5 ?t?2 Till: HAIL V JOUIIKAL IH Two Cents a Copy i Sunday Journal 5 centsj or 13 cent work, tor Haily and Bauds? Jour pal, by currier, dcUtcrrd, Journal circulation . YESTCItDAT IV AS V?-' ' Tha weather Fair tonight and Thursday; 'light east wind, ., W VOL.' VIII. NO. 241 ' PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1909 EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTSv ; J""',,1; 9wn EkM CASE MMMM mwmm N COURT HOLDS imnmTnnrHTO llJUIbllVltlJIO KING LEOPOLD'S CONDITION -: TAKES CHANGE FOR WORSE Defendants GiVe Notice That They Are Beady to Plead PHYSICIANS IE: HASTILY CALLED Brueaels, Do. II. Thi condition of King Leopold took a marked change for th worse thla morning. Tha physicians Who have bern attending him Immedi ately were called Into conaultatlon. Durlnr tha operation performed Mon day night the surgeons found a sort of or Aviv Tl'mft Tftlirt, V,X- paralysis of th. Intestines, which they a.v Ji'V , , aUted triains my He Ruled Against Accused Men. Tn ifcciHinn that sweeps, away all ih. trhnlcalltles advatfced by tha at torneya for tha defense, presiding Judga Bronaugh lit tha circuit wan mum in overrultfd the demurrer to the i: Indictments In the caaea of Walter H. Moore, W. Cooper Morris. Henry A. Moore, l& E. Lytle and Loo Frieda, tha i-miuul off tear a anil director or in Oreaon Trust & Savings bank. John H. Hall was the only attorney representing the defendants in tha court room, and he said that tne aeienaania he represents are ready to plead at any time. Judge Bronaugh nxea tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock as. the time for pleading.- , : Considers Every Point The court gave attention to each point of tha defendanta in an oral opin ion of some length.! He specifically held that the indictments are sufficient ly olear and oonclse in language, with out setting out tho particular notea and securities alleged to have been embez zled, that the statute of limitations does not bar prosecution under the banking act of 1807 until three years havo elapsed from the datti of the offense. would eventually necessitate an other operation. . The attitude of the publlo toward the stricken king continuea to be one of In difference. Little more than caaual In terest Is displayed concerning the re porta from the monarch's bedside. Tha former Crown Princess Stephanie, who is now the Countess Lonya, la ex pected to arrive at the palace today. It is thought she will be received by her father, the king, from whom aha haa long been estranged. COASTERS CRASH Will LOCOMOTIVE 1 Killed and 14 Seriously In Beyond Control. that the legislature had the power, to fix one date for the act to go Into ef fect and another for penalties to at tach, and that directory as well as the other officers Of the bank are, liable for reoetvlnjr deposit after the bank be came Insolvent, provided they possessed guilty knowledge of the condition tf the bank. taken, but it was not seen in time for directors who ma not ac-i rr "- plain that the directors who did not ac tually receive deposit or act in a mln lstarlal capacity must ahown to have guilty knowledge or they cannot be con victed when brought to- trial. Tha state will have to bring home to Leo Fried and Henry A. Moore the knowledge that tha bank waa Insolvent, or they cannot be convicted. Judge Bronaugh first con' (Continued on Pag Six.) HILL TO OH A OTHER 0 .Work on Line Frorh Vancou yer, B. CL, to Kootenay to Bo Commenced. CDnlted Frees Leased Wire.) La Fayette, Ind.. Deo. IB. -A flying dash down a long hill on a big bobsled today cost the life of Frank Klumpe, 16 years old, the serious injury of aix boys, some of whom may die, and tha slight injury of, eight others, when the aled got beyond control and crashed Into a Wabash' locomotive. The boys .haa Deen ooastlng down the hill over a course that crossed tbe railroad track. The train waa ap proaching; wnen tna ratal, trip was , I .. . " - .