10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1009. - . .. lL l AM... - J J lL Ill I .. I I I I . ' 11 MTEST RIEWS F . WOKLTO'S MAEMETS 10 CARS FROZEN EASTERN EGGS EI1IIIE TO CITY Shipments Go Through Freez ing Weather and Are Said to Be in Very Bad Shape Lo cal Eggs 40 and 421 -2c. mmm OF 50 CENTS IN mm JOURNAL'S BULLETIN OF POULTRY MARKET Vara of froien eaatern egga are fining to this market as fast aa the railroads can bring them. .,,,,.. Shipments of ( f rom the 'T; bn increased, owing to the nnxiety or forago operators mere iq 'W&a eoa.t however, moat of I he shipments ?.re .,hr mnA the result ia that a large upr evni of the eggs were frosen. Jt ia ifated that some " f these frown eg have already arrived at Spokane and I ho Pot t land enipnieni 1 KM market eFong Kront etreel ill not i i-k anvwiv. Receipts or "oral ranch awfalrlV good for this time of the Year, and recelvera are unable to "f,il the price -bovo 40,42Ho a own. Kfforte to put the price higher than that have proven ium Kautern cold etorage oppriitora are making every effort to unload a P"Uon of their huge Plu-ndre dumping mnnr ran a possible at Racine i.minls. The Piiget aound mar- ete have been flooded with eastern eggs for some time, but P1"" Vh.., lake o eaally to the Imported good as . i, .. .... horn markets hecauso better quality la furnished in fair supply by local ranches, '-- ' niGH VALVE KETT TO THE END. Turkey Market Cleans Up but Chick- en Are Being Meia, imii. tp to the last the turkey market of port Jnd-l)aaueni to man While some interests received a larger aiinrily of turkeys than naa Denn nw ""a tod. the general arrivala were not over three quarters as much as during Thanksgiving, eveiu.rouBuu .;... rivals from the east. ' One car of eastern poultry arrived In late yesterday afternoon, consigned to a Front street fruithouse. The ducks and geese were probably the best ever re ceived in this market, but the turkeys were reported merely fair, and not to be M omparda4 with the product , of local "Adduibnal 'shipments of : turkeys ire expected bv express irem late this afternoon, but there is every likelihood that they will be taken care of. although so rar as buh ",,r' cerned general trade will take a holiday tomorrow. A few. houses will be open to take care of late express shipments, but business will be too nominal to note. Chicken Starke. Xs Hot So Tina. Chicken market la showingslgns of PBBiness along Front street today. t One of the largest houses on the atreet car ried over quite a bunch of stock from vewterdav because the retail trade was ;.u' Bill riiiod. Therefore dullness is expected to insue for eome days. Ihus far the price has not been freatly af fected, although in Instances It has been shaded by anxious receivers who wanted to clean up. Entire Grain Market Firm With Producers Still in Absolute Control of Situation Flour Change Looks Near. 4 Chickens, all J4tUo 4 C'htikena, dressed lit 17a At wholes! today Ter lb. Select turkeya 2M0e Fancy turkeys lTHt3t Ordinary turkeys .......JttMto Cull turkeya 20f li4o reased geese I Initio 4 PER CENT IS PROMISED TOR Northwest Crvp Weather. 1'ortlaml and Vicinity Kaln or anow tonight and Saturday; southeasterly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain or snow west, probably fair east portion to night. Saturday, rain west, snow eaai ourtlon. ISoiitheaaterly Winds. Idaho Fair tonight. Saturday, fair south, snow north portion. Offering More for Oats. While only a very scant amount of business has been cloned In the oats market during the past few day a, re ports Indicate that an advance of 6 On a ton ia again offered for No. 1 white milling oats. Several small sales are re ported