The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Christmas Vigil to Be Kept in!
Holy Land by Christians
From Everywhere All Ac
cept Birthplace of Savior.
By Frd?ri 3. II as kin.
Washington, Dec. U. "But thou,
HethUhem EphraUV though thou
bo little among, the thousand of
l.i.loh Vet OUt of thee shall
com forth unto Mo that t to bo ruler
atalrvaaaa deacundlng from the choir.
The cave t rn ej with marble and 1
dt-oormnxl, or dreet raCe.t, avooriltng to
on. a Individual opinion, by ' eoor tt
paintings, figure of saints, gaudy llnael
hanglnge, flirt y embroidery, and the Ilk.
On tlia eaat aid of the Urotto la re-
c. tha roo of which la th uncovered
natural rock. In the pavement of this
rervaa la aat a eiir iur, wtiion inai
cat pa tha a pot where our Pavlor waa
rern, and around It la tha Inscription
ouotod aetove.
Over tha atar hang II silver lamps,
constantly burning. tl of thee belong
to the urevka, five to the Latins and
five to the Armenians. Nearby there le
a plain altar which la uaett by each of
three three sects In turn. It la a nar
row little room. 31 fert long and only 11
feet wide. Into which la conatantly
crowding a . steady stream ' of devout
rorehlpera. 'They fall on their race
before the receaa In the rockand alas
the allver atar In a very frenijr of re
llglqua emotion. . '
. . ire XJgfataj V Teaifletloa. -There
la no light except from the tiny
lampa, there la no ventilation at all. and
aurely there muat miraculous Inter
ference In behalf of the devout, or the
Grotto would become the greatest clear-
Ing house and dlatrlbutlng station for
(rmi and microbes In ill to world. In
Christmas Trade Unusually
Brisk and More Expensive
Gifts Than Usual Are Pur
chasedPoor Remembered.
New York, Deo. II. This la the Jaat
ay for making preparations for tomor
row'a Cbrlatmae calibration and, Judg
ing from the crowds which thronged the
bona on tho main ouaineaa streets UOon the subject
day Jong, making their final purchases ; A, mn axplaoatlon of tho modern coat
for the holiday, many 'thousand of POt0 hig-b, living, Just look at the follow-
t - a t ty , ;
Portland; Or.. Pec. IV. To the
Editor of The Journal I liavo often
wondered why the Oregonlan at times
makea such a complete rool or itaeir.
fieemlnclr there Is no censorship In its
Uff to protect Ha editorial columns In"
time of personal weakneas, from plac
ing before the publlo articles of an un
balanced -jiature.
The ranting about "The High t'oat oi
Living" on December 20, sounds ilka the
harping of a mentally tired man or the
grumblings of a person in the decay or
life. . ? '
That article reveals tha whole' atory Of
the Oregonlan's advocacy of extreme In
dividualism as opposed to the more mod
ern conception of tha nature of govern
ment And yet It waa not even fit to
publish along thla line, stating as it did
the hasty conclusion of one who in the
article appears absolutely unqualified to
nxnt that the Statement No. '1 Is em-'
bt Waned wlh Mud and Ink atalna. They
say In tbe Oregonlan columns tliattTaft
aald, "I'arty auccens demands party ac
tion." Any schoolboy knows that from
his basrliall experience, but le not 'na
tional ' auoceiis" more Important? The
Or-a"onlan seemingly cannot place llaulf
In the ranks of those working for the
benefit of the people, the civilisation; as
near as it gets la in the ranks or party
men. a. Utile mora socialistic and a little
teas anarchistio, but only socialists i I Pnrmrrc llrnnrl tn Artnnt MMfla
so far as "Our" Interests are concerned. ' .Ww- w .......
Tho people, the proletariat the canaille,
the bourgeois must be ruled for the
best Interests of ourselves In spite of
themselves. Again the old, old story of
the Greeks, the Itomans and the feudal
of Europe; when shall It stopT -
ods of Businessmen in
Their Work.
Israel; whose goings forth have beenla nearby trotto. plate moat sacred to , mu,t naT n).lectei their shopping- tnf reasons given
i t a e aa - ' A . K a a W 1 1 a, 1 1 a. s a- . a. K am as fas & & w
from of old, from everlasting.
And he
Khali stand and feed in ine airengm v.
the Lord. In the majesty of the name Of
the Lord hla od; and they shall abide;
for now shall be be great unto ths ends
of the earth.' -! v'i . ; -
Fllgrtms Keep Tlgil lonlgTat.