- r it A i ZELAYA 1 GIVE UP OFFICE Consular Agent of United States at Managua, Nica ragua, Declares 3Iadriz Is Dictator's Choice Dem onstration at Consulate. King Leopold of Belgium. PRIVATE DIVORCE TRIAL AT BOISE Judge Clears Court Eoom While an Ohio Plutocrat Tells His Troubles. (United Prvra Leawd Wit.) Waahlngton, Dec. IS. Dr. Caldera, consular agent of the United Statea in Managua, cabled today that Zelaya had published a statement promising to re sign In favor of Senor Madriz, who Is reported to be with him at the palace In Managua. The dispatch also atated that Madrls apparently 'would not be a popular choice, and Zelaya's fulfillment of his promise would probably do little to smooth over the present difficulties. Last night Caldera stated large crowds surrounded the American legation. Hun dreds paraded the streets cheering-for .ustraaa ana the united states. It is Intimated here that Zelaya's promised withdrawal In favor of Madriz would not likely be received .with favor by the United States government. No statement concerning the proposition was given out from the state depart ment. Dispatches today - say Zelaya ha ac cumulated more than $6,000,000 In profits from properties in Nicaragua he is alleged to hold illegally. Seven teen trade monopolies on Nicaragua's Pacific coast are credited to him, aa well a virtual control of the field of man ufacture and exploitation of natural resources. HUSBAND SURPRISES WIFE for them to prevent the collision. Klumpa was caught beneath tha pilot of tha locomotive and instantly killed. ' Notarial Commissions. (Salem Bnrean af Tti Jnnrnal. Salem, Or., Deo, 16. Notarial commis sions have been Issued to H. A. Thlea- sen, Condon; A. L. Emmons, Corbett, and Arthur C. Dayton, Portland. (United rtass Leased WinO . Vancouver. B. ' C Da 15. That James J. HIS Intends Immediately to prosecute tha building of tha Vancouver, Victoria ' Eastern railway, connecting Vancouver with Kootenay by a ehort Una, Is shown by th calling for tenders today by tha Great Northern, for tha construction of two sections of tha Una lhese are 78 miles from Abbotsford, a point on the Fraser river to which th Oreat Northern now operates, to' Hope, and from Princeton weat to Tulameen. V, This does not lncluue the section over the Hop mountains which contains the proposed eight mil tunnel. Either this tunnel will be constructed or 15 miles of hllUcllmblng will be built to sur mount tn grade. - several well Known contractor are hers figuring on the work. They in cluda representatives of Guthrie Co., 01 mi, ana nt Welch a- Co., Spokantv ...... . Tl'OJKSTAIfS WAV BE HADE Arizona and New Mexico Ad mitted ' If Their Laws Are Satisfactory. ' (Cnited Preaa Lease Wife.) Waahlngton. Dey 15. Chairman Ham ilton of the house committee on terri tories said today that Arizona and. New Mexico would be granted separata state, hood at this session of congress If they did not insist on Including in their gov erning la4e the features that President Taft haa found objectionable in Okla homa's constitution. Chairman Hamll ton atated It as hi belief that tha Chief executive would withhold his ap proval otherwise. -Bolsa," "WttllOL "3KWJ.1 lB.rh dlvsrai suit of Valentin , A. Winters, traction magnate of Dayton, Ohio, against Helen Clegg Winters, daughter of a Dayton millionaire, waa called for trial here today. The defendant. Is fighting the case and sensational testimony is prom ised. Winters Joined the Boise divorce colony a year ago. All spectators were barred from the courtroom by order of Judge Wood. Unconfirmed