The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1909, Page 73, Image 73

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T ri:cut lunrhun an absent
member of th fair ae waa dis
cussal. And while It waa ad
milted ' that she wskn't pretty
all ooiccdd that (lie yas smart.
Although the word "smart"-and -well
roomed" nil r glibly from the
tongue when summing , u pths appear
and of , faulUialy attlied woman It
,'l . eeldoro that tlielr real , meaning la
realised. '. -" ' ;
, When u woman I smajt or- well
groomed It denote that she haa paid
attention to detail. .'
The flint principle vt emsrtnes la
eWiiIlnraa. No woman can expect to
bo smart who Isn't clean, whoa bath
li not a. dally rlt and who doca not
py strict attention to What Little Lord
Fauntleroy called "th cornera."
No matter how ftyllab th frock, how
pretty tlut face or how elaborate tha
coiffure, : hair ' that la .not carefully i
waahed, ,a neck that aliowa the stain
of, collar rlma and flasera that benpakl
no intlmata acquaintance with a mani
cure eel counteract tha entire effect of
Hi dre e.
It laMie little things which make ona
cither noticeably amart or; Inelegant.
How often n well gownod women will
he soon whoa rlchneea ' of toilet at
tract rU eyes, yet the otherwise per
fect picture ; I . spoiled by straggling
locka of hair falling In dlaorderly fash.
Ion on tho back of her neck. A hairpin
would have adjusted the trouble, but
lark- of preclalon In detail spotted the
whole continue. -v
If we take tha general outline of tha
amart woman, flrat jtdmlttlng'that alia
and all her belonging are Immaculate
ly tli'un, there ase two thlnga' which
cluaa iier" among the Inelegant One la
a aklrt that saga.,' The other la neg
lected ahoea. It la' 'not .economical to
wear a skirt that aaga at me nacic on
the contrary. It la on t only alovenly
and unhyglenla, but It la ruinous to tha
aklrt' It la very false economy to wear
put one' a ahos Inetend of having them j
repaired while there Is still hope. . I
i . . i i ji j i '
Tha would be amart woman who need
not coneider expena haa 'an enormou
variety of ahoa gear to .chooae from
thla season.- Thar la every kind of
boot,,sho and-allppet, from th he
less mule for bedroom wear to the high
atorin, boot that lacea well up tha calf
of the leg. put it la not ao much the
number of ahoea ah baa a the car
she" alvea them that llsmni her aa
amart or alovenly. . , i...
The well groomed woman Inveata In
the bent kind of shoe blacking and
polish,, and keepa her blacking- and her
brublie together. In a reanilar blacking
bos, and aha black her ahoea aa aoon
aa she haa taken' them off unless they
are wet. Should they be wet, they ar
dried on ahoa trees,- which prove an
economical investment In tha long run.
though they coat from JO cent a to fl
pair to begin with. ' .'
Bhoe that ar thrown Into a cloaet
helter akeltcr laat about half aa long
aa those that are cared for and placed
on ahelvea In one of the new ehoe
boia or In a ahoe box of home make.
Thla bv la the asm ala aa a ahirt
walat box, nljr it open In front in
tead of at' the top, and there la ahetf
In It, so that two row of ahoea or a
row of ahoa .boiea can bo kept there
without crowding. It la alwaya beat I
keep allpper In th original a tor box.
unleaa they ar kept en tree a.
If ah bua Inrxpenslv ahoea they
hould be of th plalneat kind, for tha
minute ah get elaborate looking
thing without paying good price for
material ah Inveata foollahly. Ther
ar bar nine to b had In ahoea, of
course, at aom of th many aampl
ahoa atoraa. and frequently by buying
ahoea out of aeaaon aba can get good
value, t
Th woman who want to look smart
on a email auowanc anouia try to our
out of aeaaon aa much aa ah can. both
a to gooda, eulta. underwear, ana jn
fact In all branchea of ahopplng. v
In buying auch thlnga aa tailor ulta,
for inatanoe. .ona which la to look wall
for aaveral aeaaona should b choaen In
on of tha moderate styles, and ahould
not b tha whim or faahlon of th mo
ment Laat jreer'e extreme LMrectoIre
la a back number thla year, while th
Inoonaplcuou tailored aklat and eoat
can atill take lta place beald th crea
tion bf today. '.
SAtt J
nr featoon of cranherriea ana
popped corn for room oocora
tiona. Th corn may b on nep
arat etrliiga and colored many
huea, or they may be u4 alter.
palely In atrlnglng. Theaa aiao nan
ffetlv loop for tre. . '
Tit eotton batting, aprlnkled with
diamond duet, in flake and in fancy
dalgn. for both Ue nd gift taoi.
Try niacin vn candle In aand,
In a fancy dlah, for lighting purpoae.
lnetead of putting tnem on a tree, ji
I a. much aafer way and you may have
a many dlahea acaiterea aooui nm
room a you lla. wunoui enaangenng
tha preaenta on th tree.
Try ualng 8anta Clau doll In th
AMnntion of th tree. If you nav
not mall ehlldrn In yonr own family,
there are plenty who wljl gladly tak
tha doll off your hands after they have
aerved.tht purpoae. , ,
Try trimming th tree and featoonlng
th room with gilt atara. To do thla,
run a atrong atrlng around the room,
oIom to th celling, and faaten th
atara to thla by another thread, al
lowing each atar to hang by Itaelf. If
you dealro atill more, run thread a acrosa
tha celling, having th thread which
hold tho star exactly In tha center,
o th star will hang flat agalnat the'
celling; or. you may cover th entire
celling with blue mosquito netting,
over which the atara have been paated
or 'wed. -
lanti-rna, having thriti na ii 1
alinpe. alia Mini color a kiiIi. ,
will Im a Ktirprlalna and i-l. . in., i h.u
frtMn brilliant llRhta.
