HIE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, . DECEMBER 17. 1005. 21 J'.. W . -'.! i : .-11 . HORSES, 'VKHICLF-3. ETC. 18 " FOR BALE. Horses, Harness & Wagons ! Another carload of horaea arrival Dhi ruber S; some first class horses, some cheap horses; we also have 4 mere from 1100 t 1400 lbs. h; da- vary, vegetable ana exprsaa wagonai 9 buggiee; brand new (arm Harnesses ' ." 'JUWTIIORNB STABLES, 110 Hswthorne av. j. mji ;;. i i it.. , FINANCIAL SI IVOTICTi i i so Fine Christmas. Present A handsome Shetland rnny for om boy or alrl. 1'onv has I different (tin. Owing to party leaving city will sell r hea p. Call 49 N. 4lh t-. 'r Couch. IAM In ilia market to buy horses from 4 to I yea re old. weight from 1100 to 1800: vnuat ba Bound. 60S Alblna ave. fall Brunsell. . . . LIVESTOCK AMD POULTRY 83 FRESH Jersey cow. Id calf, rich milkers wouiq exrnange ror Deer cow. i nont I I I I I 3 8 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I - MONET to loan without daisy and etrlotly confidential on real ' aetata, furnltura and planoa (with . out removal), , Storage reoelpta,' -life Insuranna policies. Jewelry nd dlamonda and all kfnda of Securities, at lowaat ratea In city. -On aaay weekly or monthly pay mehta. V. 8. Itaal fatal Brokerage Co., room II Hamilton bldg., 111 14 at Phone Main 1014. I I It I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 t I I MONEY TO LOAN 4.7 Fwo fresh cow a. t Jersey and Guernsey, I Durham; rina milkers, m. aiain. K. 6395. - 1 , mil :rt, FR KS I i Jersey cow; 8V gallons per day; veterinary . certificate. .. aa ti 1 1 ' " ' 1 I FRESH cow for Bale; 2d oalf. 60 Tag use, bar 3d. fur-, tew,' . JUUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' 84 ur- ona. 80 led.-, oar OP m 1e led K iT ta id USED upright planoa; .different makes from our rent and exchange stock,- 14 monthlyuntii paid in run. 'UBAVEB Ml' NIC t-TJ.. 111 4tl at., Portland. Chas. K. York " ; ' Band Instruments .and Music House. Repair! nan exrhknsre. iShi Id at II, 1IAVK a nearly new piano that I wish to rent ror 4 or a monvns; terms rea sonable. 3 0. Journal. FORT SALEA very old. violin for 176. H-844. Journal. , FOB 6 ALB AUTOMOBILES 44 SEVERAL second hand Mclntyra solid tire autol, In first class condition; I and 4 passenger, til Alder. - Upon your personal not. Now Is the Um to call ."before) Xmas rush Is on." $10, $25, 50, $rs, $100 LOAHED f v ; r notm jrrt ; - .W. . , ,.V - TO ANY ONE WORKING. LOWEST . ( RATES. ' : EASIEST - . PAYMENTS. SALARIES NO' MORTGAGE. - NO - INDORSER.,- rUBLlCITYv REBATE GIVEN IF. PAID BEFORE ! 1, , vva. . ...:v .- ..! 'vi STATE SECURITY CO. . '. 101 FAILINO BLDO. ', . "Open evenings until Xmas." ISOTK'K OF HALB F STATE IjANIjM. ' Nutlia la hatt'by given that Ilia ilaio land Uiard will rrre stalnd ttda un til 19 ocl.M-k a. m.. l,ruary I, 110. for the following described . school tanas, town: 8. W. '4 of N. W, U. N. W. M of 8. W. U. N. H of N. W. and K'4. of section i, ana rr. v. s ana iota 1. z. I. 4. i. t. 7, . I. 10 and 11, of section Kti. in townithlp is south, range 17 east 8ectlona IS and II, lownehlp II south, range 1 east. Bectlnna l and II, township 18 south, range 4 eaat. . Hax'tlona IS and 14. township II south, range eaat H'tlona is and SI, township II south, rsnge 47 eaat Bertlnna IS and II, township tl south. range east- Hootlona 14 and II, township II sooth, range 17 eaat. Sections IS andll, township II south, range eaat riettlon 11, township ti south, range I went . . rWilon l, township 19 south, range I -weat .. .-, . Bnrtlon II, township II, south, rang S weat All bids must h accompanied by a recularly 'executed aDDllcatlon to our- chaae and by caah or poetal money or der for at least ona riltu 01 the amount orrered. No bid for less thsn IS per acre will be considered. , . , The right is reserved to reject any ana an niaa. ' v ADDllcatlnna' and 'bids should he ad dresaiHl to U. G. Brown, clerk state land board, Salem. Or., and marked. "Appll- as. ' sal ELi:CTBOL9 llt. C 8. CAItTKK. The Wei Known .erlllst. Tdl)', you owe 1. to yourarlves to sele-i the a Id of an oxperl In the treat ninrit of thuaa iIiimhi md disorders peoullnr to your e. .Ur. I'arter'e an-1 tlaeptlo luethotls ara the reaull of an I exianaive experience In Iiniltala ana private practice. Ilia patlcnta pureiM ihclr-occtipatlona without Interruption. Consult him freely aud coiif ldntlally. 4o3 Merchants Trust bldg., at ath aud Washington. Hours 10-1, J-4, t-s. Sun day, 10-1. r MOL.MH. wrinkles, euperfluoua hair r moved. Mra. M. I), liill, 41 Uledner. GAHOUNK K.NGIMCS STATIONARY and' marine: eleetrlo equlliroanla: launohea, aooeaeortea, wholesale and retail; angina repairing. , Releraon Machinery Co.. Ill Morrisoa. LUATHKB A riMI.aS , 1 1 "SSlxaSSsiSSSsSl "THE JAHN" Vrfei ' irai 11 Flrat elaari halritrln -tlilll)imML Wlga, toupees, front ilecaa that lit hea, all over. Detection In our makee mpoaaiDia. Experienced man wlgmaaer In attendance. Our exclusive syatem of r rench hair dvetnr invri ilma and money. ufcr (onica and deraiatoioav reinovea wurat rasea of scales, totter and dandruff CHAS. U MABTICK CO.. 14 Froat. leather of every description, lap in 1 re rinninaa x- LII LHY AXli AU& KTAULta HESSIAN stables Hacks, Uvery. board ing and sala; furnlture-movlng. Ill Union ave. phone F- 1881; night M. ISs. MUSIC TEC1IERB cation and bid to purchase atate'lan Clerk Btate Land Bokrd. Dated this 2d day of .December, 1909. aec ill 10 10 flN the county court of the Htate of Ore- fon, ror tna county 01 Muitnoman. -n the matter of the eetate of Jennie Williams, deceased. Notice of appointment of administrator.- Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been dulyAappolnted by the above entitled court administrator 1.00 a month I of tl,a estate of Jennie Williams, de- e i . All neraona havine- claims acalnst the Confidential; no onpleasant Inqulrlea estate of the said decedent are hereby THE CRESCENT LOATV AGENCY. 401 RothchJld . blda.. corner 4th and Washington. . Ths recognised bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper. maohlnlst engineer or employ can ob tain money of us on bis note without security. return to ua return to 0 return to Ci ua .1 4.0 us ......i l.c ua ..... .111.1 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 .111 fhave a sale on fine furs, seal n, mink, marten, ermine, etc., on hand made to order, which I have to dispose, of before Chrlst- mas. , Having spent my lifetime as an Xpert designer and fitter in furs. ' I promise you satisfaction. This is' no humbug;, but straight honest business. Olve me a call before buying elsewhere and I will save you money. ...... . - .,. 148 6th t. Boeclal rate on olanoa. furniture, ate I required to present the same, with ' 1 . I... - i.i I nrAne vnnrharai 11 1 f h t mir hmnthi tmm inMr iyyiiR r nunMiiii..." ipi dale of thin notice to the under invent in oiMSTKD PARK; double I signed, administrator, at the office of t?S."trnV?n?,n ,ee" ,han a year' OLM"Teal. Minor ft Winfree, 702 Couch build- a 1 imj mnn. is by pari ux jrvniKion (lis-ling, i-'ortiana, ur. ' trlct; It's the "Portland Heights of the! Itated this, the 17th day of Decern- run aiue ; invest now wniie prices are Der, IKOS. low and get all the Increase In value; . . . . R. H. WILLIAMS' 7 fine homes now building. ,Ask us for Administrator of the estate of Jennie A folder. - . Williams, deceased. COLTJMBIA TRIT8T CO.. ., r,,.no . , a '. . ' 4th st., iionrd of Trade balg. I iiinv onA hniiar s.,iai PR. ALICE A. URIFF. Dl sea sea of woman and children ex- ciuaivaly. Women are often saved se vere aurglcal operations by consulting ma. Nervoue dlseaaes of children a specialty. All the latest electrical treatment given. Correspondence so licited. , No charge .'or conaultatlon. Phones. Main m. A-M07. Offloe room 10, Grand Theatre bids.. Waah. Ington. and Park. WEBBER. Academy of Mualo, violin. mandolin, piano, guitar, banjo, 4iVi Washington. - tiV'lTAK. banjo and mandolin school. 417 Columbia at., ror. 12tti TTaXiV piano temlier. 12 Morrison st. Main Hit. Call mornings REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Alphabetically Arranged for the Convenience; (f Journal Header. 500.000 PORTLAND 1912 A dollar wisely invested in Portland real estate today means t d.dtara to the, Investor in tha near future. Portland la yel in Ita Infancy, No city on , Hie 1'aclfio count haa a brighter future. Kxlenaive development are mi In prnareaa, Vatuabl Information can be obtained from any of tho Ix low named realty dealers. ' , NAWg- nf-kua,'A. Mevtnftoa). heeer. A A Hnitia Hl.rle t'noipanjr pnioaaer HeDedlel llattvrwurtb'BteibeaeuB Coaipaay, !..... Cank'4. He.. B. g. t beula Her low fin. D. T. Co. ( n'oodetock ) Onldaebaitdt' Agenry Hubert A llereliall, I'lrmi, rUj Property AUPREKH . r. ....... HIS Knard of Tr.ite , ...ma Abiuaius Huig. ll'l Kc'.MKt HI .....I ' vinj TEIJEI'IIONB . A-TS7I. Mala M-MI Mala 'Jl.li; A :if ..Main and A , ' Wlndanr lllnlil. liu MU HI! ft Laraiull Blil..;.(lU en V .. Main ..So tortiett BM... .Ulaa.1. A .'' I ..Ml tliauiber ! t'Mnmvree... ...... ...Mala b " ..Horheali-r aud Yukon . . . .SellwneJ MT lluttrl. Uenrge A. Jeeobe-Mibe Co. tCulmilsatloul Kllllngewarth, W, M.. hnepp Marker W. II, .ng In Stall A Vuu lt..rl.l... Orvrm Real Kalate To.. The. .SMie WaMilnaton Nt. .... , H-ioni 7, T'f Aider ..i.. . 4I l.atihe hlilg M.I trth Mt (Hflle Crt.t. Ilerkflfj. DoT.r.y. a.SiN ftiutiiber nf rmntneree, 7 Cliaeiiier f Oniimeree 414 AhlnaliHi Wilu ..H'l K.-iml Ht. ..Main and A M' J .........Kia Will , Main 12 V , Mala 6hIU, 1MI D" 'favlH'tr .1' 'J : ... " ' c.i i "' Real rUlate To.. The. Urand A. anil MultiHmah., .C. 8M11 II, teacher of planov, 461 Sal- j I'urrl.h, Wai.tus A to. iv AkW K. Kav's Detective Accncv . Thoa. Kav ha establlahed a detec tive agency wjih temporary office at bi urana ave. personal aervicea win be given to all caeca. Kant .2473, B-Z434. EXl'EKT hand and cioctrlo vibration treatment and tub hath for ladloa and fentleinen for stomach trouble, rheuina- j Ism and nervousness: riven by Madame , 1 1 1 niiu ' avu, ,ma l i .mi . h ni'a Hunt a from ITelalngora. 143 11th st, corner AKier, Portland. Or. ' won. Main 71140. Coraervatory course. E THI ELaVlORN.. violin teacher, rupll ne vein. A-41H0 534 Pine at. Main los. LOUIS A. CREITZ. violin teacher. III enerman at. Phone Main 1. PIANO, violin, cornet mandolin. K. A. Smith. "192 11th st. " Prof. