The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    jmPM . - - TvrmrvF?TAf : ta nip, rim nmm jrrTTni at .
"SSaSsaji aaaaawjaajars,1
rrTtr TATTTiXT A T I Would you Tote for Mm if there J enlightening or Informative, but
1 SHLLj I V- J JCVlNXXJLil were another election thU mouth, they may not.b calculated to win
vawspirg. iproviaea n were opposed oy a re-iina votea or tne "ignorant woo,"
7nbii.hrputabl mtn of the opposite party, that la, most of the Totera, to the
7 xo in tne caae or Ilawley totea yea, support of an assembly ticket.
1LSr?.rJ"'"- o?nd SO did not answer. In
m int. nf.h . t.a,t.m .tr. iriiaaa. T-Ittl), ca, 0f Eijtaf io TOte1 ye,, 25
1 , m MakkrlM At iNlTtlSllA. Of., foC I " - A - - i A. L.
no, and JO did not answer. On the
r-....mia.k t ewiia a 1'4. " - M . I OMMENTINO on the Ortmn mi
ri'r. , i uo f on at'iir ion us iur- f ,".
iM.ti-n.ta-i.i tiii home. port the administration and policies! I . Preme court a decision uphold
er tTVZZ n.T,KiWr2& of Speaker Cannon, or would you j In the increase of the nnmber
w k LimTTiivKjiTiiil n a aki'KEsaNTATivE. I prefer that he oppose them." one
uiin a xmim o.. immmwic , ""'JlJ1"-1 lone Republican, In the case of Haw-
In the case of Ellis,
HulMlin, fbli-aya.
the graml duke of Macklenburg-flchwcr-
n. In 1888 she was married to Prince
Christian and want to Copenhagen" to
live. Owing to poor health tha princess
hss never taken a vary actlva part. In
tha aoclal Ufa of tha l3enlan oourt and
In recent yeara. on tha advice of pbyal
rlana, baa resided tha moat of tha time
In tha warm climate of eouthera Europe.
Two children have bleaeed tha union of
Prince and J'rlnceaa Christian. Tha eld-
eat la rrlnce Chrlatlan Frederick, now
In his tenth year, who In all probability
I wm Bvmw uaj w King vi I'niiii. i a. u a
of supreme court Judges from . .hni. ,in.Ta it.m .iw,-...
throe to five, the Oregonlan, that! born In 100. Princess Alexandrine la
haa a chronic, bitter grudge against I a slater of Cecelia, the crown princess
Bnh-r1ftfcia Trrm
hr nail or ta aay aodrwa J did BOt answer.
. ruK at Waaloei
Ike tailed SUtre,
r. , a-nis.. . and 6 did not answer
...'..'.8160 On anatb.........8
tin ft ..IT.SO One ocl.......t .S
not one voted yes, 19 answered no
If the congressmen have not suf
ficient native sagacity to comprehend
It, eoroebody ought to explain. If It
that court, says;
"It could be reversed, ' however.
by initiative,' unquestionably. If any
would take the trouble to prepare
th.e petition; for it ia not likely that
the people, having voted t twice
of Germany, '
b done, the meaning of these against the scheme by tremendous
figures to Ilawley and Ellis.
Tha friends 'of a treat man
ware made bjr fortune, his. ene
mies by himself, and revenge la
a much more punctual payroaa
ter than gratitude. Ortton.
Harvard haa been widely quot-
: by nuusa ovebjiolt. -
Manila, P. February ll.Dr
Ferdy Look upon theae lines. Ferdy,
MUCH advice Is given by news
paper and other wrlteri an
nually ' about ' Chrlstmaa .giv
ing, and while most of this
rdvlce la good, it may be doubted
If it haa much influence. , In this
majorities, would now stultify them
selves by reversing themselves." :
Tt Is very improbable that this de
cision would be reversed if the peo
ple were to vote on the question land then uke off your hat and set up
again. With characteristic dlslngen-1 and shake hands with yourself, for you
ed as saying that Boston had I uousness the Oregonlan continually aPWM,ln ,etUr trom k,0- 0r
hmitnniui h. Attwt nrimarv Und wiiifniiv miiMinlMKiiii id. B I pretty near it tenapot, anyway.
and he la represented as approving I as to the question submitted to -the ho days. Well, i went to a cack fight I ?u cBt th 'ir,t atone.
this action. But the facta have been people, and the propositions rejected great sport oock fighting. I won too
much misstated. The candidates for by them last year. The proposed P"08 f J 'or ""f,?.0,i,rV,,I
municipal offices In. Boston have not amendment was not merely for an "wa,heaalFuil-oean
been nominated tinder the new char- additional number of Judges, but It well, we celebrated the occasion, about
ter, by any caucus or party conven- was so drawn that the legislature a thousand of us, for two. daya, and one
oi tna wiia eyea neatrteit toon me to
lie went about doing good."
