f I )I K 1) A 1 l V JOUKXA- lH Two Cents a Copy Bu mlay Journal 5 centss or IS rente week, tor UUy aud Sunday Jour nal, by carrier, delivered. ll - i i f ll ll t ' a i ii i Fi i i i r m m. ' h h .rx. -. iiiii ii ii ii i i iiii Fill. u . ll Tbe weather -Fair tonight, and TueiJay; Hfbt we8t win''. ! VOL. VIII. NO, 242. lIMSI DISMISSED BY : ' Court Declines to Hold for Trial .' Special Agent Ar--V - rested - by -Detect ive Joe v DayBronaugli to Probe .T;. Charge 'Against Newsboy. PORNdToECON, : MONDAY". EVENING, DECEMBER 13. I909-SIXTEEN PAGE3. , ,;V PRICE .. TW(V CENTS . nohert J. Maguire. arrested by De flective Joe ay foi Interfering with un officer . - waa . dismissed by Judge Bennett In " the municipal court this morning. Evidently the police authorl ilea do not believe there is , enough In th charge lo merit further investlga Hon. for Judge Bennett told Jtfagulre and United States District Attorney Mc- Cburt, who represented him, tnat 11 uay dealred to push the charge when he re turned he could file a .complaint, but that at the present time no action wouia he taken ; and , the , charge; filed would be dismissed. ; . , . . J , , u.min. ta ' the eovernment special agent arrested last .week by Joe Day for interfering wun mm While Day was beating up Harry Adler, a 16 year old newsboy, who was bein held 1 By me necK vy ' Not knowing that Day waa an officer, vi-.,i... ..uri . him why he waa mis- u.ii.u ttm iv whereuDon the detec tive einsed hlni roundly, called blm vile names, and wound up by taklnpr mm tr, h. iWtca station for lnterfarlng vith hlm . t .AdTfred Moy o CH). ,j This was done in ' the- face of the fact that Maguire advised the boy to go quietly with Day and to offer no resistance. Almost Immediately fol lowing the arrest Chief Cox. elated that w rii uthorltlea would. not! push th ease aaainst Maguire, ' practically admitting that Day ha made a mistake In his haaty action. , ' ) ) ) It ia probablo that the case againkt , o.iir U1 neve be revived. It Is iwt beMrvr!thatXy -Wi O til nitnf . nut th sDeouu ueni upuu mi . rf.iM.tivA'a- . return from Wisconsin, " where he was sen? after a prleoner.Un- Jess he'doea file a comprint (the case will ' lapse,: for, Maguire wlll not bring charges against Pay. It la believed, ow. : lng primarily to the. fact Uiat hia work takes him away- from the city so fre quently. M : -Svldeaoe la Sana. Should Day see fit to flla a complaint against Maqulre... however. . and bring him to trial there would be aometbing doing from the atari, as Maguire and McCourt; hia attorney, have been ajatn ering evidence regarding the assault on the boy. Harry Adler, and the language hurled at Maguire that would not make ' things look good for the detective. a. it i. nav la Inot yet out of thai '.ioa&a. for Judge Bronaugh, In charge or the juvenile court Vork, haa put the hearing of the chargea against Harry Adler, the newsboy, off until December U which will give Lay a euanra 10 turn to the city and make his appear ance as complaining: witnesa against the boy. ; While the police have decided not to press the charges against tne ooy, jnaga Bronaugh, who saw the cut and swollen face of the prisoner Boon after hia ar rest, has determined to go vo 101 doiiuoj pf the matter. v liamlre to Defend Bey. Maguire, who la an attorney, will de fend the boy when he is given a hearing before the juvenile court ' ' - - ' . , It hae been ascertained that Thomas Reed, an attorney. In the Oregonlan building, a-aa the person who visited the cltv attorney's office to get a complaint agalnat Day for obscene and abuatve language, v Keed saw the attack on th newsboy, and told Day not to beat the boy. For this he was cursed In the real Joe Day style, and so thoroughly that he asked City Attorney Kavanaugh for a complaint from the aistrtct attorneys office, inasmuch aa wouia xai uira th ht attorney to represent Day In any proceedings which he might be con nected wlth.-Reed dM otaecure the complaint from the ; district attorney, and It is believed thafha does not In tend to take further steps. 