THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1003. CA1J PASS CENSUS EIIUMliTEST Common School Education, ' Honesty, Good Habits, Phys - icaI!yFit and Not Over. 70 Year$Are Requirements. Man Who Roasted Poet Win. Watson Washington. Dec. 24. Any person of good Judgment, who ha received an or dlnary common school education,' 'can , readily and easily pas tha teat to b .'given applicant for cenau enumera- , tor" places, on Saturday, February o tha. data finally aet by United States . Cenaua Director Durand. according to an announcement from me census du ... reau today. This will be a comforting assurance to the aeveral hundred thou- . sand persona who are believed to be con templating applications for the places. It was emphatically stated at the bu reau that the test will be an eminently reasonable and practical one, similar to ' that applied to applicants , at ' the ' twelfth census. It will consist of filling . out a, sample schedule of population from a description. In narratlve.form, of , typical families; and, in, the case of enumerators whose work will be in the , rural districts, they will be called on to fill out an additional sample schedule .' of agriculture, from Information fur- nlshed by the census bureau. , T ef Bettlrements. ', ; All person, whether women or men. , vhA inaif il . 1 r in hMwmA Mnmil inu nAvmtfm iniiiit k. Ift1na nf th. TTntfAft States; residents of the supervisor a dis trict for which they wish to be appoint ed; must be not lees than IS nor more than 70 years of age; must be physically "able to do the work; must be trust worthy, honest, and of good habits; must have at least an ordinary education; i Notes From, the Labor World cm go was decided upon by the officer of the Chlcatco Fedi-rallon of Mualclans, The wages of aeveral thousand em ployes of the llfthlnhem, !'., Hteul Com pany will soon be reatoretl to the scale In force before the Ho7 depression, ac cording to an aniiouneiimaat recently- Hetall clerk at Sacramento, Cal., are made by Charles. 41. Schwab, president organizing. I of the company. A movement hn bren , started In Ft. I Employers of labor and ruul. Minn., for the formation of a Pluelln Aberdeen, 8. !.. are signing an agree trades council. I merit In which they pledge themaelve I not to emnlov anv union labor art!- E N The Canadian Federation' of Tetlle I February 1. 1910, and not to putronixe Workers has decided to Join the L'nlfvd I any firms after that tfulo employing Textile Workers of America. I such claaae of laborer. I -'. e , Short time notices have' been Bos ted I Telegrapher on the Illinois Central In the locomotive work at Horwlch, I railroad are demanding an - Increase of England, where 6000 men are employed. I wages and Improved working conditions, and tne relation between mem anu vne railroad! :' oomDahy have become strained that tha company Is making x tensive preparations for a strike. For the two rear cerlod andlna June SO, the International Association of Ma chlnlst paid strike benefit amounting to 1612,896.60. . (. ' . A deadlock ha ocourred in the South Derbyshire (England) pottery trade Will Not Park Albany Street ISDerUl rinrtioh te The Joorn.L) Albany, Or., Dec Z4,The council has with regard to the revised scale of paj'-l denied the petition of property owner ment to th sanitary pressor. , . for the Darkina- of the city street In "' . -. I the residence districts.. The committee A most aerlou strike of ga worker I to which th matter had been referred In Italy took place recently. The gas I divided. Councllmen Curl and Tav- men federation gave inn signal ana i joP' were opposed to parking and Coun tne men struck at Milan, Modena ana I oilman Miller favored the granting of . - v I the natltlon. 'It was shown that the . . .... . . latreeta nnt anv tnA wide, at nreacnt m. , -. k. t . .. M n I I " ' xum , jouru.ronn uaanra vi rr, ,.j 4.,i. , banln th narlr. France, and suburb, have !p" "ng In proper shapa would make up the STJZm . rlrMoJin theavln. of th, whole t iiui v muww tvv -w aaw art, v w ,JU . 