Ella Ryan,
Daisy Flamming and Margaret Galla
Mr. and Mrs.i J. T. Hay of Tacoma
are guesta over the holidays of Mr.
and Mrs, J. C. Hare.
Sld Vp .. Drunken Man Accused of
holding up a drunken man at Third and
Anacny atreet. jnay BtricKiana, em
ployed In a north end poolroom, waa
fined 820 yeaterday In municipal court
A atreet aweeper saw Strickland at
tempt to rob the man, and held him until
a policeman arrived. Strickland 1 23
year old. Ha said he waa taking the
man to bed.
While Dr. . Phillip Ball and family,
70S East Fourteenth street, were down
town shopping last evening, fire broke
out. In the basement of their home and
damaged the place to th extent of
(2000. The heaviest damage was done
to surgical instruments. The fire origi
nated in the basement from crosa wir
ing, and burned up the south side of the
building. It waa diacovered at 11 o'clock.
When Dr. Ball returned home, the fire
men were fighting the flames. The Louis J. Wild and tha Omaha Tele
bulldlng la owned by Henry Flicker, 182 phone bond deal of the old Oregon Trust
North Fourteenth atreet An Overheated & Savings bank may become material
Yaw Tract to Ba Flatted Th Cleve
land Investment company cloaed a deal
yesterday wlth.E. K. Mergea for the
"purchase of th property known aa th
Brandenburg place. located at Eaat
Thirty-fourth and Fremont atreets, and
aajoining uimsiea nm on in earn, i ne
tract comprises a 12H-cr rarm. and
Meet; Me Tonight At
Vv Vir
The Ideal Gift Store.
stove In the green house of Milton
Smith, Curry and Hood street., started
a blase at 7 o'clock. The damage waa
3200. Quick arrival of the fire depart
ment prevented a heavy loss.
for the Investigation of the January
grand Jury. District Attorney Cameron
aay that he ha been talking of the
matter, but ha not determined whether
he will place th Information he has
before the Jury.
It Is alleged by. those who have been
WITH !AnlTA PI A HQ investigating the affair of the Oregon
? ' WUMUO Xrust & Savings bank that Mr. Wilde
. V sold nearly 31,000.000 of Omaha bonds
Ran vmI'TJ" '... to th Oregon Trust and that a big
V.H a. ,.-i. kJ-..'v... .v commission was made out of the trans
Si. w..t;u a.t V official, and director, of
Cisco ar from four to aix houra lata to- Z. ! . .... . .
Kf ?r"dV to the Daatr.raction oVricr At
Yt.rdy' mall. wer. mor than" 10 A rpJ?'
hour late. Aa a result 140 extra mall bJ!'?r!t,hJ ff.lJ" 'lu?.?"
to hudta th balited' ChMa. I mU ?? P.'k l""LL?J
; aaB,a uiw iva aVj V tiw ,bm4B aawii.aa
F. W. Baltos
and Company
inyito yonr
inquiries for
First and Oak
vesterdav morning. He said today:
"I believe we muat get together and
have an understanding In order to do
our work to the best advantage, without
the representative of one health protect
ion. arMnr.v Aver llnninff on Other
Judge Stephen J. Chadwlck. accom- " ., ' r "
.11 K.. I -Ulan Plol,. M1"""'1' ..... .. .
Marls emphasized the necessity ior
an educational campaign among dairy
men, and stated hia conviction that the I,,, narafatant dftnrt pjLn be
Chadwick's mother, where there will be I T, nA nrrlpr from tha
Frla Elactrlo Suction Cleaners, I a reunion of the family. Mr. Chad-1 nmmiS!,i0ner that he will withdraw his
376. guaranteed. CaU M. 1233. wick la a aon of the late Governor 8. F. , t ' the loca, fJeid He Baid
Ciadwick or Oregon, and is now su- . iru. amrtnir more
Dr. B. O. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. preme Judge of Washington, making his than 60 points out of a possible 100;
viyivi. 9.v,n which scored between 60 and ou.
mi.- n.t-j.n i L it I triKIll UCIWCCH iv iv vv, v.a9wv w-vw.
xno jn.i iiiucii gins nave ibuucu a i , no. .nii t n a
lted number of Invitation, for their ! " "j ?lLetJL?M8
fore the sanitary condition of the dairy
can be certified to.