5 .- "Day has been roasted enough to show up the Incident," said Mr. Reed' thia morning, -apd I do not want to discuss what further steps I msy take. . I have been too busy tq give the matter further thought." V J - KING LEOPOLD DYING ThJs picture of King -Leopold. and .ThomB;F'.iI.yan ;was taken dur? .J lng Uysr tme Hie tractlort magnate wa entetuinrd bjr.h rubber .King, , (t nited Pren tl WHf.) Brussels, pea.' IS, King Leopold is dl'Jnav .oenrdtn..jta .aw, naouncemnt made by jone of his vbyalclana -early today, i It waa stated that the end waa approaching rapidly, and. that the aged monarch1 deatb.waa.a matter of but Tew nours. t . ' , Cardinal Mercler shortly before noon administered extreme .unction to the dy ing king-. According- to news coming from the ' palace,- Jbeopold realises- that the end la near. Prince Albert 'of Flanders,: helrv apparent. Is at the pal ace, ana la prepared to assume Im mediately the ' duties of administration that will - fall to him' on the ; death of hia royal uncle. " ' - According1 to Prince'' Alberts as1 the end approaches the king's usual .cyni cism baa -disappeared ; completely'..' His BLAMES WIFE FOR HIS DEATH e' JgeajsaaMsBBaaisasjsisBBjs Charles J. Paine of -Spokane a, Suicide Says His . . Wife Frivolous. ; ' rtl4 Prim Lrt Wirswl , epokaae, Wash, Dec. 11. Charles 3. Paine, av wealthy hardware man ef thta city, committed suicide as be lay In tod this morning by shooting blmself through the head. - In a note founl la aa ere rcoet pocket pa I aa declared hia wife wsa his laur 4rrer because ef her reronstancy. and ha4 wrecked life with her frtverHf ratee ad his wife had lired apart for some time, bat recently a recenciia tirm in effected.. Mrs. falae " drl'. .A aa ad Joining room Mi rooming whn eh. t4 ht. R iv"g ln er .ri( a rem. f"ni Mm !rwj. 7 vpTrae t t ' pel"" MMl ... . . f , ,L- Delegate, v Dissents ; From . Plan of 'Goverriraent ' ' by' Council. (Oolted Press Ud Wire.! i- Seattle, Deo. U.Judge Jamea Ickersham. delegate"1 to rcongreaa from Alaska, ia In Seattle today, having arrived on the ateajner Yucatan Sunday." He will remain here a'week'or-10 aaya Aak4 what be thought ? at , President Taft's proposal- to give Alaska an exec utive council, he aai:ne aiai.ot r ' vtih ' the nreeldent that'' an executive council would be'deslrable; for 'Alaska, or be responsive to ; the needs; of that great country.- -t ! :' "If the Aiaaicans neerve a i-i- la t Its body.", , said Wlekereham. "nhey be empowered te vote for the men tey want for that purpose. 'President Taf fa plan makes the council, appointive by the president, and of course the council vmiM t reenonslhle te - the president and Ita members would be-removable by aim. I nave no oouo wv. iram Tf t Is really desiroua or, responaing. In a wav. t the wishes of Alaskans to have a body with authority to. make the laws that will sympathetically meet conditions they believe should be cor rected. Only Alaskans acquainted wun authority to make laws that wlU sympa thetically meet conditions they believe hnnld be corrected. Tmly Ataakaae ac quainted with the situation can do this propertly. - . . ' ' ' ' " . am rirL. Mai ana an in. nmr giving Alaska? full territerlal powera. with a leglsUture of its own selecting. To be sure, Alaska hae no county or ganisations, .but trial is not mmoihi Per all prectical purpoeee the preeeet four Judicial divisions could be eonsld- rrl ao many ceanttea" - Wlckerabam y ne nas not yet oe- clded whether he win e a eanaraate for reelection. , . entire thouaht aeeina to be- centered upon" the -futiir welfare vof his rpun .trs'1rw WOiieX lnha nWniJfS-.-atti1 tuder U: regarded ; significant, ,-. .