4 Ii aa Mtraara . I It IU b V4 V' W SS V V UVc A rear truce wa declared or the I naeven fliui l ax at xiiiamooK. American Federation of lAbof at it I Tillamook. Or., Deo. U. The city convention In Toronto, In the dispute I council ha levied a tax of T mills for between the brewery worker firemen, I general purpose,, S mill for the water teamsters and engineer. v , I commission and 1 mill for the publio e "-. ' I library. Main street will probably be v.. r!nrti.n nrmivra' nninna win I paved with blthulltlQ pavement arid also undertake a vigoroua label campalrn in ""' n-. yr. '" Vermont, and the most oartlcular at-1 vu.... .o. Richard LeGnllienne, who added to the gaiety of the general warfare on tentlon will be given to the city of -Rutland and it vicinity. , The Knlghta of Labor recently recom. mended that a bill be submitted to con gress, authorising the president to ap point a court of arbitration to. settle all strike and corporation matters. An attempt to prevent a thorough Jn- age system. ' I riiii .t," Trn-w ... h I An aiiempi io prevent m morougn jn- and must ba. able to write. plainly and W" m. of the BU Paul mine horror who, reaauiiauitt mpiuny. I ,Vi,r iVi-T Those who can comply with these r-l,u""1 ,,...,. tn. i in ht I His .country! . qulrement are invited to put in their applications. . aa there will be at least -8.00ft-enumerator'- places to be filled by the middle" of March In preparation for the enumeration beginning April 16. ' Application Torm Bsnt. U . 1,7, J, V. V'l.V.. WMHIH .... WUt, " Kngiand he croeped the wirelena wave. ! aacrloea to the mine orriclals patriot, inaeed,.ne runs away, i jr iuvin. . . Because he needs the eea to say - 1 , . .. .- ,", . e The words he feared to say on land. a .campaign to tlnioniao all concert orchestras, those playing In cafea and Owlna-to defective eyesight, with which restaurants, nickel .theatres and other Application forma, with full instruc-i he has been troubled tor many year, j place of amusement In tha city of Chi- lions aa to rillinr In. and comnleta In-1 he declined to become a canaiaate loc formation concerning the test and the reelection and will retire from the sen- method of appointment can be aeeured ae at tne expiration or nia present term by writing to the supervisor of censu a year, zxom nexi jaarcn for--the supervisors' district- in which Meet Me Tonight At 4 - The Ideal GifFStore. TI I AT ARU. WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN Come to Me and be Cured rATIESTJ D S1IRI( TStAT Hint WHO CALX, BaiFOKB JANUAHT 1 Wilt BB TV. m H E D WITK MFDIOlaB ABSO. tUTELT Tree of Charge. x charge for cures only, ray me as yon get the fteaeltt f say treat ment. SIICLTIIXO KOTIC105 " y OnKOO.V Cotumn.lerv No. 1. V t i wS K. T. fli-eclal cunclave will hn held en Hnliirduy inoinhiK, l)HM)mbr 25, :8U o cluck, for the iiuinoKM of narlWIiiMtlng In thav Chrlatiuaa oliHi-rvan- and Inalallatton of of iU-ith. Visiting bir Knights ooiit teouxly lnvil-l. VV. H HACHl'M, Tlecorder. liuiTua llti:NHKH To Mr. and Mrs. Hrenaer. S-ia Hpcncer avenuu, December S, a Imv. CAULHON To Mr. and Mrs. Matt Carlson. Univeraltir I'aik. December K f.NOHIih'RRY -To ' Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Klnanbi-rrv. &U3 Mala Street. prppmiii-t J2. a boy. Cl'AItKH To Mr. and Mrs. George P. Clarke, 740 Kaat Twenty-eighth sired, PBCf-mlmr 11, a girl, JACOl'HUN To lr. and Mrs. Chrlatlnn Jacolimn," 4SS Kust Sherman street, December , a girl. . . Ct.KVt;i.AND To Mr. and Mr. Clyde Cleveland, 211 Tenth street, December d, a girl I OK BALL IlEAL I f VI.. Tim ixieron " THAT CUItKS FEB FOB A OTTRII in lower than any specJallat In tha t-itr. half that othera r I a rliu trtt aV ... , ' . !ni) VaOlT-kl fm aitil Va. VmJt fatrnaa JO years nr&nMi? M- ,,mnt of . 45 Dlvlalon trett. December 12, a lla.u..... -.1 . " a.i I lrtV. . - . . . b;;r:,,n". ,n r.p,ri,i:r" chawtordt Mr. and Mr winum 1 --,' . 1. iiiuuiu-. . . . . , ir modern and un. tn-rf t a. Mir turn . rnvnuru, iinnun mriei, uwcin- re quick and positive. I do not treat ?r 15 a girl. - , .