The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 13, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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i in j mi i in. ii i i mil r mi Hi
Tovn Topics j
Bltteenth and Northrun Btreete. Mr
lillj Noilhrup fell .to th pavement, in
which aha suatalnad several brulaea.
Ml was taken home. .
Bungalow i...,Th Man of th Hour."
Haker..... '1'Ua Land of No. .'
Orplieum Vaudevl lie.
Orai.d ............. Vaudev a.
l'antaaea Vaudeville.
filar............ Moving i'iutures.
i . " ' ! " -
Dr. Walter X. Howard, modern Electro-
Therapy, jot-l Rothehlld building.
Dr. Calvin Walt, ISS-IOI nkum
Duiiding. J'hon Main 110, A-llla,
Sa, Xayaaa, optidaa. Marquam bldf.
To Ylslt Rick Pastors H. D. Kimball,
dean of th Collet of Thotoy, was
unablo to ba present at the ..Methodist
' ministers' maatlng thla morning to road
hta paper on Prevailing Theories of th
Atonement." In his abaenc moat
reliant naner on' "Savanarola" wae sub
stituted by Vr. B. J. Hoadley, who bad
prepared. It while in th deaert for reat
. last summer, Previous to the reading.
' of the paper th reporta of a number of
, committees war heard ana ower rou
tine business transacted, t Through th
'decision: to send various pastors to
visit Bv. Mr. Kowler, who la 111 at th
Portland sanitarium, It was decided to
i appoint standing committe ' to visit
' sick pastors. It was also decided to
send a supply to Forest Grov sVery
, other Sunday If it be In accord with th
wishes of th district superintendent .
ettlement of - Death Claba County
Judge Webater this morning approved
the aettlement f a claim for damages
against th Portland Railway, Light V
Power company for the death of -Mrs. 1
Mary Brown for 4S0. Thes terms
wer. acoeptabl to Paul Brown, hue
band of the deceased and administrator
of her estate. Mrs. Brown was killed
on September 15. when she accompanied
a friend to a car. When her friend waa
aboard ah crossed the . track and was
hit by another car oomlng in th oppo
site direction on th other track. , v
i..j,,...,.,,,,. . . ...
"Man of the- Hour" at rtuncaJow.
Th attraction at the' Bungalow thea
tre tonight at 8:15 o'clock and contlnu
Ing th following two nlghta. with 1
apeclal price matinee next Wednesday,
wiu be th famous "American drama,
-n Man or tn Hour." . f,
Kendall Seat Bale Oixns Tomorrow.
The advance seat sale will open to
morrow at 10 a. m. Tor Ear Kendall at
th box offlc of the Bungalow theatr.
Jims famous and favorite American
comedian will present hta comedy suc
cess, "Th Vinegar Buyer" for thre
nights, beginning Thursday,. December
is, witn a special nrlo matinee Satur.
day, t v , ...... , ..- :, ..
Will of SCrs. SC. A. andall By th
will of Mrs. Hester A. HandaH, filed
for probata today, Edith M. Davis of
Portland, her daughter, la bequeathed
all of the real estate, valued at 14260.
The personal property, placed at I1B0O
In value, is dlvded equally between Car
rie B. Sea of Alameda, Cal., a daugh
ter, and Charlea K. Bandall of Los An
geles, a son, except 1100 given to
George ; R. Parker of Aurora, Ind., a
brother, and $60 to a friend, Mrs.' Belle
Brown of Th Dalles.
The Land of Nod" at Baker.
Th famous musical 'extra varansa.
"To Land of Nod." opened to Backed
houses at th Baker yesterday for th
week, with usual bargain matin
Wednesday. Th scenlo and costume
adjunots this season are upon a ecale
or rare magnificence. , , ,1
X.o tared for TUrtlag For flirting
with a soldier on the streets, Ludla
LeBerg, II- years old," 755 East Oak
street and Jessie SantelL 18 years old,
428 East Forty-eighth street, were taken
to th police station Sunday midnight,
and given a sever lecture by Captain
s Baty. special Officer C. R. Orlssin
apprehended the girls flirting with the
soldier, who Was on- his way to Van
couver. The girls said" they had been
to th skating rink. After the lecture,
.they ware directed to go home.
ran Snatched on Street As Mrs. J,
M. Cahlll. 255 Fifth street was walking
along Fifteenth street last evening her
purse was snatched by a bold thief.
The purse contained $35. She was alone
at th time,. Two men walked behind
her for some .distance, and in passing
around her grabbed the purse and ran.