So wrote the Prophet Mlcah seven
hundred and fifty yeara before josepn
part of
Catholics, lived for the greater VtXXtt la the mmm or
hla life 8t Jerome, who trans-1 onlewnat forgetful in
must have beeni ,i . 'Inefficiency of heln on the eight
somewhat forgetful in planning their (hour plan makes production without loss
and Mary came from the OaUileean cl y senjees are In progress
of Naxareth to their nf" hon2 continually. The Greeks have o
lated tha Bible Into the Vulgate. This 1gt cf hUny ot tn, ,tore. will , impossible.
""' " , " . " ; keep open this even ng to give to inoae
believe to the authent city of the site P A an opportunity
of the Grotto of Nativity, and her, in comD,et, thelr purchases.
thexourtn century ne uvea ana wrougnj - Chr,,tinM trade has been Unusually
hi. immortal work for the. church of L'" ar and everything point, to
a lovful and cheerful celebration to
Louisville, Ky.. Dec 14. One hun
dred yeara ago .today, on a farm In
Madison' county, this state, was born
"Kit". Carson, the famous scout, trapper
and guide, with whose exploits every
American ; schoolboy Is familiar. In
the - 40 years that have - passed since
death removed Carson from the ' stage
of life, bis fame . has Increased until
he bids fair to become one of the
legendary figures Of- pioneer life " In
America. Kentucky regards him as one
- . .n nllhools In many parte of tho state de
ment by officials and doctors of all de- uvm.V afternoon zeroises
Prof. J. A. Besell of the Oregon
- Agricultural College.
Tha old year Is about to usher In a
new one. What has been achieved dur
Ing (ho past year What were Its vlo
tortesT Its failuresT Uow may we
profit next year by .the mistakes of the
pas it
Such questions are naturally forced
upon us at this season . of the year.
There are various ways of answering
these questions. Business men goner
ally take advantage of slack trade after
the holidays to take stock and to "check
up" 'on the results of the years work.
It" is ery tinfortunate that so lew
farmers follow the excellent custom of
taking an annual inventory. There Is
nothing difficult about It No bookkeep
ing whatever need be done. 4 No special
form need be observed. What Is neo
over tne urono are iw cn.r ... - h- ,rnenslva
mml I "" " - '
- I am ,n k. mnih vraaree thla aea-
- ... . . l OVIlllllUB.U. A M J I w v .. I ... . A .
ih rif v or uavia 10 vw mni. . i . . ... . w .,. ha- i uu unu iuuiv.wu .....
was no room In the Inn and the Infant i""-" .oldlers constantly on ment In the financial condition of tne
-Jeeus was born In tne siaoie ana w - prevent trouble. It Is a People, xnai mo Jr "V .
laid in a manger. That moat tremend- " uSlV iht the Latin and ther. are always thousands of them no
one feat In all the history or tne numu - - celebrations of Christmas do not matter how tha financial conaiuons
race i-nually celebrated by all Ifntl country bll -J-r. In the
nans on mt o wo . r-.hrln over'tha Grotto, and the generaj pru.ii.m ..w. .
sorrow la Christmas day wherever the ?h V-"?"""! LT."'. .-- fact that the charlUble gifts and con
Gregorian calendar Is" In use. and II ""r'" t-dlrt trtbaUon. this year " Are considerably
days hence will be Chrletmae '" .,, filth of tho common part of the greater than during the last f?w years.
inum uuuuuiN
church. ..In all Palestine the Roman
Tew S lasers at Home.
AirdV Bethlehem Is thronged with Catholic church stands for cleanliness. ; ror4 , Jirgo metropoUs. full of push
devout pilgrims from every Christian ouvenir seuera auvy aiwuviia. . and progress uouuun ia remrum wv.t
land, while the inns and hospices ana Comprised within the fortress iiko ea-1 servauve jn t vi ii.u.h
nn.,.r.t n TiAarhw Jerusalem are I irio m thru ennventa or tne latin. I its nouaays. it u true, iuer uv umu
crowded with those who will keep the the Greek and the Armenian churches, a few changes of a minor nature, but.
Christmas vigil at Bethlehem. ' No one jrr0m the roof of the Armenian monas- in a general way. the people of New
knows on what day of what month tery one has a view of the hillside upon York are celebrating Christmas In tha
Jesus was born, bu" It is sufficient that which the young David tended his old fashioned way. of fifty years ago.
for many centuries the 25th of December eiocka. and unon which were gathered Probably the most noticeable change is
has been observed ' as the anniversary tha aheeherds who heard the angelic I the gradual dying out of the custom
f the birth or tne prince ot peace. i. chorus in that first great unnstmas among tne weaitniee Classes oi girwg mo ""'- "'""' , ' T breveted a. hrleiuller eeneraL His death
Christmas spirit to the most beautirtu caroU The hmside now is cut Into Christmas . dinners at their homes, aosen persons wouia wipa ineiriacea va - - --- - - - mioradrt' Mav
of all holiday., expressions of. the Undil 1 raiiaa nt la carefully tlllad and tend. iiiamaXZhristmas dinners among the rich toe towel, tne writer naa uone tnia - , -
qualities which dignify ana mase goa- ed b th- keepers of the vineyards, bar practically become a thing of the
senpuons. on me aearcn ur yi;wn. mA t.illn. .r the I-."" , " - ..II ". "
and unsanitary -conditions. These tret " - "rz r' " w"".l .V.U-""
- - . i eiiiu tw aaeav J vu vnv .em. tci r as i ill uie iuiiu
big salaries for stopping food produo- m. - f ; " and wnat you owe.
