The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 14, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Two Cents a Copy
Sunday Journal 5 (tnli or IS reuta
week, for Vly and Sumla Jour
nal, bjr carrier, delivered. ,
Th . Weather Fair tonight and
Wednesday; light northwest wind.
pptpt?. TUn rrwrs o Ttiiri a wrws
VOL. VIII. NO. 243.
k F. L IS HE
Sympathetic Strike in Aid of
Switchmen to lie Debated
iri Conference ; of 11 Bail
way;- Orders 'Saturday
i Gornpers. Issues Call. ?
(pedal DUDttcb to Tbe Journal. 1 .
8t Paul. Minn., Deo. 14. Announce
ment waa made thla morning' at switch-
men 'a strike headquarters 1 that . dele-i
gatlone from 11 organisations of the
railway department of the American
Federation of Labor will meet In St
Paul at 10 o'clock Saturday morning la
obedience to a call from President Gom
pera to consider the-matter of gsslst-
' Ing the " switchmen In their . strike.
Whether or not this forecasts a , gen
eral sympathetic strike on the part of
the allied railway unions, excepting, the
Brotherhood of Rattway Trainmen 'and
the O. B- C cannot be learned at this
hour but It is freely .predicted. '
President Haw ley of the switchmen
said the matter of a sympathetic atrike
".will be up to the 'convention when it
meets, but I will say the convention has
been called for that purpose."" .
The organizations that will be repre
sented at the conference will be the tol
lowing: -International Brotherhood of
' Blacksmiths and Helpers, Brotherhood
of Railway Clerks, Switchmen's union
of North America, International Broth
erhood of Maintenance of Way Em
ployes, United association of Steamflt
tera of America. Order of Railway Tel
egraphers, Brotherhood of Railway
Freight Handlers, International Associa
tion of Boilermakers and Iron Ship
builders of America, International As
sociation of Machinists, International
Association of Fireworkers; Internation
al Brotherhood of Railway Fireworkers.
a president Gornpers may attend the
.convention, which will be presided over
by H. B. Perham president of the rail
way department of the American Fed
r" eratlon4of Labor-
. . J (United Press Leased Wire.)
New Orleans, Dec. 14. Managua, the capital. of Nica-
. : : : t.
rarnia. is in me nanas 01 a raDia pro-rcvoiunon mou, ac
cording to a cablegram apparently authentic, from Grey
town late today. ' ; "
The streets are,, thronged with excited Nicaraguans.
Shouting mobs are. parading before the . palace, crying
"Hurrah for Estrada and Taft 1"
Bluefields; Nicaragua, Dec. 14 (by wireless to' Colon).
Provisional President Estrada has abandoned the de
fensive and is massing his forces for an attack upon the
Zelayans, according to advices brought from the revolu
tionists' camp today. The impending battle, which prom
ises to be the most important of the revolution will prob-
ably be toughtat, Kecero, c mues irom Kama.
General Vasquex, Zeiaya'B most trust-
1 f Dnitnd -Praca teased Wire.V
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 14. Despite the
fact that no local strikers have re
.turned to work the officials of the
'railroads. Involved in. the switchmen's
strike declared today that conditions
were again normal, and that the strike
had been broken; so far as they were
concerned. '
The adjustment of difficulties by the
use of nonunion men in the local yards
has averted a fuel famine in thla city.
Many trainloads of coal are being rushed
here from the north and east. ,
Leaders of the strikers declared to.
day that they did not intend to go back
to work unless the railroads acceded
to. their demands. T.he., JqcaJ railroad
"officiaTa'eclare they e being'swarnpecl
with' applications for positions and do
not Intend to take back any or the dis
satisfied switchmen. ;,v .
United Press Leased Wire.)
