The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 23, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    iKi :': . OT'OSMj IAGE OP TOE elODENAb
n f.
THE 'JOURNAL some pertinent history
an ivmrKKDCjrr H-sr.ra.
JKIiON faMtahw
-bilkMl rf aln iep Saaear) an!
, 7 f-tml.f KWiiIni at ! JWa.l
""Ent-l at iim pnatnfrk'a at loctloi. Or., tot
tranaalaelae Uiroul It IMlW M MWM"
., .11
j r !m'1U).E-MU TIMS " 1IOMB. A-ol.
All aparianata rarfte4 bf -1Uee ir.
I.JJjb. i.j-..irwlidrriMiMU .P?rJ";
i-Minii 4 Iniw k, !naaarl-lr HulMlna,
nfifc ar-uaa, Kw York; tl7-0s H""
HuDdlnff, Oiloajt,.
Piinarrtprloa Terma b? Bull or to aa
I" lha I Ht4 Btalea, Canada ar JIUMI
Cut r. ....... 83 OO f On Bienlk..
- Bl'XDAV,
On yaaf,.....'..82oO I On atnntk..
T.SO Ont aoontfe.
. .23
. .68
Our happiness in this world
depends on the affections we are
able to - Inspire, Uuchesa de
I'raalln. ;
P BOURNE U an issue. Harvey
Scott la an issue. , If oue 'li
dragged In aa typifying tbe pres
ent method of choosing senator.
tha other ahould b equally la the
epot light as Illustrating the old
method. If men rather than mfeaa-
ures are the test, let us be fair and
and dlacusa all the men, and their
Almost dally the direct primary
and those woo faror It are denounced
and It Is fair to inaulre as to who
It Isthat makes the denunciation.
Almost dally, supporters of the di
rect primary are called jugglers and
bunko artists and the primary sys
tem assailed as a Juggle and a bunko
game. What of him who makes this
assault? Is his record auch as to
entitle him to challenge the intelli
gence or the honesty of others?
Tuesday the Oregonlaa aald: "The
abomination of the system la the pre
tense that a plurality at the primary
represents or can represent the "will
Bourne Jr.'g ' support ' for United
States senator at the Joint ses
sion olVthe legislature tonight, I
hereby, agre to use the full power
of the Morning Oregonian and the cannon never falls to sho
EWS COMES now of a gigantic
money trust Jn existence In
New York. A dispatch sent
out from Gotham names J. P.
Morgan' as its head and says that
within the past three . months an
understanding . has been reached
whereby six men and the Interests
directly allied with them can abso
lutely dictate, the finances of the
country. There is no actual organ!-
ration but a ort orcommunity
lllLCI cot UM lTCU cai,ucu. iliac
these titans of finance Into . one
compact group with unlimited
powers . In the"' control of. the
country's -money. " The six units
In this group" of financiers are
J. P. Morgan,' head of the private
banking firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.,
whose deposits are supposed to ag
gregate $200,000,000; George F.
Baker, chairman of the board, bf di
rectors of the First National bank:
Evening Telegram to defeat John H.
Mitchell at the. next senatorial elec
tion, and eject Jonathan" Bourne Jr.
In his p.aee. I further, agree that
If I receive the support of Jonathan
Botfrn Jr. for United States senator
at the Joint session of the legisla
ture tonight, that if elected I will
turn all the federal patronage over
to Jonathan Bourne Jr. I hereby
further agree In lieu (view) of re
ceiving., the support of , Jonathan
Bourne tonight at the Joint session
of the legislature that whether elect
ed or not, I will pay to .Jonathan
Bourne 125,000 in United States
gold coin." 1 ",
The open history, of the deal is
that Mr., Bourne supported Scott,
that Scott ' was voted for but not
anything progressive and for the
public benefit. He prefers Senator
Flint's proposition, or Senator Car
ter's, both monopoly men, for an Is
sue of certificates, because he be
lieves that they could not be sold, and
therefore tbe reclamation work would
have to stop, or would be checked.
an enemy of the people, especially
those of the west. .
y niui oviamolt.
Tnj glad Christmas !' n near.) I
don't believe I aver saw a Christmas
that was ever nearer at this-time, of
this time of tha year. , My wife. Hen
rietta, has promised to buy ma" a Bible
and a book entitled "Ten Nice Bar
rooms." or words to that effect, ,lf X
do nothing to . arouse her Ira. . Tha
chances for ma receiving any preaanta
re exoeeaingiy attenuated.
, . . SHALL C1IANGF ...
t , ,
It's toe late to ahop early. i
' ':
BHasarda In several sections, but none
In Oregon. . .
- e e ' ' , ,
Per ha pa Peary yern needs further
, -
It will ba a 'merry Christmas for
Peary, but not for Cook. ...
i.. . a a . - -'', -
How la your oonsrUnee 4n tha mat
ter of those Bed Croas atampa.
1 -' ' r ,.--e.,. ,. . .. .'