Most of the health officer believe
with Dr. S. W. McClure. government ex
pert, whose work in spreading the creed
of animal tuberculosis infection by test
ing dairy cows was praised yesterday by
Mayor Simon, that enforcement of the
law will put out of business only dairy
men who would never be clean, and who
will auit before they will be clean. They
also believe that the dairy commissioner
could Issue certificates of Inspection as
he Inspects Just aa the state board of
health Is Issuing certiricates or tuoer
culin test as fast aa government experts
make the test.
(United Pren Leaaed Wlm.l
Seattle, Dec. 24. Major A. 8. Read.
t year, of age, of I. Angelea, in a
runaway accident late yeaterday, waa
thrown from a buggy and Instantly ;
killed. Major Reed had been visiting
James Wilson, of Sunnydale, and had
come to Seattle with Wilson to pur
chase a ticket to Los Angeles, Intend
ing to return to the Soldiers' homo at
Sawtelle. They were on tneir way linmo
When the horsea became -frightened
Wilson could not control the animal and
Major Reed waa thrown heavily to the
ground. His neck was broken. Wilson
was also injured.
Soldiers' Home. CaL, Dec 24. Major
A. S. Reed, who was killed In a runaway
accident at Seattle, had been an Inmate
of the oldler' home here lnc 108.
He waa away on a furlough when the
accident which resulted In his death oc
curred. He was 73 years of age and
no relatives of his are known here. Pre
vious to taking up hla residence at the
soldiers' home Major Reed resided at
White Bird, Idaho.
Ilickey'a Circus.
Hlckey'a comedy clrcua will come to I
the Grand next Monday a the feature
of the new bill "Obey," the trick mule.
will be featured and a prize offered to
anyone who can ride the harmless crea
ture. It will be an exceptionally long!
and strong program next week.
Cliadwjck Trio at (he Orpheuiu.
At the Orphoum next week the Chad
wlck Trio will intrqduce an original
Bketch called "For Sale Wiggini
Farm." The little "kit written by
Cbarlea Horwlts is a quaint comblna
tion of conventionalities and rural
Frank Tinney at the Orpheuni.
Comedy la the feature that predomi
nates on the bill at the Orphenm this
week. Fox and Foxie'a circus will make
you laugh In spite of yourself. Frank
lyn Underwood and Francea Sloason In
their brilliant' skit, "Dobb'a Dilemma."
are a big laugh.
Calumet Restaurant
AT ,
Exclusive Portland Agcnta (or
for mm, women mine nd chil
dren; guaranteed to wear six months
Special Holiday PacKaes
now in stock make a nice and ac
ceptable gift.
MEN'S HOSE, box f Q1 Kf
fl patri; for rrrrrr.TTT.Trr, DleOU
LADIES' HOSE, box of CO t(
6 pairs, for P.UU
MISSES' HOSE, box of CO flfl
6 pairs, for .....jUai.VIU
HOSE, box of 6 pairs.... ipaS.UU
LUSTRE HOSE, box of QQ lf
6 pairs, for 0OUU
Mail orders prompt! filled and de
livered free everywhere. - ' ' :
Painless Dentistry
mw ainuawi
Primrose Minstrels Next Week.
One of the features- of the famous
Primrose Minstrels which open at Baker
Theatre Sunday matinee for all next!
week I. that comical burnt cork en
tertainer. Gov. Bowen. There Is an Ir
resistible something about this come
dian that leaves a pleasant taste.
Baker Matinee" Tomorrow.
Nearly everyone sroea to the theatre
either Chrlatmaa matinee or night, and Cream of Celery
the Baker ia offering the big musical
comedy success, "A Girl at the Helm,
with Billy Clifford and a atrong acting
and singing company this week, which
haa been the center of Interest.
Stupendous Production at Pantages.
Arthur Huston will present at Pan-
tagea for one week only, commencing
Monday matinee, his original stupend-
Ovt of tewa nil
earn aara laair pia
4 brldawnrk Co.
libM la one Qm$
it annamry.