Butte, Mont., Dec. 14. Not a man re
ported for work today, though at- a
joint meeting of the Orfer of Railway
Conductors and the Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen, held here last night, au-
thority was given the striking switch
men to return to work as Individuals
without Jeonardlztns: their rights
members of the union.) . It waa further
more decided that the strike would be
-continued. , - . .; ' .
fed lieutenant, Is In command of the die
tator's forces at Recero. ' It Is against
his troops that Estrada's attack will be
directed. ,
; General Chamorro of the revolution
ary party, who has successfully, main
tained a siege of Greytown. where tne ze
layan general. Toledo, is encamped with
several hundred men, will be Estrada's
chief dependency In the engagement
Chamorro, it is stated, has received or
ders from - his chief to rush bis - com
mand to a rendeavous that has been es
tablished, . where be will be joined by
the troops of Generals Fornos Dias and
Matuty. y '. -' : - .. -
General Mena, with, a considerable
body of revolutionists, now lies at Gua
daloupe, on the Mara river, within strik
ing distance of Vaaquez. According to
the prearranged plan of battle, be is to
detour with his command to a position
behind Recero, and while the combined
forces of Estrada, Chamorro, Diaz and
Matuty : are directed . against Vasquea
he will strike from the rear. 1
The light gunboat Blanca, which is In
the hands of the revolutionists, lies near
Recero. - The boat is equipped with
Hotchklss guns, which it is believed .will
be utilized in the general attack.
Estrada's sudden determination to as
sume the offensive-Is the result of urgent-appeal
from sympathisers with
the - revolutionary movement in Mexico
and the United States, in addition to its
Ntcaraguan sponsors. .His, consular rcp
resentatlve at Washington, Senor Cas
trilo. particularly urged that the attack
be made immediately.
. Based upon good authority, a rumoi1
lr current here today thafe the recent
proposal, for a peace conference coming
from. Zelaya was made In order to af
ford an opportunity for his agents to
assassinate Estrada. It Is claimed that
the plot was discovered by Estrada's
emissaries, whose watchfulness pre
vented the successful execution of the
-The commissary department of the
insurgent army, which was established
recently near Rama, is being moved
toward Recero to support the Estradans
In the expected battle. The rebels are
reported to be well equipped and pro
visioned for the -coming struggle.
(United Pren Leased Wlra.V
New Orleans, Dec. llPrivate dis
patches from Panama, Which apparently
are authentic, declare that General
Morales, formerly one of the Zelayan
leaders, has declared himself In favor
of General Estrada, asserting that Ze
laya s yoke Is that of a tyrant and
that it is no longer to be borne.
It Is reported that with all his forces
Morales has marched against Rivas. He
has already captured Orisl and Suppoa,
small towns near the Costa Rlcan bor
der. -
Mexico City, Dec. 14,- Local newspa
per.' today " published a " rumor to the
off ect that the United States and Mex
ico had disagreed concerning the set
tlement of the Ntcaraguan difficulty
and that the real mission of former.
Ambassador Creel, who is now in Wash
ington,' is to secure the cooperation of
the United States In the tentative plan
advanced by Mexico, It is believed here
that Creel will be successful and that
there will be no necessity to land Am
erican marines ' in Nicarasuan terri
v jown oh that) fogmw'
..i-7 1 PEUCH AMD WAIT Ticu) :Mt3T
W T: " CYour family m ay X) i
, r-irzw,m-r r i walk rioht M.r . .
SmmU- - a- fo!
Operation Successful But
General Conditions Not
Favorable Said : to - Be
Penitent Regarding the
Congo Atrocities.
(United Prtu Uitcl Win.) '
Brussels, Dec. 14. The latest bulle
tin Issued from the bedside of -King
Leopold indicates - that - he is gaining
in strength and shares the optimism ex
pressed by his physicians regarding his
chances to survive the operation that
was performed shortly after midnight.
The aged monarch's vitality and re
cuperative powers have , amased the
corps of physicians who ; are attend
ing him.
Princess Louise, who-was estranged
from her father, is waiting at Cologne
for permission to come to the - king's
bedside. Although her desire to be near
him has been expressed repeatedly to
the king, he has refused to grant ber
petition. .'.'- , . ,i a,-j' ;
The Belgian senate today passed the
new military bill, in accordance with .
the- desire of the king. Should he con
tinue to gain in strength, "the measure
probably will be brought to him to
morrow for the royal .signature. ;
Morning Service Between
Portland and Wilsonville
Is Announced.