They were not apprehended.
Aooused of Porgery Fred L. Whit
well, a bill poster, who is accused of
forging the name of an advertising
firm to checks in San Francisco, was
taken to Vallejo last night by Chief
of Police Stand ford of that place. The
check upon which he is charged Is for
$36, but several 1 other checks will bo
used against him lr hi trial.
, . - ,
Disorderly Conduct Cbara-ed w. 3,
Bowman and wife, having apartments
at the Gladstone, Fifteenth and Savler
streets, have been arrested on a charge
of disorderly conduct. Bowman la ac
cused of Inducing his wife to lead an
"immoral life. The case will be heard
Tuesday in municipal court
PanUges Offers Double Topllners.
Two of th finest acts in vaudeville
will topx th bill at'Pantages all week,
eommenclng with th matinee this after
noon. Th ' great Florena troupe,
Europe's most famous society arrobatk
organisation, and the four American
gypsy girl are two acts Internationally
renowned. Other fine, acts round the
bill Into on of surpassing excellence.
- Star's Three Big Features. ,
, The Star's new bill yesterday con
tained three unusual features, a 'bio-'
graph picture, "Th Indian's Wronars":
th appearance of Marl Stewart Dodd.
a very fine violinist, and the first en
gagement of Cy Confer, a balladlat
of extraordinary power and acknow
ledged popularity.
'V- Revolving Ladder. (
Upon a revolving ladder,. Which
whirls around at high speed, two daring
acrobats, Delmore and . Lee, perform
feats. This is the feature act oh the
new vaudeville program which opens to
day at the Grand. It is one of the
many features which Sullivan A. Consl
dlne are sending this week.
"TO aJ . Mr. and Mrs. Thaodor B. Wi'looa
Tv . - -nT. r tomorrow for New York to s
New Bill Today at Orphenm.
Today is December IS, and it is lucky
because Alice Lloyd, considered Eng
land's cleverest and most dainty sing
ing comedienne la on the bill at the
Orpheum. The new bill opens this aft
ernoon, and for a delightful variety of
treat feature acts, be sure and see this
at.l um l hitiM at Tka foarnil.
nowH ajiw j..u o saiwi iu
tXou U Won 10 e'rlock Is U swrainc.i
Mlia Flora Mason and Mtas Jeanette
Dawaon of Albany, ar gueata of Mies
Mason's niece. Miss Carolyn cannon, at
bar bona,; $$0 North Twenty-rourin
Klmer Pain of Eugen spent Sunday
with collar friends in Portland. Mr,
Pain was prominent in track atftletles
during bis student days at u uni
versity of Oregon.
Mrs. H. a Holland hai returned from
a several weeks' visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ralph Olover, in Salem.
. -1
Mra. BL Z. Ferguson and her sister,
Mlas Jeanett Orlmes of Alaaka, were
the cueats of Mr. and Mrs. 3, N. Grif
fin In Astoria last week.. '
Mrs. M. A. Kinney has ,returned horn
from Th Dalles, where she visited
hr daughter, Mrs. Boy Fleck. . ...
" ..'
Miss D. M. English left lakt night
for New York. She wtU be away a
month or six weeka . .
W. Gifford Nash gav an Informal af
fair yesterday afternoon at his studio
In Washington' street, to which a couple
of dosen friends wer asked. Miss Osl
Bartlett played a group of modern Bus
slan compositions In a delightful man
ner. And the Misses Erma and Evelyn
Ewart aave a new Debussey number.
Th well known hospitality, whioh mak
Invitations to these studio parties much
sought, was In evidence, and heightened
th pleasure of the guests.
- . ' . ' .'''
Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison will give
a reception to the parishioners of Trin
ity church and their friends at th new
rectory this evening, from 8 until 11.
The afafir will be in the nature of a
house warming, and will commemorate
the tenth anniversary of Dr. and Mrs.
Morrison's arrival In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gravely of Carlton
are guests of Mrs. Gravely's sister, Misa
Bess Allen, on East Washington street.)
The New York State Society of Ore
gon will hold Its regular monthly meet-1
lng tomorrow evening at the home of;
Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Falling, Eleventh
and Main streets. An interesting pro
gram will be given and refreshments
aarvad. AU New Yorkers, either real,
dents r visitors, ar invited ta b prea
ent, - ,
Christmas with their daughter, Mlas
Clair Wilcox, who has been at a smart
rmiahlng school on Fifth avenue sine
" ".'- '1 !