. i.i n..i v.iv, I frontiersman.. : .',.-.. lis shown below:-
lion ana jzi&aiii(( iiio tvni vi .ivit. ...rii. . u m trt ,m rmnn hnn I
I. People demand breakfast foods, - . - r " , r'.r .T. innanoiai taiement aro. i,
with artistic and e-thet.o appearance- ; ,"T '"Banta April 1. 1908.
an or Tl"'..,uI.T ft, Refor he waa 18 ha had roamed ' RE80URCE&
nance four times greater man was iur- - " - - - - ,. , nllntr he- I Farm. -160 A. with '.
it Vntwn . s I " w - " - --.I v.. .nil . .
4. People (speaking in general) must ,T""'.W r.".!, " UTA
C arris ram.
. . rOUUlO t BUCaHIHK Krgicar MImo I . ... . . ii.i
. a '.v.i" . Au.OK I ciric coaL jTor i years ne iuppnu i
tableware flnV linen tter?.4 cirW ,th verythlng . he ate by 2oo bJ! at SOe.l 100.00
, n S Jot ' H lt th ?? bu. oat. at 45c. , . 47.60
.1.1 .rn '.to rHntak nr in e-enaral. 1 """""w
obtain ammunition.
He married an Indian woman In New
also, how about tha many times greater
, k i xje
. ; : - " 7' . t . o - . followed by the Indians. When his wife
U.C, U.T VV . M-,. . M- 1 I , , - . . .. ,ft ,h.
never went to a social tea. never had l r ' r . " L 41.V t
lace curtains, etc.. etc.. becuse for the "I:"1" " . lu"rT. V..
..... a a J a...4l(A.aV e ann rhOr I LrilgLXl I, 4UUU X1CUIUIU W4K9 VX4CTI1 All,'
:u"f- .rrT' " .rr, . Un, out at St LouU hi. first expedition
enough n"ave -ucn'ihlngs, Tlthough J?U"Sd
thev furnish " to tha nrODerty holders. Carson as rulde. He was also connected
personal talents. experience. ;, aouity -" - " -
'dineth hatter, llvmr 1 ' ; ,:-; :; I w r .
- w. . I ---.----j. ,,.1.1.1. ..,.a .a li. TTnfln1
6. In former times w broke the ice i ... t." V
on the wash bench by .the well inj t ''' w.
800 bu. wheat 85o... ,170.00
20 tons hav at$.. 120.00 .
Potatoes and veaa-
tables - 60.00-
Stock - -
S horses, ave. tlOO.f 000.00. -200
cows. ave. M0.. - 800.00
11 steers, ave. 113.. 132.00
5 heifers, ave. til. . . 66.00 .
13 hogs, ave, 86..,. 72.00
100 sheep, ave. 13... 800. 00
160 chickens at 45c.8 6T.(!0
21 turkeys at 76c... ' 15.75-
like the oft erring nature of man. i It Is Th.r. are several small towers on the I nat That does not mean . that - the
at this season of the year that all men .i... n tha hill built for the tcconutio- I ..niii nannla rt notham have decided
are lmpenea to emulate uw datlon or the watchmen wno Keep guara to forego the delights . or. a iuieuae
ness of him whose birthday it la. a4 i tha niaht over the fields and vines. If .aat ' They merely have changed the
Bethlehem Semains the Same. ' I One comes out of the church to be be- Inlaoe for the feast and congregate In
Everywhere the minds of the people aet by a pack of ravenous wolves In the the dining rooms of the big hotels and
are turning toward that Bethlehem j guise or souvenir wuw I aristocratic - catering eetaoiianrneniB,
which existed In the day of Herod. It ful to tell, out me very worst rv I where they can enjoy tne most eiaoorate
is Interesting also to consider Beth- Importunate rascals hall, -from the lfeMt without the trouble and annoyance.
i.k iono D.thi.h.ii,hvii. aiuniteii Btatea. toe auuii. vj. ictcicm,. (a rtn Kivimnirvinr noma ainners..
