run onr.coN daily journal Portland, piuday .evening. December 24,. idod. hioiu-s a.m own i s 11 r-'l'Al'H In iinst mHilnt tm Washing (mi fur flah, poultry. -k. eta. Low rent ,Miii ti 1; u. klW UK a office In Couch u t'liaiiiiere bliiBn. aOl Coui-h WAN ! Ll TO ItEXT i WANTi:i To rent X pool table. Tabor i5ii r(fr 11 a. tn. TFon JtKT 11 ALLS " 50 HAf.L with piano fnr rent cheap. 308 M : Stark at. W.tM ID MISl Kl.LANLOt S 0 HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 WI3 WILL BUY Your i. STOVtfl AMJ M IIMTUnE, Or take. It In Up.U fur raw. 15 front at. Main 6ul. nxrr tl the Au'lli'nl lloone to soil your hiiuat-holil ami. la, t"i mt attention ami hlgheni, 117 Front at. )'hn Main i.e. ,', 1'lUiMl'T attention and lilgtieat pilcos paid fur furniture. Hawthorns Fur, ro.lS2Orjwidse , n'Ar H e;'o,. IK Wl.sK, art mora rr your second hand furniture l.y selling It to Kurd Auction Co.. Ill 1st M. SMbl. A-J4I. LOST AND 1X1111 SI PEK-NONAL ELlCtTHOLYHMI ilt)l.l"H Wrinkles, superfluous hair re- moved. Mrs. M 1 . 1 1 1 II. fi'J Fllednar. i TI'K JOURNAL maintains a t-ost and) 1H. C H t'A It ' Found llurtieu to all (ha inulie la thai TliS Hull Known tti lallat. recovery of loet articles. If you loaa . Lsdlcs, )uu nwa f to yom'sulves tf anything, lit.tnlre at once at the Loot ' aale. t (ho aid of an eM"il in the treat anil lound llurcau of 'I Urn Journal, and tturnt of IJ.nao iinrax and dlrrdrrs m IStwiy m uiaiiv vi TUU( 11 ; I'ri uiiar lu 1 AMI r r, r. v.aii"-' " ' NT1TII1V ItlV . . . .1 ... . rn article of valua , tla, nthi methods bi the rraull of ni"'"V"""": ."" . .... i . ... i .... lri . 1141 I . ' " . ' . ' tiASOLINE EN'GINKS you should find any article Of vaiua , tia.ixiii mallioda tne, the it-null of and vt loll to find (da rta-lilful owns, t rx triialve a-i I.iiib In tmlluU rholreaie and r(all. angina repairing. ii ei ma ill ana U" uuii Minn racllta. ma HIIUU" pin...- . , n .hl.,...w r la Xlnrrlaon. cf The Journal. I i heir mcui.auons without Interruption. 1 KirTm,'nrhnrrT-Sa. Mnrrm I.M.k ..vrr.t.ot v i.iiaiiii inin rr-.-iy ami coin mfu iw . i I'AUIV li kntiwn fo 1 1 mil ('In la(riian'a litill rviMiiiie'. Mflurn to JimiiuuI offli-e and atvr IrtiitMt. AVv.liirailay ' ' MTt haiua Trual l.ld., at tin and FOR 8AL.E. ' Horses, Harness & Wages Another rarload of ' lioraea arrlvad Ir(rinlicr t; aorna flrat elaaa horava, aouie clifAp hnraes; tv- alao hav i marra from 11U0 to 1400 Ilia, each; da. livery, vaa;Ublo and axprcaa wauona; 10 liufc-giea: brand nw farm hamaaa t 2(i. HAWTMOIINE3 STABLES, 420 Hawthorne avo. iiOHSKi and bupnica tor rant by day. wauk and monlh; apvclal rataa to buslnna liouara. th and Hawiliorna. Fa at 11. : - . - JlT ST b mild this week, aniall tea pi, cliMip; pay inara, clu'ap; brown niara, llo; curt and liarncas, lt. i'liona Main asoi. I1KU1KST prlt'rH pa Id f or ro)por, biaaa, rultlM-f aluma; alao jirlia, lild a and fura. T)IK Kaat Blile "l-'urnruiro and HmhTmIiI ,ST 'Lli Iv'i ' mi onrf h.hH lir.h., r.i 1 i. . Af.1 I ai:n-U. 1''(I'.S1 I .!) a mli; owner may liava aam liy l alllnf at 1 o clock, nrtmawlrk - Halhr-Col IrihIt of f ! f Tl XI 1 ka"n - oi kTi cmviict ran havo Kama by calling at UJ looln n.NANCIAl. 91 I I I I I I I I t .t, f t I I I I MONET to loan without delay and atrlctly conrlJendal on real tatate, furniture and planoa (with ' , out . removal), atorace receipt a. life Inaurame pallclna. Jewelry , and diamonds and all kfnde of aevurltlra, at lo-at ratea In city. On eaey weekly or monthly pay . menta. V. B. Heal RaUte Brokeraite Co., room II Hamilton blUg.. ISl Id at fhone-Maln J084. $ t I t III 11111111111 tftfft rhalll. rrukl at l-inar win receive liberal rewmil. Kiwt ti, I7S'l"Tdv'a Kltflu ali-)i, lont lf-in-br ii; 4aa No, ag.izi; rawitrd. , CalJ Wooillawn x ot leva 20 .' LOANS WAITED 80 1 AM in the nittt'ket to buy lioraea from 4 to t years old, weight from 1J00 to j WONKY loaned, aatary or furniture, , ixoo; niuat be sound. 605 Alblna ave. I Konm 11 Wewhlnitton Md. Main 9483 can Hrnngeii. t'OR 6ALI? I'ony exproHa wtion, near ... ly new, 190. MS Nicolal at., N. I'ort- '""i1- ' I WANT $1209. I years: will pay I per YUUNa mari fod nmn wunt work, roun- cent; aecurlty, 100x100 with nice 6 1 ranee 47 east. try. Tuke ifood horeo for pay. K. tS. room bouse. Prefer private party. W-H5, Sections 16 and I, township SS south, 8., im li. Btaik St., Portland. Journal. .. ranxe 48 east. ; - , FlOKSKS and 'niaits vtill klnda for 1 .' 