It has been a blar harvest tar tha mar.
chanta who advertlao la Tha Journal, -
a e i ' , v v.'
In Cbrlatmaa nreaenta also, tha mora
one has tha more one gets, as a rule.
'--.' , e , .
Callfornlana can cat out of mnttnn.
ona and exceaalve rains by comln up
to uregon. . , . ,
Seaafhe road dlatrlot levied a
road tax. ,
-." a a
A dog poisoner has killed 17 oajilnea
In Atliona, ,.
. e e
Stayton Commerotal club has bean
reorganised. , . . .
a a , , , . i '
Stavtnn mar have a 110.000 blah
school building. ' - , j
Halnea Is out of debt and has l45
In tha treasury.
pallaa la badly In need of a high
school, says tha Itemlaer. . .
i" a a . 'f ,. ' ..-1 v v
Athena ' district's aohool population
Increased 43 In tha cast year.
e a . - . V
Ih 'e RE.ALM
An Old Story, i
WAVK of decency Is coming over
the French stage says a- London
t special apropos of Ilarou, da
Jtothschlld's new play. "Ia lUm-
- pa,- or "The Footlighta." If it
will have -any, effect on the American
km uvuuijr wKicoine ior
tha productions of the' last few yeara
make ona wonder what sort, of a people
wa really are to demand such amuse-
muni, .. c , ; . j
Oh, yea. we do. demand' It." or; the'
managers , would not continue to put
it on for ua. The point la not to alt
In lofty cqn.demnatlon of the manarera
OH well near 'Dallas Is down r ..." P"?110 wh Patronlae tha
100 feetj proapecta reported gopd. - Ifjrv' .An rlr" ona was probably
Iebanon Is
e e
inou out as an exDeriment an
tha publlo not only "atood for W but
TrTki tT. IV. vJni'r" r,I,i, abolished awnlnga and established fire wen wild over It there was a general
elected senator. The spectacle pre- . """"r" nT ilownvt,w,i ,ooW;
a . a a -I a.iV-L WW UIUUWI, DllOri (!
sented was Scott trying to sneak Into uft . thoughUaaaly hid my trouaera
the United States senate, not by the and then locked tha door and put the
people s choice, or by anybody a else
choice, but by the power of money
and the promise of patronage and
the. venality of his two newspapers.
It was a purchase, bargain and sale,
with a price placed on the heads of
key In her pocket I hava been con
templating setting tha house on fire
Just to teach her a lesson. ' If I could
find my trousers and get out of tha
houee without loss of Ufa on my part
I would do It . f
as soon as ana gives mm back my
pants I am going out after
of the Deonle. . It Is time to
nTES"r " L Put an end to the Juggle and the
III V.r r. ' bunko game. If It can be ended in
1 1 , . v. :l"r y d I no other way than by the election of
Democrats straightforward Demo
crats very well, It lr the
worst Juggle In politics ever Snown."
- If Mr. Scott denounces as a Juggle
and bunko game elections of sena
tor under the direct primary law,
does be undertake to defend the
method by which he himself sought
At Mr, Scott's doorlies the specific
and unrefuted charge that In 1903
he tried to buy bis own election as
senator. He etands pillorlod before
the whole country as a man who
sought to corfjpt a legislature in or
der to compass his own selfish am
bition. It is a charge that, in tbe
most positive terms, was published
In the American magazine, that in
substance was reprinted In -Collier's,
JameauiJaainwTO the processes that he empLoyed?.Wll!
hoard or airectora 01 the jxanonai rnnTltr Tnmi tha detall. wee he, in his newspaper, commend his
City bank; William Rockefeller, vice . . . m-thnH th hBt ohtainahla. in
president Standard. Oil: Hehry CAIKVI ..Z::zTlrMK0tc, i if. fnDi, , h e . from sight The little
TTIpV -xmttaUsr. anrf WIHloTn V Van- olner 01 lne liu,a 03 luo freBB' uu IZ" . .J rr? JZZ -1 " '"'a ed to bob and tha
, . . , e e 5 ' .'.. -Tnothar
maa thawed dynamite on a
stove. Tbe-reroalna were small and
acattered. .
Alaa let tha worloT know .that Port
end la the healthiest city , Mta also
In tha world., ,
, a a
It's a poor eerson Indeed who cannot
confer a little -happiness on somebody
on Cbrlatmaa. . ,
' Tha decision that five Judirea of the
supreme court ara constitutional aur
prlsed nobody. , , ., ..
, i e ' . , ! . . f ;
ttu couia any or tua critics run a
ourrrina amona mimcrri an ni...
m a " . A . . - -
.. . - ; t . 1 wriK-nia o nna mora of tha aama mn
conditions never 'looked Better n with tha result that ,... vIV. I
Powder River valley, .sayjr tha Haines 7ad witri ari! a ..beft
Record.' ..-. . iiucea witn eerlea ct productions dle-
croMUiiy" paa. -, , ..(
Joaephine county will ba tha ('storm
center of prosperity next year, says
tha Courier. ., ,.vv
Josephine county has a large area of
cheep, choloe lands, and many Irrigating
T mm nin, A mr,- . .n.i, nil streetcar system to suit evervbodv.