Rumors.; (United Press Leaaed Wire.) Panama, Dec. 15. Fragments of wire- leas massages picked tip by the local station indicate that marines from the United States warshlns either have been landed or, will land today at . itJortato. Adverse . weather conditions , prevented th full text of tha messages from be ing learned. Another dispatch Indicated that Managua Is still In tha hands of a mob and that tha people are clamoring for th overthrow of Zelaya. More Unconfirmed Rumors. (United Preaa Leaeed Wire.) New York. Dec 16. Unconfirmed ad vices from Colon Indicate that tha long expected battle between the Insurgents and Zelaya's troops in the vicinity of Rama la taking place today. The revo lutionist arrteporta"to hava taken tne Initiative, for the first time In more than a week, and to have precipitated tbe engagement, Four machine, guns and 1000 new rifles with 1,000,000 rounds of cart ridges, wnich arrived yesterday, were m, . . 0 . ir . j 1 uujiveytjG 10 Miram neaaquaners oe- Thirty SailOrS MarOOned On fore daybreak today under a guard of several companies or uenerai cnamor- ro's division. Charaorro's main body la being rushed to the scene of the report ed fighting, and was expected to arrive there early this afternoon. v A rumor to the effect that an attempt was made to assaaslnate Zelaya In his palace ahortly after midnight la current today. It is reported that Zelaya and Madriz are virtual prisoners In the prea- laenuai residence. IIOIHUEAT BUT HUGE CAKES; irty Sailors Mtirooned Wrecked Boat Suffer From Hunger. vf'K.Ov r r C" . . 1 air., iv. fionia isroKaw. . . , . , r -(TWELVE DEAD (Train Through Trestle-on Southern Bailway, .North Carolina Conductor Hero of Wreck Geoi-ge 'Gould a Passenger; Unhurt jr y i'.. T .1 .ft - H .fl- Mrs. W. Gould Brokaw. who is mttluglrarty last Sunday night,' force me - to bar husband for divorce in New York. i. em tuwi mi u 3 Thv.. ... iv,. rn. ana tnree men mai ay. x wu W.-' . " 1 mm Vll . V,... U U M I , 1 .M 111., I uuiies x uu nvi approve vi. miu wu yesterday. Her husband gave the court a surprise by Introducing, through his atorney, the . following telegram from him to Mrs. Blair, his mother-in-law: "I have closed my house and am sorry to say I must sue Mary for a separa tion. Her act, culminating in a house approve I do not know at all. I do not know the men. She allowed one man to 00- cudv my bedroom over night, after put ting "my nurse and one lady In bach elors' quarters.. Bne rerusea to give m the name of the men, in spite of my re quest' (United Press Leaaed Wirt.) Charlotte, N. C. Deo. 15. Twelve person are reported to have been killed and probably 40 Injured, when passenger train No. 11 on the Southern railway, southbound,, moving at the rate of 35 miles an hour, plunged over a trestle and fell 26 feet into Readv 'creak, four miles north of Greensboro, today. Tha' dead and Injured lie. la three feet of water. ... v. . The newa was flashed Jo Greensboro only after Conductor George Cable, the hero of the wreck, had dragged himself , nearly two miles to a station, thoughr one of his legs had been broken. Phy; siclans and nurses with medical sup plies war immediately put aboard a special train and rushed to the scene. George Gould and his son Jay were' on the train, but escaped , without In jury..: :-'' ' Mt.'yAy At 't : Ust of Victims. The engineer and fireman are among the dead It Is feared some of the vic tims were burled under the wreckage In the bottom of the creek, The following ; are among those re. ported killed, according to a messago sent by wlr from here to the general office of the ' Southern railway In Washington. D. C. . JOHN A BROADNAX.1 Greensboro. A. HQLCOMB, Mount Airy. N. C. EDWAKD. SEXTON, Denton, N. C. A, P. CONB, superintendent