11 -I BHCtlons H and . township 19 aouth, WaahiiiKioii. lloura 10-1. i-4. -. Bun- tiny, 10-1. - iat. Al.ioib a. GitiVr. Pliecaas of woman and children e clualvaly. Woman are often saved ee. vere eurifleal operations by eonauttlng me. Narvuus (llaeasea of children a se-latiy. AH. the la teat electrical treatment given. Correapondanee bo Hilled. No charge ,'or eonaultat'on. Phoiica, Main it. A-SA0T. office room It. Grand Theatre bldg, Waal. Ington and 1'ark. "THE JAIIN" co;. -"'pa'rk-: rirat elaaa hatrdrefrslng eetablianineau Winn, toupeue, front idecee that fit latent atylaa of transformations cover heat all over. ' Detection In our makea lnioaallle. Experienced man wlrmeker In adrndance. Uur exclualve system of r mien nair dyslng aavea time ana money. Our tonics and dermatology removes worst cases of scales, tetter and dandruff LKATHElt A FINDINGS CHA, U MASTICK ft CO, 74 front. loather of every description, tap tnfra. flndlnaa. XJVOtY AND BALE BTABLES IIFRSIAN stables Haeka. livery, board Ins; and aale: f ornlture-movlnf . Ill Union ave. Phone K. t&lll night M. lOk. MUSIC TEACIIEUS NOTICE Off 8 A LB OK RTATK XANDH. Notice la hereby liven that the elata land board will receive aealcd bids un til 10 o'clock a. m.. Kehruarv I. 1910. for the following described school lands, towll: 8. W. U of S. W. . N. W. i of fl. W. t.. N. U of N. W. W and E. of section 16, ana N. Y. and lots 1, Z, j. , a, a. . i. a, , i anu u. ot sociiou . IH -A m ,..;,, 10, in township SB south, range 17 east ",",' " , .," 7" mY;'i room ii. x ,-hu kvo you doxcua qr tea iiruoniais rrom the beat citizens o I'orlland. Henieniber. 1 hid localil a my 1-lrst St.. room 17. Major. A. wtMKiin. munuracturer. Pilc Cured ' - The very bent pile remedy In the WKBBKR Aee4niy or , Wusto. Violin, mandolin. Dlano. lullir. banJOL 4SV nrsfunirifn. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Alphabetically Arranged tot the Convenience of Journal Iteadi-ra. 500,000 PORTLAND 1912 A dollar wisely Invesled In Portland real eatate today I'orlland real eatale tod iv meana rln lare 11 he Inventor In the near future. 1 'or I land la yet In, lie Infancy. No city ue i aciiio coant naa a oriifiiier ruiure. tixlensive oeveiopmruta era now In progreaa. Valuable Information can be obtained from any of the lu low named really dealers. . NAUi; AtlDKEUS TILtl'llOM - Paikiia, A. rirvlngtoii). ,,:.,....., 6I Hoard el Treite..,, A TB74." ".. Jtoker A. A , ...,.J1 Ablneton BUlg... Mln A :.! fliaele Cosinany. 110 Ht. lla ami A - " Hrnl.ker A Hvuedlct .....ft" Mrkay HMt VMinUcr lleislita. Main : Bullerworth Blupbeoaoa Coaipaar, Ine. M Laf.r.lla lll.lg....btS and V...U. s... . rMAb A f n m , . . . B . , & . . , n . . n . i uaiiia ai iiariow, ...... ..Mala )l ....... BallwooJ P-77 Mala anil A UL'l TAH. bi.njo and - mandolin sohool. i t niuniiiia at., cor. i,'tn Ikl. C'MMlTH. lettcher of planov. 452 8aJ won. Main TS40. Conservatory course. B. THlL'14'lOrtN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. A-4 HO. JJ 84 Pine at. Main 3048, LOl'18 A. Ci'lKITSS. violin ttracher. 111 emerman at. Fhone Main las. . PIANO, violin, cornet mandolin. , Prof. H. A. smith. 11 17th St. Sections l and 36, township SS south, ranee 4 4 eaau Woctlons 16 and 36. township II aouth. ratiKe 46 east. Boctions 16 and 16, township IS aouth. ranee 46 east. . - Sections 16 and 16, township is south, MONEY TO LOAN ale at MadlHon ft. Hales Ktables. I li;iMi Madlnon, near brldire. WK WANT to buy . 1 00 . horsoa and marcs. All kinds taken.' Anderson & Hoy.l. 49 N. 4th et. Main B813 l'Olt HAX.K, clifiip, team and harness, a.fii. i-nono wooaixwn m, A W'ULl- .selcctmi cnrioud ot horses ou I Ume to call "before X mas rush la on. sale. 50o Alblna ave. ' XM$ K0I!FjT:.. Upon your personal note. Now is the j I range 47 east. I BtH'tlnns 16 and 16, township II aouth, ranee 4 east , Section 16, township 14 aouth, range west. , Hcctlon 16, township 26 south; range west. Section 16, township 12 south, range I west. . All bids must, be accompanied by a regularly executed application to pur- KLlTfc UairdrohMliMf I'urlors-Halr dresaliig, manlrurlnn, shampooing, facial massMue and scalp treatment. Complete line of hair goods, toupees and combings nniae tip to order. Uesldence cans r' sounded to. Onen evi ninirs till 7: Hun days. :30 to 1 p. m. Main 3334. 109 7th "THE JAHN',rei and Russian baths. Removing of su perfluous hair, moles. warts, etc. rainless and permanent hv clectrio needle. In dorsed by all physicians., 38. Yamhill St., cor. W. Park. M. 6174. A-3644. LIVESTOCK AND roCLTRY S3 $10, '$25,., $50, ; $75, TWO splendid young Jersey Holsteln cows with calves: one elves 6 gala. rich milK: reasonable.- Mill deliver on Christinas day If wanted; would ex change Tor beer cows. I'hone woodlawn I unpV'iiinv ' NO Ockley Oreen. St. Johns ear. OH on sironT , ,; NOTICE TO ANY O.VB. WORKING. 1 IXDWEST -. ratf;s. " ' : KA61EST PAYMENTS. Kay's 'Detective . Agency" Thoa. Kay hat established a dotee- I be given to all cases. lOast 3673. B-8434. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. eood NO . -milker, gentle. Bee Walla, IV4 miles PUBLICITT. east of Lents. --.- - .. ... sf6h BALE-Jersey cow. good ' rich REBATE GIVEN IF ; PAID BEFORE Men Cured Cclciilf . Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostata, nervous debility, piles. eta W. 1. Howard. M. D.. 804-6 liotn child bldg., 4th and Washington. milker. Woodlawn 114 FOR SALE One rpllch cow. , Call 426 DUE.,. .E. Everett -FI Vli 4?al!oucawa place, Caster's lents, 6 hlocK from station. STATE SECURITY CO. 2 FHES1I cows, 1 Jersey Durharn. fine. - ricn miiKers. b k. Alain. M'?1-9A.L.lx??ItYaiENT8 ?4 USED upright pianos; different makes irom our rent ana exciiange siocn montniy until paw in run. GRAVES MUSIC CO,. Ill 4th at Portland. CHRISTMAS PRESENT Silently used upright piano, mahogany case, splen did tone and action; cost $500; sacrifice iztiu cash. Jr-aSi, Journal. 