The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Creditors of Defunct Portland
Institution Learn New Facts
Concerning-Bank Which
Failed two Years Ago. ' '
Tits algnal la given and the curtal
rlnga down on the Red Cross stamp
crusaders who, for a month, liava held
center place on the stage of Portland
attention. Sis encore ara, arranged,
one for eaeh day of nest week, which
meana that the Visiting Kuree associa
tlon In writing "suoress" aa the finis
to their Red Croaa atanipa do not write
It In capita!
"Not H the stamps have been sold,
and although the organised effort to
aell them cloaca with today,- those who
wish them for New Year'a una will
be able to . obtain supplies from the
visiting Nurse association headquarters
any day of nest week.
-fcVfltma.tlo mttnrt. . hnvivp ... tiaa twen
RECEIVES S75.000 productive of results. The net
lesa than $8000. including stamp and
postal card sales and . voluntary dona'
tlon. This Will all b spent In caring
for consumptives In Oregon. In die
aemlnatlng educational matter and in
giving warnlnga against tha tfreat white
plague In Oregon next year. The 12000
or mora which the Visiting Nurse as
sociation will send back to the National
Ked Cross headquarters will be apent
In the national work of fighting- tuber
culosis. . In other words, every cent of
Irrigation Company. Closely
Related to Oregon Trust
and Savings Bank.'
ISilem Bursas of Tha Journal.)
Salem, Or., Dec, 24. Creditors of thejtne mont,y r by selling stamps and
Columbia Southern Irrigating company j postal cards will be used for the bene-
end also those who have not yet fully fit of consumptives,
ruled with the defunct Oregon Trust & The crusade has been : attended by
Savings bank sre Interesting themselves "m uJT,r'"lnr Mtisfying features.
. ,v u-i First, the disposition of the very poor.
In the reported recent sela of the bold- wholcoul(1 freely afford it. to spend
in of the Columbia Soothern company mon(.y f0r stamps and thus help the
to a new concern, the Washington. Ore- cause, which, In turn. Is principally
Kon A Idaho Finance company. Accord- tctlv ln helping the sick among them,
ing to Inqulriea made at Salem the Co- Seconds the magnificent wsy in which
lumbla Southern received $75,000 for th, women, not only of Portland, but
its holdings ln centrsl Oregon. ' ' ' of the state, have responded to the
That the sale haa been consummated app,ai to get In line and help In the
nn recognised by the state 1s svl- fight, "A veritable army of women has
lenced by the fact that recently the auc- been besieging the pocketbooks of the
rossors to me uoiumoia ooumern na.v i state. That' their efforts have not
applied to the Carey Doara xer a new
water rights previously acquired by the h" . .n.i. '
Columbia Southern. , . ; mlnd" of the townspeople.. . f. .
The Columbia Southern was ctoeely Wonderful Craft It Beports Are Trne.
hound up with the affalra of the Ore-1 - if TUllnghast's statements that he
gon Trust & Savings bank.' W. H. I made the trip from here to New Tork
. .Moore, president or tne Dana, was aisoifr0m there to Boston, and from BOS'
president of the Irrigating company. - Citoh back to Worcester without alight
K. Lytle and W. Cooper Morris and an(i that his machine will maintain
otners, trustees or tnn uregon irusc ( speed of 130 mile" an hour are true.
Savings bank, . were also trustees and j the aviation world will receive a big
directors in the Columbia soutnern. it surprise when be decides to break his
is reported mai money was lasen rrom i silence.
the" vaults of the bank and loaned on I The secrecy maintained at the Gough
very favorable terms to tne irrigating i estate and the careful manner ln which
company to further its Interests in east- j the shed, discovery today Is being
ern Oregon. , ..-vw I guarded. Jends new weight to the be-
in its new contract tne state nas i iief that a, marvelous ship has been
V, 4-
fflUHDEH '
Indictments Also Voted Today
by the County Grand Jury
Against Others Accused of
Various Crimes. ,v '
Alfred Sheer, Huntington Rob
bcr, Pleads Guilty to .
$4p00 Burglary.