of the ftrehmOnd division.' ofvtho Southern" railway. , ' ' . f D. C NOLAN, Pullman conductor. C. H. WHITK, traveling auditor. . Flagman, name unknown. .1 . . " R. H. Russell, '4 private secretary' to George Gould, was badly injured, sus taining severe bruises and; being: hurt Internally. Jay Gould was - slightly bruised. . -.: . v..: GE ERA innn HUUU of ROCKEFELLER GUT I DRUG STORES RUI Lays Tlans to Kcap Double . Profits From Oil, Is , - the Kumor. (Unit Piaaa i ti WlrO Chrcags D. II That John D. Rock efeller contemplate establishing a chain of . drug storea throvghoat the country I tha tubatanoa of a rumor current la wholesale circle bera today. Masy of tbe by-products In oil prepar ation are tUls4 la tbe drag trade. Ad th Itaadard masnat Is Mt4 t have 'laid plata l-r mara f wr lch" h r"n t res dnM r-rtf:t In Ills ntur. A', -clJr-el I b irr)t!nt Ric kf Cr bare -n lfive!t atlrf rjai5?!lnB 1 trtnr rr lt,e Weat rlUr. ar.J have t rrtia'lrc fer tl pr-rf-.tM t-t re'all '"r. W .! ttr r t ti a J'", it tr we 1 TV'e'- e r.'T- ' r'.fr tnt i"'t If Captain Tappen at Mare Island. (United Preaa Leaaed Wire.) -ValleJo, CaL, Dec 16. Captain 3en jamln Vappen, the newly appointed cap tain of the Mare Island navy yard, ar rived here today to assume his duties. Captain Tappen Immediately relieves Captain Luclen Toung, who has been ordered home to ' awal orders. Under th plan of Secretary of the Navy Meyers, which has already been put Into effect and which conaolidatea many of tha departments at tha navy yard. Cap tain Tappen's assignment Is very Im portant. , (United Preaa Leased Wire.) Port Burwell, On U, Dec. 15. Ma rooned on the car ferry "Ashtabula.1 which -went ashore on the shoal near thla city,' 30 sailor are suffering se verely from hunger today. The only food they hav had since th ferry' was wrecked early yesterday has- been huge Christmas cake, baked In the mod el of th boat, which was made several days ago. . A life saving crew is lying ready to go to th rescue should the ferry show signs of breaking up. Heavy seas are still running and It was decided to make no effort to reach the stranded vessel unless It became absolutely necessary. until th water subsided. I II L SUCCEEDS BELL Secretary of War Names Him Chief of Staff of Army. New Corporations. - (Salem Barean af The Journal.) ' Salem, Dec. 15. Articles of incorpor ation were filed In the office of the sec retary of state tfday a follow: . Three Pine LSmber company, princi pal place of business, Portland; capital stock, IJ0.000: Incorporatora. E. A. Mil ler. J. D. Cook and O. A. 8teeL Gibeon-Dolin Wedding. Concord. N. C. Dec." 15. Many per sons prominent in society in Richmond. Baltimore, Washington. Norfolk and other cities of the south came to Con cord today to attend the wedding of Miss Emily Mag-ruder Gibson, daue-htef or KoDert E. Gibson of this city, and Kicnara 1 uoble of Norfolk. The brld a member of a prominent southern family and a niece of Miss Julia Ma gruder, the Virginia authoress. YEAR'S PROGRESS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE JOURNAL TELLS WHY ANGEL ' CITY S ENJOYING QQOP GOVERNMENT reeHbln 'how th machine politi cians of both parties Joined hand un der th nam of rvarular Republican, nd bow all the rtclou element of th rlty flocked ndr that banner, a blahop of th fnlie-d Brethren church lell below of tha triumph f the Good Oex-wrmoetit force ta the vacant ! ' Uon at Lo Angeles. How, under the operation of th recall, Lo An f -lea ta w enjoying tha bt government 1 her fclttorr; how tb primary law. Irfnigh d!s-tastefi'i ta "aBclilne" poll- Urhma, is prlred by all sr9l. c!tlr,a and hV crt!n fw eat ol from tx Art-a and published I Portland rUfii ta th nperattoa, of th H fery taw aa "X at el " ta the degre -t wlrg truthful arc tntereatirc f torn f th narratlv. r Tr letter t -r P'.aVf, WiiB M. 1 ;l tf it t'ti-M T-tl,rn tvrth. a! r- 1 r ti''a f 'rt'irr. ar.4 r'r r"a tf t .