Fine weather to get married.
Santa Claua la always on time,
' . e a .". , ! ' '
The Lord lovea a cheerful giver. !
e e , -
Everybody knows it's Christmas eve.
e e
Sea that no children ' suffer or 'ars
e A
Let's be charitable oven to th bad,
., e e
Now la tha time to be more happy
than usual, . . . ...
. e e ... . .
-1 Tha truest happiness is , to make
others huiipy.
e '
Well, rr, firougher. if you muat go,
good luck t' ia
, e .
Mora people than ever before are try
ing to do good.. ,,,, ... .
e e i '
IQvervbodv heln to rloa au thnaa Rail
Cross stamps today.
Let him that Is without sin among
Latdlaw Chronicle la now all homa
print, a newey local paper.
Joaeph haa an oreheetra of 10 plecea;
many members are fine players.
, . e . a .
. Wivn man rafuaed ajl offer Of $1 a
bushel for 3000 buahela of wheat.
nnA'a .HMiminl la almoat ItAO.OO.
over four tlmea the amount in isus
rmpooed canal from Fall river, a
trlbuury of the Deachutea, will irrigate
Z0UQ acrea. , .
. i - e . a , .
Bhanlko. savH the Star. IS tha terml-
nua of the greateat stage syatem In
America. . , , v , ' . , ,
Albany Presbyterian women have la-
. i
Dr. Cook can't find tha North Pol
in nia wnnaimas aiocsiag.
e e
The country Is pretty prosperous In I
spue oi tne norrioie larirr.
... . ... I tlnn af nrlmarv Vint hr riAtltlnn invlwni. annarantTv AmnAvntil tn flv
inauer mosi people win act ,a iw - ----."r i'Z' 'iT" , 4aZL T rm ifT 0ne "w and asked me o load a llttlo
rllnatioa and Impulse prompt, . at one who can get 5000 signatures to the number of Judges at will, with- .UugbterlnK plonlo lha .,terior-to
. which nobody can complain serious- nta petition -fan offer himself as a out restriction. The Oregonlan ei Rasor, or something- like that-i-nd
r candidate, and all candidates must knows this, for this bad feature of wip the natives off 'ha map with a
. ,MtiAna kthnnh not PPear on the ballot absolutely with- the amendment was pointed out by d?mp towel, and then they'd elect ma
?&?SP& -at iengoatIontwhaterri ?;B-ett TnI?t!,o,n raffois
clving Is to give something of one's Th a,m 18 to destroT Party control to that paper, which indorsed his ing. Ferdy, Is one of th pursuits that
oif Tnor ia' mairai mn nncri. entirely In municipal affairs,, to di- view and urged its readers to vote I never pursued, so not to overlook any
lV &U W ti! TOr,C" them f-Ptotoly from party against the amendment on that ac- SSSl t0i
Still, slelghlnir and ekatlng are not I
aDSOiuieiy easenijaj to run.; ,
feel a pleasure in doing eo, to give
of service, in entire sincerity and un
selfishness. Thus given, the intrin
sic value of a gift-Is of llttje con
sequence. - No money value Is as
great as the value cf love, or true,
steadfast friendship. V Tbat is un
stable, evanescent,: perhaps of mer
etricious savor; these Tare sweet, sa
cred, enduring. . Gifts bought with
much money are good, but human
and transient; gifts that are sancti
fied, with love are eternal, divine. "
With all other glvlngto rela-
politics. (count, 'Probably thousands of vot-
The Hughes plan in New York is I era who would have voted- for In-1
comparatively ' conservative. He I creasing . the number 'of Judges to
would not abolish party nominations, I five voted against the amendment on
even in city elections, but his idea is I this account.
to try to make party conventions I Besides; the amendment also con-
Next morning we sneaked out, uncon
cerned like,' as If we were going to mass.
and gathered ourselves together. Then
we took 43 drinks apiece, shouldered
our muskets and vamoosed toward 1
Rasor. ...
Wa made quite an army about S00
from Independence, has fins success la
raising corn. - '
Out on the prairie section of Umatilla
county, far from tha mountalna. a cou
ar attarkad a horseback rider: he ea-
We hope even Vncla Joo will have J caped Injury, but tha horsa was badly
a happy Christmas and New ,Year. -, IsoraUhed. .
Whatsoever r. Could that men ahould &J&l2L
do unto you. do y. even so unio them. 'VlM T will invade 5 ind the Dea
a a , chutes country during the comlne; year
And the second commandment is like are already apparent says tha Bulletin,
unto the first: Lova thy neighbor as
thyself. 1 Tlotels at tha terminus of the railroad
. are overcrowded with newcomers, says
XT.w .v.ljl.111 ,.n A IV.M. IPaltt. trn . i , D..1UIU llmAit wlthnllt
and Charity; but the greatest of these I caption thoee arriving at this time of
Fads and Fashions.