Th O. E. S. girls will give a dane
Ing party Thuraday of thla week at th
Waaonlo temple. This rtv waa to
hav been given last Monday, but on
account of the stormy weather was
postponed until next Thuraday, Decem
ber 11. The j committee on arrange
ment is composed of Mlas Joaaphln
mapieion, Mlas Eleanor Menefee, Miss
nenmeer and Miss Mabel Becket
, , ' ''
Th friends of Mlas Ann Ditchbum
will be glad to hear of th many trl
umphs of that charming young song
stress ana actress, as Mlas Anna Swln
burn, she Is touring the south with Th
Climax.': and la everywhere receiving
splendid press notloea Recently la
Parkersburg, W. Vs.. ah sang for the
Elks' memorial service, and the follow
ing notlo appeared In th Parkereburar
Journal: "Miss Ann Swlnburn, th
beautiful and accomplished member of
The Climax oompany. exoeeded all ex
pectations Mt bar solo, 'Art Maria.'
Miss Swlnburn has a vole unsurpassed
In power, beauty and range, and has
with It a graelousneae of manner that
faaclnatea. All eyes war rlvtd on
her sa ah aang and every ear waa
trained to catch the mualo that flowed
from bar soul. At the eonolualon of her
song, th audlene involuntarily ap
plauded. Thoee who Ilk aong couldn't Th peopU-of Iarkraburg will
never forget Misa Swlnburn. and they
wUK all turn .out to ae her. If ah
visits this town again." Mlas Swln
burn waa also invited to sing at church
by th Kpiacopal mlnleter and his wife
In Parkersburg, Sh waa given a couple
of days' rest, while her understudy
played her rol la Th Climax,; and
it waa during thla time that ah sang
at the Elks' memorial servlo. Miss
Swlnburn will play Cleveland. Ohio, dur
ing Christmas week. She Is a striking
brunette, with unusual dramatic talent,
and a charming vol?, to aay nothing
of her captivating personality, and, it
is not wondered at that her audiences
should Instantly fan a victim to her
many charms.
aaleep Saturday night H recently cam j Vi i'lUum and Vm-iur; t-.;; .
from lioulton, llHUra A Horn;
waa flexed 'out of $1 Sunday morning l7,,4,,?,,,''.;,' J':'' i 1 "
by a ahort-chang. thief He offered $10 T K ' W .-I' Kifr i r t,..,..
In payment for an article, and after r- dwaiiine, ij tit.,..! axun. !,,(... ,
reiving the change found the correct ktorrUort and
change in bis pocket and asked fur 4bJ atout; $too.
$1. In th deal he waa II ahead.
Ihlmoiit; buliiHr, J
UUiMi'UlU AmMHU I La Grand. Ur., lJc 1J aiale
While In a local meat market Satur
day evening, C M. , Martin. Ill Dover
treat, got his pocket rifled of 111.
J. a Hard wick, rooming at II First
street, lost v 111 from his room while
lry Mutemrot Laumhrd.
(..-! I fl-Ktch t The !" I
waa launched In matt-iti
Orejton yeaterday when Rev. Knoldl .f
f n n tkit -1. a 1 ...... i ..
Mint uuimini vaiulMB, Hiiuiiint in a rllv .rnniM.nil, . nnn.n ...I,.
S70BO, war laauea oy ne dhoh I . rirl ny jh peocta toward th aiai
apeotor aa xowowa; s 1 wine movement.
cl W. Booat liepair two awry one
store, 101 North Third street. btwen
Flanders and Ollsan: builder, C H.
Beard: $100.
R. I Craig Erect one and one half
story rrame dwelling, fcaat Maaiaon
atreetr between Eaat Forty-alxth and
Kl rorty-eevenin; Duiiaer, u, v
Htanlev: 13000.
A. d. Bohans Erect one etorr frame
dwelling, Suoth Terrace, between Hamil
ton avenue and uancron; ounaer, same;
P. L. Reed Erect one atbry frame
itwunintr. East Tfilrtr-aeventn strt.
between Grant and Avon; builder, same;
$1100. V
p. Lv Reed Erect on story frame
Awelllnar. East Thlrty-aevent h street
between Grant and Avon; builder, earn;
j MiLinniii 1 1
Exclusiva Portland Agents for
Concert This Evening.
The regular weekly eonoert will be
given at the Seamen's Friend Society
Institute, Third and Flanders streets.
this evening. The concert will begin at
8 o'clock. A good program will be ren
dered, and all friends are Invited.