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN'S' Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, plies. wiv. tiuwaru, ail. X' ,v,-g w ,u- cnni Diig.. tn and waahlngton. DR. L1LI.CBELI.K PATTERSON, ape ciallat on nerves, acuta and chronic diseases. 117 Fen ton bide. Main I1. BR. SMITH, a-rad. Klrkvllle. Mo.. 18S: posc-graa. lU7. swetland blda-. M. 187 I5r7f. j. BARR, A. S. O.. 207 Mohawk oing., a and Morrison. Main izz. Ffbulk, Oeuree D. ... nlelna.J. II Sallng. II. C Thompson, M K, Walker, g. T ........Main T''T4 Main anil A-ytd ' Mot ix IT.. 1 Main end A H 1 . .Kaal HT. 1' IT . .'..Mnla Hut , i.H4 Hlark Ht Main IHiS. A Si ....Jo." llerllnfi-e Hlilg Mal 1-1 O. . , ..I'nriicr .'ITih and K. Belmont.'. ThI'oi I1 I . ...Henry hldg . 4tli-Oak . .Main 8U4. A-t:7 , A hrol'lie hldx Main '-Sis BANKS F ' UT NATIONAL BANK. lortlnl. Or. CAPITAL AND KU IIP LIS fl.5O0.000. ilTED BTATLS NATIONAL BANK Or PORTLAND, OHKOON. PAINTING AND PAPERING miattft. Tnim- l bids will be received UD to 11 OCIOCK Installment loans on pianos, furniture, a J IJecember 81 109, at the or warehouse receipt a. ' horsos, Insurance policies, and all kinds of securities; real estate and loans from 88000 up. - NEW ERA LOAN oV MTu ' CO, t , 411 Ablngton bldg. The Hutton Credit Co. Installment real estate loans. It will; be to your advantage to see .us before you norrow. Bin ixtKuin Diog. 4 MONE Anyone steadily employed can borrow J on their plain note and return It In easy payments; strictly confidential; lowest raies; see us ana save money. zi Jitenry Ping., ain ana uaa. flee of the engineer of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. First and. Alder streets, Portland, Or., for the purchase of the steam ferryboat "Van couver" Including engines, boiler and all equipment now on the boat as -she lies at the dock of this company on the east side of the Willamette river, south of Hawthorne avenue.' ' The right is reserved to reject any Or all bids, and no bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by certified cnecK ror 10 per cent or tne amount bid, payable to the. order of this com pany, to be held by tuis company, as a guaranty or good faitn or tne Didder. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPAN X. . Da LEWIS. Physician and surareon: treats women snd children exclusively; private hos pital " accommodations; examinations , free. Main 4047, A-2411. 60s Com- mon wealth bldg.. 8th and Ankeny. HAIR Dressing College. 142 Wash.: teach hairdreaslng, manicuring, sham pooing,' scalp treatment; baldnexs posi tively curea; Ban Francisco graauate. Mam 1 1 14. tfundaya by appointment. FOR best work, prices right oall P. A. uoane, in cnlon. Both pnonea. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMU68EN A CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d & Taylor. M. A-1771. PHYSICIAN'S AND SURGEONS GRADUATE nurse going to Minneap olis would look after invalid for part rare paio. journal DR. C. 8. CARTER, physician for women; 401 Merchanta Trust bldg. Hours. 10-1; 2-4; U-S. Sunday. 10-1. MRS. BOriUE B. SKIP, mental scient ist. S12 Allskv bldg.. daily. Meeting Wednesday evening at 8. PRINTING BUSINESS DIHECTOEY ASSAYEBS WELLS el PROEB8TEL, aasayers, ana- lyticai cnemtsta. zu'.4j wain. M. it us. Welch-Carscn Printing: Co. "Doers of clever thinirs With type and ink on paper." 243 Yamhill st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust: close flarurca. arood work. 101 GojBdnouglibldg. lhone Main 4121. - OOILBEE BROS..-printers Cards, bill- neaos. etc. Main issg. 1st at Northweal IVimp Thlrf mnA rink KIimIi Ondueta a Oeneral llanklna Bualnese. IIKAKTS ISSL'KII reliable In ATI ritlea ef he t nlted Hlstes I lid Kumpe. Ilouvkons andManlla. Collect kins made on -favorable lerma. Prealdeut J. C. AIN'HWOKTII (a.liler , K. W. St'HMRKB Vice I'rveldent R. LKA BAKXKd AaaUtant Cashier.....' ....W. A. UoLX : Aa.lnt.nt Ca.lilrr , A. M. WKIfiHT f EKMAN-AMEIUCAN BANK Portland. Or. Corner Sixth aud Wsshlnaton fit. Trrmaads a general banking hiialneax. Jirafla lamii-d arallable in all the prlni'lpal eltlea of the United States andEurote. a .nnnte. 8nft ilfpoalt vaulta. Four rr iviit Interest paid on alnr BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M OllTilS BtOTIlKUS. Chamber of Commerce Building, Munlelpal, Itallroad and Public MiTTloe rorporatlun Bondf. D OWNINtl-HOrKINS COMPANY Eatabllahed 1803 BROK EKS STOCKS, BONDS, CHAIN Bought and gold for t'ath and on Margin. Private Wlree. ' Hooma 2nl to 2Q4 Omen RiilMlna. Phimea Main .'; A-233T. ' GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD PORTLAND analytical laboratory, 622 Worcester o-idg.. 8d and Pan. M. bsdo. PATENT ATTORNEYS MONTANA assay office, laboratory' and R- c: WRIGHT. U. ore testing work. 18 Morrison. ents; infringement S. and foreign pat cases. 604 Dekum. MONEJT advanced salaried people house- WILL pay. no"bllls run by Mrs. W. W. keepera and others upon their own Martun. W. W. MARTUN. AN exhibition model, Edison moving picture machine, also Universal model BMfcon moving picture machine, in good shape; have been used only short time for demonstrating purposes; Will sell at greatly reduced rates. . f...:. ... ' Columbia graphaphone, also Victor names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our 'EQUITABLE Building & Loan Co. has ; money to loan for building homes from IH per cent up. Office 609 De kum bldg., or phone Main 6604. . 