EW VOHK. Dec II. tt cannot ba '
aeuioa that wonieo'a fashions
show better and moro refined
taete than ever beforo at . the
present time. Cf courae, not all
faahlonable women drees In good tasto:
soma either, lack discrimination and -
w,lr' wnno ot tiers. . for some reason,
wish to be eonnplououa; but the majority
of women of the middle and wealthier
claaaea are handsomely dressed. ' Tar
tlcularly Is this true of the women
above tha average means. There la In
tha preeent style every opportunity to
dress In a most satisfying way, since
provision .has been made for all of tha .
autMi a cook book, but it has no reference I details of a costume down to the fcmall-
to Dr. Cook, - - '. . - eat or im accessories. ' . :
Newbrg snd MMton are two growing, ,0..
for many years. . .. so they are greatly used for avoning
A Waltervllle,Lane county. 'man dug wear, and tha woman who has few even
s'! tons of carrots from 144 acres. One ing frocks and must give those few very
carrot weighed nine pounds, hard weifr, will do Well to turn her back
:"' ' .1 b.i nA upon fascinating sheer materials
A man Uvadl bis Hfaat Balem and nd content herself with a mors sub
then went to Portland and died of ty .Unt,., ,-- a "LJ!. J Vi.
. - m " vvuiyivuiian aap
fected by making tlie skirt entirely of
' A rarmar In MlssouH Bottom" in crepa or saun and the bodice chiefly
Marion county across tha. Willamette I ot emoroiaerea chiffon or net or lace, and
a frock of this type is perhaps the most
satisfactory choice for a general utility
evening or dinner frock. ' s . v
more really representative of the Itained af proposition to transfer pro-Jf us, with six guns between us and I
the only member of tha Tock with
enough real clothes on 10 cnoke an os-
tricn. . .. . .
. In about seven hours wa met the ?n
emy. He came out of a hut to, see
what .we wanted. I told him by the
ed. whether any reform at all of the sufficient reason given for making ;eef we came t0 make Bau8aga out of
convention system is possible, but lit; and even if it had been meritor-lhim and his hired man. Then a wild
masses of the party: voters, and if
nominations were unsatisfactory to a
large percentage of voters, he would j
give them a chance to put other can
didates in the field. It may be doubt-
bate business from the county courts
to the circuit courts, and practical
ly to eliminate the county courts.
The people were not In favor of such
a change; there was no good and
Is Charity.
Rulers of Christian nations should
ponder on tha message: Peace on earth,
gooa win o men.
e .
Portland healthiest city of Its class
In the United States. Keep this fact
before the country. .
Certainly the children cared for by
the year are en route to Crook county.
.' , .. e e r -
With everything favorable to a good
season next year and prospects for rapid
development work along various, line;
the Harney country will make rapid
strides and surpass all former years,
says ths Times-Herald, t .-.
i . ,- . . a ." ' if-. .!:!
' It la suaa-ested that a (rood roads bu
reau ba organised for Marlon county,
lives, friends, associates, people on even such attempted reform as Gov- ious, It was, entirely incongruous cheer rose to a height of about nine
a financial and social level with the ernor, Hughes proposes is bitterly with the other proposition, and there PatHots?mHe dianTseem to Uch my
flyers there should go, to carry 6ut opposed by the bosses and machine was no excuse for yoking the two njeanlng, so I got Aconite to translate
the real, true Christmas spirit, lib- gangs of both partleB. together in one amendment, " my terrible attitude toward the whole
the Boys' and Girls' Aid society must land that meeting-s be held every month,
their usual Chrlstmaa aunnlv of I ni warv two montha Uooa laea, says
tha Statesman. ine gwa nii m""-
tlon ought to be kept alive.
' a . e
Still tha people
eral, thoughtful, broadly charitable
giving to the poor, to all In need of
inaterial things, in distress for nec
essaries, to those even without sea-
Bonal cheer of luxuries, to widows
and : orphans, to victims of calami-
in all B1 Razor family.
Tn rhla mnnprttnn tha call for a I It was for these reasons.
short ballot" is attracting a good probability, that the supreme court ; They ?Jt !
11 is Deiieveo inai increase auienuuieuv was rejeciea, 1 Razors there was left and he was
deal of attention
In large cities too many officers are and the Oregonlan knows this' very I harmless.
elective: that the system of munlcl- well, yet it continually suppresses
pal government can be simplified ' these facts and tries to hide the
ties, to those bereaved, to all in deep as Boston is doing by electing only truth from sight.
shadows of Borrow, to every mortal a few responsible heads of adminls
vho has been more than ufeually un- tration, and depending upon them
Wky or unfortunate. . i : . to fill all minor positions by appolnt
And this giving should not be done ment ' with the right-kind of men.
merely as an act ; of charity for If . the people can get the sort of
which the giver may credit himself I men they need In -the big positions,
Kind of a safety Rasor, I
In a post-election, speech in New
I York Aity. Mr. W B.. Hearst said
guess: He said the chickenpox or the
pip or something had got into the fam
ily and kind of unheaved the kingdom.