. . . . ... .. 1 r - " w" w M I m,. . 1 ... - '
legislators wnose votes couia oe ae- of wood and then climb tha back fence lw " "''urH"
livered for senator. 10 was a de- nd run away. Henrietta must ba
llhrt attfimnt tn ranch tbft aannte I ugni mat 1 am master of this house-
. , . u, ho'11' lf 1 ,iav6 t0 lava It to prove it
house at WAhington, not, by choice , have 60 cents saved un which 1 have
or the people, out witnout tneir
knowledge or consent. In all the po
litical annals of the state no scandal
is more notorious. ' , :
Now, since Mr. Scott denounces
the direct primary law as a Juggle,
does he. In his public print, defend
the method by which he sought the
The critics have many times lifted
their voices In protest and the few
hava lifted their hands in horror but
tha many have continued to mn an lnn
aa-the eeata held out Are the mana
gers likely to take In tha thing which -brings
such returns and substitute
something for It which , will probably
go begging for patronage even though
It be a a tar attraction? - ' .
Anythlnir mora aafrt nr. v. . .1.-
of,.onmunlSWBoo!L'.COD"': J" - ???ty tast?:
. . 1 wvi.w wa ail nin atorv. rnr -. hnn, .11
burled under the woodshed, and I will
take that and go out Into tha world.
. I have a difficult time saving a great
deal of money. I had . a dollar , and a
Quarter once, but I talked In my aleej)
one night and told where It was hidden
and Henrietta got up before I did and
busted the bank. It waa a good lesson,
for It cured me of talking In my Bleep.
1 must draw this to a close, I feel
senatorship? Does he recommend tolas though I was going to have a chill.
the people of Oregon that they aban
don tbe primary Jaw and elect' their
senators by the methods and through
to Henrietta must be coming.
After next year - Congressman . Mc
Credle may be. free to devote his whole
attention to baseball. ;
1 e . ' ,
. Collector Loeb aaya people are be
coming mora honest Some of them.
8jt least; mora are being sent to Jail.
w 9 ......" i-.
The oeoDle who eerlmat thmt i,n'1
celebrated poem of William Watson's
as great poetry must also ba a little
a V . .-.
Secretary Wilson says ' bensoate of
soaa is -not needed in catsup. Perhaps
not but It couldn't make -some catsup
worse. :. . f s ij.-v . .
ditohes, and will .develop rapidly.
. . . e . ,.
Roseburit Rwlew: Oood roadal Mora
f ood roadal Tea, we've' got 1 to have
hem. And we'U get them. ,
Durlna last week' St inquiries were
u VI l" "fc . I WOUld ba an DM atnrw ..K.. ...
thaat-aft 1st '. tsa 1 , . .
Whlla worVInK a olaeerv claim on tha IZZ'Z " .L ?1 . -""O. let
AppleRate, Albany men. beside getting h u.5,ai.?r "-waye - attrred up
considerable gold. . killed four beara! nen fomething like "Tha Soul Kiss
eight cougars and'several coyotes and cornea to Portland ' and draws big
deera. . nouses. The papers devoted editorials
' ' I anY. Other V,ln. Kla ,wni . , .
"""'" ""'""' ' v . V , Iu" xec tor b. ana ' everyone arreed
tiahlfant Vnrmw mnnty ha not hmt ,u.. . . . ' asrora
as propitious a - fall as we are Just
now passing through. If we do not
have bumper crops next year then there
is nothing la-''signs," says the Irrlgon
Irrigator.' , - ' V -
- Man near- Junction , City raised a
smooth, t well-formed " potato that
welehed lust rive DOundS. - But the Eu-
gene Guard tells of a potato on exhi
bition there thiA , weigh 14 pounds.
Another spud la IT Inches long. - Thirty
potatoes filled a sack that weighed e
derbiit,"representatlve of -his family
Interests., vu j. v.
Concerning' the factorship, this
colossal money trust can exert In the
country's finances, the dispatch says;
"It could call $200,000,000 of loans
any night and ruin any adversary.
It could reduce credits to such a de
gree as to cauBe. extreme , money
etringency and great commercial dis
tress. It could tie up the cash hold-
lngs of New York banks by demand
ing certification of checks for enor-
though it is an accusation that . if
untrue could be easily dlsproven, Mr.
