THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. 1009. 21 iLUMSlll.D FLATS bo I ron sale miscellaneous to NH'M.y furiilMiitil 4 mom flat, all con veniences, Walking t Ik r n iko. 3:111 H M. KTOItLM AMI Ol I ICES II UnST eltiea outlde office roirnin for rtnt In new building; a team heat electric and tai lia-ht. with Jmlior eery- Ice N. M. nir, Id and Mdliori. - iJ;NT(.NrAVl':.--26K70; "full bn nieut, tttm hcatj aplnndld bueineiia location; refit cheap. John, Dick, fit Henry bids. - SlijiuC room, new building; fin luoa- II 1111 for moat anything; cheap rent; It. good lease. Call 842 Madison, at, Alain :!"3 I OH RENT Sinaif acora No. 24A Third at reel, between Main and Madison Art'jr next door. fcl'A'10 In meat market on Washing too for flah. poultry, exua. eto. Low rant. Main iiti()0, HTOTTe, 343 Front' at.; excellent ioca- ' on or grocery; rant i;b. , JEW nice offlree In the Couon money to lo.ijt 27 thic rni-,iri,NT loatw aoknct. 4oj Rt tic-hiM Llil. corner 4th and V,'a.lili.H ton. Tha iroa-nlerd bank of (ha wa.s earner. A eleik. bt kkcoper. PERSONAL 23 I'll C. H. OA It 't Kit, Tha Well Lnonti Specialist. Tdl'M. you oi I", ta yours Ives to laeln-f, the ol, of ait expert 1" the UBt- Chambara hi (lira. 601 Couch bide and FOR RENT II A LL8 60 FLAT of 4 rooms, furnished; private ramuy. . inquire 7fi5 Commercial at. II A LI, with piano or rent cheap,TzOltt jMantat, - WANTED TO RENT AMOTHER and daughter with tha bat .. ci reierences are ncsirnus 01 oDtaui In from 3 to 4 furnlshad rooma suit hie for housekeeping. A few of tha .requisites ar jliat they ba on tha we.-it aiun, jiwi mora man au oiocksj irom nil .and Alder, ateam heated and pleasant neighborhood. Kindly give full particu lar. M-B60. Journal. VAhJTiar5 Ona furnished housekeeping room. " weat Journal.-- ildV stat prlca, L-363, HORSES, VEILICLES, ETC. 18 , PAIR matched aorrola, horse and mare, weigh , 2450 lba., ara aovind Biid trim fullprn; alo pair horaoa welsh cloae o IdOO lla., food act heavy farm hr neB, prlra $226; 'pair tnatchon aorral inarea,. na In foal,, good harnra, prlca jaa5; blc- bay horan, wpl(fl JS50 Iba.. iinee .to; oig array noraa, a zoo ma., price 'lOi amall aorrfl horae. prlca $4S; ax nreaa narneaa, fin; aouma rarm narneaa, S28: atock aaddle. 112.60: aruod express irucK wim iop, lio. uu duo wasiung ion at:. FOR SALK . I Imvn a nl oti all kluda of fine, rio.1 y-iiiuda fura. alt luy own tiianuritiiiira. . . AIo NfuUkln, Mink, Mrtn, Kr mina akin on nunii, which can ha maUa to ordur In niiy nlvla ,ot ahort notice, vary r-Muriabl. '1'tt I a la a lrtlnit warning and arat aavtnn fur you If ron tcinplat In on pnrchHalnf your t'CitS brrora tha holhlHya It roata noihjnir to In vrntlgata, ao la aura to rail and at tha many aavlnf J hava In atora tor you. , - Our expert aalealadlaa will ba at your arrv lea throuarhout this great ali. . ' Ilavlna; apent my lifetime aa an' export doalKner and fitter In fura, ' I promise you aatlafactton. 148 tth at ttiachlnfuL aiixtiianr or afnlloya can obJliiant of IIioh iirraat a'l dlaord"i talti n.oney ut urn ou hia nut wuliuut p-mllnr to your ' i. 1 r. t 'aricr a an- OS a tiiontH rtiialv parlein'e In boapltala and mntitn private pracil.'a. Mia patlrMa ptiraue nioiita I t hair occupaliona without InlcirupiloH. t filiault li Ira freely and ctolif ld.-ii(Ully. 40 MrrOianta Truat blla.. at nil and Uaahlngto.4. Jloura 10-1, i-4, -, Buu day, 10-1. ELECTRICAL SUl'l'UES PAril'lC Klertrlo ICmrlnaerlnff Co. Motore fr rent or aile. !ll Id aC KLKCTROLYKI3 arcurltr. lit i-(tirn ta ua ,.,.,. 4 0t a ISO rnurn to ua ......I 00 a 160 rriuin i ua Ill li onfl 1 ntlal; no unplnaHtnt luguirlaa. Kon'lal latra on planoa. furnilura, W I f 'AT loiTf rxTui-$ i ftii ta I &.uui) on II rat claxa tmprovrd weat aid prop, arty, I'rlm-lpala only. Charles Zollln-n-r. Hi Corhxtt M'ltf AOTICES SO MOI.I'JH wrlnklea, auperfluoua hair r liiuvjwl. Mra. il. I). JI. 42 KiLnlnrr. Til l? T A 1 1 M 114 YanihiU at., Wni rark. F'lrat elaaa tialrtraaln aatahllahment. 'Ia, touprra, front plrrwe that fit Intent atvl.-e of tranafurntatlniia cover (JAKOL1MC ENGINES BTATIONART and' marina; elect rlo iulpmeuta; launchaa. acoaaaorlea, wnoinaaia arm retail; engine repairinav haleraon Machinery Co., IK Morrlaon. LEATHEIt I INUIXOS NOTICE OF BALE OP STATE UNI. p""1, I"w.tlon In our makea Notice la l.r. by Rlven that the atata 1,"" ' i-P"Ml man tlpwk land board will reoelve Sealed blda un- V?'"??"- 9ur olulva ayalem of til la o'elo k a n February a 1910. rAch hair dyeing aavea time and money, for the followln' deacrlbrd sohoo ur ,on,c n dermutoloif y removea lands fowl?' aeatrlbea sonooi Wur,t of tc,,ef dandruff A NICK mualo cabinet and plHno a too for aala cheap at 3.S6 R Abler. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S 4 WE WILL BUY.:- ' ' Your old' STOVES AND FURNITUR& Or take It in trade tot new. ii Front at Main 6901. &ALL. up Mio IVopTe'a Auction Houae to sell your noiineholil aooda. PromDt attention and hlKhnat. prices. 187 Ftont m. i-none itiain oeu. WANTED A pair of diamond earrings; rate euro ana inwear nnce. joiirnrn. W A N T K D Oa k dlnina- table: muat be utrona; and cheap; don't care for mara. M-adT, journal. PROMPT attention and highest prleea paid for ' furniture. Hawthorne ITur. Co.. 168 Orand ve., near Mor. E. 8S04. BIS WlShl; get more for your- second hand furniture by aolllnur it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 let M. S!I5I, A-2445. HIGHEST prices paid for copper, brass, rubber ehoea; also peltshldcs and furs. A-T81D, M.6U9. J. Lwva. 188 Columbia. IfllB ESat Side Furniture and Bargain : House pays the hlgheat price for sec ond band furniture. Phone East 463. B. W. of N. W. 34, N. W. H of 8. W. H.