at Willamette valley points at the higher range. No change la noted in the local wheat aituatlon, the market being held firm because of tha lark of offerings.1 Flour Is firmer, and Indications point to advanced values during tha coming week. Barley Is firm at unchanged values, with holders not offering. OFFER 10 CENTS LESS FOR HOGS IN LOME MDS Stockdale Buyers Are Laying Off for Holiday and There fore Feel Bearish No Sales Will Be Held Tomorrow. AMALGAMATED Announcement Comes That Copper Company Will De clare $1 Dividend During Coming Month. Dayton Wheat Sales. Dayton. Wash.. Dec. 24. The sale this week or 4000 bushels of blueatem whea at $1.10 in the warehouses marks the record for high prices here. Included in the sale was 7000 bushels of turkey red. which brought $1 a bushel. The lot was purchased by Corbett Brothers, through their local agent, H. B. Ridgley, from Robert Culbertson of Hoaeye. Charles J. Broughton. the wheat king of Columbia county,-aold 0,000 bushels of wheat to the Portland Flouring Mills company at f 1 in the cars. This is the largest sale of wheat made here this season, with one exception early in the season. - According to aeaiers mis pooi practically cleans ud the wheat in Co lumhla county. There are two or three small lots left near Huntsville. . Less than 20 per cent of the barley crop re mains in tne nanus or me growers. There la still considerable grain stored at Turner, Mencken, Alto, Starbuck, Dayton. Huntsville and Longs, but ship ping is increasing. PRODUCE PRICES NORTH AND SOUTH San CAUSES A BANANA SHORTAGE ftelaved Arrival of Car on Account of Mistake Cause of Difficulty. iha delayed arrival of . car of bananas, which were taken to Put mini) bv mistake and then i.rnnirht back to this city, many coun- , trv merchants will be forced to go .fiHnt hnnanaa for Christmas. Tha car was taken to Seattle, Instead of be ing switched onto the Portland train and after being returned were found to be dead treen and badly chilled. Dam age claims will be made against th railroad. . FRONT S'aitEET Qt'OTATIOXB Bops, WOol and Eldas. HOPS 1908 crop, choice. 15c; prima to choice, 16c; prime. 15 c: medium. 15c; 1909 cholc?, 22c; prime, zuyzic; me rilum 17fl)18e. WOOIj Nominal, 1909, Willamette valley, 20 21c; eastern Oregon, 20 23c. BlltilSf DK.1XNB o Hearing, ivtftoc each; short wool, ZSweoc; medium wool, 60c$l each; long wool, 76c S1.2S each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, S 4c; No. 2 and grease, 2 2c. CHITTIM BARK Nominal. 44ttc. MOHAIR 1909. 2St324c lb. HIDES Dry hidea, 1718He lb; green, lHe lb; bulls, green aalt, ?e lb: kips, lS10tc; calvea, green, i8c per lb. Batter. Egfa and Poultry. KGOS Local, candled select, 40$ 42Vfce; local storage, 27c; eastern stor age. .7?28c. . BUTTER FAT Delivery i. o. b. Port land weet cream, 87 Mr- aour, SSHo; BUTTER Extra creamery. S40a; fancv, 87rS8c; store, 25c. CHEESE Fancy full cream. 18 j18Hc; triplets and daisies. 18e; young Americas, 18 , POCLTRY Mixed chirkena. 14 14HC; faney hens, 15o; roosters, old. He; geeae, 12c for alive, 15 16c. for dressed: ducka. l18c; turkeya, alive, 2224r; -diteaseel, 27t80c; pigeons, squaba 2 1 per lOTm, oremeo onicnen. jc o :c a pound higher than alive. drain, rioar and Kay. B ABLET Producers price 190t 1'eed. IS1J1.1.S0; rolled, tZ3; brewing. 831.60. WHEAT Track, club, ti ll; blue atein, $121; red. fl.U; fortyfold. II. 12 I United Prew teased Wlr- Francisco. Dec. 24. Eggs, per dozen, including cases Extras, 53c, firsts, 45c; storage, 82c. Butter, per pound Extras, 36c; firsts, 31c; seconds, 29c; storage extras, 30Hc; do ladles, 25 c; do firsts. 25c. jneese. per uouna new aiij.orni flats, fancy, I8M1C; firsts. 