Scott, beyond his own unsupported
denial in his own, newspaper still
! stands accused, and has at his door ,
the 'record of one of the most no
Knox will probably- have a pretty
. - sieaay joo down in Nicaragua, if ha la
HOWtyaPHi "ainuin It. prea: Pounds
.'' 5 ; o A NOVELL. I . . r . .. . Typhoid fever has
. . i ...Mn. n v j 4i . wives now ana no I oit?i puui i , u , - . -
the great orb of day sank Icarea r mit.n.hin m ikj..i ti.Ji Ln ih. riiii.. '.nri la minv tn ha things, auoh aa Chauncev Oleott "Th
e bobolink had I should be able to nave quite an enjoy-1 stamped out entirely, says the States- J Climax." "Mr. . Hopklnson" and "The
robin no longer jable Christmas if he were not a Mo-1 man. , The ctttsena are aroused, the Bachelor," hava played . to small busi-
ooara or traae is arousea. ana even tne i ness at tne aama prices. Is Che answer
inai. k was one of the worst thinira
they had ever seen, still the theatre
did big business and the strange part
about playa of that sort is that even
though people say they were disgusted
they never seem to get up and go out
before . 'the end. - t v ; ,i -,,; ..)'. w
t If "The Girl From Rectors, was' bad.
-'a waa puina watn Bug- ,
?estlvenesa - la every ; line ; and action
rom start to finish. Then there was
IThe Blue Mouse." which was not
quite so bad aa the others but drirfAi
in Kin, intn. . i. . . . . . . .
it la now I oiaer nana . unusually . good
000, the promise of patronage,, and I robbed.
the pledge of the support Of his two A gentle breath of air was wafted
uowBynyoiD, o ." o , - - . -loniMr cl the San Francisco diatom
rightful Influence In securing sena- "a CHcket ZLZZil . h.H"V.r' Le -u -0A.?'ceat
o - iviuoviiu iwiiicjcu, a. iwjr anttoDea ana ho cuuia maKewouia
John P. Irish, for many years naval
into this chapter trips Mehltable Hang-
beautiful , dairyman's
m sMi o amisiinio " J, ,Tt .. atmT(4 , "afartlot a
tanlr rPRfirirefl In Nw Yorlr hv cans- " yu att hel m WU,D pre-
clnnnfa ? :.,.V , a''''nar i ClfttOU.
of the country, It could make money
rate of. lnteresf almost as It, chose,
from two per cent to 100 per cent
on call loans.' It could cripple the
financial' operation" of the govern
ment, by refusing to purchase any
bond ISBue, , It could dictate tpe fi
nancial operations of the great rail
ways and expanding" industrial con
cerns. It could and c does dictate
terms and actions of every company
that isi important enougb to be fi
nanced in Wall street."
The possession, of power is 4 temp
tation to use it. The power of this
group over the - country's money
means that it will use Its power for.
enrichment of those in control. It
that 'plurality primaries do not-ex
torious1 and dishonorable deals ever press the will of the people," are wejfe"1"; the
attempted In the state of Oregon, to unaersiana -inai u nuuau ueeu Puckering her luscious lips, she aofUy
His own denial of the deal is worth- eieciea in xvva, ne wouia jubvb oeeni wnistiea m F-sharp.
iea hn.a in thn fiamn niAnt.inn. the choice of the people? Inslsung one ustenea a moment but no an
as he does daily, that the primary
law la a "Juggle and a bunko game,"
in what terms would Mr. Scott
phrase his method of electing him
self senator?
A cricket called softly to Its mats,' a last
serve, this time.
Because ''ther Metered Wm' a Tim.
burg young man married two girls at
city council has stirred itself and taken not plain?
Eugene Register: B. S. Hyland In-UT UeZS' "U ff"8 IF??
forms us that J. W. Bailey; state dairy US ' ""F no of,tne
and food commissioner, has a large Rouge, ' Which was immoral in
muli nf ,ltl nn hla ranch tuac. Cm I every particular but Which rn at hn '.
dar Flats, and while some of them are I Circle theatre for the greater portion
an huvu uuiiuiuwui .io, "it'i'i k. i M.v dcoiiu x ji,a.sie8L way a
about tha same time, and must now I are very popr and hardly able to move I Belaseo . production headed by Frances
suffer for beam v. It miaht hava hn I around, with little or nothlna to eat I c... . ... ... '"r."'
he denied that he had sought Brown
e,H's support for senator, when, in
faet, he had sent Brownell the no
torious telegram, "Now is th9 time;
swerlng call greeted her coral ears.
Again she whistled, and asrain
sound reached ner.
"Dod gast that dad-berned Swede."
she said softly to herself.
But hark! A footstep steps into her
cheaper to have 'married one and after
a little while got a divorce and then
married the other.
i b ioriu wi, mr. ojui.v o omiuuo i wun a foreign accent.