He said he'd abdicate the throne without
putting tip a fight, however, so I took
bis sword and we camped there that
night. Ho Was a dull Old Razor and
we didn't have much fun till we re
turned to Manila next day.
I went out there by myself and
that the new administration to be
successful . "must protect the people
in their possession of their public I reigned till I got tired yesterday, then
vlth an added deposit of treasure in these men can be trusted to fill the Property d r" - fi ? SLSX
Dis savings DanK 01 seu-eBieem,,DUi 1 suoorainatd positions sausracioruy. m. - i ii V 1 1 overdone. Think I'll sell my noble birth.
with genuine pleasure In giving
pleasure, in thus obeying the adjura
tions and following the example of I
him whose coming to earth the
Christian world tomorrow cele
brates. ' - ' " " -
While multitudes feast, should
some In their vicinity : go hungry T
"While many rejoice, in brilliant at
tire, should some near by look out
shlverlngly upon the Chrlstmaa day,
despondent and despairing, friend'
patch says that President Taft
has at last been convinced that
people. The administration must rtRht for a mess of notash.
save the money that is wasted and) Well, Ferdy, I've .met the applesauce
stolen, bat must spend it liberally 1 ? y eye Met her the first day I got
In schools and parks, for public
works, In the public interest." This
summarizes the duty not only of
city administrations generally, but
the attacks on Secretary of the of the national administration, too,
TntPrlor Hallinsrar are Dart of a more I It has no greater duty than to pro-
or less definitely organized move- ct the people from the predatory,
ment to discredit the Taft adminis
tration, especially by spreading the I
less and forgotten? What would lmpressioii' that the so-called "Roose-'
ravening wolves that seem to be In
higher favor than ever before at
Washington. '
Jesus Bay to that sort of celebration
of his birth? " But more than food
and raiment and fuel, give love. Jf
ever during the year , the Golden
Rule is practiced,' It should be now.
Let the holiday motto be: "There.
velt ' policies' are in unfriendly
This reads like an "Inspired" state
ment, calculated to counteract the
rapldily growing impression that the
"Roosevelt . policies, or . what the
fore all thines whatsoever ye would people call such, are In fact tn "un
that men should do unto you. do ye friendly hands." President, Taft has
even bo onto them."
' Admiral Schley still has faith In
Dr. Cook, and while he believes that
Peary also got to the Pole he wants
Peary to submit his records to the
Copenhagen experts who passed ad
versely on Cook's narrative. , This
seems fair, but it Is doubtful if the
Danes desire to undertake any fur-
here. Her name's Telephone Tomor
row. Anyway that's what It sounds
like. When I got off the boat she
fell on my neck and called me "Senor
Bob." There were plenty of other
necks for her to fail on, she could even
have fallen on her own, but It seemed
as though she was kind of particular.
I told her, of course, that I was glad
to : see her ana asked her how old
Agulnaldo was. Flaying the Senor Bob
business, you see. . And so I walked
home with her me telling her HttlS
anecdotes In plain IT. S. A. and she talk
lng about the deuce of a time she'd
been having sines I'd been gone, In
Filipino. ' "
This Bob, It seemed, was a high
roller and long on the con, so I tickled
her under the chin and chewed off her
freckles till the cows came home.
r overlooked one or two little bets,
though. In xur delirium of Joy after
having been separated for so blamed
long, we wandered too close to her
dad's hacienda and he came out and
goodies.. Chin in,
A local lunatio insists mat Christ Is
to reappear bodily tomorrow - In this
city. Crasy people, like the poor, we
always have with us.