Owtn Linden, alias Owen M Linden,
charged with murder in the first de
gree, is one of six persons who received
unwelcome Christmas presents In the
form of Indictments from the county,t l ..ireeaa Is evManoed bv 4he rand Jury thla morning. He Is charged
returns ln money and In the aasurancea !. killing" hie brother, James Linden.
that if the campaign la undertaken 1n a qmrm v oeroow o. , ,
again next year It will be met with . James Unden(wss struck down with
a greater dogree of Interest-than everj club, and the slsyer will have to an
before . Iswer for his life before a jury In the
Third, the help given by school chil- circuit court, prooaoiy at tne enruary
dren. Thla Intereat has been regarded '" ""
as peculiarly valuable, for It is a fsct the grand Jury were Minnie Byrne. Katie
that tuberculosis spreads most easily Schledeman. H. Bchledeman. Mra. . C.
In crowded heated schoolrooms. While Schledeman, William Oelsner and tt T.
the children have been selling stamp Croddy. , ;
they have been learning the dangers of - Xadloitaff for Assault, .. -'
consumption, and the best .way of j Charles Tabler. another of the men
avoiding the disease. ' I Indicted, is accused of sssault uponi
The Visiting Nurse association, which! Miss Marie Buskuhl with Intent to kill
hss led ln the campaign, feels very I by the administration of poison. Tabler
grateful to the varloua organisations I had been courting Miss Buskuhl, who
that have aided the fight. The ,Woman,'s was employed as s domestic, and ahe
club, the graduate nurses, ana many i charges thst on November Z9 he slipped
othera have been very active and very I Up behind her as she sat In a chair and
effective. '' ' - 1 held chloroform to her nose until she
Red Cross stamps have gone from I na unoonsclotis. She managed to mske
Portland and from other Oregon cities her way to the bathrom and give an
an over tne wona .' roDaoiy iiv, I alarm.
Red Cross stamps were soid lnout- H. V. Warnockla accused of obtaining
state town, the remainder, in Fort 1175 by false oretensns by presenting
(Rperlal Dlipatcs to Tha Jooru.l.l
Raker Otj Or., Dec, XI. Three prls
oners yesterday pleaded guilty and re
ceived their sentences. Alfred Sheer
will spend six years in the-pentltentlary
ror robbing the Knox Jewelry store at
Huntington on the sventng of Decem
ber 1. lie secured 14,000' worth of
diamonds and Jewelry. Most of the
valuables were recovered. .
Elaon MrDuffy of Harney -t county
pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery
but owing to extenuating circumstances
the court paroled him.
Arthur Cook, who haa been In trouble,
before In Baker City, pleaded guilty to
tne charge of forgery and will spend
two -and-a half yeara In the pentlten
tlary. This completes the criminal
docket for the present term.
made its Interests more secure than in constructed. Toe correspondent was
the old one, and it is believed tnat jus- j taken before the Justice summarily to-
tice for the settlers - who have been I dav. and the swift manner ln which
mistreated for so many yeara will be I he was nrosecuted. for trespassing 1
uie outcome. I believed to ' have been employed as a
warning to others who might attempt
K. E. Lytle said today that the trans-1 to Invade the secrecy of the airship
fer of the Columbia Southern Irrigation j plant.
company s interests to tne- wasnington,
Oregon & Idaho Finance company had
undoubtedly been! accomplished as .the
result of long continued negotiations."
"W. H. Moore was never president of
the Columbia Southern irrigation com-
7 pany, nor was he ever' connected with
' ift In any way. J. Prank ;"Watson was
president for - some " time, then he ; re
signed and since then Vice President
Clarke of Oregon City has been, acting
as p residen U, Nei t,her W. Cooper Mor
ris nor myself are, : or have been, dl
W. Belcher;
to W. W. Savage a falae bill of aale
to the furniture in a house at tog Park
street that he did not own. The of
fense alleged dates back to October,
190. but Wecnock has been out of the
recently appre-
Joseph A. Tauscher X
violin. Miss Julia Burke.
. At tha SL Lawrence church masses
will be at the same hours; the early j etate and was pnly
mass will be sun by the children s nenaed. '
eholr and late maas by the regular choir. ' P. I Austin, a dentist, and Nettie
under Mr. .Fleming's direction. ' The 1 winn, wno were oouna over in tne mu
personnel of the choir Is as fpllows: Jnlclpal court on a statutory charge, are
Snnranna Mrs. Frank RuckerL Miaaea In the Indicted list, and so is Oscar
Anna Twins, Loretta Sheasgreen, Nellie Auen cnargea wjui a statutory crime
Cardiff, Anita Champagne, Marguerite against jsisie Mattes, a If-year-oid girl.