not more 'of a representative, a peo
ple's nomination, than one by a ma
jority of a convention of 300 or 400
or 500 men, who obey the dictation
of two or three or half a dozen lead
ers who are looking out for their
own rather than the public's inter
ests? There are no slates, or com
is the logle of the evolution that has J blnations, or bargains, or improper
hfn eoinsr nn In th coimtrv for a inducements, In the primaries, how
A story from Washington Is that Sen
ator Dolliver called at the White House
ana waited two or three hours, to see
tne president, out could not do so, when
he left, saying: Tell the president that
If he sees me hereafter he will send
J. The accusation against Scott la so and his past is plain. Jf, with his ."So youVe come at last have your tT?"
. . -r- ' - -,' . f ,., 9 1 anttrniw '. cnAlra tak taka.l-f . Ma. i I " '
specific and positive that we eveniscarrea ana marrea ponncai recora, t .v.. " . ',
have the wording of the telegram he Insists on dragging personalities the l,n '"
voice or zaaeasnotatem Jones, the out- most aid good cheer: to look more at
Salem. As published in the American pending Issues, he, too, must come chief, for it was indeed he. the -good and less at the bad, to com-
- I ... I "llh " a-n 4 l-TAVtl kl a av a... t a. I T ri Wr. Vn A ma m OTIil na VIQii al-a. a. aa frlai i
magazine, and as it appears' in book Into the spot light and defend his own f " ;rtn"'L7T
Jeff Scoopshovel, our hired man.1
Just as Takeashotatem was framing
a neat reply with trimmings of natural
wood, a shot rang out
Spinning around three times as per
suffer for bigamy, it mirhr hav n-n I around, with little or nothing to eat
Air. nyiKna was miurmeu uy a larmer
living there, that unless they had some
rood a "targe numoer or mem wouia
die of starvation :a " , .'.'.
Gold Hill Newer This weather!
Golden, glorious, fulfilled of all the per
fection of the halcyon season of Indian
summer. A silver, samite mist a-shirn-
mer in tne vauey at morning, urts be
fore the advance of Phaeton's bright
wheels like to a veil lifted from the
features of a peerless woman to dis
close the loveliness beneath and rests
upon the hills, to burn in purple fires
upon the slopes and make the distant
crests glow with the beauty of fine
opals. A sky of tender turquoise or of
form in Lincoln Steffens "Upbuild-i exploits -and performances in his
ers," it reads: 1 gumshoe campaign for the senator
'In . case ,L receive Jonathan I ship. -' 4 v
jt i ,
bright and cheerfully aid everv fla-ht
for the right Join In holiday play, be
modestly gay: the world Ls better each
Christmas day.
balm or springtime a rreshnesa and a
radiance urton tbe - dreamlnar face of
things "a voice and eloquence of beau
ty" that touch the spirit of man to rev
erent delight
quarter of a century. In oil, in iron,
In coal, in forests, indeed. In almost
everything in industry we have been
drifting in that direction in which a
few gained and ; maintained control,
and it Is a natural order that ' a
money trust should eventuate..- Our
feeling of security, into which we are
lulled ' by our confidence in public
men, has enabled astute financiers
" to assemble more and more of power
Into the hands of a few. How much
further the process is to go before
It will be arrested is a problem that
; thinking men must contemplate
with serious misgivings.
it is a situauon to raise grave
doubts as to the efficacy of repre
sentative ' government. How repre
sentatives in state and national leg
'.' islatures are of ttimes untrue to their
constituencies Is notorious history.
' They aeem to fall under a spell as
eoon fts they enter legislative bodies
In which the lnttrepts of their con
etituents are forgotten and votes
given for bounties and special privi
leges to great corporations. "Men
of the highest character in the state
- do things" as Senator Fulton said of
the Oregon legislature, "that they
regret ever after." The whole sit
uation Is replete with evidence that
the less power people give their rep-
resentatlves and the more they keep
for themselves as is now the case
In Oregon, the better. Some such
remedy must be applied throughout
the country, or, in the view of many
unbiased observers, there win he'
troublous times ahead. The mony
trurt la a sign of where the ieril
Ilea. . . : -
The Journal has faith la the coun
try, however, and believes that all
these problems win be met and safe
ly solved, but la certain that it can
only be done by a larger participa
tion by the people In public affairs.
The Judgmenta of the grsat ccra
mouaity, are always aouad and its
arte incorruptible.
about conventions?
HE DECISION of the Oregon
supreme court sustaining the
action of the Oregon Railroad
commission In ordering a re
duction of fares from 10 to 5 cents
between Portland and Milwaukle,
and from 15 to 10 cents between
Portland and Oak Qrove, will not
only be received with much satis
faction by the residents of those sub
urbs, but with general gratification
because it squarely and fully sustains
the action of the railroad commis
eion. It is another judicial declara
tion that the commission Is a potent
and useful factor in the service of
the people, that the law creating it
was wise and timely, and that rail
roads, Including interurban electric
roads, must submit to due regula
tion and control.
In this case it was shown that
Milwaukle and Oak Grove were dis
criminated against in the matter of
fares as compared with Linnton, and
the commission decided that this
was not only unjust bnt unlawful,
and ordered the fares reduced. The
railroad corporation, as was its prlvl-
Ipge" and 'right, appealed to the
fourt8, which have sustained the
commission, and now it must obey.