.elicit! Vt Aiv. J , . ii.v. ... ... vu4 - I - - j - - r m
small city of about 8000 Inhabitants. It and devotion Inspired by the church and , while In former years the big hotels
i. i n t...i.n I Ita aaaoclatlona Is destroyed In the nee- 1 . j rra.tliallv desert-
pleasant afternoon carriage ride. It Is f essary quarrels with these venders or jed on Christmas day, they will be
. nMt Mt-o in all ih. TInlv r.nd. I lUDDOSedlf holy rellcl. Une nates I" I .,a with alairantlv rlreaaeil women
and one of the oldest In the world, for believe, but he Is so compelled, that the ftnd .men tomorrow. The hotels ,and
unlike the other cities of the ancient larger portion of the people of Bethie- j,romJnont catering : establlahmenta la
world it never has been destroyed. Pro- hem make their lvlng by trading upon h f city have been over-
tected by its Insignificance it has es- the sanctity and holiness or tneir cuy. v . hirne(t WHh , orders for k Christmas
ceped unscathed the succession of de- Despite the annoyances and tne dinners during the past week and their
Kti-i,pti inv.Kinn. h(rh wfwd out I rlletres. Bethlehem ' yet must claim tne . " -..ti.. f,.n.
Jerusalem and the greater cities. Beth- interest of the visitor as a mB remr't tlcally to complete all preparations for
. je.nem waa a cuy ; uoiure Aurouniu ivii "uio vnj. tomorrow ' ' '
t 'r of the Chaldees; It was here that whose Influence has been greater than ' " ' .r. '
Harhel was burled, that Ruth married that of any other son of woman, and Janitors and Others Remembered. .
Boas, that David was born. from thl least among the cities of For many thousands of people Christ-
It is a remarkable fact that the dot Judah came rortn unnsv vnrieyanny imas actually began toaay. Tne oanxs
by any well?. There Is none, - He MQTUCD HMDS HER
lone. He does wipe bis face on a H VI I IIMUO null
too, and worse, but how 1n the name of 23 188
common sense ' can he now wash nis
has none,
towel used by others yet which the Ore-
gonlan seemingly does not)
Speaking of the last quotation first
we can easily see that the editorial writ
ers view is limited to nis own expert
ence and with the fourth quotation It Is
limited to his own and friends, man
ner of living. ; And hm article is written
to explain to the public the cost of In
. njoltef. Preaa leased Wire.) , '
Los Angeles, Deo. 23. Not knowing
her son had served a term In, the Iowa
stafe penitentiary, .Mrs. Mary Franklin,
the mother of Florlan Franklin; who
was sentenced to serve 80 years 'In Ban
to explain to in. puoitc . Quentln prison this afternoon, for rob-
creaeed values In general, us Ing what he fcere recentt mad,
18' ?m"matef,,,0 bh.,f hi. alift a ftrong plea before Superior judg
when they are nothing but his own and w, u ,cnlent , wlth tha young
I"e,8T!! ilft6fm - , I man i A she sat down, she casuallyJ
, J , . . , i picked up tha photograph or ne son
To speak particularly of each one ot f- v fc Z,uiu ii - .h.
the mentioned ftatement. would be fool- SiUmuZ
ish, more foolish than the writer of .
Imnlements . '
1 hay rake. 816.. .t ' 18.00 .
1 binder, 812R. . i ..... 125.00
2 plows, ave. 810..., 20.00
harrows, a v. 811.60. ' 26.00
1 mower, 840 . .40.00
1 arraln drill, 160.... 60.00 . '
z wagons, fiiv,.... liu.vv , ...
Supplies, 826 ....... .25.00.
2 set harnes, 800.,.. , 80.00
1 buggy ...... 100.00 '-
Tools 60.00
Household goods;'. . I 850.00--
111 -A I 11 I II It i
When the bids for the construction of
the new Alblna fire elation at Patton
avenue end Portland boulevard were
opened yi-aterdny by the fire committee
of the executive board the lowest one
wes found to be 8786 In excess of the
appropriation foi the building. The ap
propriation was only 818.000 and the bid
of the Newport Engineering company,
the lowest, was 812,786. ',
Three or four other bids were so close
to thla one. however, that the committee
was satlarled that there waa b'ona fide
competition and that the tenders were
reasonable. Suiting action to this belief
the committee voted to ask for an in
creased appropriation and to let the con
tract to the Newport "Engineering com
pany. . .
. (60.00
8 864.86 - 864.86
ulatlon ; of Bethlehem Is altogether I and Christians.
Christian,, there being no Mohammedans
except the eoldiers and police, and no
Jews except some enterprising . mer
chants lately removed from New York
and Chicago. It is also remarkable that
the people of Bethlehem continue to de
serve the reputation they have borne for
nearly 40 centuries for their . peculiar
beauty. We read in the Old Testament
of the young David's beautiful ruddy
countenance. The young men of Beth-
' -(Tomorrow, The Holy Land.")