-. Doctors Thtrieri,and tieson are in constant attendance. ' They announce that tomorrow, if the king Uvea until then, -they A will operate fort strangu-' lated hernia. The acute recurrence . of the monarch's .chronic trouble,- fdUoWed by the paralytic stroke that; coipPld him to.,tak to hia bed has so weak ened ntnv tnt tne reauix or tne opera tion is feared, even by the physicians. The only-apparent interest, shown by the public . In the king's condition lies in the , fear Its -effect will have" ort th mrbt. . Them no noticeable personal grief among his subjectaf-.. ' j The Belgian cabinet' is In practieajly continuous session today, f , . - "i, m io THE RAILROADS H. V. Winchell Tells at Cun ningham, Hearing How He Advised With Assist ant Secretary--Says He Is Not Ouggenheini Agent. (United Prw UiHd Wlra. Btokane. Wash.. Dee. ll. The most important , witnesa heard since the Cun ningham coal Inquiry began was called this morning. He waa H. V. Winchell. a coal mining engineer of Minneapolis who. In one year, purchased six Cun ningham locatlona for a total of 199,000. Winchell denied that he represented Guggenheim or Interests allied with that syndicate. He said the money repre sented the Individual Investment of him- elf, a H. Davis of Saginaw, Mich., and R M. Bennett and Fred B. Snyder of Minneapolis.' Winchell testified that he made the purchase of, one claim after a conference with Fran it' Pierce, asnlst ant secretary of the Interior at Wash ington. -'1 Winchell had grown anxious about nis patents, having heard that the claims were held up to permit the passage of new legislation by congress, to take the claims off the- entry Hat. He asKeo Pierce about this. Pierce responded .that the'claims had a standing in ,court that subsequent legislation could not arrect Plefea' "said the delay . In patenting wa due j to charges filed, but 4that the de partment was not disposed toward fur ther 'unheceasary delay.- Piefce'said he would 'inauire Into the chargea at :once. and Instead tf going 'to Juneau, Alaska, th land eff Ice where it Demngea. fierce said the Inquiry would be Independent. I II COLUEIDIA RIVER aaMMMM.HgM.wMH LniViuh Corrvinir Young People Overturns at Bur ton's Slip, Near Bainier. ' (gprclai Dispatch ta Tba Joaraal I Rajnier, Pr.. Dec. 13. Four persona were -drowned early Sunday morning, when launch In which' they were re turning from Rainier to Mayjfers. Or., turned turtle. Tha dead: Miss Selma Hendrlckson. 17 years of age. Anna Hendrlckson, 19. Qrace Waud, K. ' Led Barber. 28. A pkrty of young people, all residents of Maygers. came to Rainier Saturday night to spend tha evening at the skat ing rink. The rink closed at 10 o'clock, and seven persons boarded the launch Hendrlckson to return to Maygers. "The launch struck an obstruction at Bur ton's landing, near Rainier, overturn ing and spilling the party in the river. The three who . were rescued clung to the overturned launch for seven hours, when the tugboat Burton pkkeJ them up. The names of the rescued are Pearl Proctor, SO years of age; Frank Kaspear, 20; Amos Card, 1. Card was running the launch. TO MEDIATE III LABOR T ROUBLES Commissioner Xeill Appears nt Conference at Chicago. "-- v , - , (Coitad Praia Lea! Wire, I .. Chicago,- Dec,-13. Charles P. Nolll, commissioner of;.labor, arrived here to day, and went into; conference with the committees representing ,the Order of Railway Telegraphers and the Illinois Central railroad.', He ta acting aa" medial tor. The railroad -has agreed to Im prove working condltiona but, has re fused a demajid tat a 10 per cent In crease In wagta. - '.'"'. " -At the same i' time' the Swltchnwn'a the coamlaainr H,.her.a tof o4srn.ioT!in-'''t'Wl, t',1'x mu riai.i siviiciciv v..' i ...... . .... - ..- - roada,-entering Chicago. It la expected that-the awlte.mon en these roads wljl strike unless their demands are granted soon, " - - t Satisfactory i Settlementor : Sprcdd pf StrikeMHt Minneapolis, Dec. 13; Prestaent Hajw ley of the, Swltohmen'sutnion of. 