... . a '
Crimes and "tragedies are slso al
ways more numerous and conspicuous
in tne unristmas season man at any
other time, as if to furnish striking contrasts.---
,...T-;.. --
N a ,,'a
The money paid to the government by
some of the stealing trusts has been al
luded to as "conscience money." This
is erroneous; conscience had nothing to
ao witn u. xne payments were made in
the hope that the thieves would not be
exposed and prosecuted further. '
" O list to" the message; listen and
heed: for now, as ever through two
thou Band yeara, its spirit to cherish
the world has need, to Increase its
happiness, lessen . Its tears. Ye are
building navies, and . srmles maintain;
the burdens of , war schemes ever in
crease; but the angel's voice o'er ti.e
Judean plain brought to earth, with
Christ, a message of peace. The na
tions their battleships multiply; with
hostile guns they guard their coasts;
each looks on tne others with enmltous
eye. and of power to slaughter its
neighbors boasts. But that - heavenly
voice did not ao teach; its message di
vine comes to us still; to the end of
Silver Lake Leader:
Those women who have to economise
will do best by getting a high necked
frock, suitable for wear at formal after- :
noon functions, at dinners not too
formal, at tha theatre and at reetau-
rants Instead of decollete frock whlcn
can be worn only at the most formal
occasions. Tha high necked frock an
swers mora purposes. Ia ths old days
of bodice artd skirt, before the one piece
idea ran riot, women sometimes had a
skirt and two bodices for social func
tion. . But that was almoat aa expensive "
as two frocks. Now, that the bodlct
and skirt Idea Is ones mors tnaklna it-
sell felt, this arrangement Is again pos
sible, though a majority of the new
girdled models are, as a matter of fact,
made with bodice and skirt permanently
attached to each other. ; ;
' Women,' however. Who can wear ' a
Dutch -neck frock and look well In It,
need ;iot take to these makeshift. ;
Fashion has sanctioned this cut for dry
wear of all kinds. It Is altogether
proper for restaurant 'dinner and thea
tre; and, while it is, of course, not the
smart thing for full evening dress, the
' , . VI V,,- . . I mn'i h ,UIII ,VI U PVQ1IIIIH IU
SE" P?"riB llJa-'i'i&r it "roat and slightly low cut do gUs
tnis rate lone uaiura . icn uraurer
a certain festive air and make such a
frock look far less out of place in an
evening company where decolletage ii
the rule than any high necked frock,
however handsome. v . ' , " , ' : .
In this season of modish black an
exceptionally chlo black frock ; w boss
skirt at least Is of serviceable material ,
all the needed machinery are busy every
day blasting and shoveling; on two trunk
railroads which are nuuaing towara
central Oregon and Redmond. But work
continues unabated. :
.. , -- .-.. a, .
I. M. Tuthill, who cam to Douglas
county last spring from Pennsylvania,
is setting- 14 acres to English walnuts
on his farm five miles southwest of
Oakland. This ia the first commercial
walnut orchard to be planted in that
. alfkiwrli m mi rv. h., A f milt
time will lta melody reach Ba peace I growers anticipate taking up walnut
on earth, to men grood will. i , ' 'culture in the near future. . :
1910 has passed every foot of govern
ment land throughout this section will
h taken un.
. - , , . .... ;
After belng shut dowrr forwo years
and more the Sumpter smelter is soon to
resume operations, -says the American.
Thla-ls the most important and best
fiiece of news received for Sumpter dur- j and whose bodice is more or less sheer,
ng ths two year the smelter furnaces heightened by Jet or Jet and gold, re
have been cold and its receipt has spread 11-vad bw . touch of cream v laca near
the face made with a Dutch neck. Is
a 1 pernapa tne most userui , ana practical
Redmond Hub; Still the rumble grow-J thing the economical woman' can have
th nearer. It Is difficult for the people I in her wardrobe, and that fact seems
of Interior Oregon to realise xnai nun- it9 have been appreciated.
a smile or satisiaciion over me enure
By F. V. Holman, President ot'tha Oregon Historical Society '
N THEIR support of Cannon and
Aldrlch, Congressmen Hawley
and Ellis are out of harmony
Republican sentiment ' tn slight consideration.
aone very mue so-pusa iorwara anu tneP work of this kind. Schley
carry out the so-called; Roosevelt pol- lnnM hv. exnerlence what it is to
lcies, and the personnel of his cabl- BUffer misrepresentation and false puictured my tires with a boy's sire
net, with perhaps obo or two excep. detraction by a clique of officers in 5thri----lLVWir
tibns was equivalent to notice at the the interest of one of their favor- ?TgS?t$t&1 Jnf wnl
ouiwv ma iiuiiiiuoii anuu -" i ues, , ana pernaps ior tnis reason is aoout worth of alacrity, Ferdy.
these policies would receive but inclined -to befriend. Cook, the un- But it was worth it. Ferdy. if t
Oregon. , It la amazing that they do Leaving Balllnger out of the ques- over Peary, the officials favorite
not themselves comprehend the sit-1 tlon, the turning out of Garfield, the
nation and switch their , alleaiance. I most conspicuous administrator of I- Again there is talk of a steam-
Opposing, the Panama canal, oppos-lthe Roosevelt policies, was a suffi-j ship being put on the route to Nome,
Ing a liberal doI lev for waterwavs. I dent notice that they were not to be I northwest Alaska,5 next spring. As
opposing postal savings banks, op- J carried out. And this was strongly I The Journal has often shown and
posing. In fact, everything that Ore-1 confirmed by the : appointment of urged, Portland could and should
gon wants, Cannon Is the last man Fred Dennett as commissioner of the get a jarge snare 01 me Dig ana
In the country this state should de- general land office. , It need no "or- profitable trade of that region. So
aire In a place of authority In leg- ganlzed movement" to disclose, to ob- far as anybody can discover, all that
IslaUve, matters. Throughout his servant people the total lack or sym- e
career aa boss of 'tha honn. h nathv of the nresent administration determination and persistence. U
stood in the wray ot Oregon's prog- with the "Roosevelt policies,
ress and contributed mightily to the
A Anv in1 nn ha tnn onthnnlnstlt could stand with Senorita Telephone To-
u,w.avw u.uu..un snu nun. mr irecicies
wnn tne eia parent shooting holes In
me aa large as a piece of pie I would
ao it. From nis majesty.