-- ' s vmntnmi .o r t,.i,i I WILSON To Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel Wll- examlne each case, find' the cause, re- "on- 85,2 Division street. December 20, 11111 vn ii nrifi inua iiraa i na niaaasia w . . I CtTmD Varlooaa T.lna. nrdroeala. M'HHIDB To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse I Frostatlo Troubles, Contracted Ailments, I McKrlde. 427 East Ash street. Decern Piles and Boeolfle .Blood Polio n ana au bar 22, a boy. - Sleaaae of Men. . ' I -. , cuke oa wo FA1 X am the only ; ,, , ' DEATI1S Bun.wui j 1 jrvruunn wno nun no!"-,t?it.1E!!tT ANDERSON Aaron Anderson, St Ther aatlsned with the results aooomplished. ..n.tnrinm i i s and who rives a written rnarantea to lT..,":,: ' r mttmttA I "ireei. uecemoer nu, age is uaya. ACINJ Visit Dr. Llndsay-a private EM KRSON Baby Kmerson, - T96 East w "a Museum of Anatomv and Thirty-third street, age two days. De- know thyself In health and ritaeaae. Art. I cembor 23. Heart trouble. mission free. Consultation free. If un- KUHSELLDavld Husaell. 878 Oregon l. ! . ..II ....u. if...' - m . . . 1 I . . 1 v. .. 1) (ltl1.AMt . iv, i.iii wriio iur nub ui qusaoona. 1 ni-ici., Ln-tBiiiuDr oiuivuiii.- wriice nours a. in. to n p. m. Hun-1 aji ic aam tiany MiyasaKu uast eev- enty-rourin ana uivisions streets, ue cember 1, age two days. Inanition. PIERCE George Pierce, St. Vlncent'a hospital. December 21. age 71. .Par- nlysln. DRISCOU Edward DrlscoU. 491 Flan- - ders street, uooember ill, age 64. Ja irrlDDe. - - - - - - . BlLLKTER Elisa Billeter, 669 Third Htreet, December 22, age - 39. Heart failure. days, 19 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. DR. LINDSAY 188)4) SOOITB BT CO. Of AISII FOBTZATO. OB. ' NEW TOUAT. the applicant liver. All applications, properly filled In, must be f fled with the supervisors not later than January IS, aa any received after that date can not be considered. , Politics 'arid f: : Politicians A woman has been chosen town clerk of Elizabeth, Fa. ... i - . "'.. -. ?.j ' f 8enator Gore Off Oklahoma' will be on of the speakers at the banquet ef Mich igan Democrats to be given in. Grand ftaplds early in January. Judge Peter S. Grosscup, the eminent Qiicago jurist, 1 of the opinion that another political party la needed in the Untied Bute, v Mrn. 'Belmont's Fight; for Suffrage, of the New -York Political Equality as-J ociation, of which Mr. O. H. P. Bel mont is president, 1 were - opened In , this city today. In' anticipation of the fight that is to be made before tha coming session of the New York general assem bly for the passage of. a woman suf frage measure.- .The headquarters are In charge of WaHace-Bi-Httnterr-who-is Mrs. Belmont's personal representative. The bill for woman suffrage is now be ing framed and it la said that aeveral members of the legislature have written to Mrs., Belmont and offered to Intro duce It ' .. " v " " ' ' - V Birthday of King 6f Greece. ' v Athena, Dec. : 24.- The customary celebrations were held throughout Greece today in honor of the sixty- fourth -birthday anniversary of King I George. . The king was born December I 24, 1846, and is a son of the late King! Christian of Denmark. In 1X63 -tin. was V - Joseph E. Bamsdell; who ' haa . been chosen king of the Hellenes to succeed I the deposed King . Otho, - a Bavarian prince who bad been set up by the pow ers tip rule Greece following its , suc cessful 'fight for independence against Turkey. ear JtlllU nsuranco Yon caa insure comfort and good the representative of the Fifth Louis v iana district in congress the -past 10 years', has been reelected presidnt of the ' National Rivers and Harbors -congress. ' Patrick J. Boyle, mayor of Newport, - R, I., . probably holds the record long aervlca among the mayors of Amer tcan cities. With tha first of the year he will begin his fourteenth, consecutive term. , k - 4 , ' . ' ' ' . . V A strong fight ia to be made in be half of a local. option measure when the Pennslyvania general assembly con- iieaith for all your family against over. venes m un. An eiiuri wm oe maae ... , . ,t t,4 to have leglalatlve candidates pledge .eating and drinking by aeeing to it that themaelve to vote for the bill, if elect- they all take a CASCAHET'at bed time e i ' during the holiday. CASCARETS best - Walter 6. Dickey, chairman of the tntdicine on earth for the little folks- Republican state committee, of Mlssou- , jjj Aa ft Mother, dldate for tha seat of United States Senator William Warner. whose term win expire Marcn i, mil. . "Alfalfa Bill". Murray, who served aa . president Of tha constitutional conven tion and Speaker of the first Oklahoma legislature, will probably make the race for governor of Oklahoma in the Dem ,ocratlc primary next August. 