11600, 82000, 12600, (5000 to loan on mortgage; improved property; 6 to 7 per cent Swope, 436 Chamber of Com merce. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE JOURNAL maintains a Lost and - Found Bureau to aid .the publio In the recovery of lost articles., it you lose any thine, inquire at once at tne Lost and Found Bureau of The Journal, and a record will be made of your loss. If you should find any article of value and wish to find the rightful owner, leave It at the Lost and Found Bureau WE LOAN money on diamonds and lew- I or l ne journal. elry at reasonable Interest for long or (DARK, brown mink 'muff lost about 3 269 Waahlngton st. I turning name to 522 Corbett bldg. Phone SALARY LOANS Confidential, easy to Main 15UJ, A-laI5. get and easy to pay. F. A, Newton, ill Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. talktna machine, arood aa now. with iw atrriu audi aarlfw... ,.a I 1 ' J " w " T-".""', " short time as demonstrators ... .'MONEY to loan on real estate, mort- x-ierce, oil AllBKy gages bought. BeveralTlIma, in first class condition, f !2S: LOST Large maltese cat; finder please return 10 ivi union ave. .; rewara. comic, scenic, tragedy; 1 reel of the great "Bull FlarhC': will ancrlflrA th entire list of offerings at greatly re duced rates until January 1. LAEMMLE FILM EXCHANGE. Over Pan tages Theatre, 4th and Stark. FOR SALE 6 ft. double noasle Pelton Impulse Water Wheel, with governor and steel Cover housing; extra heavy: made for 600 ft head; -will develop 1050 horse power with 1300 cubic feet of water per minute; never' used; cost 88750: will sell for 81600 cash; weighs about 6 tons. N-842. Journal. MONEY to loan on improved city prop- ertv. block. Mm. M..cMaster, 808 Worcester ISAAC L WHITE, money to loan. (Ire Insurance. 331 Sherlock bldg. QUICK loans on all scurlties.; 8. W. King. 46 Washington bldg. Msln 6100. 8100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire irsurance, McKenzle & L.O., oenmger oiag., ra ana Alder. COST OR STOLEN 1 small basket ' trunk, marked "Pertlna," of no value except to owner; 110 reward and no questions asked. Bungalow theatre. ATTORNEYS BEAL ESTATE fCHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans: estab. 1883. 145H 1st st.. room 11 BUSINESS CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d St Blank books m'f'g; acts, for Jones' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see ths new Eureka leaf, A-318S. Main 183- . BUBBER STAU'S AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. LEAVINO PORTLAND. Aithland 1'aHerazer (ottnse Orore I'assenge: Shunts Limited 8llrorton PaiaiMiper California Kxprcfca San Krencleco ExnreJ WEST SIDE. Oorrallle Pnaaenger Sheridan Paanenger Kore.t drove Paanenirer For eat Oaore Paasn;er foreat Grore Paaaenger ; , SOUTHERN PACIFIC . .8:30 a. m. . 4:1(1 p. Ul. , fl:no p. in. , S:20 p. m. , 7:46 p. m. , 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. . 4:M p. ni. , 8:60 a. m. 1 AO p. ni. 5 :4Q p. in. Oreaon Exnreaa Rllrerton Paasenfter I 'or t laud I'aaaengi-r Shaats Llm. d Koaeliori Passenger Portland Express WEST SIDE, Corvallls Paasenfter Sheridan Paasenfter Forest Orore Passenger forest Grove. Pasaenger. . . . .. Forest Prove Passenger ARRIVING PORTLAND T:30 a. si. 0:: s. nt, lo:40 p. ni. 9:Mi. p. m. 5::iO p. m. ,..11:00 r. to. ... 6:20 p. m. -...10:30 s. m. ... 8:oo a. in.. 1 ...11 AO a. ai. 4 :40 p. n. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. C. P. R. Short I.tne via Siwkane. ... 7:00 p. m. Via Seattle. Victoria A Vancouver.. 8:00 p. ni. Via Somas , 12:15 a. m. ('. P. K. Short Line via Spokane. Via Vancouver. Victoria & Seattle.. Via Sumni and Seattle 9 :00 a. in. . 8:35 p. m. ' 7K 1. NORTHERN PACIFIC SAFES THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book sellers, office outfitters, engineers', I oraugntmen s suppiiee. 1.13 3d cor. Alder. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- inge. 317 Beck bldg. guttering;, repairing and J. Losll. Z1Z Jerrer- TIN roofing. , general lobbing, son st. Main 1424. SUN SOON Huie sells Chinese goods, embroidered silks, dressing gowns, rattan chairs, matting. 70 6th st THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & Co.. 11 kinds of in- su ranee, surety bonds. McKay bldg. THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargalnn in second hand safes. SEWING MACHINES A. S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds oT sewing machines, 22 N. 11th. M. 69911. SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Mnchlne. Renalrlntr Co 3SK lat M.2102 CARPET CLEANING Leah Furniture Co. Will furnish your tfbme complete and take your old furniture In exchange Grand ave. and Alder. East 4724. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. Duiiaing iihuii; lowest rates: lire in surf nee. W. Q. Beck. Ill Falling LOANS Reasonable rates. Henry C Prudhomme Co.; Chamber Commerce. -QAN for the asking, salary ac cnal- tei. ina ioan uo. 41 uekum bldg. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. v.. rxon,- rwm , nastnnyipx -PaUg.-- FIREPROOF SAFES 14 second . hand , Sfvf,L 2i.uJrwa,rdf, .n Br,ta,L ,tt safes, very cheap, on monthly pay- ftWeldrlck. 