The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 14, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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'f 1 III ILJU JUM- t - L .1 I I . . J II J'li , I.J
jmi , i
snap coiiifsr
Tovland Fnurth Flnnr Rerl rncc Siamns First Flnnr fiiftTorfiffrnioc I nu Flnnr
I , w . , SWS M. VW.I.MVM.V . .
Put a Red Cross
$t Down and $t
Campaign So Interest
Supreme Court Upholds
Stamp on Every
That Jiorc Stamps Are
per Week tor a
Charter iTOTluIng for
"Public Good" Ee venue.
Sewing Machine
Olds, Wmtwim&Kim
(BaUa Bnrvas f TIM JowuL)
Salem. Or., Deo. 14. Koaeburr may
tax lawyer f 10 year for practicing
In that city. Bo th aupreme court
ruled today la aa opinion written by
Associate Justice McBrlda. Stat 8en
atnr Albert Abaaham had protested ,
against the lloense aa being; unautlior-
lsml by law, but Be waa ruled against
both In the, lower court by Circuit Judge i
J. W. Hamilton and by the supreme
court, which affirmed Judge Hamilton's
deci ee.
An art of 1905 authorising munlcl-
Ipalltles to "license, and regulate all audi
railings, trades and employment as
me puuno gooa may require to be li
censed and regulated and aa are not
prohibited by law."
"The 'public good' la a broad term."
says the court "but If the city council
of Roseburg determine that It I for
This is the time of the season when stockrooms are disporting their Christmas season is comiricr in all its' solendor:-sufrestiv-i ' of
contents and department managers are kept on the run to keep our; thint tft WMr 'frA.;llinr. A f',ni witL u '
T3- o- - ..., (,wv ""h' mv jvtir aiuuuui lliv
tremendous stock of hnlidsv merchandise ever on the mnvr. Pho
nic are fihonni'nc earlvN'ri fh weelr ae'well si in trie lav tnnrri boards.
J" - - w - f g m y m m j W s V V JJ V V W
their advantage and to the comfort of salespeople.
Everything for the table, the comfort and delectation of
vC fifi Housecoats and (P) OC
4JVV Bathrobes. Each 4OD
j w , ,
The happy merry. Christmas-makers. Shop in the morning and get best service.
' -; .. . , -
The Red Cross stamp contest be-
pwpen ooq .tr n i n - th, pubUo ,00,5 of Uiat community that
fS?f.Aufh "11?!? BJ.""iiSi lawyer, be iioenaed and be compelled to
L ' Th V " 7 i . L , P"T Ul ' l uch a tax I
.V v" , . legal and authorised by law."
or their own laurels. .... n,i- .-,
ng from The Dalles. Hood nirer had .. ..3 .-..w.
aiot yet been heard from. The decision
-.n"'' . "V'Z 1 term "publlo good- haa been held
-..." - --Ito Include the nuroAM of rafelnv rnve.
ere walking away from Hood River, 1 nn. Th , . .
..I . k. . II ,j ru.. Jt 1 1 . . 1 I " " win WI
vm-ll low Hiiuu n" wiuci, b "'uo Ih. .11. f D.uh ...
elayed, but of equal ale with The ... - r u. .a
WIICS, Came. I thla charl.r no h.l . I..
Other Oregon cities are also work- Li.m. .h. .e .,.
ng energetically. All realUe that the ter uhlla mnn,,.
Isltlng Nurse association proposes to nth . , .
elp th consumptive, not alone of ..Z 'jr T.,r" . ,u"''""u
.toward health and strength. Order for I Bponiant.
other, re-
L . . - , BuunuvDis, vb, oamuei iavin ana Oinera.
f.ITT..flUpitM. and George Fleetwood and
5: KnTenTnAtw 7f 7iT:; .tto"- J'n1ant., appealed from the
Ltiiii. rn circuit court ror uaker county, W. ju.
f iwJ ie hi.. I,..- M.i. . Bradshaw, Judge. Modified In an opln-
LHf,,. iK? r .1 1 5 lon wrltten by Associate Justice Kinff.
5 "iiVfcrtieSS! Z 1 lfr "" H- Burchell and E. D. Burchell.
