II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' .PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMHEK 18. 1909. 1 1- poriijiiid gets BIG filEEIIIIC Liimbonncn From Xortli .west StAtos Will He .. - J fere. " A, It, Porter, secretary of the Vt'eatern t.tall Lumbermen's ausot-latlon, wllh headquarters at Fpokano, Waeh.. waa In tha city yesterday to confer iih W. U. Mackay, chairman of the local manufac turers association's entertainment com mttle. In reference to the program for .. (he convention of the retail dealers to t held hero IVbruary 14. IS and Id. Mr. Forier announced that special . ratea hava barn granted by the railroads from all points In the district covered by tlie association, Including Oregon, Waahiiigton. Idaho, Montana and Utah. and a vary Una attendanca la expected. A tentative program haa bean workt-a out and In a few days tt will be ready for announcement While here Mr. For- Sunday -Services at tfye Portland (U)urcl)es i.f Faith." Christ."' . ( "The Judgment feat of Baptist. First White Timnla Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. J. Whlicomb H rougher, IX Ik 10. "Una Accord" prayer meeting enrvlcea, 10:10 ainl 1:30: lilble achool 12: r. 1. I?.. . Tunl,- "l'lvln or Walk ing." "The Moat Imtxriant Uueation Man aver aaknd." Third In aerlea on Life a Ureal Question." Socond Bevenlh ami Eaat Aiikanr: Rev. iL H. ttlack. 16:80 and T:30; JUlbla school, n; it. y. y, u.. :30. Central tast Twentieth and Ankeny; 10:110 and 7::w: a H.. 13: Y. P. U.. ID: sermons by Her. Fred Afar. Arteta it and 7:30; a. H., :o: t. P. V.. 8:30: main by Rev V. T. Jordan. Highland Alberta and Sixth, Rer. E , LAunara, paaior. 11 anu i.v. .u. . L.. :30; 8. .. 10. Hell wood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev. r. W. Thurston, pastor. 11 and 7:30; 8. , 10; Y. P. V.. :I0. Calvary Eaat Eighth and 01 rant. Rev. N. Monroe. 11 and .7:30, 8. &, 10; B. , P. IT.. 8:80. Imraanuel -Jonea Hah. 51bbft and Front. Hev. A. U. Mlnakor, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. H., It; B. Y. P. U t5:30. Grace Montavllla; Rev. Albert K. Patch. 11 and 7:30; H. S.. 10; Y. P. L. 80. University Park 8. 8.. 10, 11 and 7:80;. U. V. P. U 7; sermona by Rev. Suggestive Questions on the Sunday ,' School Lesson hy Rev, Dr,!T. S. Linscott .Ministers. Sunday achool' teach era and write The Journal bileflv their vlewa particularly If they consider them of val and ,thei ga to the lua in their " ler madit arrangements for headquartera of the convention at tha Portland hotel, jr. Cheney whtla tha meeting will ba held In the Sunnyslde (German) . Marauam building. Our aaeoclatlon looga for a very rep- hera Interested are Invited ta r work. I Tha International Newanaoar Mble Btudv club la for tha purroae af pro moting in an uufettered way among tha maasea, wider atudv of the Pi tie, tha basal truth a of Christianity, and tha problama which anter lata ever l man's Ufa. It ta comnosed of ail thoae whs tola a looal club, and take D tha simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who bare not lolsed are warmlv Invited to Aa so and tn oomtete for tha crises. Persons may Join tha club at any tlma during tha year, but muat, ol course, answer tha (S queatlona hereinafter explained, to fiuallfy for the nrlaea. and tha back auealiona ma be obtained bv addreaslna thla office. This paper haa secured tha right to publish tha Inurnatloni Sunday School Lesson queatlona by Rev. lit. LlnscotL which havt aroused so much Intereat elsewhere, and they will appear werkly in- both tha Saturday and Sunday Issues of Tha Journal, una of . these queatlona each week Is to ba ajiswarAd lb writing and urxw. these answers tba prlzea art to be awardeX Oomdltloa oX taa ajontaai. 1. Each contestant, op hla or Her family, jiiui fca a aafba-arlba ta thla Paper, In order to qualify for membership in tha International Newspaper Bible Study club and thla local club. I. Each conteetant In thla local club muat anawar each' of tha written qoee- tlona for 63 conaecutlva weeka, commencing Sunday, March 14. and tt)a answers muat all ba in the possession of thla paper vlthlo two weeks of tha close I oi tnia perioo. - S. Each question muat be answered separately, and tha paper written on in leagtn and tnav aa m Tavlor Rv, Waltt tt maaa, 1.10. lllxh maaa and aermon, 10 30 . Iinmat'ulate Hrart "f Mary. Williams and ritanton llev, A. faly. Low maaa, s, and t. High mass ami r inoti. 10:30. VeaDera and benediction. 7:10. liolv Hnsary, Eaat Third and tTnlon Very Ilev. A. 8 Lail.r. Low maim. g. T and JO. 1 11 rt mass and aermon, 10:30. Veitpera and benedlotlon, 7:30. Sacred lixart. MUauklltv. Ore. gory Robin, U 8. U. I-ow mass. I. lllxh maaa and sermon. JO. 10. Veauera and bentHllvtlon. 