-N. H of N. wT 'A and K. H. of aectlon . and N. W. W and lots I, I, I. 4, I.. . 7. 8. a, lo and 11. of aectlon It. In township St south, range 17 eaat Sections 16 and 38, township 18 south, range 44 eaat., . , Sections and 16. township II south. ranua 4h eaai. Sections and 36, township it south. ranae 4 6 eaat. - Hecttons 1 and 16 township IS south, range 47 eaat. Hactlons ; and 16, township 11 south. raiiKn is miu Kwtiona 16 and SI, township SI south. ratine y east. , ' Bectlnns 16 and Si, township IS south, range 48 east tfei-tlon 16. township 14 south range west, i - - Section II, township IS south, range t weat. - v SAction It, township ,13 South, range 1 west. ' All bids accompanied by a rearularlv executed aDDllcatlon to pur rhaaa and by cbhIi or postal money or der for at least one fifth of the amount Offered. . - No bid for less than IS per acre will be considered, - - I . v The r e it reserved to reject any and all bids. - AriDlIcatrona and bids ahnula he ad- dressed to O. O. Brown,' clerk stste land I pnard. Balem. Or., and marked. "Apple cation and bid to purchase state landi - Clork Stt lnd Board. Pa ted this id day of December, 1909. llR. aT.FiM.1 A. iJHIli-'. ' Dtseaaeei of women and children ex clusively. Women are often aaved se vere eurglcal operations by conauttlng me. Nervoue dlnaaaea of- children a apeclolty. .AH the lateat electrical treatment given. Correapondenea ao llclted. No charge or conaultatlon. Phones, Main 8$2ft, ' A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Theatre bids. Wash. Ington and Park, C1IA0. Ik MASTICK 4k CO., 74 Front ' Inuther of every . description, tap mfra. flndlnaa LIVElty AND BALK MTAULKM HESSIAN stshles Hacks, livery, board- Ins- and eale; furniture-moving. 121 Union eve. phone. E. 152; night M. 101. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY . AIphbetlcII Arranged for th Ccinvenlou.' of Journal lttl' rr 500.000 POItTLAND 1912 A dollar wisely Inveatad In Portland real eatuta txly meana dotlura to the inveator In the near future. Portland la yet In Ha infam-v. No city mi the I'aclflo coaat baa a brighter future. Enii-imlye developments ari now In projiKHa, Valuable Information Can tie ooiuliiej from any of the '" low named realty djlra. , MUSIC T EACH E ICS WKBllKR Academy or Muslo. ylotln. maiiditlln', piano, guitar, banjo. 489 hi Washington. ' , -.. v Piles Cured The vvery heat pile remedy in the world. If used as apeoifled In directions cure la absolutely sure. 234 ' I'lrnt St.. room ii. i can give you doxens-or t tlmonlals from the beat- citinen of Portland. ' ltemeniber, J am located at 224 H Jlrat at., room 17. Major A. 'inn. UbITAlt, bun J (i and innnoolUl school. 417 nmriiiiiu et.. cor. 12th. Wod manufacturer. V-.LitK ' lialrdi-eHHinir " ' T'lirlora-liaiF dressing, manicuring, shampooing, facial maasage and acalp treatment. Complete line or nair goods, toupoes and combings maae ud to-order. JteHldenra . i-niia i-e. aponded ta Onen evenlns-n till 7: Sun. ds.VM. :0 to 1 p. m. Main 2.134. 109 7th Another carload of - horses arrived December 2; aonve first class horses, v some cheap horses; we also have 8 mares from 1100 to 1400 lbs. each; de livery, vegetable and express wagona; - 10 buggies; brand new farm harnesses at 126. - . - , . ., v . HAWTHORNH STABLES, ' : - '"'' W Hawthorne ave. . ' and new breeching harness, mares are! good-workers; also pair express or de livery. 11200 lbs. each; horses and good harness, price $115. Call stable. 606 Washington at., cor. 19th -et. Also big Mack mare. 1800 lbs., 66. - . I AM In the market to buy horaes from 4 to 8 years old, weight from 1300 to 1800; must be sound. 60S - Albina ave. ' t'all BrunxelL ' FOH SALE One good horse and but-ter.- eaar'and buttermilk waeon: har ness ana cans au new, ess East 10th st., north. - , - , HORSES and bungles tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Ha wthorna '"' E" Tt. "' : HORSES and mares of all kinds for . sale at Madison St. Stales Stables, 186H Madison, near bridge. --" WE ' WANT 1 io buy 100 hoi 'ses and ' mares. All kinds taken. Anderson & noya, 9 N. 4th et,, . Main 6B12. WANTED Roll top desk apd chair; must te cheap -tor cash. Phone Main 4465. CASH for household goods. Savage 4k j-?imcii, on.jii in et. main soo. SPOT cash paid for furniture; prompt attention always given. East 1667. FTNANCIAX Si 20 HEAD first claas horses and mares on saie. u. e. staoies. Z48 - Front. Williamson; prtprletor. - z'"'':; BPrtlNG hack, nice pair ponies, doifbli harness.,- cheap. laOO Macadam road WANTED1 Second hand farm wagon with brake. Phone Woodlawn 1638. A WELL selected carload of horaes on- nmi Mnt n MONET to loan without delay and ,j ; strictly confldenttal . on real ' estate, furniture and pianos (with i out - removal), storage receipts, . life Insurance policies. Jewelry and diamonds and - all kinds of securities, at lowest rates In city. ' On easy weekly-or monthly pay ments. V. S. Ileal Estate A Brokerage Co., room 11 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Idgt. Phone Main 1084. iii i i t i ii tin i i l i i MONET' loaned, salary or furniture. Room 11 Washington Mdg. Main 1482. LOANS WANTEB; 30 .sale. 605 Albina ave. . LIViaTOCK AND POULTRY 83 I FRESH cows, big milkers, all Dur- nams. ts ja. Main. - VE fresh, pows, all big milkers and arge cows. none Tabor 1.461. WANTEDTo borrow' 16500 for E years on 63 acres well Improved farm, worth at least 112,000, and near city. Phone Main 6522. , WANTED Loan 'of 1360 to lift mort - gaxe now about due. Real estate In city worth 11000. Will pay 8 per cent. journal. WANT 11200, - 3 years; will pay 8 per cent! security .. 