W will rna a r 4
22k nM r awrii i
! 43.61
tar Craaa. 5.C )
QaMrillini ' 1.C)
Eaaaatrimat tC)
Sibwfliruii, .S3
iru rnimri 2. 3
6oo4 Rubo -
Plata O.VJ
Batt 84 RaW t
aar Plata I.C J
Falnlaat Eirtf'llae .S3
awoatar auiaiNTttB ro IS YEARS
IMnlaa Xxtraetioa ra v haa plataa or bride amrk
taordarad OoaanltaUon Traa. Toa earn not t bwtoa
dnlM.anph aniMuvwkM. All arark hiUrtuir.
laatMd. Modem alMtrloeqnlpaiaBt. Baa anatliod.
Wise Dental Co;
OmcSXOroSt A, lb t r. at. aaaya.etel.
A NEW' :
Th coat of Interments hav been
greatly reduced by tb Holmaa ,
undertaking company..
. Heretofore it ha been th custom of
funeral director to make chargea far
all Incidentals connected -with a fu
neral. The Edward Holman Undertak
ing company, the leading funeral di
rectors of Portland, have departed from
Bnt flnniw Currant JIlv I ,,B, cu,u""1 nam cunvt l luiuioi on
Koast uoose, cufrant Jeny. I by U we mtik9 no -xtra chargea foe
DESSERTS. ' I emoalmlng. hears lo cemetery, outaine
Pumpkin, Cranberry. Mince or SS 11 .
Christmas Dinner
Hall's Restaurant
From 12 to 8:30 p. m.
75 cents.
Clam Nectar.
Salad Potato.
Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce.
Roast Turkey. Cranberry Sauce.
Roast Suckling Pig, Apple Sauce.
Africa." Live monkeys and brilliantly
colored tropical birda will be seen In
the Jungle settings.
s acenlc production. -Roosevelt In English Plum Pudding, Hard or Brandy " 2s"to $75n VfuMf
and carriages, thus effecting a. saving
"The Gay Musician" at Portland.
Commencing with the -special matinee
tomorrow, the Portland Theatre will
have a strong holiday attraction in the
comic opera success, "The Gay Musi
clan," by Julian Edwards, which the
Shuberts of New York announce as the
best of the musical attractions playing
their theatres. The company will ar
rive tomorrow by special train from
San Francisco where it has played for
two weeks to crowded house.
Ice Cream and Cake.
Closing Out AU Doll, Toy, Etc at
Any Price.
AH dolls, toys, games, books, etc., to
be sold today aa Is our regular policy,
Nothing will be left so come early lu
the day. Big bargains in furs, silk
waists and petticoats. McAllen & Mc
Donnell, 3d and Morrison.
The Empire Restaurant
192 Third Street
Will serve a regular 'Christmas dln
ner. Turkey or goose with English
plum pudding, 60 cents.
192 Third Street
Between Yamhill and Taylor
Near Baker Theatre.
Sargent's Perlin's Hotel
Journal want ads brlnsr results.
when they arrived. Ordinary mail I not
all that la being delayed, but CO reg
istry pouche ar overdue today.
Tb delay caused by th storm hav
bean increased by an unusual holiday
congestion. Tb local postal authorities
declared their Inability to predict when
th mail due today would arrive. Pa
cific coast malla ar reported to be
moving on scheduled time-
Tillamook." Or, Doc. J. Tillamook
cbool children received a magnlficeat
Chrlatmaa gift at tb laat council meet
Ing. when Thomas Gilford StlllwelL an
Id resident, presented tb city with th
deed to four arid on half r acres of
Mayor Thomaa Cnetea. Carl Patxlaf
and Mr. Harriet Ford vers appointed
trustee for tlar. two aad oo years,
respectively. Th city formally accented
tha playgroaad. which 1 situated aar
th csater sf tns elty.
aA arcrags of IS persona a day whs
ess the railroad sf tb country for
footpath pay for th prarties with their
llv.a. .......
A Valuable Present
! Will hm glwa rwry patrv sf Tbs
pc1t Rink sat Chrlstaaas sight.
atsrdav. l-emhT 1. Vmrf trtm.
tBtl fully aVv-alM Com- aa and
rf na. Iarw ? afcat. Otna
rrC It i banl. rortnie Inatnod
v Tire f!onr 11 r-9 a-a hr
" f.
r r - ' " -i T - m
Plays ln th native tongue ar ren
dered every Sunday afternoon by a
clever little stock company, and well
patronised by tb theatre loving Ger
mans sf our city. As a apeclal treat,
or rather a Christmas gift, knowing
th desire of hi patrons. Manager Jean
Wormaer haa selected one of tone
humorous, melodious German farces, en
titled "Der Stabstrotnpsttsr," for Sun
day afternoon, and no doubt will maka
th performance a .uoceaa. Another fea
ture on th bill la Albert Klelnert, the
new hero of the company, who will
make hla debut In the title role. The
play will be produced at th Bungalow.