't.r i' " -.' - -'L-;-!- " " '' Prohibitionists in Minnesota are much disappointed over th decision- of th state supreme court holding that the 'Minnesota local option law for the con trol of tha liquor traffic applies only to the towns and village and not to the , CASCA RETS roc boa week' treat ment. All druggists. Biggest seller la the world. alUUoa Wat a aaoatlh-v AU Y ME Mo Bfflclk to : " DEBILITATE MEN- j. Brought back t their "old self,", of invigorated and developed to what constitute a healthy mn, ' Kverv rear mora brain and fn- telllgenoe - are required te meet the exigencies of th time. . It make no difference whether It la farming or merchandise ytu .-. are living in an age when it Is necessary to bring o&t the best there la In you or get left at the '"pot.: V?-i-.-VV,;' If thla meats tha ey of a man who, while yet in hi prime, through some debilitated' condi tion, la going backward, instead of forward, I want him to come -and let me show him how I am taking broken-down .man In every walk of life and making them a vigoroua and healthy aa any -man of their year. I don't cara what ha caused the trouble, nor who has failed to cure you. If your ease la a curable one, nVlH Cure Yon Completely and Permanently If I oannot cure yen, I wiU can didly tell yon no. - - My specialty, beside being limited to men only, la . confined to less than a dosen ailmenia But pi each ailment I have bandied many thousand cases. - My reputation baa been built, upon my ability to cure those that others could not ear. Inasmuch as I do not ac cept for treatment any case that I am not absolutely positive can be given a perreci ana permanent cure, i am able to or rer my service on a basis that no other specialist can: - I auro all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary dleeaaear lAok ef . Vitality, iuuvu x v. i Dvi, .nuia luir, uuh ul avniorj ana ai L Pelvic Ailments never to retttrn. My charge are lower for cure than the average physician generally get for failure. - Consultation and advice free.' If you cannot call at tiff Ice, Write for self-examination blank many ease oured - at home. Medicines, S1.S0 to f c.l0 per course. ' i V-1 XOTTM f A. U. TO . X. aWHATM, 10 A. K. TO M M, STiOUIS MEDICAL CO. Cor.24a TnbUl Sis. PORTLAND, OR. SOME FINE ACREAGE FOR PLATTING FUNERAL DIRECTORS Zeller-Byrnes Co. aVa..V,D,0Tn Dhones: lad v assistant. " Moat modern Clone to city en car. A rare bargain I establishment in city. - -- if Uken now. ' I DUNNING, M'ENTEH A GIUBAOQH. B&OHO-BTBZLXI CO' - undertakers and embalmers; modern p. . I dmn J Blatant. Home Dirt Cluap mvi.vdTO.v. i Willi all niodi-iii tmprol t-mt-iiti; li ami dliilng-ruoiiia h-Jtiii-.l 1 1 1 ne ; ) rruata panrla and plalo mil In ii.n lug-room. Iilrt gial with fine n.i-ii library paneled in fir; furnaie. rnmi i i bathroom with bet pliiinl.lng, aln-t h extra toilet; eler-trlo and gaa flxliir. , full Ctmiellt lulMellient. C.tment u tuba; houne with It htkO rtionia, 2 room and Inrgn closeiM, verv good l n tion, near both tln llrAndway and li vlngtoti carllnt-a; iirloe tifti by inlali meiit with only $750 down; It will yy to buy now; It's a bnrgaln. I'lum-i Saturday and Sunday, aat 728; store phones, 11-1 363 or f:nwt ti. Btlv thla 120 O. v. P. electric. tlO per acre: t acrrs K-rea, half mile from cleared, more very easy ' cleared; oim half finest apple upland; running water. man nouse and barn, plenty of wood; 1112.60 per acre ant ltd. 11800 cash. This won't last at MM price. ' MT. HOOD LAND CO., Call Main 8510 or Tabor 228 out of ' - office hours. WMWEI4IT8 (300 and tip; cement walks and curbs, graded streets, Hull Hun water; $5 down, $5 per month, no taxes. . uuo Ufa -107 Villa ave. phone Tabor 1S9. 