100x100 with nice 6 room house. Prefer private party. W-386, Journal.-- - NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- In the district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Marcus- W.' F. Holllna bankrupt. No. 1494 In bankrupty. Notice is hereby given that on the fourteenth day of December, A. li., 1909. Marcus W. F. Holllng of Portland, Oregon, the oanarupc aDove named, rwaa auiy ad judicated bankrupt: and- that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-J, Fenton building. Portland Ore gon, on the twentv-e ahth dav of De- cpmber, 1909. at 10 a. in., at which time said -creditors may attend, prove their i-iainm, appoint a trustee, examine ine bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting. . Claims must be presented in' form re quired ny me Bankruptcy act. and sworn The sohedule filed discloses doubtful assets. CHESTER O. MURPHY, - . . Referee in Bankruptcy. Pated, December 17, 1909. ; PROPOSALS for sale of ferryboat, in -eluding engines and boiler Sealed bids .will be received up to 12 o'clock noon or uecemDer si, 1909. at the or flce of the engineer of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. First and Alder streets, Portland, Or., for the purchase of the steam ferryboat "Van couver" including engines, boiler and ail equipment now on the boat as'she lies at the dock of this company on the east side 'of the Willamette river. south of Hawthorne avenue. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, and no bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by certified check for 16, per cent of the amount bid, payable to the order of this com pany, to be beld by this company as a guaranty of good faith of the bidder. - PORTLAND RA I LW AT, - LIGHT &' POWER COMPANY. SEALED bids will be- received by the THF fAHM" Ulh a" Jadles' 1 riJi JX1N Tuiklevt,. electric and Russian baths. ' Removing of su perfluous hair, moles. warts, ate. Painless ana permanent hv electrio needle., in dorsed by all physicians. 884 Yamhill St., cor. W. Park. M. 6J74. A-8544: Kay's Detective Agency Thoa. Kay has established a detec tive agency with temporary office at 87. Grand 'ave. personal services will be given to all canes. East 2672, B-2434. Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc W. 1. Howard, M. D.. 804-6 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washlna-ton. iiAIit" Dressing College, 242V Wash. ; teach hairUresslng. manlcurine. sham pooing, scalp treatment; baldnetis posi tively cured; San Francisco graduate. Main 2714. Sundays by a ppointment. LADY piano teacher. 662 Morrison St. Msln t222. Call mornings. M. C bMiTll. teuclier of pianov, 452 Sal- mon. .Main 73 40. Cor serve lory course. li TIuIeLsIORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. A-410. 334 Pine St. Main 2045. LOUIS" A. CREITZ, violin teacher. Ill Sherman at. Phone. Main 189. PIANO, violin, cornet mandolin, VS. A. Smith. 22 12th at. Prof. NAME , - ADDUKHS . TKL.KP1ION K Bnekiia. A, Irving too)..,... .Bill Board of Tr1e. . ......... A TST4. Main ', A. A 214 Al.ti.toH )IMs Mnln Sl.di; A Rmnx-Hteele Cnmpanr ...I I1 rWnnil Ht , Mln and A Hrulwker A rienrdlrt ,oi M.-Kr Hl-Ur WlnoW I,.IkM. Main piillerwilli-8le,)euoa Conpany, loe. l-flla liW....0lk aud wab. Main -" t'ook aj fo B. g ' son ortlt l1 Mats A -' t'hapla llerlow Ihaiuber ot Cumuiarr , .....klaln ' -' ritw, D. t. Co, (Woodwork )..-.,.,... ..UmbeiU.- and Ttilua B1Iwi.hI ,.T7 floldaebaildfa Asaner ,...3MV Waohlnxhm Bt. ........ .Uata and A ''-t llohnrt A Alarahaii. Firma, tltf Prorty , . . M . Kimhu 7. kViOU Aider r,.,,lll.i '! lloock. (Iwu-k. A. (Coluulsatku) 4U I al.fce lllilr ......... , ....Mnlu U JaaoU-kllaa Co, ...... .,..,.,.. lAWib Bt...-M ,.Mln, 0W. A CM t Bella vreat. aerseioy. iowr.i .....BJt tliabiber of rommarea. i. ...... ...Main 7i I T t hainlier or iniBieri-a.....Mia an 414 Ablnctun Kids .....Main I Pel Herviul Mt Mnln and A-H tlrnnd Ale. aud Stal t KWlilh . . . . Kalt !. ' !.' .XM AWer Xt. , Ml ",4' .Wi Hlark Hi ...llala X ierlln.-r Plda Mala el ' .t'oruer 'SliYi and K. Belimmt -.. Talew ' .Uenry BM.. 4lh-Oak.. Mala W4. A :"T . N4 l ortx-lt Bl.l . .Mala v Kllllnraworth. W. V. Kiiapn.A Mac-key, W. H. to............ Mall Von lUiratnl ,.. Orenon iteal J-Xata Co., The I'Brrlah. Wai.lna A Co.,.. Kihalk, Ueorxe li.., i. ii Riins. d. c. TlKUnpaon M. H. Co Walker. . T. a e S RANKS FJH8T NATIONAL. BANK, Portland. Or. ' CAPITAL AND 8FEPLLS H.IWO.OOO. OSTEOl'ATHIV PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe clallst on nerves,' acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton blda-. Main 8961. DR. 6MJTII. grad. Kirkviile, Mo.. 1898: post-grad. 1907. Swetland bldg. M. 1987 DR. F. J. BTitR, A. S. O.. 207 Mohawk oiag.. ta ana Moroaon. . main u NITEJJ STATES NATIONAL BANK or PonTfJ.NI. OREfiON. " . Norlhweat Cnrner Third and Oak Htreete. Conduct! a General Rauklna Rualneaa. DKArTH ISHURD available In Alt ntlaa ef the Hulled Htatee and Europe, llonvknna andManlUi. Cnllectloos mad en faeorahla tarma. l-realdent. r j. ij; AIN8WOHTH t'aahler B. W. fitBMKEIt Vice I'realdent. R. LKA 11 A UN Ed Aaalatant Caahler ,.W A. MOLX " Aaalatant Casliler A. M. WRIGHT - ERMAN-AMERICAN BANS Portland. Or. Corner Sixth and Waahioatoa Bh. t IT Trr.naarti a fi-neral banking baalneaa. Draft leaned available In all tha prtnetpal clllia of the United State and Eurooe. ei.ounta. 