7. JO. ilnlv 1'rrm Iinlweealtv P,rk Tiav J P. Thlllman. C H. C. Low maaa, :30. High innaa and aermon. 10:30. Veaonra and beinHtlctlon. 4. Holy It-wlariner. Portland and Van. couver Itev. Kl K. Cantwell. C. S.1. K. i.ow niasa, i. niab maaa and aermon, 10:30. Hwneillctlon. 4. Nt Ani ns'a Ninth ind , alhnrta . Rev. Thoinaa Kiernan. ' Low maaa. t, High mala and aermon. 10. Veauera. In struction and bnedlcllon. 7:30. nt. ignatiua. forty-second and I'owen Valley road Itev. h Dillon. . 3. . L"W maaa. and 0:30. Maaa. aermon and oeneujcuon, J0:30. tlUd rres Tha Church of the iransers OranJ lave, and ao. Rev, K, Kui I lu lloia, 10 30 and 7.0; ,B. rt., 13. Intarpietatlon fur the deaf every Hun. lay morning. Irat - til mil . and Montauiuerv. Kev. ank I Witt Hn.lUv. 0:o and 7:0: M I3;-C. K., 4:30, Morning tonlo. "preaillug tha Hpli ll of t'hi lalinaa. ' Third Kast Thlrty-aeventb and Clay; Rev. j. L. Acheson, n and 7:30, S. d., 10. . . . ' VaiU4 avaureUoal. First East Sixteenth and Pnplnr. Ha. If lUb II V.KA. U it 111 1.rsli-m "I.ana ... Unvnlnv Ul.r" J he lldneaa llevlval." Ocklev Ureen (Jay and 'Willamette. Itev. J. Boweraox. 11 and 7:30: 8. lo; C. R. 6:30. Topla, "The Life l?a ful and Hcut If ul,". "Needfuls to Salva tlon." Second Far go and Ksrby, Rev, C C, I'onng, 1 1 and 7:30.- . . . St. John's Ivbnhoe and John,' Rev. v- , laiea. r. io. . evangelical Association. . First English Faat Sixth and Mar- art, jc. b. cuivar, 11. ana 7:D0j x, p. A 30; 8. a, 10. . . Urst German Tenth and Clay, F. nens. jo:it ana ?:&; B. 8., 1:30; y. p, p. m. Topic. "Tha letter -of Chrlw to tne Church at Kaolin," 'The Vllt Pt. Hianlaiaua. Maryland ana r ailing i lions or uoa n people." .lie v. C beroskl maaa and sermon, 14W maaa. 8 l. . ' Forty-flrat and Hawthorne; Rev. C reiometh. ii; o. :45. w . .li i.- i si. jonns tuermani nev. j. reia- mmwivi nrtb. 8. H.. ;46; aerloea 11 and 7:30. ruary and many mattera of Interest to the trails will coma up. Conditions are ' very; proaperoua througljout our terrl iam ,nil thla will add materially In ae- ..in. - ). renrtf,aentatlnn at the I Chak. :r: " - nrat St. Johns Rev. C. U Owan. 11:30 and 7:80; 8. S., 10; B. x. P. U.. :I0. Chinese Mission 362 U Oak Btraet 8. 8- 7; preaching. 8, by Rer. Fung THE STEANOEB ' WITHIN OUR GATES German Fourth and Mill: Rev J. Krll 11 and .7:30: 8. B.. 8:45. Second Qerman Morria atreei anu Rodmy avenue; Rev. F. Buermann, 11 and 7:30: 8. S.. 9:45. Eaat Forty-firth atreot corner Main: ll:la and 7:so: f. x. u., a:s. Mormnn hv Rev. A. R. Wlltt Lents 8. 8 10; 11 and 7:o; B. x. P. II.. S:S0 Mount Ollva Seventh and Everett; tA TJ TD T.hn.nn 11 anil 7SU. Frank Miller, Fort Duachenee, utan I Swedish Ilovt and Fifteenth; Rev. Despite report to the contrary. I feellErlck Scheratrom. 10:45 and'. 7:46; ' l tl.. thm h TTta InHlan la I H H li: H T. P. TT.. 6:30. . ...i.kin. r..r,, .rri.l,. I Tfiira luiou ua Vancouver, nwr. n. th.t II.. Indian ll nil tha In. " u ' "l"""! crease. Tbla la not true ao far aa the Utes . ara tlvllixation that la killing them, either. I Secretary F. EL A. Smith. ao much aa bad whiskey. An Indian la a fiend for booxe and tha white man will alwaya find some means to supply Mm. One aide only. No anawer muat exceed 300 words Each anawer muat hava tba name and addreae of the wrltar at. the bottooi vi ino answer. ...: 4. The answer muat be delivered to thJa office, and they win ba collated m me ciose- or ins corneal ana xorwaraea io neaaquartera Tor inarpenaeax t ammatioa by competent examlnera The prtxea will then ba awarded ac cording to tha highest number of marka. won by mambora of Tba XntarnatlonaJ awapaper ttioie niuay ciup. Tba rrlsjoa."- First Serlea A gold medal to each of tba first five conteatanta. . Second Serlea A aliver medal to each of tha next riva Ronteatanta Third Serlea A Teachera Bible, prlc I6.M, to each of tha next flv oon- Fourth Sertea Tha book . Tha- Heart of Christian! ty,1 prloo $1.60. to aaob of the next tt conteatanta. . ' . jEach medal will be aultabfy engraved, giving the name of the winner atad iur -wnai ii is awaraea ana in use manner eaco ijiDle ana ooog wilt DO ie crlbod. ... v All who can write and hava Ideaa, ara urged to take op tbeaa atudlaa rw aa-iuicaa vi ma aegree or ineir wiuciuun, aa me papera ara not valued iron an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of lb ol in ei r mnwra laeaa. to balleve from thla narrative that whea T. 8. Lln- 'Kiuiiirliv " TlnnA Tlrtlnea." ila la not true ao far aa the Woodstock Forty-flrat antJ Holgate; , " , concerned. And It la not! n and 7:80; 8. 