3 0 8 "FATLTNGBtDG "Open evenings until Xmai.' DID CHRISTMAS BREAK YOU? . VWHT BE HARD UP? - - - SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GIVE YOUR NOTE. GET 110 TO 3100. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. SPECIAL RATES UNTIL JAN. 1. ENOUGH SAID. DON'T DELAY.- 0 TATE SECURITY CO., 808 FAILING BLDG. ' THE CRESCENT LOAM aQKNCT. - 402 Rothchlld bldar.. eoraar 4th and Washington. The recognised bank of. the waee earner. A clerk, bockkeener. 1 machlnfat engineer or employs can ob- 1 No bid. for less than 6 per acre will "ci k temI,Torir,-Ce-ni ba cnnaldered . , I' Grand ave. Personal services will The rleht is reserved to reject any ana an 01ns. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to O. G. JHrown. clerk state land board, Salem. Or., and marked. "Appli cation and bid to purchase state lands. . G. G.. BROWN. - -4 t t j t. m k, 7k " r ecf"Hgr' "V. Pnysiclan and surgeon; treats women IN the county court of the State of Ore- and children exclusively; , private hoa- gon. for the county of Multnomah. ; piul accommodations; -examinations wf" the matter of .the estate pf, Jennie free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Com- ; T, 1 imonweaitn Didg.. etn and Anxeny. Notice ot appointment of admtnlatra-hjAfH i)rinir CnU, ii2lL Wa,h,; Mni. la k..v... 1 leacn nairaregsrnaj?- iiiaiucui ing.-snatn lHorBini 1,.. w ,,1. .Xnin. k.lpooing. acalp treatment: baldness posi the hove niltiH .Aini.tMr lively cured; San Francisco graduate. of the estate of Jennie' Williams. rie.jMaln 3714. Sundays by appointment. ceased. - , ; . , . , I SPRINGSTEEN'S Mountain Rose cures All persons having claims against the all female diseases. . Mrs. F. Sewurd, esraie or me said decedent are neretiyiAgl. wooaiawn zoiu. . required to present .the same, with I WOMEN, use Femolds when others fall uiiao, a. 1 ..i " "Try,". I Administrator or Band Instruments, and Music House, I IfJl?. J?2 ? ,t vm . ,? WUHams, deceased. propr vouchers, within six months from tne date or this notice to the under signed, administrator at the office of t eat, minor winrree, 702 Couch build' lng. Portland. Or. ; - . - Dated this, the lTth dfty of Decem- oer, iuy. . - r w ottlltamr: Administrator of tha estate of Jennie i. sold and guaranteed by the Ausnlund Drug Co.. 105 N. 6th at. Main 8106. 316 return to' us .....f 4.00 m fitontb J PROPOSALS for sal of ferryboat, in- WELLS ft PUOEBSTEL, assayerav ana lytical cnemists. zo4wasn. M. 7608. OSTEOPATIIIO PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic oiseaaes. iit Fenton bldg. M ain ei Dwiiri, KratU. virKviiiir, suu., aovc, post-grad. 1M7. 8 wetland bldg. M. 1H7 DR. F. J. RARR. A. K. O.. 207 Mohaw bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main 3836. PAINTING AND PAPEJIINQ FOR best work, prices right, call P, A. Doane. 104 Union. Bath phones. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RA8MUSSEN A CO, "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. Zd A Taylor. M. a-i iii. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEOXS DR. C 8. CARTER, physician for women; 401 Merchants Trust bldg. (lours, 10-1; 3-4: 6-8. Sundav. 10-1. Itiatubar ( Comaiaree.. rise, D. V. Co. (Wood took) ..........Rocheal.r asd Yokoa ..i... fl.iL1uhmMI'. . ... . . oWt ilaraliall, K.rra., .City rroperty..,,..hoia 7. 'Mi"-, Alder , , llourk. Uaur,. A. (Coloolaatloo) 4U I.abbe Hldg...., - ;oooUa-. Co. ,.IAJ link BuIT, ....Mala vw, A i'M I inella LMI- ueraelMV. lloaer.l s Knilngaworth, tV. M.,,. .............. ........MS rhaBef of Cnnmerea ....Mala Tf. I hnapii A Ataekey.., ,. , 7 CliaiBbar of (wm-rce. ..Mala ami A J',.11; Lng t!o..... j .....414 Atfiagtoa BWg .......Mala avj Mall Von Koralal .,.,..104 8-eanit gt Hala anit A 14 e Oreayu Real Katale Co., Tt Grand Aa. and Uultioaak....aUat 7. f-U-a VT t"' Ce. C Ald-r Wla Em.! ?: D 4 fUark SI Mala 5ti. A ; tb rW- i- " ' tlerllnitar plile ! ' Jallne. D. C. tVirner Jrftb and K. Heloaonl.. 1alr IM Tboni.a.n M. K. Co..,...., Haory Blrtg.. 4th-Oak, Mala t. A J 1 T Walker, H. T .' iWhelt Bld Mln & DANKS T? I88T NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. r ;... ; - ; capital ansx bWbplus ', V-',." , KITED 8TAT13 NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND, OREfJON. . . , . ' , ... . , . . Northweat Ooroer Third and Oak Streets. Cnodncts s General Jsanklng Boalneaa. DBA FT II IHHUEU avallatie la ATI atlas et tbe T'nltrd Btatea and Bumm HiHiiinn, anilManlla. IVllantlnna naria aa ravnraMa term. Praaldent., .J. a AINSWORTH Caahlar B. W, ICBMKt Vice frasldent R. LEA BARNES Aaalatant Caahler. W. A.. UotX Aaalatant Caahler... A. M. WRIGHT EBMAN-aVeRICAN BANK Portland. Or. Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa 8ts. Transacts a general tanking tnulneaa. Draf ta tasned available la all tse prrnnpai eltlea of tbe United States and Europe, tour per cent Interest paid es aluf count!. Baft depoalt Tanlta. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M OBRIS BBOTHEHA, Chamber of Commeree Building. ' ' Mimlclpal. Railroad and Pnntle B-rvlce Corporation Bonds. D O WNING-HOPKIN8 COMPANY Etabllhed 1863 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONIS. GRAIN Bnoght and Sold for Caab and ea kfargln. - Prlrale Wh-ea. - Rnoms ani In 904 Conch Building. Phonea Main MB; A-2SST. riUXTINQ who mimimmrnvkM "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 14m 1st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust; close figures,, good work. 603 uoodnouffh bldg. Phone Main 4131. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD .......... 8:IM a. m. 4:15 p. m, 6:0O p. nf. .......... 6:20 p. m, 7:48 p. m. OGILBEE BROS., printers Cards, blll- neaos. ere; Main iiiss.-. itm ist st. "PATENT ATTOKNEYSS HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells now to obtain, and 'value or natents. irauemarits registered. ' Beeier & Kodd, 1T7-181 McGill bldg.. Washington. D. C. R. C. WRIGHT, U. 8. and foreign pat- ents; infringement oases. ao4 ueKum, REAL ESTATE W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; estab. 1883. 146 1st at. room 11. RURBER STAMPS AND SEALS PIANO. In good condition, wanted In $30 return to us .,,.,. 8.00 a month . eluding' engines and boiler Sealed POifii-AS? .analyMcal laboijtory," 21 exchange Tor eastern Oregon. land. A. 1 remrn .10 us ...... is s montn 1 uu" iu 00 reccivea up ig u o ciqck Worcester bldg., 3d an'd Oak. M. C980. Umlerdahi, Room A, Lumber Exchange h Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries, j noon of December 31, 1909, at the of-1 MONTANA ssy office, laboratory and bldg.1 .- . 1 ppeciai rates on pianos, rurniiure, eio. 1 nee or - tne engineer or ineforttandl ore testing wora. ins Morrison. I HAVR a nearlv new r,in that T l,hl , TU. tj... r A ir.: t "w"Yr"lC?wPWV- " - 1 - - - - 1 v, . iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ti 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 onn a i,i.i et r.ia mrr and i ,h. In Mnt. Tlr a r K rnnnlhll form a trsa I " w -.w-vv.. v. v. ww. . -..v.. - v.., aimabie. L-Sao. Journal 1 Loans on salary, furniture, pianos. tc.l I P"""" iwai iwroexj van ATTORNEYS ; :'. T J!l?"?lm J'JLZ rllr "n"' Si CHRISTOPHERSON J. &. MATTHEWS. aSaaa"Saw-(Baasaafaajkla t ' i.ia, . .,." i WE- have a few good second hand 4- . , ... CHATTEL LOANS. -cylinder oars to sell very cheap; storagi Installment loans on pianos, furniture. space and first class repair shop. West- warehouse receipts horses, Insuranoa ern Auto Co.. 631 Alder st. - policies, - and all kinds of securities; . . r . , ; ?. : real estate and loans from 33000 up. FOR SALE6 passenger auto In first , NEW ERA LOAN A MTU. CO. class, condition, 1325. Phone Main 416 Ablngton bldg. m- r ',.":."-'., -r: ' y-. .. ...-money. - FOB SALEUSOELLANKOUS 10 J..;lctT- nn l 1. -u v-un..v t. - - . . easy payments; atrlctly confidential; ' - . lowest rates; see us and save money, n r rnnrPWi ' . 4a7 Henry bfdg., 4th and Oak. BUSINESS CARDS the east ' side 6f the" Willamette river. any or all bids, and no bid will be consid- HOWE. DAVIS COMPAN1. 10 td St. ered unless accompanied by certified I Blank books m'f'g; agts. for Jones' check for 10. per cent of the amount! Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers,; see the Did. pavaoie to tne oroer or tnia com- new Biirena ier, A-ais. jviaiin . ia. pany, to be held, by; thls company as a THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book. jtfltters, engineers, es. 133 3d cor. Alder. STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 381 Stark. - Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 3d at. Safes at factory . prices; repairs, lockouts opened: bargains In second hand safes. SEWING MACHINES A. S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds of sewing machines. 22 N. 11th. AL 6989. LEAVINO PORTLAND. Aahland Paaaeoeer . .... Cottage Grove Paaaenge: Vhmta Limited Sllverton Paaaenger .... California Kxpresa Ban Francisco Expreaa 1:80 a. m. WEST 8IDB. Corrnllla Passenger ............... 7:20 a. m. Rberldan Pasaeoger . . . 4:00 p. to. Foreat Orove Paaaengar., ........... 8:60 a. , Forent Oanve Paaaenger............. 1:00 p. m. Foreat Grove Paaaenger. 6:40 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC : , ARRI'INQ PORTLAND Oregon Express ................... 7:31 a. si. gllverton Paaaenger ................ 9:30 a. ni. Portland Passenger 10:40 p. bj. 8haat Un. d t:M p. m. Roaeburg Paaaenger................ 6:30 p. m. Portland Express ......11:00 a. ra. WEST BIDE. , Corvsllls Passenger ................ 6:30 p. m. Sheridan Paaaenger ........10:30 a. hi. Foreat Grova Paaaenger..,..,,. 8:00 a. ui. Foreat Grove Paaaenrer. ...... ......II :M a. m. Foreat Prove Paaaenger...... 4:40 p. m. -CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. C. P. R. gbort Line via Spokane. 777 7:00 P7 bi;:-F. B.-Rhort Line via Spokane. .., t:1 a. m. Via Reat tie, Victoria Vancouver,. 8:00 p. m. I Via Vancouver, Victoria A Seattle.. 8:33 p. m. Via Burnaa 12:13 a. m. Via Sumaa and Seattle.... 7.-00 a. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC LEAVE PORTLAND. , North Coast Limited, via Paget Sound ,.10i00 a. m, North Coast Limited, via North Bank i ........ 7:00 p. m. Atlantic . Expreat, via Paget Bound ...13:16 a. m. Atlantic Einreaa. via North Bank... 8:00 a, D. Twin Cltv EiDraaa via Pucet Sound 8:00 p. m. 