8ft deinialt vaults. four per cent inter eat paid ea .aala(S PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR beat work, prices right, call P. A. iMinne. m i;nion. rtoin pnnnea. PAINT, OLL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor, za & Taylor, m. a-h i i. RONDS AND INVESTMENTS OKttia BROTHEIta,. Chamber of Commerce Building. ' Municipal. Rnllroad and P'il'lc ferTlee Corperatlon Bonda. STOCKS, Private t -HOPKINS COMPANY KatablUhed 1892 BROKERS. ' BONDS, GRAIN BnuEbt and Sold for Cash and oa Harrtn. ' Wlrea. Rooms 201 tu 204 Conch Building. Phonea Maln, A-S387, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD DR. C. S. CARTER, physician for women; aui Mercnants Trust Diag. .Hours, iu-x, 2-4; 6-8. Sunday, 10-1.- PRINTING LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorenzs' Nerve Tonio Tablets, 26c box, 6 boxes 81.25. Btlne. Tavlor Druar Co.. 2S9 Mor. rlson. Mall orders promptly filled.' HUSUVJiSS UIEECTOEY -ASSAl'ERS WELLS ft PROEB3TEL, asrayers. ana- lyticai onemieta. ziM'.-a wasn. w. 7&0M. PORTLAND analytical laboratory, 622 Worcester tiag..-d and oak, m. 69S0. "Doors of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141.4 1st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust; close figures, good work. 602 Goodnoligh bldg. Phone Main 4121. OGILBEE BROS., printers Cards, bill heads, etc. Main 1KS8. I4BH 1st sty MCA VI NO PORTLAND. Axbland PaaaeORvr Cottace Ornve I'aaarage: Shasta Limited Silverton Taawnger California ExnreHa I San Kranclaeo Expreaa I WEST SIDE. I forvallla Paaenger Kneriuan Passenger Forest Orovf Pnaaenirer Forest O.-nve lliaaenger , Forest Prove Paaaenger SOUTHERN PACIFIC PATENT ATTORNEYS R.t:. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat-. ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. REAL ESTATE 8:30 a. m. :1." p. m, 6:00 p. ni, 6:20 p. in. 7:46 p. m. J:l a. m, 7:20 a. Bi. 4:00 p. m. 8:B0 a. m. 1 :i0 p. in. 5:40 p. m. Oregon Cx press Silverton Passenger rnniami t'aasenger ......... Shasta Urn. d Roseburg Pasaenger.'. ....... Portland Expreas WEST SIDE, Corvallls Pessenger Sheridan Passenger ......... Forest Grove Pasaotiger...... Forest Orove Passenger...... Forest Grove Pasaenger. . . . . . ABRIT1NS PORTLANn ............. 7:30 a. m. ............. 6:30 a. Bi. .10:40 p. ni. :rM a m- ,;,. 5 :SO p. Ri, .......11:00 a. in. i 0:20 p. w. ...... 10:30 a. in. - ...... 8:oo a.m. ......11:50 a. Hi. ...... 4:40 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ' ' C. P. R, Short Line via Spokane..,. 7:00 p. m. I ('. P. It. Snort Line via Spokane.... 8:00 a. m.. Via Seattle, Victoria A Vancouver. . 8:00 jh-m, I Via Vancouver, Victoria A Seattle.. 8:35 p. m. Via Sumas , 12:15 a. m. I Via Suuios and Seattle....... 7KX a. Bi. LKAVE PORTLAND. North Coaat Limited, via Paget NORTHERN PACIFIC MONTANA assay office, labbratory and ore testing work, is Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. MONJBY TO LOAN WANTED Loan of 8300, one. year, aood secwrlty. M-358, Journal. . ' undersigned until 10 a. nv December 5 an,. lor lurnisiuna; ine autereni aepan 27 j ments of the eounty with stationery and supplies for the first six months of 1910. List of supplies to be furnished can be seen at the office of the county cleric The county reserves the right to reject any and aft bids. F. ' S. FIELDS, ' County-Clerk. RUSINESS CARDS HOWE. DAVIS COMPAN1, 109 2d St. Blank books m'fg; acts, for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-8LS8. Main 183. Sound North Coast Limited, . via North Bunk x Atlantie Express, via Paget J. W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; I ' .V." Krii, ' Bank ..10:00 a, m. v t . l, J ji i- J f uai mi i ii luan estab. 1883. 145'., 1st st. room 11. RURBER STAMPS -AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. : Can , Bingham Co,. 281 Stark. Main 1407, SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d at Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened: bargains in second hand safes. THE J- K. GILL CO. Stationers, book- sellers, office outfitters, engineers', draughtmen's supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross lngs. 317 Beck bldg. MySICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 USED upright pianos; different makes from our rent and exchange stock 14 monthly -until paid In full . ; ' v GRAVES MUSIC CO., . 111 4th St., Portland. ' Chas. E. York Band Instruments and Muslo ' House. Repairing, exchange. 88 H 8d st v :XMA;MPfflE ' Upon your personal note. Now Is" the time to call "before Xmas rush is on." $10,; $25; - $50, $7B9 $ 100 LOST AND FOUND 21 TIN i roofing, guttering, repairing and , general lobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jeffer son st. Main 1424. SUN SOON Huie sells Chinese goods. embroidered silks, dressing gowns, rattan chairs, matting. 70 6th st THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO . Portland office. 404 Worcester bldjr. I HAVE a nearly new piano that I wish to rent for 4 or 8 months; terms rea sonable. L-330, Journal. ''' " ' OK SALjE-AUTOMOBlLES 44 WE -have a few good second ; hand 4 j cylinder cars to sell very cheap; storage space and first class repair shop. West ern Auto Co.. 681 Alder st.' . FOR SALE jnsCEHiANEOUB 10 i AN exhibition model. " Edison' moving picture machine, also Universal model , Eulhon moving picture -machine. In good shape; have been used only short time for demonstrating purposes; will sell at greatly reduced rates. , . Columbia ' graphaphone,: also Victor talking machine, -good as new, with rec-:- ords;-will sacrifice; - were used only short time as demonstrators. . . s Several films, In first class condition, comic,soeiiic, tragedy; ? 