: i v. Christmas In Bethlehem.
In the lower end of Man ha tten paid out
an annual amount In gold and crisp new
bills, all intended for Christmas gifts.
Tomorrow all the banks, .broker offices
and business houses of every descrip
tion, In the financial district of the city
remain closed and in nearly every
case the customary distribution of bonu
ses and Christmas gifts to : employes
took - place today. ' Borne of the large
banking bouses and Trust 4 companies
treated their employes with exceptional
(United Press Leaaed Wlre.)
Pittsburg. Dec. 24. Eighteen-year
lehem today have the same ruddy cheeks. I old Delia EateD. the child wife of Jo-,
" "cico u, jiu;ii jepn fjtiep, too ngii;iu, i uuui i lhouses proportionately so. The janitors.
... "wv-v. Vi vv.. oj.. .... iner jlre m a local nospuai xoaay wnua I elevatormen, etc, were not negiectea
tJ.a71Vtge 5,?lete,y physicians are working to allay her and It is estimated that the total of the
V " F""l""J" Q Uurtrin, from burns she received last bonuses and gifts distributed today in
uuuot, t ut laci mat netmenem w ine 1 7- . : " .7 , , V. ,k. ai.trirf .inn. ..,m ,..
center of a small region of wonderful In an at empt to gether
fertiuty, and Its people get enough to band from tne nursing operating room
eat which cannot be said of the Inhab- of a nickelodeon where he met Tils ,ar"". .
Hants of many other towns in Pales J death. ... I " loo AM IttOi VHO.
Estep. who was known on tho Pa-1 To many of . the poor ramiiies or tne
clflc coast as Le Roy, the magician, was lower east side Santa Claus came today
operating a picture machine when a in the shape of large baskets filled with
film exploded and enveloped him and everything required for a delicious
the room inflames. Through the only Christmas feast for the whole .family,
exit, a square hole, Mrs, Estep en- Thousands of these baskets had been
deavored frantically, but in vain, to res- ordered and paid for by a number 01
cue him. " . wealthy people, among them Andrew
The, face and arms of the girl were Carnegie,, George Gould, James Speyer
badly burned, as were the hands of and others and some of the Urge groc
Samuel Craft a ticket -seller, who went ery houses were compelled - to employ
to jesteps aMiiumw wueu ui w,if extra, help and hire additional delivery
ieii unconscious. : .
tnem. At is possmio inai no is, uniy ,.c.. .h mntaw .1,.
playing with the public; a sort of . hell tow cJ -h. nM In
ish glee performer, sitting, n bis tower her and,buriad her face In her
"Oreat joge, aon 1 you www. ana lney T crlmma, who had kept Ma PeCOrd
paid their nlckle for r lt 'It s th .gen- f w motne hun h head
eral tenor of the article which reveals ,n .hams. During the remainder of the
the secret of the whole reason for the tlm- he was ,n the courtroom he never
Oregonlans policies. looked bnce In the direction of the
snows, u tne contempt xor puui.c weeDing woman.
policies wm im nwn l"f P?,0 Franklin entered the Jewelry store of
ox our i4ia w sjuiii uvii-cr.iuifiea .u a.&v.
Because, such measures tas tney aver;
will weaken and soften the character.
Life Insurance .
Cash ... . ..., ,8
. Total f.
Labor (unpaid) ' . . . .8 75.00 '
Accounts payable. . . 125.16
Mortgages due April
1. 1910 8.000.00-r-
170.00-. 170.00
I, A. Cohn, during the noon hour, De
cember 8, beat the aged proprietor over
the head with the butt of a revolver and
will cause them to lean on the state, will ttwn looted tf)s aafe. He was caught
uruill La 10 m& mum uiu muoic, auu 0.11
that line of talk.-and they will never be
like ME, the builder of my- own destiny.
the iron : willed man. the creator, in
by a negro after a chase extending pver
several, blocks.
