THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. FORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER OQI GRABS HEX .WHO (WILL riiOMOTE GBEAT FIGHT FAST GRAPPLERS- 11017 PIMIOIERS GOT TIIEIR-START HAKES FIRST TUBLIC APPEARANCE TOMORROW BUB BY ST HI fH Steen and Knpp Come to CLilSIIIfOM',' its;? O'Conneli and Smith iii Laundry Wagon Oave Two Portland Because Jinn ager Uses Urains. Splendid Trim for Sec ond Wrestling Jfatdi. Their First Step To- . ward Wealth. ; j 4 12. 1009. t . ' mUL.'.' .1 ... iJ - .. ! t ..i -- JU.. .J .11. Xil uo.Xi q l J. j .. M.Jj. t AW 4--1. '.wwi.i.MJWHJW!IBW.. JLUt . " ...I .'. U IM1 L 'I. iyBWWHHmu,,1, .JU... -U.LJ I -IfU -JL II- H'-IJll SWBBBBaee4'BUU , ., jUPHgB I.IH...1. 'J'i.'iS.IJ '...!.., !. IL.jL., SlPOMTaMO MEWg OIF TIBIiS WORLH; ' ... . . . ', . ' . .... 1 ' ' " pPl ' 'T ' V A ill'' Ther I an Interesting little atory back of th recent trip east of Walter McCredle that Will bear repeating. If anything, Mitagrr Mao la on of 4h a lire, deal baaiball iun In tha roli.or Iraguea, and o hla sagaclt la dua the acquisition of a pair of atara mho will kelp mightily In landing the 1910 prn nant for Portland. Tin Ul if a re cltal of how tha handsome manager beat tha Fltteburg champions and the Kan- cm City club out of two of tha moat promising youngsters , In tb game. In both casea MaCredt acored through the overaigbt of bla rival bidders. , Ona young man that the Buccaneers wanted mighty bad waa Dick Steen, lata of tha Eloomlngtoa club.' There waa a little legerdemain on tha part of somebody. Pittsburg wanted to put In a draft for Steen from the Blooming ton club of tha Thr-I league. Manaf.t r t'larke healtated, becauae tha Toledo club claimed to have a prior right to tha brilliant young slabatv. '.VhtU both wera mixed In their dates, Walter butta In with a draft, and when It cuni to a showdown, beat them out at lh Mem phla convention of tha minor leagues. . Xapp's Cm Parallel. The case of First Baseman Kapp la almost parallel, only Manager M ic waa a bit mora daring. Ha displayed a bit of craftiness that a mas J the eastern ers. Now Rapp nu from Oklahoma City, where be surprised e natives to aucb an extent that Kansas City beard of him, K. C promptly got busy, and Owner Tebeau claimed the youngster via the purchase route." He played some SO games for Kansas City. It la positively pathetic to relet that such a sly, old fox as Tebeau to-gi-. to regis ter the purchase of "Rapp. Ha did, though, and that waa tha signal for the crarty fearer leader to get busy. Mae promptly put in a draft on Oklahoma City for Rapp, and although there wera objections,, he made And won a strenu oua fight at Memphis. Norve, backed up by timely Judgment gave the Portland club tha two atari. and Manager Mao stated last night that lift f ullv rrA4tkA thm r Steen 1 eo well thought of Jn :he east j CrflClv tnat Barney Dreyfusa ,)f tha Pittsburg Nationals offered Manugsr McCredla $1500 for him aa soon as lie learned that he had been outwitted. Steen co $00, but Manager Mao told turn nav. TV- beau la mighty aor at McCreli for Jack Gleason, on. the left, and Tex Rlckard, the successful blddera for . the great Johnson-Jeffries fight for the world's championship next Fourth of July. ' When Strangler Smith, who for years held the principal placa In tha lime light of tha local wrestling stage, and Eddie O'Connell, hfs oonauoenr. come to- In- f ...... !!!' I II . ' . . . . viiivi in mdi nil nail (uinorrow nignt ror a Dam lo the finish for l it welter weight cliamplonshlp, hundreds, of friends will .witness .that which-thev " vron "iiini io.ih ror me caat Before O'Connell rame out from New York. Bmlth . waa the klnaDln of the J lighter weight wrestlers of the north-1 ww rKiiiiiircva vj nis lerriDia strangle hold, he haa thrown terror tnto cores of wrestlers wtio outwelghted hjm from to 0 pounds. He was consid ered Unbeatable! at bis weight of 148 pounde, and whenever ha atartad, aoads of the pink metal 'followed Ms chancea. They wera willing to bank him against anybody. . ; v , Was aires, the Zangb. Whan tha younr collealan from New Haven blew. In to Portland ona Septem ber morning and challenged Smith, ha was given the laugh. Apparently ha was sparsely endowed with that ex- oallent . requisite muacla. After taklnsr m iook. at mijn mere were few who eonoeded O'Connell a looklri. About the first tlmi h commenced tumbling tha Multnomah . grapplers around there waa a change of senti ment toward him and ha found nientv of backera among the club men. In faot, they unloaded on him when ha mot Smith. More than one sport fondled a vacant wallet the next morn ing among tha longshoremen's backera. : Tor more. than a year there has bee-i a strenuous effort to get tha hank on the mat. for there haa always been (Concluded on Paye Following.) ... j . . . . ... ;: " " , . . - . i . , , , . i,x .' ' - mm Eddie O'Connell, ' welterweight champion of the world, 'who- makes his first public appearance of the year against Strapgler Smith In Merrill's halj tomorrow night O'Connell has granted Smith a return match, having defeated him last year. Both mea are In prime condition for the match. ' '-' CARROLL ADDS CLASS TO CARD California Bantam Will Give Splendid Exlii bition With Bennett. beating him to Rapp, but then that la roll, probably the most popular bantam misency or DaseDaiL i .ik v, r.un.i n viu k m vj . c unuivtiuoi nut tuwo exigency of baseball. May Trade Oraney. ' While we are talking about baseball ' matters it la well to let the tana in on a little . secret. Here it la. Manager McCredle is thinking or trad Inr Hand some Jack Oraney, the happy man of tha north as an opponent of Frankle Ben nett before the Oregon Athletic club at their smoker a week from tomorrow night, the fans have begun to alt up and take notice. Carroll Is one of the cleverest mlt swingers that the Golden Beavers, to an American unnKiitinn tr. state has turned out In years. He al a pitcher or third baaemnn. Bill Chin-I ready has J0-rund draw with Bennett ault he is thinking of trading to one of "n?. wh th p,r come t0Kther they ma' ciuoa or the same league for a will settle an old score. Carroll is ona of tha busiest boys lr illfornla am Is always In demand be cause he givea the fans the best he ratrh.r whhaw n... 11.1.: I uarrou is one 'hl- vi::r' ?J California an Is always In demand be . . .- ....v...., -1 causa . Ha a-ives muugn jheo tninxs ne can get tho pin gery DacKstop for another year. The trading of Graney especially will be the motir ror a bit of comment pn ih part i me inns, woo nave grown to adaiir-: tr.e young insnman to tha fullest. J3ut KcCredia can afford to sacrifice Orncey ior a. gooa puoner or third baseman, us id ib maif in neea or ootn. ; Rapp Is considered a finished first baseman, even at this stage of his ca leer, ... and. it r looka vry much aa if weorge urt will fill a place In the North western league team, which the McCre ..dlea are already, preparing toMl), -ven though the public Is not assured that auch a dub will be allowed. Casey oa Second Again; ; Pearl Casey will be back on second for the Beavers next year, and Mc Credje flgtirea the Graceful On ihm.M head the list In fielding and bat in tha iieiKiiucrnooa or .Z35. He wants a bet, n-i teara next year, and rlgures acquisitlona will bring the team av erage up. Manager Walter doesn't hesiute to say that h haa the best club In pros pect that ever represented this cltynd . that tha fana will be Joyous when they Bee the players In action. He is trying to strengthen each position as much as possible, and money .has been no object to. him this year. - knows. He cancelled a trip . to Los L Angeles and the-guarantee of a number of bOuts, Just to make the trio north. Jimmy wired that ha left for Portland yesterday and will go into training at once ror ma exhibition with Bennett. Carroll is a hot aspirant for the ban tamweight championship of the worM. He intends to go after Monte Attell again and his bout with Bennett lie looks on as good practice for the title battle. Frankle Edwards Is due to arrive be