8., 9:45; aermona by,T'' (Copyrla;ht. 1908. by Rev. acott, D. D.) Seoamber 19, 1909. Review. Golden Text for tha quarter I have fought a good fight, I hava finished my course, I hava kept tha faith. I Tim. -Chris Mon son. Brown' Park. Colo.- Along tha Yam pa river In northwest ern Colorado there la a valley a mile I long where hundreds of cattle run wild, but because of the Inaccessible walla of tha canyon at tha sides and' the falls at the entranoe and outlet, no man haa been able to get down there. How tha cattle reached there la a mystery. Tha following questions can be used 4 a new and complete lesson, a well a for a review of the 11 preceding les sons, . Tha data and title, of each lesson and where found. t,he Golden Text and one -Presbyterian. First Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkes. 10:80 and 7:80: 8. S., 13:10; C. E.. 6:30 morning sermon hv Rot. J. R. wilaon: evenlnaT aermon by assistant pastor on "The Human Life I queatlon from each of tha 11 preceding or uoa. - lessons follow: , uriitnah ICaat Twelfth and Powell:! . . " ' '. t V a.x or eight mile. Rev. Harry Laed-. U and 7:80; & 8., ML-, - ."'Solden lona- where hundreds of caftla r.,n wild. C. K. S0. - :, , "- cMi 1.17 to Golden uaivary niievenrn ana iiay, ne. i nou inererore enauro naraness Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:46; I aa a good aoldler pf Jesus Christ. II III Die sciiowi, iioou. luuiti, in ui'i Tim Way of God," "The Meaning of Christ- fc . . ', .. ; -A ma8 " . J veraea 10-84 In bridging the two Fourth First and Glbbs: Rev, Donald I dispensations. It la likely that God. so Mackenzie, 10:80 and 7:30. S. 8.. 12; C.I to speak, winked at the apostlea trying E.. 8:30 Topic ''Baraabas, the Friend." I to graft the law of Moses Into Chris- j.ne aiaaina; . . tianltv. or waa It God'a nlan that Jew- Mawtnorne JrarK l wemn ana ruaBi ... v.7. j .in i.7" E. Nelson Allen, 10:80, 1 VJ"'"V""" aooum wuu asep tnc Xintharaa. .. ". .- - ' St. James' English West Park and Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10; L. li., 7 p. n. Topics.. "Un belief and It'a Sadness,", "A. General Marching in tha Ranks.", Swedish' - Immanuel Nineteenth - and Irving. 11 and 8; 8. ., : Norwegian Svnod East Tenth and Grant; Key. O, Hagoea, 11 and ,7:15; 8. 13:10. . " - 1 Botanla Danish Union and Morria: tiev. j. wcot i, ii ana : a. h.,i10. United Norwegian 4S N, Fourteenth. Detmar Laraen. 11 and 7:30;, 8. &. 1:46. 9:30. -..-,-.-. , Zlon s Gerhian Chapman and Sal mon: H. H. Koppelmann. 10:16. 7:46; B. 8. 8:16. St. Paul's German Eaat Twelfth and Clinton. Rev. A. . Krausa. 10:80 and 7:80; a 8., 9:30. Trinity German (Missouri . synod) Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbacb. 9:16; 8. 8., 10; 7:80. . - v . Swedish Augustana Rodney and Stanton; Rev. H. K Landatedt, 10:45 Hiatal Memorial Kaat Klrhteenth and Tlh netta, Morria Hevarllng. 11 and I; a fl, and " ;:".':; Tf Metiio-tiaf.:; ' Flrat -church East ' Ninth . and .MIIV ravld M. Cathey. (Jl and 8; S., 10; Second church Eaat ' Flarnlera, ' be tween Fifty-third and . Flfty-fourtn air-.-ii. . ,eV. , wiiour N. .coffee,. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; claaa meotlng. 8:80. yura unincn Mission second, and Ankeny. A. v WellB.v, auperlnteodent. ' " nnltarlaeu ? - : " ;.' Church of Our Father Yamhill and Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rav. ,T. ir- minuter emeritus. 11 and 7:45: 8. 8.. 9:46; adult class. 1.5:15. jopica. fine Bonds and Posnlbllltlea Of v iiriHiian . vortn; , Philanthropy Not -a 'a ' '' , rrtauda' Chore.. , . ' ; ..JSonpyslda, Main and East Thirty, fifth.. Llndley A. Wells, 11 and 7:80: Biblo achool. 10; C-E.r :30. Lent. Center atreet, Myra B. Smith. 11 and 7:10; Bible achooL 10., .. w fall' to nae, and it la too late to adopt CrOd'a best plan, be will a till gra ciously Tim-rlila a mall n,a -arhlnV -ara mar adopt t fThia , anaatloa xaaat be 1 ami 7:46: 8. 8.. 9:30. anawerod la writing by aaaaber of tl!,,.- . John a Peninauia avenue i, .. I Klloatrlck: 3 cm. x, '" . . - ... '' I Swedish Mlasion ' Seventeenth and I"U1 rnsBiwr-io. GUsan; Rev. B Shlnwrac.lr IMa wvll-CT n wtHH'ia la a it. v r - C O., . V , IT., . . Golden Text: The Lord redeemeth tho 1 Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and I "Is the l'nlvcrs. In.-hwiin- soul of bis aervant. and none of them fkldmora. Rav. B. J. Thoren, 11; S. ii. Evolved by Atoml Forcer tnat trust in him shall ba desolate. I : - oecona vvoootnen nail. East Sixth ' .- i. """"" vw,",.l"rr'J?,.,,"r ""i "I,uinna Aiaer. ii; s: o. ti.. H: aublnct of loo -tseuwooaj, H. v. Ebeimg. 10:30; lesson aermon, "la the Universe. Includ ing man, x.vuvea ay Atomic .rorcer '- ' Chriatlaa Bolenoa. -trl Flret Church of Christ Scottish Rlt llitseli hall. Henry Victor Mnrgan. M i. in. 