- .. a
LcttewtFrom the People
Latter to TM Journal ahonld h wrlrt.. .
one nam 01 tna paper only ana should ba acram-
fialed by the aamS and addrvaa ot thi writer,
ba nam will aot b aa4 If the writer aakai
that it ba withheld. Tha Journal la ant to b!
BDdaratood aa InOuralnc tha tIw or lUtHMBti j
Benton county was created December
23, 1847, by tha provisional legislature.
(General and ; special laws of 184S-9,
page B0.) It comprised the southern
portion of the Original Yamhill district
out of which Polk district had been ere
ated. Benton county, at the time of its
creation, was all of the original Polk
district from the reestablished southern
line of Polk county to the California
north line. Prior to the creation of
Umpqua county, January 24. 1851, a new
southern line of Benton county was es
tablished by an act of tha territorial les
islature passed January 15, 1861. The
description of this line in section 1 of
said act is as follows:
'The southern boundary of Benton
(word county is omitted) shall be lo
cated as follows: Commencing, In ths
middle of the channel of the Wallaraet
liver, at a point where a line, running
west, will pass three miles south of the
fori on Long- Tom (river) (near Roland
HinTon's field), and running due west to
tha Pacific ocean." (Local, laws Of
1850-1. page 14.) -
It Is named for senator .Thomas H.
Benton of Missouri, who for many years
had been a strong advocate for Oregon.
Benton county is now bounded on ths
north by Polk county, on tha east by
ths Willamette river, its common boun-
delay, waste and noncompletion of
the waterway projects of the state.
Oregon Is to profit enormously from
tbe Panama canal, and Is tremen-
donsty Interested In Its early comple
tion; yet Cannon haa publicly de-
UClOIUilUaUUU BUU i;ciiiiohsui,V4 A I A nns iis.mii m ili ii ! t .it., .ij V " " --.w,--w ... -
Is greatly to be hoped that this tll&FS'&SSSZ'. 2TZ??S& VKykt!
port will prove true, and that a llne "..." VTLZXSr&EAZin its seal ii ror.
of two or more vessels may be es-eadn la Unrth mT, at u di-vallls, oriainally named Marysville.
WRITER In the"mornlng paper
thinks that the grange ia being
menaced and that 'its useful-
' tabllshed
Alaska,.' -
Tnrtlani anrl I " " aown M Mat Umlt.
Free Speech.
Ballston, Or, Dec 22 To tae Ed!-
Star-Telegram 1 101" ' Tb Journal: Recent events
The r-orlainal boundaries of Benton
county, as set forth In ths act of 1847,
were as follows:
j V
H -I
aycpat4.'S I
-. .
v U
. Z
.' One of the favorite colors for evening
wear is a beautiful golden shade, the
genuine aold color which, if appro
priately made, may alsq be used for day
functions. There are also some of 'ths
exqufslta greenish blues of the Adriatic. .
Mediterranean and Atlantic types, while
dark enough to b practical for day use
are modish night colors ss well. The .
same may be said for some of ths green,
roser gray and violet shades; and ths
woman who does not always ride in her
carriage will do well to select one of
these medium , tones' for her genera
utility evening frocks if sha csnnot
wear black. . '
- Black velvet dinner frocks mad with
utmost simplicity and worn with broad
white lace collars, and cuffs are the
ultra smart fad of ths winter. Frocks
of this sort, accompanied by big black
picture hats, are aeen In ths restaurants,
and over' them ars worn sumptuous fur
coats or long velvet coats bordered with
fur." For the home dinner nothing could
be smarter ihan a richly simple plack '
velvet, gowns with cuffs and collar
of Venice, Flemish or Irish lacs, pro
vided on is not tha happy possessor of
a real duchess or point sst v v
. "Commencing in ths middle of the
Willamette liver, at ths southeast corner
of Polk county, and running south along
the mala channel of said river to the
middle fork thereof; thenca up said mid
dle fork to Its source: thence due south
to ths 42d 'parallel of north latitude; of chiffon over gold net Is worn with
mence west aiong saia parallel to. the Ithla uit. Fl.ORENr'P! rirRRiwg
rauuic wn, tuviivv nuriu aiuna tot
coast or said ocean to tbs southern bou
dary of Polk county." (General and spe
cial laws or ii-, page 50.)
