The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 14, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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Odd Grand Owning: of Fur-
nituro Store Is Successful.
Ths superstitions of fear bare bo bor-
ror for ths Moriran-AUnley Popi.
' Their only fear about walking undet
' a ladder would be ttit It mlfht fall on
them, or of retain an umbrella la the
house that It mJM poke a bols in th
piaster. They ere not afraid of ths
''uciodoo of number II. Nay. farther,
they turn the table and make It their
. luck? number.
' Braving the biatory of tha bakere
' doseu, Jhey announced the (rand open--
ing of their new furniture store on
' Grand arenue for Monday, la urn
Thav nrnmlaad (o distribute UDODf the
flret 1100 visitors II prises worth not
- than 111: amonar the second 1100
visitor II d rises worth not leee then
'" helf of 111; amonj h third 1100 Yislt-
ore tl print worth pot less wan one
" third of 111. The invitations 1q proper
nraed form took ub II lines. Oard-
' ner"s orchestra played II selection, and
the Harmony eruartet aaaa 11 sonra
''' The streetcar eompauy ran II extra
' care and promised to ran twtoe II 11
' noesary.. No persoa under II or over
' ill waa admitted to the opening: There
are II letter la tha nama Moraan-
A(chlT. and they aay If they had
. bourht nrooerty on the west lde It
would have cost them IS time as much
Xeedles to aajr.-the IS bait "took." The
',' rest of the atory mlsht read like tbla:
'. - The crowds poured in on foot and, on
car and Ion a - before the doora were
ope.ied at 7:10 (It ahould here been
7:13) Grand avenue waa blocked both
ways. For II blocka no one eould paaa
by and for IS quarter hours the crowd
, surged back and forth till tne reception
ended at 10:10 (which ahould have neea
10.11). The ' crowd had begun to Una
. up loner before the-opening hour and by
' ' 13 minute before the opening hour It
reached far up and down the street
The doora wore opened by the IS .at
,. tendants not mora than II aeoonda late
. and th first II people rushed In al
: most alnaultaneoualy through the II foot
. doora. About II time aa many people
aa were expected came to see. Thirteen
ft umbrella were loat la the melee. It
waa the llth hour after daylight when
-.the fun began. It waa it hour till
j daylight again, but after th door were
J closed it took only 11 minutes for the
crowd to diaper, m
t The oars were efswded and each onO
j held IS more people than It could' carry.
Luncheon Served In New Young; Women Asked to
Building to Newspaper
Send Names to Probation
Officer Teuscher. '
Kith a perfect winter day aa an aid,
the T. M. C A. building waa filled today
with' people who Inspected 'the new
building. Thta I th third day of the
opening week celebration of the Toung
Men'a Chrtatlan Association, Subaerlb
era day, and so far the beat day of all.
When the opening week oelebratlon was
planned by the officials of th T. M. C
A., Subscrlpers day was settled upon aa
the big- day. Each man who aubacrlbed
to the building fund of th association,
snd each subscriber, to th regular cur
rent expenses of th association waa in
vited to attend. Th offlor of th as
sociation ere- personally showing thee
vlaitora around the building. -
All morning th new building was full
of people, all eager to aee th many Im
provements. Tha gymnaaluma, swim
ming pool, dormitory, boya rooms, lob
bies and reading rooma all came la for
their shar of th Inspection, and th
word of prala which th beautiful
piaoe . evoked wer , many. An even
larger crowd la looked for this after
noon and tbla evening,
number of business m
and children ar expected to visit tha
bulMUng. The offloers and member of
th association ay together making
themselves a reception committee, and
a great deal of courtesy la being ahown
th visitors. ,
At 12:15 this afternoon a banquet waa
given to the staffs of ths dally papers.
A 41 minute lunoheon arranged for th
oonrenlenoe of th worker on the even
Ing paper was served, and the thanks
of the association were tendered to th
newspapers for the part they played In
securing th new building. Fifty plates
wer laid.
TeatWday, Worker dsy waa a big
success, a banquet to the member of
the various working 6ommlttees. which
solicited funds waa served In the aaao-
clatlon dining room at :15. Several
hundred people visited the bulldlns- due.
ing th evening.