Th January number of tha Pa el fie
Monthly is off lbs press nd proves to
a most interesting iua. m tns
la sua. Jack London ' i featured, the
frontispiece being a reprodurOoa ef a
sea scene takes by bins In th Rovitb
Fees, while Ms article. The Houae of
tb Sus." la given the leading ptacs.
Ia addition there are the uruaj num
ber of well reprodaced scenic photo
graph and a atrong liat of well writtea
and grlrrrtng stories. The saoal deftart-
tnt are aa Interesting aa la fmer
asrebera. v. M-n fneans that tbs ratify
MilMr "tar" la l1pf rni(tat'1.
'" r"'t t Trrt!" ta rit ce-t f-
The Flavor
Is Different
That is why
Burnett's Vanilla
tasds is clasi by inctf. For
xry year, DyrMtfi
We have the largest line and greatest
assortment In the city. All the newest
ideas In Dlrectolre handlea.
Good, fast color, English Gloria
Paragon frame Sl.OO
Rustproof English Gloria, finest
frame S1.50
Hercules rust and windproof S2.00
Ladles' Dlrectolre Umbrella SI. 50 up
Full-length gold and pearl tape
edge, silk Gloria S3. 50
Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria SI. 50
An Immense line of fine Lad ten"
and Gents' S5.00 P
Fine presentation Cmbrellaa up T"
to S20.0Q
All goods our own manufacture. Rust'
proof, windproof. folding, detachable,
eelf-opening umbrellas.
.exclusively Umbrella.
Sit WaahlBrtom. Bat. 6th aad eta,
Special Price Matinee Tomorrow,
Charles Frohman present , ,
,In Geo. Ade's Comedy,
Evenings: 12.00 to 76c. Matinees:
11.60 to 60C. t-.V;i.--.-,v,i,;..:
Phones: Main 117. A- 2 3 4.
' BinrSAT HXOHT, DEO. 86, 1909,
Damonatration of
Metaphy aio-Phenomenon s of the
A Z Carts Mena for Christmas
Planked fish and steaks are the fea
ture production of this high class es-I Sixth Sanaa and Klarhar xrv-nnoata. Cur.
tabllshment. Service and cuisine un- tmin Biao. Vrlnaa 11. 75a. Aoo. ana. Kat
excelled. Gene Wilson entertains dally J Bale ZTiday. - "-.
during dining hours. - I ; ' ' ' ' ' u. ' " .' "" "
rvaiJ,aji jl. in&AiAfi
Phones Main' 443; Home A-70S5.
Holiday Week. com. Christmas Mat. For
Nights, New Year's Mat. Popular
Priced Mat. Wednesday, Julian Edward's
Comic Opera Triumph.
Unexcelled service a la carte. This "THE OAT MUSICIAN.' -
unsurpassed grille offers to the Xmaa I With the original New , York company.
diner the choicest edibles obtainable. I MISS TEXAS GUINAM, Prima Donna.
Imported delicacies and rare old vint- 1 Seats on i sale now. Mailorders received.
ages a specialty. Music during dining f wignts and nouaay Mats.,, ft,
311 Aider Street, 198 Sixth St.
The Hong Kong: Cafe
107 H Sixth Street.
rrou li a. sc. to 8 r. sc.
Imperial Kantong Cafe
We serve Christmas Turkey dinner with
ice cream, 60c.
60c. Wednesday Matinee 60c, 76c, 11.00.
I) A 17FD TRSATBB Geo. Ia. Baker,
M41laIV Main 2. A Li60 Manager.
BiuT cxxrroKO, a ami. at tke
Christmas Matinee Saturday. 25c, 60c
Evening prices, 26c, 60c, 76c, $1.'
Best -Weak Starting Sunday Matin
yrlmroae Mlaatrels.
Maim 6, A-103O. SCaUnas a vary day,
ISO, SSo, 60O. Bights, 160, 860, 600, 75c.