'twin city Express, via norm nans t:to p. m. Eastern Bxpreaa, via fuget nonna... izzia a.m. j intern Ex cress via North Bank. ... 8:00 a. m. Mlsiourt River Express via Paget , Sonnd ...,10:00 a. m. Missouri Elver Express, .via North. Bank H... T:00 p. BJ. Portland, Tacoma A Seattle Ex- preaa. Grays Harbor, OlymplS and South Bend branches..;.. ...f 8:18 a. at. Portland-Vaneonver apeclal. ........ .10:00 a. m. Pnet -Sound- unnted.- raya- liar- :j-v bor and South Bead branches.,.. , 8:00 p. m. Yaeolt Paaaenger : 4:00 p. m. 7:00 a. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. North Coaat Limited, via North Bank 8:16 p. in. North Coaat Limited, via pnget Sound , Northern Pad He ( Exorees. vis North Bank ..................... 8:00 a. m. Northern Pacific Express, via Pn- get Sonnd 8:85 p. m. Pacific Exoresa. via North Bank.... 8:00 p. m. Pacific Express, via Pnget Bound.,.. 7KX a. m. Western Express, via North Bank.. 8:00 p. m. Western Expreaa. vis Puget Sonnd. .10:30 p. M. Mlaaonrt River Express, via North Bank 8:00 a. in. Mlaaourl Brver Express, ia Poget : -. : .. . Sonnof 4:00 p. tn. Portland, Tacoma A Seattle Ex-:v;- press, and from Oljmpla, South ' Bend asd Grays Harbor 4:00 p. m. Paget Sound Limited.... ........... 8:8.1 p. m. Vaneouver-Portland Special .10:H0 p. in. Yaeolt Paaaenger 9:00 a. in. OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. niKaiiie. joub.i cu. -M Ulioa CMPtl.nd fitieclal . Mncnine Kepainnir r-o. ist w zi oi h",, ,k "V , ". POWER COMPANY.- I MONEJT advanced salaried dod1. tiou j keepers and others upon their own easiest . . I have a sale on air kinds of fine, ready-made furs, all my pwn manufacture.! i's -. ' ' Also Sealskin Mink, 'Marten; Er . mine skins on hand, which can be . made to order in any style on short notice, very reasonable. This is a legitimate warning and great savlne for you If con templating on purchasing your , i wntrt 1 . i " i ... . - ., . jruriB uriura ine noiiunyn. . It costs nothing to investigate, so be sure to call and see the msny savings I have in store for ' you. . , Open evenings and open Christ-.: mas day until noon. Having spent my lifetime as ait expert designer and litter in lurs, I promise you satisfaction. without security: T cheaoeit ratea! 'or the first six months 6fl910. Ta5mentCUSfe.Chen "rtoSS i.t of auppliesto be furnished can be i . i - - . w i hhhii nr. i un ni i irn in ptiiiniv 1 aaysc WANTED Private party to buy I860 ' -- County Clerk. WiPnirru rnniHTRTrrTinM ., rn SEALED bids will be received by the I Street paving, sidewalks and cross unaersignea unui p a. m. uecemoer ingg.. 817 Beck bldg. ior luiiiuiiiuia uia uuiBinn ucpari- Tr!V ments or tne county witn stationery and I X-l,t ;v.Vi r T i , 7.,?; . sunolies for the first six months 6t 1910. i eneral jobbing. J. Los 11. 213 Xeffer- i son st. Mam 14Z. seen at the office of the county clerk. .SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank. bar and store . fixtures mads to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 38 Couch. M. 3703. PERSONAL 23 mortgage for 3780. payable monthly ance policy and good lease. F-S647 J,our , nal. ' .-- " - . . :-'-: EQUITABLE Building & Loan Co. has DR. WALKER, specialist; qutckly cures money to loan for . building- homes J diseases of men. blood and skin dls frnm tu nee n.nt un offii-n (ni n. I eases, sores, ulcers, swollen elands, kld- kum bldg., or phone Main 6604. ' P7t adder and pueaVi ij ist at, Jort i ' ' -' 1 us I ltinfl VYiU MiJQ n UIVIMVJ VIM UiCtsal'VIIUlf KUQ JfJW elry a reasonable Interest for long or I GERMAN books, magastnes. navels, eto.; short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, ZBS yvasningcion cl. TO loan, large and small amounts, on good city real estate at 7 per cent In. Iterest. C. F. Pfluger & Co. rooms 4-6, tMuiKey Ding., za and Morrison sts. i MONEY to loan on real estate, mort gages Dougnt, fierce, ail Aiiskv bldgJ' German. English, French. Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for eign books of all klnda Schtnal Co, 829 1st it :- -' '. - ' LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorensa' Nerve wl onto I aDiets. ztc Dox. s poxes 31.26. Stipe, Tavlor Drug Co.. 289 Mor rison. Man orders promptly rilled. FOR RENT By graduated married SUN: SOON Huie sells Chinese goods. emoroiueren siikb, dressing gowns, rattan chairs, matting. 70 6th st THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. . Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds offn surance, surety bonds, McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING IONS CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Work guaranteed Tela East 860; B-383S. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug ; Works Rugs from 1 nn . ... 1 4 1 nM . .ill. portiers. ton union near ts. M o rrl son. , SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwest; 6th and Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 66. Home A -11 6 6. - - --- - 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. . 387 Stark.- Pacific 1696. - SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufasturers of hand and power sprayers, nossles. rods. etc. 22 Front St.. Portland. Or. ' T.RAVINU PORTLAND. Atlantle Exnreas 8KK) a. m. Soo-Spokane-Portland ............... 