She- wr . V. fi t. Plalntlffa and respondents, v.. th A.
jthen were unable- to buy it, you have .,...,'
or. 3. 1 l. k. ? Vn-V ant nd aPPeHMt. appealed from the
iRed Cross postal cards, be It known, circuit court for Morrow countv H J
twent rapidly 10.000 of them went rap- In" S.ff. ..."I
Idly. , 80 tha Visiting Nurse aaocla- Kl-VS " . lAY,
Sinn h.. Knnn ... lwedin an opinion written by Asc
V. m i u.r ri- da" Justice Slater.
tel"? hwri arhe.T.wff.JpelSnS
-.7". Tee,:.. appealed from the circuit court for
SlaS ten ' reivTd' and hV cad.wll "mJ? . !
imhA . Dnrfi..,! I J"B. xvcrcroBu in in opinion wrinen
by Associate Justice McBrlda.
J. A. Buchanan, appellant vs. Phoebe
-ennant, respondent, appealed from the
circuit court for Douglas county, J. W.
Hamilton, udge. Affirmed in an opin
ion written by Assocate Justice Slater.
.ff".'1"?, 1at th ra.e' MVltaomah
A new booth for the sale of stamps
Jwa opened today In Tull A Glbbs store,
(Mrs. A F. Bailey in charge.
Wednesday worker 4ln the booth
jare as follow:
t Tull Oibbs. Mrs. A. F. Bailey and
'assistant. - ;
5 Woodard aV Clarke, a. m.. Miss Mar
guerite Hume, Mis Katherine Emmons;
j. m., Mrs. L N. Llpman, Mis Mai
vHlracbi' - C , .
Charlton' five and" 10 cent store
under direction . of Federation of
(Women's clubs) Mrs. F. D. Kuettner
Hind assistants.
I Meier & Frank, a. m.,' Miss Dorothy
Morrison; p. m , Mias IJse Koehler, Mlsa
JSvlalda. Hart:-'.. '.:' . .i t
i Olds. Wortman A King. Mr Alvln nffiVifllfl nf "Ranlr nf TZiofav
,odv. Mrs. Howard rhitt I - ""v v'vi
JKoody, Mrs. Howard Coi-bett
! Llpman-WoJfe, Miss Susan Clarke
ijand assistants. 5 V
J Wells, Fargo Co., a. m., Mrs. E. C.
JSiltner; p. m., Miss Mildred Nichols.
Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. I. L.
'atterson and aVsistantt
j,' . Postoffice, Miss Doyle, assisted by
,Mlss May Miller and Miss Jackson.
"t Hotel Portland. Mra. W. J. Van
iSchuyver, Mrs. Maddux.
f Hotel . Perkins, Mrs. Moylan, Mrs.
jCranston, Mrs. Keed.
t Hotel Imperial, Mrs. Arthur Chance.
I Hotel Oregon, Mrs. H. F. Lewis and
Hotel Seward, Mrs. J. Arch Stewart
i . .
.I1U ttKBiSUUiliS.
How the white plague Is more de
Okla., Say Depositors
Are Safe.
(United Prm Leaierl Wlr.l
Guthrie. Okla., Dec. 14. The First
State bank of Klefer, Okla.. closed Its
doors today as the result of the failure
or the Farmers' National bank at Tulsa
yesterday. The bank's officials declare I
the depositors will be fully protected
oy the bank s guarantee fund under '
the Oklahoma banking- law.
Subtreasnry Bill Introduced.
(United PrwM Lcawd Wire.)
Washington, Dec 14. Senator Per-
Jptructive than wars and other diseases kins has introduced a bill authorizing
uiuuiueu la perunenuy retttiea uy new unitea States SUDtreasury build-
l.lnsly B. Williams of New York, who ing at San Francisco to cost J700.000
: tiays: I and to be built on rrniinri ali-.av i
;war, wnicn aescroyea ina.uuu 10 loi.uuo tnere must be open space on every side
of the best manhood of our country in I of the building, as is usual In the case
Jfour years, only about equals In magnl- ( of such buildings. j
;tuae tne yearly slaughter rrom tuber
Jbulosis of the best of the young adult
S. wki. i ...i (Special D: atcta to The JonniaLk
" . . ..i luuer- Ontario. Or.. Dec. 14. The faculty of1
Economic loss, estimated at $330,000,01
vywu-jjr in iui country, i,UTO,uu 01 I b-t. ith th- tj-j.-- -.(, w,,l , .
-rhlr., I. th. BT,n.,oI r-n.t hv h. - 16 WU1 tM Clty H1h School
anhabltant. of New York cliv for the J""aJ7. li h.e witha team
(cost in wagea and the care of patients i" 'l"..! . IS "C"0L"J 8ame '
ju. .ja. Diuuenia cnusen to ren- .
resent Ontario are Herbert Williams.