This result will be worth consider
able to a large namber of people tn
the matter of fares; it is still more
valuable to the body politic as an
example of railroad regulation.
they have been bought thus far.! If Rehearsal, Jones toppei over on the
more people would give the matter runa-1 r '
. HrtlA RHoii thmit-hr ftnrl mors . Ru.8h,n over to the fallen man. In a
, , YYv , .1 startled tone of voice Mehltable Inquired
uieauj uyiMcucuu mo uuuoutu uiem i casually If be had been shot
or the Object for which the money Is "No, only half shot" was the humor
to be used, and the vital Importance 1 0UB reP'y of th desperado, endeavoring
o v ai.. to consume all the atmosphere there
uu,vu,cuw a6oiin vuov wm In, that locality.
ana areaa disease, tuberculosis, no "What shall I do? What shall I dor
doubt the 1,000,000 stamps would wailed Mehltable in a perfectly ladylike
have all been sold long before this maww ' J.
ma TCvorvHswIlr la .nm.l..w I . ' ' .. ' i. your
,.v...v.r . Dwuuvn uuoj, rtinaral " Than a hannv h(nlr .t.l.
By F. V. Holman, PrcaiJent ot the Oregon Historical Society
"Do you wish to do something to ease
my terrible palnr he Inquired, In a
reckless Inflection of the voice.
"I. do," she replied, tears welling np
but give this, matter a little thought
tomorrow and help close Out the
stamps, so that these noble workers
in a good, cause can have a merry
Christmas in feeling that they have I into her face.
accomplished the mood task they set! rrhen marry me." yelled he drdmat
bought stamps should buy Bome, and Two hours after the exciting scene
tnose wno nave bought should buy I cepicted above, Mr. and Mrs. Takea
more. The stores will be crowded hotaem Jne f'bt have been seen
tnmnrrnw f,nm rw . boarding the train for a new country
. . j i where stage coaches were more plentl
late- In the evening with , Christmas I ful and where more money was la gen
snoopers, and with all their, thpr I erai circulation.
buying they all ought to remember
to buy some Red Cross stamps. Se
attle people threw up over 17000 In
one day to this canse; surely Port
land will not stop1 short of $10,000
at the end of an effort lasting over
three weeks. Let tomorrow be a red
letter day in the anti-tuberculosis
Red Cross stamps campaign.
And they lived happily ever after,
' The End.
T . . T? ' .1 " TV I
j Letter3 From tne jreopie.
Letter to Tbe Journal ibrmld be written on
one ude or tbe paper only and aboald be accnm
twilled by ue name and addrmu of th- writer.
he unl will not be used It the writar aak
mat it be witnneia. Tce-Jmirnl la not to lw
nndaratood aa lnJorlDg tbe' rlewa or statements
.;,.7.7T.u- vZrrll .?aJ. " oroval 6t the act deflolng the boundaries
It waa a disagreeable if not a I "tora-d when not ai ahonid lncioa puatase. I of Clatsop district and ; the same day
POLK COUNTT.. ' ; v;.;
. ? Polk,, district was created December
22, 1845, by' the provisional . legisla
ture. '(General and, special laws of 1843
9,. page 88 vjt comprised all that por
tion of the original Tamhill district.
south of the eouth line of that district
as established by the act of December
19; 1845. to the- California line. Before
Benton county- was : created, December
it, 1847, the south line of Polk couuty
had been reestablished, pi esumabiy; at
or near Its present location. V After a
careful search I have, been unable to
find any description of this aouth line,
In the Oregon archives, in the laws of
1S43-9, or elsewhere. -- ..
This county la named for . James K.
Polk, then president ' of the United
8Utes. i.': a-
Polk county Is now boundedi On the
north by Yamhill county; on the east
bv the Willamette - rlvor. Its oommon
boundary, with Marion." ooontyj on the
south by Benton county and a small
portion of Lincoln county; and on the
west by a poruon or Lincoln county sna
a small portion -of Tlllamsolf -county.
Its county seat la Dallaa. ? V
As I have 'said, by n act or the pro
visional legislature, approved pecembor
22, 1845, the name district -waa changed
to county. Thereafter , all former dis
tricts were called counties, v This- act
was approved three days after thn ap-
iu mi season avna ia atiii n
favorite in New f- York. It Is styled
"a peculiar , phase of New York life,"
and deala with the accepted belief that
a woman can not succeed on the stage
and be virtuous. Add to these "Miss
Innocenoe" and "The Revellers" and you
nave jair aampie or some of the late
successes. s, .-...'
As ; Is often aald the stage Is One
of the greatest educators and with such
text books aa the plays mentioned, one
trembles, for the education which many
of our young people are receiving at
the .hands pf the theatres. One of the
wonders la the number of women who
starry splendor airs that breathe the j attend such plays and It Is always a
mua surprising ior we instinctively ex
pect woman to turn her back kon all
forma of degeneracy and not lend her
support to the oontlnuanoe of Immoral
plays even v though she only goes
through curiosity,
i j at t -t. ',
Dlshe Served With Goose.
TN answering the question aa to what
dishes ahould be served with goose.
It is taken for granted that the din
ner la to be a home affair. Soup ahould
be the first course, and, in this case, it
la better to have one of the thick soups.