SECEMBEB SO. rraaklya
TTndarwoed aad Franoa Sloason ia
'Dobba' SilBmaaa," Baaaos Orand Ou-
I sra Quartet, Sanrettoa, Donovan aad Ar
aold. "Dolor WelL Thank Ton"; Bella
Davis. 7raak Tianay, Pox aad Toxiaa,
Koyal Canton Cafe
We serve Christmas turkey dinner with
Ice cream, 60c.
TTalted States aad rmln Cnl1
Frocsred. Defasdad sad "-a
rACxno coast w atbbt aoxbct. ta
teea-tes, cai
Vanilla Extract bat boss the
reconixeri atasdard of parity aad
Wlesea ky which all ether
YWla Extracts kava beaa iodgad.
Yea aaay look the world ever
aad yo) vnfl sever isd aaotW
teailla nyvhert. as rkk
aad ashafriag tk wamtfk r wmh
oaiat as rare aad a laver.
Ask for B
Prlnoaas Xreae aad her Sevaa Atrleaa
Lloaa, the roar Dordeaas, Mills ft Moal
toa, the three Maaioai Millar. Oalaa m
Brows, lee White, PaatacBeop. .
popalax rrioss Matlaee Dally Cart ala
Ss30, TOO aad 9:00.
! GRAND wbzx or picikbii to
11 RFD'a I Tola Tberrt
ILULH J jtlU aa Srlvtaay
10 Polar Bears 10
A Petulant Novelty ) Pred Baser
for th Little Folks I Oraaeaseop
Matinee every day. t:t: sny seat. li''.
Kvening perrormances, i:je. i ia: rv
coay, lSe; lower floor. S5e; box aeata. a .-:
OXOBOB WOODBOBTB. City FtacaJ Ageat, 40S Corbett BuUdiag-.
la Ml- prt.LKTIN !! A-3ISI ,
TBB SCIXBCB OT lbtebtmk ax- la rata aiy
Dan ner will Tell ataarreu cuaiomer, ma man wno earn a nia living by hla
dally (oil, that he icaarret invoat hia. money aafely wber more Irian a 6
Kr ent return will accrue. What r asses dictates thla advt-er "Tha banker,
ewe the real earstaar power ef aaoser Is enormoualy Basra, but he deems
his ssiatosaar lsespabie ef aVlscrlmUatiaar balsasa tse goed aad tae sad.
Tha banker believe.' the vaat mayrtty of people arc IseapaBie H arraag.
tar far the aUvpoaltioa ea thatr wa saosey. Tb p-nblK- are rgae.d a
cHUdrea--verl table Id iota. Iter must be teafht te HAK. NOT INVa:r.
It Is to be regretted that eiperieiK-ea Surh aa the Frank 11 a ft-rtra
certainly aeesi to prove the correr-tnees of Ihe thought that the cniKlle re
Outre guardians under wheat dlreetios snd aupervlaloti their fund will
be Invested. This coodftlnn haa .'reeled Inat (tut Ion wboee eapress onject ts
to take care ef the savit,s of the werk'ng rlasees.
Some prominent dlplnana enet ea hia errtval by a eheerlag rravl rya-f'-ally
rentrvd that le same crowd that rase a fWf tiira. ia
a I lend hla banaing. Thla waa ne of thea subtle IHuateations arpeHv
eoataanlng a sreet tr-ith. but really ootialnir a grvait ttlUttw. Sa xr
a crowd would aaeesnb) tA cheer hint. Na 4r,H s r rrm 4 vti-M
see Mm r-a nrir bv tt a ser oat the tssJvtdssl whs s urtaad tae
fsraaer erews. wrald STOT ceaiprlse tse asSaae. - . . .
Hlwitta'-lv. the favr-t that frwm t) Tl foiHilallon ifaWtr r lwia ff
snala, as taftBrtaetaaal pnrttnai wa alarate w ("umi r-u.-it i ran-'
eet ef rrk ). no trr f ro, t,m T-r- I UM itr t.f t.
hodv f r- ta .-ere -f. an4 aiei; lnt Ma ha -! -1
If lYlVl a " W t
ewnree la la . a : i
1 a r ee, ; r-a I . " - ; r--7ea
le. I '
weaeea.'j H ; M i -.