In Paris every woman who Can pos
sibly afford it has a blue suit. It Is
of the dark eolor. almost black, , and
favor seems to be beaped upon serg
so-rough- and loosely woven that one
wonders how it haa . been handled so
successfully by the tailor. Ons very
good model of this material has a short
Russian coat buttoning' from ths left
shoulder to the bottom of the left side.
but without a belt A flat turn-down
collar clasps the base of , ths throat
cloaely. This and ths .' cuffs are
trimmed with black braid. It also is
placed in straight lines on each, side -of
ths back and front Through bugs
embroidered eyelets a scarf of black silk
is threaded from the neck to ths bust -'
line down the front of the coat Silk
fringe edges this unusual trimming. Ths.
skirt has the effect of a short yoke In
the back which widens into a long
apronfront. tunlcv -Under .the lower
stlched edge plaits fall to viva fullness
at the bottom. -A lovely blue blouse
Halley's Comet
Tha Pnrt tVnrth
menacea ana jnai iw "userui- : " remarkable feat of Tonr. have reminded me of what an old Cop- certain-corcern that bad 1
hess.wlll be destroyed because periormea a remarKaDie Ie" " 'nr-1 perhead once told me of the Fremont ,abor ''r- ror thU th
not treated
are to be
campaign In eastern lews. Ha aaM that Itmprisoned in a republic that practi
tne campaign yell of the Abolitioniata eaiiy baa us origin in an act similar
waa, Tremont Free Speech and Fra i bHt inteosaiy mere raaioau - surely the
Klererar Te a man un a tr it I effete monarchies of Europe will have
would eeem aa thoagh there will be ex-1 tn laugh on us if the supreme court
eeeding great need of forcing the eon-1 sustains ins aciion or iw, twe courts
I ,, . a om.n. an aHaaM. Vtw I J 9 ' ,nv uus lauav vi lull vm rail, in TUTur I "JV w
of the Interests of Oregon. betrayal n5 De .fm"n5l". .mD,y' building and development, livestock, poutical campaigna. upon the But the ways of American courts are
" I . a . a a a k. . a
a. a.m. i it a I isvmrai nn iririnni r r nua i r aanv n
nouncea at project: on many occa-"r'm' nnhUmm consisted of 166 pages, ia 1J
...ubwhuu .v iau ura wiinin ---- - - . , , ' ' Christmas feature,. 4 to news,
his power. Support, therefore, of " w?A"'n?: other actions being devoted to soi
C.? lanothlng short ot .betrayal , 1k7 ciety. real esUte, civic Improvement.
r-rfectlv nnderstood bv Orros rwarwl wnere anowieuRe suau iireTaii ovri., km -t(.i .a t-1 of candidates. Oor Social at friwt. Past finding out Dy the average lay
' 7 . ' " I. ...- , w i.uiuuivjui.c cu...-. .uu wiu.1.1. , - --- - - ... .... T,. -
; :e. and through the natural f? "ur features. No such voluminous news- "IT "'tTlV "V",l.,n4 1 "T.TVm;
. aa aa M M.0rJL g . . - a 1 1 1 ST ' fill Irlalll 1 a. ...... a. wuBW PTfW " - -
a. .u 4fc . u.rre mai- . ..,,. ,,J PaPr WM Ior Polished in Urs that be appear to have been taking stance, not long ago the pres. reported
la city Of Fort Worth S Class, If any-1 lessons from the oligarchy that runs (that a retailers' aaeoclatlen In Iowa had
where. It exhibits much enterprise. I omi-ons or s caar of all tbe Ras- jsgreea to ooycoti any wnoiesaier wne
Large quantities Of Oregon niOMl, ram. noldm.i. .m. . I Ward a Co for consr-lracv In reatralnt
are being Shipped to California atlby rertatn flty au t h on tlea. The rasa trsda Tbs courts decided thst these
tMycotters were sxncuy witnm tneir
ict of cornmon sense that the ano-1 A in,B " win sugnny msimciive
ixrt of Csuaon by llawler and EIllslnI smuslng.
!iOu'd be reaerrted. 9 ' ' - I It indicate again what the assem-
TbTt Is no brtt evidence of the 'T polIUdans think of the grangers
sT.tlmfot thaa thw straw vot."d other rural and producing vot-
of your articles on certain exposures
(Coatrlbated to The Journal r' WIt at on.
f fMiirii ... .a a,ait aa ,. I imoo R.mammw poi. h mi proa p-mm are a
of frauds, etc., as well as the expos- ftwr, thia coinma la lb Dally
ures of the misuse of the public by I Journal.) ,
certain high officials and corporations.
and this hss changed my attitude to
ward at least ons newapapar. The Ore
goo Journal. , .AC, PATRICK.