'North America delivered an ultimatum to the railroads today In the shape'of -a publlo announcement that"tinleas' the"' striking member of hia organisation- were back at Work before Christmas,-under con ditions ' satisfactory to thehv- every switchman west of Buffalo would strike before January J. Yvr ' Haw ley refused to make public what passed between, him ' and ' President Samuel Qompers of the American Fed eratlort. of Labor at their recent con ference. "The results of their "delibera tions, he said, would be given out with in three days,! Before the proper time arrived, be declared he would not cue cubs tne maiier. - . t,i 'Ti ars "would bo for- i..t bti filed iLt once." said. Win- .tiell, "and h "mittet would be -ruehed. tti tela! After tnia assurance ir- chased the last claim frOm J. H. Nelll Wlnchell had. heard of the Kayak coal rti.trirt aix vears ago. He learned the lands were open to claimants four years uter. but only to find Cunningham's friends had taken tne group. e v.b.ibu that region last summer. h pronounom h. v.viili fluid tne -BM)'urcuit opportunity for mining high-grade coal on the Pacific ocean." , " . Today's aession will probably close the Spokane hearings In the Cunning- via. - .p The sittings in Minneapoua and New Tork after the holidays will conclude the hearings. X t -- . . ' LATE EVENING TRAM CUT OFF Salem 'Electric Giyes 3Iore Attention to Service in Morning. AUTHORITY Health Board; - Auditor and Mayor Sinion Surprised at the. Stand Taken by City Health Officer Wheeler on Milk Ordinance : Question. 1.1'J.W.ATTORIJEIf IIP FOR TEN OAVS CALIFORXIAXS FIOHT . ; AVHITE SLATE TILVDE t - - 'faWN-a Trm jrmt Wlr Berkefer. CaU, Dec 1 The executive cemmMtee of the California Suffrage a a. nrlatloa today lmt!Hrtei a rtmpiiru against the ella ef Iht "white a'ar trafflA" wM-h It bMeve la reeeHing anrreceeted 0rerertecs In Raa Pra eleetv - ' . At a rl r tr. rwamnin irt ril u dia-4 eie riaiAa im mmr t ! ! c.f affa-a e a Ttxle'l t Hiiw-'ni rjrr,r i-e -l-"-a tn P. n V-nv' l M ht " Butte." Mop t-. Dee, .1, The . altua tlon resulting from the - atrlke of the switchmen on all roads penetrating the Pacific northwest, la little changed to day. At a meeting lent night, the atrik- era failed 'to agree upon a-tentative preposition advanced that provided for their return to their poet until an amic able settlement of the difference with their employer could be reached. The attitude ef other bodies of - organised labor here. It la stated, has exerted aa Irritating influence and baa had much to do with the failure of the switchman te aeeede te the wishes ef -their mem ber who advocated temporary-return to work. . . . STEIKEBKEAKERS LV I YARDS AT SPOKANE ' CaMd rrwa La t wlra.1 Spokane, RmIi. Dec ll The North era Pacific retimed la rapidly filling Its yards with noainilea men -to take the places ef etrlkieg ewiichmn. The of ficial believe they will be tn a oaitk te ran ail trales by the laat of this wwk. wtlheet leeoevtilenee. evei If a tlwtefit ef tbe strike Is wt eff-eted Th nfflrlals alae -rtelir thr ir1ker will never be given beck their ehl pot tloae. . , W. V. at Klamath Kalla. KUmath rail. Or. Der. 11 Te ItM'tn I'l'fm THereHi rwrny be Kn fTmr4 f t m efir ntr of K a-ath Fai. It -t.-r,i- ,,f t ,rirr" t" ,eev. Mf a t t,'-. t T-t i After Thursday or Friday of this Week the Oregon Electric company will abandon It's late night train service be tween Portland and Salem and In place of It will run additional early morning service between Wllsonvllle and Port land to accommodate those people who live between here and Wllsonvllle and who have to reach the city early In the morning for their work. '. The " additional morning eervlce be tween -' Wllsonvllle and Portland . has bMti needed for some time. It is planned to run two new early morning trains from Wllsonvllle to Portland which. 1t Is believed, will accommodate the' commuters who reside along the Oregon Electric between thia city and the Junction of the Forest Grove and Salem lines. . The. late night trains between . Port land and Salem have been found not to pay, according te orriciaia of tne roafl. The train that now leaves Portland at 11 p. ra. and arrives In Salem at 1 a. m. toe lata for the convenience of most passengers. In ita place. train will leave here at 8:40 p. m. and arrive In Salem at 10:40 p. m. A Forest Grove train for the accommodation of the the alregoers and late shoppers will be op erated out of Portland Saturday nights only. . The officials of the road hope to ha v the new time card out by Thursday, but It la possible H will not go into effect until later In tn a week Bruce Rogers Convicted of Unlawful Communication . With Prisoners. . twr- - . ---- . ''ar . . ' " ;"- rOnited Press teased Wiie.1 Spoka.ne.