248 BtSrk. ments. We have moved from 7th st ( 1 vrvrirre ' to 87 6th st. near Stark. A com Diets I NOTICES , 20 Stock of new aafea. Call nr rlt. in. day. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th St.. ' PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES, OREGON HLIi:kH.'NSIlKkli'KK ,vn-wnrr I . S?1A11S I.NSAJNIi, ASYLUM. FROM Oregonian lobby, a new red trues frame Ivor Johnson bicycle No. 147330. Reward. Phone E. 6118. FOUND Gold watch, owner may call Deiween t ana i taturaay evening. 391. Clay st. ' LOST or taken by mistake, black over coat on Monday, from A. & C. train; reward. Return to Journal office. IONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Work guaranteed. Tels. East 860; B-2236. CARPET WEAVING PERSONAL 22 ''TWF TAT-TW" "'Rh c1" ladies' 1 nil JArllN Turkish, electric and Russian baths. Removing of su perfluous hair, moles. warts, etc. Painless and permanent by eleetrlo needle... In dorsed by all physicians. 884 Yamhill St.. cor. W. Park. M. 6174. A-3644. NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk portiers. 163 Union near E. Morrison. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank. bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES. I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2S9 Couch. M. 2703. LKA VE PORTLAND. Nnrth Coast Limited, rla Puget Sound Nnrth Coast Limited, via North Bank , Atlnotlc El Dress. via Pucet Sound .. 12:15 a, Atlantic Express, via North Bank... 9.-00 a. m. Twin City Express via Puaet Boond 8KW p. m. Twin City Express, via North Bank 7:00 p. m. Eastern Exiiress. via I'uget Sound. . .12:15a. m. 1 1 stern Express via North Bnnk.... 9:00 a. m. Missouri Hirer Express rla Puxet Sound 10:00 a. Missouri River Express, via North Bank 7:00 p. Portland, Tscoma Ic Seattle Ex press. Grays Harbor, Olympla and Sontb Bend branches Portland-Vancouver special Pintet Sound Limited. (Jrays Har bor and South Bend branches.., Yacolt t'aKenjrer ..10:00 a. m, .. 7:00 p. m. m. m. .. 8:15 a. ..10:00 a. .. 3:00 p. . . 4:00 p. tn. ARRIVING PORTLAND. North coast Limited, via North Bank North Coast Limited, viu Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express, via North Bank t Northern Pacific Express, via Pa get Sound Psclfle Express, via North Bank... Pacific Express, via Pntret Sonnd.. Western Exnreaa. vis North Bank.' Vtestern Express, via Puget Sound. .10:80 p. ro. : Bank 8:00 a. in., Missouri Rrrer Express, via Pnget Sound , 4:00 p. m., Portland, Tacoma A Seattle Ex- - , press, and from Olympla, South ' Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00 D. m. Puget Sound Limited 8:35 p. m. Vancouver-Portland Special 10:30 p. m, Yueolt Passenger 9:00 a. in. , 8:19 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:35 p. m. . 8:00 p. m. .' 7:00 . tu. 8:00 p, m. OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVING PORTLAND. Atlantic Express 8:00 a. m. Soo-Spokane-Portland 7:00 p. ni. Chicago-Portland Special - 10:00 a. ni. Salt Lake Express 8:00 p. m. Ore(ron-WHhiiiKton Limited 6:35 p- m. ' ARRlVINrt PORTT.AKn Sos-SpoxaBe-Portlani Oregon Express ., Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger Oregou-Wsshlnaton Limited 9:00 aejm. 8:40 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:15 p. m. 8:0ft a. hi. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOR show cards and designing that's better than the rest and costs you less, try the National Advertising Co. t'none wain oms. naniuton oiag. LEAVINO PORTLAND. Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. Rainier Pnssenger 1:15 p. n. Astoria Express 6:S0 p. m. Rainier Psssenjrer 6:10 p. m. ARRIVINO PORTLAND. . , Portland A Rainier Passenger 10:25 a. m. Portland Express 12:15 p. M. Portland A Rainier Passenger....... 5:20 p. m. Portland Express , . 10:00 p. m.' CLEANING AND DYEING H. W. TURNER, Dyer Carpeta di-ed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Mala 2513. A-2511. supplies; Fox Visible machinea: rent. "v.. 1.ne ?oard or trustees of the Oregon typewriters e machinea: sile. repairs, inspections; fireproof safes. State Insane Asylum hereby Invites N. M. Hayter Co.. o 6th st. Main 6618. .Proposals ror rurn shing supplies Win e . "' " i.' 1 " 11 1 to lnal insiuuuon zor FOR SALEOne I horsepower motor, i endins- .Tims snth latn vi'iu- ah bias must be enclosed In sealed shafting, 'Tain 1213 belting, miliovs r;""".'! '"" """ ' u i rnona enveroDee and directed to r VI M. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and second hand, buy, sell; exchange, re pair. Agenclos for Thor and Yale Motor cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 12 12th. A-3306. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, ab olutely guaranteed, all bargains, 316 to 66. Northwest Typewriter Co.. 820 Ablngton. Main 8870. GOOD mattresses, extension table, dress erg. bath, tuband Brussels carpet... 1 will sell cheap. 886 E. Alder. FOR SALE Lajy'g woolen cloak, long and thick, medium slxe person; price 7. cost 16. Z-331. Journal. ' . CHRISTMAS trees delivered. 60c each. ;W. Turner, Hillsdale, Or. R. F. D. No- 1, Box 62. NEW No. 7 Bllckensderfer typewriter wiin wsiimr caae, ei a oargain. 411 nucnanan DiOaT.