7 This Date In Blstorr. .
177 John Campbell. 'king's agent for
ths Province of Oeergia, died. -
I860 Attempt made to sassssinste
I . have heard of Halley's comet sad
the tall protruding from It snd it surely
Is a hummer If the things I read -are
true; through the distant airy spaces
It is straining in lta traces, bound to
reach Its destination at the hoar when it
ia due All the scientists, in chorus, say
the blamed thing's beaded for us, by
an me etranre. unknown attraction tn mi,
Napoleon Bonaparte. " I jtti world It's drawn: if It lolta
181 Treaty of Ghent terminated the against this planet we won't have much
war or isix. oetweea ureal Britain and time to scan it we ll be cooked and
r al
t ' a by Surcesa raaraz'nfL TTxare I ""8, whom, however, the politicians j profitable price to tbe-moss gath-f 4Umui Campers and hla onran-
from whkh wra published la this
t pnirr. It was a vote taken'tor
rrtir cooatry and the figure
. e r.f-ojr!!.r sxall. bat there Is
t c :. n list tiey rfflert rrfect
: ' It true seritimeat Oa tbe qu
t a; "lo jon approve of tbe pcwl
f of RfrrwE?atlv llswky la
t :4-t'; lat prtng,'
r votd yp. ft co, asd
: i i r t t To te asm cie-
. ---'-. r-tn r"'v 8 R-;
are not aslng, but would like very
much to do so. We learn that the
assembly advocate, if this write Is
a r-preeeatatlve case, regard these
voters aa utterly "Ignorant," a mere
"mob, entirely unfit to chooae of
ficials or candidates, which work
should b left to a few politicians and
slate makers, l&e only on who
know bow and art fit to make aake-
tiOTi, -
Th r'j'3 eirre-K-fors of of!n
! ' a tri t y '; rt f tv ss" t..y'p
erers. .tbns etablishing a new In
dustry for this state. Oregon has
an unlimited amount of moss T lo
spare, and if aloeg with portions of
tt some -of lta remaining moss barks
coald be sblrped out of tbe state.
It wonld make a doable gain. It
coald even afford to offer a boBty
to any other common wealth that
would -receive them.
OrwB Pr-tuce-m FUrtrxlay.
r- - I i' i if 1 , f , k . a ,....
inn sanerers rmra Judicial dorma btda
ralr to make this nation as lidlctilmta
la the er ef the wwrtl as the perse
CBtlon f Dreyfoe did the French re
Public ror if tfc-re a rm thing tn0r.
than anrHher la revelatlonary tlmaa mm
which we prM e-iraelTea. it Is probably
fh action of tha Batca Tea Party. Now.
thoee aeee eating petrlotf not :y re
rt4 te OHrfc uted t theniaeires bt
arHtrart?y set et it prrrfnt any rut
tH fiia frfwii lrr,bfbrg a nt f the
irvrrK M rH iniff In ileirtrev.
" nl ..) rtrt, r
rtghUT trld -the faot that he culprit
were set a labor nnranlsatioa. but a
wldeepeaa4 cmnblnatkm nf capital, have
anything te do with tbla deriaior
r r -t
nigh PrsJae for The Journal.
Milton, Or, Dee, II. T the Editer
ef Tbe Journal: I bave ben a rvgular
reader ef ypur puMlcafloe alrv com
lg te th1 part ff Ui rmintry, and
wiaa te con gratu late joe upon yrr
rT"r1t Snc-ee in pubilaMn an aJo-
rther frleaa iLr, an1 ra1ah!
Tr' ! wr.
f ' r. X ; r f t -
r rr
Tt t
r- a a
the United States,
1882 Citadel of Antwerp surrendered
te the French.
ll Penny postage sdopted In Eng
1 871 Baranm'a -MuennvJfwy;orJi
city, oestroyad oy nre.
1 IT J Jetina Hopkins, foaBderof John
Hopkins oniveralty. died. Bora Kay
IS, 17. . .
188 1 Bastness. suspended fa London
becaeee ef dense fog.
1887 The PT leeued sa encyclical
upon tbe Manitoba school quewtloa which
finally dispoawd ef that troublesome
l ran t rfrrrher " erear-kie how
ft w e)4 (.! Henry p:ttar
a--i1-. '1-t tvT mr: ,"r r-t1
f - , f , - i . ' ( v -
turned te ashes ere we knew what's go
ing oiw.It will, la a feat lee manner,
swing Its tall. Uke some huge banner,
o'er the surface of this globelet" and
there'll be a ghastly thud: this old world
will fly te pieces like a flock ef fJig?rt-,
ned geeeea and we cannot save the frac-
aients, and otir names will all be Mud J.
In this world ef ruT and harry men
are given much te worry, ever things
not worth tbe ire u Me. over gri'fs that
do not par: now we have a chance te
borrow something genuine la eerrow
let we worry e'er this cornet start frg
on ths Job today! Other wees. In cul
tured phrases we shall ak to a to
blasee. we are sweeting eer H;r
an4 Ms comet vita It tall! Let -o a l
rW wi!echo!r: lt ea talk ef rvairM
but ll'lr. 1t c v -W if., . r
r-"-t h a Irr' d". rrl (it W a ;