18c; seconds, 17c; California Young America fancy, lc; firsts, 18c:- eastern New York sin gles, 19c do daisies, 19c; do Oregon, 18c; do Young America, 18c. Stor age. California flats, fancy, 17c; firsts, 16c; Young America fancy. 18 c. Potatoes, per cental River whites, 75H!90c; for choice to fancy in sacks with extra stock quotable at 90cir$l; Salinas. $1.1561.40; Oregon's $1.1S3 1.28; early rose. $1.20; sweet potatoes, in crates, $1.251.50; do, sacks, $1.00 1.26. Onions, per cental Yellow, 90c$1.10. Oranges, ner box New navals, choice, $1.752.00; fancy, $2.26)2.75; new tan- (ijpl.SO for large boxes. XoUday Market Xrtwsr. Owing to the holidays thera la 4 a generally weaker feeling all 4 through the livestock market to- 4 day and hogs are down about 10c 4 from prevloua quotations. New York. Pec 24. Tha- stock mar ket closed generally, higher today, with J lock Ialand preferred very firm and higher. The announcement from partlea close ly connected with the Amalgamated Cop- par company to tha effect mat ine ai AGO WHEAT OFFERINGS HIT EXPLORERS' CLUB SAYS COOK FAKED Oil MT. HIIILEV 1 10 PULL FUTURE VALUES i Market Opens a Shade, Lower but Closed 1 -8c Lower to - . . i , 1-4o Higher Argentina Is Kimey expedition Willing to Sell Freely. t'Daltod PMaa Imk Wlrat ' New York. Dec. $4. Tha Kxplorera uh this afternoon denounced Dr. Fred erick A. Cook aa an lmpoater and da red that his claim to having scaled Mount. McKlnley waa not borne out by' the evidence aecurcd by Ibo invea tlgatlng committee. , .. . Tha committee in Ita report to the board of governors, made today, stated especially that it did not consider. the affidavits of David Barrlll, who ac companied Dr. Cook on the Mount Mo- BOAT TO BLUEFIELDS GETS OUT OF PETJ AFTER 36 YEARS . (tilted Praai mm4 Wire.) Baorameiita, Dec. 24- John Howard. ti year old. and a convict alnce ha m-ttm 7 mtmm t .H - a I A him 1 1 W.i r l ' . " .. j mi ... a. . . The etate board st prison dlrrctors re cently gave permission to Ihowardene of I' olaum iinJ Ban Ouanllil Tpenlten." tlarlea to- make a Christmas , gift of parole to ' three prlaonera who had no frlenda on the outaldo. or -a ho had no indication of a "piill." i j Howard was under life sentence for rohIery. '-' - v .. . . Warden Brtllr of Tolao-n had already exercised the Christmas parole prl'-iluae. Howard is a veteran of th,i Cfrll aar. rectors would ortler tyment of $ Friday Thurs. Wed. . Tues. . Mon. . Sat. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN." Hon. Cattle. Calvea. Sheen. 407 67 .. 28 4 ..219 144 ..1610 . 146 . 67 623 W k ago. 75 76 660 25 81 218 Seattle Produce Market. Seattle. Dee. 24. Butter, per pound Washington creamery, firsts, 39c; ranch, 2627c; eastern creamery, 3337c; pro cess, 29c. H.ggs, per oosen icai rancn. o w 48c; fancy white, eastern 44c; eastern storage, 30$s40c; Oregon. 403!48c. Cheese, per pound cream, dricK, ic; wheel Swiss, 21c; block Swiss, 19c; im ported Swiss, 29Q30c; Wisconsin twins, 19c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 19 lHc onions, green, aoc; canrornia, ii.u 1.60 per sack; Walla Walla. $1.25 per sack. Potatoea, fancy eastern Washington, $18(20 per ton; white river, $16g18; sweets, $2.26 pep orate. - - MILLS l LFKj Selling prie Bran. $26; middlings. 3J; chorta. tit, it 1760; chop. $22329; alfalfa meal. 121 i-er ton. FLOL'R New eroo. patenU. $( It straight. $4.86; bakers'. $j.9ia.15 wn larnelte valley. ti.T bbl.; export grades. 14 60; a-rehsm, : $6.60; whole woeat. iv; ryr. tt.im. neiea. n lb. HAT P reducers prtoe-New timothy Wnlaioetie tailcy fcy . HI; ortf i fary. fit; eaaterr. Orvon. mixed 1145 16; closer Ne. I $14916: wbeau lli16; cheat. t!J1.