1, reel of the great "Bull Fight"; will sacrifice the entire list of offerings at greatly re- uura i a en until January i. LAKMMt.R -FTT.M KTCHAMnir " Over Pantages Theatref?4th and Stark. BRAND new piano, weathered oak, mls sion finish, standard Boston make, can not ba duplicated at any Portland piano house for Jess than 145; forced to sell no. fain casn wiu fiandle. M-351, jour- nai OH ON SHORT NOTICE TO ANY ONE WORKING, t LOWEST RATES. . EASIEST PAYMENT8. s. NO -MORTGAGE. ' NO INDORSER. .: NO PUBLICITT. REBATE GIVEN IF "PAID BEFORE DUE. STATE SECURITY CO. 801' FAILING BLDG. w "Open evenings until Xmas." . THE JOURNAL maintains a Lost and Found Bureau to aid the public In the ! I recovery or lost articles, jr you loss anytning, inquire at once at trie Liost and Found Bureau of The Journal, and a record will be mad of your loss. If you should find any article of value and wish to find tha rightful owner, leave It at the Lost and Found Bureau or The Journal. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds of tn surance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING IONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Work guaranteed. Tels. East 80; B-2238. SEWING MACHINES aTsT IwCKWSON repairs allTindrT of sewing macblnes. 22 N. 11th. M. 6999. ,. 7:00 p. m. ,.12:1B a. m. . . 9:O0 a. m. ! Twin City Express via Pnget Sound 8:00 p. m. iwm wry express, via nana Bans -now p. m. Eastern Expreas, via Puget Sound. . .12:15 a. m. i -stern Express via North Bank.... 8:00 a. m. Missouri River Express via t'uget Sound 10:00 a. m. Mlnsoiirl River Express, via North . Bank , 7:00 p. m. Portland, Tacoma ,A Seattle Ex presa. Grays Harbor. Oiympia and South Bend brunches , 8:15 a. m. Portiand-Vrincoiiver apeeial . . . . . .-. .-, , 10:00 a, bj. PiiRet Sound Limited, Oraya Har bor and South Bend branchea.,., 8:00 p. m. Vneolt Passe-iger 4:00 p. ta.. 8:18 p. . 7:00 a. m.' 8:00 I. bi, l' 8:85' p.1 B. ; ARRIVING PORTTiAND. North Coast Limited, via North Bank , ; North Coast Limited, via Puget Sound Northern Pacific .. Express, fla North Bank Northern Pacific Express, via Par get Sound Pacific. Ernreaa via North Rank. 8:00 n. m Pacific Express, via Puget Sound.... 70 a. m; Westera Express, via North Bank., 8:00 p. m. 'Western Ex presa. via Pnget Sound. .10:80 p. ru, Missouri River Expreas, via North Bank 8:00 a. ra. Missouri Brver Express, via Puget . Sonnd 4:00 p. ta. Portland, Tacoma A Seattle Ex- press, snd from Olympla. South Bend and Gran Harbor. .......... 4:00 p. m. Puget Bound' Limited. 8:35 p. ra. Vancouver-Portland Special i..,,..1.. 10:30 p. m. Yaeolt Passenger 9:00 a. m. LEAVING PORTION D. Atlantic Exnress ii in,r Soo-Spokane-Portland OREGON RAILROAD St NAVIGATION COMPANY. BliVVirMU HlttCliJlieo Itireu, mil Kinas- rhiciiro poetlanil Sneclal Mhln. Rma rlnL'Tn .ISR 1r 1 ! ii I c Dlcflgo-rorTIsna npeciai ' ' : : . Knit lulrat l v nritafi SHOWCASEiS AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixturea made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcHRes. cabinets, store snd office fixtures. !R! Conch. M. 2703. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS CARPET WEAVING PARTIES that took black felt hat by mistake from Odd Fellows hall Sat urday evening, Dec. 18, please Teturn 23 S. fO.TK st. MR. IRV1NGTON HOME OWNER: If you knew that you-could get another such Investment as your own home has proven to be, would you take advantage of It? -i I It you thought you could-double your money in 18 months' time, would you Invest? ' - - OLMSTED PARK n Is part of tha great successful Irvington district; it is making money for Its In vestors now. Look Intq It today, while prices are low and terms sre easy. COLUMBIA! TRUST COMPANY, ttoarq or xraae mag LOST Monday, night, blue oval locket containing -photos; reward; pictures particularly waniM. rea u. senmeer, main ob-7. NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk portlers. 153 Union nenr- B. Morrison. LOST Lady's gold watch and chain with amethyst setting, between 3d, and Wash, and 806 Park st, or on St jorins car; noerai reward. sotiK, Park. LOST A package containing voile sklrti Return to Journal office. 1 HAVE eotiia lipdroom, dining room and kitchen furniture and carpets to selL also bath tub, sewing machine and rang rj. Miirr:. - BLlCKKN&DKRFEh aypewrlters and -supplies; Fox Visible machines; rent als, rcpnira, inspections: fireproof Bates. Main 628. vjn BAurj i me a norsepower motor, aliaf ting, belting,' pulleva. air com. pressor, tanks, etc 231 Oak st Thona - MOTORCYCLES and bicycia.nw and second hsnd. buy aell. exchange, ra pair. Agencies for Thor and Tale Motor cycles. Apex lCL2jhk-8806, TJ IK WRITERS P actory rebuilt ab aohitelv g-jaranteed, all bargains. Ill to 6. Northwest Typewriter Cc 228 Ablngton. Main 8870. FOR SALE A few choice canary bird. aingers and females, for a few days only; will make fine Christmas presenta Itione Main 8273. FOR 6ALi; Thoroughbrenl 1'omeranlan The- Hutton Credit Co. T,nana An aalarv ftipnltitra, nl.nA, .1. . installment real estate loans. It wiif be to your advantage to see Us befora you porrow. iia uekum bldg, rHITTKl. 