Try tonrhlng th branchoa hi
thrrn with ahelUc. and dunltn;
diamond powder before It drlia.
effect la beautiful.
Try a-pyramid of poiuited rvl ppi
and ellow oriiiif f.r a center il. n
on th dining t(l. llitp lhn fruit on
a platter , rovered with rot ton t..uttu
thickly sprinkled with white dtamon.l
duet, and decorate with eprlgs of hully.
Try th allvery gray bayberry with
th native holly, for garlands, also tha
common rea eiaeroerry, rpr resiooning
and other decoratlona.
Try lighting the room with Japanese
Try giving the birds a nirltiun
dlnni'f of grains and lenf suet. To d
thla, erect a pole with a "tabid" on thn
top, o the cata cannot reach thn
feathered gueata.' Th buds will ac
cept the Invitation gladly.
Try tha berrlea of the alder or coral
buah; they make th prettiest of Clirlt
ma decoration. They may be thread
ed on stout atrlng and looped anion;
the branches,, woven In and out wher
ever a atrong touch of color aeems t ,
be needed. They may also be mixed '
with green, . or festooned around tho
room, or woven Into wreath. If you
wish more variety, find soma of tin.
pretty white anow brrte to mix with,
them- The red and white form a charm- .
ing contrast. .,
Steinway '
and Other
Pianos -
Jay 6& Co
- m W VWV 1
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Belhngham, Everett, North Yakima, wenatcnee,
Eugene, Medford.
Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Fresno,
Rosa, Bakersfield.
San Jose, Stockton, Santa
; grand
I 'I
ajajj "
"1 ' ' .'
The Stein way
If you consider quality and permanency of tone,
superior materials and workmanship and proven dur
ability, then the recorded judgment of the world's
most eminent musical and scientific experts declares
If it is a question of price, then, all things con
sidered, the Steinwayjs the greatest piano value for
the money paid, for experience has proven that a
Steinway" piano depreciates less, both in intrinsic and
market value, than any other make.
Sherman, Clay & Co. are the exclusive Stein way
representatives for the Pacific coast. -
The Piano Center of Portland
Our salesrooms may consistently be called ''"The Piano
Center of. Portland," not only because of the central location,
but because this'store is a focal point for critical buyers.
This business has been developed upon a belief in the com
mon sense of our public meaning by "our" public, those peo
ple who realize that it is good judgment and economy to pay
fair prices and getgood pianos.
Our business consists exclusively of selling Pianos, Player
Pianos, Organs and Victor Talking Machines at prices which
represent their actual retail value. We have no profits to add
to cover the expense involved in 'providing igift inducements to
Our profit is simply a fair, percentage on the cost of the
instrument. . .
' We sell on the one-price system, consequently the buyer
of any instrument in our stock knows that he is paying no more
for it than. anyone else would pay.
Our interest does not cease when the sale is made. We
consider the transaction closed only when we kno.w the instru
ment has proven its worth in the hands of its purchaser.
These statements briefly express the policy of Sherman,
Clay & Co., and we believe it is the only policy that pays.
Js it not to your interest to purchase from a house which
regards your good will as one of its assets?
THE satisfaction of the cus
tomer is the first purpose of
our business plan. For that
reason we aim to help every buyer
to choose the best piano suited to
his special needs.
Following is the list of makes
we sell, each the recognized stand
ard in its grade:
Steinway, Everett, A. B. Chase,
Conovcr, Ludwig, Packard, Estey,
Kurtzmann, Emerson, Kingsbury,
Cable, Wellington.
We have a number of good used
pianos taken in as part payment
on Steinway pianos and player-pianos.
They have been put into
good shape in our shops and our
guarantee goes with every instru- '
ment we sell. ' , '
If you are thinking of an instru
ment of this kind, it will certainly
pay you to investigate these. Easy
terms if desired.
What Grander Gilt Could You Give to Your Family Than the
Ability to Personally Produce the Music ot Their Choice?
With one of our Player-Pianos
in your home, any member of the
family could select any composition
..from, music's vast library and play
it at once, even though he has had
no previous musical education or
The fact that anyone) .that you
could do this, makes it worth ydur
while to call to see and hear these
wonderful instruments.
We sell the A. B. Chase Artis
taiao, Conovet Inner-Player, Car
ola Inner-Player, Kingsbury Inner
Player, Euphona, Estey, Ludwig,.
Sohmer Cecilian, Farrand Cecilian,
Cecilian Piano, Cadillac, Kurtz
mann. .
Silent pianos taken as part pay
ment. EASY TERMS.,
The Vicfrola
The Absolute Monarch
ot Entertainers
Always willing, always in trim,
equal to every demand and every
With a Victrola in your home
you can command the perpetual
services of the world's greatest
singers, the best orchestras, mili
tary bands in fact, the whole
realm of music is yours to investi
gate at your pleasure.
and hear- the living,
voices of Caruso and
If you are in doubt as to the
gift, buy a Victor certificate and
let him select his own instrument
and records. ,
Improved Victor f lO to f tOO
Victrol... fl3S to 9 25
Record.v.-.....'....35 to fT.OO
vi Jw ,r ii it . ii it. - . , ii t i '.- ' r
Oik A- d -ci-sgf ' Oi eLZS .
" J Brili miMiw a mmmm .mi iay mii -
3 j
f-l r f '-a -!a jfiM-m-mm