- alfa'f. tli. OATP Ppot 4fllery. new, r-retueere' prtce Tr..ek Sn 1 white. I12.60UI2 CORN Whole. $16; cracked. $17 ton. rratta aa Taretaetoa. ntEFH FRCIT8 Orme: New na- 2 21 .; Valeelaa, II (601 76 I t. bar.anaa. iatr lb; lent on a, S M t t fit l: grapefruit. II pears. Lt6; II '. tiii'kletrrte. je. l'TATOR el'.lng. nw. rAceil; v.vnu enrn Vuiinoimh and Clacka--a. iS7kc; U,Uatte valley, 40 . viova JehWa. IL6I I ". ! 1 Je f.er h. , i ri . ii i e. M.t Ii!.ft- taratpe Orrr j- tw--ta.- 81.26: rarrte. te rt-ra. loni. lite; m-r"-T 'e; heerm. Mte ; lt. -u'(f we. II M per &om , !- ltil. c Ik; lKraerallab. tt; grw n i eft- . MP", hell. lh : !neA. I ; MkVMa $121 4 . ev'-Ke; r r. . tm ft. - Ik.; e.t If ..rii, t -it ; rvcaai- CfwirlM. arste. yte. . it f;t. f4. It la ' ;. t- t : s . . i :.., I : . : I . $5.75; barrels, 16c; half barrels, 30c; boxes, 66c advance on sack basis. (Above auotatlona are 30 daya net caab quotations.) RICE Imperial JaDan No. 1. sue: No. 2. S4e; New Orleans read, 6 HO 7c; Creole. Ud SALT Coarse Half rroand. 100a $9.60 per ton: 60s. 110: table dairy. 60s. $17; 100. 116. 50: bales. $2.26: extra fine barrels, 2s. 5s and 10s. $4.505.60; lump rook. $.'0.50 per ton. HONEY New, 13 ?4c pr lb. BEANS Small white. 15. B0: larae white. $4.P0: pink. $4.2; bayou, $6.76: LI mas. 15.00: rede. $7.(0. Meats, Tluh an rrertalona. DRESSED MEATS Front atreet hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary, 9t; veals, extra. 12c; ordinary, lOlle; ex tra heavy, 800 lb a., 6 6c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. HAMS. BACON, ETC Portland pack HcKalt ham. lHc; breakfast bacon. UH6 26c; boiled bam, 26026c; picnics, 14c; cottage roll. 16c; regular ahort (Kara, amoked. 16 Vic; backa, emoked. o; picaieo tonguea, sec eacn. Portland Union Stockyards, Stockdale, Dec. 24. The day before Chriatmas proved to be a very slow market for livestock it, the local yards, but this condition is a usual one at this time of tha year ana la not confined to the local market fiione Again there was a very liberal show ing of hogs in the Stockdale yards and bids are generally 10c below those pre viously offered for the same class of stuff. Buyers are inclined to nold aloof, as they generally do at thia time of the year. Present weakness and lower price in hogs is not due to any changj in the remarkably strong market which has heretofore Held at recorJ Driers, but to the approach of holidays and the consequent stilling of big operations. Will Zo Better After the Holiday. There will be no business at all tran sacted In the Portland stockyards to morrow, and therefore arrivala will be carried over until Monday morning. It is not liueiy tnat there will be much of demand until after New Year s. Only a nominal, run . of cattle an J sheep waa shown durinsr the ,'past 24 hours, but this was sufficient for the scant trade offering. Unless there is a press of supplies, the market "will likely nolo wnere it is for a while. Today a run of livestock compares witr. tnis aay in recent yeara aa roi lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep, " 407 67 1908 ,. 1907 1P0 200 ... 129 1905 ... 100 . ... A year ago today was Christmas, and tnererore no business was transacted In the yards. Those Who Supply the Market Cattle J. A. Benson, of St. Johns, drive in nine head of cattle. C. Craven of Weiser, had two loads of cattle of- renng. Hogs W. C. Walker, of Joseph, sent in two loaas or swine today, ueorge Chandler had one load o'f hogs Offering i rom :igin. Mixed Lots J. C. Davis brought In a mixed load of hogs, sheep and hogs from Lebanon. , The following is the general range of iivestooK value in tne yards: CATTLE Best steers, weighing 1200 pounas. !4.iai.u; medium steers, $1.50; best cows, $3.763.86: fancy heifers. I3.75fr3.85: medium cows. 13.60: poor cows $2.002.50; bulls, $2.0002.75; suves. 