Who wr th tw young women hit
by anowballs thrown by Harry Adler,
th bo who was ar rested and beatea
by Detective Jo Day to an aooomnani
ment of ouss words and general melee T
. i nia is a queatlon that Chief Probe
ton urnoer Teuscher of th Juvenile
court would Ilk to have answered. He
hopes that the women wiU come to th
courteous to see him or aend hint their
namea, aa tney ar regarded aa very
material witnesses In th case of Adler,
Jos Day has said that . on of the
women waa hit in ths eys. This th boy
denies, and other witnesses. o far as
found, say that tha snowballs were
harmless and hit ths women In th
back. Ths versions of th two women,
It is believed, would completely dis
prove toe accusation of the deteotlvs. ,
Barry Alder know on of th women
by sight, a he bad often, sold her
papers, but be do not know her name,
and he has not bean able to locate her
elnoa. If th woman will maks them-
when a larg I awwn wmj wui assist in nanng
thslr wives I' aau9 w Doy ana lo
teotlve as well
urna nivrm pvvpi. uiu ll nnjm carry, I . - i
They wer sii at least is minutes off (Jerflara Venr and Wife SnA
ma cufouH uma. , juacn wz in soioisie i r lr Tlj j mi
iui juujucjt ram ior xeie-
i on the program received IS recalls and
I each, was given a beautiful bouquet of
! 13 posies . each, Tp tne IS program
I numbers 13 encores were given. When
all was over everyone smiled 1 S times
and papnounoed ths oeenlnr 13 ttmea as
phone Bonds.
successful as he had expected.
Those who lived on Thirteenth street
evalked home In about IS minutes, but
) thoso who lived more tbanx IS blocks
I away took on of the IS cars. An even
j though th crowd in attendance did not
reach 11.000 there wer so many ISOO'a
i that people quit counting them. Inci-
!' dentally, - this must have been in th
thirteenth month of the year, according
, to grouaoy tourists, for it was not rain
Floyd W. Avery, who is accused by
the United Statea secret service of pass-
Iing three counterfeit 110 gold pieces and
of attempting to induce John P. Wilson
! to enter Into a scheme for the passage
( of bogus coins, went on trial shortly be-
fore noon today In United States dls
1 trlct court.
officers, obtained possession of more
j than 300 counterfeit $10 gold pieces.
"Being fearful of arrest If he attempted
to pass the money, he approached Wil
son. Wilson, who is th star witness
for the government, will testify that
Avery offered to divide the spoils with
him. Each was to have half of th
money received In exchange for th
coins passed.
Wilson, instead of making sn Imme
diate decision, pretended Interest in th
scheme, and told the authorities of
Avery's alleged proposal. Avery was
arrested Immediately at Marshfleld, Or,
where he has lived for years. .He waa
married Just a short time, before his arrest.
At the Electric Hotel.
Oregon City, Dec. 14. The following
wer registered at the Electric hotel
yesterday: Oeorre Kirk, Madras; Miss
Gertie North, Portland; H. E. Head and
daughter, Molalla; Louis A. Clifford.
Charles Van Houn, R. Perceval. Port
land; , I O. Morgan, W. A Maayou,
I " Tfci Stvlni er thi FlowirJ
; Ah met I aaw a hug e and loathsome ttj,
f Wherein a drove of wallowing swine
were barred,
. Whose banquet shocked the nostril and
Alleging they wer persuaded to. aa
cept practically worthless bonds of th
Independent Telephone company of
Omaha, Neb., and assured that these
bonds would produce a good inoom for
their old age, Gerhard A. Vehr and his
wire, August vehr, have begun suit
In th circuit nourt aa-ainst J. o. mm
and Joseph T. Peters for th return of
116,176,. which was part of the con
sideration in a $32,000 deal wherein they
parted with the ownership of aa apart
ment house on lots on and two in
block SSI. ;
- ..v,hr 10 e and It Is
alleged that he and bis wife relied upon
vam siatemeuiB or w aerendants, B. A.
Reed, I J. Wild and a man named
I Wagner as to th valua of th telephone
I oonas. i n aeai was consummated o:
December 81, last year, Vehr and" his
wlf receiving $20,600 in bonds. of th
telephone company and the defendants
assuming a mortgage of $17,000.
Th Vehrs says they wer told that
the bonds wer worth 76 per- cent of
their face value and would Increase,
and that these bonds would yield five
per cent Interest for 80 years, thus as
suring them a snug income for their
last years. They allege that the defend
ants were in position to know and did
know that th Omaha bonds were shaky.
ana tnai tne teiepnone company was
any interest whatever on Its bond.