fore Monday from California to prepare ior ma Dout wttn JUoule Lone, the Sdo kane lightweight. Long has sent word that ha will come down to Portland today. Merrill s hall has been chosen bv the ciud ror its smoKers in view of Its downtown1 location. Tha hall will be fitted up with seating " arrangements that will give plenty of comfort to the fans. A lightweight named Whitman who has been trimming some, of the Cana dian youngster In finished fashion, is one of the- latest mlt swingers to ar rive in Portland and inasmuch as he has a good record of victories will likely be given a chance to go against aome of the good boys on the coast. Whitman will be given a try-out by me ciud ana if be shows sufficient class will be given one of the ezhlbi tion bouts in the near future. FRISCO IS BOUND TO BE SCENE OF BIG JEFFRIES-JOHNSON FIGHT By Will J. Slattery. San Francisco, Dec. 11. It has been definitely decided that the Jeffries Johnson fight will come to California and the chances are that it will be fought-at Jim Coff roth's Mission street arena. While promoter Tex Rlckard in dignantly denies that Cof froth, the king of all the prize fight manipulators, haa a hand In the affair, the wise fans only wink to themselves and wonder why Coffroth Is going to allow Rlckard and Gleason to use his arena for the pur pose, especially as he ia planning to hold many fights there himself during me coming spring and summer. The fans all over the country are very suspicious over tha way the promoters i one of tha three clubs ana the principals have acted. Those mysterious conferences and agreements have not done much to boost the bla- Issue. Most everybody believes that some sort of a scheme Is about to be cooked up, but Just what It is nobody San Francisco a bit more wide open after the first of the year and the fighters and managers are looking for ward to a great game when the Mc Carthy regime goes. Into power. This Is one of tha reasons why Coffroth is outlining hfs extensive plans for bring ing on the British fighters. It Is un derstood that he may break back Into the game here. If he does, he is likely to operate two clubs, as he is still the master of the situation down In Ban Mateo county. Fisticuffs bost Money. The game of fisticuffs was not paying one last year so far as San Francisco proper waa corncerned. Only tha Mission club, made any money. . Tha others quit several thousand dollars In . the hole.. The affairs of these clubs were handled by -men who did not know the boxing game, and they were held ly he remained Idle moat of the time. He would not turn professional. Finally, he was Induced the other day to go after tha money and he signed up with Smith. If he knocks the sailor out Schulken will be right In the lime light. He Is a bigger man than Al Kaufman, standing 6 feet 2 inches In height and weighing 210 pounds when stripped. He has beaten avery roan ha ever met and most of them fell, from his wallops In one, two and three rounds. He's a great possibility, providing that he ia there with the stamina and the heart, and tho meeting with Smith should prove this. XtUtb. Hands On Talk. Stanley Ketchel says that he will ' fight Billy Papka again, but In the I meantime, Papka must go ahead and I Deai a couple or good men and then put up a siae d Of lie.OOO. Ketchel started In on a tirade against Papke me oiner aay tnat was a wonder. He called the Illinois Thunderbolt all the names that he could lay his tongue to ana rainy lashed himself into a fury wniie telling his audience .what he thought of his old opponent. Ketcnei continues to live in grand . Coulon" Meets Brannigan. ' ' V Johnny Coulon of Chloago and Patsy Brannigan of Pittsburg , will,. fight at Johnatowii, Pa., December 1 1. ' A Hlllsboro astronomer says he has seen Halley'a comet. Those fight promoters created a sen satlon In New York. When the big day came and New York waa bussing with excitement, every one was saying (that la, every one above tha teething ase stall Interested In fighting): : "', "Who la Tom McCareyT Who