Residents of tVllsonvIlle, who have
been complaining of Inadequate train
service on the Oregon Electiio in the
mornings, will have four trains to Port
land between t:4( a. m. and 10 a. m. on
and after Thursday morning.
. Two new trains will be added to the
t Wilsonville-Portland eei-vice, both locals,
one leaving Wilsonville at 1:41 a. m.
and reaching Portland at :40 a. m. and
the other leaving wilsonville at :.
in. and reaching Portland at 7:31 a, m.
In adiitlon to these tbera are tbe 'regu
lar trains from Salem, on of which ar
rive at Wilsonville at 1:41 a. m. aad
Portland at l:4f a. nv, and another
leaving Salem at ii a. m, Wilsonville
at t is a. m. and arrives in Portland
at 11 a. nt. Tbe present rorest Grove
service will be unchanged.
This service will. It Is believed, great,
ly belp the Wilsonville commuters wbo
have bero asking for better early mora
ine; service lot Portland for arvera
monlha. . -
Xomlavallons Omiflrmrd. "
- rft.4 r tw Wlrm.
Washington. I "-c 1 4. TT. wenate !"
ronflrme th followtBs; fwwninatHms: W.
C Porbes. goverwr -r.Tl of the Itiil
lMln; t". P. nsher, tra-n. ponoal
a- rral at Makdn; J. W. Br-le.
alifTrala. cmtl r"" 1 at Halifat.
Tbofrsi (dumini. Billi(ioii, rnnl
r 1 at Tokoharns: K. C Hakr. Cal-.
l.trr-s coreal general at Astung. CMrAj
Erie, Pa., Dec. II. The Twentieth
Century Limited train No. 26, east
bound, on the Big Four, running . as
the second section of the Twentieth
Century from Chicago and bound from
Bt xxuls for New York, ran Into pas
senger train No. 10 on the Lake Shore
railroad . at Northeast. Pa. Three
men were killed, seven others were
Injured and probably 26 were cut and
bruised. The dead were foreigners re
turning to their homes in Europe.
According to the account of Dersons
aDoara tne relief train sent from here,
no. 10, from Chicago for New York
had not made the siding at Northeast
in time to give clearance for the ap
proach of the nyer. A stop had been
made at Northeast, delaying the train.
Tne rear coach of No. 10, smoker.
was splintered , by the heavy . engine
nauung. tne Twentieth Century train.
ine DreaKdown or the engine on an
earlier train, ft' Is learned, caused No.
10 to be .stopped in block at North
east When the Twentieth Century
came along efforts to bring It to a
standstill were not successful. .
. Relief trains were rushed from Erie
and. Conneaut, Ohio, with nurses and
physicians. Hospitals at both places
were prepared to take care of anv in
jured persons. At :40 thla moraine
a relief train arrived bearing the mutl-
taiea oodles or three Italians and seven
persons severely Injured.
A billiard was largely responsible for
th wreck. It prevented th enrlneer
of the Limited from seeing the other
train s Jignts until too late to avoid
collision. Furthermore, the rails were
coated with sleet, which gsad It tm-l
: '
possible to stop the train In the usual
The dead are:
ANTON LUND. 19 years old. Hollv-
vllle, Cal., en route to Copenhagen, Denl
JOHN CLAIR, . 45 years old, Cedar
Point, Kan., en route to France.
FRANCIS BERNARD, 33 years old.
Cedar Point, Kan., en route to France,
list of Injured persons.
The following partial list of Injured
persons was given out:
W. E. Burr, New York; bruised.
Clayton Chapman. Elyria, Ohio: rib
E. L. Clogeson, Jamaica Plains. Mass,
leg fractured, hands cut
Frank F. Cook, Green Bay, Wis.; legs
cut, ribs fractured.
L. Eleale, Cincinnati; slightly bruised
T. J. Haddlng. Cleveland: head
bruised. . .