7:00 p. m. . . iy:w a. mi. ..... 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Waahlngton Limited 6:85 p. m. muivivn piinTT.iKn V . ., Soe-Spokane-Portlttad 8:00 aVm. Oreieon Expreaa ,.....,.,.,.. 6:40 a. w. Chicago-Portland Special ........... 8:00 p. m. Pendleton Passenger ............... :13 p. in. Oregon-Waahington Limited 8:00 a. in. .! k VIICO PORTLAND. Seaside Express ..." J:00 a. m. Raluter Passenger i 1:18 P. Astoria Expreaa ................... ;:w p. m. Rainier Paaaenger 61 P- ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER ARRIVING- PORTLAND. Portland ft Rainier Paaaenger.. .. 10:25 a. n. Portland Express ..13:15 p. ni. Portland- ft Rainier Paaaenger....... 6:90 p. m. Portland Express .........10:00 p. tn. Spokane, Portland Sc. Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND H0XT STREET PASSENGER STATION. TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS 't.nviN'rt PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express. tM For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kamas Citr, St rut. Walla Walla. Pco, Roosevelt, Grsnddallea, White Salmon. Stevanstm, Van- eoaver and intermediate stations. North Bank Limited. ...... .....i.. I.w t - For Chicago. 6t Pant, Omaha... Kansas City, St Louis, Spokane. Spragne, Knsviiie. tana, PaseoT Roosevelt. Granddalles, Whits Salmon. dLau ami Vanmiitnr. Columbia River Local for Vanconvel r and Cs- ffUJ eaeae'aeaa"es .7V p. Ill, ii uubimiii. Lvla. Goldendale. Grsnddallea, Cliffs and all Intermediate atatlons. ' I ARRIVING PORTLAND. From Cbicano. St. Panl. Omaha. Ksnaas Cite. St Louis, Walla Walla, Paaco, Roosevelt, randdalles, White Salmon. Stevensos. Van couver and Intermediate stations. North Bank Umlted. .............. . 8:04 a. m. From Chicago, r't. Paul, Omaha.' Kaneas Citr, St. Lou la. Spokane, Sprains. Bitsvllle. Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt. . Granddallea, Goldendale. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver. Inland Empire Express...... 8:16 p. tn. From Cliffs, Granddalles. Lyle, Whits Shi mon. Camas. Vancouver and all intermediate stations. " ' : . - Col nm hi a River Local.. ..13:35 p. m. . CLEANING AND DYEING 148 6th st. Z.sSnrv t .in V.'. . -1 i nurse, one bed anC sitting; room, with riaV? Jsi MONEY to loan or will buy mortgages j or without nurse help. . at r"nmabln "13f A-3518. m vvjiiii tv in vu , cBinic nsruinx In.l.Mi ThnnA WAAd sain NUi & Reynolds Co., 313 Chamber of Corn, ir..nri.... ..1' H. W. TURNER. Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. dub jeirersoa : sc. Main I .f L"' XT uTlkAAn ar AA1 lr naruAii as as Aamnm.t OaTTdV T1A XJfl PonfMan.Ul 11 I " " " "fU!' V v as Wt-1 m Sa V aw A . wMjr iv I - nt limA nrxOlfl Jr"l Hit SlfV a nratAi" rau AN exhibition model, Edison moving et and easy to pay. F. A-Newton, ii I ,tores lost vigor; price 31 per box. 6 jiiluio iiiHL-uiiiB, ami uiuvcrotti mwti j - i nn-ram ror . '1. j. fierce, sii Alisky. Efllkon moving picture machine, In good (100,000 en mortgages, city or farm dr. SANDERSON CO ' Savin and cm': shape; have been used only short T me property, fire Irsurance. McKensls tL iSot ffllj iu mld, f, 1 grealiTridued1 rate.T8e8: CoVtferllnger bldg., 3d an Alder. , fli pboxTrUe's (Tr f"."1" r. " I MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, j 35. - T. J. Pierce, 811 Alisky bldg. rAl.imhl. ,nh.nW ---.t. rVI.l OUWU.1H I.l-,. IO- talklng m7chfne"yeoTd .rnew wlth w' "' "' ,'jlSfe oids; will sacrifice; were used Only I LOAlsb Keasonaoie rates. , Henry C. short time as demonstrators. ,1 fruonomme ta cnamDer commerce. bUAN Tor tne asKisg, salary or cbat xei. int mhu o.. tjt Lxium Dldg. DR. T. J. Pierce, specialist; diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; no exposure. Call or write 311 Aliskv bldg. ' ; ..; : MEN- Dr, Ketehum will promptly cure all your private ailments; advice free. Hours a. tn, to 6 p. m.v 170U Third near YamhilL Main 8770. - V MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. w. rtoii. room s. wasnington bldg. SUMS of 12000 upward on real estate. J GRADUATED married- nurse wants uodqara weidricit, 248 Starg. I baDies atJiome to take care of bv day Several films, In first class condition, comic, scenic, tragedy;- 1 reel of the great "Bull Fight"; will sacrifice-the entire list of offerings at greatly re- .uuuea rates unm January i. T . 1 V i ti i.- ptt i pvpu a rnir Over Pantages Theatre. 4th and Stark. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs 1 nU nigt; reference city doctor. ; Phone , t j t t? n insurance. 811 Sherlock bldg. Woodlawn 694. ' , -Cail ; r UfnitUre. j QUICK loans en aU sscurltle "8. W. CALL phone Main 6276 lor a photograph "in runnisn your noma. -complete andl King, ta wasninston oidg. Mm fios. I iuimiiii, aiso mat take your old furniture in exchange. ' ' J. ' 1 t-nristmas tree. Grsnd sve. and Alder. East 4724. . ' LOST AND FOUJID . Zl BALM OF FIGS for all female dl bLiChtNaDERFKh iypwriters ' an, CHIROPODISTS y CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton. Tllford bldg.. room 204, 10th and Mor. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. COLLECTIONS a 8. HUMPHREY, atty. commercial law. 737 C. of C. Phones M. 6729, A-7460. DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money.4 : Wells Mercsntlle agency. 70S B. of T. F. B. - FINLEY. 349 Columbia, taxi- dermist, iurrier; lowest prices, best WOt'K. OREGON'S best taxidermist, expert in all branches.- C. M. Harris, 496 Wash. TOWEL SUPPLY Jefferson Street Depot i:v ..'v: Portland to Dallas.. ...... T:4 a. si. Dalla to Portland '........,.,..;..10:1B a. ft,. Port and to Dallas P- m.Dallas to Portland... 6:65 p. . Portland Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland s. m.. 6:80, 6:80, 7:80, T:40, 6:50, 10:25; p. m 18:B0. 8K0. 8:80, :3U. Q:iw. ' :. 10:10. - Portland Ry Light & Power Co. , Palrvlew and Troutdale 41:58, 7:45, 8:45, 8:48, 10:45 a. tn.; 12:45, 2:45, 8:45, 4:45, 6:45, : s. m. and p. Ticket office and waiting room First sn-J Al- AU ' wr.;r VreeeT T. lnatesd Of der atree'a. , ,ot Vaneonver lesvs Fjiat Motrtaon ana ... " i5fr.t and Alder streets, aa formerly, first mo i.iva rim ct b-iv frtwela rtailv. comh.' heitsih ! 31 per month. Portland Laundry Oregon Cltr-io. VJw'Oa Tewei Supply CoV Jth . and Coucb stlrlmlnntes to end I aelnf lrnt t p. at, tbes 10.00. Phone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AXD HTORAGiij riM LEAVE FOR - m. ana mvwrj w 11 : p. JV"&ZZtolZ&-M7t:lX. .T. Wi .I m:ri2:4S. 2:45. 8:45. 4:45. Vnd5 Intennedlate pejnbj-:lB. 8:48. in-aft a.'.: 45. Z 45. s:to. e:ao P. a....... Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storaea. free trackaee. Office. 310 Hot st. bet 6th and 4th. jrnonta. wsiu tt, a-iitg. - . COAL AND WOOD supplies; Fox Visible machines; rent- j GOLD mounted back comb near Meier ft 660 Gllsanv Mais 8311. sis. repairs. Inspections; fireproof safes. n. m. nayier .o so atn sr. Main ttZI. Frank's store. .C-2468; reward. BRO-CAPSO tyUDflNB For cold and la grippe. FOR iSALK One new Whiiat ilrnn A ewlng machine; will sell cheap; party irminig cny. moroica Diaj, cor. urand ano ppimnn room aa. . FOR SALE One 3 horsepower motor, shsrting, netting pulleys, air com pressor, tanks, etc 231 Oak at Phone Main mi . MOTOr.CTCLES and bleyciea new and - second nana, our, sell, exchange, re pair. Agenon-s roe mor and Tale Motor- eycies. Apes e'lcycievo.. lfs 12th. A -8 14. 1 Fh-v Kit t.KH Factory rebuilt, ao- soiuieiy luaraniaea, an Bargains, til w iu)iuim i riavnier c.AZt A blrslon. Msln gT0. 1 H.iVK some Itedroom. dinlne room and - kitchen furniture and carpets to Sell, j 1 bathtuti, sewing machine and sc. I Ski V, Alder. I tYFKWRITKR. Underwood No. 4. ' ai moat as siod l new: soust be eold. 3S linilwrriern bldg.. 6th and Hart MY Pmith PrVnik-r t p wriier"fr safi " fliip, TrrtrtB olcl Csii K. R. Steen. 3S K M .-.rrle-Ti. ing- CANART bir,4a fr autie, very gd era 14? ifT,V KTTk U '-r. it'Tr-.1 rk-ou ti couie for fMllc. I V- J 4 . Jr.nrrl A Mi F. smin ,l.i-. t S'd t ar( stncl f 'r f ii at ?S K Alder I Si . for ai, 1 i) jt TZtZ I txr,e l-.t , HAMUHi.M.tLH.M.OiS - -I -I -I I I - - I I.--." j C M fr . fia Sanra ft' j ,..' f4i ni tm if, t , ; Him (5T) On Baying and Selling t Second-Hand Clothes Hunt out tka Second-EAsd Clot big tfcAt fUla and enrwdi vour closets. Shakt tea dollars est of taem tot they wia brtnr tkatn If aoU. TTiera It prof t la botk btrrlct; and sellicr slirbUr rora clottic. See what . roa aavw rint arar. Let oar littl Want A 4s carry your xaaeass ta tbocaaada for bat a few pensjea. Tkera is Always eorsethlEr of later art a oar Class ied pA. Read and Answer i ... Toda3r,s T7ant Ads. L AM.' IM B A a W. 1 VTA, T - J PACIFIC 6LABWOOD CO.. Phones Main A rj 9 C a." 1ka- lr..l.l& a as e preen alabwooil, 2.2$ and $2.60; plaur trimmings, 13.60; bior wooi, 4. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab i WESTERN LUMBER A FUEL CO. 387 Fast Morrison. East 86. B-1036. Oarccal PKOMPTLT DELIVERED Call Male 6767. Foot of Curry st i v. i. e-j-jw -i.d.i . niviais. ,o., or flce and . commodious 4 story brick I warehouse, aeparaw iron rooms and ( fireproof valuts for valusbles; north west corner 3d and Pine sta Pianos mil mi lit PRICES ON LAJB WUUD t "Msm 696; A.f W "' GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.;.,.. GREEN 4 FOOT. WOOD, per cord INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load.. . . 33.6 . ' 'ALL DKL.1 Vjcrtnya ; . . 5 MADE PROMPTLY. 1 The PortlaKd Slafcwccd Ca Main 8119. A-7061. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting room Beeoad and Waahlnrton atreeta A. M. 916 ;S0, ;T:28, f:09. 8:85, 8:10, 10:80, 11:50. P. M. 12:90. 1:10, 2:80, 8:80. 8:10, 8:50. 4:30.8:10, 6:50, 6:30. 7:05, 7:40. 8:15, 8:23. 10:85. 11:45". 7 - On third Monday In every Boats hat ear leaves at 7:06 p. m. rDally except Sunday. Pa1ly except Monds . . TJEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int. Stan, meai Oregon Electric Railway Company DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. Srn.WorGv.,lc.l.. u.i int area, local. ...... . Uii Uboro-Forrat GT,.-fKalrm-Tualatln- only. U"- llilteboro-Koreat 6:80 a. so. 7:06 a. m. 7:50 a. aa. 8:80 a. sa. ..... 9:15 a. aa. 10:20 s. a. ..11:00 a. m. : OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. - General transfer and storage, safes, pianos, and furniture moved, packed and snippea. zin vwn et.. main i; A-1 147. LNDfc-PKNDENT Baggage Co. Storaga A-4169. 