Vehr and his wife demand that the
defendants make good the represented
value of th bonds, or I16.37S. At tha
time tha bond, wer .pjnlArf h (h.m I
at TC per cent of face, they say, th
bonds were being hawked about tha
streets at from 20 to 10 per cent valua
tion. .....
- a
Pantagea Score Triumph.
One of the finest bills ever offered
in a local vaudeville theatre is at Pan
tages this week. Topllned are, two in
ternationally famoua acta, the great
Floreng troupe, . Europe's most sensa
tional society acrobats, aad th Four
American Gypsy girls.
' Then e;
n epos
rJ lard!"
voice, "Behold the souroe
X fled, and saw a field that eemed at first
' One glistening mass of roses pure and
7 white,
VTiSh dewy bods mid dark green foliage
J nursed;
3 And, as I lingered e'er the lovely eight,'
1 The summer breeze, that cooled that
. Southern scene,
Kluspered, " Behold the source of
"The Ind ot Nod" at Baker.
Tomorrow afternoon th popular bar
gain matin will be given at th Ba
ker and this week's attraction is th
big musical and scenic extravaganza.
"The Lna or woo. Tn Biumen Man
is an entirely new feature number -Introduced
thla season.
Bright New Bill.
A bright new hill, filled with novel
ties la the program at th Grand. Del
more and Lee have th place of honor
with their sensational aerial act. "Th
Banker and the Thief" I a dramatic
story and "A Thanksgiving JCvs" is a
German playlet
Ar ya rolr.g to eur en for
( t.rt.imuT it not yw an
t irtvlaa. Po ttot let tl
wlfJ-eut lnvtirtmg W
1-oHlT!r a.r ywtm Imm IS to
. Kt parmeeta Opa ven-t-.
riano Company
i re w i tt it m vrr,
Seat Selling for Ezra Kendall.
Beats ar now selling at Bungalow
theatr for tn favorite America
comdian, you all knew, Ezra Kendall
lie will present bis eemedy enoeess.
"Th Vinegar Buyer " at th above thea
tre for three nights, beginning next
Thursday. Pcmr 11. Bceolai prle
! ma tine Saturday. .
Alice Lloyd Is Big Hit,
I With a splendid assortment ef well '
! balanced acta, ths'aew bill opened "t
! theOrpheum yesterday with tw packed
, nouses.-"Alice 'Lloyd Is th headline. t
I Ialaty and artlstie'an' poees)ng wow
i derf el paraonal charm and cnagnetlsBV, 1
, Matin every day.
for ton Ver rt ft ha
roe-nisd that th Belgian coal ci strict
la belrg worked eL Th d!cwvry,
therefore, of eoel deposit la th prev-
I laee ef tinbsrf. aad Antwerp -Cam-
pin dlstrlt ha be wetootned as
proratcleg grtat' Industrial development
for Um Atrp district. - ,
Boston Sample Shoe Store.
"mart sboe 1 T rrtm a1 twrm.
wwt cp t- IS, 1ir lift TWrd f.r
l--m tiiirs- Jaie e.rretc-a
Journal want ads bring results.
'. Personal Mention. .
(flpeoh! Ikpin-a U The lottraal.)
Oregon Ctty, lea. K-Aibort Uoor.
tha youngeet son ef Mr,' and Mra I O.
Moore, Is rapidly Improving from an at
tack ef th malaria fever.
Cooper E. Brook, managee of tha
ESeotrlo theatr of this city, made a
business trip to Mount Angel yeaterday,
lie was acoortlpanled by4ita son Kay.
Th Mlaaee : Goldemflh " will move
their millinery establlshmant from its
present plao to On of tha Harding
buildings, next t th Electrlo theatre,
th flrat part Of neat week.
Th Royal Arch chapter of Multnomah
lodge No. 1, A, T. A. M- mat last
night and Initiated a claof three Inte
th myeterlea of th degree.
Samuel J. Mtckley's suit for 11100
damages against Bingham ft McClelland.
eseavatlon contractor, was railed for
trial In Judge Galena detriment of
the circuit court thla morning. While
performing , work for W. J. llawklna.
It ta alleged, th contractor removed
th dirt in auch manner that th front
of Mlckley's atore and a portion of the
side fall in, damaging his fixtures and
A Jury in Judge Cleand's department
la trying th eaae ef J. a. Glasford and
James r'ergussn against William Kobb,
In which 1700 commission Is claimed
for th said of property p" ftobb to th
Hanover llullding company.