Pressdom and the champion of all thejAMERICAN SANITATION
inheritances or privacy ana ; inaiviau
allsm from our English ancestors. In
cluding all the tommyrot of the anti-
fquated common law, with its Imposition
on womankind and its absolutely preju
diced and unjust decisions nowadays in
All Aocept Birthplace. -
Bethlehem's narrow, steep, and ' slip
pery streets are not distinguishable
from those of any other small Syrian
town. But every stranger, every visitor
and every pilgrim goes through them
quickly to that fortress like group of
buueungs which is known as the Church
of the Nativity. Unlike the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre In Jerusalem there
to no disturbing doubt There Is every
reason to Deiieve tnacme cave'oveTt
which the church is built is actually the
very place of the nativity f the Lord
and that historical truth justifies the
inscription within the cave: "Hie de
Vlrglne Maria Jesus Chrlstus Natus est"
"lie re of the Vlrgfn Mary Jesus Christ
waa- bornl",,, ... , j ; .- . - . -,
The cave of the church la the common
property f all Christians and it is the
most ancient example of Christian arch
tectnre extant It was completed in the
year 230 A. D.. by the Emperor Con
stantino, although begun by his mother,
the Empress Helena, j Ita roof is of
etout'Englleh oak and was built by King
Edward IV of England at about the
lime Christopher Columbus waa seeking
means for his epoch-making voyage, Tet
with all its Interest Its antiouitv and
the nobility of Ita architecture the nav
San Jos. Costa Rica, Dec 14. Dele
gates representing nearly all of the
miiuMh nf tha three Amnrlcaa have ar.
the . struggles of labor to secure its rived hera to take part in the fourth In
This Illustration of Individualism ts
the secret of the Oregonlan's obstruct-
ternational Sanitary Convention of
American Republics, f The gathering; le
to have ita formal openings tomorrow I
; Total ; $ 9,488.96
Tory Important Xeoord, .
The 'Inventory may be considered the
most important document among .the
farm records, because without It no
results at all can be obtained. It should
be taken at such a time as will give the
most accurate , results with the least
expenditure of labor. This differ Wide
ly in ainerent localities. - January t
seems the most natural beaHnnina . of
the . fiscal year; but the' objection, is
that at this time" there is apt to be a
Urge quantity of feed and supplies on
hand.. "? t- '. -i.W1
April 1 avould be a better date so far
as the stock on hand Is concerned, but
inconvenient in many localities on ac
count of the pressure of spring work.
Whenever It is taken It should be ac
curate. No guess, work should be toler
ated. - Weigh and count; do not , esti
mate. . Then assign the actual market
value 'to the property, taking due ac
count of depreciation.: ,' . f " . "'
Uapreciatloa Zs SfatnraL
Right here Is where . serious errors
are committea oy ine average iarmer.
. . i . i . . i a i .
iteunrr an oia wsgoa nor bij oia noma
s worth as much as new ones. The
same holds true with very few excep
tions of all equipment, animals, bouses
aiiu iiiiyivTvuiriiiA , ii. iuci..vii a w
what rate shall be charged off annu
ally, o as to create a' sinking fund
with which to renew the depletion, has
been an open question with account
ants since time immemorial. It is par
ticularly difficult to determine the de
preciation of livestock, work horses
and depletion of the fertility of the
soli. . : ..
Without entering Into a discussion of
the subject, I give below the experi
ence and opinion -of tha best authorities
on, the .subject. The thoughtful farmer
.'111 find no difficulty In adjusting
these rates to suit his conditions. . For
the purpose of general estimates: .
Buildings Including lnsur- - ' -
ance aid repairs. tperoent -
Horses above 6 years, ...... .10 percent
Milch cows ................. 8 peroent t
Machinery and tools.....,,, ,10 per cent
Depletion of land on account
or continued cropping arter
fifth crop ................ .percent
How to ZXetermlae ths rreflts. ; ,
Let u assume that your last year's
Inventory was as above and that you
nave taaen uno ot rxauuj mo nro
form now showing a net worth of 810.
228.98. the statement of profit and Toss
AitM ha aa follows: . - -. .
Statement of Profit and loss.
Net -worth now..........'M..810.8S4 -
Net worth last year. ....... 8.483.86J
" Net profit I ' 8851.08"-
'. This result can oe ootainea witnout
any bookkeeping whatever, but a simple ;
set of books are indispensable. The ob
jection to . the above statement Is tha
while the net profit is. shown, it givea
no clue to the result of Individual en- . .
temrise. ' One may have been profit-
able, another unprofitable. " One object
of bookkeeping If to discover the leaks
in one's business and stop them. .
Chrlstmaa, at the White House. -Washington,
Dec, 84. A merry Christ
mas is promised for tomorrow at the
White House, the first that President
Taft and family will spend In the execu
tive mansion. All the members of the
family will -be present, as well as a
number of guests, to make the day one
of mirth and Jollity. v '- --
During the past few days Chrletraes
boxes for the president's family have ar
rived at the White House in goodly num-v
ber. Some of the packages were : ad
dressed to Charlie Taft. whose popular
ity in the country seems to be as ex- .