Ontario Scholars Chosen.
I with this disease."
fc.ddie Draper, Miss Margaret Dunbar,
ueorge iiaraman, Howard Mallett. and
Miss Ethel Mllllkin. -
Baker Cattle at Portland.
(Speelnl DUntch to The Journal.)
Baker City, Dec. 14. A carload of
Baker county's choicest cattle will be I
entered In the Union stockyards contest I
at Portland this month. Honorable
George Chandler, known all over thei
northwest as a breeder of fine cattle. I
baker county water
i ; rights case decided
, Balcm, Or.. Dec. 14 In the case of
' Thomas J. Whlted and others vs. 8am-
Suel Cavln and others, appealed from the
. Jelreuit court for Baker county, involv
' .Ing water rights on tne South Fork of
' Burnt river, decided by the supreme
. court today, JuFtlte King established
, Itne principle In this state that the "ben-I will send a carload of his white faced
leficlal use and npeds of the approprla-' cattle, and local cattlemen who have
Iters and not the capacity of th..' ditch seen the-n are confident that they will
jur nuaiiui) nisi run, is tne measure j taKe the prize
iana limit or tne right of the appropria
te rs."
So the court holds that measured by
tthls role the plaintiffs are entitled as
iappropriators, limited to the capacity of
the ditch, to the uo cf -nater suffl
Jclent only for the proper irrigation of
ia quantity of land not exceeding the
; acreage between the dlt.-h and the!
stream fiom which the water is dl
'erted. I Prior appropriation 1 the doctrine fa
Tored by the supreme court as against '
?th doctrine of riparian r'grhto. and It j
l npon this doctrina that the rights '
tof the various approptiatora alnng the,
"ara are determined. In this case.
jfTh opinion of the lowr -lirt was mod- '
juieo. oy tne supreme court and not
f changed materially.'
I ' Coanrrjr Life Commit ion.
f " 1 . rp-!l Dlopatek t The tanni '
) Salem. Or., Dec, 14. a countrv f, j
eommlsslon for the state of Oregon was
tappolate4 by Ovmnnr Renaon t.-lay to'
'Include C E. Whistler of Medfcrd Ed-!
1n Msy. rianagaa: K. H Bhepard. I
tJtood Blrer; Georr A. Dorrla. Eugene '
fand U T. Rejwolda, Raiero. The apt.olnt-
mnt af a eonntry life enntmlselon to,
,'" a an utTwta ff a move
ment kavlna; It loreptloo at the aa
ttoral appi. aiew held at Cpokaae a
, few weeks ag.
. . Notarial rommlaain.
' Ralem. (r. Vc 14. Notarial enm
iloa hav Wea IwiH t M L
;Twifma. Caara4 Lorka. I J. Hom--4t.
Uwt lw and W R
tTrtUnd; O. W. InaK Milton. b4 t
A. sart. Valiwm.
r rf mm, nmu aa4 aklli la
' O tmrmtry tWr la anafmrartere-f eacfc
" w l'n 1? rwoll ff f.r,lhKl
i a4 ateel (reacts. .
A keen brain and
Steady, dependable nerves
Win wealth and fame
For their owner,
i Clear-headedness and
A strong, healthy body
Depend largely on the
Right elements in
Regular food and drink.
Coffee contains caffeine
A poisonous drug.
Is rich in the
Gluten and phosphates
That furnish the vital
That puts "ginger"
And -hustle into
Body and brain workers.
"There's a Reason."
This will pleno th
men folks as well
the ladies who are
racking their brains, to
know what to give to
them. Our entire stock
of $5.00 House Jackets
and Bathrobes is of
fered for sale VVednes
day at this
ecial -price
ake a glimpse at our
. 1 'iMk iiM
splendid line of Christ
mas neckwear for men,
beautifully boxed and
very appropriate for a
remembrance. Then,
there are Glove Cer
tificates for some, fancy
suspenders and a thou
sand and one other
things. A complete and
attractive line of Silk
Handkerchiefs for men is offered for Wednesday.
They are all specially priced for the occasion.
Look at the prices, examine the quality and you
will appreciate the significance of the sale.