De Keyser. Mildred zane. Bertha Iahale, ; Indictment Withheld.
r -n 1 . mu.k.ll .M :
iwaw bans,.. DaruaiB , iwiicbch, '' I k.. I. kk1.1
Masterson. Oretchen Kurth, Marl. , r"' r " ,
iwirauHuwr, :. . lat hurra. Two "not tru
bare. Irene Barbara. Ethlee Logsdon,
Agnes Finn, Blanche Lahaie.
bills were re
turned. One of these release A. "C.
McKeen, charged with obtaining goods
by false pretenses from F. L Hsrtman
TenorsA, Glanelll. Thomas Kllleen. 1,"" ZiZZ "a t T ir
"d tk m-T i-(. I by means of a sight draft on E R
Mile. The latter came to Portland as
a witness ln behalf of McKeen. who is
bis brother-in-law. and was put under
bond as a witness. . . Being - unable to
furnish 11000 bail he has been In JalL
Robert Barrett, Joseph Finn, Aloyslu
Hyland. -:a,-' ,-.;.,, .--,: -v-,.
Bassos Andrew Cain, Ludwig Wolt-
ring, A. B. Cain, C. F. Twltchell, J. J.
Atkinston, A. Fleming. .. ,
,Soi r-Jli,ri e"n babea corpus proceeding to
Sunday afternoon Ohr sfmas exercises obt.r hi release, but allowed the mst-
for ' the children will be held ln the :
obtain his release, but allowed the mat
will Ka .i.,An . , t v uift LiiBh m iiuv l.rue uiii - WUU1U
(Continued from Page One.)
rectors In the Columbia, Southern com- t off theJr ,,eieCuona until the last Tom John Kelleher
minute, and are now clamoring tor tneirijack Malcolm McL,ean
turn at tha nerve worn clerks. And to-j Mistress Santa Clau .. ..Helen Cardiff
night It Is expected that there will be Claire ................Mary Masterson
the same annual wild eyed throng as ln Helen .............Adelaide Sheasgreen
former years. . . v. ... . Marie ,i. ...... ..Beatrice 'Cowan
Stores Close at 930. '' Ad it. .-.. j,.... Marie Thompson
.v.. v. j, Chorus, .girls, boys, gnomes u and
will close at J:S0 o'clock tonight. That 1 jtiinri- Tav.
nueniwn.iiiB tigntiug wa oesperaie, means that the doors will be closed at I : The services at St David's EpIscodsI
that time, and no one can get ln, though I church, . East : Twelfth and Belmont
those inside may complete their buying atreets, on Christmas day are as fol
This expected result' frees
Misses Mary Masterson, A. JSenn JT'S.f1 I-
Tour Welcome Here" .Cliorus f""?.!??.:?
Operetta, "Santa Claus Heaquarter." ''.iT,.":""
Characters. f. ' ' ' I John Neusen. ! He was accused of hit-
Santa Claus .'.Daniel Wilson I ting' Neu'sen- with a hand Tiay hook on
Jack' Frost , , . , . .Francis Jacobberger j December 8. Circuit Judge Morrow- re
Wanderer ........... Qeorge Wlederhold I celved the grand Jury's report, in the
temporary absence of Presiding Judge
pany. My Interest In It is simply be
cause of money I invested In It." l
(Continued from Page On.)"
and marked by severe Jobs of life. At
six o'clock, however, a white flag was
run up from the Zelayans' position.
Toledo WUl Probably Surrender.
Ths Zelayan ,rmy that has occupied
Greytown has evacuated the city, ac
cording to messages brought here today.
The Greytown garrison, which was tin
der the command of General Toledo, ls
entirely cut ort from the defenders of
Jianagua, and It Is believed Toledo will
surrender without ' making ran attempt
to reenforce the troops at the capital.
Many Americans are playing a heroie
part In the triumphs of the revolution
ists. ; Some of them are popularly held
to be partially responsible for the rebel
victories at Rama and Kecero early this
- week.-: ' .
America. Hag- for Bandage. '
John Brainsford of North Dakota was
wounded three- times during Monday's
fighting. He was left for dead on the
field, but three hours later with an
American flag bandaged tightly about a
severe wound on his arm. he crawled into
Estrada's camp. He wss brought to a
hospital here, a' . ; .