2.oiMa s.uu. HOGS Best cast of the mountatna. ta.io; rancy, 8.ti; stocxers, ib.oo; pigs, $6.00, 7.00. SHEEP Best wethers. B.25iB.S0: ordinary, $6.00: spring lambs, $6.00; straight ewes, $4.75; mixed lots, $4.75 a ra next month, putting the dividend rate to 4 Aer cent, created conaiderable talk, but in some quarters the opinion waa that the report waa ralsa. However, aa It came from a good aource, a majority of the trade believed it. . Norfolk A Western declared the regu lar semiannual dividend or 2 per cent. The Wall Street Journal aaya today: AmeHeanH In Trillion firm.. Special meeting Utah Copper atock- holdera January 17. - i Tha Steel Cornoratlon allows only 48 hours for Christmas holiday Instead of two weeks usual at certain plants. Judge Gary finds conditions at Ten nessee coal ft Iron plant ideal, ana says tne district win eventually oecome i great shipping center for sales to for elgn countries. The government may issue Panama bonds. Total value operative and non-opera-' tive property of Brooklyn Rapid TrarK ait, ii03.uoo.uoo. Range of New Tork prices furnished ny uverneca K fjooae to. DESCRIPTION. CALVES Best. 8S.25a5.50: $3.004.50. ordinary. Eastern Livestock Market. Chicago. Dec. 24. Hoes. 14.000: cattle. 3000; sheep, 4000. Hogs are steady at yesterday's clos ing. Left over yesterday, 10,600. Mixed. I8&S.45; heavy. $8.309 8.60; rough, $8.10 8.26; light. $7.868.26. Cattle, steady. Sheep, strong . - Omaha. Neb., Dec. 24. Hogs, 8600; cattle, 3000; sheep, 600. Kansas City, jec. ' 24. cattle. 1000; sheep, 600. -Hogs, 6000; XEW YORK BAXK STATEMENTS Amal. Copper Co. Am. car & f oun do Dfd. . . . Am. cot. Oil. c. A . T 1AIVU.. V. . , . Am. Sugar, c. Am,' Smelt., c. do pfd Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c. . .. do pfd. B. & O., c. do pfd Brooklyn R. T. C. - P. c ... Cent Leather, c. do pfd. . . .w . C, M. & St P.. Ches. & Ohio Col. Fuel & Iron. Co. South., c. . , do 2d pref. ., da 1st pref. .. Con; Proa., c. . , do pref. D. & R. G., c. , Erie, c do 2d pref. .. - do 1st pref. , Gt. North, pref. HL Cent. Int. Met., o. . . do pref. Louis. & Nash. 60 1224 10114 111 1 60 H 104 117 87l 88 61 60U 122 1029a 111 62 122H 104 118 121 101 110 69 120 104 117& 79 179 22 22, 22 New York, Dec. 24. The weekly state ment of the associated banks today shows the following rhangea: ; . Reserve on all deposits, decrease, $298,425. v Reserve on'deposlta other than United States, decrease. 1290.275. .... Pr rwti Kettle leaf. 10 18Vic per lh.: is. l$o oer lb.: 60 lb. tins, le per lb.; steam rendered, 10a, ntjr per id.: db, iic per id.; com pound. 10a. UVc per lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.60; ramr ntD.l j Dox. flounders. 6c; halibut. t10c; striped baas. 15c; catfiah. 10c; aalmon, fteelhead. c; ellvera. 6c lb; fall sairaon. sc in.; aolea. To lb.; ahrimpSj. 12 Sc lb.; perch 7c lb.; torn cod. c per lb; lobsters, tie fr-r lb; fresh mackrel. per lb.; crawfish. ) per rtoa., ettiraeon, llvc per lb; black beaa. :c ir lb.; Columbia ' amalts. 40c per lb ; ailrer emclta. 7c per lb.; black cod. 7Sc pr lb.; crabs, 11.2601-76 per doxen UIPTERa ehoalwaier bey. per ral lon. 26; pr 10 lb sark. ll; Oiymauk. r-r gallon. $2.76: per Ift :W- muck, 7tf 6: canned eeetern. (6e can. $6.60 doe.: eastern In shell. II 66 per IH. ratata. 4eaJ OH, ate. BENZlNaii 4min-, nna. Ite per -al.. Iron bUa, II fee par ffaO. L.Ibk.mj OIL, Raw. btola $6; caate, boUe4. ttia, 77c; caaea, t2c per 4Uoa tula ef l ral).. le ieaa, oil t waL inga. la ma rket ) Kcre ntnnt, ee; etaaj. T H 6r per rann WHITS LKAD Tea lata. T per r; 64 lb. au, ee par la.; lees lota, -rr n. CO A L OIL Paart. eetraJ ar4 eur lae par a lias, a at, i. lie rtox: alalna. !e e"". BtMrtUxbt lV lvm, ei tra r. J tr einu, water wKtte. 