66 ii S2000. M cash, nice new modern house. t legant porches, excellent basement, finest view in city, double corner lot, 100x150, all in garden, fruit, etc.; near 1 carllnea; perfect title; wortn double: vacant lots cost more alone. See mv exclusive agents, MERCHANTS' BUSI NESS EXGE., Suite 813 Merchanta' Trust ' bldg.. cor. 6th and "Washington sts. Phone Main 7807, A-3263. Others all prices, on easy terms. 91 f CIO (Pyf-Th east side . undertaker. lC.Ii.Lll Ladr .sslstanL B-1188: ICasf nXCB TOTJB '- Fire Insurance WITH M. E. THOMPSON CO. Baal Estate and Mortgage oans. Cor. 4th and Oak Bts Henry 91dg. ' Phones, Main 60U, A-3327. We Have Money to Loan. . T81. 420 East Aider. i JVP. Finley & Son &&0Ti iT Lady attendant. - Main : 9; A-1699. NEKICSON UNDERTAKINa ; CO, Main isg A-ZZ8&; lady Mit ---t . Dncii- ttp -' i.--. , rr-1-1-id x- Phones C-1114 and A-4444. iCAST SIDE funeral directors sue EL 52. B i ors to K S. Dunnlng.Ine. uccess- 2628 NOUSI HOLD NfCDS WOOD AITD COATj. Kirk Hoover, EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker. Bd sc. .Lady assistant. Main 607. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS office and yards at . 813 Water street. I PACIFIC Title A Trust Co., the leading Phones: Main . 7451, .A-5445. abstractors. 204-S-8-7 Failing bldg. WEATHEIl REPORT 400 MOT A SOLLU STXSO BX JAXD ... ' " TJaTXXSB CTntlSB. . Peninsula Bank to Warren P. Reed, lot XI, block 2. Walker's addition ....... ... ..........I i Kenwood Land company to Au- gusia KOHin. tots zv ana zi, block 23. Kenton W. Cohen et al to S. Steinberg, MNt . Yh : Tear of Int . & mnr-lr 126, Carruthers' addition '-1,32 A low pressure area is central at sea off the Washington coast and the dis turbance yesterday Over northern Ari zona has advanced eastward to northern Texan. A atronor hlsrh nressurer area Is central over the northern Rocky moun- i Dammeler Investment company tain states and another high pressure) to Adrian McCalman, undivided area of ahont th Amn maenitudn 1st 14-30 of lots 1 and 4. block 35. central over the upper Ohio valley. Light Couch addition .-...v 0.500 rain has fallen in several places along D. L. JTHiey to Charles Kose- the Oregon and Washington coasts and .; brugh, lots 16 and 16, block general rains have ocourred" In Texaa, 2. Fluey Park Oklahoma, and the lower Mississippi Sam t Same, lots 9 and 10, valley. It was snowing this morning . block 2, Filley Park In eastern Nebraska, Missouri and Same to Same. lot; 1? and 14, Eoumern Illinois and light local snows block 2, Filley Park . . have fallen in southeastern Washington Same -to Same, lots 11 and 12, and isouthern Idaho. It Is slightly warm- b'ockz, Filley ark er In the north Pacific states and much S. W. McLean and wife- to Marry warmer in tho lower Missouri and lower J Ferr ier, lot 1, block - 93, Mississippi valleys. Low temperatures -Woodstpck ,w.i ..-..-...-, continue in California and frosts were Edward F. Maxwell to Thomas A. reported in that state thla morning as Leisure' - lot; 8. block 6, Wood far south as Los Angeles. ,lailfr?He,gnf"--i:,i 'i"': ' 'iT The Indications are for rain or enow H. P. BrownrigV andVwife to E. in this district tonight and Saturday. , Raddjn"i -A0.4' block i, ... . . , . tj t i Oalr Tark addition No. 2 . . i .n .h,i.. n ii.. .i.. I James D. Hart and wife to E. F. wmditlona ara favorahlA tat lncreaa. I Herts, west -100 feat - of lots 82000, H cash: nice. - new. modern house, 2 elegant porches, excellent base ment, finest view in city, double cor ner lot , 100x160;- all In garden,, fruit, etc.. near 2 carllnes: nerfect title: worm double; vacant lots cost , more alone. See my exclusive agents, --JUERCHANTff BUSINESS EXCH.. 1 Suite 313 Merchants' Trust bldg., 4 cor. 6th and Washington sts. Phone Main 7807, A-3283. Others at all prices and on easy terms 31750 M cash, double corner 100x170. all in garden, splendid fruit, fence, barn, chicken-house, etc, new house, 5 good rooms, z oorcnes. besides . upstairs: z blocks from carllne station; splendid In vestment, worth double this price; must sell immediately. . Inoutre mv exclusive agentsr MERCHANTS' BUSINESS EX CHANGE, Suite 313 Merchants Trust bldg., cor. 6th and Washington eta. Mala 7807. A-3283. '. -'- -- :,-..