Mrs. Edna Losluf. New York city
bead bruised.
" -T
Coroner's Jury Recommends
Investigation of Action
of the Boat's Crew.
M. Masters, Cincinnati; head brulsed.i'he watchman was at that time.
r-t - n . . . ... ... I 1llf-v ttrnt Intn - .ar-r, . . . . .
George F. McEnaarle, Indian Harbor.
Conn.; slltrhtly bruised.
W. I McFadden, 306 Purney street
Burraio; left - shoulder broken.
A. H. Whitney. Dunkirk, New York
spine injured, face cut
Unknown Italian, Slightly bruised.
persons aboard the Limited were
hardly aware that a collision had oc
curred, aa the engineer of the Flyer,
on seeing tne rear signal lights of No.
10, applied emergency brakes in time
to avoid damage to his train except
for the destruction of the pilot and
headlight of the engine. Traffic was
delayed about two hour.
rVPt4 Pran t mi WW 1
Spokane, Wash.. Dec 14. Th rovera-
ment officials who bar been conduct-
In the inquiry here Into the Ctoanla--ham
coal land entrle la Alaska, left
today for Washington. The hearlnr
are t t rreumed after th bolldar.
rot)c to Um call of Special Commis
sioner w. J. McOe It waa aenoune4
today that th bearhna- would probably
be reaunsed Hrst at Cleveland. Ohio, and
later wold be taken up st Minneapolis
Ta at w tot city.
Tbe e-ri'tence taken la Ppofcane plaeea
be eJ entries to sarb a tXMltios that
If the g-eserml land efrire olre t
mak trrmbl for th claimant, caanr
!alm -aa be r'er-teA. U Js nnt b-e-
r4. hiTr, that th lasd fflc ls-le-v"
(? 4 O'a -
l--teTre4 f-tators wfc tav
followed tb hearing closely believe thst
th claim, made ia tbe beginning. tht
th entry men wer dummies rcpreaentlnf
tne uuggenhetms. has, been disproved by
the testimony.
Tb Investigation .has been somewhat
restricted In cop. Although partner-
snip arrangements are said to have ex
isted arfectln tbe original entries and
the development of clalma. all th claim
ants profes to hold claims for their
wa Individual benefit -
Ei-Oovernor Mile C Monre of Walla
WaJla. said today that hll some la
dlsrretloos m'rht b chirred aaalnst
om of tbe rlalmarta. their s-nod lr
teotione bad b-e show and thst fc
thoucht patents would be Isroed.
CTarrnc Cvoclrgham conevrred la ttls
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Rainier, Or., Dec. 14. An investiga
tion by the grand jury of the action of
the officers and crew of the steamer
Lurllne in connection with the 'over
turning of the launch Hendtickson and
the Drowning of four persons was yes
terday recommended by the Jury called
by Coroner Frank H. Sherwood of Co
lumbia county.
The survivors of the boat accident
testified that the steamer Lurllne passed
within, .about 600 yards from where
they were struggling In the water,
shortly after the accident occurred; that
they yelled for help and that the steam
er Lurllne threw its searchlight upoa
them, but did not stop to pick them up.
Captain Johnson and Pilot Charleston
of the Lurllne testified that they were
cnanging reliefs and did not bear or
aee Anything-of the accident. They also
testified that they did not know where
Jury went into secret session
brought In the following verdict:
"That the four of the party of aeven
met their death by reason of drowning
ana exposure, caused by the upsetting
of a boat on the Columbia river on Bun
day morning. And we aa the jury rec
ommend as follows:
That, the actions of the officers and
crew of the steamer Lurllne In regard
to thiavaccident be investigated by tbe
grand Jury, and we alst' recommend
that It Is our opinion that It Is the
duty of. the grand Jury to Investigate
the qualification of Amos Card as to
his running a boat on the Columbia
river filled with passengers."
Th body of Lee Barbour waa sent
to Mayger last night ror burial. Tha
bodies of Bel ma and Anna Hendrlckson
wer sent to Qulney this morning. Tbe
body of Waud ia still at the
morgue pending Instructions from rel
atives at Aberdeen.