1 1 S W It W I' gmtton, eparia nar wfcita. Ifce a t--i. i O - .LI Vic F.4 raw e.r4 1)4 11 - -m 1 4 . . nA lift t " u , -ia caaaa. 74a, bexrela. Loans, increase. $6,488,600. Specie, lncreaae, $2,787,100. Legal tenders, dm-reana. tl 211 flnfl I u-poults. Increase, $7,018,100. Circulation, decrease, $144,400.' Total loans, $1.187.471. 400, The eurplua of the banks is $10,583, 8.6. as against $11,208,700 last year. Two ears ago there:, waa a deficit of $44$ 070. - Aiannat. Ky. . . . . M.. K. & T c.c. do pref Distillers ...... ore Lands Mo. Pac , . . National Lead . . N.: Y. Central .. n. y., o. & w... Norfolk & W., o. do pfd North American. No. Pacific, c. . . . pacific M. S. Co. Pennsylvania Ry. r. ti., u. & u. Co. pressed S. Car., c oo via ...... Reading c . . . . , ao za pref. . . do 1st Dfd ... Rep. I. & S.. c. do pfd Rock Island, c , ao dm . . . . . . 8.U&B. V. 2d p oi. u c a. w.. c do Dfd ... . Bouinrn Ky., c, south. Ry., pfd.. Texas & Pacific. T. St. L & W., c. do rf d Union Pacific, c. no pra U. 8, Rubber, c ao pfd... SL Steel CC.C, do ofd-....... Wabash, c...... do pfd Wis. Cent.'c. .. . Weattnghouse ... Beet Sugar; . . . .. Utah copper.... Third Ave Pittsburg Coal. AHia ChaL, c. do pra An. Can., c. . .. do pfd ...... Alton, c ........ do Dfd Cons. Gas Big Four Ry. Springs, . do Dfd ..... Virginia Chem. do pfd . . . . K. City So., c do pfd ..... 1434l43!4 104 7T4 Chicago. Dec. 14. Wheat closed c ower to lie. higher. Market opened a shade lower on the sales and liberal Argentine offerlnga. coupled with heavy Australian shipments, volume or uuai nesa was ugnt, nut inter in m aay me market waa a share ateaJer. with trade a I n n ,, . amI-uI I .... n I V Corn was strong on the Qnaettled weather, with not much on the market Provision trade was very small. There was no outside, business and tne Pit crowd an J locals are evened up for Christmas. It. was hard to execute either buying or selling orders.' Kansas Clt.v reported a bearish arraf of newa on wheat there today, There TO AID PRISONERS BROKAW WOULD PATCH A ; " - IT UP, ON CONDITION ' (United Prara Ltaaed WIN.) Washington, Dec. 24. Orders were Issued today to the United States gun boat Prairie, now' at Colon,' to hasten to Blueflelds to the relief of the prla oner captured by the rebela in, the re cent engagements at Rama and Reef no, who are reported to be Buffering' acute ly from tha lack of food. The Prairie will load $5000 worth, of auppltea fur nlehed by the American Red Cross ao elety. 8he will clear for Blueflelds the moment the provisions are beneath her decks. .testVrid IMS St'lf Sno'wfngfecK A Wa today to til. wat ore in and a b" that Jose Madrid recently chosen will be on hand Monday. Cash wheat No. 2 red. st.2Sfli1.SftU: No. 3 red. $1.100 1.25:' No. 2 hard. $L1$ (Tl.18; No. S hard. $1.10(91.16; No. 1 northern $l.!6f1.18; No. 2 northern, $1.14il.l7; No. S spring. $1.1011.16. Cash corn No. 2. 61c: No. 1 white. ?,c,:.ta 5 yellow, 81c; No. 4 common president of s; Nicaragua.-, had been forced to resign. The aource of : the report ' was not-, available, ' nor - could it be confirmed. " (Rhnae of Chlrn nrlrea furntahed py tveroeca 4c cpoKe CO. WHEAT. Open High Low Close Deo 116 116 116 116 May Ill 111 110 llla July ......101 103 101 101 CORN. ' - Dee. 62 63 62 62 May T-6 -7 6 66 July .. 66 66 66 66 OATS. Dec 44 44 44 44 May 46 45 45 45B July 43 43 43 43 PORK. Jan. '.' 2180' 2185 2170 2ltOB MayJ 2173 2182 2165 2182 July .......2175 2170 LARD. 4 Jan 1192 1267 . 