'i'oplo, ihilnt Ja Vour Hope of Ulory,". Bwo.ll.h Corpa Salvation Army 430 Ilurii.ula, U, :30 and 8. In(nr-lHnnniliintlnnl' t'lty Mlaatnn t'lTtli strnt't.- A. WolU, iiieriii(uiii1 t. 3 rJunday, 8 every eveuing in tha week. ,i Mediums' and Ministers' Association Au.llloiUm bull.lhig, 11, 8 and 7 : 4 ft . Letter Day Halnta (Mormona) Kaat Tenfi and Mierinaii. J. C. Westeraard. preal.llng el.lrr. II and ; 8. S. 10. . Auvent l hrlatlaa Necond, bolwean Hall and Lincoln. . EL Wallace Siiaoard. 10:30 ami 7.30. - , Volunteers of America SS8 rturnalila Street. 3:30 and 1:80. Divine Truth P,nl- SOI .?uVw' building. Rev, Thaddeua M. MlnarO. Jl; 8, 12. Church of Naxarene East Seventh ' and Couch, Rev. A. . Hmirlcka, 11 and 7 -in- h h a At- v i m a . New Church Society (Swedenborgen) Eleventh and Alder. Knlghta of Py thlaa' hall. 1 y service and aermon, 11. Non-hrtarlan odd Fellowa' hall. Fast Sixth and Alder: 1:30. up to dale Hltlln MtlLllaa' 1-DA Avnn.lllltn kl.,rl.i- ture. . :. ........ Center Of !tlaht Thlnklno W. f). W. ' temple, 128 Eleventh and Alder gtreeta. Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 p. in. Reorganised Church of Jeaua rirlat slxrh and Irving. Elder Walter Bar ker. 11 and 7:80: 8. H.. 10:45. Hnlrltlialiala ,19 lll.ktf Vt.lMln- Mr. SOphln H. Selp. r irai, ripirituai Hoeiety loa second n"i v-onicrcnce, i; lecture ana mes afrea, 7:4S.' - .. Fiiowahip. trnlon Union han. Grand avenue and .East Vine, 3 p. m.. ir, ' Uavklaon. Buchanan. . -. . ' . X. W. C . A. Aevanrh mnA . TmwlAm atreets. .Fireside hour at 4 p. m, V. M. C. A. City association. Sixth -and Taylor atreeta. H. W. Stone, sec retary. ,' Men's meeting; In new auditor-' lum at S o'clock, adilreaa h v. ' Wallace Shepard,' Second Advent Chrla- . tlan church, on "Objections of People to . the History. Science. Mlraclea and ala of the Bible." Muslo by.Y. M. C. A. orcheatra. , . . . . .. Christian and Mlnalrtnarv Amanita : - rvinin anu tie v. - services 100 and ' 7:45. a 8., 13. Y,. P. M... :S0; Rev. F. H. Berft will preach. ; Free Illustrated Lecture 300 Allsky building. 3- and 8. Tonic. . "Ara , Yon Ready to Meet Christ on '' Christmas Day?" by K. A, DeVennls. Funeral of Mrs. John Harrison. - f Hoectel Clinatcfe to Tbe Journal. I Athena, Or., Deo. 18. Tho funeral Mrs. John Harrison was hold at the home of her father,1 W. K. Wall", Wed- neaaay arternoon. '',;' - J. D. Dill Ian, Sacramento, CaL Ore gon fruit growers ahould make a visit to California during the fruit ahlpping Taylor; Rev. season If they would see real ahin-l ping., v we admit that Oregon raises fine applea and pears, but California leads on all other fruit and '. as for j volume - of business, why the Oregon iruu growers only play at It Mrs. Nettle ChUders. Baton Rouge, Miss. Truly, , this climate' of yours la simply grand. Do you know, I al waya thought Oregon waa a wild, un- iercerei region, and were find almost the old 7:30; 8. S.. 12; C. B., 6:80. Evening! topic "Christian Science Weighed in the I x I .. . . - . 1 1n,.n -TXTttnll.. OaiiUli'V K.1IU . vu.lt. (la.i.tu,. law? October 10 Paul a Prisoner Tha Plot Act xxil:30 to 1x11:35. Golden Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbein; 11... r , A H. Pratt; 11 and 7:0; S. S., I ui u.o imim o- .a my Rev. Harry in- r m . d an Piedmont Cleveland refuge and my fortress, my God; in him Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 12:15. ,. . Chinese 145 54 First, 7:45; 8. 8., 8:45. Westminster East Tenth and Weid- ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:80 and 7:30: S. B., 12; Y. P. B. C. E., 6:80. and Jarrett; will I trust Psalra 91:2. Verse 11 There Is no way to take tho miraculous out of tha New Testa ment without destroying it Now in view of that fact why did not God rescue Paul, in this instance, as ho did from ed region- and that the people ' Marshall Street Marshall and North the prison at Phllippl? only about half, civilised, but -I I javenteenth; Rev. C. W. Hays. 11. 4; October 17-Paul a time southern 8. 