25c Values for 17c 75c Values for 45c
wc values tor 35c-l Values for 69c J
$2.50 to $15
In Single Pairs
We have picked up t limited
number, of . single pairs of
Curtains, regularly priced at
from $4.50 to $30.00. Soeci-
ally priced from fflC fA
f2.SO to...... PJLJUl
Also about 50 pairs of single
Lace Curtains. Soecial at
from 75c to 1)2.50
ISample Line of Ladies
Gift Certificates
In every department we sell
Gift Certificates, allowing
the recipierft to select any
thing in the store to the
value of the Certificate.
When in doubt, there can be
nothing more, appropriate
than one of these. Prettily
printed and attractively ar
ranged for Holiday time.
Regular Values Up to $20.00
100 of these ' bags ' reduced stirt-
lingly. A fine sample line from the.
best manufacturer in NewvYdrki All
are guaranteed perfect. Ampng the
lot. are genuine 'seal, walrus, sea lion,
alligator, fancy calf.' beautifully lined
and handsomely fitted, single or double
strap handles new novelty shapes and
a wide range of color selections. Prices :
Bags Worth to $ 6.50 for $ 3.
Bags Worth to $10.00 for $ 5.
BagsWorth to $15.00 for $ 8.
Bags Worth to $20.00 for $12.
Shop Here Tomorrow
Most Bewildering and Entrancing Exhibition of Toys Ever Seen
in Portland Te Fourth Floor
German, French and
English Toys of every
kind and description are
shown this season for
the first time. Our stock
is the most complete
ever shown in Portland.
Toyland Is on
Fourth Floor
Come Early I
Some Specials in Dolls
ly painted, with mane and tail. Splen
did toy for small boys. Reg. j
And a little hint: If you are going to
give undressed dolls, intending to dress
them before Christmas, better buy them
now. Time is flying. Shop mornings.
heads, sleeping eyes, and having eye
lashes and long curly hair, sewed wig.
Regular price $6.00. Spe- A J
rial nnlv . .' Tl4. Yv
sleeping eyes and 'sewed wig, 25 inches TOOL CHEST, larger than
long, splendid value. Regu- f Af measures 5x8:15 inches. Reg.
larly $2.50. Special only. . . aj) 1 50 85c value. Special only. ......
val. $2.75. . Special only
ally splendid value at $5.00. dQ
Special only . t)Jaft)
4x6x12 inches, with variety of tools.
Regular 60c value. Special AO
..... iOC
III"'. ' I-51
Ostrich Feather Boa $5
Regular values up to $20.00. Two yards
long, some slightly soiled, on display.
All of the very best. Special JK AA I
for Wednesday, only PeJlll
Fine Elastic Belts 95c,
Silk Elastic Belts, fitted with novelty buck
les and plain designs. Long range of col
ors for choice. Regular values up OFT
to $2.00, special only t 7Jl
Alexandre Kid Gloves
These are the genuine Alexandre Gloves,
in all the leading seasonable shades. Best
skins and skilled workmanship all guar
anteed pertect. fll ETl
Prices from.
ca a B uai
Jet Trimming Half Price
Just' the thing to touch tip the gown for
holiday wear. All-ovtr Jet and spangled
braids. 'These are regular $1.00 to $5.00
values, and are offered at HALF PRICE
Great Reductions in Complete
Stock of the Finest Hair Goods
Now that this department has moved to the Second Floor, near, Washington
street elevator, its advent is marked by a splendid sale of these goods at very
unusual prices. This is the largest and finest stock of Hair Goods in Port
land. All convent-cut. The stock is about to be closed out at era-marking
prices. The whole stock goes. Here are mentioned a few prices to illustrate
French Natural Switches, 36 inches long, extra value .818.00
Gray Switches, naturally wavy, 30 inches lonef, at cost ..S30.U0
French Wavy Switches, three strands, regularly $50.00, special $25.00
rrench Wavy Switches, three strands, regularly $37.50, special $17.50
French Wavy Switches, three strands, reeTilarly $35.00, special 815.00
Rare Shade French Switches, very special at y. 825.00
French Gray Pompadours (Come in with vour hair), rec. $35.00. 818.00
Sanitary Wigs of French net, finest wavy hair .$18.00
Natural Wavy Transformations, regularly $25.00 to $35.00 $12.50'
New Idea Pompadours, regularly $9J0O .... . . . . . 84.50
New Idea Pompadours, regularly $12.50, for $6.00, reg. $15.00 for. . . .87.00
New Idea Pompadours, regularly $18.00 .$8.00
Best German Natural Wavy Switches, 30 inches, rejrularlv $18.00 89.00
Best German Natural Wavy Switches, 27 inches, reeularly $15.00 87.50
Best German Natural Wavy Switches, 26 inches, regularly $12.50 86.25
Best German Natural Wavy Switches, 21 inches, reeularly $ 7.60 83.50
! Hundreds of other specials in Hair Switches priced upward from $1.50
Neckwear Special 95c
Real Irish goods Jabots, Coat Revers.'