Make your friends happy by presenting
them with a pair of Rubenstein's speo
tacles. We will test and fit the re
cipient's eyes perfectly, comfortably,
without extra charge. Solid gold spec
tacles from $5 and up. George Ruben
Stein, optometrist, 189 Third street, op
posite Baker theatre.
Learn to Roller Skate To-
v night.
Roller skating for the health. A
clean, wholesome exercise, enjoyed by
hundreds every afternoon and evening.
At Exposition Skating Rink, Nineteenth
and Washington streets. Three sessions
Minor In Poolroom E. P. Marcher. I dallv. morninB-. afternoon and evenlnar.
elppl avenue, was arrested yesterday
evening for Allowing Robert Earl, a
minor, in his place. The later lives
at 840 Montana avenue. Luther Nor- j
ton, anotner minor, was aiso arrested
for playing pool,
Mra, tfack Ellerby Paroled.
'SDediil DlaDatsh to TH Journal.
Marsh field, Or., . Dec. 13. Mrs. Jack
Ellerby, who waa indicted or burglary
at Empire, will escape Imprisonment
She pleaded guilty in the circuit court
Saturday and . waa sentenced to four
years irf the penitentiary, but Judge
Coke paroled her during good behavior.
Mrs. Ellerby was out on $500 bonds,
ran away and was arrested in Astoria.
vv ilb-vs ine inrBJvai. una una KrBaei
assortment in tne city, au tne newest
Ideas in Dlrectolre handles.
Good, fast color. English Gloria
Paragon frame SI, OO'
Rustproof English Gloria, finest
frame . ...81.50'
Hercules rust and wlndproof. . . -S2.00 j
gold and pearl tape
Gloria .,,,.........83.50
rir Prom Water Heater Fire was
discovered Sunday morning In the Nob
Hill barber Shop. - Sixteenth and Wash
lngton streets. The blaze had started
from a water heater, which had been
left burning. The damage . was $20,
Steamer Jeasle Harkins, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, daily x
Cfept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at a p. in. "
Xcffart's" pur gold seamless wed
ding rings, all sizes, engraving free;
price, $5 to $1$. 27t Washington at.
7amS Oajrrlck ft Co., the house mov
ers; removed to 110 East Water street.
Thon East 4427. t
W. A. Wis ana associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Falls from Streetcar While alight
ing from a streetcar Saturday night at
time. Learn to roller skate now.
Many wild geese in the grain fields
around Eugene, but they are wary and
not many can be killed.
edge, silk
Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria 81.50
An lmmenae line of fine Ladles'
and Genta' 85.00 up
Fine presentation Umbrellas up
to ....SJfO.OO
- 1
All roods our own manufacture. Rust-.
proof, wlndproof, folding, detachable.
aeir-opening umDretias,
Exclusively Umbrellas.
SIS Washington, Bet. 5th and 6th.
E. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
".' t,HiMaiie
First aqd Oak
150. .ISSSqtfe'.
To Be Sacrificed
Buy Your Piano Now
For pood and sufficient reason, best known to ourselves, we htv
concluded to dispose of 150 pitnos, at a small margin above factory
cost. This, as you will realize, comes at an opportune time, as it
helps in a large way to solve the .Christmas problem. )Ve can as
sure, you that if you axe in the market for a piano, you cannot
afford to. overlook this great opportunity to secure a high-grade
piano at a low price. For the convenience of those who, cannot
call during the day the store will be open evenings. You will find
pianos ranging from $168 op, and all sold on our easy payment
106 Fifth Street, Next to Petldng Hotel.
i'i'JiMi; -lv t.
oxomaa wxxmwonTK, ar rumi Ag, o oorwtt mauia.
Mala Ml. BULLETIN (101) A-ltll
TW BCTTOrC Or illll aJSWT.y-lM mU VHT XoaarastaM aad
K'e har seea that Wall atrt la th mart ft traat Inveataamts (arrr1ng
necaaflv Nw dividend or Internal rate, a t'mpormtjr depoaitorjr for
nrplus ra.ltal. vhllat It owners mor profitable taveaUnent. A eata
ter for th ajwviletnr (ahum we mv right her elaaolff aa a gambler pur
and sfmpl. aa hie lavement of vaiue and prebabiHti are. bcw.T.r anund,
at at fwoaM ty th rr antpulatlTa laretr. ad a field In which th manlr-
kafr of million plai a th tmf gam capable of aatiafjlng nia craving
for er1tment atd power. ,
Hr ran!fatlv l ft th ftld for th man r men akne fe w1a
tfc t'.txm f fnrttin bv t eT rt hreent end skill. fkrrnriM tr
f!") bwr Kar hwi fiaag t tlieir , fuiieet pneMibl tt- luraaa
at vaaUk at mn throh rater4 tjK-twieta of vlx. - ibt ta-.t-e-newt.