tensive aa was that enjoyed by his chum
Archie Roosevelt Ms.' '
ing policy when Mayor tsimon wishes to ,. .ha aaaainna will continue for one I
pass a iaw iv uvo lajnua oi waicr- weejt. foremost among tha participants
pipes paid for bjr the commonwealth, as wJ1, ha Dfi waiter Wyman, who is chief
it ia dona in older communities. Stop it, aurgeon of the public health and marine
w iiw vi """i hospital service of tn unitea states.-
good for each citizen to depend upon ,Amonr the subjects .to be discussed
himself only. Irrespective of the fact at the convention are measures relat
that said water pipes are not as much , , fever, bubonic olarue and
an individual affair aa for the sanitation I i.aaaeaj new discoveries with re-
I warons to fill these liberal orderi
The principal distribution of Christ
mas baskets by tha Salvation array and
Ivarlnua other charitable Institutions
TO 8E PUT TO W0RKwl,!l Plac tomorrow and it is estt-
I IIltlLtru VII fc:t,"w7ari vigui eiru ten vuvus-
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
Albany, Or., Dec 84. All ho boa seek
ing quarters over night in tha Albany
city jail from now 'on will be put' to
work cleaning the streets of the city
on the following morning. During the
present cold spell of weather the jail
had been the lodging place of 18 to ll
hobos every night : The marshal re
ports that 200 -weary willies": hava
been given lodging during this month.
It la thought that the work will have
a tendency to keep the hobos away. The
order waa made at the council meetlnar
ia a barren ana aeeotate place in which last evening. . .-'
no religion a services are held and which 1 .
is tised only aa a eorrldor through whicb
to reach tbe chapels beyond.
Steady Strata at WmUpere.
The chapel of the nativity la a natural
rave la the rork which Is reached by two
a t f . J jj-iiT
T1UT 1 Ol'R HK.4RT
tv this wiinnv
I (he iih of the
and baskets containing food and large
quantities of clothes and toya for chil
dren "will be distributed.
Many societies' and . dubs have ar
ranged Christmas celebrations at their
quarters for tomorrow and many of them
will also distribute girts among Jhe poor
In their respective localities. Among
the' features of toshorrow'a celebration
will be the annual dinners which Wm.
M. - Flless, Jr. and the Ouggenheimers
shall give to the newsboys of the" city.
There will also be the customary cele
brations and feasts at the hospitals and
the various -charitable and reformatory
or penal Institutions ef tbe city. There
will be cheer everywhere and for every
body, no matter how poor and wretched.
Even tbe prisoners In the Tombs and In
tha military prison on Governors Island
will have a feast , --r'-ri
(l-alted Fraa tae Wire.)
' San Quentln. CaL, Dec 24. Million
aire William B. Bradbury win eat no
Christmas turkey thla yeavr If tha man
datea ef the prison authorities an
nounced today are Carried into' effect
Instead the aged Corte Madera capital-;
let wtta Is serrlnjr-a 18 months' term
hfor parjury. will face a diet of meat
potatoes and eoffea, with a possibility
of pudding aa a holiday extra. What
the li other Inmates of the peniten
tiary eat la good enough for William
Bradbury, the authorities have decreed.
On the theory that the heavier the au
tomobile the harder the wear on roads.
Prance-will tax rare owned by foreign
ers according to their hnfe power after
the first of the year,
: J I I k VI f
erll !r,' te The Joirvtl 1
Albany. OrV Dcli 4 A-4 rnllTTSK
levy was ordered at tbe annual school
"etlng. The board Teoorted a hlrh
,rhal block pqiraaeed at a coat ef 81.
.jTTtii. -an of which, bad been paid by
tax, eacept 8itt It. - The vale of borwlB
aatonntlrg to lie Ml it vi!a prentams.
so tnal contracts for a fciirh "-hooi
br!ln amount lr a to HI, 117 4. leaves
a haiawoa c-f l4 1. etvrich for
tewpormry fcrrlsklra for a year.
THlu teeth are injured more
By neglect tnan from
any other cause. Thoroughly
brush them every day. with
KcW-kahs ITJev Offlcera.
Frt Grire, Or. t . 84. The P.
tka We of th e has e;"-4
f i-a? et t t 'f,,-: v
V.a r,',,. K. f, ; v I
i : ; V-. f. i 1 ; i, aw
Tgou Pouc!:r
and they will be cleansed,)
nre$erved and beauti
fied. It neutralizes rncuth
acids and imparts purity
and fnrrnr.rc to the fcrc-'h.