Jabots $1.50 to $2.00. special. ... ...
Jabots and Collars, $2.50 to $3... f 1.95
Collars and Revers, $3.50 to $5, .. $2.95
Revers, $5.50 to $7.50, special. . . .f 3.95
$1.25 Ladies' Hose at 95c
All silk, plain colors; plain black lace
and some with embroidered ankles. One
of the best values ever offered prices:
Plain silk, $1.25 value, special 95a
Black Jace, $3.00 values, special.... 95
Extra Quality Black Silk Hose, em
broidered at instep. Regular
$3.50 value, special only......
Four money Saving
Ribbon Values Come
These are among the best values ever
shown in our Ribbon Department.
Dresden, Persian; complete assortment
of fancy Ribbons, 3 to 7 inches wide:
Regular values tip to $3.00, bnly...98s
Regular values up to $1.25, only...79
Regular values up to5c, only....48f
Regular values up to 60c, only,... 39i(
The Ladies' Hose Supporters
$2.19 j y
This lot includes side elastic and round
Garters, in black, white, pink. sky. car
dinal, yellow and lavender. All fitted
with elastic webbing, buckles and i O.
bows. Regular $1 value, special.. 40 1
This is one of the most successful sales of Slippers ever .inaugurated by our Shoe De-
:ock nas dwindled considerably, flenty of sues, styles
Take advantage of this great sale of Sample Slippers.
partment 7000 pairs in all, the stock has dwi
j . t . 1 t ,
ana oppunaniues lor selection
$4.00 grades for....f2.KO $1.19 grade's for
$3.00 grades for....1.90 $3.50 grades
$2.25 grades for....fl.0 $2.75 grades
$1.75 grades for. .. . 1.25 $2.00 -grades
Men's tan and black Slippers, regu- QQ.
far' $1.50 values, only. VO
Infants' red Bunnies, only '..50t
for.... 9 1.85
Men's black and
$1 JO grades for.... f 1.05
$3.25 grades ,6r....f2.O0
$2.50 grades for....l.T5
$1.85 grades for.... f 1.35
brown Slioners. M
regular $15 values, only...;.... iUC
Red-top Rubber Boots going fast Hurry.
$6.00 Umbrellas for
Men Special $3.95
SiTk snd linle union taffeta and all-
silk materials, rainproof; fitted with
very Urge aMnrtment of handles.
Note these sptrial low prices:
Values cp to $ 6 00, only. .83.95
Value's up to $1000, only.. f 8.45
Values up to $16.00, only.. 8 8. 45
Ladies' Umbrellas
Ladie Silk Taffeta UmbreHai.
rxd ooaUty silk, rainproof and
fitted with fine frame and handle;
rood color. KYg. al- CO AQ
ees p t $6 00, on'... . VtielO
Two Hundred One-
' 4
Piece Dresses
Portland has never seen a greater offering in Dress Values tharLthls Such
values are unusual anywhere and those best acquainted with this stock pro- ;
nounce this sale the biggest eveht of the season. The lot includes serges,
broadcloths, taffeta silk and all come in a variety of styles, but all of them '
are strictly tnis seasons make. All these
deliberately taken from our regular stock
on sale togrther.- Priced regularly as hi
A phenomenal value at the special price
We Would Suggest, Shop Early Many Bargains Not in Above Lists
dresses s.Yc
and placed f? 0S
S28.50. WJl W))
of .
$3.00 Cirls'Woolen
Dresses Only $1.98
These are wonderful values. They
come in panamaa, cassimeres and
fancy filaids. Ages 6 to 14 vear.
Reg. $3.00 values, special. ..f 1.08
Res. $4 50 values, soecial... 8 2.1 S
.Reg. $600 values, special. .,82.98
Kfg. fji values, special. ;.f 3.97
$8 to $37.50 French
Gowns at One Half
We offer fcaftd-emhroidrrad Frmrk
Gowns, made of fine nainaonk nr
batiste. The regular rme of
these Gowrs hi bn from ranf
t $37.5QL- 5r-il offfrin tww
irr only ...ONE. HALF PRICK