Is this hers Tex Rlckard every one la chirp ing about? Where does Hugh McIntoli get Off to butt In the papers r Well, here Is a line on' the promoting men: l, Tom MoCarey Is a near millionaire and he atarted In Los Anselas drlvln a laundry wagon. Jim Coffroth used to be a Politician In Frisco, but got into the fight gam through Jim Kennedy and has handle! more fights than any other one promoter la the world. . Ed Oraney,: another coast nroducf. graduated front a blacksmith to a nriss fighter and then took to promoting. HV has done welL - Oraney has refereed -more fights . than any other one man savs Charley White. Tag Rlckard. who halls from Salt Lak . City, hopped Into the game when he pulled off the Oana-Nelaon flaht at . Ooldfleld. Tex had always been' a sport ing man, hence his elevation. " Hugh Mcintosh of the wide, wid world, has ever had a leaning toward sport Hugh's biggest stunt was to Dull off the Johnson-Burns fight In Aus tralia, although he haa promoted acores of others In Great Britain and the oot- - onles. Hugh Is at home wherever he hangs up his hat One month he Is pro- ' motlng a fight In Syndey; next month ho s getting ready to pull off a stand row In London; next month ha la In Paris, and next he turns un In Pretoria. or Frisco, or New York. . Jack Oleason Is another coast snort ing man, bettor, horse race follower and , all round sport, who got into the pro moting business. Jack la there with a roll as big as any of them. r. , -Sam Harris, partner of Oeora-e M. Cohan, was. another who used to drlvo I a laundry wagon. ; Ha made a fortune out of Terry McGovern and doubled It in theatricals. COAST BAT AVERAGES paTm.fiC,,bUlng m,verfe" of t16 1 records with the big stick. Tha reo itIP CS?t P8- "leased for pub- ords of those who batted over .250 fol - licatlon today, show many interesting lows: . rtakeart'to' K more'Vaeaf C"t B"ebkn Wh Player Team. '- Miller. San Franclsen. 69 ftewart, San Francisco... ie Melchlor. fian Francisco. .195 -Hitt, Vernon 60 t la I re, Oakland II Johnaoa, Portland U03 Myers, Sacramento 7 Welder. San Francisco 18 all. Los Angeles lgj Murphy. Oakland II! Martlnke. Vernon- 210 Truesdaie. Oakland It Oandtl. Sacramento 106 Onffin, Han Francteeo . . . JJ Corbeit. Sao Francisco ... 12 1. Lewis, Oakland .........Joo MeCay. Vernon-Oakland. . .100 MoCredia, rortlana 183 r. Vereon 135 I'ameron, Oakland ....... .lit) .Mundorff, Ban Francisco. .102 Margert. Oakland ....... . S3 lial-y, Los Angelea lis lloitan, Oakland ...107 'J -,. pan Franriaeo ti ?mlock, Sacramento ....'41 Itemard. Vernon .........129 H-nly. Kan Francisco ... 4t ruber, Pertlaae Its Huik-. EarrarTKMito .......121 Oraaey. Portland ....... .ij? Xcnaady, port I an 4 eg t .r-,i. Fr mmento ...llil 1 broo. Verfxm ........ (( hwiK. Ix Ar.ele-....Ji PoanLWr, porUaaa iy -a, Pertlaag IT4 ra. Ponaa4 .......... 15 . 'V. Frt-na .......... .SO (teaait, PnrtUal a . pert. , , . tC- r-. irtty, pertiacg IS wtf. r-ort.4 ........ TS rrv.. WTU4 1Q -rtrfr. Portia as. ... . tb ". P"n.S ......... 1 y"t.a t 21 36 78 22 - t 7 62 77 206 151 7 42 ST 4 11 665 108 195 21 :9 b ros HI 204 e: 2 isi 4S5 4 1-6 735 72 210 S5 7 27 758 6 214 14 2 7 it 1 9 ssa 42 9 607 TO 185 4:i 9 114 9 f4 177 j: 7 g$ 211 21 64 2 111 ISO 77 95 201 11 4 2 i: 11 11 4J7 41 114 142 li 37 414 43 107 471 a 1) ass as rr ava as si 417 ' 2 If S zit -: i tt : ct 1 er as) - 1 T ke Vatttag A e 144 4S 44 lt4 a8 M 1M IS 4 TT..a4jm.. fT t It aie - es 4a f 1 i "S st at lit e sa ia is tt i e 1 a 19- IT st g a .. 12 27 i 45 21 93 34 18 34 7 27 2 24 23 IT K 15 14 4. 43 25 14 7 Jl 1 22 ia II 5 -24 ' t HR. JBH. 2 BH. 13 "i 4 11 ii 1 18 1 41 42 33 15 . 