-Wash. Dec,lS. The first arrest In over' .a week In connection with the free speech movement in this city was made today, when Bruce Rog ers, one of the attorneys In Ihe employ of the Induatrialiata. was arrested anjl sentenced to serve 10 days In jail for "unlawful communication with prison- Rogere delivered a letter "to on of the I. W- prlaonere confined In the Franklin school. LURTON TO SUCCEED PECKHAM IN U. S. SUPREME COURT - Washington.- Pec. It. The aomiraUon ef Jadae Horace H. Ijurtoe of Kaahvilla. Ten.. te suceead the late Rufaa W, Peck ham ae aeeoctate Justice ef (fee Vnlted Statee ewprema revrt wa eont te the eenate today by Preel dret TafU - . ' Judge IO rt on - was formerly rbtef J-jit-e ef the supreme roert ef Teneeaeee, and at the ttiee ef Me reroramendatk by 1h freWtent wee Judge ef lbs t'rt!td atalee elfwlt coert of tt g itH J!r1al d'trct. to Hri waa ejroiaied Ii 1tt- He e II ih ef age. ard fr fna jre t a wara per-ril f 4 f t ir.:(lH!t TOKIO POLITICIANS HANKEft FOR KOREA Wnltod Proas Laaeed Wlra-X Toklo, Dec 11. More than 1600 Toklo politicians , and Journal lata met today to discuss tha Korean problem. The spirit of the assembly waa dissent from the accepted government policy. which waa branded as ! "lukewarm.' Resolutions were adopted urging the necessity of the union of Japan and Korea and advocating that such action twt taken at OOce, . A message from the Ilchfn society of Seoul, the Korean capital, begged the svmnathy and eooperatlon of the .meet lng In the society's efforts to bring about union. Its reading , was fol-. lnoaut bv tnanlfeatatlona of approval. - It waa suggested at thwmeetini that thm union oroject be urred upon the members of the diet, which wUl on vene shortly. 2 CARS OF PAPER FOR OREGON'S NEW CODE 4mrm Bareaa ef Ie JaeraaLt Salem. Or... Dee. 11. It Will require two carloads pr paper 10 pnm u- mn-m new code. The code will consist of two volumes and there will be prlat- d (oe seta, er a total ex iv.ovv voi- umM. a reepeetaoiy large iiorary. State Printer IunlWBy eettmatea that the printing will . taae le.eee pounoe of boo paper. Tha rlret volume naa aireaoy oeca compiled and the conrde being placed In the hanfla or tne printer raproiy. v 11 lan p. lxrd. Jamea H. Montague, Jamee Godfrey a ad William P. Lord Jr rompoee the eommloelon created by tha lent Itglalature fer compiling aw code. It will be reedy for distri bution In November. Hie. Dairfe XcH lP o Standard. ' taeel re' TW turn ml. Colfaa. Mikn I"". ! None of the rivo dart "pplyrnc Colfax reaidwU wth wiilk ia ep t to ! ri etansarw cf rriHirene. a'-cerdlea te a etaie mnt made peblie taat eight by F. M. Hottil f Hrkaee. deputy elate atry ir.n, - nr. who yeenUy made a ther oieh lrr-ttoe e-ell th ptia. ed wr, tHrre H -rt.t-t lnT Tvrmml iiit "M ' u-'.a he (wti.i t - f ef !- -'. '.it 1, , I ! ,X ef t-v f . The published announcement by Dr. C. H. Wheeler, city health officer, that pending, revision of the new milk ordi nance Portland Is without any legal reg ulation of the milk supply seems to be unauthorisud and mistaken. That in making such an announcement Dr. Wheeler not only .acted unwisely, but without reason and 'without authority, is the opinion of Mayor Simon. Dr. Alan Welch Smith, president of the city board of health, and of City Auditor Barbur. 