810. Mdunt Tabor Belmont .and Pretty- ore FeI,x- Act8 xxlv Prisoner Be. Golden Text; chivalry here. I shall certainly cornel man; Rev. Edward M. Sbarp IJ and 8; Herein do I exercise myself to have u"w iur jrour jonr mom Jestivaj. REV. SHEPABD.WILL , DELIVER ADDKESS Rev., E. Wallace Shepard, pastor of the Second Advent Christian church, is to be speaker at the regular men's meet ing In the Young Men's Christian asso ciation auditorium. Sixth and Taylor streetstomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. His subject will be, "Objection of Peo ple to the History, Science, Miracles and Moral of tho Bible." Music will be furnished by the Y. M. C A, orchestra. The attendance at the Sunday meet ings in the Y. M. C. A. has been stead ily growing since the series began last ran, and tne new Y. M. C. A. hall is filled every week. The interest aroused , by the opening week receptions, which are to be concluded today, will, it is ex- . i pectea, bring out even larger crowds .tomorrow, . , .Tha . auditorium -4a which thcao meetings are held has been pro nouncea oy visitors to the building to t be the most attractive meeting hall in Portland. a 8.; 10. . . always a conscience void of offence 8pokane Avenue East Seventeenth toward God. and toward men. Acts -, 7-on- a ft in. c. v. a srt i xxiv. io. Third Eaat Thirteenth and Pine: Verse 26-27 What was the beet- Rev. William Parsons, 10:80 and 7:45; lung aln of Felix, and how do you estl 8. 8., 12. . . ... I mate the character of a man who wants E6 T fl?oni?v,"r lca8lT oevwity-Ito bo bribed to do right? DEFENDANTS GIVEN , TVENTYDAYS' TIME Federal Judge R. S. Bean has granted a petition allowing Helen Mc Clure and other defndants, charged with conspiring to obtain government lands Illegally, 20 additional days in which to file an answer to the bill of complaint ' As all the cases are set for hearing on and after Januarly 10; the answer will not necessarily have to be filed but a few days before that time. Suit to Condemn Land. Suit to condemn 1.72 acres of land for right of way for the O. R. & K on the Una between Troutdale and St Johns haa been begun in the circuit court against H. Schroeder and Willamina Schroeder, the railroad having been un able to agree with the ownera on the price. The company says the land is worth not to exceed 3500. S. P. Osburn and W. H. 0burh, who hold a mortgage on the property, are also made defendants S. R. 10: 11 and 7:30 Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; B. R 12: Y. P., 7. Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town. send: services. 10: 8. S.. 11:16. Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv ices. 11:30 and 7:45: 8. 6.. 10:16: C. E. T. Trinity Dakota ftreet Rev. A. Rob inson, '7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45; S. S., 11. Vernon Wygant and East Nine teenth: Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; a. a., :4d; ij. . Kethodist. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, jj. iu:au ana i .av; . i2s:ia; m. i... 6:30. Topics. "The Age in Which We Live." "The uays Before Christmas." Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John Cuuupp.-JL. 10rav- ana7:8 8. 8.; iz:i&; Li. e:ao. Topics, "rne value of Influence, "The Power of Choice." St. Paul mission S. 8., 667 Jefferson 3:30. Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and Davis, Rev. ti. p. Nelson, u and 8; S. 8., 10. Sunnyslde East Yamhill and Thlrty- nrtn; w. t. muster; ii ana 7:o; &; a., 9:60; E. Lk, 6:46; evening sermon, the fourth in serlea of "Preparation Ser mons. St. Johns Rev. F. N. Sandefur: 11 and 8: E. L.. 7: a 8.. 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savier. Rev. Charlea T. McPherson; .11 and 7:30: S. 8.. 9:46: E. L.. 6:30. Tonlra "The Important Question." "All Thlna-a Are Ready." uninese Mission unan Blna Kal: 11 and 7:30. Trinity East Tenth and Grant: Lewis v. smith, ll ana 7:so; E. L., 6:30; 8. 8., 10. TepIcB. "A Christmas Sermon.". "What Christmas Means to the Sinner." Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:30 and 7:S0; E. L.. 6:30; S. 8.. 12:15. Topica, "The Urgency of the Gospel," "What waa the Original Evil?" laureiwooa Kev. r. ii Myers; 11 anl 7:30- 8- 8.. 10; E. L., 6:30. Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo street Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:80 and 7:30; S. 8.. 12; E. L., 6:30. Norwegian Daniah Vancouver ave nue and 6k! d more, Rec. C. J. Laraen, 10:45 and 7:4&; 8. S., 12: morning aer mon by Rev. Dante L. Roder. Japanese Mission 121 North FTf- October 24 Paul a Prisoner Before Festus and Agrippa. Act xxv:6-13, chapter 26.: Golden -Text I know whom I have, believed, and am per suaded that he is able to keep that which I have . committed unto ' him against that day. II Tim. 1:12. Verses 24-32 Why did not Festus and Agrippa both turn to God, seeing that they wera clearly convinced of the truth of Christianity and their need of salva tion? , i , - . October 81 Paul a Prisoner The Voyage. Acts xxvll:l-26. Golden Text: Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also In him, and. he shall bring It to pass. Psalm 37:6. Varsep Sl-fla What reason 1 there Psalm 34:22. Veraea 33-88 May d ravin a and fast ing, when you ought t be