1liMa - Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, korsea, insurance policies, and all kinds of aecuritlea; real eatate and loana rom 13000 up. ' NEW ERA LOAN & MTw CO.. . ' 416 Abington bldg. MONET Anyone steadily employed can borrow on tftelr pialn note and return it io easy payments strictly confidential; lowest rates; see us and save mo'ney. a--i rie-Tiry oi'ijt., ,in ana .ax. Saturday. jtewarq. f - 1 LOST White English setter pup, 8 -' months old, with black ear and black eye. Phone 16, fire dept. H. Wright. LOST 1 keg horseshoes between Steel bridge and Vancouver ave. and Alberta St. Phone Woodlawn 787. V. K. Paisley. LOST Locket and chain jeweled front, - initials C. B. B. on back, picture in side; reward. Phone East 6102. LOST Lady's gold Elgin watch an.i roo, nunting case; initials M. F. Re turn to Journal office; reward.-. CLEANING AND DYEING H. W. TURNER, Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. 60S Jefferson st Mala 2513.' A-2513. F08TER & KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign makers In the northwest; 6th and Everett sts. Fhone Priv. Ex.' 6S. Home A-115B. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:00 ai m. 7:00 p. m. 10:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:38 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Soo-Spokane-Portland 8:00 a. m. Oregon Express 8:40 a. n. Chicago-Portland Special 8:00 p". m. Pendleton Passenger 6:15 p. m, Oreron-Washineton Limited......... 8:00 a. ni. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER , LEAVING PORTLAND. ' 1 ARRIVING PORTLAND. Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. I Portland A Rainier Passenrer....... 10:25 a. m. Rainier Passenger 1:15 p. m. 1 Portland Express .4 .....,.....12:15 p. tu. Astoria Express 0:30 p. at. 1 Portland A Rainier Passenger., 6:20 p. m. R 11 Inlcr Passenger 6:10 p. m.'Portland Express 10:00 p. n. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND H0XT STREET PASSENGER STATION. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Siirn Co.. 2R7 Stark. Pacific 1B96. s SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDiE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of hand and power sprayers, nozzles, rods. etc. 22 Front St.. Portland. Or. TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIKKS f. HAVING PORTLAND. Iiiinnd Empire Express ............ 8:00 a. . For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kaiwas City, a, r,.,i -wnlia Walls. Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, White Salmon. Stevenson. Van- coiver and Intermediate starJona. North Bank Limited,.. ,7:00 p. m. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Spokane. Sprsgue. RitaviUe Llnd, Pasco, Jioosevelt. Granddallea, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. . Colnrobla Elver Local for Vancouver and Ca- ma, 4:80 p. m. White Salmon. Lyle. Ooldendale. Granddallea, Cliffs and all Intermediate stwtlona. ARRIVING PORTLAND. ' " From Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kama City, St Lords, Walla , Walla, - Pasco, Boosevelt, Granddallea, White Salmon. Stevenson, . Van couver and Intermediate stations. . North Bank Limited.... 8:00 a. m. From Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas Cltv, St Louis. Spokane, Sflragne. Rltsvllle,- Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddallea, , Ooldendale. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Inland Empire Express. ..... . ..... 8:18 p. m. From Cliffs, Granddallea, Lyle, White Sal. men. Camas, Vancouver and all Intermediate stations. Columbia Blver Local. .12:28 p. m. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford bldg., room 204, 10th and Mor. I F. B. FINLEY. 249 Columbia, tax.1- dermist, furrier; lowest prices, best J work. OREGON'S best taxtfJermlst. expert In all branches. C. M. Harris. 495 Wash. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. COLLECTIONS S. S. HUMPHREY, atty. commercial law, 737 C. of C. Phones M. 6729, A-7450. DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money." - Wells Mercantile agency, 703 B. of T. COAL AND WOOP IOW EL SUPPLY rr triu towels riallv. comb, biuah 1 per month. Portland Laundry - Oregon City:00 :80 a m. and every to Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sts. minutes to and holding 8 p m., thea 10.00, Phone wain 4i. --to. - Jefferson Street Depot . t Portland to Pallas T:40 a. m. I DaHaa to Portland w. ........10:15 a. tn to Dallas. ....... '. 4:80 p. m. I Dallas to Portland 0:55 B. m 1 Portland-Oswego 8nburbaji Iieavlng Portland a. m., 6:80, 6.80, 7:80. 7:40, 8:50, 10:26; and p m 12:50, 2:05, 8:80. 4:30. 5:20. 6:25, 7:45. 10:10. 11:80. ' ' - - " Portland Ry Light & Power Co. - Ticket office and waiting room First and At- dlAlf ' suburban trains except Vancouver leave Eaat Morrison and Water streets Instead of First aud 'Alder streets, ss formerly. CARS LEAVE FOB IRAN'S FER AND STORAGIi t LOST Spits dog, white. . answers to name or "Trlx." Phone Tabor 18. PERSONAL 22 LADIES Ask your flraggist for Chlchesters Fills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 year known as best awfest Aiwaya rename. Take no .other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pill ara sold py druggists everywhere. DR. LEWIS, T" MONEjr advanced ealaneo people, houae keepers 'Vnd others npon their owa names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices tn 68 prtncl- ai cities; savaj money oy getting our erma Tolman, 217 Lumber Exchange. EQUITABLE Building 4k Loan Co. has money to loan for building homes from iH per cent uo. Office 108 !- k nm bldg., or phone Bi aln 04. . " WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew e.ry at reaeonable Interest for tons at short time. A. A U. Deiovara. Jeweiera. It aer irgion ex. Physician 'and surgeon: treats women ana cuiioren exclusively: private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Msln 4047, A-2411. f0S Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. GERMAN books, masaxinea, novels, eto.; panian, ! for- Schroala Co German. English. French. Sran1ah. Swedish and Italian .dictionaries for eign booke of all klnda 82' 1st st L. I to man on umoer Claims or long or short loans on city proDertr: easy terms. 