- B " - : -. , 1 If FOR SALE cheap, fine piano, Singer sewing mac nine, cots.. 176 17th, umiriBHlllllL, A. NICE rauBlc cabinet and piano stool for sale cheap at 886 E. Alder. jul a t once. . . , . T5T Henrv bldr. Phone Main tin ,BKAUTIFUL diamond, l 626 PRETTY Sk diamond for log. Phone Main li karate, pure r white, for sale chean. F.4 imnai DIAMONDS and Jewelry taken on con tract for sale cheso iUK HALK loOO. sea 811 Allsky hldg muff. 8250. H-hs. Journal. nd V WANTE1 MISCSLLANEOL8 5 . WB WILL BUY - "' " ' t sur old ' ' . TOVES AND FURNTTURE,' , Or tke It In trade for new. 186 Front at Main 4(01. WANTED A pair of diamond earring; state sise and lowest, nrice. Journal. Y-IJ6. WANTED AT ONCE. A Vlelrola In mahogany for cash. F-146. Journal. PROMPT attention and highest prices paid for furniture. Hawthorn Fur. Co. 112 Grand eve., near Mor. E. 6204. iE WI.E; get in ore for your eecon,! band furnltar by selling It to Fvrd Aeetton Co. Ill 1st M. !. A-1446. . I Arthur, clerk board of trustees Oregon oiaie insane Asiyum, esaiem, Oregon, and plainly marked on outside of en velope, "Bid for for Oregon State Insane Asylum. All bids must oe accompanied by a certified check In a sum of not less than 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The name ana address of the bidder' and class of supplies to be furnished, the total amount of bid and the imount of tne. certuiaa cnectc must be Indicated on sheets rurnienea by the undersigned. and attached to the bid. In order to avoid confusion, the name of the bidder snould also be plainly written on each separate sheet of the bid. 'Lists of supplies upon which bids are Invited may -be obtained bv addressing the undersigned. No bid will be con sidered unless made on blanks furnished by the undersigned. The bosrd reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any part of a bid. Bids win be opened at the capitoL at Salem, Decem ber 20th. 1800, at 3 o'clock p. m. By order of the board of truatees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum. . . C N. M' ARTHUR, ': ;.. Clerk of the Board. Salem, Oregon, November 8th. 1801. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.; German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co 229 1st st CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton. THford bldg.. room guV lflth and Mor. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. COLLECTIONS FOSTER & KLEISER. signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwest: 6th and Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 66. i Home A -11 65. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSENGER STATION "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 27 Stark Paclflo 1596. SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufasturers of hand and powtr sprayers, noMles: " rods." etc. ' - -22 Front St.. Portland. Or. TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st at. Port land. GENTLEMAN of 33 desires to meet a ptam, neat worning gin or young wid ow; oojeci matrimony; give phone, X 340, Journal. as. HUMPHREY, atty. commercial law. 737 C. of C. Phones M. 6729. A-7460. DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money." Wells Mercantile agency. 703 B. of T. COMMISSION MERCHANTS MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, use eexwa jrius eus a Dracer; re- eiores mat. vigor; price tl per box, boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 811 Alisk DR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for taw layed periods. 82 per box or 8 boxes for to. i. j. pierce, u AitsKy bldg. DR. T. J. Pierce, specialist; diBPaees of women; an irregularities corrected - no exposure. Call or write 111 Aliaky bldg MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure all your private ailments; advice free Hours a. m. to 6 d. m. 170U. Thir near Yamhill. Main 8770. LOST vitality restored by Dr. jMerve Tonic Tablets, I6e box, t boxes Lorenss' 11.26. riaon. Stipe, Tavlor Drug Co.. g Mor- jnau oro era promptly filled. WOMEN, use Femolds when others fall; via sina lusraaieta or Tne AUSDlund Drug Co.. 106 N.:th st Main HOI. VB pay the highest spot cash prices for dressed veal hogs, hides, eggs, butter, cheese, furs, wool, cascara, hay, grain. Write what you wish to sell. Ruby Co.. 284 Couch St.. .Portland. Or. F. B. FJNLEY. 249 Columbia, taxi dermist, furrier; lowest prices, best work. OREGON'S best taxidermist expert In all branches. C. M. Harris. 495 Wash. TOWEL SUPPLY LEAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express 8:00 s. m. -For Chicago.- St. Paul. Omahs, Kansas City, St. Louts. Wslla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt I tlranddalles. White Salmon. Stevenson, van- eo-irer snd intermediate stations. North Bank Limited 7:00 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Lonis. Spokaue. Sprague. Rltsvllle, Llnd, I'usco. Roosevelt. GramldalleS, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Columbia Hirer Local for Vancouver and Ca mas 4:30 p. m. White Salmon. Lyle. Goldendale, Granddallea, Cliffs a nd " aTl Tnterlliedlfl ttf srWMonir. t ARRIVINO PORTLAMIT - I From Chtcaao. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas clrv, St. Lonls, Walla Walla, Pasce, Roosevcit.v Oranddalles, Whits Salmon. Stevenson, Van couver and Intermediate station. North Bank Limited 8:08 a. m. From Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas Cltr.. St. Louis. Srikanc, Sprague. Rltsvllle. XtniL, Pasco, Roosevelt. Oranddnlles, Goldendale. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. From Cliffs, Granddalles, Lyle, Whit Sal. mon, Camas. Vancouver and aU lntermertl.ta stations. .. fnhimhtr' River Low! nvrrs-fr ,.",.-Sv'.-:t-2fl- p.to- Portland to Pallaa. Portland to Dalla and p Portland-Oswego Suburban Leavlnir Portland a. p. m., 12:50, 2:08. 8:30, 4:30, B:20. 6:Z, 7:48. Jefferson Street Depot 7:40 a. in. I Dallas to Portland 4:80 p. m. Dallas to Portland. m., 5:30, 6:30. 1Q:10, 11:36. .............. .lOrlfl a. m. 8:65 p. si. T:30. 7:40, 80, 10:25; COAL AND .WOOD KrrifTE SPECIAL 1 V 1 1VE PRICES ON SLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord INSIDE DRY SHORTjPer loaU. . . .3.60 ALL DELIVERIES MADE PROMPTLY. Tne PcrtlaiS'a Slafewccd Co. Main 3119. A-7001. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO.. Phonea Main 37U "A-i3B. ury inside wood. 13. fin: green slabwood, 32.25 and 82.60; planer trimmings, 63.50; block wood. 84. CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap II .Der month. Portland Launder jl Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sts. enone jviuiii i-thv. g TRANSFER AND 8TORAGU Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, free trackage. Office. 810 Hot st. bet. 6th and 6th. Phonea: Main 69, A-1169. Ticket office snd waiting room First and Al, der streets. . All snlmrhan trains except Vancouver leave East Morrison and Water streets, lusteaa or First and Alder streets, as formerly. CARS LEAVE FOR Orea-on City 4:00. 6:30 a. m. and every 30 minutes to and including 0 p. to., then 10:00, 11 00 p. m.; last car midnight. Grcsham and intermediate points 6:55. '7:45, 8:48. 8:45, 10'45 s. m,; 12:45, ?:45, 8:45, 4:43, 8 Caxadero Vnrt Intermediate points 6:55. 8:45, 10:43 a. in.: 12:43. 2:4.ri, 4:43. 6:46 p. ro. Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. Falrview and Trotitdali and Trout dalegW, 'r-AS, 8:45, 8:48, I. 12:45. 2:6.w 3:45, 4:45, 6:45, 6:45 10:45 a, P. in. . FOR VANCOCVEB. s Ticket office and waiting . room Second and Washington streets. i(A. M. 6:5. 6:50, 7:25. 8:00, 8:35, 9:10, P.-'m 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30, S:10 , g:50. 4:30, 5:10. 5:50, 60, 7:03, 7:40. 8:15. 8:23, 10:3Ji. 11:45. On third Monday , la every month last ear leaves at 7:05 p. m. Dally except Sondav. Dallv except Motidsr Oregon Electric Railwar Companr DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlseesea WWV V.I1.AI1. MB1XI rilS. HIGHLST prices pal l for cofper, brsia, njbhr shoS' also pelta, hlVe and f ul. A-7616, M. 611 J. Uva IM Columhta. THE Last Sid Furniture and Bargain i House p the highest price) for awe- ewl srd f Jf-eiH-trv. rhre Est 411 i THE Jeor.!-' Auction bouse pays well for si) srttcles. 17 Front. Mais. I1T CAfH fT household gooda. Itni, ft FeneelL 146-147 1-et st. U ajwt tPtjT cash paid for tarnitor. t rT"r.rt ' et'eftln alwsT a"T ft ltd. FINA.VCIAi, M VP T le-4 I m 31 s s, . a :rv -g: i t r f : f Mi it,. I 1 .BRO-CAPSO QUIN1NB For cold and la art ope. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN LUMBER ft FUEL CO. 287 East Morrison. East 26, B-1026. C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. of" flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse separate Iron rooms and fireproof valuta for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved end packed for shlo ment Main 696; A-1996. , OLSON-ROE TRANSFER (JO. General transfer and storage, safes, pianos, and furnltura moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Main 647; A-2247. Qarcoai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Male 8767. Foot of Curry Wood St. Tips YAMATO Wood ft Coal Co. All kind of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. al8, B-18C7. E. 6th and Main sts. INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Tranafer Co. Storage. 224 Stark. Main 407. A -4 169. TYPEWRITERS SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main 1163. A-3842. Blockwood, 14.60; dry Inside wood. $3.60; green slabwood. 31 and II 6S LEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int.' StaS. local Hl'llsboro-Korest Grove incul Salem Int. Htas. lm-al Hillsboro-Vorest Grove local Salem-Tualatin only, limited Hlllsboro-Korest Gnve kicnl Int StUH. lofll Hlllnboro-Forest Gimtc locsl. Salem Int. Staa. locui.. .... IHIIsWro-Korest Grove local. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. Salem Int. Stas. local Wllwnrllle Int. Mas. level. HlllboP-Fi-est Grove local. Saiera Int. Stas. local . Hi!lhon-Foret Grove local. Salem Int. Stas. Hx-ai 6:30 a. m. . 7:05 a. in. . 7:50 a. ui. . 8:80 a. ro. . 11:15 a. in. .10:20 a. tn. .H im a. ni. .12:10 p. tu. . 2:00 p. m, . 2:10 p. m. . 8:30 p. m. . 3:50 p. ni. . 5:1 p. ni. . 5:30 p. m. . 8:30 p. m. . p. tn. 8:40 p. m ARRIVINO PORTLAND. . Wilsonvllle Int. Mtas. kK-l. B:40 aud 7:3ft .-m.- llillb.iro-Forest G re.locsl (Sat only 111:30 p. m. HIlMxiro-Foreet Grove local.. Salem Int. Stas. local HlllHboro-Forest Grove local... Salem Int Stae. kieal Ililbboro-Forevt Grove local... Salem int. it t a is. local Hlllsboro-Forest Orore local... HUlshoro-Forest throve locsl... Salem Int. Stas. locsl. Hlllsboro-Forest G've locsl (Sun only! 4:4)1 b. m Salem-Tuslatln only, limited 4 3 p. s Hlllsboro-Forest Mmn W-sl 6-2o p. as; Salem Int Stas. local S:ia) p. at Hlllnboro-Forest Grove local 8:10 p. m. Salem Int Stas. local 8 0 n. w. Salem Int. Stas. loeal.. lo .'