Generate Gonzales. Castello and' Ro
berto of the Zelayan forces, who were
captured in Wednesday s engagementa,
were brought to this city today, and are
held am prisoners of war.
1 Many of, the prisoners brought to
Blueflelds were In a pitiable physical
condition, 'i They were half starved and,
according to their assertions, has sub-
sistea on bananas, and corn for more
before being driven out
The oldest Inhabitant ha never seen a' m - n0.1 communion; 7. a, m..
- luinuiuuiun yiv a, m., morning
such a tush upon the store and the toy prftyiir. 10:80 a. : m... holy communion
counters as now, he says, and he goes an(1 Mrmong by the rector, the Rev.
on to argue mat tne wiaespreaa pros- i Henry Russell Talbot
perlty of the country is responsible fort The following mush: will be rendered
this condition, because men have steady I t this service;
work and a regular Income, and conse j Solo "Rejoice Greatly". , .Mme d'Auria
quently large hearts and generous bands. J communion service . , . , . , ..Eyre
This same well-to-doneas and it con-j Communion hymn ......... .Suxa Jones
sequent spirit 'of liberality ! bas - also I Miss Lynch, Mrs. Campbell, Mra. Gay-
caused the sunshine to come Into roany'ru, miss jones.
a humble home.r Portland people, as a I Cantlque Noel ..........Adam
rule, do not like to sea themselves and I Miss Buza Jones snd choir.
their own happy, while their neighbors I At 5 the Norwegian Danlsji Methodist
are sad. For this reasohcharlty. off 1- J Episcopal church. Vancouver avenue
daily, and again Incognito, haa come tolnd Skidmore street, special services
the aid of those who have been unfortu-1 wiu do given enrtatmas day at 11 a. m.
nate and smoothed the holiday season nd at 7:80 Sunday school exercises and
for them. : No report has been made, sol tree.
far, of any home Into which Santa Claus
will not creep during the. darkness of
tonight- If any such report should come
a special messenger would undoubtedly
visit that plaoe, before . tomorrow had
passed. . : ";Y;:
wea Provided Wltb. road. '
than two weeks. ;
(Continued from Page One.)
machine -without hi assistance or di
rection. : , i .
Mj Be Craft. .. . . . . .
Reports of last night's flight! came
from varloua directions. Many of those
who saw the craft declare that they
could make out tbe outlines of two
men seated In the frame of the ship.
Others . say that only one person was
aboard. All agree, bowever, that the
frame work of the machine could be
rt fernd above the swiftly moving
lseht which attracted their attention.
The machine was seen at North horo.
H-.peial. Grafton. North. Grafton. ITp
"'. Natkk. Ashland. Marlboro. South
rramir.ston and also was reported to I
n irririraa uoaion common.
Tiilfrijliaat remalDl sihit today ami
f fuaed to dtseuas fets airship in scy
sy. The belirf thst he Is the raven-t.-r
f r.n of tbe ronet reaisrkafela air
. ! t . world has knows baa growa
(SDcclal Dtioatck to The JosvaaLl -
La Center. Wash.. Dec. 24. J. Ynnnr.
The various organlsea charities of thai auist a bachalnr. hn ni
city have been well provided with f unda mlltsa or Center, was badly
-m .h-iff.r, Iburnwl while asleep near a hot stove,
tions. The board of charitlea is looking AfteP bwtln;, a hot fir Toungqulst
after Individual cases. The Salvation I eaieo nimseir by the stove. After dos
Armv and the Volunteer of America I 'ng off to sleep his clothing came In
are planning to feed and cheer hundreds contsct with the heated stove. His leg
of the wanderers from the highways and I w" oumea rrom tne ankle to the thigh.
byways of "the town. On every hand He Is in a precarloua condition. He
the spirit of Chrlatmas was wrapped lost his right arm while working: In
ibe city. . v I verted s mui nere about two yeara ago.