Juris Oantenboln, without a Jury, ta
hearing th case of E. I. Klngdey
asalnst II. J. Kreasly and Thomaa I
tireenough to compel the delivery of a
quit claim deed in a property dispute.
Jutlsa Morrow and a jury ar I th
third day of tli US. 000 damage cult of.
Tlmmaa I-augford against the I'uttland
Itallway. IJght dc.l'ower company fur
pereoiiMl Injuries In a colllnlijn betwevn
his milk wagon and a streetcar.
A dramatlo performance by local tal
ent resulted In $ao net for the Condon
Athletic club. -
Agfa M kU vruggista, er sens prepaid oy
WvW c. M. Kslth. Mfr., Cleveland. Ohio
I liwMimeifl-
MeSMii I
If you make your home In LAURELHURST, it means not only,
that you have' made a good investment, from a strictly financial
standpoint, but that you will soon be living in the finest residence
district of Portland, conveniently located, readily accessible, in the
midst of beautiful; surroundings and congenial neighbors. That
. you have every, comfort and convenience that can be given by com
plete city improvements, including asphalt pavements, concrete
sidewalks, sewers, water, gas, electricity, etc., etc. ; That you have
rich, loamy soil for your Jawns, flowers and trees. That you have
parks and parkways, including the beautiful Ladd Park of 31 acres, ,
recently sold to the city. . That you have the best streetcar, service
in Portlandtwo lines to and through the tract and the third within
four blocks, with a 15-minute service. That you have perfect drain
age. That you have no gulches to : cross and no hills to climb,- 1
That your home will command'a magnificent view, of the encircling
mountains. That if at any time you want to do so, you can sell .
your property at a handsome profit. In other words, that you v
have made the very best buy from every standpoint afforded by
the city of Portland, and that you will never have cause to regret
purchasing and living in -
'. - . . i;
children reauire the most
nourishing food for their proper
development. When you bake with
you are certain of the
purest of food."
All the muscle building, body building
properties of wheat are concentrated in
Olympic Flour. Only the plumpest, hardest
gruag Are selected from the Northwestern
-wheat crop thia Is carefully cleaned and
scoured bj modern methods with the result
that Olymplo Flonr teaches yon clean and
pure and wholesome and nutritious.
Always Insist upon Olympic
-"there tent any
Just as good."
The Addition with Character
We have a number of beautiful lots which we will sell at $1250
each, upon the basis of $125 cash and $25 per month. The de
ferred payments may be made before maturity if desired.
Take an hour tomorrow and go to LAURELHURST and see
these lots. They are exceptionally fine. ' -
You can take either the Mohtavilla or the Rose City Park cars
both lines run through LAURELHURST.
s Office on the ground at East Glisan and East Thirty-eighth
streets. - .. .
. A. tewis , 8. B. Zdntnlonm
Zdw. Cooklngnam Paul O. Murphy
Ghaav K. Henry Jams S. Kelkle
SC. W. Tries SWbert K. Strong
T. T. Mead Chas.- X. Williams
K. m. Burke aorg 1 Bkunt
522-526 Corbett Bldg. '
Phones: Main 1503, A-1515
334 Washington St., Opposite Hotel Imperial
Glspnmffle Cesnpmnmsiiiifi Salle li T
Smuus mm Presses
Never before suth wonderful values. .Think of the entire stock of a prominent New York
cloak maker sent to me on consignment with orders to dispose of it regardless of manu
facturing cost. lhis great sale has broken all our selling records. Tomorrow we offer
FOR eai
these wonderful extra inducements:
S20 arid $25 Values S9.85
All Suits and Dresses sold regular) at $20
and $25.00, all the best S (JJQ OC
shades . $sOv
$30 and S35 Values 014.95
All Suits and Dresses sold regularly at $30
and $35, all the latest. - J 4 95
$42.50, $47.50 Vals. $21.50
All Suits and Dresses-soid regularly at $42.50
.and $47.50, all strictly tail-, , ' rA
ored . . . . , . , . ,, f)w 1 OU
$60 and $70 Values 029.75
All Suits and Dresses sold regularly at $60
$70, some swell three- 4? O f H C
t Suits wLyl D
All garments not sold by Saturday night will be shipped to San Francisco to be sold at auc
tion. So come and pick these great bargains. All this season's. best styles and fabrics.
Seventh and Waslilngton Streets
: V i J
" ' f li' l '
Seventh and Washlnofon Street