-ff ru I a t :! f : j L Anrelea, Da. I. To th. Editor of Th Journal While In your goodly city- soma day ago th dispatch pub lished la th Dally Oregonlan with data line at Los Angeles aa duly noted as alaa your reply to th mlarrpreaenta tlea which that telegram conveyed. . it la untrue .that tar ta a wide spread fee-Hag of dlaguat felt- by our rltttens toward tha provlslo for fiom tnation of rlty cfTlctala by ths direct vtHm of all th cltlsea rather fhan aa formerly, by th dMvgated rooventlons of tb aereral political partus.' - With out aay quevtloa thr arc worn peopl wh ar (Haroated wltd th primary law. trot thy ar th perl who bare t a accustnmd t control tKtmlna tk afd eWtlone throogh the polit ical "mrh!n whirli has ra the dV for wiaay yra. There ar rlt. ' f Ie Arelea we fcars be jiat-t" fart'rnilata rrty ror vm t f 'ne --f .,w--it r i that r rc- t The end of the year Is almost at hand the aeason when w all eum up the" achievements and failures of a twelvemonth and strike th balance of progress. Not only la thla practice suitable for persona, but It la of equal application to municipalities and commonweattha. December 11. ItOf. will find th city and etate farther ad vanced on th road to a Greater Portland and a Greater Oregon, Tbe year's cloa la an admirable place to atop and review th progress made. As a material aid to thla pleas ant task, th Tear's End edition of Th Journal will be found ln coraparabla Within Ha pares will b found such data as rata tea t the year advancement In condensed, readable fens. Ia th compilation of thla matter, th greatest ear ha beea exercised tn order that th thousand of Journal readers all over th northweat may b assured of Ita accuracy. Picture, statistics and articles alike have bees selex-ted amd prepared with th watch- " word quality ever In view. Neashojs will bar ceplcs f ' the Tear" a End Edition for sail t th price tf two cent Frt- . day evening. Doraantwr IL Aftr that cople e b . secured, wrarped aad ready fcr mailing, fcr five ce-.ta. (Called Preaa Leaaed Wlra.t Washington, Dec. 16. Secretary of War Dickinson today announced the se lection of Major General Leonard Wood, now commander of the department of the east, to succeed Major General J Franklin Bell as chief of staff of the army. . General Bell will retire next April. He has been chief of ataff since April. 1906. BUTTE SWITCHMEX RETURX TO PLACES AFTER CONFERENCE (Halted Preaa Leaaed Wlra.) Butte. Mont., Dec. 16. As a result of a conference between representatives of the striking switchmen employed in the Butt yards. W. M. Clark, of Indlsn- apolia, vice president of th Order of Railway Conductors and Robert Mcln tyre. of Loe Angeles, vice president of th Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, 40 atiikera returned to work today. The Amalgamated Copper company's local mlnea alao resumed operation this morning wltti a full force of 3000 men. IIEARLjf OIIC HE HOLDS All : THREATENS JAIL Los Angeles Policeman Shot Negroes 'Accused, of Crimes in Liuei, UUb lapimes uujcli.ui ouanuce vu- His Assailant. lzensVWrathr Los Angeles. Dec. 15. Though shot I Osceola. Arte., uec is. Tn- siienrr through the right hip- and seriously I and a large fore or deputies ar guard- wounded Dy an uniaeniinea man eariy j today. Policeman E. E. Sanders arew nis revolver and after a olstol duel cap tured a man who It waa alleged ty San ders shot him. The prisoner refused to give his name or speak regarding thai affray. Weak from loss of blood, th patrol man succeeded In drawing his captive along with him for a distance of a block