-,- A HOME WITHOUT MONET DOWN. To reliable roan with steady position we offer-new 6 room and. bath, bun- ?alow, electric wired. Bull Run water, ew - stejB-from Montavilla-carllne,. for 115 and interest monthly, no down nav- 2,560 ments. Price J2100. The most sensibln holiday gift-is to; escape the landlord and own your own noma, r I'outsen-Kat-cJlffe Reairy Co., 320 Lumbermens Lldj.-.. 6th and Stark. Main 7489. 250 250 250 260 850 750 400 ng easterly wnds along the coast. Temp.-- ' "" V,'-T Max. - -; Mln, Preclp; Atlanta, ua. ...... 40 cities of tha tfte. Senator Kean of few Jersey Is . on of, the' Republican member of th up- . per house who has a fight on hi hand fur reelartlan. . Ttia 'lna-ialatura that : will nam hi successor will be chosen next year. - Several of the strongest Republican leader in New Jersey are opposed to his reelection. - .. . . ' . The political situation in North Da kota has been cleared up to soma ex tent by tha formal announcements from Congressman A. 3. Gronna and former Congressman T. F. Marshall that they will be candidate for United State senator, th former for the short terra made recant by the death- of Senator Johnson, and Mr. Marshall for th full term to succeed Senator McCumher. a , . 0" . Democrat of Indiana are preparing lor a Tif urvui iifni iff rapture ma next lglslatur. which will chooa a successor to Senator A. J. Beverldge. There are already several Democratic candidate in the Held for the senator- ' ship, among them Major Mesaiea of, Mount Vernon, John E.. Lamb of Terr HauteJ B. Ert Slack of Frankllnand - Judge Shea of Seymour. - ... Hernando, de "Soto Money, the new leader of tha I )mon t minority ia the fnited State eerare, baa repre nted ?4!!'rrl in t.e orper house aervexl many year la the lover hnuea. Are you sutrering from Lung, Asth ma, Catarrh, Heart and Kidney Trou- bios, also ail Private Diseases , of men and women? -You had better consult these well known Chinese doctors. They will cure you without pain, poisonous drugs or operations. They cure when all othera fall. If you call for a' pri vate talk with them you . will not be urged to begin treatment. They have cured thousands, and unless your ease ia an obstinate one it will be -no excep tion to the rule. .Consultation and pulse dftgnose free. ' If you" live out of . town and cannot call. . Writ for symptom blank and circular. - - xxs ft tohk, cxnrzsa ussicm CO, 14914 rlrrt t-' Cot. Alder. Do yon know that croup- cam brpre- ventedT Olve - Chamberlain' Cough Remedy a noon a th child become hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears, and It will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and ha never been known to fall. A Vsiuabis Present. at given frrrj rtmm of Tfte rij"a1tkn V3- k on CVrtetmaa Bht. Ftttr4T. Dmt-r H lrt tr. tat'fo.!y S"-orll C"rr Lp anil rvrv f c T r .to akat Gn I I r- T It tV ro-rt-, 1-f-;-1. j m 0 f . . a- - " The vast multitude of 'men who have ta ken my treatment have not been - disap pointed. They know that. I do not prom ise more than I-perform. - To them I have actually illustrated in the enra. of th4r o-n cases the . truth of what I claim, namely, that my 'treatment Is a certain to cure ea It is that my patient engages my aervlces and foWow" my - direction. My success I due not alone to education, experience, akill and sclentlflo equipment, but to the fart that I limit my study and practice strictly to all ment a of men. Contracted Ailments Tb eerious result that may follow neg lect of contracted et)ment could oratvely be exaggerated. Hfty demands an ab lutaly thorough cure in the least prtaeibt time. I have treated more me of. con tracted ailments than any other physician upon the Pacific Coast. My cures are thorough and are tiromptliW ' in less time than other formi of treatment re- ?ulr In producing even doubtful result a. employ rmdli of my o w dorUlnc. end my treatment la equally, effective tn both recent and old ca. PAY WU EN CURED EXAMINATION FREE f 41 4 eaart-e for a-frvioa. exasaisaUos er dlanoeia. tt ya aJl fee a vrfvat aalk antk me y-na wUJ mm M arr4 ta bagta tmtawal If taa. poeaiai te call, writ. Soars, t a an. t t p. aa. tam&aya, 14 to X. &6c OK. TAVLORC o. Cor. Morrlnon ontl Second S.ts. JDK. TATLOR. Tke Leeaiag gpeelollaC Baker Cty, Or. .... 