211 H Morrison at BALAKT LOANS Confidential away ta gvt and eaay 10 pay. F. A. Newton, 111 pups, male or fm!c. cheap. 121 Hovt Henry bide.. 4h and Oak. 'uFlrtt Cf CnU,nnUU -Art 8tuilo. I MONEY lo loaa on real e.l,,. KTX x: V Tr I a h- Pierce. Ill NEW .No. 7 llil. kensderfer ti rxwriter j Mg ar,d leather case at a bargiiu. 411 Lnvi r ta loan on tmro. T - , . , I " ALL kinds h o me canned fruit In Maon , Jars. ome and get morr- for Chri roaa. ll4 H"lria. fhone KellaerwvJ v J CiK SaLk To biKl,oiird puj a arT. two bloodhound man trsuker. M. 11 Pima, rare r-'' at a Hon. Til K LI! HH. ' ( i.oVrwool a I. mort- Alisky JJH. WALKER, apeclaliai; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and akin dis eases, sorea ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder -and piles. Ill 1st au Port land. , FOR RENT By graduated married nurse, one bed and sitting room, with or without nurse help, at reasonable! prlo. .'hone woodlawn 894. MEN When weaJt, ent use Sexoid- s tores lost vigor; price 81- per box. I boxes for I S. T. J. Fierce, 811 Allsk y. DR. SANDERSON CO, Savin and CoZ ton lUot Pills, sure remedy for de- ia aKiperitxi . m per.oox or a Poxes for io. 1 j. rierce, ail A NOTICE PR.cflN SLAB V00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load...... GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord INSIDE DRY SHrrTtT, per load. .. .13.60 ! ALL DELIVERIES MADE PROMPTLY Tlie Portland Slaiswccd Co. . , Main 1119. A-700L PACIFld SLAB WOOD CO., Phones Main 3709, A-7356. Dry Inside wood. 13.50; green slabwood, 12.25 and 12.60; planer trimmings. 83.60; block wood. 84. Oregon Transfer Co, KtHWlfhRH 1S70 Transfer and forwarding agents. Sinmsc. free tr&ckafir M1 Office. 810 Hot st, bet. 6th Si, d 6th. Phonea: Main 69, A-1169. . v.. . lasr aar minniini Oreshim and intermediate Jlnts:68, 75. 8:45. 8:4s. '0:4S m-; 2:4S- :46' :45' 6:45." 6:43. 11:35 p. m. i-audero and Intermediate -polnts 6:55, 8:45, 10:45 a m.: 12:45. 2:45. 4:45, 6:45 p. m. . Falrview and Tmutdale 6:58, 7:48, 8:48, 9:48, 10:45 a. at.; 12:45. 1:45, 8:45. 4:45, 6:45, 6:43 P' m FOB YANCOCTEB. - Ticket office and waiting room Second sod Washington streets. A. M. 6'15. 6:60, 7:25, 8:00, 85. 8:10. 10:30, 11:50. P. M. 12:30, 1:10. 10, 2:30. 1:10, 8 50. 4:30. 6:10, 5:H0r ;30, 7 :05, I;,0, 8.J5, 8:26, 10:35. 11:45". On third Monday la every awnta last ear lea vea at 7:05 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Dallv except Moedsr. Oregon Electric Railway Company DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of fice ana commooioua t atory brick 1 warehouse, separate iron rooms and i firenroof valuta for valuablea: north. weat corner 2d and Pine ata. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahip tnent. Main 696: A-1996. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN LUMBER A FUEL CO. 287 East Morrison. East 26, B-1021. Ctarccal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Male 1767. Foot of Curry st Wend OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage safes, p tmn os. and furniture moved, packed snd shipped. 209 Oak St. Main 847; A-2247 INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage." 824 Stark. Main 487. A-4169. ' LEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int. Stas. local..... Hillaboro-Foreat Grove local Salem Int. Stas. aal...... Hillshoro-Foreet Grove loea 1 K.iom.Tnalatln only. limited.... llillaboro-Korest Grove local Salem Int. Stas. local...... 1111 Isboro-Forest Grove local Sslec let. Stas. loenc.... HlllsIoForest, Grove locaj HillsDoro-Forest Grove local Salem Int. Staa. local...... Wllsonvllle InJ. Staa. VjcaJ Hlllshoro-Forcst Grove local Salem Int. Stas. local...... Hlllaooro-Foreat Grove local ftalera Int. Btaa. locai 6:30 a. m. 7 :0A a. n. 7:50 a. m. 8:30 a. bx. 8:15 a. m. 10:20 a. an. ll:O0 a. 'm. 12:10 p, m. . 2)0 p. BI. 2:1' p. ra. 8:30 p. m. 8:BO p. ni. 5:10 p. m. 5:30 p. to. ::l p. ni, a:25 p. ok YETERI N A ULAN TAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kluda OI Iir woou auo am evil vr. aacx or I ton. Phones K. kit. B-1S67. E. Am and 1 iatn sts. HUMAN K VETERINARY HOSPITA1 Dr. Johnson. 131 16th. M. 8341. A-4267. TYPEWRITERS t REBUILT Smith-Premier and Remlng Mala i ton typewriters, good as new,' tt down SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. 2153. A-II43. Blockwood. 14.68: drtlanrl 15 oer month, at 122.50 to ta7 to Inside wood. $3.60; green slabwood. 12 ; Why lay more? Guaranteed for one ana ii.r i vrar i ja. airianow at uo-. agents I AKRIVINO PORTLAND. Wllsonvllle Int. Stss. local. .8:40 and 7:35 a. 8: 40 p. m. n,uZLLr.Z.t G've local (Sat only 11:30 p. m. tcr SaW-m Tills City A Westera KaUwar points via Saleat 6:30 a. at SnnoaT: 11" a. m. Sunday "firr.- - Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local Salem I at Stas. Incal Hiilsboro-Foreat Grove local. Salem Int. Stas. local Hlllsboro-Foreat Grave local. Salem Int. Btaa. ideal Hiilsboro-Foreet Grove local. Hillsbore-Forest Grave focal. Salem Int. Staa. kical llilbtbora-Forest O've Vx-al ISunenlvl 4:4l i. au Salem-Tnalatls only, limited.-.,-... 4:.V u. ni. Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local 5:20 a. ni. 8a.m lut. Staa. local 6:00 p. m. Hillaboro-Foreat Grove local. ........ 6:10 d. n. Salem Int Staa. k-al. ............. 