334 as Tranafer niara. main 407, VETERINARIAN HUMANE VETEKINARY HOSPITAL UT. jonnson. 111 lain, m. 691. A-4 137, TYPEWRITERS REBUILT Smitn-Premler and Remlng- A I mo xypewrnew. gwu new, down ' "d Pr monta, at 323.69 to 347.60. II VUUf why pay. more? Guaranteed for one year. jU AJL. AJexjinder & Co., tfinti U. s ClMifli Aa. Uivia IVrvawrita.. a & "."V.l .... ..T.. t: ' . . 1 6n at. i-it't. Main sit. ' VI ft. I r ws uvu aajisj nivx wai tjj 4JK Of ' -- ton. Phonea E. 818. B-1867. E. 6U and Main sta . . , - SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Mats 3168. A-3843. Blockwood, 34.60; dry Inside wood. S3.60; green slabwood. $J srd 32 l NEKR ft FARR. dealers in all kicds fir and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. 8e6 Wster st Msln 4.. A-4647. ALL makes rested, rex.lrl, sm4 Cu Blngham Go, 211 Stark M. 147. UMBRELLA REPAIKI.VO WE SELL, repair and recover'umbrel . . las. 46 Wash., nesr ltth. F. Levy. CX)M.ULS6iO. lLiiCliAMS V.'K pay the highest spot rash prices for dressed veeL boss, hides, egsa butter, eheesa, furs, wool, cascara. Bay, srstn. Write what yen wteS t sett Ruby Cs.. 214 Cnucb t Portland, or. LKTLCTHi. AGENCY : . WHOLESALE aTORUEiaS WADIIAAI8 CUu wholesale grocera, manufacturers and cuf e reastara. 41k snd Oak sta muiuu; '"- . i:tw a. m. S!r.VJrrOreTe local... 2 .0 p. m. EMgrov:!:::::: Ralem Int. Staa local.. . ...... Sfnavtll. Int. Bl .;; H I ll.boro-foreat Grove local. ... Int. Staa. local.. ?J.n.'L.Hi-0reat C.rovs local...... Salem Int. Stas. lecsl UUlatMro- 8:80 p. m. 8:60 p. an. 6:10 p. an. I JV p. an. 6:'0 p. as. :25 p. as. 6:4 p. St. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Wllaonvllls Int. Staa local.. 6:40 snd 7:85 a. st. Hlliabero-Foreat Grove tucal......... a. m Salem Int. Stas. local 8:40 a. m? HUlaboro-Foreat firora local......... 8:50 a. ni. Salem Int. Staa. kal ll:O0 a. au. Hillahero-Fereat Grove local. ...... ..11:40 a. in. 8alen Int. Stas. local 1:13 p. m. HIIUhoro-Foreet Grove local......... 1:S0 p. nt. HUlaboro-Foreat Grove local......... I .V) a. m. Salera Int. Staa. local.......... 4.-) p. m. Hlllanoro-Foreat G'v local (Ruaesly) 4:4 p. ni. Salem-Tnalatla only, limited........ 4 .M) p. n HUlaboro-Foreat Grovs local 5:20 n. i Sal.-a Int. Staa. local 8:00 P. m. Hillaaoro-Forest Grove local.... ,. D in n. a. Sales Int Sua local....... S fo p. , falem Int. Staa. local 10:50 p. ni. HilMmro-Foreet G'vs local Sat ob!t)11 :O0 p. m. liJ'a local (Sat ealylll JO p. an City ft We. tern Railway potnU vis Saleai 80 a. aa., 8 p. m. dU fy!i.'?: ll:o .. m. Sunday enly. . Time Card United Railways Co. rtM Portlaad foe Burllsgtoa ssd tnter- aedute atationaw-8:H. TUS. 8:15. 8:19. 10:15. 11 15 a. an. 1:15. io- " " For wnnron a "- only .M. W:0O. 11:4a s. sa. Arriving Portland frees RurHnatoa and Intrr. Sled I at" atatioaa I:B0. 0O, lo:t. la a. U ou aooa. 2:1a), 8:0n. 4:00. .'(, ii. 7 . 8:0O p. m. Frata Lhmlon and Inieraaedlate Hons dally Sinday T ort a. m. r- Lluntoa and utarmediate ststleae dally a.Jo, li as a. aa. THAN SPORT ATIOX SERrr sgenua (ladles, gentlemen) ex perienced n-rj-ora tioti ; personal, d irete difficu.Uea TelcDhone Fia! DLUiO.XD DIULLIAQ 'HAKRT U. FTALKT, lit Votwtf Mig. H'"v; Vt).aies f -rt i.Ll T KICAL MTPLllJi kVKKlHNO ft IaRRKU produc and eonmlaalon merrhasia 146 Front et. PortUe. Or Peete Wats 178, MXns ITS' T T?2C CISTR1PUTOR3 OF FIVE CIOAR8 PORTi.Asr.. o y. k. ALLEN ft Lewi s 5R.CirRIEA. TR.4A SPORT ATION NORTH PACIFIC S. S.Co. r F A turt Toeeday at 6 r n Ticket ,t,'lc 't! T'-'rd. r-ar Al r -fieri fr f r pi. t 1114 ; 1 A '. ' 1 ctan- Kranrbsro rortlana B. B. fo. Oalr alrwo artsamer. daylight sailiag-a, From Alnsworth dock, i'ortiand, 4 p. nv; aj, aasaas v7i w- . a, a waaat cltv. Ersa. 81. Jaa. 14. From Pier 40. Kan Franclsc-o, 11 i. aw: 'mm SLoaa Cltv. Sea. 85. Jan. 8. I a. a, Kaasas City. Jaa. 1, 15, ij W Ransom, dock ssent. Main ?t. C005 DAY LINE Tha steamer B BEAK WATER leavais Partiamd Wadneaday at t a. sa, frota Alnsworth woe fa aforth Suit, field aad Cae Baf panata, Freight ra ,mm4 until a a sa. ea Sav ef saiilna limrrtr far. first elaaa. 814: sacaa.4 aiaaa 1 7. Irtrlodlng berth and aaaaxla I a- I galre city ticket ofTtea. Third and Wt. t-rloa) stay, ear aiaiswui r fttala 34A - CLASSIFIED AD KATi CASH ACSi 15 wonts ee teas is ae rnearOoal ! wrtfa. Sue; 11 ta IS words, SM. Loa aad reaaa. rlela wasted gtiurvt Wasted. Ts Beet Ada and rVaeted Ac) Asa. Uree taaertka tor tke prr mt t- All etSar rlasatrlcsUaae aaeas taawrtiuu f the prate at eta, CBARCB AM' Oeawv IWa aaatiaat t awe ewate v.. tf-e eaea saacra4 ta a- saed la li I i' Sees. ar e-'-i gOW ara lH K ... -4 . . Me raee ee m a A pmt e . , ' A,l etaacirwd aa -rf lleiea rtarard Ar u, t. artwel aaant 114 ICS 87 T'l stowTll! I "'S. ........... . f' i f r ri - r 6 mmmOtr. ........... t I mm Y . 18 aBMtaa. ........... tl t t a. , ' tOCPo a,. a. CaaS aw iAe.Mr j mt n - fS Was, a r e- - .4 ii ' , -i i m a i 4 . . - - , . er a4 tw . i ' . ' I SsKiS?. !ForTiIlamooId:. ; : ; (SlMfnot Ot'itnaa," f I rr t-O-ertil 1 "T at i. . h I r- . e 1 $ ' 1 f , r I I t - e r - z r-, 1