14 Bismarck,-N. D.. .. . 13 Blaine, Wash; ..... 30 Boise. Idaho ....iv 24 Boston, Mass. . .... 38 ' Chicago, III. 24 Denver. Colo. . . '. . 28 Galveston, Texaa . 56 ' Jacksonville, Kla. . . 48 Kanaa City. Mo. .. 32 LewiHton, Idaho ;i 30 Los Angeles, Cal, . . 62 : Marshfield, Or. ... 42 Moorhead, Minn, 18 New Orleans. Ija... 48 v New-York,. N. 8 North Head,. Wash.. 8S Philadelphia, Pa. ,. 44 Pocatello, Idaho .. 20 Portland. Or. 34 Roseburg, Or.,,,,..' 33 St. Ixiuis, Mo. .... i 30 ' 8t Taul, Minn. .... 20 Pan Franciso. Cat 5i i Feattle, Wash, .j.i Siskiyou. Or. ...... 30 : Spokane, Wash. . . .: 22 Walla Walla. Wash. 24 28 10 26 14 28 , 18 8 63 34 28 24 44 80 . - 3 40 3S; 34 34 6 29 SO 28 12 ..; !42 28 24 19 22' MARRIAGE LICENSES Lanrence F. Bibb,. Oregon City, 17, and Minnie Colo, 19. - - - Fred Bowes, 185,4 Third, street, 25. and Mae McKensie, 25. , - : ' William R. Wallace, 401 Goodnough building, SO, and Bessie Coates, 30. Ernest K. Allen, general delivery. 23. I and Ida. Kreiner. 26. -' Aloi K. Brandenburg. sia nortnijuli 4 and 6. block I. Broadview.. . . - 1,000 8, E. Joseph! and wife to J. Grant Turner- et al, 3 acres beginning at stake 5 chains and 40 Unas east ana cnatns ana 39 links north of corner of sec lnn 4 K X And 0. Inwnahln 1 south, range 1 east 7,500 D, A. Sutherland and wife to J. HoIawOrth. lot 10. block 4. ml Jscenic ;f lace . ..... i . . . eu n ' I Otto Nagele and wife to M. A. HOB eCHS. lot 30. SI. B2- blOCK 8, Garden Park . . .- ' 100 A, I Fosters to Jacob G. Mey--brunn.'- lot 9 and 10. block 18. Piedmont -. . i 3,000 L. L. Porter and wlfa to Robt. O. Hofer, lot 1. 3, 4. 10. 11 and .IZu, block L Pecks addition; lot ' la. block 61. Irvlngton: lot 3. v block 3. Keystone addition .... 8.340 01 1 Qrton A. Graham and wife to ,0 Robt. G. Hofer. lot fi. 8 and 7, .0 block 17, Elberta, ' and lot 9, ,04 block 6. Pecks addition . . .... ' S.200 .02 Fred-Watrln to Stella fi. Oliver. lot 2, block 9, Hansons addition 1,800 John F. Muiler to Wm. B. Moore, lot t. and 2. Bowne addition.. 2,600 Robt. B. Hofer and wife to L. L. , Porter, south 20 feet of lot 3 : J - and 7, and north 20 feet of lot 3, b1ot ki2,. East- Portland. . . . 25,000 L, J. Goldsmith and wife to Ed- , J. Frohman, land begin- f nlng in east line of St. Clair - street, 124 feet north of point where - Bald : line is intersected by north line of Wayne street 11,(20 Land Estate company to Marie Harm, lot li. block 8. West moreland i 570 A. Schmidt and husband to T. ,0 .0 .0 .02 J' .0 .0 .28 .0 .0. a .0 .0 ,.o- .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 $10 A MONTH HOUSte Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can get it for your- own at the price of $10 a month. ; Order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Greg ory's office in Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car on 8d and Yamhill, get off at end of carllne. Office on prop erty. .- -. .. $2000 SACRIFICE; must be sold before January 1;-owner nonresident: beau tiful new 9 room modern home. 65 4 Clackamas at., Holladay Addition; if you ever expect to get a bargain see this fine property. For price and term call on J. E. Dolen, E. loth and Hrtlscv sts. Phonea East 896. C-1993; Irving ton car. OH 1 1(0) Something good; be sure to see this Christmas day. Call Wood lawn 3457. i ON CHRISTMAS day take a look at swinton then come in and ask us how to make some money or to get a home in this great Peninsula district. COLUMBIA lKUiST COM fA IN' Y, 84 4th st. J Board of Trade bdlsr. FOR SALE 15 lots in Goldemlalc. Wash..- 60x100 each, six blocks from courthouse, all cleared and level, town of 3000 inhabitants. Price $2000. Ad dress owner, Harry UuglU, Scappoose. Or., care I. G. Wikstrom. HERE Is a bargain. Fine lot an. I good 8 room house and barn on nortii alone of Mt. Tabor. $1400: $200 down. bala nr-a Ih $18 monthly "payment av-zCa 1 1 up Tabor 1630. DO you want a home? .We have the biggest list of the best houses at tha lowest prices and on the easiest terms. Hartman oc Thompson, Chamber of ommerce. 