to a patrol box near Seventh ami Mateo etreeta, where he called up the central station. I'm bleeding to death. I hav been ahot. but I have sot him at the box. If rou can -rush-help I will keep htm. Send help quick, and bring a doctor, he eald. Half an hour later the patrol wagon nulled up. Sanders still held his si leged assailant captive. When the guards relieved him be dropped to the sidewalk in a swoon. He was so weak that he waa unable to give a coherent statement of the shooting. Sanders was taken to the receiving hospital, while nls prisoner waa placed In the city prison. PORTLAND MAN CAN SOLVE MURDER OF F. A. ASH IN CODY ing the jail, ready to repulse. a mob which is marching- from Shawntee with th announced intention of lynching aix negroes held here upou charges of bar' baric trueltles. . .' , - ..-v It is alleged that the negroes had an organised gang -for the 'purpose of at tacking white people. - Among their al leged victim was a Mrs.- Cummin, who was .wrspped 'In a feather bed, which was Ignited, after her house had been robbed.; ' One white' matt was dipped into tha Icy watera of th Mississippi river and then thrown Into a big tub of boiling water. . ."' : Th six negroes Incarcerated her ar alleged to hav - been -. responalble for many other depredations.' Th sheriff has snnounced his intention to fight If necessary to keep h mob away from . th jaiL - 2 HEHEY TO IME LECTHRETOUR : s- ' ' - ' " - Will Make Arizona Town i and May Sign Contract With' -Lecture Bureau. W. W. Rucker. a Portland man. holds th key that can dlaclo to the public th detaila of on of th most das tardly crimes aver committed in Wyom- n. f. A. A eh, a drsgatat T Cody. ffro. was killed with a. a hot run which had bn placed In tach a position that when h opnd th door of his room ha waa shot. Frank Harding of all Tamhlll air-M. 1 eld friend of A ah, is In Portland bine far Rucker and hope that within a few days be will succeed is finding him. Tb gan whrh flssred In th W" was formerly tb property of Rucker. woo wld tt shea tie left Cody some time aga 'o on hat Rucker know a to wbw h sold tb gun. - With tte nam of th enan 'to whom M hold tb r-ia lmra to th poltr of Cody, tt la 1 4 -vent that it wt'l rm- raratlveiy easy to ferret nt tba gvl.ty tj-:a rrrn-k !"jrfg ffliM a 'r-"i; from th district attorney at Cody tell ing him of the details concerning the gun. Apparently ther ar no cluee ex- cept the one furffiahe-4 by tb gua, and Harding Is emetlr hoping that h will ba able to find Rucker. , , . - Ash waa shot Tuesday morning. De cember I. Ash was tb first oo to rater the room and received th full charge of tb shotgun la bis stomach, Infilctlr.g a mortal woaad. Ms was able to drag himself down onto tha street and to a doctor's horn a bktrk away. but aotfcing could b done for htm- I rowi ram rtn ataiemeota tt wa foead that A ah waa ard to fe mar ried la Ma , Dorothy Newton ft Cody aad all bis, property was left to er -e- ewrdtng to not a aa oral and wrf 1 1 ailL It Is thoaght tiet trJa fact. co- e-te1 with tHs fact tfcat K waa A rorcjd Mi 1ej at Ffona fak. Ia mar Mil ta4 awmatMra- ta 4o wth tv a c p.ve ia ' i ? p- ' r , f ifce Tttoaon, Ar!s,.Doc. II It I tj--tM tbst Francta J. Hny. who haa b"i nggd for th past two years aa ar cial procutor In ' tho -.' I 1 r'l e at San Franciac win start on a lecturing tour through this auto alt ! 1 feW dsya Arrangements ara twirf max! for a tosr irteri -ru . Globe. Doilaa. a l I t " Th Vaat Wtur aKI ba d!'r4 tint for Her to rtmra ta Mi I Mr. ctav-o befr Cbriatma. It t known alao that Hr r ' Ar ae'Vs rria4rii'n for oatendd Wiore t -. h antrr of 11 iw t-"i ahort'r prrare a ae-i-a .f a'! - ' iraraiin pi l.cat' a - ,-s : jraft as tea 1 on. It la t A f "er f-n " 1 - f t - - -