1260 1260B May .......1192 1197 1190 1196B ''.. RIBS. Jan. 1150 1157 1142 1146B May .......1140 , 1145 1140 1140 62 61 33 Y 49 48 88 88 123 1123 ' 144 1 137 (116 171 106 145 41 137 U5 171 109 SH 45 45 60 93 60 80 31 73 35 25 136 ms IOS 171 108 48 91 60 47 69 18 28 13 13 IS j..... ....... I::::::::::::;:: 168 159 168 ViV ' "ii" '66-' 64 '43 '' "43 Money I per cent ask. NORTHWEST BASK STATEMENT Fortlaad Beake. Clearings today...,. .$1,228,127.09 Year ago today 111,622.47 Clearings today Balaocea today Taeoma Saaka. .$1,174.1 00 J. 492. 69 Clearings today isaiancea today eattle Xaaka. ..S1.794.2SI.OO ..- 205.644,6 NELS0N-W0LGAST BQUT MAY BE HELD FEBRUARY 22 ft"tte41 Freai taaaej Wlr. Loa Ana-lea, De. 24. Ton Jonea, BBBjvarrr for Ad WoTraat wha area tnatrhrd to fight Batting Nejann last aight.. atated today that.tbe date for the cTteat hare Ma ; not be fixed. Am org tnrmX epnnteg men. howerer. te nplnWrn ia prevalent that the twe firh era will rn tretlier February 22. Jor.ee atid.alaA that the rtt'le fir the ffett are br p?.ee4 tM, - e1 '! r- f--rt1ed ta (.lm t-i. t 1tr t t :r a rfttvr Tt, Cotton Market fa Closed. : New Tork. Dee. 24. There " waa ne session of the New Tork cotton ex change today. . . -, SHyer Market. . , rtTnlted Pasai laad Wire.) -New York. Dec 24. Bar silver, 62 c "LITTLE TIM" BURIED WITH BOWERY HONORS . PMa4i New York, Deo. 24. Financiers rubbed elbows with Bowery ton r ha, and ReDublloana mingled with Democrats today when the body of Timothy P. Sullivan, the eaat aide boas, waa buried. Aa Immense throng; attended the funeral, the Bowery turning? out en masse to honor the anemory of "Little Tim," whose purae had eftea stood be tween them and hunger. Prominent poliUciana from all over tha a tat a were prevent " some of then acting a pallbearer- . Etm Wrna IfU Suit. Hood River. Or., Dec. 24. Word reached Hood River late last nlgfct that Judge W. L. Bradahaw of The DaJlrS bm4 rendered a decision -la the suit of N. C Kvane ft the LJtrht Water craw faay of Heod Hirer In faror of the plaintiff, who bad ened the Light com pany for aa eoreuwt In. N. Evans waa at one time tnartaeer af the com pany ar 4 at tsa preent time as ie I iarra t,( tt k In t ropar.y. TTe! r t'r' ff i:lH t t ffra ef te - ' ff i i !' ' t : I CHRISTMAS PLUNGE V IN RIVER FOR BADT0RF Despite the coldness of the weather, George Badtorf," of 785 York, street, will be baptized in the Willamette river Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. C. T. McPherson, pastor of the Epworth M. E. church, Twenty-sixth and Sayler streets. Though 'allowed hia- choice of . . V. .1 n .. . asked thaf the ceremony occur in the Willamette river Sunday. . Both the convert and Rev. Mri.Mc Pherson .will enter the water without rubber garments of any kind. Five years ago thia Christmas Mr. McPherson baptized a convert In tha bay at As toria. Or. ' : Several church members twi signi fied an Intention of entering; the water with the two. Artisans Choose Officers.. t8neelaT nifn.tr h to Tha .Tnaraal.) Forest Grove, Or., Dec. 24. Diamond Assembly, No. 27. United Artisans, of I out ((United Press Leased Wlra.l ' " Mlneola, N. Y., Deo. 24. W. pould Brokaw. opposing his wife's au:t for divorce, today declared himself willing to take back Mrs. Mary Blair Brokaw, but ha qualified his offer with tha fol lowing: . "I'll take her if she will only prom ise to quitimaklna charges against my. alleged conduct with other women. I, am sensitive. Besides you can't believe' her; she tells me on thing one 'minute, and something else the next" . The defendant denied that he accused his wife of wanting to alope with Dr. Chapman, a relative of Brokaw. lis said: V,'- " ' I don't believe that anybody would wam nln... wttH him .Via la tAn -f- Brokaw