eating and working, be as great a practical crime a scuttling the ship? November 14 Paul a Prlaoner la Rome. Act xxvill:ll-Sl. Golden Text: am not ashamed ' of the gospel of Christ for It la the power-of Odd unto salvation to every on that believeth. Romans 1:16. Verses 26-291 It a law of God that sin deadens the conscience and perverts tha judgment hence, can a man living in any kind of sin, trust hi judgment on personal, moral 'and spiritual -questional November 21 Paul's Story of HI Life. II Cor. 11:21 to xll:10. Golden Text: He aid unto me. My grace a sufficient for thee, for my strength Is made perfect in weakness. II Cor. xil:9. ' Chaptenxll:l-6. What Is the only real proof of Ood, of Immortality and of tho wisdom of the spiritual life? November 38 Paul . on Self Denial. Romans xlv:l 0-21. Golden Text: It is good neither to eat fleeh nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth. Romana xiv:21. a Veraea" 16-16 If you enjoy and arlnk your glass of wine, when you know that wine drinking la doing vastly mora harm than good, what sort of a person are you-7 December1 5 Paul on .the Grace .of Giving. II Cor. viii:l-15. Golden Text Remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he said, it Is more blessed to give wan xo receive. Act xx:35. Verse 1 16 What reason Is there to belleva that if we glvo systematically to God's cause that we ourselves shall never lack? . December 12 Paul'. Last Words. n Tim. lv:l-18. Golden Text: For ma to live is Christ and to die 1 gain. pnu. l.zi. , Verse .8,4 Why Is it that burglars. gamblers, counterfeiters, liars, drink ers, and, other bad - men - and women, often persuade themselves that they are rigntr , Lesson for Sunday. December 26. 199-Tti'Blrtli -of trtBtrMaCr 11:1-12. rMinlstera, nunffay school teachers and other Interested are Invited to write The journal briefly their vlewa as to the worth of these "Question particularly if they consider them of value in their work. - teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, 9:30 and 8:30; a 8.. 3:30. 8wedish Borthwlok and Beach. Rev. John Ovall, 11 and 8: S. 8.. 10: E. U, 7. Topic. "Men' Needed Protection." "Tha Greatest Opportunity for Our Welfare in Our Reach." - Flrat German Fifteenth and Hovtf G. A. Waasa; 11 and 7:30. Second German Stanton and Rodney. Rev. E. E. Hertaler, 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:45; E. L.. 7:80. Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma. Rev. Lester a Poor. 11 and 7:30: J. E. L., Z:30; E. L., 6:30. Tho CIlnton-Keliv Memorial Thlctv- nlnth .and POwelL Rev. Ernst Leon Jones; S. S., 9:45; 11 and 8; E. L., 7. Montavllla Eaat Pine and Eighteenth atreeta. Rev. Harold Oberg;'ll and 8; S. S.. 10: claaa meeting, 12; E. L., 7:16. Woodlawn William J. Douglas: 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; E. 6:30. Topica. Five Quarter of a Century." and Hold out. University Park Dawaon and IMaka. Rev. W. R. Jeffry, J.. 11 and 7:30. African Zlon Thirteenth and Main, Rev. W. Matthewa; 11 and 8; 8. 8., 1. Mount TaboT Eaat Stark and Sixty first J. V.'. McDougall; 11 and 7:88. Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter. D. A. Wattera; 11 and 8; a 8., 10; E. L.. 7. , Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W. ! Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; S. a. 10; 10.. U, Woort'tock J. d. Vocaj 11 and 7:80: a 8.. 10; E. L., 6:30. . c 11 ll1a.l I i B X. ft. t. imm A Delicious Drink aker's Cocoa made by scientific I blending of the tropical fruit. best Ask your. grqeer for the package bearing this trade mark 3C 3C 3C 3C . SplsoopaL Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev, A.A. iorrison. 8 and 11, 7:30; a a, Stl Matthew's, First and Caruthera Rev. W. H. H. Breek, a S, 10; service and sermon, 11; Christmas day, holy communion, 7:80; children's service and noiy communion. Church of Our Savior Woodstock. 11 and 8." - " , Pro-Cathedral ef St Stephen. - the Martyi- Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. 7:30. 11 and 7:80 p.- m.,' a "8. 9:46." St David's East Twelfth and tui- mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy communion. 7:80; a 8 9:45;. prayer and sermons, li and 7:45. J - St. Andrew's. Portsmouth Holy eucharlat and sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:30; 8. 8., 10 a, ra. Archdea con Chambers will officiate. t - All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savier. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Holy com munion, 8; -prayer, litany and sermon, 11; 8. fl- 13:15: ovenlng prayer, 8. St Mark a. Twenty-first - and . Mar. shall. Rev. J. E. H. - Simpson. . Holy eucharlat 7:80 and 11: 8. H 9 4S: matin and litany, lo:l&; evensong, 7:30, St John's Church Multnomah and1 Taylor. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10. Good Shepherd Graham 1 and Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:80; a 8, 9:46. - Graco Memorial. Eaat Seventeenth and Weldler Re-e. Oeonra B. Van Wat-, terev Prayer and aermon. ll: 8. 8., 10. Ascension Chapel Portland Heights a a. 9:80. Bt. Paul Woodmera. Rer. J. C. For- aytne; it a. m.; a. 1:4a.' Bishop Morria Memorial chapel Good Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R. Powell, -chaplain. Holy communion, 7-a m; ward services. 8; prayer and sermon, 7:16 p. m. , ,. .. - . Catbolla. " t Morr Pro-CatbedraL- Flfteantb and Davla Most Rev. A. Christie, D. JX lw maaa. a, i anu a. uign mass and crrnon, 1L vespers. InatrucUoa aad benediction. T:46. - St Jowpn a (tJerman). Fifteenth and Couch Rt Rev. James Rauw, V. G. Low maaa, 8. High maas and sermon. 18:3ft, Veeprs, benediction, 8:80. ' fit. Francis. Eaat Eleventh) and Oak- Rev. J. H. Black. Low masa. f. I It and 1 is. H:gn maaa nd aermon, 1 1. "Perm. losu-ucUoa aad beaedidian. St. Iawril-i. TMrd and Fherrren Rev. J. C Hag he. Low maaa, ft, 7 and 10. Hlgn mass and srmon, 10.30. eepers and t-endictlon. l it. rTir(-m. Mfrntavllia. Rev. V. fit ra trick. Maaa and aermem, 9 la chapel ft f',tr ef Pre-los Rinnd. ft PafrlcK a. Ninte.fith and fvr.r-R-. E. P. Murphy. L-w maaa 8. Hlrh tnaae an 1 i,mi, 10.31. Vesper and kr kIIw'mi 8 la. Ft. Ml'llrla fltaliaal. r-mrt axil V'l J-olt Fthra. ICW g. H f ! mi ami timne, 10. 38. V ewpet-a N ba-alW-tl 7 IS. , t Pterreti a irtr-aecoBd an TUst S. 8.. 9:30. Grace English (Missouri Synod) Kerny ana r argo, Kev. carl riassoid, 10 ana i.-so; B. to-, 10:30. -t , Oongregstlonal. First Madison and Park. " Rev-. Lutlier R. DyotC D. D., 11 and 7:46; a 8., 9:45. Topics, "What True Faith Can Do for the People of Today." "What Jesus Taught About the Happy Life." - Laurel wood Kev. vv. . h. Myers: 11 : 8. S.. 10; C. K, 6:30. Sunnvslde Eaat Tavlor and - Eaat Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; C' E., 6:30. St Johns Rev. G. W, Nelson; 11 and 8; S. 8., 10. university parg-r-naven ana Dawson. Kev. u. w. Kiggs; 11 and 7:30: a. s.,.10; v. - E.. 6:30. Kermona 8nyder of Beaverton. Haasalo Street East Seventh and Un.aoln . P.u lnr o a, m l'a ,1 .1 o r II and 7:4a; a a, 10.- Highland Eaat Sixth and Preseott Rev. E. 8. Bollinger. 11 and 7:30; a 8., l(; X. P. C. E.. 6:30. Morning topic. The Pilgrims' Trust In the Light of Today." . - . " First Qerman Eaat Seventh and Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10;80 and 7:30; S. 8., 9:16; C. E.. 6:30. ' Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. Rev. Guy L,' Dick-. 11 and 7:30; S. a. 9:45. v t-.- ''- .vi -r V .. . , . . tr&ited Brethren la Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison, Rev. Russell 8. Showers. 11 and 7:30: 8. S., 10; C. E.. 6:80. Topics, "Man's Des tiny." "God a Call for Workers." Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. car a. Martin, ll and 7:80; a ii r . a.,n '- Thrd--South Mount Tabor; Rev, C. P. Blanchard. il; a 8., 10. - Alberta Eaat Twenty-seventh and Ainareo, kcv. xs. e. EmericK, ll and 7:30; b. b., .10. sermons by Rev. R. J. Tremont Wisdom and Curt I a atreeta. Rev. H. C. Shaffer; a 8.. 11; C E- 6:30; sermon. 7:30. ' - . ' M. B. 431lTirch gonlh. '-. Union avenue OJtd Multnomah araai Rev a H. MoTjvre, U and 7:8: a a. 10: E. Ii., ,6:30. Topics, "8anctlficatlon of i-nrisi, wnat ixes.Jt mean?'. "Rever ence,, ' . :- - ;- - ., . ' . U - Kaformad. "w:t: First . German Tenth and Stark Streets, G. Hafner 'pastor. Services 10:46 a. m and 8 p! m.: a 9:80 a. to.; Yi P. a-C. Ei 7 p. m. j . - , , ... TJnivartallrt. Church of the Good Tidings Broad way and East Twenty-fourth; Rev. J. I). Corby. 10:45: 8. 8.. 12. Tonic. ''Gooil by Rev. A. B. I News lor the Christian Christmas. 1 v iClaosllaBaons, ' . ' ' - Church of New Thought 8elllng- IlES CURED AT ffOME BY NEW ABSORPTION; METHOD If you1 suffer from bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding Pllea, aend me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yoursolf at homo bjr the new absorption treatment;1 and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality If required. .Immediate relief and perma nent cur assured. . Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today -to Mr. M. Summers, Box P, - Notre' -Dame.. Ind. .v -. It Is In tlma of audden mlshan or ac. cldent that Chamberlain's Liniment can be relied upon to take the Place of the family doctor who cannot . always- be found at tne moment, xnen it .la that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting. in cases or SDralns. cuts. wounds and bruises Chamberlain Lin iment takes out the soreness and drives away $h pain, r'-v. :v''': OREGON HiDTELS M4M4fMM4MM. i s Des- I e tev. Oa- a. 10; HOTEL, OREGON i t :. CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS , Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up-r European Plan WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO.. Props. Centrally Located Modern Improvements Christian. , Central Eaat Twentieth and Sal mon: ReV. J. F. Gormlev. 11 and 7:45. Bible school, 10. Morning topic. "Judg- ........ . . . v. . . ......, ovi . VW Wll- I auctea Dy Kev. irrancis i cook. i First Corner ? Park and Columbia. I Rev, W. F. Reajror.ill and 7:80; 8. a. -l'opics, "I'm j7ie ferson or his- adong Distance Phone torv. Pant "-"Tha Ona Perann ct ITIa-i .. tory. Present''' - . T a. Tl i. -nil- . in.i. . I " A. Bee.y. . .1 and 7:30: a 8... 10; C hi 6:80. Topics. "Attend to Your Own Bus iness," ,fA Model Teacher." Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott; Thomaa Q. Plcton, 11 and 7:30: 8. 8., 9:45: C. E.. 7 o. m. Tonics. "For Mv Sake," "Chrlat and the Common People' Sellwood Eleventh and- Umatilla. 10:30 and 7:45; C. E., 6:80.. Woodlawn -Rev. Edward ' Wright 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; C. E, 7. Uiaaatone Kev. A. H. Mulkey; 8. S., 0. 11 and 7:80. - Topics. "The Boldness Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and . Washington Phil Metachan & Son, Props. Rates, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 - ; I'f . Jfllrli " aji 111 ;: .1 ,6 i 2 ai-tirMU, -? .-113 r-" ii' HOTEL PERKINS " PITTK AK WASH3-i0T0H STS. Tn the heart of the business and shopping district The most modern and up-to-dats hotel in the Northwest. Local and long-distance phones in every room. Room with private bath, an sul' and single.. Sample rooms. -Elegant cafe. . - :,-. c ; Muslo dally during tanob, dinner aad after tys thas tra, by tha famona Harkes Orohsstra. Bu meet all train. - - 3Uta $1 and !. afoTSXi mmri co. . , JT. J. Xlcbardson. r. ' " -.Xn Q. SWBTTaAaTP. eo'y An Inhalation for Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Oronchltls, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Craseieoo to Boon to Asthma boa. Dots tt sot ssaa aore effacti- to breath, la a remedy for dla-aacs et the bnatfaing orgaas taaa to take the leatsdy late tba stomachl-, r-maaleaa mm tawana the air, raadarel stnmgly aatlacptia, ta aai-riad ever the dlanaed aarfaaa with arnnr brrath. slrlaa vrolvag-4 aad eomtaat trntmnt. it la ln-aloable to mothers with aaiaU ebildrea. ThiHa. . nf a aafmptivo Teadeaey will Aad imwadUte raitaf a Ooaahs ar ianaaiaa Ooedllioa of the thrnat. ALL DRUOaiSTS. ad Bostai (or aa- aaripti-a Booklet. Taaa-Cresole (J. Ml raltoa BuaH, Kww Torfc. tr-B"tWaaaBBawaatiss-a-i m CORNELIUS . "The House of Welcome , CORNER PARK-AND ALDER STREETS Single $1.50 and up. Double $2 and up. , Our omnibus 1 .meets all trains. " , - Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel ' C. W. CORNELIUS " Proprietor H. E. FLETCHER t Manager WW PORTLAND, OR. : Baropean Plaa1 . Xodar Bastaaraat. : poiili i . . - at . . . t . j m it i .u rr r. m n- . I I f 4 a as. J cosi on aaXLuov eouua Headquarters for Tonrtat aad Com. merclal Travelers. Special rates made to families and single geatlamea. The management will be pleaaed at all tunes t show rooms fend five pricfi a tmxlam Turkish bath es tabliahment la ta hotel. Mm C. Bowers, Mgr. f . , N HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISQO Geary Street, above Union Square Jest ospsaita Hotel St Francis European Plan. $1.50 a day up ' American Plan $3.00 a day up . Hnr mri and Hck-irw-Tura. Farsitkedat eaat of gaoaooa. Erery coesterC aad coa. vtnieaco. Oaearliacatraaoh-rnng all ms city. O-Tt-nhna am-- Iraioa and rt-amera. Sao 4 lor booaj4 iih mat af Saa Fraausoa 0ia 2o Haas BSa. 1 a. .ii . . , . """ .3 1 f KORTONIA HOTEL . - ' BXTSSTX OTT WASSZVOTOV T. .Portland's Only Roof Garden Ajnarieaa ' ' States aa yatanias aad STaMpaaa Ong Bas Maets AH Tralas ample !. witk Bitha.' for Travellag Mea Tear coogb aarveya ynu. Keep on hacking and tearing tne delicate mem brane of yor throat If yon want t be annoyW. But If yon want relief, want ta be cared, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. -t. THE NEW SEWARD a rmjwro rr tt-i f i m itriFB a ' . t f r f 1 r i ! 1 4 . vuiuitn .wwa mil nbucn t- - ' i TTia lalintr hotl t,t Pcrtll-irl ern.A 71. p ' t J909. Modern in vry dctaiC furnnhed m i rlccanc. Alot beautif ul comer k-bby in Korthwet. Cornmodiotn aairrJe room a -European plan.1 Katrt J1.50 and cp. 'Zut mtrt ail truna." - aT.ag. ItVllS, Tirr. a . . T? 1