8:20 o. ai. Salem Int. Staa. e-al. .............. In M n. m. HUlaboravForest G've local (Sat ealy)ll.-vo p. m. 2 p. m. dally - . 8.00 a. tn. 8:40 a. ni. ..... 8:50 a. Bi. ..,..11:00 a. ni. 11:40 a, bi. ..... 1:15 p.. at. ..... 1 :.n p. ni. ..... 2 .VI p. m. 4 p. Time? Card United Railways Co. Leaving Portlaad for Bur ling too and iBter- N'EER & FARR. dealera in all kinds fir and nam woods tie blocks a SDeclaltv. 105 Water at Main 45e. A-4547. C. SmiCi 'ft Bros, typewriters th st A-1674. Main 874. Ill (XJMMISSION ULIXILLM. : nervous or despon J-1 vE pay the highest spot cash prices PU1i brarJ -! for areaaed veal. hoaa. hldia. gas. butter, cheese, furs.-wool, raacavra. bay, grain. Walte whst yoa wish to seiL Ruby Co.. 884 Couch at.. Portland. Or. lisky bl.lg. MON'Lt to loan on Improves! city prop. ny. as 1. M.aMiw, svj w orcestar .SAAC L4 WHITE, money t loan, fire insurance, ii rneriwi mo a LH. T. J. Pierce. pr Walist; die---Res of women; all trref nlartties cor rr-c t ed ro exposure. Call or write 311 AUsky M.lg. Qt"lf"K l"ra on all s-curttlra. a. TV. King. 41 WasMnrton hMe Main 6188. ' a new: rnist n- aw.iro. --, -c'-r e Id and AWer. ,oeir,B a e lel:y. nrl as r-d 77 Lumber roms Wdg, Un and retard A N pN w et saacrtflc MT F 1 I"e".e-r t l-f I- 'T f ,.f , 't'p rtl s f id. fall l K. F-e-n. 1 ( A property. In K.N Ir. Keu-hum wiil promptly cur sul yreur prlvai aulmeats, edv-loe Trr Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p na. .l6t Third. rese 7'am!i Main 77 - .. wis., , an , TV , rrid . Dure wants baud at home lo take rare of .r day a . r,;rit; re ferenc city doctor. Fhvo rtfi ,a n ass a l.oae cum liitN sY to loan- larae -Nw at .r fr. fur. wil I huUdlng loaia; loeat rales; fire lav ! i TTTvT" mv a ij . . e, Cil bet.n 12 and 1. 221 1 garanre,. W Q. !. II l.Faillag .JtftlSltJLZZ': I iai.. r-a-i, rw-m. H-r.rj 4J.1Ae j t r 1 1 ramrr ..rr- rr, . r-v. DRUG LESS MIYSICLiNS ALL makea rented, repaired, sold. Cuo . nlngham Co.. 181 Stark. M. 1487. mediate statlona 6:15. 7:15. 8:15. 8:13, 10:13. 11:13 a. bi. 1:15. 8:15. 3:15. 4:15; B:13. 6:13 p. m. For Uiistna and IntersardUte atatlooa oal-8:l(. W:O0. 11:45 p. . Arriving Porlbiad feooj Burlington and Inter, ronllati a rat Ion 8:n. lo i 11 a. 1 , i2:im sHva. 2:. 3:00. 4.00. 5:t on. 7". N-.ial at. at. Fmaa Unn'toa au4 liueratrdtat" -ITrma daily exrept Snmlar -r-a a. ai. .--- Llnntoa aa4 iBiernnd.ale ataTWrja daily8: 'm, 1 1 ::tt p. m. TRANSIORTATION C3IUULLLA liKJ'AIlil.NG WE SELI repair and Tejcover uirbrel- las. 4 vssn., near ittn. r. Lavy. WHOLESALE JOUHERS -" -y. Drs. MacPherson iS: Grover Treat rhronicsnd aervniie dlaeaees of men, women and children without drugs. Roama 4o, 44, 4o7 RoUichild bldg. Office hours 9 to It ov. 1 to 4, to p. m. DETLCTIVK AGENCY San Francisco -A rortland S. B. Co. Only direct ateamer. dayUght saill-gs. Ir nm Aireworth dock. Fortland. 4 p. in.: 8. at Kaaaaa City, Pec 84, Jam. T. S. . Boh City. Xee. 3L Jaa. 14. . From Pier 40. San Pranciwo. 11 a. m.: a. a, kVoso City. . 85, Jam. B. a xaaui city. jaa. 1. 15. 'J. W. Kneoni. dock srast, ilafn ?8. iAInfworth dork; M-. J. Roche, city tick- a-ii WADHAMS 4k CO. wholesaJo r agvnt 141 Third ey. Main 442. - - - - " . aj , . . - av - . r a - KKJJ X- JL. 1 a7 C and Osr ata Tl ; V k- HP I Ni A k KRELU pro-looa aov) ro-n tn isajon mere nan is. its r root Portland. Or Phnne Main 179. gLnft" 1st aUamrr kiHKAkVYATKk lea ae Pox-tiastd Wednesday al 3 a sa. treaat Atns worth 4ork for aTenh Ken a. Mara. M. A. OINP7 ft CO, itleta aad Com Bay patata, Frelgnt r- DISTRIBUTOKS OF HVF. CIGARS ' elv natlj I a a n ay af ai,ta. PORTLAVr. (IRS. 1 fatatnnr far, flral class. 816: second 1 (iaaua, 7. Inc.-uHing trrtk ana saeai 1 a i avlre city ticket rT1r. Third and Waaa TRANSPORTATION mI1 " LEW t-ia. . Seward,, ECF.KT agents '!adla.rentiemea) ex. I. 1' 1 av- w a t w na g a w-t a I ri 1 a "N B St a li a a 1 a at I -tic : 1 1 1 uiv"m. 1 ?it irtorx JL-MUt 1 ' ' - - It. ' A at a. NOIITII PACIFIC S.S.C0.5 "Z . . For Euraka n i n T III I A.1MIIIIK i a mm m mfm a a a a r' rkaa V. . I Ul-M Mill 1 t i - r- - t 1 M 4 " n - r a r a t fn,iH i! LIAMOND imiLi.iva t - ' V 1 a J 1, HA fir IVkiaLlT.Di W nro-aw i "--4 ' i .. -tint Ik-afn IS'. Vs h r, l.:.T'aNa f - i i. ! 1 L r r ra"r M- ara ire A':re airo-u rvail evtrv Tiier et 6 p m. Ta art ,'.1c 1! Trd. nir Al-l-r. f . r.1 f -r f -. r T, - M. 12)4 a, - A ' : 1 11 KIM AJ tl trxAiczm in x. ititou Will rc-el r fn rl et C" ir S etre-et c li r-r. rr - a- m ' ' g M-r-av i-. , '.f ,, Mn'"l .a' ti rr g-nj - .nav4.a. I s-r ra f " I . 1 r " - '- , t .. . f 1 , '' w et - , - ','4,-- ' -' - -i. CiiASSLFIKD AI) IiAT&i 1 CASH AD8 ''' 15 ereraa ar araa 15c rer t,Haartos; 16 le a werala. 3ur; zi le 25 words. least art yoaind. Helf liKel 81 m'"., Waatvd. Te Beat la, aa6 l aala-4 a Beat ASa. three InawrtWaa 4nv the rrVe avT tara. AB otber elaMl ricataaaa am laaertWae f the 8fVe ef etx, CBAROE Ar: teaart Ve er mmmft Baa uaart to he ea4 la II 1 Baee.. ............ .Be par vei4 i . 4 eaa Bnaa, ..............I 4e e r e . t- i - . Mane Hwe r aara Ae r e---.4 I . AM rtaaatfVA a4aarraalag Sr(A kr u k ... Srteal rant Aba in BT TnB rr-trl. I assart, ....... ... fl Se. aaa nee a.-. 6 saaaark)...... f .1 a. 1m J a . 12 aiaarlal. ........ ... . t 3f i: mm e, a-.. a torcj" fjiuit C o . , r . frai viae a...... r- f ' a-a, ira ........... i -. . Itwm 4pm 81- -.. " e-. . 4 i . CaaM4Ha at te-,-a ... m a . . he rr-a -,e. at fava art. mm ra . .r , I t WT 8i "r m ft, t 1 I i - a an.M,a a,r .4 , -rm V'-a .-..1 at:i a-a fee U ...... .t till I ar.- - r a . , . . f . a f ,---. --'-, , g i , . . V . J--. - ' . v . . t a- - , - ' k. i