Next oomes the goose, and with It
should be served apple sauoe and dress
ing, either sage or chestnut The po
tatoes ahould be boiled, baked, mashed,
or sweet potatoes southern , style. In
addition, any of the fresh vegetables
may do served, aucft as atewed celery,
brussela sprouts, eggplant or eauliflow-' 1
er. If it is desired te serve salad aXXer
the meat course it would be better to
make it plain on account of the richness
of the goose. Tomato or lettuce salad
would be good. After the salad, des
sert of mlnoe or apple pie, plum pud
ding ' or loe cream. At this season of
the year; nuts .and raisins may' follow
the dessert, and the meal ahould close
with cheese and black coffee, daml
i f
"Hi 7
w V JJ
the act creating Polk district , waa ap-. taase.
proved. Tne language or the original
act creating Polk county la as follows;
.; "Commencing at the southeast cor
ner of Yamhill district, thence along
the south line of the same to the Pa
Cheese Fonda an Gratia.
OAK A tcupful of dry bread enrmba
In two cups , of hot milk for II
olfic oceani. thence along the coast of I" " minutes." Dissolve one fourth t ti
the ocean to the line dividing Callfor- spoonful of soda (scant' measure) '-r ra
n la and Oregon; thence -east along said the -milk while heating. Stir Into this;
line to the line dividing Champoeg and paste a well beaten egg (two are bet-
Yamhill districts, before Polk district ter), one tablespoon of melted butter.
waa stricken off; thence down the mid-1 two dashes of cayenne and a saltsooon
die of the main channel of Willamette I of "salt, lastly beat la rapidly a small -
river, to tne place or commencement" I cup or : grated eneesei . I'our into a
Ifflnl K r T"-i.t. , wrr-aponaenia ara oounea mat icrteraex
"""v-"'v """" iiiTCTr-1 ceedlng aoo worria la lenfrtb may, at the dia
tigators or cook's story to decide
that it was a fake, after they had
received him as a real pole discov
erer and expressed confidence in
him, notwithstanding others' doubts
and the attacks upon him. But
they were bound to declare the
truth, in their best and unbiased
Judgment, and have done so, even
to their own humiliation. The
world cannot do otherwise than .ac
cept their verdict. But It may be
presumed that they will not use lan
guage strong enough to expreas their
eretion o tbe editor, ba cot dowa to that limit.
Well Pleased With The Journal.
Deer Island, Or.. Dec 18. To the
Editor of The Journal A few days ago
I received a reminder from you In re
gard to my subscription . to the Semi-
Weekly Journal. I expect to call -at
your office personally before the ' time
expires and renew my subscription for
another year. You also ask how I like
the paper. If I did not like it Z would
not take it I like it extremely well.
I do not see bow It could well be bet
tered. Your paper has been "clean'
and the editorials very good. Yoa also
aak for suggestions. I suggest that
General and
page 28.)
special ' laws of 1843-9,
The . ham-bearing, .spare-rib furnishing,
sausage-producing, . lard-yielding - bogs.
Tha - sacking bouses welcome him, and
the mortgage Is raised by him. Tbe bog
has made commerce, built cities, edu
cated orphans and brought prosperity to
the small farm, ; - ,
yoa continue to keen your raoer clean-
personal feelings regarding the de-Kp your guns trained on the el era tad
ceiver. '
Goats Eat Trails Through Forest,
Probably . the most parlous suid re
markable method of making - trails
through a comparative wilderness has
been adopted in -the national forest re
serve of California as an aid : to the
fire guard patroL - Taking Into consid
eration the brush eating instinct of
toe Angora goat, 9000 of them, divided
into two herds, have been set to work
castle occupied by tbe Oregonian and see (to eat trails, through the mountainous
that they are well charged not' with country. Under tbe constant care of
It la ctjtyted to the primary noml
nMrg Titera that the winning ran
' '' r..ay b .nominated fcy only
a i liita'ity if the party's voters, pr
tr cot mora thta 1$,0I rr J J.f
t tf 40,009 or more. But it t.:
HE VleiUng Norse associatloB
bad aold up to yesterday In this
city something over 760,009
kn cross si am pa, yielding a
fund of over 7000 to be naod in
aid of sufferers from tuberculosis. It
is desired to finish tbe campafca
and complete the sale of 1,000.009
stamps and a Portland fund of. 110,
009 by tomorrow evening. Christmas
eve. To ktlng about this result a
great macy pwpl must boy stamps
tomorrow, and tbe psblie generally
mait buy tteta more liberally -than,
Republican machine organs are
much exercised about the "menace
to tbe grange" in that organisation's
stand against assembly nominations
and in favor of the. primary law and
tbe Initiative and refereadam. The
pinching shoe is really on the other
fellow's foot; the attitude of the
grange la "mwiace to the pro
posed or contemplated machine, and
to the politicians who are advocat
leg a relapae Into martins politica.
paker Cannon Is opposed to any
bond Issue for carrying on reclama
tion work.- Till is aa entirely cn
iirtput attitude. He l"orpod to
blank eartrldgee and give them a red
hot shot whenever they deserve it
Fight the" subeldy steal, and all the
other abominations that are likely to
be attempted in Waahlngton this win
ter,' for all that you are worth.