bn t"tW'. a iawaat4 yaar ta ataaaet . f Ma trvitUm,
Oaia r Krufc thrrfnr, or f m- the H or th fail ef the tf k dmlt
In. JL a tf-t-mf f.,ftn(l'. ! rtitt, wt ft natural rur. Vat f artlft- .
at ataat ta . th a-n ta r a t4 a-.ift r prwt. r ta vhn r;e'
' --d -TVe- la tnat mm Tm-w-J far taa aaaalj
lW ta Waa trw COHfUlll aliOllTTtl CesUsaaa .
".rT-r-. - , I
T5)t One est' (gift
N EVERY GIFT OCCASION, from the dawn of the year to its close,
there is nothing more appropriate than a useful fountain pen. 1 low
ers, candies and ornaments of charm all have their time and place,
but the Fountain Pen is the one article among the staples of the
worHd that is favored, both by the giver and the one who receives.
Other gifts have their limitations, but the Fountain Pen is always appro
priate, regardless of the age or sex of the receiver or the meaning and purpose
of the gift.
The price of the most inexpensive king is so low that it makes the cheapest
good Christmas present you can give, while the finer and more ornamental
kinds you can pay almpst anything you would pay for a Christmas gift.
rfere are some suggestions well worth your while perusing
for men. women, misses- and chil-
Hiil XZ?xlJF3,??rl.?-&x s"urnteed to wear six months.
nlckelodion, 28S Kussell street, between
Special Holiday PacKages
now in. stock make a nice and ac
ceptable gift. ,
MEN'S HOSE, box of CI
6 pairs, for .tPXell ,
6 pairs, for VaeUl
6 pairs, for ............. ; V(iUU
HOSE, box of 6 pairs.
6 pairs, for . . . . . . vJU U
Mail orders promptly filled and de
livered free everywhere. .
Tor Bookkeepers No. IS. Convenient
else holder, with sDeclal gold ben that is
Just fine and stiff enough to keep a unt-.
form and well-written Bet of books. No
blots or continuous dipping of the pen.
CUP on cap. Price $6.25 (with dip).
Tor alesanea No. 14. Manifolding Gold
Pens in standard slxe holders. Makes
original copy In ink and fine clear dupli
cates. Clip on' cap. (Always ready to
write an order.) Price 14.25 (with clip);
also in smaller sires and gold or silver
For Jjodg- or Fraternity Members Ap-
rroprlate emblematic mountings on No.
4 holders, with pen points of every de
gree. College emblems a specialty. Tale
No. 14if Price $12.00.
Chatelaine Pea for X,adlea No. 12 O. M.
Chatelaine. A convenient style that
may be carried hanging pendant from a
neat litle fleur-de-lys gold pin. Price
16.00, including pin.
Gold Covered Olfts The gold and stiver -mounted
styles of Waterman's Ideals are
the most beautiful and useful gifts you
can-select. One may be used for & life
time. The hall-mark of refined giving.
Majestic Pattern: No. 0512, gold filled,
$15.00; No. 614, solid gold, 156.00.
Christmas Set Combining in a hand
some grained leather case, with velvet
lining, any pen you may select. Com
partment for ink filler and other acces
sories. Case, separate, $2.50; also made
in leatherette, price $1.26.
Tor th library Desk Secretary Pen
No. 12 H- A small Do Luxe style for
ladles. Price $3.60.
To Vs with Pocket Kama. Boole Check
Book Pen. A perfect pen in miniature,
8H inches long. Price $2.60,
Vooket Or Purs Kemo. Bet Check Book
Pen and Leather Cover, Loose Leaf Book
(leather Index), combined. Complete,
A Travelers' Pen No. 414 Safety.
be carried in any position in coat pocket
vug or irunK, ana cannot spill.
by the cap. Price $7.00.
ladies' Purse Pen No. 12V Safety. Can
be carried, filled with ink, lying flat in
the purse and cannot spill or leak. The
Shopping Pen. Price $8.00.
Por Business Xa No. 414. The Stand,
ard Waterman's Ideal with sterling sli
ver mounting and clip on cap. Will last
a lifetime. Price $7.60 (with clip);
. smaller size, $5,60.