14 2 39 4 1 2 10 33 29 14 13 1 59 4 4 11 5 If 13 14 It 24 19 34 I BVL 4 ii t 3 89 17 22 22 35 3 19 1 37 24 aa 4 27 17 4 21 13 $ I 12 3 . a 4 at 22 1 19 have Pi4? .11 .291 .293 .297 J93 .291 .19 .: .28T .2H .294 .283 .2M .21 .179 .274 .178 .'271 .21 .245 .24 5 .244 .243 .241 .243 .21 .21 J5S ' . -as J5t .2; .251 .24 .354. up and bunkoed rlrht and left bv tha can quite fathom. It looks like a deep J fighters, who seemed to run things very laid plot to get as much of tha public's I much as they pleased. money as possible. The Jeffries-Johnson mutch evMntl Purse looks the Bunk. has started a heavyweight boom all The followers of the earns in San I along the line. -Right here In Ban Fran- Francisco an not hlf A Vat fit A m In lira I Cisco, thev have twn rlalnr imnmratsrB that Jeffries and Johnson are to re- who are likely to dash to the front "yl l tne sv Francis hotel.. Where celve a purse of 1 101.000. This Is for J within the next few months. They are I no mney comes rrom, noboay seems to the general Dublic to eat en. Two ata Walter Schulken. the amateur heavv- I Itnl'w- but the Michigan Lion goes right - - - ' 1 . . . . . - 1 B.Aa .f ,U LI. ' . . . 1 or articles were sla-ned bv the fiarhtera weigni cnampion or the united States I - " cuTnm expenai- and the i nrhmnten Th. i 1. ... I and Gunboat Smith, the tirirta of 'th I tures. Hugh Mcintosh, the-. Australian uuder a New YorkHaf Inavy "d tn conqueror of, Touhg Peter Lrom?r'i.wlrd Ketchel a. guarantee of deposit vault. This one will tell the Jc"son. rneae young giants will meet """.." "a ulun" expenses ana true story, but the chances are that ln Oakland on Tuesday night in a 10 r?tur" , far o to Australia, but ita contents will never be known by round bout to" decide which Is the man Ce?h,f1 ony' If"?nd'..T.h,B ,ead" mM the public, unless perchance the fighter. t0 and 8tar- ' SlZZZ i.i , g Ch"lr and promoters fall out and begin to Schulken. Great Tighter. d0' f not want to fight any more. slingTmud. Schulken haa been little heard of. Ih.!,.a?"' I that t co"ld J?? Eddi r,rin th. .t. . thouah. he's a re.t tlhr M. "" y xgnung niavd 4;.; vr::r ;.,w7i m. raw. h..T,fui . :.;:; n " em qmres ana Bin Langs .I rr .. won h. . "" ..u. . I," VZ ,n tn wn or th kangaroo. , bf Aiivwu ViiSX. tlfa IUUU WHO I iivui j nc'SM W VJ Rifknri c nA that va. nBu I beatinflr aIl ompri at r Via ri1vivini lutv iid iyaa vvui jya.l fJU I ' -uw a r w-v Txr t a. a. i Bias on the night before ins seal gr r- f ationaHorBey- here two -weeks before 1 W ebstet,. a .lesring youngster. fera were submitted ln Hoboken. Graney the flr- slnc then Schulken has stuck wl" n?yoT 10 .wrest .tne. bntam went east to either land tha fla-ht or I to the amateur game in a half hearted I we,ar?t tuie m Monta Attell In a 20 have his revenue on Coffroth Tk.t I sort or a Way, but he was he did some good for himself goes with- lnat tne'r could not get an Kiiit&itsur 1 hhkm to Timw mm me Dame wun jacx weisn as the third THE ,(0IUWME Watch for Our Christmas Menu Alder and FOURTH ALDER AND FOURTH Vocal and Instrumental Music ' BY THE Royal. Hawaiian Orchestra 'A applaaaaatary XArt ef tae Vatttag Avwragwe ef ParUaa4 Playerw. fl 41 as 13 14 31 J4 4 e si a . . T 81, , 34 . . . . . Jti a... it aa - 3 1 Jll 1 11 3 Jit I' I ll4 ns le -- .. 4 .8 J ... 8 11 J(l 8 14 '. J4 ...... 1 4 .111 8 Xr- .. .. 3 out saying. . It la believed that he will get a certain cut for throwins his In fluence to the favored ones. Waanoe Comas This Cotaf Where the money that Rlckard and Gleason has guaranteed la coming from Is a myetery. Neither of them are wealthy. Three months ago, Rlckard was broke around San Francisco. When he first bid for the fight, he stated that he was backed by Salt Lake- capitalists, but this story haa fallen by the way Side now that the fight is to. come to Cali fornia. Gleason haa never even claimed any backers. Ho merely posted his 5000 certified check and. assured the flghtera that the balanoe of the money would be posted. England's three area teat little fight ers. Freddie Welsh. Jem Driscolt and Owen Moran, will shortly be brought to the United States again to ftaht for championship honors. Promoter Jim Coffroth is now on his way to London to talk business to them and Incidentally to get a Una on -the moving picture game in the European countries. Bxltoms Showed Class. Coffroth hopes to sign Welsh with Battling Nelson for the lightweight championship. Drlsroll with Attell for the