Official recognition of this spirit cel-
mnuvn ui uia tvmi nmniui ui uurisi- i iuncuttr(-iiics AITVSieiZ.
ma a, will be accorded by tne churcbea ori (spMJal I) 1mm tea u The JosrnaLt
the elty tomorrow- and later ln thai Rcsebur. Or.. Dec ti Two irruti
week, when "special services will be held wre made her - yesterday for aUeaed
Bronaugh. Thinking It was a final re
port. Judge' Morrow thanked the Jury
in a ' neat ' little speech,. : wished the
Juror a merry Christmas, and started
to discharge them for the term, when
Deputy District Attorney Vreeland ln
formed the court ; that this was not
the final report The jurors will con
sider other business next weekN
. mm , ,-:
' (Continued from Page One.)
entrance Into this city.' It could only
com over the North Bank bridge and
terminal yards In tha northwestern part
of tbe city would, of courae, be a ne-
cesslty. . The theory, therefore, that thl
lateat movement of property " ln that
section is to supply the terminal re
quirements of Portland fourth trana
continental road finds much to give It
l-uivr. . .... '
Jame J. Hill, when here last week.
stated in an interview with The Jour
nal that he was not here to Inspect the
system s properties, as generally had
been reported In the press of the Paciflo
nortnwest along ths rout of his tour,
thereby Intimating that he was here on
a vastly more important mission. "
JTot Sera to Inspect. ,
;.- 'Our lines do not need my Inspection,'
was Mr. HifVe curt answer, when asked
If that was the purpose of hi tour this
time. , v. -v.
'Certainly we are going to do things,
but for me to divulge the plans at this
time would be to block them," the vcf
eran magnate quickly ' responded when
asked ln regard to future plans for this
district 'But-you don't suppose Ii
would tell what they are. j v
And that he did not give Portland two
days for a rest cure, he Indicated when
asked If he had planned how to' spend
tne time, - ',". -,':; " -;
I am going to be very busy. I am go
ing to see thing, but never mind what
I am going to see." .
"How about terminal matters?" was
."Terminals have nothing to aay
about terminals. What you want to
do is tfget busy and stir up 4mmigra
' That the terminal question was upper
most ln importance, Is now the accepted
belief among many who had opportunity
to Keep tab on the railroad . builder'
movements here. v
W. G. McPhersoh. of the W. G. Mc
pherson Co., declined to option his three
quarters of a block, saying. that Mr.,Gos-
sage did not produce any credentials
showing who he represented, and wanted
the option -for 91) day . without giving
ny consideration. VI could see nonbusi
ness In this, and declined to deal with
(t'nltfd l'rM I-eaaed Wlra.)
Los Al)SU'S, leo. H. 'i'o her
rare presence of mind, Mrs. I
J. Jjtberon. 70 yeuis old, owes
her life. Hhtr was crossing Broad
way when a Grand Avenue ear
bore down - upon tier. in the
crush of street traffic it waa Im
poaalblfl for her to escape.
Iluhdreda .of Christmas shop
pers gased horror stricken, ex
pecting to sea the aged , woman
ground to death beneath the
wheels, Mrs. Laberon calmly
crouched an Instant before the
4 Render struck her ankles. k She
was tossed back against the
screen, still sitting upright, ana
thus she remained gasing benign
ly about until a badly frightened
moterman brought the heavy car
to a stop.'
Then Mra Laberon was assist
ed to her feet She was not even
bruised.' '
"I realised that If I sat down
and raised my feet I would not
be hurt." aald Mrs. 'Laberon af
ter the unusual experience. "I
suppose most women would have
been excited but I was not It
wa fun riding on the fender,
but I would not like to repeat
It. too often." ; . .
Said to Have Worked a Phony
Telegram in a Scheme to
Obtain $1600 Loan, j
' (doited rTMS ta-wdlrtrO '
Los Angeles. Deo, It V. J. Dan-
ford, an attorney, who was reoently dis
barred by the superior oourt. Is In JaJJ,
charged with having forged a telegram
In an effort to obtain a loan of $1000.
He was taken to tbe county Jail
late last night Danford strenuously
denied that he waa guilty of any of
fense. He declared that he was at
tempting to secure a loan for a client, .
whose name he refused to divulge,
According to C. J. O'Keefe, wh-v
swore to the warrant, Danford solicited
a loan of $1000 from him, and aa se
curity offered a 6000 bond purporting -to
be Issued by tbe San Miguel Gas
Light and Power company of TeUurlde.
Colo. - Danford stated, according to
O'Keefe, that bonds . matured ln
May, 110. ' v
O'Keefe insisted on telegraphing to .
the company and the message was writ- .
ten and delivered to a messenger. Then,'
he alleges, Danford called, up the tele
graph company, regained possession of
the message before It had been aent,. .
then forged, a reply to the effect tbatC
tne bonds matured In May, which he
iDnlted Preas Leaaed Wire.)