'Our hands are tied; we can do noth ing," said Dr. Wheeler. This he said referring to a request that he made of Chief of Police Cox that milkmen be allowed to deliver milk aa they desired without being molested, and further in regard to his attitude that no licenses for the sale of milk can be is sued until revisions are made, the whole ordinance being, therefore, In hia view. void and of no effect. ; ' Changes Incidental. The Incidental change of license isau- ance from the auditor's office to tlu health office, under supervision of the health board, was agreed to recently by the police and health committee and the health board. An amendment of Coun cilman Belding Including Inspection of butter and cheese waa considered .desir able. The necessity for making tramedi at appointment of additional inspectors or else icohtlnutnir the life ofthe office held. by . Dr.: D- W Mack,, presenttclty milk Inspector, was also conceded.'These ohangea,v Maysor. Simon, ami tne health baavdi-ahd the oounctlmen agreedV were inoMtenUl. and related. only tn,. otrw :6rjtrt3in;6"aud"not to the relation, ef dairymen to tne law or tne omciais. ' ."The health" and police " committee must act." said Dr. Wheeler. "We must wait on thelaaction. The ordinance cut Dr. j Mack' oHW-itbout anything and at the-time his salary waa overdrawn. No appropriation has 'been 'made for th new Inspectors." 1 Ki; ii'i Sc. WbeelefB .better, (r 'The' letter, which Dr. Wheeler ' sent Chief Cox reads' thus: , ' ' - ' The present status of the-milk or dinance is 'such that I would suggest temporarily- the non-interference with the milkmen, s The ordinance Is at pres ent before the council and the. police and health committee for revision which win probably oe a one at tne nexc coun cil meeting. I think thia la but Just to the-milk people." Dr. Wheeler did not act upon any au thority" of the-board of health In send ing such a-letter or in making aa an nouncement of such character," assert ed Dr. Alan Welch Smith. "We have the law. It has been adopted by the council. "We have ho reason or right to advertise that w have no law or that we cannot control the supply of mlli." : : " Mayor Wot Informed. This ' is a serious matter." said Mayor. Simon. "I will aay frankly that I . knew nothing ; about It. We must have an 'enforcement of the law. We muat not let any motive of politics or any motive but to protect the people of this city against impure milk actuate us. Nor- must we be too nara on tne dairymen. I desire above all things to be reasonable, but I do not think It wise to let the general Impression get out that we are without law. We are not without law We muat enforce the law w have." Old law Xtnaiai. "Law enforcement Is the thing we need," declared City Auditor Barbur. "I had no. Idea. In recommending Inciden tal revisions that until those revisions were accomplished the law would go off the books. I do think It natural and proper that the health board should Is sue the lioensa. because I know nothing about the milk supply. "But" T do be lieve In enforcement. This Is too seri ous a matter to dally over, and entirely too serious to let wrong Impressions or incorrect announcements gain public ity."" . ... Immediate Actio a. Dr. Smith stated this morning, aa did Mayor Simon, that' the status of the milk ordinance will be aetiously looked Into at once, and action extraordinary taken. If necessary, to continue protec ting the people ef Portland against the evlla of bad milk. ISTERS 0 Reiterate Report Supporting Firemen's Request for Im provement of Quarters and - Better Hours ' Differ With Views of JIaybr. The' Baptist,, ministers opined this morning that the firemen's - Quarter matter has come to a question of ve racity between the ministers and tha mayor. In consequence, Mr, Schwedlor reiterated all he told last week to the General Ministers' association and added a little more to substantiate hia state ment,- ; - Mr. Thurston . and Mr. Cook, who were both on the original committee ap pointed to investigate, apologised for their Inability on account of the wea ther, to be present at the Investigation, but confessed to a little private Investi gation on -their own account, which had shown conditions to be as the commit tee had reported cold, ; cheerless,1 Un sanitary rooms and long hours. ., Blind er yrejudloed. Schwedler declared the mayor Is either blind or. prejudiced since he had followed