Tliey Sign Petition Address
ed to the Executive Board
Asking Why They Are
Not Given Same Privileges
Enjoyed by Superiors.
fSpertM HstO The JaanaLt
i ouaa. tasn, uec 11. Tne scran
oei seen nenrr. carter and the countv
commissioner, relative to tbe turning
oown er a jibs cost bill presented by
tb her1ff. for expenses Incurred la
obtaining evidence against Illicit boose
seller. Is still . on. tb commissioners
Standing pat their refusal to allow
th blLL Tb sheriff, however, baa
bee reen forced by th Partners' anion,
which passed a ra n I atoua resoratloa
t- county - meeting, requesting tbe
bord "to stand behind and support our
herlff la his efforts t break Bp horse
teallng and boot Wring In Whitman
county, and wo further eejnet that
bey offer reward of lie for evl-
den" leadlrg t the arrrat and cihtIis
tlon tt any horse tblef operating ta tbe
eouBty." .
Wnat riremea Want,
The firemen's wants may b
briefly summed as follows:
Systematic exercise such as Is
provided by a drill towe to In?
crease fire fighting efficiency.
One hundred and twenty-four
hours work a week instead of 136
aa at present. '
Some means of making men on
watch comfortable, such aa would
be provided by a stove in quar
ters now absolutely without beat
of any kind.
Ventilation for sleeping apart
ments, and repairs to the roofs
mo that rain will rfot aoak tha
beds as at present
More recognition of their
rights aa American cltlsens to
peak their wants plainly In
stead of being threatened with
loss of their positions; also a
discontinuance of alleged favorit
ism. . Pay for firemen incapacitated
for service by Injuries received
at flrea. Instead - of having the
pay atoppod and the firemen pay
th cost of ear for their own
Injured a"rdtng to present system.
Nearly all tb member of the fire de
partment have Indorsed and signed a
petition asking better treatment, whlca
baa been submit ted to th execntlve
board. With tbe petition they have filed
a number of Informal but to them none
th lea aeriott guectton.
Tbo first o.sevOon reads:
-War t It that Mayor gin said tbe
firemen were very core fori W wkea
the very next day the men had to et
bucket B round the aleeptng rsoma to
ratrh tb water that leaked throngs the
.fT" Again:.
Way Is It that hea a battalion chief
ml see bos he Is not fixed, or even
brwognt np on 'the carpet wbea tie ftro-
Vessel Ashore Near Fort
Burwell, Ont., Burns Sig
naIsL-oi JMttss
(United Press Leased W!r.V
Fort Burwell, Ont., Dec. 14. The car
ferry Ashtabula grounded on the shoals
off this point at noon today and is fly
ing signals of distress. A high wind
Is blowing and it Is Impossible to get
boats from the shore to her aid.
The crew from the life-saving station
at Port Stanley la being rushed here
by special train. They are bringing
their boats with them.
Heavy seas are breaking over the
stranded ferry, and there Is grave dan
ger that she will go to piecea before
the arrival of the life savers. The num
ber of persons on board the apparently
doomed craft ia not known.
neelal Plana teh te Toe Journal. I
4 - Walla Walla. Wash.. Dec 14.
4 Her cemetery filled. Walla Walla
f faces a shortage of burying
4 space, and tne city council to-
d night will consider some plan to
d - enlarge the present cemetery.
d Several offer hav been made -to
4 supply land, some adjoining the
4 cemetery, but the price on all has,
4 been prohibitive. There are less
4 than a dosen lots left In th cera-
4 etery at present
(Halted Press Leased Wire.)
Brussels, Dec. 14. An official bul
letin issued at 11-o'clock this morning
stated that King' Leopold had been
operated upon Successfully ' by Drs.
Thlrlard, Stlenon and Delage. The
operation was performed at 1 o'clock
tnis morning.
According to the statement of one of
the physicians, the king has a bare
chance of recovery. This hope is based'
upon the fact that the Intestinal ob
structions 'which are ;' supposed to have .
been the source of fTie ntotiarch' illness
wer removed. No trace of a tumor, U
was stated, was found.;;.