.- Kansas City. Dec 24. When friends gave to O'Keefe.
of Miss Margaret Sullivan, who died O'Keefe made . Inquiries and learned.
. ... ..... lan ha aJle area, that no telesram had
nere recently, toon tsvuv in currency i r z , , mu. v.- ..
. " t, Meen sent or received. Then he had
K a fmmil Ka aAmaai r V ' waa IVjv. I
Kllfr. J iVUHU iiiw vriiiaa ii , w tiv vv ss aW
lleved to ' have ' been penniless before
the money waa discovered, had $3000 on
deposit Mia Sullivan worked for 27
years at a hotel. When the proprietor
died, several years, ago,, he left his faith
ful servant $1000 Miss Sullivan de
posited the money In a bank and' the
Institution failed. Her friends believed
her penniless, and It was not until her
trunk was opened that her small for
tune was discovered. A , v , -r 4
ninpatcb ta Tha JonrnaLl..
Wallowa, ,; Or., Deo. 24.-Nearly SO
business men of this city signed a paper
which was circulated last week artd
sent to Walla Walla for use ln the local I
option fight there. This paper gave a
splendid testimonial of the workings of
the local option law In this county. .
Harvey W. Harris has been appointed
(Oaited Press Laaaed Wlra.
New York, Deo. Jt.--Nance
. O'Neill, for years a . great fa-
vorlte on the stage of the pa-
ciflo coast, but without recognl-
1 tlon here, ha won her New iork
laurels at last, and today Is
heralded a one of .he foremost . e
actresses of the age.
Following her great suocess In e
-rrhe Lily." which opened last
night at the Stuyvesant theatre,
S;; under the direction Of David Be-"
lasco; her position is eBiaousuea
above question. ' - J -
? After the third act of the play,
the curtain had to be run. up 37
. times in answer to the insist
ed ent applause. The audience gave
supervisor of the Wallowa national for-Miss O'Neill the aort o" demon-
est reserve. He has been acting super
visor since the promotion of IL K.
O'Brien over a year ago.
Lee Blevans, J. Fred McClaln and Jo-
soph A. Harris, rangers from the Wal
lowa national forest, will attend the
Rangers' School of Forestry In Seattle
for several weeks this winter.
stration that is. the dream of as
pirants to dramatic success.
All the 'New Tork papers to
day agree in paying her nigh
compliments and proclaim her aa
one of the world's best actresses
of her type. , .
Blame Fixed for Freight Wreck.
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 24. As a result
of an Investigation, the blame for the
. Public Tax Meeting.,
Hood River. Or.. Dec. 24. Pine Grove
freight train runaway at Kalama has I grange at its last sesion placed Itself
hmn lived UDon Conductor Rav and Ion record as favoring a public meeting
Brakeman Anderaon. , The. Investigation of the taxpayers of the county .to dls,
showed that the hand brakes had not cuss the tax question before, the coun.ty
been properly set before the engine wasloourt met to fix the tax levy for tiie
uncoupled. j I r year. . , . , . ' . .
sermons will be given tomorrow, tomor- m'" on4er rret V w- Bogard,
row evening and Mondsy while appro-1 . r UMr"r resxn, ana enan
priate sermons will be the order of the I KI; Chinaman, owner of the Oregon
day Sunday. . . . I care, boiq were arraignefl before a
jusiu-v ina pemn ana enierea pleas
enrni I niinir-ni a r r . I" "ul iar neia nnaer
OTCUIML. inrld i niMO , I bonds of tltO each.
in two churches Utterly . Wretched
Meet Me Tonight At
- ?! c.'t r-f.
At St Mary's church, o Williams
avenue, special Christmas music will be
givea at tho morning services tomor
row. Mas will be at i. . ?. I. . and
1:I. - The last will be aol'mg high
mass, celebrated by Rv. Father Daly,
assisted by Fathers He1r and MtKmrr,
Father Hetser will give-the sermon at
late man. PTiJltlnn and hleawed
aaevaaaent will follow. t Mary's choir,
j under Joe TauarbrVe d I rrrl (on. with
, ia Golds Com let at tbe rgan. will
j sing:
j Knwi Krr, nVorta and CVeio;
. Ownod i Psrx-tss and Arum Ifl. and
Noel fne offertory. tHrmnn Mra.
fhmrit-m A'phona. Mis RshM 0t
kites Nit Hatwwat ( trTi
OI' MarhmAn; illn, Ura
OrlnAd- Mj,h iMMmi Mf Ida N'eM.