.l p. m. Itilltboro-Forpst tS've local (Sat otily)tl.-oo p. s. 8:00 a. .. 8.4i a., si. .. :5n a. m. ..11:00 a. n. ..ll:4i, a. at.. .. 1:15 a. ai. .. 1:30 p. m. .. 2:f" p. si.. 4:00 p. m. REBUILT Smlth-Preraler and Reming ton typewriters, good as new, 86 down and $6 per month, St 122.60 to 847 50 Why pay more? Guaranteed for one year. L. M. Alexander & Co., agents L C Smith 4 Bros, typewriter. u 6th st A-1674. Main 674. On Buying and Sellfcig Second-Hand Clothes Hut out tb Scod4-Bas4 Cktk tz that til and crowv.- rota closets. Bhakt Um doaar ent ef Uaa for tkey win btirj Uera-lf sold. Tarrs la profit la botkt btrylBj aixl seIinr sUxsUr von ckrtklar. See wkat rnci lixbt awrtr. Let our little .waat Ada carry jtmx meeeare ts tkooaands for but few feniee. Tkere is ahwarf soinetJiirx ei tster rt ja 6Nxr Cu4s4 para. NEER ft FARR, dealers in all kind fir I and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. ; 106 Water st Main 4t6. A-4547. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun-4n,T 8 10 .In.hain Pn 1 1 iStarb VI um TU1J DRUGLIwS PHYSICIANS For Salem. Falls City a Western Railway points via Salem 6:30 a. t lav. dally exeeiit Sunday : II:"" s. m. Sunday only. Time Card United IUilways Co, - U-avliig Portland for Bnrllngtoa and inter mediate atatlona :15. 7:15. 8:13. :1S, 10:15, 11:18 a. m. l fs. 1:13. S:15. 4:15. 5:15, 6:13 p. m. For Llnhton and Intermediate atalKic 10:00, 11.45 p. m. Anivtna: Portland from BaTllturtaa and Inter, mediate atatloM 7:50. :. lo:oo. 11 mi a. hi. 12:W aooe. !:. 3:0O, 4:00. &xn. T-",-8:o p. ra. From Linnton snd Intersoedlate srs. lions dally rtcrfit Sunday 7o a. tn. li.mi l.lnntoa snd lulersoedlste ststkma dal! ..'', 11:35 p. at. TRANSPORTATION ess. M'iPBBitsaa a cssves SPECIALISTS ' ' Treat chronic and nervous diseases of ! men, women and children without I drugi - Room 4S, 4. 407 Rot hi hi Id (bldg. Office hours to 12 m.. 1 to 6. 7 ; l p fn. DETECTIVE AGENCY SECRET agents i8diesN gentlemen) ex- ( periencei corporation ; personal, do- awi . it. h 1 1 n i 1 1 m. i ri.pnoss luaat 443 UMBRELLA REPAIRING . , WE 6ELI, repair and recover umbrel- San Francisco & Portland S. 8. Co. las 44 Vaahnear 14th. F. Law. Only dlroe steasaer. daylight sailing. ' ' ' " - i From Alnsworth dock, Portland, 4 p. m.: VETERINARIAN B. . Bose city. Deo. IT, 31. , , , " 1 S. S. Xaasas City, Dec 14, Jan. T. HUMANE VETEKINART HOSPITAl From Pier 4. San Francisco. 11 a. m.: Dr. Johnson. 131 16th. M. 6141. A-Jl '".CltJt-1IS- !" . B. Boss City, 2ee. as, Jaa. a. I J. W. Ransom. cWk agent Mala 261, I Alnawortb docs; M. j. Kocne. city tlck- et egent. 142 Third St. Msln 41. A-1401 WHOLESALE JOBBEI'S WADHAMS ft CO, wholesale grocwra, manufavctarcr and coffee roaster 4;fe nd Oak etf. DANLTNO Redd and Answer - - Today's "Want Ads. CASINO, epen every sight except Sua- sy. son popular piece la elty. TniMT1 rd 4th. Introilocere preeeat DLAMOND DRILLING HARRY D. tTALET. Ill Werrter bide. rianxmj -ri i cnnirs'iing, saam W-w awn 24T F.eMfnate fsmieSed. KVEKD1NG ft JaHKEU. produce and eo'nmlasloa menchania. 140 Froot at. Pertlsuvl. Or. Phone Main IT M. A. GUN8T ft CO DI8TRIFUTORS OF FINE CIOAftft POR TLA VP. O RE. e ALLEN ALEW1S GROCKRIE3. TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY LINK Tb steamer bHKAkWATKJi leevee Port aa i4 Weeneeday at p. sa treea Alnawortb dock fr agertk atena. Marsa. tAeld aa Cees Bay poletav. Freight re fwlvad watil 8 a. an. ea Say ef Millag. PeMDger fare, first elavea. 81: eewead elaae, J. bx-li4!Bg berth en aaaaUa ln ernlrw city UrSet frtc. Third and Wask. ligtee) etav. ec Alstswatrth 4exh, P; Mala iss. CLASSIFIED AD KATES CA8B AM: IS sroee r aas 1 far tnesrtteat M ts w words, 2Ur: U 26 wevea. sae. Ua a4.res Bed wasted. KsjervM W sated, fa Ada asg s.ataw as at Aaa. threw lssirtvs tW tae sties tww. AB ax aver essaaarVstasaa see I earn l axes Sar fas srtew eT atx. CBAKOB AD.- .' Otfcer rasa ewettieet, V saar e stsg (Mas Orev eeeee saattraet (a W Be4 ta It aa-a l. aaaas..,. .......... . mm eosteim M-e S.ne baaaw. ........w a eeas-4 1 le.e Mnaw ar aanrs a saar s-Mat-e i - a eeseslOee setwrtslsg ekrr-e kr iw e SHsel seassL AM BC9 BT T8I aovTBi I weia. ............ .11 as see " r -v aSaaetaa.. ............ 1 M Saw Saae S-r aaa S 18 BtsalBS ......... ae see lua see ewe cot roa tKKias: OS eB lar Bs-ass, VW Peas 4....,MJv SaM I. t a. tV Uaa Saw Br S- sane. 4 I . twat e Sa ...... .... ?- I . WB ft IllUIlIUWIVl IV i' '.ITIllI ai Argelew dire-t e. M.avt. - -,a F -1 - - V ! ! NORTH PACIFIC S, S, Co, ' '- -rJ- ro Koreas. 1 i . IvLlXTKICAL SLPI'ULS . f ' iri- lartrtf sn pearri-a; tVA IJ p r I' Uitra ffr.r sa . a til 9 A mt v. I koea. C," e bossier In,' will rrcrire fro. an ! ma n S'rrei ocirr -oaV!fri, if, dcarr -oaV!fri, if, it j vrv stur lar titn-l 4in tt very p an. .11 Kaa j Lo i r-. ii T-isr a i Ticket efni r4. r.-air er, r ' S -- 1 f ! r s Al d !'!! 1L TuVNX Ar ' Tt g!T t"t ' T fS tl ek. -, -4 --. . Mr-.. ftm r. S Tv - : i a aa s...-.. tt i I nva I llll ll an-.,. ft h . W 4 -S ,- 14j 1 1 . - a- iVt---. fi-e-ws