and well being of the community, yet
make him pay. This is a sort of a
Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett spirit
which the Oregonlan naturally poa
sessts. She belongs to the old line, the
spirit sticks, probably will stick. It is
mossback In .its nature and, like the In
dians, It will onljf pass with the pass
ing .of the class." Modernism Is unas
slroulatable to the primeval spirit . , -
They oppose the establishment of
state educational ' systems. - Oet your
education like I got it; hammer it out,
carve It out copy books onto shingles
and study by the light of the fireplace,
a la Lincoln'' and myself. But for the
Lord's sake don't saddle the taxpayer
with an educational system that will
weaken - his boy's sturdlnescvs, as If the
stardiness of tha Oregonlan foy. Is much
different than that of the 4oy favored
with public schools, that is the state
normal type, Tha Oregonlan cannot yet
see that the plane of cltlsenshlp rests
on the education ef Its people and that
this education Is of soma concern to the
state fundamentally. How about the In
telligent use of the suffrage depending
upon the proper- education of ;the peo
ple? - -
' Why dees It not oppose the fire de
partment and the police department;
recommend that they ba private corpora
tions and that fees be paid when they
are used? The same applies to the poet
office system. It does seem that a citi
zen should be strong willed enough. In
dependent and pugnacloua enough to per
sonally resist Injuries by thugs and not
be se effeminate aa to need a police
force. Tbe presence ef such naturally
breeds a tendency to lean, to seek help,
to breed chicken fibers In the muscles.
Such advocations are of tha near
anarehlam - type, tending as they do
away from aortal pollclea and are not
recommendations of good . cltlsenshlp.
Tbe man - who will act in the ranks
will make thi beat general, aa Napoleon
knew. The 0rjlnlan, In time of war.J
and with this nation's" aafety In Tan-
srer. ceuld net act under ordera but
would fight (o be a general, a la Cen
tral American republic atyla. and there
would be turmoil In the ranks ef the de
fetxiars. Ia sur-tt exl rema Individ ualiatn
BTrw cltiseqehip Nrt by a long shot
I'ader tha cloak ef throwlna- tha weet
ern te the ettler, tKe developer of tKe
nations reaoorres, rtnrbo;'s r''lry
artaf nr.lsed. Hie (,'rn to ea v tfce
reaoarcea place-f here fer the purT.le nae
are la be rui)!f!e4 eo tfcat 1 r Inpwmt
tor oor rr,ftt c ft cb !' In lire.
A1if-r"iter firrif'r tvat l1- r;
j,rT cf t' si M r-.nt tv '"!
t '-. r cf i . - r i - - ; r r- - t (
i w t - r ;--' ' -
enect to the transmission of yellow fev-
er and malaria, and tha-neceeslty of the
adoption by the nations of Europe, of
tha convention of Wasliington and other
sanitary measures subsequently adopted
by the organisation with respect to such
colonies as, they have in America.
' Maon Klect Officers. ;
(Special Olapateh to Ths JoOrejl.) " ;
Forest Grove, Or- Dec 24. Holbrook
lodge So. 80., A. F. & A. M.,-of this
city, has elected the following officers'
fdr the coming year; , W. M. Edwin
AUen; 8r. W.. D. D. Bump; Junior vV.,
Ed. Seymour; secretary, A. Ben Kori;
treasurer, J. A.' Thomburgh; ; tyler, M.
E. Dilley: aenlor deacon. V. K. Limber; I
junior deacon. J. W. Hughes; senior
steward, J. O. Lenneville; junior stew
ard, O. S. Hlgsby. .
North Coast Road Loses Caae. .
a Cleelal DUpatcb to The Jot m 1.1
Proaaer, Wash, Dec 84.-The Jury In
the case of the North Coast "Railroad
company against Donald McAlpln came
to an agreement after being out four
hours. The verdict of the Jury waa a
follows: For land taken by the com
pany, amounting to 4SS acres, 81881. St
foriiatoagee sustained by reason f the
railroad crossing said lands. 88T44.2I.
making a total of 15145.71.
Cltj Gets Free 'Fire Hydrants.
rfoedal rrtc ta The JoaroaLt
Tillamook, or, . Dec 84. The city
council received a regular report from
tbe Tillamook water commission. The
report shows that the" water works are
on a paring baals, that It has approxl- ,
ma'ely 8100 cash on band 8109 In the
inking fund and no debta utalda cf
the bonds. The eommlsfon notified tbe ,
city council that hereafter no hydrant ;
rent would be charged the city for Ira '
AWafela . -toes
'Ybmm . -
when you forget to wind it your
system runs down when you neglect it
: Late hours, overwork, unusual worry,
rough weather, all contribute to lessen
your vilty." Your blood grows" thin .
and your nerves get weak.
makes rich, red blood and attrensthens tho
digesti re organs, the nerves and all the muscles. 1
It is a wonderful medidno for run-down, deli
cate, sickly and aged people. - It's the world's ' i
standard body-builder, recommended by Phy
sicians the world over. It is tho best; therefore
it is the one imitated.' There are thousands'of ;
them made, simply to sell on the reputation of
the original. They are cheap -often harmful.
Be sure to get Scott's. .
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Peavrl St. NEW YORK
Meet Me Tonight At
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Cray's History of Oregon. ! Books for Boys and Girls.
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