featherweight crown and Moraa with Wolgast for special 123 pound honors, tha new class which the British boxing authorities recently provided for. All these little Englishmen .have done a deal of fighting In tha land ef th Sura and Stripes, and they showed that they are there with plenty of class and ability. The reaeoa for Cof froth's iouraev ta England for talent goes to show how carce good Tlrhtre are tn the laad that haa alwaya bean noted for bring ing oot cb amp ton a, Tr Is reallv its- body left for Nelson. After seeing Wnl gaat la action hrre. the fana at one cam to tha conclusion that ha would ever make a stand against tha Battler over the Marathoa rout, for th reaaoa that he tira tv easily. K man who grows a tot tired ia 39 roanda would ever last 25 or 3 win the rtiamplon. At -Atteu raa eata ever-rborir la bm riaae in "the fahrwi-t)t rwr.ka He has to apnd his tlma nc a f;att Ir suckers aad wtallin- around the vast and the snttK lie and Prlncoli feva-fct g-rat 19 roand 4rw la Jw Tark 1, half hearted weln "lje rrom Monte Atten m a 80 so very good round conteat here on next Friday even- nybody In the ,n". The boys are to meet at 116 a. consequent. Pnd at clock on tha evening of CHAMPION SLUGGER "tw erd a r-.m m.t.fc for 29 UlarySng re-ord rf tfc rr,art lacu man in the ring. It gives promise of being another hurricane , affair . like Powell and Wolgast pulled off. The proceeds will be turned over to Johnny Murphy, tha once popular little light weight, who -. went down the line so fast'- (... J, ., Wehster fought Attell off his feet twice, ln 10 roundabouts ln LoavAngeles during tha last three months. Up to mat time tne iitue Hebrew. was looked upon as invincible by the local experts. He cleaned up everything In and around San Francisco and It looked as though he would havs to go out of , bis class to find a suitable opponent. But thl was not necessary.. In Webster he found a lad very worthy of bis efforts. Title' la Doabt, - " xne Daniamweignt cnampionsnfp o the world Is somewhat In doubt, thoug .tttell seems to have a better rlerht to ciaim it than any of them. In ' the recorda, it Is credited to Johnny Coulon of Chicago. Coulon beat alt tha boys in nis ciass ana .when . he was con sidered . the champion, ha crawled. Into nia nois and refused to fight any mora That was mora than a year ago. . Since then, Attell has corns on and knocked them all stiff and though he haa of fared Coulon all aorta of Inducements, tha latter will not fight him. It la likely that the winner of the At ten-Webster bout will be offered a match with Couloa and If tha latter runs out again, then tha man who landa the next una will be looked upon aa tha lg1tlmatholJer of the title eo far as ths United States goes, , - Vlrs 'Wag-as em rigfct. Tha first wager on the big fight was reaiatered with Betting Com mis sion r Tom Corbet t here yesterday. It waa an area mony propoaltloa and th amount was $1909. A prominent sw York sporting man. believed to be Sher iff Tom Farley, took the Jeffrie md of it. while tha Jehnaon takers were four well known rolored spom who al ways play dark flghrs. Cortxtt received a 319.999 draft from tha Kew Yorker several daya ago with th return tbat It b wagered at th I beat poaslbl odd a an Jeffria. Th ffrwr coona beard about It aad potting la j 129 arh, they covered a tenth oft Ote Joknuja wfco rarrio ff e, M lorfrett Is laokf. - - . . 1 ror aw- "0.' FOR THL PERSON WHO CARLS ffofBraii 9 The CAFE AND GRILLE Service Unexcelled . . ..'- The Finest Establishment of . Its Kind on the Pacific Coast You Can Always Find Just" What You, Want on Our Menu - ' -Portland, -Oregon : v. 311 ALDER STREET .'.- j , 128 SIXTH STREET i v w im me nan r o j ' IP c br rovetirg th reroalrlrt- 4a. , THE MOST UP-TO-DATE Cafe and Grille IN THE CITX Luncheons a Specialty SIXTH AND STARK STS. Main 919 A-1191 .I PORTLAND OREGON Ft ttm ...... f S ..1 r-M . . . . j( "Joat sa oti aa iMn 1 rn. th tll tr cn ir-e I'M tN, p;iasg a A',1 ::. t !- is tim't ta t.ra - Mil rrs-tt H t t t r, .'! t-t i;fe '"'- I