M.a Jalla Horke; ltn-s. J. W. H. u er,
w ' m n4r-wnn4, arls
'-'r K.i . rr Umr-T. i n-rc
1 li"? A Tul- I. J- Irr"--'
Vervons Frortratloa "Long Sadored Be
fore Bemedy Was I..
MIs Minervs Remlnrer. t'nner Bern.
Pa., write r -For several years I had
nervous prostration, and wa utterly
wretched. I llred on breait and beef rtr.
te b-oa fry stomach would not re- while Gosaage jraa here and (he
tain mi tliln et-. I tvk many twnel... er, . irni.
but ohtaJne-1 no r!Wf until I took . " "T? ? ,L P
and- fractional block It, owned by Hoyt
and Cook, were not secured . by their
agent tlte . owners declining to sell.
Three-quarters of -block 1, owned by
W. G. Mcpherson, also could not be se
cured. ...
Options were taken on three blocks
ln Blackstone's addition, ; as follows:
Block 15, owned by Oregon Planing I
Mill; block 13, ownedby Macleay estate;
east half of block 12, owned by Macleay
estate. R. L. Ray, owner of tho south
half of block 14, in Blackstone's addi- j
tlon, declined to sell. .: :.- I
Block 29. In Watson's addition. Owned
by W, D. . Hofiu of , Seattle, was op
tioned' at $100,000. r 'n ').-Z'.---W,-.-
When' the blocks were bought as a
whole, the average price, per block fixed j
by the owners was about. $100,000. but
In dealing with Individual lot owners.
Goasage waa forced to agree to fig
ure which will average , not , far from
$20,000 a lot ... , ; .-4
' . Agreement Before Botary. , v
In securing these 'option Gosaage
paid $1 to each property holder and
the agreement wa signed before a no
tary and in the presence of witnesses.
Attorneys express a : doubt whether a
merely nominal consideration -of. $1
would be sufficient to make the con
tract binding. '' j
An Interesting story Is told of recent
efforts to acquire property in this sec
tion of the city. - For some time it has j
been known that the Chicago, Milwaukee
at St Paul waa figuring upon an en-j
trance Into" Portland by way of the
North Bank bridge over the Columbia, j
This news was published exclusively ln
The Journal some six weeks ago. '
A ah ort time previous private Individ-J
oala had secured 48 and to day options i
by Gossage. - These speculator had j
heard the reports that the Northern Pa-
ciflo or the Milwaukee waa expecting t
purchase 'in that part of the city and!
they evidently anticipated a large profit
from the option which, they secured.
However, no move wss made by either
railroad, and the options expired. j
Tli its ami's 'Apartmeata. .
Then Mr. Gossage appeared a the
seens and quietly gobbled up the prop-
Jimii j. mil cams to Portland
' If ML
V ii
io nave encoorsgea tne impression that
Id to
. w 12T,,h ff-il of the land departments
it Rartwrarlila Mt. In u-iv,.ln' ' .
ral Ikjuid term or taWets called sra- JM - -er or Carey A Ker
ubs. tattomer for the North Bans line, whn
-n toar, poeftivly declined to be
e I tnterrlewH. stating that be was In n-
I Trnt i ! imi ta di-tia tk wialt.v . 1 A
Hwd'a HarvapaHDs. when I beraa
rain at owe Am mv ruNnf."
riT9, rird Mood make rK1. Mronar be was retrentln Hill and la si
r-rr.. an1 this t why !( Ii(-r.i,lv, hof-n In frequent conference
-riiia, m r it yuniii inq enrirnea tne
l,Kol, -iirt- sa many rerrot
I WK i ft 1 M trf lirMMlhl,
vert an it Is l-po-s' tl. , ,0 Careys re-
o. . rr lar-t Sle.. in at-.ttl.1?-4 Mem that the tK.s- op-
of ,-r-o.-u-.s Ur.,T.t .e,t r- 1 , , 7" ,n"r'; ef
r-,T f.-T r t- arl )'V-. i T. "
t . ......... a . ...