the ministers' agitation with the state ment that there was no complaint among the firemen and conditions vwere all right Mr. - Schwedler said some few had not signed ' the , petition bocause they were afraid of losing their , heads, but that since the mayor's stand almost all who formerly-refused have signed. v jrsiujy ; atgi. :-r ,i , E. G. Hays who has been circulating the petitions. made ai statement vand showed the petition, , with some .200 sig naturea AUbut's seven ' firemen -have . signed; eight k lieutenant refused , and la .signed; aix captains, refused and l'i' signed. ,,v Most f those - wha did nor, sign already have more hours off. thxu laslus in the. pe.tllbliit. ' ' , j ' J'r.'J.omtrd r port ad a the niffinj yoeterday at. tiie Highland clnircii tttwt 11130.85 , was raised .on th 11300 dclit and the church officers have aasumod the burden of - the remainder. ' Dr. Jor dan read a paper on "The Millennium." DUEL BETI7EEII I MID DOG Terrible Battle in j Closed , Boom Lasts Half Hour Man Is Killed. (Fnlted Pre Xaasad Wira.) - - - New York, Dec. 13. The horrible story of a battle-to the death between a man and a huge bulldog. In which the man waa killed and left lying in a pool of hia own blood, waa told today at the coroner's Inquest Into the death of Carl Limpert. - The dog that; figured In the unique tragedy was the property of Limpert a sister, Mrs. Schuerman. It developed an Intense hatred for Limpert vand on several occasions attacked him- savagely. Despite Limpert advice, the woman refused to part with her pet. " - Early yesterday. 5 when Limpert en--tared hia sister's flat. h found the dog In sole ' possession. Ferociously' the brute flutig himself upon the man and for uearly half an hour the combatants rolled about on the floor In a deadly struggle, Limpert unable - to gain the door. '. '. :' '',"-. -."'"- Later in the day Limpert's dead body waa 'found lying on the floor beside an overturned table.. Hia throat was torn into abreds and hia head and shoulders lay tn a pool of blood,' The dog, his muxxle stained and his head and body bleeding from gashes received when he had been-hurled- against the furniture by his human antagonist,- cowered la a corner.' .. ?. ,,- . '-'':.., .'; -' U;- , HUIE SAf.l TJUST PAY FOR BRIDE STORM" DAYS IN JAPANESE DIET irnitad Pieae t Wtra.t Teklo, Dec. -!. That the coming ees- aion Ct tne jipum eiei win m vmm ft the most Important In the history of tlie net km Is generally accepted among those conversant with aational pel ic lea and problems. That th session will be stormy eel maraea wun mir omh is eonaidered a certainty. Among tbe mat ter that will come before tbe diet are tbe prcpoeed decrease or the land tax a tbe enactmeat.ot a new laoor law. The proposed readjustment ef the tariff and ef tbe commercial taws aeoer whtrb bnainees is transactel bare may be effected- . . Reform prwmteee to play aa anueuel art tn tbe deliberations ef' the det. Ameeg the tnHitutloe wbicb may. be efrv-ted are the - preeeet e4scatieaa; sreten. and tbe accep'etl rise of ra;i- mmy reteeaiwa na aarim irpprvTewwi will be enlargd. XntariaJ 4Triimlelwie. a)ni. Or. Ie. I' NXirtjl m'nmrtn Ve Ii:e1 t tS'?j f: 'f Tv; v z, ; ft.J, K-E!-. P. 1 ". F Chinaman ho Attemptel to Buy Consideration Sen ' fenced by Federal Court. Hule Sam. prominent la Chiaeae mer cantile circle ' in Portland, and well known as the proprietor ef ear t. store at Sixth and Oak street, waa tenced te serve If davs la the to i- Jail and par a fine or 111 b" !'''' Judge C K. Welvertea. la I'rHed Mu district court today. Kan was found l!ty ef a tt i attempted bribery by a Ttry In t' I ted Slate dlatrfct ewn U - In terested in ee.urro t T.-eiir'. ai r a ChtneJi.aii alUf4 to he tm .- e, Klt. lne tHed ! fc' ' fered Immiirttt r r M - f - ' aivl t .Hefl It . W -- e ' t. te-npt brT) k. e-eeal altmrit t- hriHe !-' I -Jern gaer. i bad 1--'" i fka.fe ef th 1 iui. Iv 'M t t . t - ' r.- 'e4 J-i'-'t -'. f. -r tr ! - t t ' ' .,.,, t - " ' ' ,,:- - ff ! " fri '- I ' f"-g -iJ ) r i f ! e e e eee