; Orrgon Xeods nogs. ' 1
From aa Exchange. .
- What Oreaon needs la hogs. Not the
land bog. who will neither develop bis
poaaaeekms nor get out of tbe ay and
lt others fise the gifts of nature. Not
tbe empty lot hog. who holds bark our
tewr.s and shifts Ma taxes on tnduatry
and ent-rprlse fey falae swearing. Not
the end-seat hog tn tbe pewa of our
(horthee and the rhaira of our theatre
N. we hare plenty cf tbejn. and we
r -ff-r tHm nroraeTflrit In every war.
Wit Oref-nn ie-5-le mrt real horn,
herders, these animals erase within cer
tain' well, defined ' limits and are ad
vaoced day by day. The reault is I
practical killing off of all the brush by
entirely eating It up In most Instances,
and. the girdling of It when It bas not
been completely devoured.' It Is claimed
that the goats destroy more brush rn
one year than a small army of mea could
destroy In II.
ilrnry P. WaJrott'a Rlrthdey.
Dr. Henry P. Tfaleott, eminent as a phy
sician and educator, waa born In Falem,
Haaa December 28, 118. After attend
ing Harvard and Bowdoln collese be
rpant aeveral years In study to Ear-ope.
Vpon Ms return to the t'nited States la
187 be tveraD the practice of medicine
In Cambfi'lir. llui. and aoon attatnod
Meh prtifnlnence In bis chrn prrf -alc.
, Fer a numt-r of yeara be waa
president Of the Massachusetts State
Board of Health , and waa a leader la
various movements to promote the pub
lic health. Twice ne was called upon
to fill the position of acting president
of Harvard college and for many years
he has been a member of the board of
president and fellows of the university,
Dr.J&Valeott bas been honored with the
presidency of . the American Public
Health aasoriatlon and of the Massa
chusetts Medical society. -
greased pudding dish, strew dry cracker
crumbs over the topr dot with butter,
dnst delicately with cayenne or paprika.'
and bake In a quick oven, covered, for
IS minutes; then uncover and brown
lightly. . Send to the table at-once, as
It ' falls very soon.- While puffy and
not It Is delicious.
This Date to History.' -
1778 British force arrived off the
Island of Tybee to begin their attack
on Savannah; '
1781 Washington, In the city of An
napolis, resigned bis commission In tbe
army. .
IRIS Execution of . rebels' In Mon
treal. ' -
1860 Louisiana adopted an ordinance
Of aecesalon.
1871 Edward Blake formed a Liberal
minlKtry in Canada.
1172 Hon. Amos oe Coraos became
premlet- of British Columbia. .
1874 King Kalakaua of Hawaii ar
rived In New York.
1889 Henry W. Orady. one of the
soulb'a ronst famous orators, died (n
Atlanta. Born In Athena, (la. May 24,
18e '
If II Fight at Retanal Srrlnra, Tex
as, . bet wm United Ptates troopa sad
Mexican revolr1onlata"
102 Dr. FTedarlck Temxle Arri-
blhr.p f Canterbury, died. Born No
vember . ItJt.
lc t-Wli:iatn f. Buchanan vnt to
t--it;a!a as American crorr.i loner to
rfveetljate cocJitlona :
On the HomestretcK
(Ontrlhated to The Journal by Walt Uaaoa.
the tamooa Kanaaa poet, ilia pro poean are a
rerolar faatare of tblaeolumo, to Tha Dally
Journal. ) . - , . .
Tbe Old Year's most ready to take In
his sign; his gait is ' unsteadyold
Nlneteerwand-Nlne! . He brought ' me
some sorrow, some cream and some
whey; he stang me. aa tAura Jean L4b
bey would say. O. great was his prom
lae.' and rreat waa his nerve: be fooled
me, as Thomas Carlyla might obaerve.
His start was ao graceful So coltish
bis wllca! And fee bad a face full of-
won't-come-off smiles; o. he wss a
dearie, when charming and- youag; and 1
now be Is weary, snd minus a lufta.
lie s tired of the tiHin'. his aMna ara
all barked: he a all In. as Milton, tbe
poet remarked. Tmi'll eoon are h!a
bide on the fence of the years: he's dVee
up. aa rT-rdei once eaid. through his
liari. He aeems almot human, thia
year 14 and gray, who t " to thu
tomb la bis -orrowfal way. FVr man
baa the haMt of frllewlng fata, as
thoarh he wouM nab it, before It's tort
late: he gmol and rrarc-a. i,t n
raomlnir la fair. ard rarela and daarea.
his bei In the air; at evf-itrg tiis
bnld rrte la a've a t.-e Kk; he's willed.
as OoliJwta RmJtb wrote in a tofk. ..
"tr tana a
&e- k.a;rw -S. n ! H,ZJlX
i .