' Physicians Had ruttl Hop.
Th king had rested well early in th
night, and when the physicians awak
ened him -to prepare for the operation.
he faced the .ordeal bravely.;.. Not until
the attendants started to administer ttio
anaesthetic did he exhibit any signs of
nervousness or fear. At this juncture.
however, the physicians were compellei
to assure him that the operation was
not usually considered dangerous. They
actually feared, it was stated later, lie
would not survive the -attending shock.
Princess -Clementine." Leopold's fa.
vorlte daughter, Insisted, upon remaining
in th room while ; the operation wa s
performed. , She bore up bravely until
the surgeons had finished their ask. As
she left the room she" swooned.
Reported to Be Penitent.
In spite of the cheerful predictions of
tphylrB-ttWTTnB"SThjf 'Has" tr fair ' "
chance to recover, the .public generally
believes h will never leave the "Palms"
pavilion, near the deserted castle, whicti
he has occupied since he sold the royal
furniture and works - of art. The
"Palms' Is the house of the Baroness
Vaughan, whose alleged relations with,
Leopold have furnished material for a
scandal that has been on the Hps of
Belgians for years. .The baroness yes
terday withdrew from tbe house, at the
request of Cardinal MercZer, who admin
Istered the last sacrament to the king.
It was reported today that when Leo
pold believed himself to be dying he
expressed regret 'concerning 'the course
he has pursued, in the Congo and de
clared that if he survived his Illness he
would make amends to his African sub
jects for. the. cruelties that marked his
fnrited rrms tssned Wlrs.1l
Oakland. CaL. Dec 13. John S. De-
lancey, attorney for former public Ad
ministrator George Grays, was sen
tenced today to serve six yearn- a th
Ban Wuentln penitentiary. Detancey
was found guilty of embeasjemeat while
serving a attorney t tha adminis
trator. II was accused of stealing lit,-
eo from the estate f the late John
Hite Cook.
Figures Announced Today
by County Clerk '-'Are
County Clerk Fields this morning
filed In th city auditor's office a state-,
ment showing th value of all taxable
property in the city of Portland to be
tlll.M7.54S. Thla la . an Increaae of
Slf-.171.415. over last year's . flgurp.
which wer f 21M2M19. ,
Th f1v-mlll levy filed by ilavor
Simon thla year will therefore bring
Into the city treasury for fh nmlntf-
nance of various municipal deprtm-it s
the sum Of $1,15.SS7.JI. Besides ti.
amount t hers will be nearly i0 -
available from the general fund, so t -t
tbe city will hav more than a mli)!" i
and a balf dollars to pay exrnae w :i
during th coming year.
trafted rren Lease W1.t
Mlseola. L. I), it. Through At
torney Mcintyre, bis rwwnsel, WUIlam
Ooald Brokaw. tn snfltlonalrf wheat
wtfe Is swing hlra for divwrco and ask
ing allTwoey of f with aa ad !Hln
ai monthly stipend f See, yeseerdar
rbargd In mart that tb Suit was ha
siltsieJ w er y to extort money frm
ftim. MdS'jre lftsinwate that If the
money demarded aa I the at It
wrrs paid tao art lea wcatJ b dropped
Ttls rYimrf wss braed s atterr
e?eude4 I jr Att ry P,-Jw;s, fvr
ptalntilf. H 8eMed t. (he f.
between Brokaw and hi' wif- a 1a
and brttr had beim s- h'.wr
the msrrUge of ti r- r le !-!
feared It wcmj'4 rrault in -. i
. I'ndtr f"timlri't!- '- I; i
today tsred her I -t a1!
iha tailed 't a .-!.. 1 -
Bt Had tatd flaw ; 1 i
qvt and sf!rM t ' - -
hd e-1 M.jlr-1 t' . . f ! - r
S ber t ) 1 --
deire,t .C 'li -
"t-e a .- a t -! - - t '
tCoRt'RB4 Tags rrj