6000 8 room residence and lot 65.1 0i at 17th and Collego sts.; unsurnaast-il lew; house alone worth the money. J. Shofner, 3i Yamhill et. subdivision of , lot , block 2, Portland Hoineatead - Conrad Green, trustee to Clara c Kucnxl. west 83 1-3 feet of lot 1. block I, Mayor Gates addi tion Twenty-third street, 29, and Sarah Dos ier. zz. : .Frank Bohllnan.' - 2S2H Twentieth street. 28. and Camelle Lanson, 19.- A'. C. piggott. 249 Fourth street. 25, and Hazel H. Ermln, 18. Charlie B. King. Portland" hotel, 28, and Mary Alice Barnea zc C A. wetaon, uy and Christian Smitr . -. ... . . -.A I ... . - . . - Kt. r.. rir.i i o... pniltp uueiiner ana wile to 8. H. 27, and Hasel Bodl, 24. Vo,b 9t ots tr & block 2. WEllIJG invitations, announcements, Beuhner'a addition visiting cards. Heat tie fc liofmann. Moore Investment company to i printers. 204 Stark st. . . same, lot 7. block I. Vernon... j. a. jrmu aiiu wiifl iw it. r. Meier A Krsnk'a. Main 7211. " fZL'Vn. X ' I.,, ........... t... Barnea, Z. - (Emma A. Damin and husband to OystervHle, Wash 26, TRdgar Lawrence, lots 12. 13. 14, iU,;'- t. . ' . I block 9, Germania addition.. poslta jlxHrFS suits for rent, all si a Tailoring Co.. t Ptara mx. -. - I I . iiiu. tv. v. cull in -w7 Washington bldg. oorner . 4tli aad Wasnlnrton sta CLARKK BROS, floriata; fine flowar -and floral design, if Morrlaoa at. SIEETIXO XOTICES Lnlqu I gwlnf.n Ind company to John wtuiams, jot it, diocr , Swinton '. . . . R, A' W'thews and husband to Mrs. William McKlnley, lot 2. block S. Ravenawood.. . Arlcta Land romps nr to Alfred Waltoit. lot a, block 11, loa Turk 41 4,200 ceo 1,000 9.000 375 -t ISO 7S $60 1?5 THE regular annual meeting of the stockholder of I'mpoua t'or-per com pany will be heln In tne orrioe or wM company. Koora 71$ Ore Ionian building, CERTIFICATES of title made ay tb Title m Trust company, i chamber f ComTree " fTTwYItRS Abstract Tr-aat Co.. room n--ara or iraaa oiag.; aoairaxu a Ol'R room bungalow, full basement. corner lot. built bv day s work. Il:t.".n. Take Mt. Scott car, get off at Third ave., go wonth 1 block. Inquire of Irake. HAVE a few splendidly located Coin Bav lots I will sacrifice. I need some money. Let me talk to you and you will buy. X-36i. Journal. FOR SALE Upper Albina, room cm- tage with gas. hath and cement orna ment. Price $1900. Phone Woodiawti 1013. HAVE a first class rclonc J' il and will give you a good deal if you are looking for a first class residence. D-351, Journal. 0x100, MODERN 7 rooma. atreot Im proved, cement walks, situated t- best part of Irvington, $4I0; 110 0 cash; must sell. T-3t. Journal. NEW o room cottg. beautiful lot in 100. bv car. school and church; $1200. VVoodatock snap. I'hone wood 14. FOR HALE CHEAP. Furnished new ti mon lnu, rr-r..1- ern, i lwi In. hjiat m-ie, .' nronk.i n at Phone 8el lwood 1 74 er I tft FOR SALE ilotiae and lt -n -wi- t.. between lt.a and 1110; vj n- rented for $11 per munth: can l I - t t ches,p If taken rnr. lhr -! $15& If aolil tins eei K t. r--- - lleveiano ave. ana naver. ii a--. . Hofmann. jnj 8'fk. atoliKhN' room 1iou. a 1 2un; $; : m-'fitniy. 1 Wk'oh IT . i 'Portland, Or., at $ p. m, on Tuesday, fpela'ty. 1. V r. Plli.NH. President. etraet office. 41$ Corbott bK NTWTfV M'tXT. fx-r. g der ah bidg. Mala Ev.rg-eea Camp, $46. meeta - HaJzLIP CO.'i'.r. VoBar everunga Celling Hlrsa Bidg, Wt Park iM Washington. F. J. c ), ahairacicra. first clae ;;- Corh-rt tl g. i r.'Ii,17,'T' clerk- IJ A1kjr b,d- P00 I IX) It SALE HEAL JEST ATE 1 K !6th U N., j 0Tc'. li;- if iotl 1!" kk t.t'i i : Can .. nr iteettt. l.a)t. 4 ACi:ctr;rt Flit H acr mrA r.b - 4 ' ba' ;i. ia J ' I -r t ' $.-, tU--H ra"? vn nri ra? ! L.ibbi Lw oiis ll L-iJ to iHi J U 1 ! I ! I . - -1 . r - r w - i - wi ' I -O.V VT.' WW J J t SlK S. A j;n rT canin. miii Fr-I 1 -'. rir mi r j' 6r niM Aneay raii. Thlri I r-w r"Ti niVnrt'iM'-" " . l' !,.-."i l.i t-il f r'. '111 t r - i y" i c e