admitted "breaking down - s door or two" when his wife locked him this city, have chosen the following of ficers for the term beginning January 1, 1910: M. A., Dora Emerson; superin tendent, Mrs. , Pearl . C. Hartley; in spector, Christine Mackrodt; secretary, Dr. O. Scheeti; treasurer, J. Ii. Hartley; senior conductor, Mlsa Anna Staehr; junior conductor, Alma Curtis: M. of C. L, A. Markee; field commanders, 0. W. Markee and Pearl Stelgledor; musi cian, Mra. Dalale Markee. , Mrs. Brokaw waa not In court today: a cold confining her to her room. ' Alfonso's Condition Gives Alarm. . - v UnlUd Preas Lnaed Wire.) Paris. Dec. 24. A dispatch from Mad rid published here today says that the condition of King Alfonso is the causo of much anxiety at court and tliat it la expected" hi 'mhava-Ta-aubrrrtrto-an operation. '." ' New Corporations. , (Salem Bureau of The Joarnal.) Salem, Or., Dec. 24. Articles of in corporation were fifed in the office of the secretary of state today as follows: A. F. & A. M. Mining company,, prin cipai onice roruana, capital stoca iiuu, 000; incorporators, A. Molesworth, B. M. Armitage and W. H. Flagg. Brogan Townslte company, principal office Brogan, capital stock $100,000; in corporators, D. M. Brogan, Edward B. O'Donnell and William K. Lowrey.' : - Brogan Trading company, principal office Brogan. capital stock $2SyO0O; in corporators, DJ M. Brogan, Edward B. O'Donnell and E. Irving Brogan. Shaughnessey Investment- company. principal office Portland,-capital stock $500;. Incorporators, Frank ' P. Shaugh neseV, Abigail L. Shaughnassy and Charles Stout Pacifttrctty Canal- companyT princlpaT i office Portland, capital, stock $1,000,000; incorporators, George Stevenson, W. HJ, Lang and W. W. Purdy. 4 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON " i UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital and Surplus $1000,000 OFFICERS ... J. G AINSWORTH, Pres. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.' A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. ' W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS Falls from Car. . M. F. Barks, 187 Holladay avenue. fell from a Williams ' avenue car thia morning at East , Second atreet The fall was -caused by a sudden lurch of the car. He was bruised about the face. Charged with Forgery. Constable J. L. Barnes of Cbico, Cat., passed through Portland today with W. C Davis, arrested at Grangevttle, Idaho, on a charge of forgery. r, ?v BERMENS National Bank . J , ; -4 '. CORNER FIFTH C6V STARK Deposits December 16, 1009 ........ .$2,679,775.11 Deposits June 16, 1909 ..... . . . . . . ... . 1,655,187.52 Increase in six months since moving into , , new office .... V. $1,024,587.59 Meet Me Tonight At .1111' The Ideal Gift Stored Overbeck & Cooke Co; Commission Merchant Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc. ' 216-217 . Eoard of Trade Building Members CMraga Beard of Trada Carraaaondawta ef Lawaa at Brraa, - CaJeaga, New Tar. Beta. W ave rhe mmff wrfvate wire esaet!ne PartlaaS tke eaatae xrarrea YEARS of SERVICE have PROVEN. THAT : BITULITHIC; ;l ' r0. Lasts longer and is safer for horses and autos than any other, kind of pavement. - : . BltULITHIC ;; '. Is being laid in more cities in the northwest than is any other class of pavement. - : " : -: lc6& BnpLITHIC " Together with its wearing, qualities, are what, . make it popular. Commercial bodies, city officials or individuals . - who are interested can obtain complete informa tion and statistics regarding street paving by addressing . Warren Construction Company BECK BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON t - a ? . .... a. I Ik: a. I - t t-1 t4 ta I t i rt it.