Por School Boys No. 12. The Standard
Waterman's Ideal, in plain style, with
clipon cap to prevent loss and damage.
Price $2.75 (with clip); with gold bands.
$1;00 extra. -Por
Stenographers No, 14. A useful
slse, with special gold pen made particu
larly for stenographic writing, and clip
on cap, (Used by court stenographers
everywhere as a convenience and time
saver.) Price $4.25 (with clip) ; smaller
size, $2.75. Gold bands, $1.00 extra.
fcv XT rs ,aCTtis-t
nr 1
ill Co
Booksellers "Dlje 36eol (Bift Store Stationers
lOnt ef Iowa people
lean hara ttaalr plin
!na Dnasawors, sa.
Vi.haa ta oa On
tt nM iroaBMS mnuaa
i Wa will a ia ma a rool
322k golf ar bow
crawi for $3.51
Islar Cieass 6.C J
Geld Fililnga ' I.C'l
EsmmI Fininta IC)
8ilw Fillings. " ' .53
Inlay Fllllnw 2.1 J
flood Rubber
PlatN O.bJ
Beit R'i Rub m -
lor Flats 7.5 J
Filrlat Extr'Iloa .0
Palnleaa Extraotinn ?ee whan platea or bridge wortc
! ordered. Gonmltatioa Free. Yon cannot gnt huc
palnleaa irork dona anjrwaer. Auwni niuy fii
siutoad. Modaaa alactria aqalpmaat. Beat ruotauu,
Wise Bental Ce.
OVM0SB0TOJ: a A.1L W Sf.aU aaOaya, te.
XTnlted States and Poreiga GrklH
Procured. Defended and OOIU
tooJrtoa. cat, . ?i .
U.V.UV... V. ... .a U1V.VUSII. 'JJIOUIIUH .
course in law; no time lost from regu
lar occupation: recitations evenlns-a.
Terms low. Business office 115 Com
monwealth bldg. M. Morehead. secretary.
Bungalow Theatre
12th and Morrison.
Phones: Main 117 and A-4224.
Tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday. '
Special Price Matinee Wednesday.
Win. A. Brady and Joseph K. Grlsmer
present the famous American drama
" The Man of the Hour "
.EXCT'n&g HAO .t,o,.50.c;..MalJnee tl. tp.A0c
Main 2, A 63S0
Geo. x,. Baker,
Tonight All Thla Week
The Grand Spectacular Kxtravaganaa,
Superb Scenery, Costumes and Effects.
See the BilUken Man, April Fool and
all the other famous characters. Beauti
ful Music. Bargain Matinee Wednesday.
Regular Matinee Saturday.
Next Week. "A Girl at the Helm.
. idAlar 6, A-loao.
IN BXatine Evarr Dav
wzxz op niciMBxa is.
This is Dec. 13th
We have just received several
shipments of High-Grade Sam
ple Shoes from Boston, among
the lines being the celebrated
Ziegler and Murray makes, and
many other lines of the best east
ern manufacturers, made up in
all leathers. Values $5.50 to $5.69.
This Is Your Lucky Day
' WHY?
Because You Can See
GRAND wssk or ssasicBza is
Im&bh tf cotton -Whlteaead-Crriersoa
- 3moBdvul
Ttnaay WsU
XaUUaa DaVoU
- Pred Bnr
Matinee everv dav. I:2i: any seat. 1 So.
i Evening perfonnaneea, T:S0, I:1S; bal
cony, lac; tower rioor, lac; oox seat a.
o. -
sL- AOTiacss varssnn!!.
Tn Florence Trovip. The lour Ameri
can Gnr Girl. Schrodea m tnarT'.
lVSn 'inJ r,iir VtftwrmrA mnA Ir1a. .
f Viacaya, Leo White, Pantag eacop.
: Pooolar Pr1ea Matlno Dally Curtain
I IS A. T and . -
Sample Stooe Sfiwe-
Wedneadav Enine.
. IVwmbar It. !a- i
Terr.pie. W a t at k
and Tamhill.'
Prlffi I! UII . t: '
300-304 DEKUM BLDG.
Xlilrd Flooor
Take Elevator
Manors Agent
Croup Is tftost jr alert durlea t
dry Fold weather f tN aar'.y '-'
tnontha rarer's ef ye ' :
kovld Ta rI red t-t It A ) f
ld I tU tt 0.1't-r:r
CotifH fWm4t, Vr ," 'a ,t
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